
Proposed is a procedure for carrying out a scanning probe microscopic or atomic force spectroscopic measurement within predetermined parameters, which said procedure encompasses the following steps: a determination of a value variance of at least one of the parameters, and control of an adjustment member in relation to said variance, so that the variance is at least partially compensated for.

A method for performing data analytics on outsourced data may include generating, by a data owner, a binary tree representing data from the data owner, where each node of the binary tree is associated with an identity that represents a data element or an interval of data elements, computing, by the data owner, an identity token and encrypting the identity token for each of the identities in the binary tree, generating a range query token using an identity selected by a data analyst and a secret key input by the data owner and computing a decryption key for the selected identity, and analyzing the data, by the data analyst, by comparing the computed decryption key for the selected identity with each of the encrypted identities.

A method for enforcing a media stream delivery restriction uses a stream control service (SCS). The SCS is implemented in a distributed network, such as a CDN, in which a given media stream is delivered to authorized end users from multiple delivery servers, but where an authorized end user is associated with a single log-in identifier that is not intended to be shared with other end users. According to the method, an enforcement server of the SCS identifies first and second copies of the given media stream associated with the single log-in identifier being delivered from multiple delivery servers. It then issues message to terminate delivery of the given media stream from at least one of the multiple delivery servers.

A computer-implemented method for facilitating automatic malware signature generation may comprise providing a byte sequence marked for possible inclusion within one or more malware signatures, determining a context diversity of the byte sequence within malware files each containing the byte sequence in accordance with a diversity-based heuristic, and preventing the byte sequence from being included within the one or more malware signatures in accordance with the determined context diversity. Corresponding systems and computer-readable storage media are also disclosed.

An intrusion detection system (“IDS”) device is described that includes a flow analysis module to receive a first packet flow from a client and to receive a second packet flow from a server. The IDS includes a forwarding component to send the first packet flow to the server and the second packet flow to the client and a stateful inspection engine to apply one or more sets of patterns to the first packet flow to determine whether the first packet flow represents a network attack. The IDS also includes an application identification module to perform an initial identification of a type of software application and communication protocol associated with the first packet flow and to reevaluate the identification of the type of software application and protocol according to the second packet flow. The IDS may help eliminate false positive and false negative attack identifications.

An individual's social network is used to authorize information flow to the individual and to authenticate the individual for access to certain information or services. Information flow to the individual is authorized if the source of the information is a member of the individual's social network who is connected to the individual along a path that does not traverse through anyone on a gray list of the individual. The black list identifies those members who previously sent unwanted communication to the individual or posted content that was deemed offensive by the individual. The gray list identifies those members who are one degree separated from any black list member. The individual is authenticated for access to certain information or services if a member of the individual's social network already has access and this member is connected to the individual along a path that does not traverse through anyone on a gray list of the individual, or if members of the individual's social network who are connected to the individual along a path that does not traverse through anyone on a gray list of the individual have an average authentication rating that is at least a minimum value.

A system and method for using an opaque group within a federated identity management environment, to prevent disclosure of identities of the group. An opaque group is constructed at an identity provider within the system and has a group identity that references primary system identities of its members (e.g., electronic mail addresses, public key certificates, network addresses). Services to the group (e.g., distribution of an object such as a document or electronic mail message, invitation to an online meeting, authentication as a member of the group) can be requested from service providers, but because service providers do not have access to members' primary identities, the service providers forward the requests to an identity provider that has access to the group identity. That identity provider retrieves the members' identities and completes the action.

A system for displaying information may include memory, one or more processors, and one or more modules stored in memory. The one or more modules are configured for execution by the one or more processors and may include instructions for: presenting a subset of a collection of data on a first grid having a first axis corresponding to units of time and a second axis, the collection of data comprising data representing time-bounded events; presenting a second grid having, first and second axes corresponding to the first and second axes of the first grid, the second grid corresponding to a larger portion of the collection of data than the subset presented on the first grid; and presenting a user moveable window for selecting a portion of the second grid, and selecting the subset presented on the first grid in accordance with a current position of the window.

Apparatus and methods for embedding and associating triggers within a promotion or other similar content element with the event being promoted are disclosed. In one exemplary embodiment, consumer premises equipment (CPE) such as a digital set-top box is used to interface between the user and an external network (such as an HFC cable network) and facilitate the user selecting and scheduling viewing or recording of a subsequent event (e.g., broadcast movie) via the promotion itself. The trigger(s) within the promotion allow the user to contemporaneously select the promoted event for viewing, recording, etc. without any further action. The trigger(s) then initiates tuning of the user's receiver to the scheduled event at the appropriate date and time. This approach obviates additional actions by the user (such as programming their DVR), and also permits the user to commit to viewing the event when their interest level is highest; i.e., contemporaneous with the promotion.

A user interface is presented on a monitor of a media device for providing information about available programs. The user interface includes an array having three columns (channel, current show, and next show) with commonly aligned rows. Each row of the channel column includes an indicator. Each row of the current show column includes a title naming a program currently available on a channel of the media device corresponding to the indicator in a commonly aligned row of the channel column. Each row of the next show column includes a title naming a show available after the current program on the same channel. The currently available program may be displayed on the monitor in response to a viewer selected row, indicator, and/or title in the array.

A digital tuner equipped with a recording media reproduction device outputs digital content to an externally connected monitor device. The digital content includes digital content obtained by receiving a digital broadcast signal via a tuner and digital content previously recorded in a HD device and read therefrom. Whenever a user operates a remote controller to performs a common operation via a key to select and switch digital content to be output to the monitor device, digital content provided by a digital broadcast signal or that recorded in the HD device is sequentially selected. The selected digital content is obtained by the tuner or the HD device and provided to a decoder. The decoder receives and decodes the digital content and outputs it to the monitor device.

A system for controlling use of broadcast content is described. In accordance with a particular implementation, the system includes a receiver in communication with a source of broadcast content. The receiver also includes, or is coupled to, a playback device. The receiver is configured to control the use of received broadcast content through the playback device in accordance with control information embedded in the broadcast content.

A disk cartridge includes, between a recordable position and an unrecordable position, a first guide surface that gradually increases an elastic force of an elastic arm of a tab member and a second guide surface that gradually decreases the elastic force of the elastic arm, and a guide wall (guide portion) on which the guide surfaces are formed continuously.

A storage device includes a first loading tray to comprise a loading surface on which to abut a non-recording surface of said portable recording medium, a second loading tray to comprise a loading surface, parallel with the loading surface of said first loading tray, on which to abut a recording surface of said portable recording medium loaded in the way of being turned in the same direction as that of the recording surface of said portable recording medium loaded into said first loading tray, and an access unit disposed on the side of the recording surface to access the recording surface of said portable recording medium even in such a case that said portable recording medium is loaded into any one of said first loading tray and said second loading tray.

A system and method for generating application code and an external interface for a service class, in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is provided. The system receives a definition of a service class from a user via a user interface tool. The definition of the service class specifies a query for the service class and operations that are to be enabled for the service class. The system automatically generates application code for the service class, which enables the service class to be used by an internal endpoint of the ERP system. The application code is customizable by the user; the user may add additional operations to the service class. In addition, the system automatically generates an external interface for the service class, which enables the service class to be used by an external endpoint of the ERP system without needing knowledge of the application code.

A method and system of managing resources for on-demand computing is provided. The system can include one or more pools having resources, and a provisioning manager in communication with the one or more pools. The provisioning manager can receive a request for a resource from the requestor and can obtain values for one or more categories associated with the resources. The values can be obtained for at least a portion of the resources. The one or more categories can be based on quantifiable properties associated with the resources. The provisioning manager can determine a priority score for each of the at least a portion of the resources. The provisioning manager can determine a resource from the at least a portion of the resources to be distributed to the requester, where the determination can be based at least in part on the priority score for the resource.

According to one embodiment, a virtual machine manager (VMM) virtualizes hardware including a CPU to construct a plurality of virtual machines. A plurality of guest OSes are executed on the respective virtual machines. A detector included in VMM detects a change in the operating frequency of CPU. A scheduler is included in VMM. If a change in operating frequency is detected, and the operating frequency decreases below a prescribed frequency, the scheduler performs scheduling so as to increase a time for which the CPU is to be allocated to one or more predetermined particular guest OSes of the plurality of guest OSes.

To determine, when a virtual machine is executed by an arbitrary machine, whether the virtual machine can access computer resources required for the virtual machine, provided is a method of checking a possibility of executing a virtual machine including a first physical computer for executing a first virtual machine and a second physical computer capable of executing a virtual machine. The method includes the steps of: acquiring information on first logical resources; acquiring setting information set to a adaptor of the first physical computer so that the first virtual machine accesses the first logical resources; listing second logical resources accessible when the first virtual machine is executed by the second physical computer by setting the setting information to a adaptor of the second physical computer; and determining whether the first virtual machine can be executed by the second physical computer by comparing the first and second logical resources.

Historical data is measured for a computer server system. Future demand for service in the computer server system is forecast based on the historical data, and the mapping of virtual machines to physical machines is updated based on the forecast of the future demand. Measurement, forecasting, and placement modules can be employed.

A system and method for efficient upgrading of computing system software. A computing system includes clients and one or more servers coupled to a network. Cluster server software allows the clients and server(s) to work together as a cluster. This software is platform- and version-specific depending on the customer. Each customer has a customized configuration with customer-dependent edits performed on the original configuration. When a new-release configuration is made available, the three configurations are translated to abstract object trees. A series of predetermined abstract operations are preformed on the abstract object trees in order to generate a target abstract object tree. The target abstract object tree is translated to a target file, wherein the target file includes the common portions between the original and new-release configurations and the merged upgrades of the customized and new-release configurations.

In some embodiments, an apparatus can comprise a memory unit including, two or more assemblies, wherein the two or more assemblies include a first assembly and a second assembly, wherein the second assembly is a later version of the first assembly, and wherein the first and second assemblies include, a stub module configured to detect an assembly initialization request indicating one of the first or second assemblies. The stub module can also be configured to retrieve a reference to a symbol table associated with the one of the first and second assemblies indicated in the assembly initialization request, to store data in the symbol table, and to provide the reference to a caller. The memory unit can also comprise an implementation module configured to perform operations associated with symbols in the symbol table and a processor configured to receive and execute one or more of the stub and implementation modules.

A method for detecting transient fault includes translating binary code to an intermediate language code. An instruction of interest in the intermediate language code is identified. Reliability instructions are inserted in the intermediate language code to validate values from the instruction of interest. The intermediate language code is translated to binary code. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

A computer implemented method for performing inlining in a just-in-time compiler. Compilation of a first code of a program is begun. The first code is one of an interruptible code and a non-interruptible code. A try region is established around a second code of the program to form a wrapped second code. The try region is a boundary between interruptible and non-interruptible code such that a third code that modifies an observable state of the program cannot be moved across the boundary. The second code is, relative to the first code, the other of the interruptible code and the non-interruptible code. The wrapped second code is inlined with the first code during compilation. Compilation of the first code is completed to form a resultant code. The resultant code is stored.

Methods and apparatuses for creating a dynamic profile for a plurality of structurally similar extensible markup language (XML) documents based at least in part on a document structure or data pattern of the XML documents. A specialized XML parser is generated based at least in part on the dynamic profile and then is specialized in parsing XML documents that substantially match the dynamic profile.

Testing a first graphical program intended for implementation on a programmable hardware element. The first graphical program may be stored. The first graphical program may include a first plurality of nodes connected by lines which visually specify first functionality. The first graphical program may be intended for implementation by the programmable hardware element. A second graphical program may be stored which visually specifies testing functionality for the first graphical program. The second graphical program may be executable by a host computer to simulate input to the programmable hardware element when configured by the first graphical program. The first graphical program and the second graphical program may be executed (e.g., by a host computer) to test the first functionality when implemented by the programmable hardware element. During execution, simulated outputs may be monitored.

Methods and systems for testing a software program are provided. The methods include receiving a textual input for testing at least one static type used by the software program. The textual input of an embodiment is pre-linked to the at least one static type. The method includes creating a dynamic type based on the textual input in a dynamically typed language. The dynamic type is populated based on a predefined set of test vectors and is then passed on to the software program. The software program is executed using the dynamic type. Executing the software program by using the dynamic type invokes the at least one static type used by the software program.

A method, computer program product, and system are provided to explore branches of a conditional statement in software code. For example, an embodiment of the method includes selecting a first branch of the conditional statement to evaluate, placing a second branch of the conditional statement in a pending branch list, storing checkpoint information on a program state for the conditional statement associated with the second branch, and evaluating the second branch after an evaluation of the first branch. The evaluation of the second branch is based on the checkpoint information. By exploring the first and second branches of the conditional statement (e.g., true and false conditions), wide coverage is possible in the analysis of software code.

Where a process in a computing system comprises mixed code, having different sections of code managed by different runtimes, the call stack used to coordinate function invocations may comprise call stack frames created according to multiple calling conventions. In order to analyze this call stack in a stack walk or unwinding, a debugger may be configured to request the runtimes managing the process to claim a particular call stack frame, and to request the runtime that claims it to parse the contents of the frame, or to utilize call stack analysis techniques if the call stack frame was created by unmanaged code.

An attribute-based component programming system and methodology for object-oriented languages is described. In one embodiment, for example, a method is described for dynamically generating program code adding behavior to a program based on attributes, the method comprises steps of: adding a component object to a program class of the program to create a component; defining at least one attribute specifying declaratively behavior to be added to the program; associating the at least one attribute with the component; and in response to instantiation of the component at runtime, generating a subclass based on the program class and the at least one attribute, the subclass including dynamically generated program code based on the at least one attribute.

Embodiments of the present invention address deficiencies of the art in respect to pattern design and provide a novel and non-obvious method, system and computer program product for self-service creation and deployment of a pattern. In an embodiment of the invention, a method for creating a self-service reusable pattern can be provided. The method can include implementing an arrangement of re-usable assets into a set of self-service application components, extending at least one of self-service application components, and packaging the components for deployment in a target environment. The method further can include determining a target deployment environment and modeling the target environment to receive the deployment of the components. Thereafter, the packaged components can be deployed to a portal server or to a portal test environment.

The present invention provides an automated digital circuit design tool that reduces or eliminates adverse timing constraints due to an inherent clock signal skew, and applications thereof In an embodiment, an automated design tool according to the invention generates a clocking system that includes a clock signal generator, control logic, enable logic, and at least one clock gater. The clock signal generator generates a clock signal that is distributed to various logic blocks of the digital circuit using a buffered clock tree. The enable logic receives input values from the control logic and provides a control signal to the clock gater. When enabled, the clock gater allows a clock signal to pass through to multiple registers. An early clock signal is provided to register(s) in the control logic, which allows for an increased clock frequency while still meeting timing constraints.

A method of measuring setup time measures a first delay time from an input signal to a clock signal and a second delay time from the clock signal to an output signal, and determines a setup time using the first delay time and the second delay time. The method of measuring setup time is used in designing a semiconductor IC including a pulse-based flip-flop circuit. The semiconductor IC designed by using the method of measuring setup time absorbs a clock jitter and allows a time borrowing between adjacent pipelines.

Apparatus, systems, and methods may operate to generate a synchronous netlist from a synchronous circuit design representation, automatically substitute asynchronous components taken from an asynchronous standard cell component library for corresponding standard cell synchronous components in the synchronous netlist to form an asynchronous core, and convert the synchronous netlist to an asynchronous circuit design representation. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed.

Methods and apparatuses to automatically synthesize circuits. In one aspect of an embodiment, a logic function feeding a carry chain is implemented through extending the carry chain and through using the extended portion of the carry chain. In one aspect of an embodiment, control/non-control loads are separated from each other through replicating the driver elements of the mixed control/non-control loads. In one aspect of an embodiment, a read only memory (ROM) is implemented using a random access memory (RAM). In one embodiment, a register at the input side of the ROM is generated through inserting a register that is clocked at an inverted clock signal or through retiming a register from the output side of the ROM.

The present invention is directed to an improved method, system, and computer program product for accessing and analyzing patterns in the integrated circuit design. The method, system or computer program product includes generating an intelligent signature for a pattern. The derived pattern signature is an intelligent pattern identifier because it retains only essential information about a pattern that corresponds to lithography printable portions of the pattern. Accordingly, one pattern signature can represent a group of design patterns that are equivalents from a lithography perspective.

The presence of new unread electronic messages received, that is, messages received since unread messages were last reviewed, is provided by indicia presented to the user. These indicia can take various forms, such as by bolding, flashing, changing the size or color of a count of unread messages, and/or the unread message icon. Alternatively, a separate indication, such as a second count representing the number of new unread electronic messages received, or some other symbol, such as an explanation point, can be displayed.

A method, apparatus, and article of manufacture provide the ability to display a sun and shadow simulation in a 3D system. A 3D view of a real world scene is displayed, using a 3D graphics application, on a display device. A plug-in is installed into the application. A calendar period (e.g., a month, day, and year) is defined by the user. A timeline arc is displayed with the calendar period defining a radius of the arc, and starting stopping endpoints of the timeline arc defining an interval of time during the calendar period. A timeline slider is displayed on the arc that indicates a time of day within the calendar period. A visualization is displayed, in the 3D view, of shadows cast by a sun on objects in the 3D view. A position of the sun is based on the calendar period and the time of day.

An electronic equipment has a display that can display a plurality of screens and a display controller that can switch displays of the screens. The display and the controller enable an operator to change a set value of at least one item. A setting change receiver can receive from the operator an instruction of changing a set value of each item in a currently displayed screen when the display controller allows the display portion to display one of the screens. The display controller allows a display part of the item whose set value is changed most recently in the screen whose set value is changed to be displayed transmissively on a subsequently displayed screen when the currently displayed screen is switched to the subsequently displayed screen.

Methods, computer systems and computer readable media for receiving data from infusion pumps in a healthcare setting and displaying the data on a user device are provided. Centralized clinician views are provided to manage individual and multiple patient infusions. Embodiments provide near real-time graphical displays of infusion data to clinicians on separate user devices. In addition, near real-time graphical displays of patient physiologic data is displayed simultaneously to a clinician along with the infusion data.

Embodiments of the invention provide a method and an apparatus for creating a digital dashboard. One embodiment provides a dashboard palette in an application. In addition, at least one object is provided for the dashboard palette, wherein at least one property of the at least one object is linked to a data source. The at least one object is then coupled with the dashboard palette to form a dashboard description. The dashboard description is then exported to a dashboard creator and publisher, wherein the dashboard creator and publisher provide a functional dashboard based on the dashboard description.

A method, apparatus, system, and signal-bearing medium that in an embodiment present a main view and at least one peek view of data. When the user selects to move the data from the main view to the peek view, a subset of data objects in the main view is selected based on an importance of the data objects and optionally based on the size of the peek view. The subset is copied to the peek view, and the peek view is dynamically updated when the data objects are updated. In this way, the user can monitor changes to the peek view while working on other data in the main view.

Embodiments of the present invention address deficiencies of the art in respect to collaborative information object management and provide a method, system and computer program product for annotating collaborative information structures. In an embodiment of the invention, a method for annotating collaborative information structures can be provided. The method can include creating a collaborative information structure document (ISD) with each of an object section and an annotation section, adding a collaborative object in a collaborative computing environment to the object section of the collaborative ISD, adding an annotation for the collaborative ISD to the annotation section of the collaborative ISD, and storing the collaborative ISD for use as a collaborative object in the collaborative computing environment.

Provided is a systematic encoder of cyclic codes for partially written codewords in flash memories wherein all bits of an erased but unwritten area have a default value such as one. In the case where the host writes data to one or a plurality of discontinuous fragments in an area reserved for storing the message section of a codeword in the flash memory, the encoder computes the parity of the codeword by using only the data written to the flash memory as input and by asserting that all bits in the gaps between the written fragments have the default erased value, such that after both the data and the parity are written to the flash memory, the area reserved for storing the codeword would contain a valid codeword. On read back, the host reads the entire codeword area from the flash memory without having to distinguish between the written and unwritten fragments.

Methods and apparatus are described for reducing memory storage cells in a turbo decoder by storing only half the state metrics generated during a scan process. States associated with each bit transmission may be divided into couples and only one state from every state couple may be stored. In one example embodiment, only the state metric for a losing state of every state couple is saved, along with a single bit, e.g., 1 or 0, indicating whether the upper state or lower state of the state couple was the winner. The winning state may be reconstituted at a later stage. In this manner, for a code rate 1/3 and constraint length 3 turbo code, instead of storing 8*10=80 bits of state metrics for each systematic bit, only (4*10)+(4*1)=44 bits of scan state metrics data need be stored, a savings of nearly 50% regardless of the transistor technology used.

Certain embodiments of the present invention are improved turbo-equalization methods for decoding encoded codewords. In one embodiment, in global decoding iteration i, the magnitude values of all decoder-input LLR values (Lch) are adjusted based on the number b of unsatisfied check nodes in the decoded codeword produced by global iteration i−1. The improved turbo-equalization methods can be used as the sole turbo-equalization method for a given global decoding session, or interleaved with other turbo-equalization methods.

When an error correction code (ECC) unit finds uncorrectable errors in a solid state non-volatile memory device, a process may be used in an attempt to locate and correct the errors. This process may first identify ‘low confidence’ memory cells that are likely to contain errors, and then determine what data is more likely to be correct in those cells, based on various criteria. The new data may then be checked with the ECC unit to verify that it is sufficiently correct for the ECC unit to correct any remaining errors.

Contemplated validation systems provide access to a master validator, one or more remote validators, and an authorized party such that validation using a validation script can be performed in a flexible manner that allows modifications to the script in real time. Typically, modifications are requested by a remote validator in the field where the remote validator can not answer a validation request generated by the validation script in a proper or predetermined manner. A master validator will receive the request and modify the validation script accordingly to allow the validation to proceed. Most typically, modification of the script is authorized by an authorized party.

A circuit and method has a processing unit, a master clock generator for providing a master clock and a plurality of phase-locked loops, each providing a respective clock signal. A plurality of dynamically variable delay circuits each has a plurality of predetermined delay amounts. Clocked circuits are coupled to respective clock signals provided by respective phase-locked loops. A performance detector is coupled to receive the clock signals for determining a center of a quiet zone for at least one of the plurality of phase-locked loops. The phase-locked loops are turned off and on and a respective one of the plurality of dynamically variable delay circuits is set to have a new predetermined value of delay which adjusts an edge of the master clock to a location that permits the data processing system to operate near substantially the center of the quiet zone.

Gaming machines and related methods for controlling and managing electrical current to peripheral devices in a gaming machine are described. A gaming machine having multiple high-current peripheral devices drawing power from a single power supply within the gaming machine is able to regulate the timing at which the peripherals may receive power. The gaming machine may be a multi-station gaming machine, such as a gaming table, where each station has various standard peripheral devices. The gaming machine determines whether the power required by the peripherals at any given time will exceed a threshold current supply and, if so, delays the operation of one of the peripherals to regulate the amount of current the power supply has to supply at any given time. Current usage and time overlaps of two or more peripheral devices are determined using current profiles of the devices. A current profile contains time-related data and current usage data that are utilized in determining total current usage during operational overlaps between two or more peripheral devices in the gaming machine. A peripheral device is provided with current when it is determined that the total current supplied does not exceed a maximum efficient current output of the power supply.

Methods, including service methods, articles of manufacture, systems, articles and programmable devices are provided for adapting the power consumption of a computational device in response to environmental conditions. Operating environmental condition data relevant to the generation of electric power is acquired from an operating environment feed and analyzed to determine a high electric power demand indication. If the analyzing determines a high electric power demand indication, then a computational device automatically reduces an amount of electric power consumption.

The present invention relates to various aspects for maintaining and utilizing login preference information of users of a network-based transaction facility. In one embodiment, user interface information is communicated to a client via a communications network. The user interface information includes information concerning a plurality of features within the network-based transaction facility. The user interface information also specifies a login interface that facilitates user input of login preference information pertaining to each of the plurality of features. Further, the login preference information is received from the client via the communications network and utilized to control user access to any of the plurality of features within the network-based transaction facility via the communications network.

An arithmetic circuit capable of Montgomery multiplication using only a one-port RAM is disclosed. In a first read process, b[i] is read from a memory M2 of a sync one-port RAM for storing a[s−1: 0] and b[s−1: 0] and stored in a register R1. In a second read process, a[j] is read from the memory M2, t[j] from a memory M1 of a sync one-port RAM for storing t[s−1: 0], b[i] from the register R1, and a value RC from a register R2, and input to a sum-of-products calculation circuit for calculating t[j]+a[j]*b[i]+RC. In a write process, the calculation result data FH is written in the register R2, and the calculation result data FL in the memory M1 as t[j]. A first subloop process for repeating the second read process, the sum-of-products calculation process and the write process is executed after the first read process.

The use of suitable measures in a method for agreeing on a security key between at least one first and one second communication station to secure a communication link is improved so that the security level for the communication is increased and the improved method can be combined with already available methods. A first parameter is determined from an authentication and key derivation protocol. In addition, an additional parameter is sent securely from the second to the first communications station. A security key is then determined from the first parameter and the additional parameter.

A method and apparatus for implementing a novel one-way hash function with provable security properties for authentication and non-authentication applications on highly constrained devices, with particular application to RFID tags.

A system and method for processing certificates located in a certificate search. Certificates located in a certificate search are processed at a data server (e.g. a mobile data server) coupled to a computing device (e.g. a mobile device) to determine status data that can be used to indicate the status of those certificates to a user of the computing device. Selected certificates may be downloaded to the computing device for storage, and the downloaded certificates are tracked by the data server. This facilitates the automatic updating of the status of one or more certificates stored on the computing device by the data server, in which updated status data is pushed from the data server to the computing device.

A system and method for processing certificates located in a certificate search. Certificates located in a certificate search are processed at a data server (e.g. a mobile data server) coupled to a computing device (e.g. a mobile device) to determine status data that can be used to indicate the status of those certificates to a user of the computing device, without having to download those certificates to the computing device in their entirety. The data server is further adapted to transmit the status data to the computing device. In one embodiment, at least one status property of the certificates is verified at the data server in determining the status data. In another embodiment, additional certificate data is determined and transmitted to the computing device, which can be used by the computing device to verify, at the computing device, at least one other status property of the certificates.

Techniques for network searching are provided. A search is defined and the search is encrypted in a format known to a search service. Return instructions are defined for delivering search results of the search to a principal that defined the search and the return instructions. The return instructions are encrypted in a different format know to a return search process. The encrypted search is delivered to the search service for processing the search and the encrypted return instructions are delivered to the return search process for handling search results provided by the search service and for conforming delivery of the search results to the return instructions.

An electronic information system comprises an external storage device and an application processor. The external storage device stores boot code and the application processor is adapted to receive the boot code from the external storage device and to perform a system booting operation during a power-up operation by executing the boot code.

A computing apparatus comprises a persistent storage comprising a system code that implements Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) protection on a boot volume.

A method for booting a computer system is provided. In the method for booting the computer system, a memory space is created using a BIOS to simulate a virtual disk. The virtual disk is used to execute operations which have to be executed via a floppy disk drive. The operations are executed in the virtual disk via the BIOS. In addition, a second virtual disk is created for storing program files needed in installing the operating system.

A method, apparatus and system are disclosed for allowing prescribed components in the system to be started with minimal delay, wherein a multimedia system for a motor vehicle, which comprises a control unit and a plurality of prescribed components that can be selected and started by a user. The operating programs that are associated with at least one first component are provided with a greater proportion of the total available computational resources required for their execution. As a result, it becomes possible to use the at least one first component quite soon after the start-up phase of the system has begun.

Techniques for interrupt processing are described. An exceptional condition is detected in one or more stages of an instruction pipeline in a processor. In response to the detected exceptional condition and prior to the processor accepting an interrupt in response to the detected exceptional condition, an instruction cache is checked for the presence of an instruction at a starting address of an interrupt handler. The instruction at the starting address of the interrupt vector table is prefetched from storage above the instruction cache when the instruction is not present in the instruction cache to load the instruction in the instruction cache, whereby the instruction is made available in the instruction cache by the time the processor accepts the interrupt in response to the detected exceptional condition.

A pipelined execution unit incorporates one or more low power modes that reduce power consumption by dynamically merging pipeline stages in an execution pipeline together with one another. In particular, the execution logic in successive pipeline stages in an execution pipeline may be dynamically merged together by setting one or more latches that are intermediate to such pipeline stages to a transparent state such that the output of the pipeline stage preceding such latches is passed to the subsequent pipeline stage during the same clock cycle so that both such pipeline stages effectively perform steps for the same instruction during each clock cycle. Then, with the selected pipeline stages merged, the power consumption of the execution pipeline can be reduced (e.g., by reducing the clock frequency and/or operating voltage of the execution pipeline), often with minimal adverse impact on performance.

A processing device which can execute a plurality of threads includes: an execution unit which executes a command; a supply unit which supplies a command to the execution unit; a buffer unit which holds the command supplied from the supply unit; and a control unit which manages the buffer unit. The buffer unit has a set of buffer elements. Each of the buffer elements has a data unit for storing a command and a pointer unit for defining a connection relationship between the buffer elements. The control unit has a thread allocation unit which allocates a sequence of buffer elements whose connection relationship has been defined by the pointer unit for respective threads executed by the processing device.

A method of managing data access of a storage medium includes establishing an address mapping table to record a physical address of a first data stored in the storage medium, where the physical address of the first data is mapped to a logical address of the first data; and when receiving a command for handling the first data stored in the storage medium internally, processing the address mapping table to serve the command without physically accessing the first data stored in the storage medium.

A pool is formed based on a plurality of storage devices. This pool is constituted by a plurality of real pages. Real pages of different lengths are included in this plurality of real pages. Among a plurality of virtual pages which make up a virtual volume, a controller compresses a write data element for a write destination virtual page, selects a real page of a real page length based on the data length of a data unit including the compressed write data element, and allocates the selected real page to the write destination virtual page.

