



    申请人: PROMERUS, LLC

    摘要: Embodiments in accordance with the present invention encompass a two component composition containing in one component a latent organo-ruthenium carbide catalyst, and in another component a photoactive acid generator or a thermally active acid generator, and either of the components containing a mixture of photoactive compound along with one or more monomers which undergo ring open metathesis polymerization (ROMP) when said components are mixed together and exposed to a suitable radiation (or heat) to form a three-dimensional (3D) object. The three-dimensional objects so formed exhibits improved mechanical properties, particularly, high heat distortion temperature, impact strength, elongation to break, among others. Accordingly, compositions of this invention are useful as 3D inkjet materials for forming high impact strength objects of various sizes with microscale features lower than 100 microns, among various other uses.

    Process for preparation of beads for imaging





    摘要: A process for the preparation of beads including a biocompatible hydrophobic polymer, a perfluorocarbon, polyvinylalcohol and optionally a metal compound, including the steps of: adding the perfluorocarbon and optionally the metal compound to a solution of the biocompatible hydrophobic polymer in a polar solvent to provide a first liquid mixture, adding the first liquid mixture to an aqueous solution of a biocompatible surfactant including polyvinylalcohol under sonication to obtain a second liquid mixture, a) maintaining the sonication of the second liquid mixture while cooling, b) evaporating the polar solvent from the second liquid mixture to obtain a suspension of beads including the biocompatible hydrophobic polymer, the perfluorocarbon and optionally the metal compound, c) separating the beads from the suspension and preparing a water suspension of the beads and d) freeze-drying the water suspension to obtain the beads, wherein the addition of the first liquid mixture to the biocompatible surfactant in step b) is performed within a period of at most 10 seconds, wherein the sonication in step b) and the sonication in step c) are performed directly into the liquid mixtures by for example a probe or flow sonicator at an amplitude of at least 120 μm for 0.01-10 minutes and wherein the weight ratio of the biocompatible surfactant to the biocompatible hydrophobic polymer is at least 3:1. Beads having close F—H2O interactions, which are suitable for imaging purposes.

    Curable mixtures for forming a lubricious surface of fluorinated lubricants and articles made therefrom





    摘要: Curable compositions are provided for forming highly lubricious and long-lasting surfaces with optical clarity useful, for example, in optical applications in harsh environmental conditions. In some aspects, the curable formulations include an end-group modified perfluoropolyether (PFPE), a fluorinated lubricant, and a compatibilizer. The mixtures are curable to form a solid having an exposed surface. In some aspects, the fluorinated lubricant is chemically and physically matched to the resin such that, when cured, at least a portion of the fluorinated lubricant spontaneously forms a lubricious surface on the exposed surface. In some aspects, the compatibilizer is present in an amount sufficient to make the curable mixture miscible and to make the solid optically transparent while still spontaneously forming the lubricious surface. The lubricious surface can also be self-replenishing such that, when the lubricant is removed from the exposed surface, additional lubricant migrates to the surface to replenish the lubricious overlayer.