A roof covering includes a roofing mat formed from fibers of a fiber material. The fibers are coated with a sizing. The roof covering also includes a coating material that coats the mat. The coating material is based on an organic material. The sizing includes a sulfur-containing material that bonds to the fiber material. The sulfur-containing material has sulfur groups that form cross-links with the organic material. In another embodiment, the coating material contains sulfur added to the organic material. The sizing includes a bonding material that bonds to the fiber material and that bonds to the sulfur. The sulfur forms cross-links with the organic material.
An impact resistant roofing shingle which includes an asphalt coated substrate whose unexposed surface is laminated to an organic film. A process of forming that shingle includes the step of applying an organic film, by spraying a latex, by applying a rubber polymer modified asphalt, by compressing a plastic film having a higher melting or decomposition temperature than the melting point of the asphalt coating or by applying an adhesive to which a plastic film is applied to the unexposed surface of the asphalt coated substrate.
Ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines bahnförmigen, atmungsaktiven Verbundes aus einem Vlies aus Kunststoff und einer ganz oder überwiegend aus Polyurethan bestehenden Schicht für den Einsatz als Unterdeckbahn für Dächer und als Fassadenbahn, läßt sich mit guten Produkteigenschaften und hoher Wirtschaftlichkeit herstellen, wenn PU oder ein Stoffgemisch mit einem hohen Anteil PU auf Schmelztemperatur erwärmt und auf ein Vlies aus PP zur Bildung einer diffusionsoffenen Beschichtung des PP-Vlieses aufextrudiert sowie mit dem PP-Vlies zu einem atmungsaktiven Verbund verpreßt wird.
An asphalt-based roofing material (10) includes a coating (14) having a top portion (14A) containing a mixture of asphalt and igneous and/or metamorphic rock particles, while the mat portion of the coating contains a mixture of asphalt and a filler which contains less than 10% igneous and/or metamorphic rock particles. In other embodiments, the top portion but not the bottom portion (14C) of the coating meets or exceeds a pliability standard, passes a weathering performance test, or has a high solar reflectance. In another embodiment relating to a laminated roofing material, the top portion but not the bottom portion has viscoelastic properties effective to prevent the coating from sticking to an adjacent shingle in a bundle. The invention also relates to a continuous process of applying first (62) and second (76) coatings to a mat for manufacturing a roofing material. In a first coating operation (60), a first asphalt-based coating is continuously applied to a first surface (52) of the mat so that the first coating saturates the mat and forms a layer on the first surface. In a second coating operation (74), a second asphalt-based coating is continuously applied to a second surface (54) of the mat so that the second coating forms a layer on the second surface. The second coating has different properties from the first coating.
A structural article comprises a substrate having an ionic charge coated on one side with a coating having essentially the same ionic charge and covered on the other side with a water vapor impermeable material selected from the roof consisting essentially of metal foils and preformed plastic films. The coating consists essentially of a filler material and a binder material and the binder material bonds the filler material together and to the substrate. The water vapor impermeable material is attached to the coated substrate with an adhesive. In additional embodiments, the substrate is coated on both sides with a coating having essentially the same ionic charge and the article so coated is then covered on one or both sides with the water vapor impermeable material.
The invention concerns a fibre mat useful for forming bituminous membranes, comprising glass fibres, organic fibres and a binder, characterised in that the organic fibres have a shrinking ratio at 130 DEG C not more than 5 %. The invention also concerns a bituminous membrane comprising a substrate coated, lined or impregnated with a bituminous matrix, wherein the substrate consists of said mat. The mat and the membrane are useful for roofing and/or waterproofing.
The invention relates to a roof sealing web consisting of at least one support layer comprising strips (2, 2') of bituminous material that are positioned at intervals on at least one side of the support layer. Said strips are separated from one another by a sanding (3, 3'). The web also comprises a fusible film (1a, 1b), which covers the bituminous material. In order to prevent blistering beneath the roof sealing web, the strips (2, 2') of bituminous material have a penetration depth, according to DIN 52 010, at 50 DEG C of between approximately 120 and 170 and a softening point, according to DIN 52 011, of between approximately 100 DEG C and 110 DEG C. This allows a convenient processing of the bituminous material strips as a result of their rapid liquefaction, whilst at the same time ensuring an excellent dimensional stability, even when exposed to intense solar radiation.
The present invention provides wall and floor coverings based on a carrier coated with one or more layers. The carrier includes a fiberglass containing mat consolidated with a binder, a non-woven made of organic synthetic fibers bonded with the fiberglass containing mat by needling. Part of the organic fibers penetrate through the fiberglass mat, and one or more layers coated on a glass fiber side of said carrier, opposite the non-woven synthetic mat.
Roofing membranes are provided with both high stiffness at high temperature (greater than 110 DEG C) and good flexibility at low temperature (less than -20 DEG C). Bituminous compositions may be more effectively used in such membranes at lower elastomer concentration than currently practiced, using conventional cross-linking reagents to prepare the modified bituminous compositions with a range of viscosities that are readily processed as compared with conventional non-cross-linked systems.
The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a bituminous coating sheet, wherein a bitumen-impregnated core material provided with a layer of backface bitumen is caused to be in contact with one or more rotating bodies during the manufacture. The invention is characterised in that a slip material dispersed/emulsified or dissolved in a liquid is applied onto the bituminous backface layer on the side that is to be brought into contact with a rotating body; and that the liquid is evaporated prior to contact with the rotating body; and that subsequently a further bituminous layer is applied onto the side which is provided with said slip material.