Computer implemented methods, computer program products and computer systems synchronize copies of a virtual disk. A record of blocks that are modified during an access session of a copy of the virtual disk is maintained. For each partition of the virtual disk, a file system level indication of currently relevant blocks is obtained. Only those blocks that were modified during the access session and are currently relevant are copied to at least one additional copy of the virtual disk.

A method for dynamically allocating control of a storage device, the method comprising receiving an access request from a first computer requesting access to a storage device; directing, based upon the access request, a first storage controller computer to assume an inactive state with respect to control of the storage device; and directing, based upon the access request, a second storage controller computer to assume an active state with respect to control of the storage device.

The disclosed embodiments may relate to protection domain group, which may include a memory region associated with a process. The protection domain group may also include a plurality of memory windows associated with the memory region. Also included may be a plurality of protection domains, each of which may correspond to a memory window. The protection domains may allow access to the memory region via a corresponding memory window.

A microprocessor includes first and second cache memories occupying distinct hierarchy levels, the second backing the first. A prefetcher monitors load operations and maintains a recent history of the load operations from a cache line and determines whether the recent history indicates a clear direction. The prefetcher prefetches one or more cache lines into the first cache memory when the recent history indicates a clear direction and otherwise prefetches the one or more cache lines into the second cache memory. The prefetcher also determines whether the recent history indicates the load operations are large and, other things being equal, prefetches a greater number of cache lines when large than small. The prefetcher also determines whether the recent history indicates the load operations are received on consecutive clock cycles and, other things being equal, prefetches a greater number of cache lines when on consecutive clock cycles than not.

A system comprises a controller and a buffer accessible to the controller. The controller is configured to prefetch data from a storage medium in advance of such prefetch data being requested by a host device, some of such prefetch data being retrieved from the storage medium and stored in the buffer ready for access by the host device (“ready data”) and a remainder of such prefetch data in process of being retrieved from the storage medium but not yet stored in the buffer (“not ready data”). The controller alters a depth of the prefetch data based on a ratio of the ready data to a combined total of the ready data and not ready data.

A system and a method for writing cache data and a system and a method for reading cache data are disclosed. The system for writing the cache data includes: an on-chip memory device, configured to cache received write requests and write data associated with the write requests and sort the write requests; a request judging device, configured to extract the sorted write requests and the write data associated with the write requests according to write time sequence restriction information of an off-chip memory device; and an off-chip memory device controller, configured to write the write data extracted by the request judging device in the off-chip memory device.

An adapter apparatus has a function of determining the type of a memory card, by communicating with the memory card at plural communication speeds and determining whether or not there is a response therefrom. A communication speed setting unit has a function of setting plural communication speeds for communication with the memory card, and a response determining unit determines whether or not there is a response to a type determination signal. A type determining unit determines the type of the memory card based on the communication speed set by the communication speed setting unit and whether or not there is a response to the type determination signal sent at the communication speed.

A data access method for accessing a non-volatile memory module is provided. The data access method includes configuring a plurality of logical addresses and grouping the logical addresses into logical blocks to map to the physical blocks of the non-volatile memory module, and a host system formats the logical addresses into one partition by using a file system and the partition stores at least one file and a file description block corresponding to the file. The data access method further includes searching an end mark corresponding to entry values of the file description block, setting logical addresses storing the end mark as default pattern addresses, and setting values stored in the logical addresses as default values corresponding to the default pattern addresses. Accordingly, the data access method can divide one partition into a write protect area and a writable area by updating data stored in the default pattern addresses.

A storage device includes a drive selection section (1), a hard disk drive (HDD) (2), and a non-volatile memory drive (3). When an instruction such as a data I/O instruction is issued from a host such as a CPU (5) and an ATA controller (6) to the hard disk drive (HDD) (2), the drive selection section (1) receives the address value. If the address value is included in the address space predefined, the non-volatile memory drive (3) is made to execute the instruction. Otherwise, the hard disk drive (HDD) (2) is made to execute the instruction.

A system and method using messages to access registers and memory in a PCI Express communications link environment. Vendor defined PCI Express messages can be used to read and write to the memory-mapped or register space of a device. Four types of accesses are defined using this messaging approach, namely memory read, memory write, configuration read and configuration write. The type of register access desired is defined by the appropriate value in a vendor-specific type field in the header of the vendor defined message. If a PCI Express compliant device at the other end of the PCI Express link does not support these types of messages, the messages are silently discarded by the receiver and no error is reported.

This invention relates to a communication system including a first apparatus having a first storage medium, and a second apparatus for transmitting data to the first apparatus, the second apparatus comprising: a second storage medium for storing management information of data to be transferred to the first storage medium; communication means for communicating data with the first apparatus; edit means capable of editing the management information; and control means for making a control to transfer data stored in the second storage medium to the first storage medium by way of the communication means on the basis of the management information edited by the edit means.

One or more embodiments provide a method and system of reading data from a variable-latency memory, via a serial input/output memory data interface. The system includes a memory having a variable-latency access time, a memory controller, and a serial data bus coupling the memory controller to the memory. The memory controller communicates a Read command to the memory and forces the serial data bus low for a limited time. The memory then forces the bus low and the memory controller then releases the bus. When the memory is ready to provide data, the memory provides a high signal on the serial data bus.

There is provided a semiconductor device having a reduced number of external terminals allocated for address input to receive access from outside, while realizing a high-speed response to an access from outside.The semiconductor device employs, in order to allow other external devices to directly access resources it possesses in its own address space, in an external interface circuit, external terminals which input a part of the address signal required for access from outside, a supplementary register which supplements the upper portion of address information that has been input from the external terminals, a mode register accessible from outside, and an address control circuit which generates an address signal to access the address space in a form based on information input from the external terminals, required supplementary information, and mode information of the mode register.

A globally unique identification system for a communications protocol and database is disclosed. A method for generating the globally unique identification code and for generating a compressed globally unique identification code is also described. The communications protocol permits multiple communications sessions to be sent through a single open port of a firewall.

A customer-premises equipment (CPE) gateway and methods for operation thereof, and a multimedia server and methods for operation thereof are disclosed. The method for the CPE gateway including: (a) receiving, by the CPE gateway, a first internet group management protocol (IGMP) compliant command; (b) generating by the CPE gateway, in response to the first IGMP compliant command, a unicast command that instructs a multimedia server to generate a unicast media stream; wherein the generating including concealing multicast information from at least one IGMP compliant entity that follows the CPE gateway; and (c) transmitting, by the CPE gateway, the unicast command to the at least one IGMP compliant entity; wherein the unicast command passes through the at least one IGMP compliant entity and reaches the multimedia server.

A method includes receiving first data in accordance with a first protocol from a first node using a first facility. The method further includes setting a semaphore in a semaphore field of a first entry in a process table. The method further includes translating the first data into second data using a first utility. The method further includes setting a second semaphore in a second semaphore field of a second entry in the process table. The method further includes sending the second data from a second facility to a second node in accordance with a second protocol.

An apparatus and method for processing a web service description such that the web service description is adapted for use with mobile devices. A web services accelerator is adapted to receive a web service description that defines an interface to a web service, create at least one accelerator output file from the web service description, and transmit the at least one accelerator output file to a mobile device. Accelerator output files are used by the mobile device to invoke web services.

A data system architecture is described that allows multiple processing and storage resources to be connected to multiple clients so as 1) to distribute the clients' workload efficiently across the available resources; and 2) to enable scaleable expansion, both in terms of the number of clients and in the number of resources. The major features of the architecture are separate, modular, client and resource elements that can be added independently, a high-performance cross-bar data switch interconnecting these various elements, separate serial communication paths for controlling the cross-bar switch settings, separate communication paths for passing control information among the various elements and a resource utilization methodology that enables clients to distribute processing or storage tasks across all available resources, thereby eliminating “hot spots” resulting from uneven utilization of those resources.

A system and method for caching data and verifying cached data using a client-server model and meta-data. In particular, a client proxy and a server proxy are in communication with each other and with the client and the server, respectively; client proxy meta-data and server proxy meta-data related to the data cached by the client proxy and server proxy, respectively, are calculated and communicated between the client proxy and the server proxy; and the client proxy meta-data and the server proxy meta-data are compared to determine a cache hit or miss.

Provided is session control which enables profits of a web site to be optimized when accesses avalanche to the web site.A session control device connected to a web site and a client terminal which accesses the web site through a network, which includes a calculation unit for calculating, with a state of a session in each access to a reference page which is a page whose effect is large on arrival at processing whose importance in the web site is high as a stage, a tendency of a session toward the processing whose importance is high on a stage basis, a storage unit for storing a calculated tendency toward the processing whose importance is high, a setting unit for setting a reference for limiting the session, and a collation unit for obtaining, from the storage unit, a tendency toward the processing whose importance is high with respect to a stage of the session received from the client terminal and comparing the tendency with the reference to determine whether to limit the session from the client terminal.

A system and method for developing, deploying, managing and monitoring a web application in a single environment is disclosed herein. The single environment is preferably an integrated development environment (“IDE”). The system and method preferably allows for deployment to a cloud provider, and preferably allows for use of Web resources from multiple cloud providers. One preferred IDE is the APTANA® STUDIO IDE.

A method and apparatus for management and transmission of a classified conditional access application to provide Downloadable Conditional Access System (DCAS) service according to disclosed embodiments is an effective managing method according to a type of a conditional access module in a software version in the DCAS. In particular, it relates to a method and apparatus which can continuously provide Pay per View (PPV) service during movement in a DCAS service operator (SO) network, such as maintaining independence of CAS SO in DCAS, provide adaptability to adapt to a variety of policies of the SO, and install an optimum application in a terminal.

A method of brokering a network resource. The method includes providing a service broker processor and a service broker registry. Upon receiving a request at the service broker processor to register a network resource to provide a network service, the service broker processor authenticates the request and authorizes registration in the service broker registry. A network client is updated with the availability of the registered network resource so that on receiving a third party request for the network service, the network client requests allocation of the registered network resource. A bearer path is set up between the third party and the network resource to provide the requested network service.

Management software that can associate events, including non page events, such as the generation of dynamic content, with HTTP requests. The management software can receive a set of HTTP request data including a request time stamp for each HTTP request in a set of HTTP requests, receive a set of event data including an event time stamp for each event in a set of events and associate each event from the set of events with a previous HTTP request from the set of HTTP requests based on the event time stamps and request time stamps. Each event can be associated with previous HTTP request closest in time.

A system and method are disclosed for providing interaction with mail data on a server. Providing interaction with mail data on a server comprises receiving mail information from the server; updating data structures in a client using the mail information received; operating on the mail information at the client and displaying operation results on the client; sending operation information to the server so that the same operation may be executed on the server.

In accordance with the teachings described herein, systems and methods are provided for integrating a plurality of electronic mail (email) accounts. A plurality of email services may be used to send and receive electronic messages over a wide area network, one of the email services being a preferred email service and another of the email services being a secondary email service. An email integration service may be used that is coupled to the wide area network and that is independent of the plurality of email services. The email integration service may be operable to receive account information regarding the preferred email service and the secondary email service and use the account information to configure a means for forwarding electronic messages from the preferred email service to the secondary email service.

An electronic messaging system and method with reduced traceability. An electronic message is separated into a message content and container (header) information. In one aspect, the message content and header information are entered by a user separately and transmitted from the user computer separately. In another implementation, the message content and header information are displayed separately. In yet another implementation, an electronic message is permanently automatically deleted from the system at a predetermined time.

A clustering technique is utilized to group similar e-mail messages into clusters. Statistical spamming behavior analysis is then applied to each cluster, focusing on finding e-mail messages within each cluster that differ from other e-mail messages in the cluster. The degree of variance and the type of variance can provide important clues as to whether the email is spam or not. Appropriate measures are then taken to block, filter, or otherwise handle the suspected spam e-mail messages.

A system for regulating e-mail comprises a database of information profiling legitimate e-mail usage. When an e-mail is received at the system, it is scrutinized relative to the information in the database. If the e-mail is found to be legitimate based upon this evaluation, it is delivered to the intended recipient. If, however, the e-mail appears on the basis of the evaluation to be the last in a series of illegitimate e-mails or otherwise has characteristics inconsistent with the profile of legitimate e-mail usage, the e-mail may not be delivered and the postmaster and administrator at the source of the e-mail is contacted.

A method and system of transmitting a message from a transmitting client to a primary receiving client via a proxy server, which is also connected to a secondary receiving client. A message is sent from the transmitting client to the proxy server. The message includes a first header indicative of an address of the primary receiving client and a second header indicative of an address of the secondary receiving client and the primary header being indicative of only a single one of the addresses. The message is then transmitted from the proxy server to the primary receiving client and from the proxy server to the secondary receiving client.

Some embodiments of graphical spam detection and filtering have been presented. In one embodiment, an electronic mail addressed to an electronic mail account is screened. If a graphic image is embedded in a body of the electronic mail and a sender of the electronic mail is unidentified, then the electronic mail is classified as unsolicited bulk electronic mail.

A networked application and email application were described herein that provide for an intuitive system by which users can participate in collaborative workflow relating to a network document. In one implementation, a system includes a messaging server component to provide messaging services and an application server component to provide a networked application. The application server component interacts with the messaging server component in response to a user command to initiate collaboration on the network document. The interaction with the messaging server component includes providing a link that refers to a version of the network document as created or edited by the user.

A computer-implemented system and method is provided herein for social commerce analytics and optimization. A hosted platform collects and stores online visitor traffic data from social media platforms and from commercial platforms linked to social media campaigns operating on the social media platforms. Algorithms are executed to establish baseline performance parameters for the commercial platforms based on the stored data, and visitors of the social media campaigns and commercial platforms are identified and scored based on predetermined scoring metrics. The scores are aggregated with respect to the social media campaigns and/or the commercial platforms, and actual performances based on the aggregated scores are compared with the established baseline performance parameters. An interface may be generated for a client user associated with the commercial platform to represent one or more of the performance comparisons, and optionally provide alerts to underperformance or suggest future actions based on predicted performance.

One or more server devices receive a request associated with a link, where the link is further associated with a comment and where the comment provides an opinion of, or remarks upon, a content of a document. The one or more server devices retrieve a content of the comment associated with the link from a database and retrieve the document. The one or more server devices generate another document that displays the content of the comment and includes a frame that further displays the document, and send the generated another document to the client device.

A system for the broadcast of alert messages to selected groups of recipients and their communications devices of a plurality of different types and communicating through a plurality of different communications means. Recipient profiles or characteristics are received variously from databases, directories, and communications nodes accessible by the system. These sources are queried for the identification of selectable groups which are then presented to a dispatcher for choosing the recipients. The alert message is then provided to delivery means which employ a plurality of included means each of which is particularly configured to communicate the alert message to a corresponding target device type. A response handler module then receives responses from the target devices for later reporting.

Providing consistency guarantees in a data stream processing engine is provided. Consistency tracking information is attached to data streams coming into the data stream processing engine. The consistency tracking information is propagated through a plurality of streaming operators that process the data streams within the data stream processing engine. Then, the propagated consistency tracking information is used to detect a consistent state in an output stream.

A file operations engine is provided that manages many user interactions with their files via a computer system. The operation engine may provide a user with the option to keep both files that have a file name conflict. It may further permit the user to rename a file involved with a file name conflict. The operations engine may also automatically rename one of the files of a file name conflict by appending a character to a root of the filename. The character may include the lowest integer available for the root in a destination for the files. The operations engine may provide the option to keep both files as part of a pre-calculation of potential errors for a requested operation. The operations engine may place file name conflicts in an error queue and permit the user to select an option to keep both files after the conflict is encountered.

A computer implemented method is disclosed for obtaining file-level information from block level information of files stored on a storage medium. The method includes accessing the storage medium to obtain metadata available in block level on the storage medium and building an inverse block-to-file map of the files stored on the storage medium. The method also includes listening online to incoming block-level commands communicated from a host to the storage medium, parsing the incoming block-level commands, inferring file-level information from the parsed block level commands; and updating the inverse file-level map. Also disclosed are corresponding computer program product and processing system.

Data is stored in data streams of varying size over a network so that a particular data stream may be considered as being stored locally or remotely. A request is received to modify a first data stream, and a frozen condition to the effect that said first data stream is not modifiable is identified. A second data stream that comprises a reference to the first data stream is created, and the information contained in said second data stream is modified according to said request.

Techniques for republishing event data are provided. An event data repository contains event records defining real world events. Users request instructions for republishing event data. The request includes data identifying a set of event data and display characteristics for republication. In response to the request, event data display code is provided back to the client. The user may use the event data display code to display event data on the user's own web pages or applications. When the event data display code is processed by a web browser application, a request is sent to the events repository, which provides the identified set of event data in response. The event data is displayed to users at the web browser using the display characteristics specified by the client.

A Software Architecture for Access Control Based on Hierarchical Characteristics includes a computer implemented software architecture for determining object access of a resource by comparing an object profile to a resource profile. The comparison is made with reference to a plurality of object reference categories where each object reference category includes a plurality of hierarchically linked object reference values. The object reference values represent possible characteristics of the object such as, security clearance or job title. The resource profile represents the minimum object reference values necessary for access to the resource and the object profile represents no more than one object reference value for each of the object reference categories.

A database system providing methodology for execution of functions in queries requesting data from markup language documents is described. In one embodiment, for example, a method is described for executing a function in a query requesting data from a markup language document stored in a database, the markup language document organized hierarchically into nodes, the method comprises steps of: receiving the query requesting data from the markup language document, the query including a function to be executed during execution of the query; determining nodes of the markup language document satisfying the query; deriving values of the nodes of the markup language document; and executing the function with the derived values and the nodes of the markup language document.

A system and method are described for storing and accessing data using a plurality of probabilistic data structures. In one embodiment, a plurality of probabilistic data structures are identified, each probabilistic data structure being associated with at least one other probabilistic data structure. The plurality of probabilistic data structures each correspond to a portion of a storage device storing a dataset. The dataset may include a plurality of values, such as a plurality of data blocks. A plurality of keys may be generated from the plurality of values, such as a plurality of fingerprints. Each key may be inserted into the probabilistic data structures which correspond to the portion of the storage device storing the value the key was generated from. The plurality of probabilistic data structures are stored in a memory and may be queried with an item to determine if the item exists in the plurality of probabilistic data structures.

A system and method for remotely displaying a plurality of data items is disclosed. The system determines a total quantity of displayable data items and optionally receives an indication of a display control size from a remote client. The server stores a threshold value indicating a relationship between a quantity of data items and a size of a display control. The server compares the quantity of data items and the received indication of the display control size. If the comparison exceeds the threshold value, the server sends a subset of the items to the remote client for display, and sends additional items as requested by the remote client. If the comparison is less than the threshold value, the server sends each of the items to the remote client for display. The server repeats this comparison for changes in the quantity of data items or the size of the display control.

A method and system for discovering a control event from electronically published documents and received data streams is provided, in which a computer control program identifies electronically published documents and data stored in a plurality of network servers which potentially contain control events relevant to the control of goods and/or services, the control events identified by reference to user interest identifiers. Identified material is analyzed by a classification program to determine whether control events are present. A control event classification is assigned to documents and received data determined to contain at least one discovered control event, the assigned control event classification and information identifying the associated document and data is stored in a classification database, and a report of discovery of documents and data containing control events is to be provided to a user. The report may include a link to the control event classification and/or its associated document or data.

Methods and systems for identification of paraphrases from an index of information items and associated sentence fragments are described. One method described comprises identifying a pair of sentence fragments each having a same associated information item from an index, wherein the index comprises a plurality of information items and associated sentence fragments, and identifying a paraphrase pair from the pair of sentence fragments.

An automated technique compares two sets of documents (such as two source codebases) to automatically determine documents within each set that are similar to one another. The technique constructs a matrix relating pairs of documents from the first and second sets of documents to lines that occur in both documents in each of the pairs of documents. A similarity score is calculated for each of the pairs of documents based on the lines from the matrix.

A Configuration Management DataBase (CMDB) is utilized to reconcile names of enterprise computer resources in a Configuration Management Database (CMDB). Steps taken include creating a resource that belongs to a class that has multiple naming rules; in response to determining that more than one set of naming attributes is provided by the multiple naming rules, generating a set of valid names, in a priority order, for the resource; and correlating different names for the resource by, in accordance with the priority order, assigning one name for the resource to be a master name and assigning all other names for the resource to be alias names.

Two methods for measuring keyword-document relevance are described. The methods receive a keyword and a document as input and output a probability value for the keyword. The first method is a similarity-based approach which uses techniques for measuring similarity between two short-text segments to measure relevance between the keyword and the document. The second method is a regression-based approach based on an assumption that if an out-of-document phrase (the keyword) is semantically similar to an in-document phrase, then relevance scores of the in and out-of document phrases should be close to each other.

A human or hand-labeled ranking of URL results for a search query is compared against actual click data for the respective query/URL pairs (e.g., which URLs were actually clicked on by users when the URLs were presented to users when the search query was run in the real world). The human ranking or ordering of the URL results (e.g., pre-existing relevance ranking) for the query can then be adjusted, if necessary, based upon the real world click data (e.g., click relevance ranking). The modified pre-existing relevance ranking can be used in providing future search results.

In one embodiment, a search query is received. Information identifying a bookmark representing the search query is automatically stored in association with a set of bookmarks. Search results corresponding to the search query are automatically obtained and provided, where the search results identify one or more documents. When one of the documents is selected, a link to the selected one of the documents is automatically stored in association with the bookmark.

In one embodiment, a geographical information system has an information database and a client computing system that is coupled to a web server. A web based application is operable to display a map that includes a particular geographical location, retrieve at least one of a plurality of data records from the metadata database, and display the at least one data record at the particular geographical location of the map for a user. The web based application is executable on the client computing system or on the web server using a web browser.

A system for ranking geospatial entities is described. In one embodiment, the system comprises an interface for receiving ranking data about a plurality of geospatial entities and an entity ranking module. The module uses a ranking mechanism to generate place ranks for the geospatial entities based on the ranking data. Ranked entity data generated by the entity ranking module is stored in a database. The entity ranking module may be configured to evaluate a plurality of diverse attributes to determine a total score for a geospatial entity. The entity ranking module may be configured to organize ranked entity data into placemark layers.

A method for processing access control lists using a hashing scheme includes receiving a packet identifying data and determining a fixed number of a plurality of hash tables comprising a fixed number of two or more buckets comprising a fixed number of one or more entries, such that the two or more hash tables store data in memory associated with an access control list. The method also includes searching the one or more hash tables in parallel for the identifying data using a plurality of hashing functions and returning a search result.

A method includes receiving a query that identifies an input data source. A query category for a query operator in the received query is identified. A data source category for the input data source is also identified. A results object is generated based on the identified query category and the identified data source category. The results object supports at least one of random access and sequential access to results produced by the query operator.

Disclosed are various embodiments for locating product references in community content. Character sequences (n-grams) are extracted from a page of text content. Each n-gram is evaluated as a potential product reference using a product catalog search for the n-gram or a conditional probability for the n-gram. The conditional probability is obtained from behavior-based search data. When the search was used for the evaluation, each n-gram is found to be a potential product based on results from the product catalog search. When the behavior-based search data was used for the evaluation; each n-gram is found to be a potential product based on the conditional probability exceeding a threshold.

A method and apparatus is provided for hosting within a search engine, large-scale heterogeneous repositories of searchable and navigable content. Customers of the hosting platform are customers wanting to outsource the management of their searchable content. Content domain experts from each customer independently define a taxonomy of categories and attributes for their structured content that form a hierarchical set of nodes (a directed graph) that are mapped to a common physical search engine infrastructure. The mapping algorithm that maps unique attributes across potentially very different subject domains onto the same physical infrastructure is introduced. Once the physical structure is created, the search engine can use it for searching or navigating just within one customer's domain or users can search across multiple customer domains. When a customer makes changes to the logical structure, each individual change is categorized as compatible and incompatible, and executed in different time frames based on the amount of disruption it will require to the operational system.

Techniques for identifying similar queries based on their overall similarity and partial similarity of time series of frequencies of the queries are provided. To identify queries that are similar to a target query, the query analysis system generates, for each query, an overall similarity score for that query and the target query based on the time series of the query and the target query. The query analysis system also generates, for each query, partial similarity scores for the query and the target query based on various time sub-series of the overall time series of the queries. The query analysis system then identifies queries as being similar to the target query based on the overall similarity scores and the partial similarity scores of the queries.

A system and method for implementing data deduplication-aware copying of data are provided. In response to a request to copy a source file between a source filesystem and a destination filesystem, file mapping information corresponding to the source file is retrieved. The file mapping information is stored in a source filesystem map. The source filesystem accesses a source logical volume. The source logical volume maps to a deduplication storage area. The destination filesystem accesses a destination logical volume. The destination logical volume maps to the deduplication storage area. The source file comprises data stored in the deduplication storage area. A destination file is allocated, based on the file mapping information, in the destination filesystem. The destination file is mapped to the data stored in the data deduplication storage area.

Unique identifiers referred to as “keys” are generated for objects stored on each node. When a container object including at least one embedded object is transferred from a sending node to a receiving node, the sending node sends the key uniquely identifying the embedded object to the receiving node to determine whether the embedded object is already stored on the receiving node. If the receiving node indicates that the embedded object is already stored at the receiving node, then the sending node determines that the embedded object does not need to be sent to the receiving node. In that case, if the embedded object has not been sent, the sending node does not send the embedded object. If the sending node has already started sending the embedded object, then the sending node terminates sending of the embedded object.

Embodiments of the invention are directed to a system for updating a portable communication device from a media file server. The device automatically orders updating of the media files in a file storage based on detecting the processing of a number of media files and types of possible wireless connections between device and server. In doing this the device removes processed media files, determines an updating volume based on the available storage space in the file storage, requests a transfer of new media files from the server to the device, receives new media files replacing removed media files and stores them in the file storage. The server has a media file archive comprising a number of media files and an archive control unit, which receives the request for transfer, selects new media files that fit into the updating volume and sends them to the device.

Techniques for remote resource mounting are provided. A login resource logs into a network. During the login, a mounting specification associated with the login resource is acquired. The mounting specification defines how a remote resource is to be locally mounted on a local device of the login resource. The mounting specification is communicated to a mounting service, which processes on the local device of the login resource and which locally mounts the remote resource on the local device.

An apparatus, and an associated method, synchronizes directory services based on group membership. A synchronization scope is defined by the group membership to a specified nesting level of nestable groups. Groups within the synchronization scope are fetched and de-nested. And, once fetched, the members of the fetched and de-nested groups are fetched. The fetched object names are used to update the destination directory service.

A system integrator for modeling an object instance of a COBOL data set, the object instance including representations of OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses or REDEFINE clauses. The system comprises a client interface module, an import module, an object model module and modeler module. The client interface module generates an interface and receives a copybook selection and a set of REDEFINE criteria. The import module receives the copybook selection and imports a copybook from a database. The object model module receives the copybook and the set of REDEFINE criteria, and creates a customized object model for the copybook. The modeler module receives the customized object model and a set of COBOL data, and forms an object instance equivalent to the set of COBOL data, the object instance including representations of a OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause or REDEFINE clause.

A learning system according to the present invention includes an event list database for storing a plurality of event lists, each of the event lists being a set including a series of state-action pairs which reaches a state-action pair immediately before earning a reward, an event list managing section for classifying state-action pairs into the plurality of event lists for storing, and a learning control section for updating expectation of reward of a state-action pair which is an element of each of the event lists.

In order appropriately to prevent leakage of an authentication symbol string such as a credit card number, and for it to be possible for a user to be authenticated as a legitimate user: an ID issuance server 20 receives the first eight digits of the credit card number from a portable telephone device 10 of the user and issues a one-time ID to the portable telephone device 10; a service provision server 30 receives the last eight digits of the credit card number and the one-time ID from a PC 11, and transmits the one-time ID and those last eight digits to a number construction and authentication processing server 40; and the number construction and authentication processing server 40 receives the one-time ID and the last eight digits from the service provision server 30, communicates with the ID issuance server 20 and acquires the first eight digits which correspond to the one-time ID, reconstructs the credit card number, and performs authentication with the credit card number.

Systems and methods are disclosed for providing secure, captured data in a customer center. In one embodiment, the method comprises: capturing data with a recording system; receiving a request to retrieve electronic keys for encrypting the data; responsive to receiving the request, transmitting the electronic keys to the recording system; encrypting the data using the electronic keys; associating the electronic keys with the encrypted data; and storing the encrypted data in the recording system.

Systems and methods for personal financial management using a financial card having a body with a front side and a back side, and a primary account number user associated with a primary account of a user of the financial card. A user interface is configured for receiving input from the user at a time of use of the financial card for selecting a subaccount indicator from among a plurality of subaccount indicators each of which is associated with a subaccount within the primary account. A magnetic strip is positioned on the back side and includes a user definable portion configurable by the user at a time of use of the financial card for a transaction. The user interface is adapted to configure the user definable portion to include the user selected subaccount indicator.

Systems and methods for processing bill payments. A consumer may send a bill payment request online to a payment processing network, such as through an online bill payment interface. The payment processing network can coordinate with a non-bank acquirer to settle the bill payment with the biller. The liability for the transaction may fall on the issuer, who may be responsible for all parties fulfilling the transaction. The non-bank acquirer may coordinate among the various parties, but may not have liability for fulfillment of the transaction. The non-bank acquirer can deposit funds for the bill payment in a biller bank, and accounts receivable data can be sent to the biller for reconciliation of the bill.

A method and system of the present invention are directed to expediting payments for scheduled delivery (e.g., same day delivery, next day delivery) to various payees or recipients. A computer implemented method and system for expediting payments may include receiving recipient data and payment data from a customer at a remote location; wherein recipient data comprises recipient identifier and payment data comprises payment type and delivery time; obtaining a payment instrument based at least in part on the payment data; debiting an amount of the payment instrument from an account identified by the customer; and delivering the payment instrument to a facility; wherein the facility delivers the payment instrument to a recipient identified by the recipient data entered by the customer.

