Trailer incorporating carriage system
    Trailer incorporating carriage system 失效





    CPC classification number: A01B63/145 A01B59/042 A01C23/022

    Abstract: A trailer incorporator for towing behind a slurry wagon for incorporating slurry into soil on farms comprising a manifold for distributing the slurry to a plurality of injectors mounted on the trailer, a plurality of coulters on the trailer and adjustments to position the injectors, coulter and wheels on the trailer and for tilting the trailer fore and aft. The trailer has one connection point to the slurry wagon to allow a pivotable connection for ease of making turns with the trailer when the coulters and plows are engaging the soil. The trailer removes weight from the slurry wagon allowing for a wider distribution of slurry by a wider trailer, and removing weight from the slurry wagon reducing soil compaction and allowing for more slurry to be put in the slurry wagon without overloading it. The trailer therefore allows for more efficient operations.

    Abstract translation: 用于拖曳在泥浆车后面的拖车并入器,用于将浆料掺入农场的土壤中,包括用于将浆料分配到安装在拖车上的多个喷射器的多个歧管,拖车上的多个仓库以及用于定位喷射器,仓库和轮子 在拖车上,并用于倾斜拖车前后。 拖车与泥浆车厢有一个连接点,以允许可枢转的连接,以便当拖车和犁车与土壤接合时便于与拖车一起转动。 拖车从泥浆车中移除重物,允许通过更宽的拖车分配更广泛的浆料,并且从泥浆车中除去重物减少土壤压实,并允许将更多的浆料放入浆料车中而不使其过载。 因此,拖车可以实现更高效的操作。

    Apparatus for high-volume in situ soil remediation
    Apparatus for high-volume in situ soil remediation 失效





    Applicant: Bruce L. Bruso

    Inventor: Bruce L. Bruso

    Abstract: An apparatus for high volume in-situ treatment of contaminated soil is a mobile vehicle with a chain trenching tool an excavator drums attached to the idler wheel to extend the width of soil cutting and increase the volume of soil being churned and treated in-situ. The drums may be arranged both for clock-wise and counter clock-wise rotation, and oriented to provide vertical lifting and swirling of the soil. The apparatus may include a hood disposed over the cutting drums to define a remediation chamber with ports for injecting high temperature air or chemical or biological remediation fluid into the soil. In a preferred embodiment, the hood has internal partitions that create a vapor recovery chamber outboard of the drums.

    Abstract translation: 用于大容量原位处理污染土壤的装置是具有链式挖沟工具的移动式车辆,挖掘机鼓连接到惰轮,以延长土壤切割的宽度,并增加原位被搅拌和处理的土壤的体积。 鼓可以被布置成用于时钟和逆时针旋转,并且定向成提供土壤的垂直提升和旋转。 该设备可以包括设置在切割滚筒上的罩,以限定具有用于将高温空气或化学或生物修复流体注入土壤的端口的修复室。 在优选实施例中,罩具有内部隔板,其在滚筒的外侧产生蒸气回收室。

    Fluid injection apparatus having lift assembly shaft levers
    Fluid injection apparatus having lift assembly shaft levers 失效





    CPC classification number: A01C23/026

    Abstract: The apparatus is propelled or towed in a longitudinal direction over a field and the apparatus components engage the field surface to inject fluid beneath the field surface. Generally, the apparatus is a frame and at least one series of fluid distribution discs rotationally coupled at end portions of arm assemblies pivotally suspended from the frame. The fluid distribution discs include a plurality of fluid distribution channels that radiate from the fluid distribution disc origin to conically shaped tines connected at the perimeter of the fluid distribution disc. The fluid distribution channels are aligned with similar channels within a bushing securable to the fluid distribution disc radial portion. A stationary plate or disc valve has a disc valve fluid channel in a disc valve radial surface, which is in contact with the rotating bushing radial surface resulting in a periodic alignment between the disc valve fluid channel and each of the bushing channels. Fluid is pumped to a fluid port in a hub having a fluid port in fluid communication with the disc valve fluid channel. As the tines of the fluid distribution disc penetrate the field surface, fluid is channeled through the disc valve into the fluid distribution disc channels and the tines.

