Universal chemical processor with radioisotope source





    摘要: A universal chemical processor (UCP) including a reactor vessel having a central longitudinal axis and main chamber comprises a first inlet port for a main feedstock, a second inlet port for a fluidizing medium and a third inlet port for one or more reactants. The UCP also includes a reactive radioactive chemical processor (R2CP) that contains a radioactive element positioned extending along the longitudinal axis in the main chamber. In operation, a fluidized bed can be supported in the main chamber when a fluidizing medium and feedstock are supplied to the main chamber through the first and second inlet ports and the radioactive element of the R2CP emits ionizing radiation that is capable of ionizing feedstock and reactants, inducing chemical reactions, and sterilizing and decomposing any organic materials within a radiation zone.






    发明人: Forrest A. King

    摘要: A series of three chemical reactions, including a combination of endothermic and exothermic reactions, is used to generate, store, and supply on-demand heat from renewable energy sources for use in a variety of processes. Products from one reaction are used in the next reaction, and the series of three reactions is carried out once or more than once, optionally as a closed loop process.

    Method of Preparing a Material of a Battery Cell





    申请人: Liang-Yuh Chen

    发明人: Liang-Yuh Chen

    摘要: A continuous process for producing a material of a battery cell using a system having a mist generator, a drying chamber, one or more gas-solid separators and a reactor is provided. A mist generated from a liquid mixture of two or more metal precursor compounds in desired ratio is dried inside the drying chamber. Heated air or gas is served as the gas source for forming various gas-solid mixtures and as the energy source for reactions inside the drying chamber and the reactor. One or more gas-solid separators are used in the system to separate gas-solid mixtures from the drying chamber into solid particles mixed with the metal precursor compounds and continuously deliver the solid particles into the reactor for further reaction to obtain final solid material particles with desired crystal structure, particle size, and morphology.

    Process and apparatus for reacting feed with a fluidized catalyst over a temperature profile





    申请人: UOP LLC

    摘要: A fluidized catalytic reactor utilizes an ascending temperature profile. The apparatus and process deliver cooler spent catalyst to a first catalyst distributor and a hotter regenerated catalyst to a second catalyst distributor that are spaced apart from each other. The reactant stream first encounters the first stream of catalyst and then encounters the second stream of catalyst. The process and apparatus stage the addition of hot catalyst to the reactant stream. The process and apparatus may be particularly advantageous in an endothermic reaction because the hotter catalyst will encounter reactants that have cooled due to the progression of endothermic reactions.

    Process for conversion of crudes and condensates to chemicals utilizing a mix of hydrogen addition and carbon rejection





    摘要: Processes herein may be used to thermally crack various hydrocarbon feeds, and may eliminate the refinery altogether while making the crude to chemicals process very flexible in terms of crude. In embodiments herein, crude is progressively separated into light and heavy fractions utilizing convection heat from heaters used in steam cracking. Depending on the quality of the light and heavy fractions, these are routed to one of three upgrading operations, including a fixed bed hydroconversion unit, a fluidized catalytic conversion unit, or a residue hydrocracking unit that may utilize either an ebullated bed reactor with extrudate catalysts or a slurry hydrocracking reactor using a homogeneous catalyst system, such as a molybdenum based catalysts which may optionally be promoted with nickel. Products from the upgrading operations can be finished olefins and/or aromatics, or, for heavier products from the upgrading operations, may be used as feed to the steam cracker.