The invention is a method of obtaining credit life insurance for an individual by means of a service organization. In detail, the steps include: 1) registering the individual with the service organization via a computer system in a computer network; 2) accessing credit information on the individual by means of the computer system in the computer network and determining the total debt of the individual; 3) determining the amount of debt to be covered by credit life insurance benefits; 4) creating a data base including insurance companies that provide credit life insurance benefits, the data base further including the premiums that the insurance companies charge for issuing their credit life insurance; 5) selecting specific coverage with required specific premiums; 6) obtaining the individual's approval of the required specific premiums via the computer system in the computer network; and 7) obtaining credit life insurance benefits for the individual.

A method and apparatus for generating a tradable security includes confirming a vendor's compliance with predefined terms of a commercial transaction, such that a buyer is obligated to make a due payment. The method and apparatus further includes electronically rating a financial commitment relating to a receivable account for the commercial transaction. This receivable account is rated based on conditions and factors known to a system facilitating the commercial transaction. Based on the ability for the financial commitment to be rated, a financial exchange is operative to transfer entitlement rights to monies due under the receivable account where the terms for the transfer of the entitlement rights are based at least in part on the electronic rating. Thereby, receivable accounts to commercial transactions may be tradable by one or more investors as properly rated investment.

Effective selection of trade execution strategies using a multi-dimensional model is disclosed. A relationship exists between order difficulty and execution strategy. Execution strategy depends on order difficulty, and order difficulty has many dimensions. The multi-dimensional model classifies trade orders according to the dimensions, and then maps these classified trade orders into suitable execution strategies. For each trade order, one or more appropriate strategies are automatically selected and presented to the trader to assist the trader in making an informed and timely decision.

Systems and methods for user-configurable financial instrument inspection are provided. A user may select the type of financial performance information and presentation format of the financial performance information to be displayed when the user selects a particular financial instrument. The user may associate a set of financial performance information and presentation format with a particular financial market for financial instruments. The financial instrument inspector may also facilitate trading of financial instruments.

Methods, systems, and machine-readable media are disclosed for identification of an individual and evaluation of risk from doing business with that individual. In one embodiment a method of evaluating a risk from conducting business with an individual comprises receiving identity information related to the individual. The identity information includes information from an identity credential presented by the individual. The identity credential is validated based on the information from the identity credential and one or more positive databases. An identity of the individual is verified based on the identity information and the one or more positive databases. The identity information is screened against one or more negative databases indicating past losses to one or more entities. Results of the screening are reported based on one or more criteria of an entity considering doing business with the individual.

In a particular embodiment, a method of presenting assets related to media content includes receiving data indicating a selection of a selectable trigger from a destination device and identifying video content associated with the selectable trigger. The method further includes providing an electronic storefront to the destination device in response to the data indicating the selection of the selectable trigger. A plurality of assets related to the video content can be purchased via the electronic storefront. The plurality of assets includes at least a first asset type and a second asset type.

A system for facilitating the communication of images includes a central computer and at least one remote computer in communication with the central computer via a communication link. Computer executable instructions executing on the at least one remote computer automatically and without user input determine whether an image is available for download from the central computer, and if an image is available for download from the central computer, automatically and without user input download the image in the background. Additional computer executable instructions executing on the at least one remote computer, after the download of the image is completed, generate and cause to be displayed a notification that the image is ready for display. Further computer executable instructions executing on the at least one remote computer, in response to a request to display the downloaded image, cause the image to be displayed.

Computer systems and methods are disclosed for improving professional services delivery, such as services in a data management environment. In certain examples, computer systems comprise portals for transmitting and receiving information from parties involved in the performance and receipt of professional services. For instance, a first portal can receive data (e.g., from sales personnel) descriptive of a customer's product environment. A manager module populates a record with the data, and a second portal provides the customer with access to the record for review, correction and/or validation prior to the generation of a Statement of Work or other like project description. The second portal can also request additional information from the customer regarding the product environment. The manager module compares the data received through the first portal with the customer-entered information to identify and/or address discrepancies between the sets of data and customize the generation of the Statement of Work.

A system for calculating financial benefit estimations and generating reports for multi-dimensional project plans for implementing packaged software applications, the system includes: a view layer configured to act as a user interface for user inputs and system outputs; a model and control layer configured to implement rules based on a series of estimation and implementation models, and to perform calculations to determine financial benefits of implementing multi-dimensional project plans; an estimation knowledge base layer configured to hold and derive the series of estimation and implementation models; and wherein the system for generating financial benefit estimations and reports for the implementation of packaged software applications is carried out over networks comprising: the Internet, intranets, local area networks (LAN), and wireless local area networks (WLAN).

A method for automated time banking is provided. The method includes creating a time bank for an employee within an organization in a memory, and assigning the time bank to the employee. The method also includes determining base hours, vacation hours, and hours worked for the employee, and processing the base hours, vacation hours, and hours worked in a computer to determine time bank hours for the employee. The method further includes storing the time bank hours in the time bank, processing the time bank in the computer to determine a work schedule for the employee, and storing the work schedule in the memory.

A system is disclosed that is designed to enable users to obtain a customized specification for a particular project, and to develop a final specification for the associated building project along with a variety of up to date supportive technical documentation relating to the selected building products and systems. The system may include a computer implemented work flow that presents the user with a plurality of screens to elicit user responses to various building product selection criteria. Based on the user responses, a list of qualifying building products/systems is presented to the user for final selection. The system is PC based for ease of use at a work site, and may periodically be connected to one or more manufacturers' web sites via the Internet to download the most recent information available about the manufacturer's products. The system contains a green feature that enables users to minimize the environmental impact of the building project.

A method and a system for determining a risk of losses, which can be implemented as a computer-implemented method and a computer system for determining for an institution the risk of losses associated with a line of business.

A method for monitoring patient compliance to medical therapy that includes repeatedly measuring therapy compliance of a patient, uploading the therapy compliance measurements to a personal computer, connecting a central server using the personal computer, sending the uploaded therapy compliance measurements from the personal computer to the central server, providing a number of predetermined compliance threshold amounts, comparing the sent therapy compliance measurements with the number of predetermined compliance thresholds corresponding to the patient, determining a need and level of intervention based on the result of the comparing and reporting the determined need for intervention to a health professional corresponding to the patient and determined level.

A method for providing prescription renewal request information via an electronic network. Upon receiving a request from a client for renewal request information for a particular prescriber, a report is generated containing the requested renewal request information and transmitted to the client. The transmitted report allows the client to easily review renewal request information and helps the client to manage appointments with patients whom the prescriber wishes to see. Depending on the client request, the transmitted report may be an “active renewals” page containing renewal request information regarding renewal requests that the prescriber has not reviewed, an “archived renewals” page containing renewed request information regarding renewal requests that the prescriber has reviewed, an “appointment” page containing renewal request information regarding patients with whom the prescriber wishes to make an appointment, or a “prescription detail” page containing detailed renewal request information regarding a particular renewal request.

A system and method for determining a set of attributes to a communication includes a decision engine, a monitoring module, and application software. The decision engine receives communications and assigns a set of attributes to each received communication. Each communication and associated set of attributes is sent to the communication's corresponding application which processes the set of attributes for performing an action, such as display. The monitoring module monitors an item selected by the system user. The monitoring module may feed the selected item and associated communication back to the decision module. The decision engine may process the feedback on-line or in real-time. The decision module is a learning system that updates classification criteria using feedback. Classification scores associated with each set of attributes may represent an estimate of the statistical likelihood that each attribute is the proper response to the communication.

A solution for analyzing a circuit using initial charge information is provided. In particular, one or more nodes in a design for the circuit is initialized with an initial charge. The charge can comprise a non-equilibrium charge, thereby simulating the history effect, the impact of a charged particle, electro-static discharge (ESD), and/or the like. Operation of the circuit is then simulated over a set of input cycles based on the initial charge(s). To this extent, the non-equilibrium initial condition solution enables the state of the circuit to be controlled and solves the initial system based on these values. This capability is very useful to condition the circuit at a worst-case, best-case, and/or the like, status. Further, in one embodiment of the invention, a set of equations are provided to implement the non-equilibrium initial charge analysis, which provide a more efficient initialization of the circuit than current solutions.

A method of determining a Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) effect that combines degradation and recovery for dynamic operation of an integrated circuit (IC) includes: specifying one or more parameters for a degradation model for the IC during a stressed portion of a voltage cycle; specifying one or more parameters for a recovery model for the IC during an unstressed portion of the voltage cycle; determining a degradation value for the voltage cycle from the degradation model; determining a recovery value for the voltage cycle from the recovery model; determining an NBTI value that combines the degradation value and the recovery value for the voltage cycle; and saving at least one value for the NBTI value.

Systems and methods for simulating ballistic motion on an animated object by continuously defining rest poses of the animation object in a motion simulator. Tetrahedral finite element simulation may be used with control mechanisms that target the simulation pose towards the animation. A simulation mesh is generated for two or more animated poses based on a first simulation mesh corresponding to a first pose of the animated object. The simulation meshes of the two or more animated poses are provided to a simulator for use by the simulator such that in the absence of external force and acceleration the simulator output approximates the animated poses. Embodiments of the present invention are particularly useful for fleshy, blobby animation objects such as human characters, although the techniques can be used for other objects having different characteristics.

Signal detection circuitry for a serial interface oversamples the input—i.e., samples the input multiple times per clock cycle—so that the likelihood of missing a signal is reduced. Sampling may be done with a regenerative latch which has a large bandwidth and can latch a signal at high speed. The amplitude threshold for detection may be programmable, particularly in a programmable device. Thus, between the use of a regenerative latch which is likely to catch any signal that might be present, and the use of oversampling to avoid the problem of sampling at the wrong time, the likelihood of failing to detect a signal is greatly diminished. Logic, such as a state machine, may be used to determine whether the samples captured s do or do not represent a signal. That logic may be programmable, allowing a user to set various parameters for signal detection.

The invention creates a control and evaluation apparatus for different sensor units, having: a stabilized supply unit for supplying the sensor unit with electrical energy; an amplifier device for amplifying a sensor signal generated by the sensor unit, which signal is delivered to the amplifier device as an input signal, and for outputting a measured signal dependent on the sensor signal; and an output unit for outputting the amplified sensor signal as an output signal. The amplifier device contains an integrated measuring resistor for measuring a voltage drop produced by the sensor signal, the voltage drop being delivered to the amplifier device as the input signal. In addition, in a comparator unit downstream from the amplifier device, the measured signal is compared with a definable threshold value, the threshold value being adjustable as a function of the sensor unit being used.

Some embodiments of the present invention provide a system that analyzes data from a computer system. During operation, the system obtains the sensor data from a component in the computer system using a set of sensors. Next, the system transmits the sensor data to a microcontroller unit (MCU) coupled to the sensors and stores the sensor data in internal memory of the MCU. Finally, the system assesses the integrity of the component by analyzing the sensor data using a pattern-recognition apparatus in the MCU.

The charged particle beam writing apparatus includes a position deflection control circuit. First digital data that is to be used for circuit diagnosis is transmitted from the position deflection control circuit to the DAC amplifier unit at the same rate as a rate of writing on a product reticle and stored in a first maintenance memory. Second digital data is output from a digital section included in the DAC amplifier unit in response to the first digital data and stored in a second maintenance memory. A maintenance clock generator generates a clock signal and reads the first digital data stored in the first maintenance memory and the second digital data stored in the second maintenance memory. The first digital data thus read is compared with the second digital data thus read for each bit to diagnose the digital section.

Disclosed below are representative embodiments of methods, apparatus, and systems used to reduce power consumption during integrated circuit testing. Embodiments of the disclosed technology can be used to provide a low power test scheme and can be integrated with a variety of compression hardware architectures (e.g., an embedded deterministic test (“EDT”) architecture). Among the disclosed embodiments are integrated circuits having programmable test stimuli selectors, programmable scan enable circuits, programmable clock enable circuits, programmable shift enable circuits, and/or programmable reset enable circuits. Exemplary test pattern generation methods that can be used to generate test patterns for use with any of the disclosed embodiments are also disclosed.

An embodiment of a calibration standard includes a substrate, a set of conductive structures fabricated on the substrate, and a conductive end structure fabricated on the substrate. The set of conductive structures include an inner conductive structure, a first outer conductive structure positioned to one side of the inner conductive structure, and a second outer conductive structure positioned to an opposite side of the inner conductive structure. The inner and outer conductive structures are aligned in parallel with each other along offset principal axes of the inner and outer conductive structures. The conductive end structure is electrically connected between an end of the first outer conductive structure and an end of the second outer conductive structure, and the conductive end structure is spatially separated from an end of the inner conductive structure at the surface of the substrate.

A method is present for processing a signal. A response signal is received from a structure. The response signal is decomposed into a plurality of signals based on a number of characteristics. A mode in the plurality of signals is identified based on a number of known characteristics for the mode, wherein the mode has a velocity.

The invention relates bridge structure safety evaluation technology by means of combining vibration measuring and structural model analysis techniques for bridge erosion evaluation and pre-warning monitoring applications. This technology can also be applied for long-term bridge structure monitoring and safety evaluation as well as judgment and evaluation of rail structure abnormality.

A method is provided for optimizing the cycling frequency between engine on/off states in a vehicle having a controller and auto start/auto stop functionality. The method includes detecting an engine state cycling event, measuring a plurality of vehicle operating values, and using the controller to optimize the cycling frequency via at least one of: automatically adjusting an interval between an auto start event and an auto stop event when each of a first set of the vehicle operating values exceeds a corresponding threshold, and temporarily inhibiting the auto start/auto stop functionality when any value in a second set of the vehicle operating values falls outside of a hysteresis band created around the second set. A vehicle includes an engine and a controller having an algorithm for optimizing the cycling frequency between engine on/off states as set forth above.

A method and control module for controlling an engine includes a lift command module that commands a first lift state after detecting an engine shut-down signal and a shut-down delay determination module that determines a shut-down delay period, that continues spark and fuel control before the shut-down delay period and that ends spark and fuel control to shut down the engine after the shut-down delay period.

In a method for recovering energy in a braking process of a hybrid vehicle which has an internal combustion engine and an electric drive, as well as a hydraulic or pneumatic braking system, the exploitation of the electric drive is able to be optimized if the braking system includes at least one pressure reduction valve, using which the braking pressure exerted by the driver is able to be reduced as a function of the deceleration proportion of the electric machine.

A method for driver support in a vehicle in which a driver assistance system monitors a driving situation of the vehicle. Support takes place after a confirmation or after the absence of an abort instruction, a dialogue about the extent of support the driver wishes being conducted between the driver and the driver assistance system.

A hybrid engine control system for use with a vehicle or other load which employs a motor/generator unit connected through controllable couplers to a kinetic energy storage device and to one or more internal combustion engine modules in a programmed manner. Several embodiments provide varying configurations to satisfy various power and packaging design requirements.

The present invention provides a method for reducing the vibration caused by gear backlash in a drive system for a hybrid vehicle, where the method can preferably reduce backlash vibration caused by gear elements between a motor and driving wheels when the hybrid vehicle is driven by the motor.

A system and method for filtering information from an electronic flight bag system (EFB) used on a mobile platform, for example, on an aircraft. In one embodiment the system makes use of an EFB having a display with a selection to enable a filter. When the filter is enabled, the user is presented with a plurality of options for limiting retrieved information to only specific types of information or data. This allows one, two or more layers of filtering to be implemented on the information that is searched and obtained from the EFB, and enables a limited subset of information to be obtained that is available for viewing on a display associated with the EFB. The system and method eliminates or significantly reduces the amount of non-relevant information that the crew members are required to review when attempting to obtain specific types of information from the EFB.

Embodiments of the present invention provide an augmentation apparatus, program product, and methods for providing updated mission control data to an embedded control system of an aircraft or other vehicle. This augmentation can include a mission system interface unit, a user interface unit, and a display unit. The mission system interface unit can interface with the embedded control system and can exchange data and control signals with the embedded control system. The user interface unit can couple to the mission system interface unit and the display unit to provide a user a direct interface with embedded control system and to supplement the displays of the embedded control system.

The present invention relates to a power riding apparatus with electronic options, a wireless user interface for control such apparatus, and a wave-information-system. One embodiment of the power riding apparatus is a surf board configured with a booster system. The booster system is electrically associated with an onboard controller. The onboard controller is in wireless communication with a user interface associated with a user. The user activates the user interface as desired to control the booster system and activate other board features such as: lighting system, repellant system, anti-theft system, entertainment system, recording system, and communication system. Embodiments of the invention include surf boards, water boards of all types, as wells as boards with wheels such as skate boards.

A building automation system (BAS) architecture is disclosed. The BAS comprises, in one embodiment, an architecture comprising a communication network and having a dynamic extensibility capability and an automatic configuration capability; an engine communicatively coupled to the communication network; and at least one control device communicatively coupled to the communication network, the control device being known or unknown to the engine. The engine can be adapted to selectively implement the dynamic extensibility capability to establish communications with and to control both known and unknown control devices. The engine can be further adapted to selectively implement the automatic configuration capability to determine at least one characteristic of both known and unknown control devices. A method of adding a control device to a building automation system (BAS) by dynamically extending and automatically configuring an architecture of the BAS is also disclosed.

A robotic cleaner includes a cleaning assembly for cleaning a surface and a main robot body. The main robot body houses a drive system to cause movement of the robotic cleaner and a microcontroller to control the movement of the robotic cleaner. The cleaning assembly is located in front of the drive system and a width of the cleaning assembly is greater than a width of the main robot body. A robotic cleaning system includes a main robot body and a plurality of cleaning assemblies for cleaning a surface. The main robot body houses a drive system to cause movement of the robotic cleaner and a microcontroller to control the movement of the robotic cleaner. The cleaning assembly is located in front of the drive system and each of the cleaning assemblies is detachable from the main robot body and each of the cleaning assemblies has a unique cleaning function.

An appliance having a housing including a body defining a compartment and a door attached to the body, a water supplier including a first valve actuator configured to cause water to be dispensed by the water supplier, a supply container holder configured to hold a supply container for a liquid supply, at least one user input device including a touch screen configured to enable a user to make an input to request dispensing of the liquid supply from the supply container, a supply dispenser including a second valve actuator and configured to cause the liquid supply in the supply container to be selectively dispensed from the supply container based on the input made by the user using the touch screen, and a dispensing computer configured to receive a dispense signal from the touch screen, in response to receipt of the dispense signal, cause the second valve actuator to cause the liquid supply in the supply container to be dispensed from the supply container for a first period of time to dispense an appropriate amount of liquid supply, and store data representative of the amounts of the liquid supply dispensed by the supply dispenser.

The method provides a planning system where production plans and safety stocks are determined simultaneously, thus resulting in coupled target stock calculation and production plan. The closer the manufacturing process gets to the next production event, the lower the safety stock needs to be. In this approach, assumptions on the average production lead time—which might be wrong—do not need to be made. Indeed, if the production plan and the safety stock are simultaneously computed, it is clear when the next production is going to occur. As a result, production variability only needs to be considered in relation to the probability of unexpected events in manufacturing (e.g. a machine breakdown) as opposed to taking provision for variability of the production cycle due to situations that can be anticipated at the planning step.

A plant control system includes at least one control apparatus, and an engineering apparatus for changing a security state of the control apparatus. The control apparatus includes: a security management part for accepting a security level change request downloaded from the engineering apparatus and changing a security level of the control apparatus by referring to a password held by the control apparatus; and a change permission part for permitting a change in the security level by the security management part.

A therapy program is selected based on a patient state, where the patient state comprises at least one of a movement state, sleep state or speech state. In this way, therapy delivery is tailored to the patient state, which may include specific patient symptoms. The therapy program is selected from a plurality of stored therapy programs that comprise therapy programs associated with a respective one at least two of the movement, sleep, and speech states. Techniques for determining a patient state include receiving volitional patient input or detecting biosignals generated within the patient's brain. The biosignals are nonsymptomatic and may be incidental to the movement, sleep, and speech states or generated in response to volitional patient input.

Devices and methods for controlling the low-pressure baroreflex system for the treatment and/or management of cardiovascular, renal, and neurological disorders.

Augmentation of electrical conduction and contractility by biphasic cardiac pacing. A first stimulation phase is administered to the cardiac blood pool. This first stimulation phase has a predefined polarity, amplitude and duration. A second stimulation phase is then administered to the cardiac blood pool. This second phase also has a predefined polarity, amplitude and duration. The two phases are applied sequentially. Contrary to current thought, anodal stimulation is first applied and followed by cathodal stimulation. In this fashion, pulse conduction through the cardiac muscle is improved together with the increase in contractility.

A neural stimulation system delivers neural stimulation to the vagus nerve and senses a signal indicative of laryngeal activity resulting from the neural stimulation. The signal indicative of laryngeal activity is used, for example, to guide electrode placement, determine stimulation threshold, detect lead/electrode problems, detect neural injury, and monitor healing processing following the electrode placement inside the body of a patient.

Delivering electrical stimulation to a body tissue by a circuit. The circuit includes a first and second terminal electrically coupled to body tissue. A sole capacitor has a first electrode and a second electrode. The first electrode is coupled to the first terminal. The second electrode is coupled to a power source through a switch.

A method and system for maintaining calibration of a distributed localization system are presented. After a baseline calibration of sensors distributed on a working instrument and reference instrument, if movement of the reference instrument is detected, shape sensing data from a Bragg shape sensing fiber also coupled to the reference instrument may be utilized to recalibrate the localization system. The reference instrument preferably is located intraoperatively in a relatively constrained anatomical environment, such as in the coronary sinus of the heart, to prevent significant movement.

A method, system and device for tracking an anatomical structure includes a section having a small cross section relative to the length, a first end of the section having a tip capable of being removably attached to the anatomical structure; and a second end of the section that has two position-indicating sensors located thereon. The position-indicating sensors are tracked and displayed by the system.

It is disclosed a system and method (12) for determining a property map (82) of an object, particularly a human being, based on at least a first image (84), particularly an magnetic resonance (MR) image, of the object. In the method (12), a structure of reference pairs is defined in a first step (96), wherein each reference pair (16-26) comprises at least two entries (62). The first entry represents a property value, particularly an attenuation value. The second entry (62) preferably represents a group of image points (67) belonging together, which is extracted particularly from MR images (28) and comprises an interesting image point corresponding to the property value. In another step (98) of the method (12) a plurality of training pairs (16-26) is provided. A structure of the training pairs (16-26) corresponds to the structure of reference pairs, and the entries of respective training pairs (16-26) are known. In another step (100) of the method (12), an assignment between the first entries and the other entries (62-66) of the training pairs (16-26) is determined by machine learning, thus allowing prediction of a property value (88) corresponding to an arbitrary point (90) of the first image (84).

A magnetic resonance imaging apparatus includes a first navigator data processor that generates a first phase profile based on first navigator data acquired by executing a first navigator sequence, generates a position profile indicative of a relationship between a plurality of region positions and time at which the first navigator sequence is executed, and detects a specific position in the position profile. A second navigator data processor generates a second phase profile based on second navigator data acquired by executing a second navigator sequence, detects the position of each region with respect to each second phase profile within a reference range set so as to contain the specific position, based on each second phase profile, and acquires the same as its corresponding position data.

Systems and methods for processing sensor analyte data, including initiating calibration, updating calibration, evaluating clinical acceptability of reference and sensor analyte data, and evaluating the quality of sensor calibration. During initial calibration, the analyte sensor data is evaluated over a period of time to determine stability of the sensor. The sensor may be calibrated using a calibration set of one or more matched sensor and reference analyte data pairs. The calibration may be updated after evaluating the calibration set for best calibration based on inclusion criteria with newly received reference analyte data. Fail-safe mechanisms are provided based on clinical acceptability of reference and analyte data and quality of sensor calibration. Algorithms provide for optimized prospective and retrospective analysis of estimated blood analyte data from an analyte sensor.

Systems and methods for processing sensor data are provided. In some embodiments, systems and methods are provided for calibration of a continuous analyte sensor. In some embodiments, systems and methods are provided for classification of a level of noise on a sensor signal. In some embodiments, systems and methods are provided for determining a rate of change for analyte concentration based on a continuous sensor signal. In some embodiments, systems and methods for alerting or alarming a patient based on prediction of glucose concentration are provided.

An oximeter tool includes a base with one or more sensor structures to make measurements, a handle, and a spring connected between the handle and the base. A user can hold the handle while measurements are made and the spring permits the handle to flex relative to the one or more sensor structures.

A device for fabricating thin films on a substrate includes a vacuum chamber, a rotatable platen configured to hold one or more substrates within the vacuum chamber, and a housing disposed within the vacuum chamber. The housing contains a heating element and is configured to enclose an upper surface of the platen and a lower portion configured to partially enclose an underside surface of the platen which forms a reaction zone. A heated evaporation cell is operatively coupled to the lower portion of the housing and configured to deliver a pressurized metallic reactant to the reaction zone. The device includes a deposition zone disposed in the vacuum chamber and isolated from the reaction zone and is configured to deposit a deposition species to the exposed underside of the substrates when the substrates are not contained in the reaction zone.

A system and method for a mobile electronic device operable to receive signals having a plurality of frequencies using an antenna comprising a plurality of conductors is disclosed. A first conductor operable to resonant with a first frequency band is coupled to a second conductor operable to resonant with a second frequency band. The second conductor is coupled to a ground, if the first conductor is coupled to a power supply. The second conductor is coupled to the power supply, if the first conductor is coupled to the ground.

A connector for receiving a cylindrical plug includes a body defining a plug aperture and a cavity for receiving the cylindrical plug. A plurality of electrical contacts in communication with the cavity make electrical connections with the cylindrical plug and retain the cylindrical plug. A microphone is coupled to the body such that the plug aperture and the cavity provide an acoustic path to the microphone. The microphone may be at an end of the connector opposite the plug aperture or on a side of the connector adjacent the plug aperture. The connector allows a microphone to be added to a device, such as a mobile telephone, without the need for an additional external aperture. The microphone in the connector may operate with a second microphone and processing electronics in the device to provide audio processing functions such as noise cancellation or audio beamforming.

A method and device for activating a media player enables efficient and convenient access to media files. The method includes determining that a wireless communication device is not operatively coupled to a network. An operative coupling of a speaker system to the wireless communication device is detected. The media player is then activated automatically in response to detecting the operative coupling of the speaker system to the wireless communication device.

Methods and systems are provided for selectively conducting reverse-link power control and call admission control. In an embodiment, a base station identifies a set of mobile stations more likely than others to experience a dropped call. For each mobile station in the set, the base station relaxes at least one reverse-link power-control setting, to foster an increased actual and/or allowed reverse-link transmission-power level. The base station thereafter detects the dropped-call rate exceeding a first threshold, and responsively decreases the degree to which at least one setting was relaxed. The base station thereafter detects the dropped-call rate exceeding a higher threshold, and responsively drops at least one active call and/or blocks at least one new call.

A radio communication method includes the steps of: calculating a transmission power difference between a first carrier and a second carrier; determining whether or not the transmission power difference exceeds a threshold set up on the basis of a maximum transmission power difference allowable between the first carrier and the second carrier; and stopping transmission of power control information being an instruction to increase transmission power of the carrier having higher transmission power out of the first carrier and the second carrier when the transmission power difference exceeds the threshold set up on the basis of the maximum transmission power difference.

A method of sending a message using a business card with data encoded on a surface, and a mobile phone. The data includes an identifier which uniquely identifies the surface and the mobile telephone senses the coded data to determine the identifier. Using the identifier, the phone retrieves a representation of the business card, which has a plurality of fields, one of which being a messaging field. The business card is displayed on the phone such that the messaging field can be user selected, a message generated and transmitted to a communications address retrieved from a database.

A method and apparatus supporting handoff using simulcasting of multimedia information via a broadband access gateway are disclosed. A broadband access gateway supporting both a personal area network and a broadband network may receive multimedia information simultaneously transmitted to an associated access device by a wide area network. The broadband access gateway may detect the presence of the associated access device, and the associated access device may accept the received multimedia information. The broadband access gateway may send the received multimedia information to the associated access device, and may communicate with the wide area network regarding the presence within the personal area network of the associated access device.

A method of wireless handover in a broadcast network (FIGS. 5 and 8) is disclosed. A wireless receiver (FIG. 4) receives a first signal (N) from a first transmitter (f1). The receiver measures a signal strength (RSSI) of the first signal. The strength of the first signal is compared to a first threshold (T0). The receiver receives a second signal (N+3) from a second transmitter (f3) in response to the step of comparing. The first and the second signals are sent to an application processor (120). The wireless receiver continues to receive the first and second signals until the application processor terminates receiving one of the first and second signals.

A method for determining a priority of a call in a communications network as provided enables improved differentiated service to be provided to network subscribers. According to one aspect, the method comprises processing at a callee mobile switching center associated with a callee device an initial address message received from a caller mobile switching center associated with a caller device (step 205). The initial address message comprises a first priority parameter designating a priority status associated with the caller device. Next, the priority of the call is determined at the callee mobile switching center using both the first priority parameter and a second priority parameter designating a priority status associated with the callee device (step 210).

Systems and methods are disclosed for computing various determinations at one or more mobile devices and/or central machines. In part, such determinations are computed based on analysis of one or more inputs originating at one or more sensors of one or more devices. Such determinations include determining an in-vehicle role, an in-vehicle location, a handheld state, and a vehicle class. Various transformations, modifications, and outputs can result from such determinations. Also disclosed are systems and methods for restricting operation of a mobile device, including restrictions that impede operation by a driver moreso than operation by a passenger. Also disclosed are systems and methods for orienting a coordinate system of a mobile device.