    Abstract translation: 该装置在纵向方向上被推进或拖曳在场上,并且装置部件接合场表面以在场表面下方注入流体。 通常,该装置是框架,并且至少一系列流体分配盘旋转地联接在臂组件的可枢转地悬挂在框架上的端部。 流体分配盘包括从流体分配盘原点辐射到在流体分配盘的周边连接的锥形齿的多个流体分配通道。 流体分配通道与可安装到流体分配盘径向部分的套管内的相似通道对齐。 固定板或圆盘阀具有在盘阀径向表面上的盘阀流体通道,其与旋转衬套径向表面接触,导致盘阀流体通道和每个衬套通道之间的周期性对准。 流体被泵送到具有与盘阀流体通道流体连通的流体端口的毂中的流体端口。 当流体分配盘的尖齿穿透场表面时,流体通过盘阀引导到流体分配盘通道和齿中。

    Seed treatment method





    CPC classification number: C05G3/0076 A01B79/02 A01C23/024 C05C3/00

    Abstract: A method of stimulating root growth of seeds is disclosed in which seeds are treated with an effective amount of an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of metal alkanoates. Alkanoates having from 2 to 6 carbon atoms are preferred, with acetates most preferred. Metals selected from the group consisting of boron, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, sodium and zinc are preferred, with zinc particularly preferred. In one embodiment, an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of zinc acetate is applied to seeds in-furrow. In another embodiment, seeds are treated with an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of zinc acetate prior to planting. In yet another embodiment, an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of zinc acetate is mixed with an insecticide and resulting solution applied to seeds in-furrow.

    Method and apparatus for flow control of NH3
    Method and apparatus for flow control of NH3 有权





    CPC classification number: G01F1/24 A01C23/007 A01C23/024 G01F1/115

    Abstract: The present invention provides an apparatus and method for accurately controlling the amount of NH3 to be applied to a field by measuring the NH3 flow rate without condensing or cooling the NH3. The system includes a control station 12 on the vehicle with a tachometer 12A or a GPS system for providing a vehicle speed signal to a control panel 13. The control panel includes a toggle switch 17 for adjusting the opening or closing of a valve 52 in the flow line to regulate the flow through the system, although the control panel alternatively may automatically control the valve 52. The vehicle transports a tank 20 containing liquid NH3 and a tool bar 30 for distributing the NH3 to the soil. After flowing through the flow meter 40, 60, 130, the NH3 is conducted to the soil through a series of hoses, fittings, a distributor, and tubing. The flow meter transmits a signal to the control panel, which is converted to a corrected flow rate signal in response to a fixed value vaporization correction factor. The temperature of the NH3 is also measured to correct for density variations. An improved variable area meter 60, 130 uses a hall effect sensor 72 and a magnet 68 mounted on a rotatable vane shaft 70 to overcome problems with prior flow meters. The improved meter 60, 130 is ideally suited for measuring the fluid flow of a low temperature vaporization liquid, such as anhydrous ammonia, propane and butane.

    Abstract translation: 本发明提供一种用于通过在不冷凝或冷却NH 3的情况下测量NH 3流量来精确地控制施加到场的NH 3量的装置和方法。 该系统包括在车辆上的控制站12,其具有用于向控制面板13提供车速信号的转速计12A或GPS系统。控制面板包括拨动开关17,用于调节阀52的打开或关闭 流动线路来调节通过系统的流动,尽管控制面板可以自动地控制阀52.车辆运输容纳液体NH3的罐20和用于将NH 3分配到土壤的工具杆30。 在流过流量计40,60,130之后,NH 3通过一系列软管,配件,分配器和管道传导到土壤。 流量计将信号发送到控制面板,其响应于固定值汽化校正因子而被转换为校正流量信号。 还测量NH 3的温度以校正密度变化。 改进的可变面积计60,130使用安装在可旋转叶片轴70上的霍尔效应传感器72和磁体68来克服现有流量计的问题。 改进的仪表60,130非常适用于测量低温汽化液体如无水氨,丙烷和丁烷的流体流动。

    Method and apparatus for applying liquid nonaberrant NH3 in deep bands for agricultural crop using a process of direct high pressure injection
    Method and apparatus for applying liquid nonaberrant NH3 in deep bands for agricultural crop using a process of direct high pressure injection 有权
    使用直接高压注射的方法在农作物深层施用液体不含量的NH 3的方法和装置





    Applicant: Guy J Swanson

    Inventor: Guy J Swanson

    CPC classification number: A01C23/024

    Abstract: An anhydrous ammonia injection apparatus is disclosed for injecting anhydrous ammonia into the soil. The apparatus includes a tank adapted to contain liquid anhydrous ammonia and a conduit extending between the tank and a pump. The pump is configured to variably increase the pressure of the anhydrous ammonia within the conduit. The apparatus also includes a restrictive orifice in fluid-flow communication with the conduit downstream from the pump. In addition, the apparatus includes a terminal outlet connected in fluid-flow communication with the conduit for discharging the anhydrous ammonia from the apparatus. The restrictive orifice cooperates with the pump to maintain a pressure within the conduit therebetween that is greater than the vapor pressure of the anhydrous ammonia.