A network connection method and apparatus for improving network connection performance of a mobile station in a Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) system is provided. A network connection method of the present invention includes checking whether a cell change from a first cell to a second cell is detected while waiting for a network connection request message, after an acquisition of a synchronization with a first base station associated with the first cell, determining, if the cell change is detected, whether a synchronization is acquired with a second base station associated with the second cell and whether the network connection request message is detected, initiating, if the network connection request message is detected after the synchronization is acquired with the second base station, a network entry procedure, saving, if the network connection request message is detected before the synchronization is acquired with the second base station, the network connection request message in a buffer, and initiating, if the synchronization is acquired with the second base station after saving the network connection request message, a network entry procedure using the network connection request message saved in the buffer.

A communication device that can easily be added to a network is provided. Processing performed by the communication device for which manipulation for joining a communication network was performed includes the steps of the communication device sensing manipulation of a manipulation panel, performing network detection processing when there is a network that has already been registered, performing pairing processing when there is no registered network, and starting a master operation when there is no registered network.

A communication device supporting multiple wireless protocols may share a common gain element in a coordinated manner. A first wireless protocol circuitry of the communication device may enter an active state, and in response to entering the active state, may determine whether a second wireless protocol circuitry of the communication device is active and whether the common gain element is currently shared. The gain element may be adjustable to amplify signals by an adjustable amount. The first wireless protocol circuitry may take control of the gain element from the second wireless protocol circuitry in response to determining that the second wireless protocol circuitry is active and the gain element is currently shared.

A radio system for a motor vehicle includes a digital antenna coupled by a digital link to a base unit. The digital antenna includes an antenna and a programmable radio tuner coupled to the antenna located exterior of the vehicle, and a first network interface coupled to the radio tuner. The radio tuner selectively tunes to a radio frequency (RF) and convert a RF signal to a baseband signal. The first network interface transmits the baseband signal over the digital link to the base unit.

A radio wave receiver that receives two different sets of radio waves and displays intensity of the received radio waves. First and second radio wave processing portions receive respective radio waves and output various kinds of information, such as video information and audio information. A switching portion receives output signals from the first and second radio wave processing portions, and switches the output signals according to a switching instruction of a controller to supply the output signals to a display portion and a speaker. The controller causes the intensities of the received radio waves in respective tuners of the first and second radio wave processing portions to be displayed simultaneously or in a switching manner based on a user's operation irrespective of which tuner's received radio waves are being processed.

For signaling detection using an adaptive threshold, the channel condition observed by a signaling bit (e.g., a paging indicator bit) is estimated (e.g., by a pilot strength estimate). A metric for the signaling bit is computed based on recovered symbols for the signaling bit and the estimated channel condition. An adaptive threshold is selected based on the estimated channel condition. A decision is derived for the signaling bit based on the metric, the adaptive threshold, and the estimated channel condition. Multiple threshold values may be derived for the adaptive threshold for multiple ranges of estimated channel condition, one threshold value for each range. A look-up table stores the threshold values and provides the proper adaptive threshold value for any given estimated channel condition.

A method for matching an actual device in a wireless network to a corresponding device indicated in a plan of such devices is provided. The method is suitable for initiating the commissioning process for a lighting control network or an automated home network and it enables the program controlling the system to establish a number of reference nodes, with respect to which the coordinates of the rest of the nodes in the network are established, without the engineer having to manually enter the identification details of the reference nodes in the computer system. The method includes identifying a device in the plan having unique characteristics compared to the other devices in the plan, receiving data comprising the characteristics of the actual device from the wireless network, and in response to the characteristics of the actual device including the unique characteristics, matching the physical device with the identified device.

A system and method for communicating through a host repeater. Data is received from a remote repeater communicating with a wireless device. The host repeater registers as the wireless device on a wireless network. The data is reformatted for transmission between the wireless devices and the wireless network.

A main body control part of an image forming device switches select signals to a unicast mode by a communication mode switching part at least when stopping a recording paper that is being transported on a paper feeding path or when transporting a recording paper stopped on the paper feeding path, and switches the select signals to the broadcast mode after transmitting control data. Each of the paper feeding control parts executes a paper feeding control based on the control data received with the unicast mode, upon detecting the broadcast mode.

An image forming system including: an image forming apparatus to perform fixing processing on a sheet based on setting information on a job, and outputs the sheet on which the fixing processing is performed; a humidification device to moisten the sheet outputted from the image forming apparatus, wherein the humidification device including: a pair of humidification rollers to contact with each other so as to form a nip part, and to moisten the sheet which passes through the nip part; a water-supply roller to contact with the humidification rollers so as to supply moisture to the humidification rollers; and a control section to perform dry control of the humidification rollers at a timing when the sheet does not pass through the nip part after the water-supply roller supplies the moisture to the humidification rollers.

An aspect of the invention provides an endless belt in which a ten-point mean roughness of a surface of the endless belt is measured with scanning probe and is in a range from not less than 2.1 nm to not more than 11.0 nm. Thereby, poor transfer does not occur, and a highly fine image of high quality can be obtained.

A rotary driving device includes a rotary shaft supported rotatably about an axis thereof on a predetermined supporting member, a rotary load body mounted on the rotary shaft to project radially outward from the rotary shaft in such a manner that the rotary load body can rotate integrally with the rotary shaft about the axis thereof, a driver for rotating the rotary shaft about the axis thereof, a disk mounted on the rotary shaft coaxially therewith for integral rotation with the rotary shaft, the disk having a mounting hole formed therein, a pendulum loosely fitted in the mounting hole, and an adjustment mechanism for adjusting a relative position relationship between a central axis position of the mounting hole and a center of gravity position of the pendulum under conditions where the disk is rotating.

An image forming device includes a photosensitive member and a charger. The charger includes a wire electrode, a grid electrode and a shield electrode. The shield electrode including first and second ends facing the photosensitive member, the first end being disposed upstream of the second end in a moving direction of the photosensitive member, a shortest distance defined between a plurality of sections of the shield electrode and the wire electrode and being a length of a straight line that connects the wire electrode and an imaginary plane, the shortest distances between the sections of the shield electrode and the wire electrode being equal to one another, a first distance between the first end and a reference plane being smaller than a second distance between the second end and the reference plane, the reference plane including the wire electrode and extending perpendicularly to the photosensitive member.

An image forming apparatus including an image forming unit; a pair of frames that faces each other with sandwiching the image forming unit therebetween, at least one of the pair of frames including: a first frame, which is made of resin, and which forms a lower part thereof; and a second frame, which forms an upper part thereof; a duct that forms an air passageway between an outer side of the pair of frames and an inner side of the pair of frames; a fan that generates airflow in the duct; and a rib wall, which forms at least a part of the duct, and which is integrally molded with the first frame, wherein a width of the rib wall, increases from an upper end side of the first frame to a lower end side of the first frame.

An image heating apparatus includes a coil for generating magnetic flux; a rotatable heater, having an electroconductive layer which generates heat by the magnetic flux, for heating an image on a recording material, the heater being disposed inside the coil; a magnetic member; a detector, disposed in an area between the magnetic member and an area of the heater opposing the coil, for detecting a temperature of the heater; an electric wire electrically connected to the detector; and an interruptor, for interrupting electric power supply to the coil on the basis of an output of the detector supplied through the electric wire. The magnetic member includes an opening through which the wire passes.

An image forming device includes: image forming sections that form toner images with charged toners of respective colors on respective surfaces of image retainers; a transfer accepting body to whose surface the toner images are transferred electrostatically; transfer members that transfer the toner images to the transfer accepting body; a first charge applying section that switches, according to an instruction, between a first mode of applying the charge to all the transfer members and a second mode of applying the charge to apart of the transfer members; and a second charge applying section that applies, when the charge is applied in the second mode, a charge having the same polarity as that of the charged toners, to the transfer accepting body surface, at an applying point upstream from where the toner images are transferred to the transfer accepting body in a moving direction of the transfer accepting body.

A tandem electrophotographic image forming apparatus includes plural toner image forming units and a fixing unit. The plural toner image forming units are disposed in a conveyance direction of a printing medium. Each of the toner image forming units includes a photoreceptor on which a toner image is formed and a transfer member to which a transfer voltage is applied to cause the toner image to be transferred from the photoreceptor onto the printing medium. The fixing unit is disposed on a downstream side of the toner image forming units in the conveyance direction of the printing medium and heats and fixes, to the printing medium, the toner images that have been transferred onto the printing medium. The transfer voltages applied to the transfer members are made smaller the closer to the fixing unit.

An electronic apparatus includes a main body and an optional device detachably connected thereto via two connectors each having multiple signal terminals corresponding to various signals. The main body includes a connection confirmation unit that confirms that a specific signal terminal in the multiple signal terminals of each connector is connected; a request-signal generating unit that sends a request signal from the main body to the optional device via a signal terminal other than the specific signal terminal when connection of the specific signal terminal is confirmed by the connection confirmation unit, and requests a reply signal from the optional device; and a communication confirmation unit that determines that the two connectors of the main body and the optional device are connected when confirming that the reply signal is received via the signal terminal other than the specific signal terminal.

An image forming apparatus includes cartridges mounted to the main body of the image forming apparatus and including at least developing devices that develop latent images, formed on image bearing members, into toner images. The image forming apparatus forms an image onto a recording material. In the apparatus, for the developing devices, first and second cartridges containing toners having the same hue and having different brightnesses may be exchanged with respect to the main body of the image forming apparatus for use. In addition, a maximum toner amount with respect to the image bearing member when the first cartridge is used is made different from a maximum toner amount with respect to the image bearing member when the second cartridge is used.

A dispersion compensation method and a dispersion compensation device in an optical communication system are provided. The method mainly includes the following steps. A dispersion compensation value transmitted through a working path at a second wavelength is received through a non-working path at a first wavelength in an optical communication system. The non-working path at the first wavelength and the working path at the second wavelength use the same service channel. Dispersion in the non-working path at the first wavelength is compensated according to the dispersion compensation value. Therefore, no matter the working path is a main path or a backup path, the dispersion compensation value on the non-working path can be accurately regulated in time, such that the dispersion of the working path reaches an optimal status each time after the protection switching occurs to the service, thereby ensuring the fast switching of the service.

Disclosed is transponder (optical transmitter/receiver) that has a switch, which switches on and off the loopback of an optical path, to allow the same transponder to implement the transmission/reception end function on an optical path, and the regenerative repeating function at an intermediate point on an optical path. When a new optical path is built, the assignment of the wavelength and the allocation of the incoming and outgoing paths for transmission/reception are set remotely.

A method for locating fiber events and an optical network and network device are provided. The method for locating fiber events includes: determining the distance between an event and an OLT, measuring the optical loss of the optical channel between the OLT and an ONU or ONT at the peer end of the measured fiber link, and, according to the measured optical loss of the optical channel, judging whether the event occurs on the measured fiber link, and if so, determining the location of the event on the measured fiber link according to the distance between the event and the OLT.

An optical line monitoring apparatus, including: a group information recording portion which records group information about to which splitter respective terminators are connected; a normal information recording portion which records intensities of reflected lights from a plurality of terminators in a state in which a failure is not occurring in optical lines; a monitored information recording portion which records intensities of reflected lights from the plurality of terminators in failure monitoring time; an attenuation amount determination portion which determines a terminator the reflected light intensity of which is attenuated compared with the corresponding reflected light intensity in normal information; and a control portion which determines, if the intensities of the reflected lights of all the terminators connected to the same splitter are attenuated by the same value, that a failure has occurred between the test apparatus and the splitter to which all the terminators are connected.

An image processor, which determines appropriate exposure parameters for a shutter assembly in a camera. The image processor may computationally determine a region of interest in a scene sought to be captured, and set the parameters to ensure that the exposure parameters are set to capture an image of the scene with the region of interest having a desired brightness level. In an embodiment, pixel values of multiple frames (each frame with a corresponding set of configuration parameters of the shutter assembly) may be examined to determine the frame having pixel values with the region having the desired brightness level. The shutter assembly may be configured with the parameters corresponding to such a frame to provide an auto-exposure feature.

A lens apparatus supported by a support member, includes a correction lens for correcting an image blur, a correction lens driving portion for driving the correction lens, a vibration detection portion for detecting vibration of the lens apparatus, and a driving signal calculation unit for calculating a driving signal used for driving the correction lens. The driving signal calculation unit includes a detected vibration calculation portion for calculating a vibration signal based on an output from the vibration detection portion, a panning/tilting component calculation portion for calculating a pan/tilt operation signal based on pan/tilt operation information input from the support member, and a subtraction portion for subtracting the pan/tilt operation signal from the vibration signal. The correction lens driving portion drives the correction lens based on an output from the subtraction portion.

The present invention relates to a playback apparatus, a method, and a program which can appropriately perform jump playback when content transmitted through a network is played back in real time. A terminal 3 receives stream data transmitted from a server 1, buffers the stream data, and plays back the buffered data. The terminal 3 has multiple buffers to allow content data of the positions of jump destinations that can be specified as a jump destination during jump playback to be pre-buffered in the multiple buffers. As a result, upon receiving a request for jump playback, the terminal 3 can start playback from a jump destination without delay, since the data of the jump destination has already been buffered. The present invention is applied to, for example, television receivers.

A computer implemented method and apparatus for managing digital video recorder storage for one or more users. Each user in the multi-user environment is assigned an amount of program storage in the digital video recorder. Responsive to receiving a request to record a new program from a user in the multi-user environment, an associated amount of program storage assigned to the use is determined. Responsive to a determination that addition of the new program will not exceed the associated amount of program storage assigned to the user, the new program is recorded to the program storage.

Color difference signals of demodulated video are vertically filtered to be converted into 4:2:2 signals before subjected to OSD synthesis, after which those signals are once again vertically filtered as a sort of scaling to obtain the output resolution. As filtering is carried out in two stages, the frequency characteristic deteriorates. A video processor superimposes an OSD video signal on a 4:2:0 format video signal, and includes: a converting section for converting the OSD video signal into YUV signals; an OSD luminance signal scaling section for performing scaling on an OSD luminance signal included in the YUV signals; a luminance signal synthesizing section for synthesizing the scaled OSD luminance signal and the luminance signal of the 4:2:0 format video signal; an OSD color difference signal scaling section for performing scaling on OSD color difference signals included in the YUV signals; and a color difference signal synthesizing section for synthesizing the scaled OSD color difference signals and the color difference components of the 4:2:0 format video signal.

A reproduction apparatus is provided which is capable of reproducing audio data continuously and unbrokenly, without increasing the storage capacity of a storing means.An optical pick-up 101 reads audio information from an optical-disk medium 120 and reads, from the optical-disk medium 120, image information recorded in a position different from the audio information; a first audio compression section 104 lowers the capacity of the read audio information; a first audio storage section 105 stores the audio information whose capacity has been lowered; an audio output section 111 reproduces the stored audio information; a first image storage section 114 stores the read image information; an image output section 118 reproduces the stored image information; the audio information includes first audio information and second audio information which is continuously reproduced after the first audio information; and the first audio compression section 104 lowers the capacity of the first audio information, so that the reading of the second audio information is completed before the reproduction of the first audio information is completed, for the period of time when the image information is reproduced.

A fiber access terminal includes a drop cable side and a distribution cable side. The sides are separated by a frame to which a variety of cable management and cable connections components may be mounted. Optical fibers are routed from drop and distribution cables through a plurality of routing paths to splice trays for connection to other optical fibers. The terminal includes a base and a dome cover mounted to the base defining an enclosed interior. Passageways between the base and the dome cover are closed by removable covers to limit moisture and animals from accessing an interior of the dome cover. A tether connects the removable covers to the frame.

A flexible wiring board including a pair of end regions provided in portions of a flexible wiring board on which a plurality of wires are arranged in parallel in one direction and disposed separately in a wiring lengthwise direction, a wiring region configured in another portion of the wiring board and sandwiched between the end regions, a plurality of flexible wiring fins which is divided by at least one slit that connects the end regions in the wiring region, and a flexible wiring bundle by bundling at least part of the plurality of flexible wiring fins.

An information processing apparatus for processing image data including character information, the processing of image data including a process of inserting interpretation information corresponding to the character information. The information processing apparatus includes an image data acquisition unit, an interpretation information retrieval unit, an area information definition unit, and an insertion style determination unit. The image data acquisition unit acquires the image data including the character information composed of a plurality of characters having a first string of characters. The interpretation information retrieval unit retrieves first interpretation information to be attached to the first string of characters. The area information definition unit computes insertable area information on a first insertable area, usable for inserting the first interpretation information, based on coordinate data of characters in the acquired image data. The insertion style determination unit determines an insertion style of the first interpretation information based on the insertable area information.

An image processing apparatus includes a computation unit that determines an interpolation process starting point and gradient on the basis of a change point at which a difference between pixel values of adjacent pixels of an image signal is greater than zero and is less than or equal to a predetermined threshold value, wherein a position of a pixel scanned earlier or later than the change point by substantially one-half a continuous width of pixels having an identical grayscale value is set as the starting point and the gradient is determined based on a difference between pixel values before and after the change point and the continuous width, and a conversion unit that converts pixel values of the image signal on the basis of the determined starting point and gradient so that a grayscale change from the interpolation process starting point in the image signal corresponds to the gradient.

The present invention discloses a super-resolution method for image display. The method comprises: receiving a low resolution image; dividing the low resolution image into a plurality of regions; finding high resolution patches in a pre-trained database; pasting the high resolution patches back to the plurality of regions by puzzle-form process or oblique-form process and computing the compatibility utilizing a two-dimensional hidden Markov model process; and generating a super-resolution image.

According to a program, a computer determine an interpolation method for interpolating respective pixel values of plural pixels not existing in an input image and positioned on a straight line. Specifically, the computer selects a target pixel from among the plural pixels sequentially; calculates a local correlation value for each correlation calculation direction on the basis of pixel values of first and second pixels respectively existing in the correlation calculation direction and a direction opposite thereto viewed from the target pixel; calculates a cumulative correlation value for each correlation calculation direction on the basis of both the local correlation value and the cumulative correlation value related to a prior pixel selected immediately prior; selects one correlation calculation direction on the basis of the cumulative correlation values; and determines plural pixels for interpolation on the basis of the local and/or the cumulative correlation value (s) corresponding to the selected correlation calculation direction.

A system and method for expansion and reduction of images uses an absolute value associated with each pixel of an input image (e.g., a color and/or intensity value) to determine a respective energy value for each pixel. For example, a given color or range of colors (e.g., skin tones, or other high-priority colors) may be assigned higher energy values than other colors and/or color ranges, and may be protected during image reduction and/or expansion. These energy values may be used to determine a cost associated with various seams of the image, which may represent the priority of the seams in the image. One or more low-cost seams may be identified for removal or replication to produce a resized image. The methods may be used in conjunction with an automated skin tone detector or a user interface that allows selection of one or more high priority colors or color ranges.

A system for multi-modal mapping of images is described. Embodiments are described where the image mapping system is used for visualizing high dynamic range images such as medical images, satellite images, high dynamic range photographs and the like and also for compressing such images. In examples, high bit-depth images are tone-mapped for display on equipment of lower bit-depth without loss of detail. In embodiments, the image mapping system computes statistics describing an input image and fits a multi-modal model to those statistics efficiently. In embodiments, the multi-modal model is a Gaussian mixture model and a plurality of sigmoid functions corresponding to the multi-modal model are obtained. In an embodiment the sigmoid functions are added to form a tone-mapping function which is used to transform a high bit-depth image such as 16 or 12 bits per pixel to a low bit-depth image such as 8 bits per pixel.

To compensate an image, a profile thereof is obtained from pixel values in a marginal area of the image. A background value of the image determined from the profile and correction to the image is performed in accordance with the background value and the profile.

A digital photographing apparatus is provided which can recognize a face even in a dark place, such as under a backlight condition, or in too bright a place, and also provided is a method of controlling the same. According to the method, when a face is not recognized, an exposure value is temporarily adjusted so as to generate an image signal, and a face recognition algorithm is performed from the image signal.

A control IC (integrated circuit) for color sequential liquid crystal displays (LCD) is revealed. The control IC includes an interface for receiving a command and at least one display data and a timing generator to generate a scan timing signal, a data timing signal, and a driving timing signal. According to the scan timing signal, a scan driving circuit generates a scan signal that is sent to the color sequential LCD. In accordance with the data timing signal, a data driving circuit receives the display data for generating a data signal sent to the color sequential LCD. According to the driving timing signal, a light-source driving circuit generates a plurality of driving signals sent to the color sequential LCD so as to generate a plurality of color backlights. In accordance with the scan signal, the data signal and the plurality of backlights, the color sequential LCD displays a frame.

The invention concerns a method comprising a coding step consisting in replacing the original values of the file with coding values of reduced brightness, a common coding value being attributed to a group of original values, a step of restitution consisting in setting correspondence values between the coding value and the restored value, selected from one of the values of the corresponding group, an insertion step consisting in modifying the successive redundant restored values so as to produce shades and a step which consists in reading the values resulting from the insertion step.

A method for the selective presentation of a plurality of images from a set of digital images provided for upload to a computing apparatus, the method comprising providing image data representing the set of digital images for upload, processing said image data in order to determine for respective ones of the images in the set a measure for: i) image quality ranking, ii) duplicate image detection, and iii) face detection; and, on the basis of the determination generating data representing a slideshow for the plurality of images.

The method of identifying an effective pigment comprises: a first step of imaging a target effective pigment to obtain image data thereof; a second step of subjecting the obtained image data to background processing and extracting image data concerning a region containing one particle of the effective pigment as image data for processing; a third step of extracting image characteristic parameters from the image data for processing; and a fourth step of identifying the target effective pigment, based on the image characteristic parameters of the target effective pigment extracted in the third step, using a pre-prepared database that stores information on various kinds of effective pigments in such a manner as to correlate with the image characteristic parameters of various kinds of effective pigments extracted by conducting the second and third steps.

A method, medium and apparatus for correcting a projected image is provided. The method includes detecting a pattern image based on photographing information of consecutive image frames into which a reference pattern and an offset pattern corresponding to the reference pattern are alternately inserted and which are projected onto a projection surface accordingly, and correcting projected image frame, based on the detected pattern image.

A method is proposed for segmenting a 2- or 3-D space, spanned by a set of medical data comprising intensity values at locations within the space, to estimate the position of an object of medical significance. The method using a level set function having a level set which provides a model of boundary of the object. The level set function is iteratively updated by a force defined based on the medical data. For computational efficiency, only the force in the narrowband of the model boundary needs to be calculated. Minimization of an energy function, related to the force, provides a termination condition for the iteration. High level knowledge can be incorporated in several ways, such as by an explicit force term which takes over from the force based on the medical data when prior knowledge of the object is about to be violated by the model.

A first processor calculates a white point of a pixel of interest of image data from surrounding pixels of the pixel of interest, and executes adaptation processing using the calculated white point. A second processor executes adaptation processing using a fixed white point of image data. A selector selects an area of input image data. A color converter executes color conversion of the input image data using the first or second processor corresponding to the selected area.

A novel method and system is disclosed to realistically simulate the progress or worsening of facial skin features that contribute to the overall look and condition of the skin. The method utilizes two close-up photographs of the face, one is captured with a digital camera in standard white light, and the other is captured with the same camera in UV light. Then, the method processes these images to simulate the progress or worsening of the major skin features: hyperpigmented spots, wrinkles and small texture features. The worsening of these features simulates facial skin aging due to prolonged exposures to sunlight, biological aging or degradation of the skin health. The progress of these features simulates the improvement of facial skin in terms of overall look and healthiness as though the patient has gone through a treatment. Therefore, the present invention discloses a series of methods that are useful in dermatology, cosmetics and computer animations.

An apparatus and method for automatically inspecting and repairing printed circuit boards includes an inspection functionality automatically inspecting printed circuit boards and providing a machine readable indication of regions thereon requiring repair. An automatic repair functionality employs the machine readable indication to repair the printed circuit boards at some of the regions thereon requiring repair. An automatic repair reformulation functionality automatically reinspects the printed circuit boards following an initial automatic repair operation, and provides to the automatic repair functionality a reformulated machine readable indication of regions thereon requiring repair.

A biological sample such as a tissue section is stained with one or more quantum dots and possibly other fluorophores (total number of fluorophores N). A camera coupled to a microscope generates an image of the specimen at a plurality of different wavelengths within the emission spectral band of the N fluorophores. An analysis module calculates coefficients C1 . . . CN at each pixel from the set of images and reference spectral data for the N fluorophores. The coefficients C1 . . . CN are related to the concentration of each of the individual fluorophores at each pixel location. Morphological processing instructions find biological structures, e.g., cells, cellular components, genes, etc., in the images of the specimen. Quantitative analysis is performed on the identified biological structures. A display module displays the quantitative analysis results to the user, along with images of the specimen. The images can include images constructed from one or more of the coefficients C1 . . . CN. The quantitative analysis display includes histograms of the biological structures, scatter plots of fluorophore concentrations, statistical data, spectral data and still others.

A system determines static background medical image data by receiving pixel luminance data comprising multiple sequential medical images of a patient anatomical portion and luminance data of an individual image that comprises multiple pixel luminance representative values of multiple individual pixels of the individual image. A filter includes a first filter function having a first response time for filtering received luminance representative values of a particular individual pixel varying in response to a first motion disturbance in the multiple sequential medical images for use in identifying a substantially minimum luminance value of the particular individual pixel in the multiple sequential medical images. The filter filters luminance representative values of individual pixels of the multiple sequential medical images to identify substantially minimum luminance values of individual pixels in the multiple sequential medical images as background image data of the multiple sequential medical images.

Many image processing problems are concerned with determining measurements of an anomalous area in an image. Most automated systems suffer from low specificity, which may reduce their acceptance. An example embodiment of the present invention relates to a method and corresponding apparatus for providing measurement data of a region of interest in an image in a graphical user interface environment. The example embodiment locates a pair of edges in multiple dimensions of a region of interest selected by a user, calculates a center position between respective edges, and iterates until a convergence or divergence is determined. Linear calculation may be employed for rapid results, allowing an advance in speed of image processing over current techniques. In a case of convergence, the measurement data is reported. In a case of divergence, a failure state is reported. By reporting divergence, the example embodiment achieves high specificity, thereby reducing the number of false positive reports.

A method for substance identification and an apparatus thereof are disclosed. The method comprises comprising steps of: transmitting an object under inspection using high-energy rays and low-energy rays, so as to obtain a high-energy transmission image and a low-energy transmission image for the object, wherein a value of each pixel in the high-energy image indicates a high-energy transparency of the high-energy rays with respect to corresponding parts of the object, and a value of each pixel in the low-energy image indicates a low-energy transparency of the low-energy rays with respect to corresponding parts of the object; calculating a value of a first function for the high-energy transparency and a value of a second function for the high-energy transparency and the low-energy transparency, for each pixel; and classifying locations determined by the value of the first function and the value of the second function using a pre-created classification curve, so as to identify the type of the substance of a part of the object corresponding to each pixel. With the present invention, it is possible to not only obtain a transmission image of the object, but also obtain material information in the object.

A Markov Random Field (MRF)-based technique is described for performing clustering of images characterized by poor or limited data. The proposed method is a statistical classification model that labels the image pixels based on the description of their statistical and contextual information. Apart from evaluating the pixel statistics that originate from the definition of the K-means clustering scheme, the model expands the analysis by the description of the spatial dependence between pixels and their labels (context), hence leading to the reduction of the inhomogeneity of the segmentation output with respect to the result of pure K-means clustering.

When an information medium is copied, information is printed while preventing personal information from leaking. An image scanning section 2 scans the information medium and inputs the image. An identification section 64 calculates the size of the information medium from the inputted image and identifies the type of the information medium. The position of the unique image indicating personal information is fixed according to the information medium. An area determination section 63 identifies the unique image in the information medium and determines the position of the specific area in which the unique image exists in the inputted image. A control section 7 performs image processing for masking the specific area. An image forming section 3 prints the image in a state in which the unique image is hidden.

A method and a system for gesture recognition are provided for recognizing a gesture performed by a user in front of an electronic product having a video camera. In the present method, an image containing the upper body of the user is captured and a hand area in the image is obtained. The hand area is fully scanned by a first couple of concentric circles. During the scanning, a proportion of a number of skin color pixels on an inner circumference of the first couple of concentric circles and a proportion of a number of skin color pixels on an outer circumference of the first couple of concentric circles are used to determine a number of fingertips in the hand area. The gesture is recognized by the number of fingertips and an operation function of the electronic product is executed according to an operating instruction corresponding to the recognized gesture.

Crowd source editing of digital images to reduce errors in a digital images includes receiving a proposed modification to a content portion of a digital image. A determination is made as the whether the occurrence of the proposed modification to the content portions meets a modification threshold. Accordingly, the proposed modification to the content portion of the digital image is adopted when the occurrence of the specific modification meets the modification threshold.

A method for dating photographic prints comprising scanning a front side of a photographic print forming an image scan; scanning a back side of the photographic print forming a back scan; defining a database of photographic print watermarks, each photographic print watermark comprising a representation of a watermark pattern and an associated date range; analyzing the back scan using a cross-correlation process between the back scan and the watermark patterns in the database of photographic print watermarks to identify a matching photographic print watermark; determining a date range for the image scan responsive to the identified matching photographic print watermark; and associating the determined date range with the image scan.

Methods and apparatus for generating a searchable electronic record of a locate operation in which a presence or an absence of at least one underground facility within a dig area may be identified using one or more physical locate marks. Source data representing one or more input images of a geographic area comprising the dig area is received and processed so as to display at least a portion of the input image(s) on a display device. One or more digital representations of the physical locate mark(s) applied to the dig area during the locate operation are added to the displayed input image(s) as “locate mark indicators” so as to generate a marked-up image. Information relating to the marked-up image is electronically transmitted and/or electronically stored so as to generate the searchable electronic record of the locate operation.

A combination of a hearing aid (1) and an adapter shoe (13), wherein the hearing aid has a pivotable battery compartment (6), and wherein the adapter shoe has engagement means (14, 15) for engaging the exterior of the hearing aid housing, blocking means (21) for blocking pivoting of the pivotable wall, and engagement means (23) for engaging the pivotable wall. The invention also provides an adapter shoe and a method of attaching an adapter shoe.

A system level automatic gain control (“System AGC”) automatically initializes and controls analog microphone gain in an environment where multiple independent applications simultaneously receive an input from a single analog microphone or microphone array. In one embodiment, the System AGC also prevents those applications from acting to separately control the gain by intercepting external gain control commands and responding to the corresponding application with a corresponding digital gain applied to the input signal from the microphone. Consequently, the System AGC avoids problems relating to oscillations and instability in the microphone gain resulting from multiple applications trying to simultaneously control the gain while preventing each application from adversely affecting the quality of another application's audio capture signal. Further, in one embodiment, the System AGC also acts to maximize the signal to noise (SNR) ratio of the microphone without introducing clipping as a function of a sampled background environment.

Two or more acoustic transducers share the same acoustic port in a device. The acoustic properties—such as acoustic impedance and frequency response—of the shared acoustic port are matched to each of the two or more acoustic transducers. To accomplish acoustic impedance matching, a separate back volume is provided for each of the acoustic transducers, matched to that transducer. Frequency response matching can be accomplished by the design of the transducer itself, but also by providing an adjacent element in the acoustic system of the transducer. One transducer may serve as an element in the acoustic system of another transducer. Frequency response adjustment of an individual element may also affect acoustic impedance of the entire port-transducer system.

An input multi-channel representation is converted into a different output multi-channel representation of a spatial audio signal, in that an intermediate representation of the spatial audio signal is derived, the intermediate representation having direction parameters indicating a direction of origin of a portion of the spatial audio signal; and in that the output multi-channel representation of the spatial audio signal is generated using the intermediate representation of the spatial audio signal.

A key management system includes secured data stored on a first system secured by a control key stored securely on a key server. The secured data is secured against attacks such as unauthorized use, modification or access, where authorization to access the secured data is determined by knowledge of an access private key of an access key pair. When an authorized user is to access the secured data, the first system generates a request to the key server, signed with the access private key, wherein the request is for a decryption control key and the request includes a one-time public key of a key pair generated by the first system for the request. The first system can decrypt the decryption control key from the response, using a one-time private key. The first system can then decrypt the secured data with the decryption control key remaining secured in transport.

An AV data transmission apparatus includes an encryption unit which encrypts AV data, an AV data transmission unit which transmits the encrypted AV data, a cipher-type-information switching unit which switches cipher type information indicating a cipher scheme used for the AV data, to other cipher type information, and a cipher-type-information transmission unit which transmits cipher type information. When transmitting AV data which is prohibited from being used in a reception apparatus that does not support new usage control information, the AV data transmission apparatus assigns different cipher type information, which is used to notify the reception apparatus, so that even the reception apparatus which cannot recognize the new usage control information can recognize its inability to perform decryption is due to new encryption performed by the AV data transmission apparatus.

Various technologies and techniques are disclosed for managing web service developer keys. A generic key identifier can be generated based on an original web service key. The generic key identifier is used within source code of an application being developed. Upon receiving a request to run the application, the generic key identifier is transformed back into the original web service key prior to calling an associated web service. Multiple users can securely share the same application that uses the web service. When one user who does not have his own original web service key accesses the application, that user can be prompted to obtain and enter the original web service key once the key has been obtained from a provider of the web service.

The random number generating unit 222 randomly generates an integer s. The first ciphertext generating unit 241 generates a first ciphertext C1 by encrypting the plaintext M, based on the integer s. The second ciphertext generating unit 242 generates a second ciphertext C2, based on the integer s and a recipient ID. The third ciphertext generating unit 243 generates a third ciphertext C3, based on the integer s. The hash value calculation unit 244 calculates a hash value H0 by combining the first ciphertext C1, the second ciphertext C2, and the third ciphertext C3. The fourth ciphertext generating unit 245 generates a fourth ciphertext C4, based on the hash value H0. The ciphertext combining unit 246 generates a ciphertext C by combining the first ciphertext C1, the second ciphertext C2, the third ciphertext C3, and the fourth ciphertext C4. Thus, it is possible to provide an ID-based public key cryptographic communication system being secure even when transmitting ciphertexts generated by encrypting the same plaintext to a plurality of recipients.

Disclosed herein are conferencing systems that include a conferencing device and a head-processing system, both including selectively enabled speakers, the conferencing device including an acoustic echo canceler that remains operable in the system regardless of whether its internal speaker is selected to be enabled. Detailed information on various example embodiments of the inventions are provided in the Detailed Description below, and the inventions are defined by the appended claims.

In a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system for completing telephone calls over the Internet, the system uses a general routing table and client exception routing tables to instruct originating gateways about how to complete calls. When a call request for a particular client is received, the system first looks to that client's exception routing table to see if routing information for the call is available. If so, the system will use the routing information in the client's exception routing table to complete the call. The routing information in the client's exception routing table could include information about preferred destination gateways and/or preferred Internet Service Providers. If the client's exception routing table does not contain information that could be used to route the call, then the system simply uses the routing information in the general routing table. In some situations, the system could utilize multiple general routing tables. Likewise, a single client could have multiple exception routing tables.

Systems and methods are described that facilitate a conference call between a plurality of communication devices. The method may comprise: providing a first primary communication device; providing a second primary communication device; providing a conference call controller; establishing a first control link between the first primary communication device and the conference call controller; communicating first identification data between the first primary communication device and the conference call controller via the first control link; establishing a media link between the first and second primary communication devices via the conference call controller. In certain embodiments, the first identification data corresponds to at least one participation level of the first primary communication device with respect to the media link. The method may further comprise establishing a second control link between the second primary communication device and the conference call controller; communicating second identification data between the second primary communication device and the conference call controller via the second control link; wherein the second identification data establishes a participation level of the second primary communication device with respect to the media link.

A system and method for remote home monitoring and intercom communication. An indicator is received for activating an interactive feature of a telephone. A determination is made whether the indicator authorizes the interactive feature. The audio interface of the telephone is activated.

A device includes a patient-portable remote monitoring unit to monitor one or more physiological characteristics of an individual and convey information characterizing the one or more physiological characteristics to a remote station. The monitoring unit includes a transmitter system capable to employ a selected one of three or more different communications channels to convey the information to the remote station, and a selection unit to select from among the three or more different communications channels for conveying the information to the remote station.

The present invention relates to an imaging apparatus for generating an image of a region of interest of an object. The imaging apparatus comprises a radiation source (2) for emitting radiation (4) and a detector (6) for measuring the radiation (4) after having traversed the region of interest and for generating measured detection values depending on the measured radiation (4). The imaging apparatus further comprises an attenuation element for attenuating the radiation (4) before traversing the region of interest and an attenuation element scatter values providing unit (12) for providing attenuation element scatter values, which depend on scattering of the radiation (4) caused by the attenuation element. A detection values correction unit (17) corrects the measured detection values based on the provided attenuation element scatter values, and a reconstruction unit (18) reconstructs an image of the region of interest from the corrected detection values.

The invention relates to nuclear technology, and to irradiation targets and their preparation. One embodiment of the present invention includes a method for preparation of a target containing intermetallic composition of antimony Ti—Sb, Al—Sb, Cu—Sb, or Ni—Sb in order to produce radionuclides (e.g., tin-117 m) with a beam of accelerated particles. The intermetallic compounds of antimony can be welded by means of diffusion welding to a copper backing cooled during irradiation on the beam of accelerated particles. Another target can be encapsulated into a shell made of metallic niobium, stainless steel, nickel or titanium cooled outside by water during irradiation. Titanium shell can be plated outside by nickel to avoid interaction with the cooling water.

The present invention relates to a linear time code (LTC) generator that is adapted to generate LTC data. The LTC generator comprises a rising edge detector that is adapted to detect a frame sync input corresponding to a beginning of a frame time of video data and to generate a first synchronization signal corresponding to the frame sync input and a frame length measurement block that is adapted to count a number of clock cycles in the frame time. The LTC generator further comprises a bit rate calculator that is adapted to determine a bit rate of the frame time based on the number of clock cycles in the frame time and a bit rate counter block that is adapted to generate a second synchronization signal corresponding to the bit rate. Finally, the LTC generator comprises an output device that is adapted to insert a first data bit of the LTC data into a digital bit stream according to the first synchronization signal and to insert subsequent data bits of the LTC data into the digital bit stream according to the second synchronization signal.

Disclosed herein is a phase noise limiting apparatus including a detection section configured to detect a phase noise quantity from an input signal; a determination section configured such that furnished with a plurality of correspondence tables indicating parameters used for phase synchronization with the input signal, the determination section determines one of the parameters in keeping with the phase noise quantity detected by the detection section on the basis of one of the plurality of correspondence tables; and a phase noise limitation section configured to limit the phase noise in the input signal based on the parameter determined by the determination section.

A Viterbi pack instruction is disclosed that masks the contents of a first predicate register with a first masking value and masks the contents of a second predicate register with a second masking value. The resulting masked data is written to a destination register. The Viterbi pack instruction may be implemented in hardware, firmware, software, or any combination thereof.

Disclosed is a method of blind demodulation of signals arising from one or more transmitters, the signals including a mixture of symbols comprising at least one step of separating the transmitters by using the temporal independence of the symbol trains specific to a transmitter and the mutual independence of the transmitters.

In an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) network, a set of pseudo random sequences (PRS) are stored at a transmitter and a receiver. Each OFDM symbol is mapped to subcarriers for a set of transmit antennas to produce a mapped symbol. The mapped symbol is encoded using a pseudo-random phase precoder (PRPP) and the PRS to produce a precoded symbol. An inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) is applied to the precoded symbol, and the encoded symbol is transmitted to the receiver using the set of transmit antennas.

A signal transmission circuit is capable of reducing distortion that occurs during signal transmission. A digital output signal is transmitted from a terminal to a signal line via an output buffer circuit and an output impedance unit. The terminal is connected to an impedance variation unit via an impedance control unit. The impedance variation unit designates an impedance for terminating the signal line when the output data is changed from a high level H to a low level. A reflection occurring on the signal line can be prevented and a waveform distortion can be suppressed.

An intra-forecast mode selecting method is provided to select an intra-forecast mode suitable for intra-forecast coding of a coding subject block from intra-forecast modes including a DC intra-forecasting mode based on a difference in forecast between a coding amount of the intra-forecast mode and an intra-forecast. The intra-forecast mode selecting method is comprised of intra-forecast mode selecting means for correcting the coding amount of the DC intra-forecast mode to be equal to that of the other intra-forecast or less to select an intra-forecast mode based on a difference in forecast between the coding amount of the corrected DC intra-forecast and the intra-forecast.

A method for adaptive frame averaging includes dividing a current frame image into a plurality of sub-blocks; obtaining a characteristic for each of the plurality of sub-blocks to obtain a characteristic image of the current frame image; determining a frame averaging coefficient for each of the plurality of sub-blocks based on the characteristic image of the current frame image and a characteristic image of a previous frame image; and frame-averaging a resultant frame-averaged image of the previous frame image and the current frame image by using the frame averaging coefficient of each of the plurality of sub-blocks to obtain a resultant frame-averaged image of the current frame image.

In video coding image sequences, images are coded in a scaled manner to obtain video data which represents the image in multiple steps from a defined image resolution or image quality (e.g., according to the data rate), and the resolution is defined by the number of image pixels of each represented image. Coding is block-based, i.e., for a description of an approximate movement of parts of one of the images in the image sequence, at least one block structure is produced describing the movement. The block structure produced includes a block divided into partial blocks which are in turn divided into sub-blocks. A first block structure is produced temporally for at least one first resolution level and a second block structure is produced for a second resolution level. The first resolution level has a lower image pixel number and/or image quality than the second resolution level. The second block structure is compared to the first block structure such that differences in the block structure are determined, such that on the base of the properties of the structure differences, a modified second block structure is produced. The structure thereof represents one part of the second block structure. Subsequently, the modified block structure and the second block structure are compared based on at least one value which is proportional to the quality of the image and the block structure and the value thereof is directly proportional to an improved quality based on the coding of the bit sequence.

Video decoding with video enhancement using direct contrast enhancement in the spatial domain including transforming the decoded intramacroblock output to a matrix of spatial domain coefficients; multiplying the spatial domain coefficients with the corresponding intramacroblock enhancement matrix elements of an intramacroblock enhancement matrix to provide enhanced spatial coefficients; transforming said enhanced spatial coefficients to the temporal domain to generate an enhanced decoded intramacroblock; multiplying the spatial domain intermacroblock coefficients from the entropy decoder of the video decoder with the corresponding intermacroblock enhancement matrix elements of an intermacroblock enhancement matrix to provide enhanced spatial coefficients, and transforming the enhanced spatial coefficients to generate enhanced decoded residual coefficients.

A video decoder, encoder, and corresponding methods for processing video signal data for an image block and a particular reference picture index to predict the image block are disclosed that utilize adaptive weighting of reference pictures to enhance video compression, where a decoder includes a reference picture weighting factor unit for determining a weighting factor corresponding to the particular reference picture index; an encoder includes a reference picture weighting factor assignor for assigning a weighting factor corresponding to the particular reference picture index; and a method for decoding includes receiving a reference picture index with the data that corresponds to the image block, determining a weighting factor for each received reference picture index, retrieving a reference picture for each index, motion compensating the retrieved reference picture, and multiplying the motion compensated reference picture by the corresponding weighting factor to form a weighted motion compensated reference picture.

A video decoder, encoder, and corresponding methods for processing video signal data for an image block and a particular reference picture index to predict the image block are disclosed that utilize adaptive weighting of reference pictures to enhance video compression, where a decoder includes a reference picture weighting factor unit for determining a weighting factor corresponding to the particular reference picture index; an encoder includes a reference picture weighting factor assignor for assigning a weighting factor corresponding to the particular reference picture index; and a method for decoding includes receiving a reference picture index with the data that corresponds to the image block, determining a weighting factor for each received reference picture index, retrieving a reference picture for each index, motion compensating the retrieved reference picture, and multiplying the motion compensated reference picture by the corresponding weighting factor to form a weighted motion compensated reference picture.

A motion vector decoding apparatus decodes a coded motion vector of a current block in a moving picture. The motion vector decoding apparatus includes a neighboring block specification unit specifying a neighboring block which is located in the neighborhood of the current block and has already been decoded; a judgment unit judging whether or not the neighboring block has been coded using a motion vector of another block; a prediction unit deriving a predictive motion vector of the current block using a motion vector calculated from the motion vector of the other block as a motion vector of the neighboring block, when it is judged that the neighboring block has been coded using the motion vector of the other block; and a decoding unit decoding the coded motion vector of the current block using the predictive motion vector.

Coding techniques for a video image compression system involve improving an image quality of a sequence of two or more bi-directionally predicted intermediate frames, where each of the frames includes multiple pixels. One method involves determining a brightness value of at least one pixel of each bi-directionally predicted intermediate frame in the sequence as an equal average of brightness values of pixels in non-bidirectionally predicted frames bracketing the sequence of bi-directionally predicted intermediate frames. The brightness values of the pixels in at least one of the non-bidirectionally predicted frames is converted from a non-linear representation.

The invention relates to estimating the global motion between frames of a motion-compensated inter-frame encoded video sequence, directly from the motion vectors encoded within the frames. For any particular frame, a motion estimation is determined from motion vectors direct from the frame's anchor frame to the frame in question. This motion estimation is then checked against pre-determined criteria, and where the criteria are not met, re-estimation along a different route is performed, using the bi-directional motion vectors contained within B-frames. A panoramic image generating method and system which makes uses of the global motion estimations thus obtained is also described.

A system and method estimates video coding complexity of a source video for adaptively transcoding the source video. A video coding complexity engine of the system is configured to receive the source video in its native format and to encode the source video into an intermediate video format. The video coding complexity engine computes a video coding complexity score for the source video. The coding complexity score can be used by an adaptive bitrate transcoding sub-system and/or an adaptive resolution transcoding sub-system for transcoding the source video.

Provided is a signal output control section that inputs to a digitizer a reference signal whose frequency changes at each prescribed measurement cycle; a data extracting section that extracts a number of pieces of data corresponding to an integer multiple of a period of the reference signal in each measurement cycle, from pieces of data of a reference digital signal output by the digitizer according to the reference signal that come after a prescribed wait interval has passed since an initiation timing of each measurement cycle; a distortion identifying section that calculates the non-linear distortion caused by the digitizer for each frequency of the reference signal, based on the data in each measurement cycle extracted by the data extracting section; and a distortion calculating section that calculates the non-linear distortion caused by the digitizer when the analog signal input to the digitizer has a frequency that differs from any of the plurality of frequencies at which the reference signal transitions, based on the non-linear distortion detected by the distortion identifying section for each frequency.

Improved decision directed adaptation and decision feedback equalizers are provided in a block coded digital communication system. The performance of a receiver is significantly improved by allowing the decision feedback equalizer to perform time-tracking and residual frequency offset compensation during the data portion of a frame. This is accomplished by capitalizing on the inherent correlation among the chips of a code word in a block coded digital communication system to identify certain instances where more reliable symbol estimates can be derived from a sliced chip without introduction the delay inherent in decoding. As the more reliable symbol estimates are fed back into the chip slicer, the total efficiency of the decision feedback equalizer is improved and the more reliable symbol estimates can be used to replace older content in the feedback filter to further improve the accuracy of the modified slicer input and further decrease the effects of error propagation by the decision feedback equalizer.

A method for a base station to receive a reference signal sequence from one or more devices within a cell of the base station in a multiple cell environment includes providing the one or more devices with information about the reference signal sequence, wherein the reference signal sequence is defined by a cyclic shift of a sequence within a sequence group identified by a group index (u), wherein the group index (u) is defined according to the cell in the multiple cell environment, wherein the sequence is given by a cyclic extension of a Zadoff Chu (ZC) sequence having an index (q) and a length (NZCRS), and wherein the index (q) is given by using the group index (u) and the length (NZCRS), and receiving the reference signal sequence from one or more of the one or more devices.

A device contains at least one wavelength-tunable multilayer interference reflector controlled by an applied voltage and at least one cavity. The stopband edge wavelength of the wavelength-tunable multilayer interference reflector is preferably electrooptically tuned using the quantum confined Stark effect in the vicinity of the cavity mode (or a composite cavity mode), resulting in a modulated transmittance of the multilayer interference reflector. A light-emitting medium is preferably introduced in the cavity or in one of the cavities permitting the optoelectronic device to work as an intensity-modulated light-emitting diode or diode laser by applying an injection current. The device preferably contains at least three electric contacts to apply forward or reverse bias and may operate as a vertical cavity surface-emitting light emitter or modulator or as an edge-emitting light emitter or modulator. Using a multilayer interference reflector containing tunable section allows also obtaining a wavelength-tunable laser or a wavelength-tunable resonant cavity photodetector in the case where the optical field profile in the active cavity or cavities is affected by the stopband wavelength shift. Adding additional modulator sections enables applications in semiconductor optical amplifiers, frequency converters or lock-in optical amplifiers.

A process for fabricating AlGaInN-based photonic devices, such as lasers, capable of emitting blue light employs dry etching to form device waveguides and mirrors. The dry etching is preferably performed using a Chemically Assisted Ion Beam Etching (CAIBE) system.

An optoelectronic (OE) package or system and method for fabrication is disclosed which includes a silicon layer with wiring. The silicon layer has an optical via for allowing light to pass therethrough. An optical coupling layer is bonded to the silicon layer, and the optical coupling layer includes a plurality of microlenses for focusing and or collimating the light through the optical via. A plurality of OE elements are coupled to the silicon layer and electrically communicating with the wiring. At least one of the OE elements positioned in optical alignment with the optical via for receiving the light. A carrier is interposed between electrical interconnect elements. The carrier is positioned between the wiring of the silicon layer and a circuit board and the carrier is electrically connecting first interconnect elements connected to the wiring of the silicon layer and second interconnect elements connected to the circuit board.

A Dynamically Variable Spot Size (DVSS) laser system for bonding metal components includes an elongated housing containing a light entry aperture coupled to a laser beam transmission cable and a light exit aperture. A plurality of lenses contained within the housing focus a laser beam from the light entry aperture through the light exit aperture. The lenses may be dynamically adjusted to vary the spot size of the laser. A plurality of interoperable safety devices, including a manually depressible interlock switch, an internal proximity sensor, a remotely operated potentiometer, a remotely activated toggle and a power supply interlock, prevent activation of the laser and DVSS laser system if each safety device does not provide a closed circuit. The remotely operated potentiometer also provides continuous variability in laser energy output.

The present invention relates to a pulse light source which has a MOPA structure using a directly-modulated semiconductor laser as a seed light source, and is easily capable of outputting pulse light with a pulse width of a sub-nanosecond. The pulse light source comprises a seed light source, a first YbDF (Yb-Doped Fiber), a band-pass filter, a second YbDF, and a third YbDF, and has the MOPA structure. The band-pass filter inputs pulse light which is outputted from the seed light source and amplified by the first stage YbDF, and outputs, while separating a wavelength band of the inputted pulse light into a shorter wavelength side and a longer wavelength side with reference to a peak wavelength of the inputted pulse light, the attenuated pulse light after attenuating the optical power on one more than that on the other of the shorter wavelength side and the longer wavelength side. The second YbDF and the third YbDF amplify the pulse light outputted from the band-pass filter and output the amplified pulse light.

A method and apparatus encode a source data stream via convolutional encoding or selected encoding scheme. Plural encoded data streams are interleaved and transmitted on a transmission channel. Data groups generated via convolutional or selected encoding are interleaved via time-interleaving functions to disperse selected bits within puncture groups of the data groups, bits in between data groups, and bits in selected sets of data groups to facilitate reconstruction of the source data stream from at least a portion of the interleaved data stream received on at least one transmission channel. The time-interleaving functions are selected to facilitate reconstruction of the source data stream from one transmission channel following continuous blockage. Subsets of bits of puncture groups are selected to allow reconstruction of the source data stream from more than one of plural transmission channels using a minimum number of subsets. Multiple combinations of subsets can be received on both transmission channels to reconstruct the source data stream following blockage of one channel. Decoding is performed via a Viterbi decoder.

Provided is a method of generating a three-dimensional (3D) image data stream, the method including: generating an elementary stream (ES) including an encoded bit string of a 3D image; generating at least one packetized elementary stream (PES) by packetizing the elementary stream; generating at least one section by multiplexing program related information of the 3D image; generating at least one transport stream (TS) packet for the at least one section and the at least one PES; and generating a TS by multiplexing the generated TS packet, wherein 3D image reproduction information that is required to reproduce the 3D image is inserted into at least one of the at least one PES, the at least one TS packet, and the at least one section.

Methods and terminals can use Internet Protocol (IP) packets for waveform independent contention access in a hub-spoke network. In some embodiments, a spoke terminal can transmit a link allocation packet on an uplink when the uplink is available and the spoke terminal has data to transmit. The link allocation packet can be embedded within an IP packet. When the spoke terminal receives the link allocation packet on the downlink, the spoke terminal can transmit one or more IP packets with data, followed by a link release packet. The link release packet can be embedded within an IP packet.

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a system having a controller to deliver broadcast channels by way of interactive TV (iTV) edge routers using multicast virtual private networks, share a same multicast state for the broadcast channels and share a same multicast delivery tree for the broadcast channels. Other embodiments are disclosed.

The present application is directed towards systems and methods for handling a multi-connection protocol communication between a client and a server traversing a multi-core system. The multi-connection protocol comprises a first connection and a second connection, which may be used respectively for control communications and data communications. Because different cores in the multi-core system may handle the first connection and second connection, the present invention provides systems and methods for efficiently coordinating protocol management between a plurality of cores.

A clearinghouse server for routing multi-media communications, including telephony calls, between a source device and a destination device via a distributed computer network, such as the global Internet. The clearinghouse server can authorize the completion of a communication from a source device to a destination device and collect usage-related information for the completed communication. In response to an authorization request issued by an enrolled source device, the clearinghouse server can identify one or more available destination devices available to accept a communication from an authorized source device. The clearinghouse server can provide a list of the identified destination devices, typically organized in a rank order, by sending an authorization response to the source device. In turn, the source device can use this list to select a destination device and contact that selected device via the computer network to complete the communication.

A packet forwarding method, a packet forwarding device, and a packet forwarding system are provided. The method includes: acquiring, by a first board, a source media access control (MAC) address and an input port number in a packet, and looking up a MAC address table according to the source MAC address; learning the source MAC address if no same entry is found; and looking up a forwarding policy table according to the input port number to acquire a forwarding policy, and sending the packet to a second board according to the forwarding policy, so that the second board learns the source MAC address to realize synchronization of MAC addresses. The synchronization of MAC addresses is realized by acquiring the forwarding policy without changing a current forwarding process or influencing an execution efficiency of a central processing unit (CPU).

An architecture for providing service mediation in a network having a Layer-2 domain and an MPLS domain includes at least one Layer-2 provider edge device in communication with a first customer site; at least one Layer-2 edge device in communication with the Layer-2 provider edge device; at least one MPLS mediation edge device in communication with the Layer-2 edge device; and at least: one MPLS provider edge device in communication with both the MPLS mediation edge device and a second customer site. An end-to-end connection is established using native Layer-2 signaling, if any, in the Layer-2 domain and PWE3 signaling protocols in the MPLS domain. The MPLS mediation edge device resolves associations between Layer-2 edge devices and MPLS provider edge devices. The service is “mediated” in the sense that native Layer-2 signaling is terminated at the MME, and a new domain, i.e., pseudowire, is established across the MPLS domain.

A backbone network, comprising a first switch comprising a first port configured to communicate a data stream via an Ethernet interface, and a second port configured to communicate the data stream via a SONET/SDH interface, and a second switch comprising a third port configured to receive the data stream from the first switch via the Ethernet interface, wherein the first switch and the second switch are synchronized.

A method and apparatus to communicate tones is described.

A method, mobile electronic device and system for synchronizing hand-off of a voice media session between a WAN/cellular network and a WLAN network. When a hand-off occurs, the connection with both networks is temporarily maintained and the voice data on both connections compared to determine differences in the delays experienced over both connections. The timing of one or both voice streams is adjusted to synchronize the voice streams, and then the handoff is completed.

A communication mode which should be set to a mobile communication terminal having a function of switching between an autonomous mode and a scheduling mode is determined based on an amount of interference in each of the communication modes in the cell of a base station, and/or communication characteristics of each of the communication modes, and a signal indicating an amount of communication data notified from the mobile communication terminal. The base station then notifies the determined communication mode to the mobile communication terminal.

A method of data forwarding during handover in a mobile communication system is provided. The mobile communication system comprising a plurality of base stations and a base station, the base station being coupled to a gateway, a telecommunication link being established between a user equipment and the base station. The method comprising: selecting a set of base station from the plurality of base stations as candidate base stations for a handover of the user equipment by the base station; selecting a first target base station for handover from the set of base stations by the base station; obtaining downlink data from a gateway and up-link data from a user equipment by the base station; forwarding the uplink and downlink data from the base station to the first target base station.

The present invention discloses a method and system for using logical resources. The method includes: dividing a logical resource pool into at least one private resource pool and at least one shared resource pool, each of which matches one license that includes functions supported by the resource pool and/or capacity of the resource pool; enabling each private resource pool to be privately owned by one operator and each shared resource pool be shared by at least two operators; and using logical resources according to the license information. With the method and system of the present invention, it is easy to determine the apportionment rates of initial network construction costs and later expansion expenses and operators can expand capacity independently.

A method for transmitting data in a wireless communication system is disclosed. The method for transmitting data from the user equipment (UE) of the wireless communication system to the network comprises, upon receiving uplink scheduling information from the network, periodically transmitting uplink data to the network according to a first period, and if a buffer status of the user equipment (UE) satisfies a predetermined condition, transmitting buffer status information to the network. The method further includes periodically transmitting uplink data to the network according to a second period different from the first period.

An apparatus is configured to send a message to a controller requesting that a media oriented negotiation acceleration preference message is to be sent repeatedly. The apparatus is further configured to provide the controller with media oriented negotiation acceleration preferences within that message which are to be advertised by the controller, and to request the controller to send a notification to the apparatus about receipt of the first media oriented negotiation acceleration preference message. The apparatus receives a notification from the controller about receipt of a media oriented negotiation acceleration preference message which firstly came in at the controller.

A method for a mobile station (MS) to acquire system information of other communication systems via an initial entry communication system in which the mobile station (MS) initially enters via a base station (BS) is disclosed. The BS can deliver system information using a message transmitted to the MS at each frame or at intervals of a periodic time. In other words, the BS delivers specific information indicating whether the system is supported or not in a message. If the system is supported, the BS transmits a message including the system information to the MS. During or after the initial entry, the BS may deliver the system information using messages communicated with the MS. Namely, the BS can voluntarily or on the MS′ demand transmit a message including the system information to the MS indicating whether the system is supported.

A method for preventing a relay node from missing a transmission from an access node. The method includes, when a ten millisecond periodicity is used for Multicast/Broadcast Single Frequency Network (MBSFN) subframes, setting a time between an uplink grant from the access node to the relay node and an acknowledgement/negative-acknowledgement message (ACK/NACK) from the access node to the relay node equal to ten milliseconds. The method further includes, when a forty millisecond periodicity is used for MBSFN subframes, the access node sending the relay node an asynchronous grant for an uplink retransmission when a data packet is missed, and when the relay node receives the grant for the uplink retransmission, the relay node retransmitting the missed data packet.