    Abstract translation: 公开了一种将无水氨注入土壤中的无水氨注入装置。 该装置包括适于容纳液体无水氨的罐和在罐和泵之间延伸的导管。 泵构造成可变地增加管道内的无水氨的压力。 该设备还包括与泵下游的导管流体连通的限制孔口。 另外,该装置包括与流体流动连通地连接的用于从设备排出无水氨的端子出口。 限制孔与泵配合以保持其间的导管内的压力大于无水氨的蒸气压。

    Lockdown and support structure for agricultural particulate tank
    Lockdown and support structure for agricultural particulate tank 有权





    CPC classification number: A01C15/005 Y10S111/925

    Abstract: An apparatus for use with a planting assembly including a mounting member and comprising a hopper including first and second wall members that form first and second hopper external surfaces wherein first and second forces applied perpendicular to the first and second surfaces include at least components along first and second opposing trajectories, respectively, a first elongated bearing member rigidly linked to the mounting member and forming a first bearing surface that applies a first applied force to the first hopper surface wherein the first applied force includes at least a first compressing component along the first trajectory, a second elongated bearing member forming a second bearing surface and having a first end and a retainer linked to the first end of the second bearing member and rigidly linking the second bearing member to the mounting member in any of several different positions relative to the first bearing member so that the second bearing surface applies a second applied force to the second hopper surface wherein the second applied force includes at least a second compressing component along the second trajectory.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于与植入组件一起使用的装置,包括安装构件,并且包括料斗,所述料斗包括形成第一和第二料斗外表面的第一和第二壁构件,其中垂直于第一和第二表面施加的第一和第二力至少包括沿着第一和第二料斗的部件, 第二相对的轨迹分别是刚性地连接到安装构件并形成第一支承表面的第一细长轴承构件,该第一支承表面将第一施加的力施加到第一料斗表面,其中第一施加的力包括沿着第一轨迹的至少第一压缩部件 ,形成第二支承表面的第二细长轴承构件,并且具有连接到所述第二轴承构件的第一端的第一端和保持器,并且将所述第二支承构件相对于所述第一支承构件的第一 轴承构件,使得第二承载面施加第二应用 对第二料斗表面施加的力,其中第二施加力包括沿着第二轨迹的至少第二压缩部件。

    Seed treatment method
    Seed treatment method 失效





    CPC classification number: C05G3/0076 A01B79/02 A01C23/024 C05C3/00

    Abstract: A method of stimulating root growth of seeds is disclosed in which seeds are treated with an effective amount of an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of metal alkanoates. Alkanoates having from 2 to 6 carbon atoms are preferred, with acetates most preferred. Metals selected from the group consisting of boron, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, sodium and zinc are preferred, with zinc particularly preferred. In one embodiment, an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of zinc acetate is applied to seeds in-furrow. In another embodiment, seeds are treated with an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of zinc acetate prior to planting. In yet another embodiment, an aqueous ammoniacal ionic solution of zinc acetate is mixed with an insecticide and resulting solution applied to seeds in-furrow.

    Abstract translation: 公开了刺激种子根生长的方法,其中种子用有效量的金属链烷酸盐的氨水离子溶液处理。 优选具有2至6个碳原子的烷酸酯,最优选乙酸酯。 优选选自硼,钙,铜,铁,镁,锰,钼,钾,钠和锌的金属,锌尤其优选。 在一个实施方案中,将乙酸锌的含水氨离子溶液施加到犁沟中的种子。 在另一个实施方案中,在种植之前,用乙酸锌的氨水离子水溶液处理种子。 在另一个实施方案中,将乙酸锌的含水氨离子溶液与杀虫剂混合,并将所得溶液施加到犁沟中的种子。

    Planting apparatus with improved liquid pesticide delivery device and related method for delivering liquid pesticide
    Planting apparatus with improved liquid pesticide delivery device and related method for delivering liquid pesticide 有权





    CPC classification number: A01C23/022 A01C5/064 A01N47/02 A01N2300/00

    Abstract: A planting machine for delivering liquid pesticides to the soil mixing zone preceding the furrow closing mechanism to effectively distribute liquid pesticide throughout soil covering seed in a furrow. The planting machine has a furrow opening mechanism, seed dispensing means, and furrow closing mechanism and includes a seed positioning means mounted on the seed dispensing means for effectively locating seeds in the furrow. Also, the planting machine includes means for liquid pesticide spray delivery mounted thereon so as to direct a spray towards the furrow closing mechanism and into the soil mixing zone being created by the furrow closing mechanism. The means for spray delivery can be mounted on the conventional seed positioning means as well as independently mounted on the planting machine.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于将液体农药输送到沟槽关闭机构之前的土壤混合区的种植机,以有效地将液体农药分布在覆盖种子的土壤中。 种植机具有沟槽打开机构,种子分配装置和沟槽关闭机构,并且包括安装在种子分配装置上的种子定位装置,用于有效地将种子定位在沟槽中。 此外,种植机包括安装在其上的液体农药喷雾输送装置,以便将喷雾引导到沟槽关闭机构并进入由沟槽关闭机构产生的土壤混合区域。 用于喷射输送的装置可以安装在常规的种子定位装置上,并且可以独立地安装在种植机上。

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