An apparatus and a method for supporting multicast communication in a broadband wireless access system are provided. A method of a Mobile Station (MS) for supporting multicast communication in a wireless access system includes acquiring decoding parameters by receiving an Advanced Air Interface Enhanced-Multicast and Broadcast Service configuration (AAI-E-MBS_CFG) message from a Base Station (BS), establishing an E-MBS service flow by sending and receiving AAI Dynamic Service Addition-request/response (AAI_DSA-REQ/RSP) messages to and from the BS, and decoding E-MBS MAP received from the BS through the established E-MBS service flow using the acquired decoding parameters. The E-MBS MAP includes information for decoding multicast bursts.

A method for management of a base station according to the present invention includes: entering a first interval when a terminal is not present in a region of a first cell managed by the base station; receiving an interval switching request when the terminal enters a second cell that is larger than the first cell while including the first cell; and switching into a second interval other than the first interval in accordance with the interval switching request.

A method of multicast routing in a wireless mesh network is provided. One implementation involves maintaining a multicast logical tree having a structure establishing parent-child connectivity relationships between wireless station nodes, wherein each node has access to local connectivity information for its local nodes; and a wireless station node joining a multicast group in the network and becoming the group coordinator. Each multicast group member may join and leave the group at any time utilizing both tree structure and local link state information.

Network virtual link mapping methods and systems are disclosed. In some method embodiments, router configurations are parsed to determine virtual link information for a network. A map is derived for virtual link information associated with a customer. The map is displayed, and may be used for highlighting problem areas for a customer, recommending solutions, and reconfiguring the virtual links to address specific customer needs.

According to the invention, an information output, e.g. a voice output, video information output, or a simultaneous output of video and audio information, which is to be transmitted via a packet-oriented network, is generation by means of pre-coded information output components. Said pre-coded information output components are present in a memory system and are retrieved as part of the processing of a request for the output of information by an information output system. Similarly, generation rules for the information output can be stored in the memory system and accessed by the information output system in order to generate the information output. According to one embodiment, information output components or generation rules are created in an information output configuration system and are subsequently made available in the memory system. The invention optimizes the use of resources for information-output services. The inventive distribution of functions permits the advantageous utilization of the performance of the related components for processing services of this type. The recorded announcement services capability known in TDM (time division multiplexing) networks can thus also be implemented in packet-oriented networks.

A method of provisioning modular network devices is described. A generic configuration is placed on a device; the configuration comprises commands for configuring interfaces associated the device. At the device, each interface associated with the device is configured with at least one command associated with the configuration. The device then attempts to connect with a management point through the current interface. If the current interface can connect to the management point, then an inventory of all interfaces associated with the device is self-initiated and automatically communicated by the device to the management point. In other embodiments, based on the inventory information, a configuration template containing relative interface references may be resolved into a permanent device configuration that includes absolute interface references. As a result, modular network devices in which interfaces of various types are installed at different slot locations may acquire a permanent configuration automatically from a remote management station.

A wireless communication system which includes a transmitter and receiver each having two or more antennae, the system including: a channel condition determining unit which determines a condition of a channel between the transmitter and the receiver; and a system control unit which changes a transmitting system in the transmitter and a receiving system in the receiver in accordance with a determination result obtained by the channel condition determining unit.

In a method for managing quality of service (QoS) resources during handoff across communication systems having different grades of QoS awareness, an access terminal (AT) determines that handoff has occurred from a QoS unaware system to a QoS aware system. The AT also determines whether there are any allocated, unrequested QoS resources. If one or more allocated, unrequested QoS resources are identified, the AT requests that the QoS aware system release the one or more allocated, unrequested QoS resources. The AT also determines whether there are any requested, unallocated QoS resources. If one or more requested, unallocated QoS resources are identified, the AT requests that the QoS aware system allocate the one or more requested, unallocated QoS resources to the application.

Methods and systems generate a multiplex signal including two or more different sub-multiplexes for transmission via a broadcast network. A first sub-multiplex may include several services for broadcast in multiple locations, while multiple second sub-multiplexes may include services for broadcast within particular locations. A statistical multiplexer generates the first sub-multiplex within a first bandwidth allocation. If the first sub-multiplex services cannot fit within the allocated bandwidth, the bandwidth allocation may be adjusted. The statistical multiplexer may generate a second sub-multiplex within a second bandwidth allocation. If the second sub-multiplex services do not fit within the allocated bandwidth, the bandwidth allocation may be adjusted to increase the bandwidth allocated to the second sub-multiplex and decrease the bandwidth allocated to the first sub-multiplex so that the total bandwidth capacity of a broadcast network is not exceeded. This process may be repeated for each of the second sub multiplexes.

A network (1) comprising a plurality of nodes (2, 3, 4), the plurality of nodes comprising a first node (A) and a second node (B), the first (A) and second (B) nodes being connected through the network of nodes (1) via a first path (2) and a second path (3), the first and second paths being different, in which the network (1) has first and second modes of operation, a first mode (108) in which traffic between the first and second nodes is transmitted over the first path (2) and not the second path (3), and a second mode (106) where the traffic is transmitted over the first (2) and second (3) paths, wherein the network (1) comprises a mode selector (10) arranged to select the mode of operation based upon a demanded level of traffic between the first (A) and second (B) nodes.

A wideband telecommunications device with narrow band support. The device may be a receiver having a wireless interface configured to receive combined first and second signals, the first signal having data in a first frequency band and the second signal having data in a second frequency band wider than the first frequency band, wherein the first frequency band is within the second frequency band. The receiver may also be a processing system configured to recover the data in the first signal from the combined first and second signals. The device may be a transmitter having a first signal source configured to provide a first signal having data in a first frequency band; a second signal source having a second frequency band, the first frequency band being within a sub-band of the second frequency band, wherein the second signal source is configured to provide a second signal having data in the second frequency band with no data in the sub-band of the second frequency band, a processing system configured to combine the first and second signals, and a wireless interface configured to transmit the combined first and second signal.

Embodiments of dual mode communication systems and methods are disclosed. On system embodiment, among others, comprises logic configured to perform spatial multiplexing and expanded bandwidth signaling to data.

Provided is an optical pickup including: a light-source emitting a light-beam; an objective lens collecting the light-beam on a desired recording layer among one or two recording layers or more installed in an optical disc and where spirally- or concentrically-shaped tracks are formed; a lens-moving unit moving the objective lens in a tracking direction toward at least an inner-circumference or outer-circumference side; a light splitting device splitting a reflected light-beam into reflected light-beams and propagating the light-beams; a light-detecting device generating central, inner-circumference-side, and outer-circumference-side light-detecting signals according to received light amounts thereof by central, inner-circumference-side, and outer-circumference-side light-detecting areas, receiving central, inner-circumference-side, and outer-circumference-side portions of an image of the reflected light-beam in the radial direction and allowing a signal processing unit to generate a tracking error signal by using the inner-circumference-side and outer-circumference-side-light-detecting signals, being added with a product of a predetermined coefficient and the central-light-detecting signal.

A method and system for providing an energy assisted magnetic recording (EAMR) disk drive are described. The disk drive includes a magnetic recording media, a pre-amplifier, an EAMR head, and at least one clock recovery circuit. The pre-amplifier provides a write current signal and a write gate signal for providing power to the EAMR head. The EAMR head includes at least one write transducer and at least one laser. The write transducer(s) are coupled with the pre-amplifier and include at least one writer coil. The write current signal from the pre-amplifier drives the writer coil(s). The clock recovery circuit(s) are coupled with the laser(s). The clock recovery circuit(s) receive the write current signal and the write gate signal and output laser control signal(s) that energize the laser(s) such that the laser(s) are energized synchronously with the writer coil(s).

Apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed that operate to generate a clock signal in a die in a stack and to receive the clock signal in another die in the stack. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed.

An apparatus, system, and method are disclosed for power loss management in a nonvolatile data storage device. A monitor module initiates a power loss mode in the nonvolatile data storage device in response to a primary power source failing to supply electric power above a predefined threshold to the nonvolatile data storage device. A secondary power source supplies electric power to the nonvolatile data storage device for at least a power hold-up time during the power loss mode. A power loss module adjusts execution of in-process operations on the nonvolatile data storage device during the power loss mode so that essential in-process operations execute within the power hold-up time.

Power sources, backup power circuits, power source control circuits, data storage devices, and methods relating to controlling application of power to a node are disclosed. An example power source includes an input, backup power source, and a backup power source control circuit. The input is configured to be coupled to a primary power source and further configured to couple the primary power source to the output when the input is coupled to the primary power source. The backup power source control circuit is configured to control a current path from the backup power source to the output based at least in part on a voltage applied to the input.

According to one embodiment, a nonvolatile semiconductor memory device includes a memory cell array, and a control circuit. The memory cell array includes plural memory cells arranged in rows and columns and each including a diode and resistance-change element. The control circuit tests the diodes for the respective memory cells. The control circuit tests the diode at least at one of times before and after one of a write operation, erase operation and read operation with respect to the memory cell is performed.

Memories, memory repair logic, and methods for repairing a memory having redundant memory are disclosed. One such memory includes programmable elements associated with respective redundant memory configured to have memory addresses mapped thereto, the programmable elements configured to be programmed with at least portions of the memory addresses. Such a memory further includes repair logic coupled to the programmable elements and configured to identify programmable elements available for programming to map memory addresses to respective redundant memory. One method for remapping a memory address of a memory to redundant memory includes receiving at least a portion of a memory address to be remapped to redundant memory, determining whether a programmable element associated with the redundant memory is available for programming, and when a programmable element is available, programming the programmable element such that the memory address will be mapped to the associated redundant memory.

A semiconductor device according to the present invention performs, when a first word structure is designated, control such that input and output of data is performed from a first data input/output terminal and from a second data input/output terminal in response to a first strobe signal and a second strobe signal. The semiconductor device performs, when a second word structure is designated and when a first control signal is supplied, control such that input and output of data is performed from the first data input/output terminal in response to the first strobe signal. The semiconductor device performs, when the second word structure is designated and when a second control signal is supplied, control such that input and output of data is performed from the second data input/output terminal in response to the second strobe signal.

A data processing device according to the present invention comprises a nonvolatile memory and a trimming data read control circuit. The nonvolatile memory has a plurality of memory regions in which the same trimming data is stored. The trimming data read control circuit reads the trimming data from a random one of the plurality of memory regions.

A semiconductor memory device comprises memory cells which includes a selection transistor and a memory transistor; selection gate lines coupled to a gate of the selection transistor; control gate lines coupled to the control gate of the memory transistor; source lines coupled to a source of the memory transistor; bit lines coupled to the selection transistor; a selection gate line driver circuit; a control gate line driver circuit; and a source line driver circuit, wherein the selection gate line driver circuit comprises a first transistor including a first gate insulation film and drives the selection gate line with a first driving voltage, and the control gate line driver circuit and the source line driver circuit comprises a second transistor including second gate insulation films and drives the control gate line and the source line with a boost voltage higher than the first driving voltage.

A method for erasing a non-volatile memory includes: performing a first pre-erase program step on the non-volatile memory; determining that the non-volatile memory failed to program correctly during the first pre-erase program step; performing a first soft program step on the non-volatile memory in response to determining that the non-volatile memory failed to program correctly; determining that the non-volatile memory soft programmed correctly; performing a second pre-erase program step on the non-volatile memory in response to determining that the non-volatile memory soft programmed correctly during the first soft program step; and performing an erase step on the non-volatile memory. The method may be performed using a non-volatile memory controller.

A data reading method for a flash memory module is provided. The method includes applying a bit-data-read voltage to get read data from memory cells of the flash memory module. The method also includes setting a minus-adjustment-bit-data-read voltage and a plus-adjustment-bit-data-read voltage corresponding to the bit-data-read voltage based on an error-distribution estimated value and applying the minus-adjustment-bit-data-read voltage and the plus-adjustment-bit-data-read voltage to obtain soft values corresponding to the read data from the memory cells. The method further includes calculating a soft-information estimated value corresponding to each bit of the read data according to the soft-values. Accordingly, the method can effectively obtain soft information.

A semiconductor memory device includes a memory core and a fail detection circuit. The memory core includes a memory cell array having a plurality of memory cells. The fail detection circuit compares read data with test data to generate a comparison signal representing whether each of the memory cells is failed or not, and accumulates and stores fail information of the memory cells corresponding to a plurality of addresses to output accumulated fail information. The read data are read out from the memory cells in which the test data are written.

Some embodiments include memory arrays. The memory arrays can have global bitlines extending along a first horizontal direction, vertical local bitlines extending perpendicularly from the global bitlines, and wordlines extending along a second horizontal direction which is perpendicular to the first horizontal direction. The global bitlines may be subdivided into a first series at a first elevational level, and a second series at a second elevational level which is different from the first elevational level. The global bitlines of the first series can alternate with the global bitlines of the second series. There can be memory cell material directly between the wordlines and the vertical local bitlines. The memory cell material may form a plurality of memory cells uniquely addressed by wordline/global bitline combinations. Some embodiments include cross-point memory cell units that have areas of about 2F2.

A magnetic random access memory (MRAM) cell includes an embedded MRAM and an access transistor. The embedded MRAM is formed on a number of metal-interposed-in-interlayer dielectric (ILD) layers, which each include metal dispersed therethrough and are formed on top of the access transistor. An magneto tunnel junction (MTJ) is formed on top of a metal formed in the ILD layers that is in close proximity to a bit line. An MTJ mask is used to pattern the MTJ and is etched to expose the MTJ. Ultimately, metal is formed on top of the bit line and extended to contact the MTJ.

An apparatus that includes a magnetic structure including a reference layer; and a free layer; an exchange coupling spacer layer; and a stabilizing layer, wherein the exchange coupling spacer layer is between the magnetic structure and the stabilizing layer and exchange couples the free layer of the magnetic structure to the stabilizing layer.

A static random access memory (SRAM) cell includes a pair of cross-coupled inverters having a first node and a second node. A first transistor is coupled between the first node and a first bit line. A second transistor is coupled between the second node and a second bit line. A third transistor is coupled with the first node. The third transistor has a threshold voltage that is higher than that of a fourth transistor of the pair of cross-coupled inverters by about 10% or more. A fifth transistor is coupled between the third transistor and a third bit line.

A non-volatile memory cell with a programmable unipolar switching element, and a method of programming the memory element are disclosed. In some embodiments, the memory cell comprises a programmable bipolar resistive sense memory element connected in series with a programmable unipolar resistive sense switching element. The memory element is programmed to a selected resistance state by application of a selected write current in a selected direction through the cell, wherein a first resistance level is programmed by passage of a write current in a first direction and wherein a second resistance level is programmed by passage of a write current in an opposing second direction. The switching element is programmed to a selected resistance level to facilitate access to the selected resistance state of the memory element.

A voltage control device and a voltage control method capable of improving efficiency of a system as a whole even when fluctuation in voltage of a capacitor, which is a storage battery, is large are provided. A capacitor for supplying electric power to a predetermined load, an inverter connected to the load, an AC-coupling bi-directional DC-DC converter including two voltage source inverters of which direct-current terminals are connected in series so as to have additive polarity and a transformer for AC-coupling alternating-current terminals of the two voltage source inverters and having a predetermined leak inductance, with one of the two voltage source inverters connected in parallel to a capacitor, for outputting direct-current voltage obtained by increasing capacitor voltage of the capacitor to the inverter, and control unit for generating a command value of the direct-current voltage based on efficiency of the AC-coupling bi-directional DC-DC converter having a value corresponding to the capacitor voltage to output, are provided.

An electric power transmission system includes at each end of a high voltage direct current transmission line including three conductors, a converter station for conversion of an alternating voltage into a direct voltage for transmitting direct current between the stations in all three conductors. Each station has a voltage source converter and an extra phase leg connected between the two pole conductors of the direct voltage side of the converter. A third of the conductors is connected to a midpoint between current valves of the extra phase leg. An arrangement is adapted to control the current valves of the extra phase leg to switch for connecting the third conductor either to the first pole conductor or the second pole conductor for utilizing the third conductor for conducting current between the stations.

An electronic apparatus includes an outer cover member, an internal structure member, first and second external connection connectors, and first and second printed circuit boards. The first printed circuit board has a first surface on which the first external connector is mounted thereon, a signal pattern of the first external connector is formed on the first surface, and a second surface. The second printed circuit board has a first surface on which the second external connector is mounted thereon, a signal pattern of the second external connector is formed on the first surface, and a second surface. Ground patterns are formed on the second surfaces of the printed circuit boards. The first and second external connectors overlap and are arranged in a space surrounded by the outer cover member and the internal structure member so that the second surfaces of the first and second printed circuit boards face each other.

Protective containers for electronic equipment, and methods of testing and manufacture thereof, are provided. The cabinets provide a HEMP protection level to electronic equipment housed therein that meets a HEMP protection level according to MIL-STD-188-125-1.

A removable assembly adapted to be inserted into a shell defining a pair of grooves includes a support tray, a panel perpendicular to the support tray and defining a pair of gaps and a pair of handle assemblies. Each of the handle assemblies includes a trigger, a shiftable plate and a spring. The trigger pivots to the support tray. The shiftable plate engages with the trigger to rotate together with the trigger or disengage from the trigger under an external force to keep the support tray immovable during rotating the trigger. The shiftable plate includes an urging portion used to urge an outer surface of the shell to move the support tray out from the shell. The spring is urged between the panel and the shiftable plate to ensure the shiftable plate engage with the trigger.

A tilting portable electronic device includes a housing, a cover, a sliding mechanism and a rotating member. The sliding mechanism includes a connecting plate and at least one elastic member, the connecting plate rotatably connects with the cover, the elastic member connects to the connecting plate and the housing, the rotating member rotatably connects to the cover and the housing. When the cover is pushed by a force, one end of the cover slides along the surface of the housing with the connecting plate; the rotating member rotates to support the other end of the cover, after the sliding plate sliding over a predetermined distance, the elastic member releases energy to drive the connecting plate sliding further automatically, and the cover opens tilted relative to the housing.

An apparatus for mounting a device having electrical terminals includes a bracket and a tray. The bracket has two first protruding portions and two pivoting mechanisms adapted to be connected to a base. The tray is positioned between the bracket and the base and adapted to carry the device having electrical terminals. The tray has a bottom surface and two first protrusions. When the bracket is pivotally connected to the base and when the bracket is rotated so that the first protruding portions slide on the first protrusions, the first protrusions are pushed to move toward the pivoting mechanisms and drive the bottom surface to move.

Embodiment relate to an extruded high power electrical distribution. The bus can be employed in a MCC, a drive cabinet, or any such electrical enclosure to facilitate transmission of power. A body of the bus includes an elongate metal extrusion with first and second ridges extending along a length of the body from opposite edges of the body. Further, the bus includes a first groove and a second groove extending along the length of the body and into the body from a face of the body such that each of the first and second grooves comprises a cross-section having a narrow passage extending from the face into a broader cavity within the body. Additionally, the bus includes machined openings into each groove, wherein each of the machined openings is wider than the width of the corresponding groove to which it provides access.

The present invention relates to a solid electrolytic capacitor and a method for preparing the same.There is provided a solid electrolytic capacitor in accordance with the invention including a capacitor element with anode polarity therein and a cathode layer formed on an outer surface thereof; an anode wire with an end portion protruding on one surface of the capacitor element; a cathode lead layer formed on the other surface the capacitor element; a molding part surrounding the capacitor element to expose the protruding end portion of the anode wire and an end portion of the cathode lead layer; and an anode terminal and a cathode terminal formed by a plating layer at both sides of the molding part. It is possible to save preparation cost by simplifying a structure and a preparation process of the solid electrolytic capacitor.

A current-limiting surge protection device is provided. The current-limiting surge protection device includes a pair of series connected normally on MOSFET's and a pair of voltage controlled normally off switches that are disposed to monitor a voltage across the normally on MOSFET pair. Here, the voltage controlled normally off switches close according to an excess threshold voltage across the MOSFET pair and reduces a gate drive potential of the normally on MOSFET pair to limit a current through the normally on MOSFET pair.

Systems and methods for dynamically clearing faults in a power transmission line involve automatically terminating ends of a section of the power line while preserving electrical and/or physical continuity of the power line. The terminating of the ends is reversed at about voltage zero-crossings in the power line to clear a fault.

A device in one embodiment includes a plurality of tunnel junction resistors coupled in series; a first lead coupled to one end of the plurality of tunnel junction resistors coupled in series; and a second lead coupled to another end of the plurality of tunnel junction resistors coupled in series. A device in another embodiment includes a magnetoresistive sensor; a plurality of tunnel junction resistors coupled in series; a first lead coupling one end of the magnetoresistive sensor to one end of the plurality of tunnel junction resistors coupled in series; and a second lead coupling another end of the magnetoresistive sensor to another end of the plurality of tunnel junction resistors coupled in series.

A CPP-GMR spin valve having a CoFe/NiFe composite free layer is disclosed in which Fe content of the CoFe layer ranges from 20 to 70 atomic % and Ni content in the NiFe layer varies from 85 to 100 atomic % to maintain low Hc and λS values. A higher than normal Fe content in the CoFe layer improves the MR ratio by ≧16% compared with conventional CoFe/NiFe free layers in which the Fe content in CoFe is typically <20 atomic % and the Ni content in NiFe is <85 atomic %. The CPP-GMR performance may also be optimized by incorporating a confining current path layer in the copper spacer between the pinned layer and free layer. For a pinned layer with an AP2/Ru/AP1 configuration, the spin valve performance is further improved by an AP1 layer comprised of a lamination of CoFe and Cu layers as in [CoFe/Cu]2/CoFe.

Systems and methods for controlling the position of a magnetic head element and/or the magnetic head element to media spacing in a data storage device. At least one microactuator is embedded in a hard disk drive slider laterally displaced from the magnetic head element. Activation of the microactuator translates the magnetic head element in a lateral direction.

This application discloses a hard disk drive comprising a arm limiter mounted on a disk base to limit movement of the actuator arms during a non-operational shock event while parked. The arm limiter and disk base are disclosed in various combinations to limit actuator arm movement during non-operational shocks.

A magnetic recording head includes a magnetic recording write element including a main pole having a leading edge, an opposing trailing edge, a first side surface and a second side surface. A first side magnetic shield is positioned adjacent the first side surface and a second side magnetic shield positioned adjacent to the second side surface. First and second side shields are separated from the main pole by a first and second side shield gap. A front magnetic shield is separated from the main pole trailing edge by a front shield gap. A recess extends into the front shield adjacent to the trailing edge, and parallel to the trailing edge, and extends laterally away from the main pole and into the front shield a distance greater than the first or second side shield gap.

A method and disk drive for calibrating a phase of a clock in the disk drive. The phase of the clock in the disk drive is changed such that a rate of change for the phase is substantially constant. A pattern of data is written to a magnetic material in the disk drive after the rate of change for the phase becomes substantially constant and while changing the phase of the clock. A selected phase of the clock at which the pattern of data that is written on the magnetic material has a desired quality is identified using the rate of change for the phase, a first point in time at which a timing mark on the magnetic material is read, a second point in time at which the timing mark is read, and a third point in time at which the pattern of data has the desired quality.

An optical film structure for backlit displays having two films, both in prisms up configuration. The first film, closer to the light guide, has an array of generally symmetric 90-degree prisms facing the viewer. The second film, farther from the light guide, has an array of generally asymmetric prisms facing the viewer, with one face of the prisms inclined at about 45 degrees and the other face generally perpendicular to the plane of the backlight. The prisms of the first and second films may have an azimuthal angle between them, and may have different pitches from each other. The film structure recycles a portion of the light from the light guide, thereby helping to increase uniformity over the area of the display. The film structure also compresses the light emerging from the light guide, thereby providing a more sharply peaked brightness distribution for the viewer.

A focus adjustment device for adjusting a focus state of a projection lens unit in an image projection apparatus is provided. The focus adjustment device includes a focus adjustment member rectilinearly movable in a first direction; a rotational shaft; a first movement-converting member for converting a rectilinear movement of the focus adjustment member into a rotary movement of the rotational shaft; and a second movement-converting member for converting the rotary movement of the rotational shaft into in a rectilinear movement of the projection lens unit along a focusing direction.

An image capture lens module includes a first compound lens with a first lens element, a second lens element, and a third lens element arranged in sequence from an object side to an image side. A second compound lens includes a fourth lens element, a fourth lens element, and a fifth lens element arranged in sequence from an object side to an image side. A cover glass for an image sensor is positioned behind the second compound lens, wherein the first compound lens, the second compound lens and the cover glass are arranged in sequence from an object side to an image side.

A rotationally extendable structure of a lens barrel includes a stationary ring; a rotational ring, supported by the stationary ring to move in an optical axis direction while rotating and includes a peripheral gear at the rear end thereof; and a rotational-ring drive gear. The rotational-ring drive gear includes a long gear portion, formed long enough to mesh with the peripheral gear over an entire moving range of the rotational ring, and a large-diameter gear portion at the rear end of the long gear portion. The rotational ring is provided in a rear end thereof with a large-diameter-gear accommodating recess. When the rotational ring is moved to a rearward movement extremity in the optical axis direction, the large-diameter gear portion enters into the large-diameter-gear accommodating recess so that the large-diameter gear portion coincides with the peripheral gear with respect to the optical axis direction.

A method of imaging light from a specimen in which excitation light passes to the specimen via a scanning system and light emitted by luminescence of the specimen passes in another direction via the scanning system to an image capture device having a sensor having discrete spatially distinct light sensitive regions. The scanning system is operated to scan the whole of an area of interest of the specimen, and the excitation light and/or the image capture device are controlled so that light emitted from the specimen in only incident on the image capture device sensor for a specific time period equal to that required for scanning the whole of the area of interest n time. The scanning system is a confocal system. Apparatus is provided for performing the method to produce a video signal for creating an image in a display device or for processing and analysis by a computer.

To prevent the incorporation of gas, such as air (bubbles), into cells during the enclosure of a dispersion liquid containing electrophoretic particles in the cells. In the enclosure of a dispersion liquid, which contains electrophoretic particles dispersed in a hydrophobic dispersion medium, in a matrix of cells defined by a plurality of partitions, the dispersion liquid is supplied to the cells, an LB film of amphiphilic molecules each having both a hydrophilic group and a hydrophobic group is formed over at least exposed portions of the dispersion liquid in the openings of the cells, and the openings of the cells are hermetically sealed with a substrate with the LB film interposed therebetween.

A flexure assembly can have a stage that is deployed to a desired position by attachment of the flexure assembly to a housing. For example, a frame can be configured to be held in position by one portion of the housing and a deployment pad can be configured to be held in position by another portion of the housing. A deployment flexure can be configured to facilitate positioning of the frame and the deployment pad out-of-plane with respect to one another. The deployment flexure and a motion control flexure can facilitate movement of the stage with respect to the housing. In this manner, the position of the stage and the preload of the stage are determined by the housing.

A thermochromatic device includes an insulating substrate, a color element, a heating element, a first electrode, and a second electrode. The color element is located on the insulating substrate and includes a color-changeable material. A phase of the color-changeable material is changeable between a crystalline state and an amorphous state. A temperature phase change of the color-changeable material is above 40° C. A first reflectivity of the color-changeable material at the crystalline state and a second reflectivity of the color-changeable material the amorphous state are different. The heating element is located adjacent to the color element and includes a carbon nanotube structure. The first electrode and the second electrode are electrically connected to the heating element. A thermochromatic display apparatus using the thermochromatic device is also related.

An optical path control device is provided, including a fixed reflective mirror fixed on a first position at a fixed angle for an incident light to be reflected thereon, and a rotatable reflective mirror driven by a driving device and rotated on a fixed axle. A surface of the rotatable reflective mirror is perpendicular to the fixed axle. The axle is disposed at a second position so that a rotating path of the rotatable reflective mirror passes through the incident light reflected on the fixed reflective mirror. A normal line of an incident point of the rotatable reflective mirror where the incident light enters, and a normal line of an incident point of the fixed reflective mirror where the incident light enters generates a predetermined included angle.

Recording an image of a holographic stereogram includes providing an optical deflecting device in proximity to a hologram recording medium that is exposed with a stripe-shaped elemental hologram. Either an object beam or a reference beam is deflected, in a long side direction thereof, through the optical deflecting device to expose the hologram recording medium. The hologram recording medium is multiply exposed, at least twice, with different deflection angles of the optical deflecting device to cause the stripe-shaped elemental hologram to have a plurality of parallaxes in a long side direction of the stripe-shaped elemental hologram.

A system for path compensation of multiple incoherent optical beams incorporates an optical element combining a plurality of incoherent beams to an aperture by angle using carrier frequency tilt fringes. An illumination laser is employed for reflection of an illumination beam from a target. An interferometer receives a sample of the reflected illumination beam reflected from the target and provides interference fringes. A spatial light modulator receives the interference fringes and generates a real time hologram. Relay optics are employed for transmitting the combined plurality of incoherent beams to the SLM and receiving a diffraction corrected full aperture compensated combined beam for emission to the far field.

An image processing apparatus for supplying image data, to be formed by an image forming apparatus, to the image forming apparatus includes an obtaining unit for obtaining information on first environment light and second environment light different from the first environment light; a converting unit for converting data, defined by a color space independent of the image forming apparatus, of the image data into first image data defined by a color space dependent of the image forming apparatus depending on the first environment light and then for converting the first image data into second image data defined by a color space independent of the image forming apparatus depending on the second environment light; a discriminating unit for discriminating whether or not a color difference between the first image data and the second image data is a predetermined value or more in an area in which the first image data and the second image data correspond to each other; and a display controlling unit for controlling a display unit so that the image data is displayed on the display unit in an image area including an area in which the color difference is the predetermined value or more and including an area in which the color difference is less than the predetermined value.

A document scanning device, configured to sequentially eject and insert sheets under a stack of already-ejected sheets, includes a feed tray, a document table, a catch tray, a feeder feeding sheets from the feed tray to the catch tray, a scanner performing scanning in one of a first mode to scan the sheets fed by the feeder and a second mode to scan a sheet placed on the document table, an ejection detector detecting a sheet on the catch tray, and a controller. In response to an instruction to start the scanning, the controller forbids the scanner to start the scanning when determining with the ejection detector that a sheet is on the catch tray, and allows the scanner to start the scanning in a selected one of the first mode and the second mode when determining with the ejection detector that no sheet is on the catch tray.

A disclosed image scanning device includes a document table; a document pressing unit configured to press a document placed on the document table; a scanning unit including a light source for illuminating the document and configured to optically scan the document; a photoelectric conversion element; an open/close detection unit configured to detect opening and closing of the document pressing unit; and a control unit configured to turn on the light source of the scanning unit and thereby to cause the photoelectric conversion element to detect a size of the document if the closing of the document pressing unit is detected by the open/close detection unit or if a scanning start signal is detected. The control unit is configured to turn on the light source after a lighting delay period from a time when the closing of the document pressing unit is detected. The lighting delay period is changeable.

A printing method for printing an input image. Firstly, a halftone mask is generated. The input image is transformed into a halftone image through the halftone mask. The halftone image is then output for printing. The halftone mask is an array of N elements, and the following steps generate the halftone mask. An initial array of N elements is first provided. Thereafter, a first value is selectively assigned to an element in the initial array to generate a first array. The second to the Nth arrays are then recursively generated based on the first array in the following steps. A minimum energy element in an Ith array is first determined. An (I+1)th value is then assigned to the minimum energy element to generate an (I+1)th array, wherein I denotes 2 to N−1.

In summary, the present invention provides a method, apparatus and program product for calculating an estimate of the amount of toner coverage required for printing print data defined in a compressed data stream. The estimate is obtained with reduced processing by obtaining coverage data from a partially decompressed formed of the data stream and using this to obtain the coverage estimate, thus removing the need to do a full de-compression of the data stream. For example the coverage data is a count of toned pixels for at least one intensity level.

An image forming apparatus includes a color converting unit 330 for subjecting the input image data to a color conversion in accordance with ink color and generating a print image 400; a print data generator 370-x for generating print data of each scan corresponding to multiple scans of the print image generated by the color converting unit 330; print controller 380-x for controlling at least one of the color converting unit 330 or print data generator 370-x based upon the input image data 320 or a position on a scanning line of each dot to be printed in the print image 400 generated by the color converting unit 330; and a printer engine 180 for printing on the print medium based upon the print data generated by the print data generator 370-x.

An image recording apparatus includes an acquiring section, a recording section, and a width setting section. The acquiring section acquires print data indicative of an image having a size including a recording surface of a recording medium. The recording section records a borderless image on the recording medium based on the print data while the recording medium is conveyed in a conveying direction. The recording medium has an upstream side and a downstream side with respect to the conveying direction. The width setting section sets width of the image in a widthwise direction perpendicular to the conveying direction. The width of the image increases from the downstream side toward the upstream side in the conveying direction.

A print or logo data generating system and method in which a width dimension of a printable medium is identified and original source data obtained. The processing further involves automatically resizing the source data to a predefined maximum width not greater than the width dimension of the printable medium prior to executing any user-requested changes, and displaying a first image representation of the original source data. Upon receipt of a user-requested change in the size of the original source data and a user-requested change in the number of colors of the original source data, the size change request is executed first.

In a method for trapping of print data with a plurality of objects, transferring the print data together with first trapping instructions and/or parameters in a print data stream for execution of the trapping in a computer or a printing device. With the print data stream referencing resource data that can be repeatedly retrieved and which contain second trapping instructions and/or parameters specific to the printing device.

An image processing device configured to add, to a first image, a second image, includes an image acquiring unit configured to acquire the second image to be added, a segment sectioning unit configured to section, into a plurality of segments, an image forming area in which the first image is allowed to be formed on a sheet, a segment specifying unit configured to specify, from the plurality of segments, at least one segment into which the second image acquired is to be added, a size determining unit configured to determine a size of the second image such that the second image fits within the at least one segment specified, and an image combining unit configured to create a combined image by adding the second image of the determined size to be formed in the at least one segment to the first image to be formed in the image forming area.

A system and method for enabling production of larger books utilizing a multi-substrate hinged media. A media definition for a specialty media can be enhanced to include information about multiple variants that contain varying sizes of hinge sections related to a specific media and a page assignment rule. The set of hinged media variants can be treated as a single media type and the properties of the media type determine sheet thresholds for each variant. The specific media variants can be assigned to specific document pages based on the page assignment rule. The pages in the center of the book utilize larger hinges to allow the pages to lie flat, while pages at the beginning and end of the book utilize smaller hinges to prevent imaging on the hinge area.

An image output system connecting an image input apparatus and an image output apparatus by a close proximity wireless communication, and outputting by the image output apparatus of image data transmitted from the image input apparatus by the wireless communication. The image input apparatus detects a connection condition of the wireless communication, generates a script for defining an output processing according to at least a user operation, and transmits the script to the image output apparatus when the disconnection is detected after image data transmission, and the connection is detected again after disconnection detection. The image output apparatus detects the connection condition of the wireless communication, suspend output processing of the image data when the disconnection is detected during the image data output processing, and controls the image data output processing according to the script received from the image input apparatus when the connection is detected again.

A scanner image-processing unit includes a scanner-property adjusting unit that converts image data from a scanner unit into normalized image data and a first image processing unit that performs a first image processing on the normalized image data to generate output image data. If a controller image-processing unit that performs a second image processing on the image data from the scanner unit is connected, a configuration control unit disables an operation of the first image processing unit and controls the controller image-processing unit to perform the second image processing on the normalized image data to generate the output image data.

A print control apparatus of the present invention includes a database configured to manage counter information of an image forming apparatus; an obtain unit configured to periodically obtain the counter information from the image forming apparatus; an update unit configured to update the database based on the obtained counter information; a halt unit configured to halt the periodic obtaining of the counter information in response to start notification of processing based on a print job in the image forming apparatus; and a restart unit configured to restart the periodic obtaining of the counter information in response to completion notification of processing based on the print job in the image forming apparatus.

A control device of the present invention includes: a face position detecting section for detecting a position of a user's face in an image captured by a capturing device; a face recognition processing section for checking a partial image against reference face images, the partial image being at the position detected in the captured image, and extracting a reference face image that matches the face in the partial image; a user authentication section for specifying a user name that corresponds to the extracted reference face image; and a data checking section for (i) checking whether or not a multifunction printer receives print data added with the specified user name, and (ii) if it is confirmed that the multifunction printer receives the print data, operating an image forming section of the multifunction printer to form an image based on the print data. This realizes a control device which (i) authenticates a user in an easy way in which impersonation can be prevented without inconvenient operation, and (ii) prevents another user from accidentally viewing a printed matter.

Provided is a method for determining profile parameters of a sample structure on a workpiece using an optical metrology system optimized to achieve one or more accuracy targets, the optical metrology system including an optical metrology tool, an optical metrology tool model, a profile model of the sample structure, and a parameter extraction algorithm, the method comprising: setting one or more accuracy targets for profile parameter determination for the sample structure; selecting a number of rays and beam propagation parameters to be used to model the optical metrology tool, measuring a diffraction signal off the sample structure using the optical metrology tool, generating a metrology output signal, determining an adjusted metrology output signal using the metrology output signal and calibration data, concurrently optimizing the optical metrology tool model and the profile model using the adjusted metrology output signal and the parameter extraction algorithm.

Method and apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention can be provided. For example, first data associated with a first signal received from at least one region of at least one sample can be provided based on a first modality, and second data associated with a second signal received from the at least one sample can be provided based on a second modality which is different from the first modality. Third data associated with a reference can be received. Further data can be generated based on the first, second and third data. In addition, third data associated with a second signal received from the at least one sample can be obtained. Each of the third data can be based on a further modality which is different from the first modality and the second modality, and the further data can be further determined based on the third data. Further, the first modality can be a spectral-encoded modality, and the second modality can be a non-spectral-encoding modality.

The present invention is directed to the use of a light absorbing wall material to eliminate stray light paths in light-guiding structures, such as those used for HPLC absorbance detection. More specifically, the present invention relates to the use of carbon-doped Teflon® AF, or “black Teflon® AF,” for all or part of the walls of a light-guiding flowcell adapted for use in HPLC absorbance detection.

An operation method to operate a tilt sensor with power-saving mechanism is provided. The operation method comprises the steps as follows. An accommodating space is provided such that a blocking object is displaceable in the accommodating space according to the gravity. A working mode is performed such that a light-emitting element emits light according to a first current and at least two first light sensors sense a light amount to determine a tilt angle of the tilt sensor. When the light amount doesn't change or when a light amount variation sensed by a second light sensor is smaller than the threshold value within a predetermined time period, a power-saving mode is performed such that the light-emitting element emits light according to a second current smaller than the first current. When the light amount variation is larger than the specific value during the power-saving mode, the working mode is performed.

A lithographic apparatus includes a projection system configured to project an image onto a substrate, a substrate table configured to support the substrate, a first chamber that at least partially surrounds the projection system, and a second chamber that at least partially surrounds the substrate table and a first frame. The apparatus includes a base frame configured to support the second chamber, and an intermediate frame coupled to the base frame. The intermediate frame is configured to separate the first chamber and the second chamber. The apparatus includes a support coupled to the first frame. The support is configured to support the first chamber through a coupled opening in the intermediate frame and the second chamber.

An immersion lithography apparatus includes a projection system having a final optical element, a movable stage that is movable below the projection system such that a gap exists between the final optical element and a surface of the stage, an immersion liquid being filled in the gap, a liquid confinement member and a liquid diverter. The liquid confinement member maintains the immersion liquid in the gap, and includes a liquid recovery portion that faces the stage surface and recovers liquid from the gap. The liquid recovery portion includes a first porous portion through which a first suction force is applied and a second porous portion through which a second suction force less than the first suction force is applied, the second portion being located outward of the first portion. The liquid diverter is positioned between the stage and at least the first porous portion.

The invention relates to a polymer film having negative optical dispersion, novel polymerisable compounds and liquid crystal (LC) materials for its preparation, and the use of the polymer film and novel compounds and materials in optical, electrooptical, electronic, semiconducting or luminescent components or devices.

A display panel having a first region, a second region and a third region is provided. The display panel includes an active device array substrate, an opposite substrate, a display medium between the active device array substrate and the opposite substrate, and spacers arranged between the active device array substrate and the opposite substrate for maintaining a cell gap. The active device array substrate includes an active device array in the first region, a pad in the second region, a driving circuit in the third region, and a first alignment layer covering the first region, the second region and the third region. A thickness of the first alignment layer in the third region corresponding to the driving circuit is increased to be greater than those in the first region and the second region for buffering the pressure applied by the spacers.

A liquid crystal display panel including several first electrode portions, several second electrode portions, and a smectic liquid crystal layer is provided. The first electrode portions and the second electrode portions are disposed on a first substrate. When an AC voltage is applied on the first electrode portions and the second electrode portions, the direction of a horizontal electrical field formed between each first electrode portion and the adjacent second electrode portion is parallel to the surface of the first substrate. The smectic liquid crystal layer is interposed between the first substrate and a second substrate. During the phase change of a liquid crystal molecule of the smectic liquid crystal layer, the horizontal electrical field generated by applying the AC voltage on the first electrode portions and the second electrode portions facilitates the alignment of the liquid crystal molecule of the smectic liquid crystal layer.

The present invention in one aspect relates to a transflective liquid crystal display (LCD) comprising a plurality of pixels. Each pixel includes a first structure defining a reflective area and a transmissive area adjacent to the reflective area, a second structure positioned apart from the first structure to define a single cell gap therebetween, a liquid crystal layer positioned in the cell gap, and a plurality of electrodes formed on one of the first structure and the second structure such that at least two electrodes are positioned in the transmissive area and define a first distance, d1, therebetween, and at least two electrodes are positioned in the reflective area and define a second distance, d2, therebetween, where d2>d1, preferably, d2=√{square root over (2)}d1.

A liquid crystal display apparatus includes a liquid crystal display device, a surface light source to irradiate light toward the device, an optical film disposed between the device and source, and a diffusion member disposed between the film and device. The device includes a pair of substrates facing to each other through a space with electrodes formed on at least one of opposite surfaces, a liquid crystal layer sealed into the space between the substrates, and a pair of polarizing plates arranged sandwiching the substrates therebetween. The film is made of a transparent film-like member and has two mutually faced film surfaces, one of the surfaces is formed into a planar shape, the other surface is formed into a convexo-concave structure with elongate microprisms in parallel to each other, and the film is disposed between the device and source with the one surface directed toward the device.

A liquid crystal display module includes a liquid crystal display panel, a plurality of lamps for irradiating a first light onto the liquid crystal display panel, and a back light unit including a plurality of light emitting diode arrays, each of the light emitting diode arrays having a plurality of light emitting diodes arranged between the lamps to irradiate a second light onto the liquid crystal display panel.

The first line and the plurality of second lines are formed on the light-emitting diode substrate and on the connection substrate. The plurality of second lines are arranged, on the connection substrate, in the same direction as a direction in which the plurality of light-emitting diodes mounted on the light-emitting diode substrate are arranged. The first line is formed outside the plurality of second lines, on the connection substrate. The plurality of second lines are formed without intersecting with one another, on the light-emitting diode substrate. The first line is formed, on the light-emitting diode substrate, so that the first line extends along with a periphery of the light-emitting diode substrate from a connection part with respect to the connection substrate so as to come around to an opposite side of the connection part with respect to the connection substrate.

A display is switchable between a first display mode with a first viewing angle range, a second display mode having a second viewing angle range smaller than the first viewing angle range and a multiple view directional display mode. The display includes an image display layer and a control element that is switchable between a first state in which it cooperates with the image display layer to provide the first display mode, a second state in which it cooperates with the image display layer to provide the second display mode, and a third state in which it cooperates with the image display layer to provide the multiple view directional display mode.

A liquid crystal display includes a first substrate, a second substrate having a first surface and a second surface facing the first substrate, a liquid crystal layer between the first and second substrates, and a touch sensor layer on the first surface. The touch sensor layer includes a first electrode in a first direction on the first surface, a second electrode in a second direction crossing the first direction on the first surface and including first and second portions that are separated by the first electrode, a bridge wire including first and second contacts on the first surface. The first contact is electrically connected to the first portion of the second electrode, and the second contact is electrically connected to the second portion of the second electrode. An insulating layer insulates the bridge wire from the first electrode and exposes the first contact and the second contact.

A method of estimating the interlacing mode used in a series of video frames presented as a sequence of fields is described. In one implementation, the method includes calculating a metric indicative of the difference between a current field of the sequence and a previous field of the sequence and determining from the metric so calculated the most likely type of the current field by reference to a Hidden Markov Model.

The present invention generally relates to photography, including both still photography and video photography. One aspect of the invention is directed toward a lens system that includes a lens, a fitting mountable to a camera, and a flexible body extending between the lens and the fitting. The fitting can be the sole support for the body relative to the camera. The body can be configured to position the lens among at least two operative positions relative to the camera when the fitting is mounted to the camera. Another aspect of the invention is directed toward a method for adjusting focus of a camera using a lens assembly including manually moving a portion of a flexible body of the lens assembly to place a lens in one of at least two operative positions relative to the camera.

A solid-state imaging apparatus includes a plurality of pixels and an A/D converter for converting analog image signals from the pixels into digital signals including a higher digit bit and a lower digit bit in time series. The A/D converter includes a first holding unit for holding the higher digit bit of the digital signal, a second holding unit for holding the lower digit bit of the digital signal, a third holding unit for holding the digital signal from the first holding unit, and a fourth holding unit for holding the digital signal from the second holding unit. A first pair including the first and third holding units, and a second pair including the second and fourth holding units are arranged in a direction along the column of the two-dimensional array of pixels.

A solid-state imaging device includes: a pixel unit in which pixels, each of which converts light into a pixel signal and accumulates the pixel signal in accordance with a light exposure period, are arranged in a predetermined color layout and first-color pixel horizontal rows containing first-color pixels and second-color pixel horizontal rows containing second-color pixels are alternately arranged in a vertical row direction; readout units that select n (n≧2) single-color pixel signals from the first-color or second-color pixels in the first-color or second-color pixel horizontal rows, perform 1/n thinning-out on the selected n pixel signals to reduce the number of pixel signals to 1/n, and read the resultant pixel signal for each of the colors; and column processing units that perform column processing on the pixel signals having undergone the 1/n thinning-out.

An imaging apparatus includes an imaging unit configured to perform photoelectric conversion of an optical image, an optical zoom unit configured to perform optical magnification variation in response to a zooming operation, an electronic zoom unit configured to perform electronic magnification variation on a signal output from the imaging unit, and a controller configured to operate the electronic zoom unit together with the optical zoom unit in a first zoom range in response to the zooming operation, to operate the optical zoom unit without operating the electronic zoom unit in response to the zooming operation in a second zoom range, which is closer to a telephoto side than the first zoom range, and to operate the electronic zoom unit together with the optical zoom unit in response to the zooming operation in a third zoom range, which is closer to the telephoto side than the second zoom range.

A method for increasing dynamic range of original image data representing an image comprises applying an expansion function to generate from the original image data expanded data having a dynamic range greater than that of the original image data and, obtaining an expand map comprising data indicative of a degree of luminance of regions associated with pixels in the image. The method then combines the original image data and the expanded data according to the expand map to yield enhanced image data. Apparatus for boosting the dynamic range of image data comprises a dynamic range expander that produces expanded data, a luminance analyzer that produces an expand map and a combiner that combines the original and expanded data according to a variable weighting provided by the expand map.

An imaging apparatus includes a correction member movable within a plane orthogonal to an optical axis, a vibration detection unit configured to detect vibrations applied to the imaging apparatus, a filter configured to pass a frequency of a predetermined band of vibration signals from the vibration detection unit, a calculation unit configured to calculate a vibration correction amount based on an output from the filter, a driving control unit configured to drive the correction member by using the vibration correction amount to perform vibration correction, and an intermediate value changing unit configured to change an intermediate value of the filter unit to a predetermined value immediately before exposure.

Video data that includes a plurality of images acquired over time are processed in an apparatus immediately after acquiring the video data, or during some later post-processing of the video data, to reduce the effects of unintended motion in the acquired images. Coarse and fine compensation for motion is performed on video frames that correspond to the acquired images. A coarse compensation value is employed to compress each video frame that is both coarse and fine motion compensated.

A method for testing a camera module of an electronic device includes following blocks. An analysis module and a control module are installed in the electronic device. A test fixture is utilized to secure the electronic device. The control module instructs the camera module to capture a video and a photo. The analysis module automatically examines whether the video and the photo fall within predetermined parameters. A system associated with above method for testing the camera module of the electronic device is also disclosed.

A method for testing a digital camera module reads a digital image from the digital camera module under test, extracts a tricolor coefficient of each pixel of the digital image to form a measurement array, and compares the measurement array with a reference array to find tricolor coefficient differences. The method extracts an edge of the digital image, processes the edge of the digital image using binarization to obtain measurement binary values, and compares the measurement binary values with reference binary values to find binary values differences. The method further compares a count of the tricolor coefficient differences with a first acceptable value, and compares a count of the binary values differences with a second acceptable value to determine quality of the digital camera module.

A sentient system combines detection, tracking, and immersive visualization of a cluttered and crowded environment, such as an office building, terminal, or other enclosed site using a network of stereo cameras. A guard monitors the site using a live 3D model, which is updated from different directions using the multiple video streams. As a person moves within the view of a camera, the system detects its motion and tracks the person's path, it hands off the track to the next camera when the person goes out of that camera's view. Multiple people can be tracked simultaneously both within and across cameras, with each track shown on a map display. The track system includes a track map browser that displays the tracks of all moving objects as well as a history of recent tracks and a video flashlight viewer that displays live immersive video of any person that is being tracked.

The present invention makes it possible to make high-quality recordings of the anterior and/or posterior segments of the eye as an individual image or also as a sequence of images without increasing the radiation load on the eye to be examined. In the method according to the invention, at least one pre-flash is used in order to determine an optimal exposure time for the main flash based on the recording of the pre-flash which is reflected by the object to be recorded. Both the pre-flash and the main flash are controllable and the recordings of the pre-flash and main flash are recorded with the same sensor of the electronic camera and are evaluated electronically by a control unit, and the recording of the main flash and, as the case may be, of the pre-flash is analyzed and/or corrected and displayed to the user.

An image processing method for creating a disparity image for 3D display from a 2D video image includes detecting based on a first image of the 2D video image in a time and a second image in a time different from the first image, motion vectors between the first and second images for each block of the first image, detecting from the motion vectors, a most backward vector of a portion whose depth is on the back side, calculating differential vectors between each motion vector and the most backward vector and giving a depth on a close to the block of the first image corresponding to the motion vector having the larger differential vector and creating one or more disparity images from the first image and the depth.

One particular implementation of the present invention may take the form of a method and system for encoding and/or transmitting high definition 3-D multimedia content. In one embodiment, the frames for each eye of a viewer may be transmitted in a frame sequential manner to a display device, with an occasional null frame included in the frame stream. The null frame may be ignored by the display device and not presented to the viewer. In another embodiment, a synchronization signal may be presented to the display device to instruct the display device on how to display the frame-sequenced frames such that the 3-D effect of the content may be achieved. The synchronization signal may be presented to the display device embedded within the frames of the content or embedded within the null frames. The synchronization signal may also be provided out of band, such as on a high definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cable.

A system and a method allowing simultaneous exchange of audio, video or data information between a plurality of units over a communication network, supported by a central unit, wherein the central unit is, based on knowledge regarding one or more of the units, adapted to instruct said one or more units to generate multimedia data streams adjusted to fit into certain restrictions to be presented on other units participating in a same session.

A teleconferencing system in which a teleconference controller advantageously uses information relating to the network topology layout of remote nodes which are to participate in a teleconference, and then advantageously directs the transmission of video and/or audio streams from a source node to an identified subset of the remote nodes based on the capabilities of the nodes and the network links. These nodes which initially receive the video and/or audio streams then advantageously forward the streams in turn to other nodes in their vicinity using peer-to-peer network connectivity techniques. The identification of the subset of nodes which serve as peer-to-peer forwarding nodes may be based on node activity, node service capacity, the impact on network links between the node and the requester, the distance and/or latency between the node and the requester, and the ability of the node to meet requests including video transcoding requests.

A TV with Internet communication capability includes a built-in microphone and video camera. Signals from the microphone and video camera are processed by an IP phone module in the TV, multiplexed together, and sent over the Internet to one or more user-selected addresses. Incoming videoconferencing signals are demultiplexed and presented on the TV display and speaker.

A method and portable terminal for providing a video communication service are disclosed, in which video and audio data transmitted or received during video communication are recorded and the video and audio data are stored into files by the portable terminal, the files are merged; and the merged files are played. The portable terminal can store images and voices of both users during video communication by successively storing video and audio data, which are transmitted or received, in response to a user's key input and merging the video and audio data into a single file.

Laser printers are plagued with an assortment of alignment issues. In color laser printers the issues are exacerbated. Variations in distance from the mirror to the drum can lines in different color planes to vary in size. Variations in angles in the facets of the mirror can cause alignment issues between lines. Even lack of synchronization between the dot clock and start of line indication can cause misalignment between rows. In addition, a cosine distortion occurs due to the non-constant linear velocity of the laser scan of a single line. A very high speed master clock can drive the laser scanning unit. By using a very high speed clock, the control circuitry has the resolution to compensate for many of these distortion types, by appropriately counting clock cycles and indicating such to the laser modulator.

A method for driving a display includes following steps. A display panel is divided into a plurality of bright regions and a plurality of dark regions, wherein the dark regions and the bright regions are alternately arranged so that the bright regions within the display panel are not adjacent to each other. Next, a full-color frame is divided into four sub-frames, wherein the sub-frames are matched with the four color-orders one by one. In this way, the display randomly displays the sub-frames in a frame period.

A method, system, and computer-readable storage medium are disclosed for generating a three-dimensional (3D) shape based on a two-dimensional (2D) image. In one embodiment, an image comprising a 2D representation of a 3D object is received. Characteristics of one or more light sources affecting the image may be determined. A 3D mesh approximating a shape of the 3D object may be generated based on a first downsampled version of the image. A candidate image may be rendered based on the 3D mesh and the characteristics of the light sources. The 3D mesh may be output if a difference between the image and the candidate image is smaller than a threshold error value.

In a liquid crystal display device performing alternating-current driving, at least one of a gate voltage amplitude Vgp−p(p) upon application of a positive polarity voltage and a gate voltage amplitude Vgp−p(n) upon application of a negative polarity voltage is changed in accordance with a liquid crystal driving frequency. Thus, an effective value of a liquid crystal application voltage in a positive polarity is set to be equal to an effective value of a liquid crystal application voltage in a negative polarity irrespective of the liquid crystal driving frequency, so that flicker is prevented from occurring when the liquid crystal driving frequency is switched. As the liquid crystal driving frequency is low, a gate low voltage Vgln after application of the negative polarity voltage is set to be low. Thus, a leak current from a TFT is reduced in the negative polarity, and a liquid crystal element is improved in voltage holding ratio.

A touch screen which uses light sources at one or more edges of the screen which directs light across the surface of the screen and at least two cameras having electronic outputs located at the periphery of the screen to receive light from said light sources. A processor receives the outputs of said cameras and employs triangulation techniques to determine the location of an object proximate to said screen. Detecting the presence of an object includes detecting at the cameras the presence or absence of direct light due to the object, using a screen surface as a mirror and detecting at the cameras the presence or absence of reflected light due to an object. The light sources may be modulated to provide a frequency band in the output of the cameras.

The present invention relates to an improved wireless multiuser touch control system which comprises comprising an input end and a host control display end, wherein the input end comprises an input end and a host control display end. The input end has a plurality of touch control handwriting devices adopted for users to write characters and draft drawings on each of first touch screens thereof, respectively; and the host control display end has a computer mainframe and a host touch control display device. One user can write characters and draft drawings on a first touch screen of the touch control handwriting device by directly using the figures thereof, so that the characters and the drawings are simultaneously shown in the host touch control display device and the other touch control handwriting devices, so as to achieve an interactive multi-user discussion, meeting and teaching.

An input device comprises a touch sensitive sensor operative to sense finger touch, a detection unit controllable to apply a single touch detection method over at least one area of the touch sensitive sensor and a multi-touch detection method over at least one other area of same touch sensitive sensor, and a controller operative to set the areas of single touch and multi-touch detection.

A handheld electronic device includes a reduced QWERTY keyboard and is enabled with disambiguation software that is operable to disambiguate text input. In addition to identifying and outputting representations of language objects that are stored in the memory and that correspond with a text input, the device provides a learning function which facilitates providing proposed corrected output by the device in certain circumstances of erroneous input.

A portable computer operates by an operating system (OS) corresponding to a predetermined language, and includes a keypad unit which includes a plurality of input keys and has a key array corresponding to a plurality of languages, a system unit which operates according to at least one key value, and a control unit which determines the language according to which the OS operates, and controls the system unit to operate according to the key value corresponding to an input key which is selected according to the key array corresponding to the language.

Various embodiments related to an adaptive keyboard cut from a single flexible substrate are provided. One disclosed embodiment of an adaptive input device comprises a flexible substrate, and a plurality of key screens defined in the flexible substrate via cuts in the flexible substrate. The key screens are cut such that each key screen remains electrically connected to the flexible substrate, and each key screen comprises an image producing element configured to display an image on the key screen. The adaptive input device further comprises a keyboard comprising a plurality of keys disposed over the flexible substrate, where each key screen is turned upwardly from the flexible substrate to cover a corresponding key on the keyboard.

A light emitter/sensor includes a lamp, a light sensor, a light guide, and a light controller. The light guide has a pair of opposite ends and is optically-coupled to the lamp and the light sensor at one of the ends. The light guide is configured to convey light emitted from the lamp to the other end of the light guide, and from that other end to the light sensor. The light controller is coupled to the lamp and the light sensor and is configured to flash the lamp and to determine the intensity of light at that other end of the light guide, via the light guide and the light sensor, during an interval between the flashes.

A display device includes a display portion; a signal driver; and a delay control circuit. The display portion is connected to a plurality of signal line groups. The signal driver is connected to the plurality of signal line groups and outputs a plurality of video data groups to the plurality of signal line groups at timings respectively in a single horizontal period. Each of the timings is shifted from an adjacent timing by a predetermined time. The delay control circuit varies the predetermined time every horizontal period and supplies the predetermined time to the signal driver.

In a method of driving a display device and a driving circuit using the driving method, when a current needed to display an image corresponding to one frame is calculated based on a data signal, a second vertical start signal delayed by a first time interval more than a first vertical start signal based on the calculated current. A first gate signal is sequentially output in response to the first vertical start signal, and a display data voltage obtained from the data signal is output during a high period of the first gate signal. A second gate signal is sequentially output in response to the second vertical start signal, and a black data voltage is output during a high period of a second gate signal. Thus, the current applied to a display part is controlled, thereby reducing power consumption and improving moving image.

A signal line driving circuit which includes a digital signal sampling circuit, a storage circuit, a time setting circuit and a constant current circuit, is fabricated of TFTs on an insulating substrate which is made of the same substance as that of a pixel portion substrate. Thus, in a passive type EL display device, the problem of a distortion in the case of bonding the signal line driving circuit onto the pixel portion substrate can be eliminated. Besides, in an active type EL display device, each pixel is constructed of one transistor and an EL element. Thus, the aperture factor of the EL display device is enlarged.

Visual artifact reduction method for a display comprising the use of error diffusion. Other artifact reduction methods can be used with error diffusion, including gamma correction, dithering, and center of light.

An information display apparatus includes a fan face that is openly/closably bent like bellows, the fan face including a thin film flat display formed on a flexible and bendy thin film, the thin film flat display including a full color organic EL display capable of displaying a full color television image, a pair of main ribs joined to respective ends of the fan face, the fan face being disposed between the main ribs, a plurality of intermediate ribs interposed between the main ribs, the fan face being joined to the intermediate ribs, and a pivot for turnably fixing the main ribs and the intermediate ribs in a root portion. A television receiver circuit is disposed in one of the main ribs.

A head-up display apparatus allows an occupant of a vehicle to visually perceive a virtual image of an image light reflected by a windshield after passing through a cylindrical lens. The cylindrical lens is inclined against the image light to thereby reflect outside light not to reach an eye range of the occupant. The cylindrical lens is placed in a light guide portion such that (i) an action axis direction for an optical action and (ii) a horizontal direction in the display image agree with each other. Of the cylindrical lens, an inclination angle and installation depth are so set that light incident at an angle equal to or greater than an interception upper-limit incident angle and reflected by a pass-through side of the cylindrical lens does not arrive at the eye range of the occupant.

A display device includes a display body in which a plurality of unit display areas that display images having a parallax therebetween so as to be viewed stereoscopically is arranged and a drive circuit that sequentially displays single-color images of a plurality of color components which constitute a first image and a second image having a parallax therebetween for each one or more of unit display areas among the plurality of unit display areas.

Identification information of another image communication apparatus is received, as transmitter information indicating a transmitter, from the another image communication apparatus, and display is performed so as to indicate the transmitter on display means in accordance with the transmitter information having been received, and a user is allowed to select whether or not an image is to be received from the another image communication apparatus having transmitted the transmitter information. Next, its own identification information is transmitted, as destination information indicating a destination, to the another image communication apparatus which is selected as the transmitter from which an image is to be received. An image is received from the another image communication apparatus to which the destination information is transmitted, and the received image is stored in storage means.

The present invention relates generally to building controllers, and more particularly, to antennas for providing wireless communication capabilities in such building controllers. Methods and systems for automated surface mounting of such antennas are also contemplated and disclosed.

An antenna arrangement including a first element operable in a first resonant mode at a first resonant frequency band; and a second element arranged to couple with the first element to enable the first element to resonate in a second resonant mode having a second resonant frequency band, the second element having an impedance at the first resonant frequency band which substantially suppresses coupling between the first element and the second element.

A receiving device for a global positioning system and an antenna structure thereof. The receiving device includes a housing, a circuit board and the antenna structure. The circuit board is disposed inside the housing and has a ground portion and a signal feeding portion. The antenna structure is disposed inside the housing and includes a metal plate, a first electric conducting element and a second electric conducting element. The metal plate is used for receiving a GPS signal. The first electric conducting element has one end coupled to the metal plate, and the other end coupled to the ground portion of the circuit board. The second electric conducting element for feeding the GPS signal to the circuit board has one end coupled to the metal plate, and the other end coupled to the signal feeding portion of the circuit board.

A disclosed method uses the results of location queries to tune the value of measurements of a property to obtain a statistically representative measurement for geo location. As location requests arrive, a current measurement value associated with the serving area or location is used to determine the number of measurements to obtained; the resulting uncertainty is mapped against the number of measurements required to determine that value. If additional measurements are required to achieve the target uncertainty in the result, this is recorded. The process relies on empirical observations and has the additional advantage of being blind to the actual network topology. This approach by its own nature automatically takes into account network changes whether known or unknown.

A method and apparatus for detecting objects located underground. In one advantageous embodiment, a detection system detects objects having electrical non-linear characteristics located underground. The detection system comprises a transmitter unit, a receiver, and a processor. The transmitter transmits a plurality of pulsed radio frequency signals having a first frequency and a second frequency into a ground. The receiver monitors for a response radio frequency signal having a frequency equal to a difference between the first frequency and a second frequency, wherein the response radio frequency signal is generated by an object having the non-linear conductive characteristics in response to receiving the plurality of electromagnetic signals. The processor is connected to the transmitter unit and the receiver, wherein the processor controls an operation of the transmitter unit and the receiver, wherein the object is detected when the response radio frequency signal is detected by the receiver.

A programmable logic device can be configured as a fractional rate resampling filter capable of performing downsampling prior to upsampling without modifying the overall filter response. Input data may be received at a first sample rate and may be downsampled to generate downsampled data. Portions of the downsampled data may be respectively output to different filtering paths. Each filtering path may include a cluster of filter components that corresponds to different subfilters of the overall filter response and may be operable to receive and process the different portions of the downsampled data. Outputs of each cluster may be combined to generate output data at a second sample rate. The resampling filter structure can reduce the number of multiplier circuits used by allowing time-division multiplexing among different filter components.

Provided are an adaptive communication method and a sensor node for performing the same. The sensor node adaptively selects transmitted signal output strength and a wakeup zone of transmitted data based on a received signal strength indication of a control packet received from a sink node and existence of an obstacle acquired through a sensor, and transmits data based on the adaptive selection. Also, during an operation as a receive mode, the sensor node wakes up and determines whether to receive the data from the transmit node based on wakeup zone configuration information per sensor node received from the sink node and a wakeup zone selected by a sensor node currently operable as a transmit node.

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for reducing the number of packets in a vehicle-to-vehicle multi-hop broadcast communication. The method determines a position data comprising a position, a velocity and a direction of a receiving vehicle (1, 2, 3, 4), receives a position data comprising position, velocity and direction from sending vehicles (1, 2, 3, 4), and calculates a relative position between the receiving vehicle (1, 2, 3, 4) and the sending vehicle (1, 2, 3, 4). Next, a density of vehicles is calculated from the calculated relative positions. The position data of the receiving vehicle (1, 2, 3, 4) is periodically sent, and the time for periodically sending the position data of the receiving vehicle (1, 2, 3, 4) is set in accordance with the calculated density of vehicles.

Systems and methods for collecting sports data are disclosed, which include measuring, at one or more sensor modules mounted, affixed, or embedded on at least one sports participant, data corresponding to identification, movement, position, or condition of the at least one sports participant; broadcasting, from one or more telemetry modules mounted, affixed, or embedded on the at least one sports participant, signals carrying the data corresponding to identification, movement, position, or condition of the at least one sports participant; measuring, at one or more sensor modules mounted, affixed, or embedded in a sports object, data corresponding to identification, movement, position, or condition of the sports object; and broadcasting, from one or more telemetry modules mounted, affixed, or embedded on the sports object, signals carrying the data corresponding to identification, movement, position, or condition of the sports object. The systems and methods also include receiving the signals from the telemetry modules mounted, affixed, or embedded on the at least one sports participant and the telemetry modules mounted, affixed, or embedded on the sports object; and processing the received signals to calculate position information or movement information of a sports object or a sports participant in relation to a playing surface of a sports event.

A power supply unit for a fire detector, especially a smoke alarm, includes a power unit and battery terminals for connecting a predeterminable battery. The power unit has first connection means for connection to a power supply network and second connection means for connecting the fire detector. In order to increase the functionality of a fire alarm, the battery terminals are operatively connected by at least one first electric connection with the second connection means. The first electric connection includes hereby at least one diode.

The subject of the invention is a device for managing configuration and for managing maintenance of apparatus. It relates to a device for managing configuration and maintenance of a number N of items of apparatus EQi integrated into a system, i denoting an identification index for the apparatus EQi and lying between 2 and N. The system includes a main computer RC. The apparatus EQi exchanges data with the main computer RC through a communication network. The apparatus EQi being able to be integrated into the system or to be removed from the system. According to the invention, the device includes at least one data concentrator C, N radio tags ETi, each tag ETi is fixed securely to the apparatus EQi, a number M of communication nodes Nj, where j denotes an identification index for the communication node Nj, j lies between 2 and M, M is less than or equal to N. According to the invention, a communication node Nj has a fixed position related to the system (1) and the node Nj is devised so as to exchange data with radio tags ETi through a contactless link, all the nodes Nj are linked to a data concentrator C by a wired link.

A vibratory flow meter (100) for correcting for entrained gas in a flow material is provided. The vibratory flow meter (100) comprises a flow meter assembly (10) configured to generate a vibrational response for the flow material, a bubble size sensor (50) configured to generate a bubble measurement signal for the flow material, and meter electronics (20) coupled to the flow meter assembly (10) and to the bubble size sensor (50). The meter electronics (20) is configured to receive the vibrational response and the bubble measurement signal, determine a bubble size of bubbles in the flow material using at least the bubble measurement signal, determine one or more flow characteristics of the flow material using at least the vibrational response and the bubble size.

A method and system are disclosed for assessing the capability of a first person to operate a machine, such as an aircraft or other transport vehicle. The method includes the steps of: (a) Sensing the value of at least one, and preferably two or more information parameters for assessing the fitness of the person operating the machine. The parameters include one or a combination of electroencephalogram information, electrocardiogram information, heart rate information, respiratory rate information, eye motion information, eyelid position information, eyelid motion information, expired gas mixture information, blood oxygen content information, blood oxygen saturation information and blood pressure information for the person operating the machine, and/or information about operation of the machine as well as information about actions taken by the person operating the machine. (b) Determining whether at least one value of one information parameter is/are not within the range of values deemed to be acceptable for a capable person. (c) Indicating when the at least one information parameter is/are not within the range of acceptable values, thereby indicating the person's decreased fitness and ability to operate the machine.

A surveyor's mark and a method for forming the mark. The mark includes a stick and a head assembled to the stick. The stick is configured to be planted in a ground and the head is configured to be above the ground. The head includes a tag having an identification number. The identification number has a value which is a first code value. The stick includes a thin wire configured as an electrical conducting loop and connected to the tag. If the stick is planted in the ground and the head is above the ground, then pulling the head in an attempt to pull up the mark from the ground results in the head being disassembled from the stick and the thin wire breaking so as to open the loop which changes the value of the identification number from the first code value to a second code value.

An emergency management system includes a plurality of command centers, each having real time updated information about an area of interest, a plurality of uniquely identifiable portable monitors, each of the monitors including a sensor portion for determining one or more exposure parameters, and each of the monitors including a communications portion for providing two-way communications over redundant communications channels with at least two of the command centers. A method of managing emergency responders is also provided.

An electronic device that functions as an area-intrusion informing device for announcing the unauthorized entry into an enclosure or area which has at least one access opening and closing means. The device uses components that are small for inconspicuous insertions, or for surface mounting, and preferably utilizes a dummy hinge arrangement as an electrical conductor between the various components. The device is used for access doors, windows, filing cabinets, desk draws, closets, and the like, and typically includes at least one light emitting diode, an optional numeric liquid crystal display, a timer, and alert signaling and reset components. The components act together to provide notification of illegal entry between the times of departure, and arrival, of authorized users of the enclosure or area. A simple security alert system is provided.

A wireless network communications unit is operable to transmit and receive data for a host device. The wireless network communications unit includes a wireless network communications interface configured to transmit and receive data using a wireless network protocol when a host device having the wireless network communications unit is turned on. The wireless communications unit also includes a tag component detecting when the host device is turned off. In response to detecting the host device being turned off, the unit enters a tag operational mode wherein the tag component is configured to transmit data identifying the host device via the wireless network interface.

A system, method and program product for associating a biometric reference template with a RFID tag embedded in or attached to a physical object. The method includes coupling a RFID tag having a unique tag identifier to a physical object to be associated with an individual, providing a reference template having a unique reference template identifier that uniquely identifies biometric data pertaining to the individual and forming an association between the reference template and the tag, where the association provides a relationship, including a relationship type, between the object and the individual. In an embodiment, the forming step includes creating a biometric attribute in the tag for identifying the template identifier for the reference template or creating a tag attribute in the reference template, where the biometric attribute created in the tag and the tag attribute in the biometric application form an association between the object and the reference template.

A fused conductor includes a first conductor portion, a second conductor portion, and a fuse element in electrical communication with the first and second conductor portions via at least one dual metal wire, the fuse element protected by a glass body bonded chemically to the dual metal wire.

This invention is directed to a device for energy storage and transformation that allows an increased level of energy storable in an ignition coil, using a coil that has a permanent magnet inside of a primary magnetic core, with a second magnetic core that closes the magnetic path of the primary magnetic core.

Various exemplary embodiments relate to a temperature compensation structure for use in a dielectric resonator that permits a support to be thermally efficient in rapidly transferring heat generated by a central puck in the resonator. The temperature compensation structure may have an extension shaped to promote heat from the puck into the support, thereby permitting high power operation of the dielectric resonator without overheating.

A high-frequency electric field coupler is provided for use in a contactless communication system propagating high frequency signals in a wide band utilizing electric field coupling. The coupler includes a coupling electrode and a resonance unit operating to increase the amplitude of an electrical charge accumulated at the coupling electrode at a predetermined resonance frequency. The coupling electrode is a linear conductor in the form of a coil.

Exemplary gate pulse modulation circuit and sloping modulation method applied thereto are provided. The gate pulse modulation circuit has an output terminal and includes a voltage modulation circuit and a comparator control circuit. The voltage modulation circuit is electrically coupled between a gate power supply voltage and a second voltage and subjected to the control of a sloping control signal to perform a sloping operation and then output a sloped voltage signal. The comparator control circuit includes a comparing unit and a switching unit. First and second input terminals of the comparing unit respectively are electrically coupled to a node and a first voltage. During the voltage modulation circuit performing the sloping operation, a magnitude relationship between a voltage on the node and the first voltage decides on-off states of the switching unit and thereby decides the moment of the first voltage delivered to the output terminal.

A voltage controlled oscillator circuit comprises a VCO resonator circuit having a first plurality of varactors for varying a frequency of the VCO resonator circuit, the VCO resonator circuit being symmetrical with respect to VCO circuit ground and providing a signal having a frequency, the frequency depending on a tuning voltage applied to the first plurality of varactors, and a second plurality of varactors for compensating a drift of the frequency depending on a compensation voltage, a temperature sensor circuit sensing an ambient temperature of the VCO resonator circuit and providing a temperature dependent signal, and a temperature compensation circuit providing the compensation voltage depending on the temperature dependent signal. Furthermore, a phase locked loop (PLL) circuit, an automotive radar device and a method for compensating a frequency drift of a VCO resonator circuit are presented.

To provide a voltage controlled oscillator capable of being treated as a lumped constant circuit, having small size and capable of obtaining an oscillation frequency in a high frequency band. A resonance part in a voltage controlled oscillator has variable capacitance elements whose electrostatic capacitance varies in accordance with a control voltage for frequency control input from the outside and an inductance element, an amplifying part amplifies a frequency signal from the resonance part, and a feedback part, having feedback capacitance elements, forms an oscillation loop together with the amplifying part and the resonance part by making the frequency signal amplified in the amplifying part to be fed back to the resonance part. Further, the resonance part and the feedback part are provided on a quartz-crystal substrate.

The present disclosure is directed to a MEMS resonant structure, provided with a substrate of semiconductor material; a mobile mass suspended above the substrate and anchored to the substrate by constraint elements to be free to oscillate at a resonance frequency; and a fixed-electrode structure capacitively coupled to the mobile mass to form a capacitor with a capacitance that varies as a function of the oscillation of the mobile mass; the fixed-electrode structure arranged on a top surface of the substrate, and the constraint elements being configured in such a way that the mobile mass oscillates, in use, in a vertical direction, transverse to the top surface of the substrate, keeping substantially parallel to the top surface.

A relaxation oscillator includes a ramp wave generator configured to generate a ramp wave by complementary first capacitor module charged and discharged according to a first switching signal and second capacitor module charged and discharged according to a second switching signal, a negative feedback circuit unit configured to generate a compensation voltage for compensating an error between the ramp wave and a reference voltage through a feedback of the ramp wave, and a switching signal generator configured to generate the first switching signal and the second switching signal from the compensation voltage and the ramp wave, including a peak voltage storage unit configured to store a peak voltage of the ramp wave that is controlled to be equal to the reference voltage based on the compensation voltage and a peak voltage transfer unit configured to transfer the peak voltage of the ramp wave to the negative feedback unit.

A circuit and a method for correcting an offset is provided that includes a current amplifier and an adjusting circuit for correcting an offset of an output current of the current amplifier. Wherein the adjusting circuit has a controlled current source, an output of the controlled current source is connected to the current amplifier for impressing an output current of the controlled current source in the current amplifier, an input of the controlled current source to form a regulation element of a control loop is connected by a first switching device of the adjusting circuit to an output of the current amplifier and to form a holding element is disconnected from the output of the current amplifier by the first switching device. The controlled current source, acting as a regulation element in the control loop, is set up to regulate the offset to a minimum by setting of a current value of the output current, and the controlled current source, acting as a holding element, is set up to hold the current value, associated with the minimum, of the output current.

A charge pump includes a switching circuit which is interposed among first and second output capacitors, a flying capacitor, and an input power supply; and a control unit which controls the switching circuit. The charge pump is operated in an operation mode including a high-voltage outputting mode, a low-voltage outputting mode, and a relay mode. The control unit controls the switching circuit so that respective charging voltages of the first and second capacitors that are charged in the high-voltage outputting mode are gradually lowered. The control unit changes the operation mode of the charge pump by relay transition from the high-voltage outputting mode through the relay mode to the low-voltage outputting mode when a voltage lower command is given during a period when the operation mode of the charge pump is in the high-voltage outputting mode.

An analog switch configuration includes a gate control circuit coupled between an input of a switch and a gate of the switch. The gate control circuit passes voltage changes on the input of the switch to the gate of the switch to decrease the influence the inherent gate to input capacitance has on the bandwidth of the switch. By reducing the change in voltage across the inherent capacitance, the current through the capacitance in decreased as well as its influence on the bandwidth of the configuration.

Power switching circuits including an inductive load and a switching device are described. The switches devices can be either low-side or high-side switches. Some of the switches are transistors that are able to block voltages or prevent substantial current from flowing through the transistor when voltage is applied across the transistor.

Disclosed herein is a digital system that includes a distribution network having a path to carry a reference clock and an adjustable delay element disposed along the path, and first and second clock domains coupled to the distribution network to receive the reference clock and configured to be driven by respective clock waveforms, each of which has a frequency in common with the reference clock. The digital system further includes a phase detector coupled to the first and second clock domains to generate a phase difference signal based on the clock waveforms, and a control circuit coupled to the phase detector and configured to adjust the adjustable delay element based on the phase difference signal.

A high voltage differential pair and op amp implemented in a low voltage semiconductor process. The high voltage differential pair expands the incoming common mode voltage of a differential pair to multiple times the normal operating voltage of the differential pair through the use of high voltage current sources, current sinks and stacks of transistors. The high voltage op amp includes a high voltage input stage and a high voltage common source amplifier to expand the output voltage range to multiple times the normal operating voltage of the op amp.

It is an object to provide a logic circuit which can be operated even when unipolar transistors are used. A logic circuit includes a source follower circuit and a logic circuit an input portion of which is connected to an output portion of the source follower circuit and all transistors are unipolar transistors. A potential of a wiring for supplying a low potential connected to the source follower circuit is lower than a potential of a wiring for supplying a low potential connected to the logic circuit which includes unipolar transistors. In this manner, a logic circuit which can be operated even with unipolar depletion transistors can be provided.

Switching circuits, latches and methods are provided, such as those that may respond to an input signal that transitions from a first binary level to a second binary level. One such switching circuit may have a metastable state that is closer to a first voltage corresponding to the first binary level than it is to a second voltage corresponding to the second binary level. In other embodiments, the metastable state may be dynamically adjustable so that it is at one voltage before the circuit switches and at a different voltage after the circuit switches. As a result, the switching circuit may respond relatively quickly to the input signal transitioning from the first binary level to the second binary level.

According to one general aspect, an apparatus may include a clock channel, a shielding tunnel, and clock repeaters. In various embodiments, the clock channel may be configured to carry the clock signal, and may include a portion of a metal layer of an integrated circuit. In some embodiments, the shielding tunnel may be configured to shield, in at least four directions, the clock channel from other signals, and may include portions of a at least three metal layers of the integrated circuit. The shielding tunnel may be connected to the positive and negative supplies in order to provide the required power for the clock repeaters.

A method for altering an impedance of a conductive pathway on a microelectronic package includes applying a magnetic field to the conductive pathway. The microelectronic package may be, for example, a printed circuit board. The method also includes controlling a magnitude of the magnetic field at the conductive pathway for altering the impedance of the conductive pathway. The magnetic field may be applied by, for example, an electromagnet or a permanent magnet. A magnetic field may also be applied for simulating crosstalk effects on a conductive pathway.

To analyze an electric component in depth, provision is made to submit the aforementioned component to focused laser radiation. It is shown that by modifying the altitude of the focus in the component, some internal parts of the aforementioned component can be characterized more easily.

The invention relates to a device for neutralizing an electric switching unit. One or several power poles, each of which is provided with movable contacts separable form fixed contacts are actuatable between opened and closed positions by an actuator for switching-on an electric charge. A mechanical actuating device interacts with the movable contacts. It is used for actuating a device for neutralizing the electric switching unit by switching-off the control electric circuit thereof when the wear degree of pellets is greater than a predetermined threshold. The control circuit is switched-off, for example, by cutting a wire thereof. An electric switching unit is provided with the device.

An arc detection system for a plasma generation system includes a radio frequency (RF) sensor that generates first and second signals based on a respective electrical properties of (RF) power that is in communication with a plasma chamber. A correlation module generates an arc detect signal based on the first and second signals. The arc detect signal indicates whether an arc is occurring in the plasma chamber and is employed to vary an aspect of the RF power to extinguish the arc.

A wireless communication device performing wireless communication by switching between transmission timing and reception timing in time division, controls to supply a heater or a fan with power supplied from a power supply unit in the reception timing period, and controls to suspend supplying the heater or the fan with the power supplied from the power supply unit in the transmission timing period, in case that a temperature detected by a temperature detector is outside a specified temperature range while a time-division switchover between the transmission timing and the reception timing is performed.

Disclosed is a cell voltage monitoring apparatus for monitoring output voltages of a plurality of unit cells in a cell having the unit cells. The cell voltage monitoring apparatus includes: a reference voltage generator for generating a predetermined reference voltage from the unit cell generation voltage; a voltage comparator for comparing a generation voltage of a monitor unit cell and the reference voltage; a signal separator for outputting a signal that is electrically separated from an output signal of the voltage comparator; and an operation processor for determining normality of the cell voltage from a signal output by the signal separator.

A sensor including a substrate and magnetic material. The substrate has a main major surface and includes at least two spaced apart ferromagnetic layers. The magnetic material encapsulates the substrate such that the magnetic material is adjacent the main major surface.

Disclosed is a method of analysing a magnetic material which includes the construction of a signature S(H) of the magnetic material formed from at least two points S(H)P, this construction including obtaining the value of each point S(H)P by measuring, over each period fraction, the amplitude and possibly the phase of a harmonic of the magnetic field induced in the magnetic material, said amplitude and phase being obtained in response only to an excitation during this period fraction, the harmonic having a frequency nfH, where n is a non-zero positive integer; and the identification and/or the determination of the mass of the magnetic material from several points of the constructed signature S(H).

This disclosure concerns a speed detector sampling coordinates showing the position of a moving body and detecting the speed thereof includes a memory storing preset tentative angles and the values of a trigonometric function corresponding to the tentative angles; a first register storing the first coordinates of the moving body obtained by a first sampling; a second register storing the actual second coordinates of the moving body obtained by a second sampling subsequent to the first sampling; and an arithmetic operation unit calculating second coordinates in calculation, which are shown by multiplication, addition, or subtraction of the first coordinates and the values of the trigonometric function, to approximate the second coordinates in calculation to the actual second coordinates, the arithmetic operation unit calculating the speed of the moving body based on the tentative angle corresponding to the value of the trigonometric function used to the second coordinates in calculation.

A voltage regulator includes an amplifier, a power device, a delay signal generator, and a voltage-generating circuit. The amplifier generates a control signal according to a reference voltage and a feedback voltage. The power switch generates the output voltage by regulating the output current according to the switch control signal. The delay signal generator generates a plurality of sequential delay signals each having distinct delay time with respect to an externally applied power-on burst signal. The voltage-generating circuit provides an equivalent resistance for generating the feedback voltage corresponding to the output voltage, and regulates the output voltage by adjusting the equivalent resistance according to the plurality of sequential delay signals.

A mother board adapted to rapidly charge a handheld multimedia device including a controller, a rapid charging initiation unit, a connection port coupled to the handheld multimedia device, and a switching unit. The rapid charging initiation unit provides a first voltage ranging from 3.2 V to 11 V and a second voltage ranging from 2.7 V to 0.6 V. A voltage difference between the first voltage and the second voltage ranges from 0.5 V to 0.8 V. The switching unit is coupled to the controller, the rapid charging initiation unit, and the connection port for determining whether the connection port is coupled to the controller or the rapid charging initiation unit. When the connection port is coupled to the rapid charging initiation unit, the first and the second voltage are sent to the handheld multimedia device through the connection port for activating a rapid charging function.

A modular and scalable power source can be used to supplement an existing source of power. In one embodiment, a DC source can be used to maintain a power source of a host system in a specific state in order to cause a desired behavior.

The invention relates to an energy storage device, particularly for an automobile, that comprises: an assembly (2) of serially-connected energy storage cells; a balancing circuit adapted for balancing the cells during the discharge thereof by enabling the flow of one or more balancing currents in one or more cells of the assembly (2); optionally a diagnosis system (61) for providing at least one piece of information associated with at least one cell in the assembly; wherein the balancing circuit (10; 41) is adapted for controlling the balancing current(s) based at least on external information independent from the energy-storage cell assembly and/or information associated with at least one of the cells and provided by the optional diagnosis system.

An electrical connection system including a triaxial socket and a triaxial plug, each having three concentric contacts—an inner, an intermediate and an outer contact. In the process of connecting, the outer contacts connect first, the inner contacts connect second, and the intermediate contacts connect third. All contacts except the plug inner contact are connected to an insulator that covers one radial side of the contact, and extends past and over the end of the contact. Two of the insulators isolate the inner contacts from the intermediate contacts prior to either of their connections being made.

The control apparatus controls a controlled variable of the electric rotating machine by manipulating an output voltage of a power converter circuit including switching elements operated to connect positive and negative terminals of a DC power source to corresponding terminals of the electric rotating machine. The control apparatus includes a prediction section configured to predict the controlled variable for each of a plurality of cases where the power converter circuit is set in a corresponding one of a plurality of predetermined operating states, a feedforward control section configured to set a command value of the controlled variable in accordance with the voltage of the DC power source and the electrical angular velocity of the electric rotating machine, and a manipulation section configured to select one of the predetermined operating states depending on a result of evaluation by an evaluation function receiving the predicted controlled variable and the command value.

A system or method of verifying a new contact position of a multi-pole electro-mechanical switch having a plurality of contact positions is disclosed. The switch is caused to move to a new contact position. Power is provided to at least one light transmitter to cause the at least one light transmitter to transmit light toward a light reflective portion. A particular light detector among a plurality of light detectors that has received light from the light reflective portion is identified. The new contact position is verified based on the identification.

A permanent-magnet electrical machine is disclosed in which the rotor has a fixed back iron and movable back iron segments. When the movable back iron segments are in a first position, such as in contact with the fixed back iron, the field strength is high. When the movable back iron segments are in a second position in which the movable back iron segments are displaced away from the fixed back iron, the field strength is low. The ability to weaken the field strength causes the constant-power, speed ratio to be increased and thereby increases the utility of the motor for applications in which a wide speed range is desired. The disclosure applies to both permanent-magnet motors and generators. In an alternative embodiment, the stator ring is provided with a fixed portion and at least one movable stator segment.

A disclosed embodiment is a programmable integrated circuit such as an audio processor or a base band processor for generating a low noise and programmable microphone bias voltage or current. The programmable integrated circuit generates a programmable reference input, where the reference input is programmably generated from at least one power source, such as a on-chip audio power supply, an on-chip power supply, or an off-chip power supply, for use by a regulator. The regulator in the programmable integrated circuit receives a bias input and the programmable reference input and generates a programmable output for biasing a microphone. The bias input for the regulator can be provided by an off-chip power supply or an on-chip power supply. The reference input provided to the regulator can be appropriately filtered to reduce noise. In one embodiment, the programmable reference input and the programmable output are programmed by first and second potentiometers, respectively.

There is provided an LED driving circuit. An LED driving circuit according to an aspect of the invention may include: a shift register separating dimming data and control data from serial peripheral interface (SPI) data and outputting the dimming data and the control data in predetermine data units; a scan register generating scan data according to the control data from the shift register; a first error detection unit detecting an error in the dimming data from the shift register; a second error detection unit detecting an error in the scan data from the scan register; and a logic operation unit performing an OR operation on an output signal from the first error detection unit and an output signal from the second error detection unit.

An apparatus and method for controlling electron flow within a plasma to produce a controlled electron beam is provided. A plasma is formed between a cathode and an acceleration anode. A control anode is connected to the plasma and to the acceleration anode via a switch. If the switch is open, the ions from the plasma flow to the cathode and plasma electrons flow to the acceleration anode. With the acceleration anode suitably transparent and negatively biased with a DC high voltage source, the electrons flowing from the plasma are accelerated to form an electron beam. If the switch is closed, the ions still flow to the cathode but the electrons flow to the control anode rather than the acceleration anode. Consequently, the electron beam is turned off, but the plasma is unaffected. By controlling the opening and closing of the switch, a controlled pulsed electron beam can be generated.

In a light source device provided with a light emission tube in which a light emitting element is enclosed and at least one laser oscillator part for radiating a laser beam towards said light emission tube, for focusing a beam within a light emission tube with a large solid angle and for preventing that the beam with a high energy density impinges upon the wall of the light emission tube, the light emission tube has a tube wall, part of which is made to function as a focusing means, or the light emission tube has a focusing means at the inner surface thereof.

An organic light emitting display which minimizes the IR drop of voltages supplied to an organic light emitting display panel includes an organic light emitting display panel having a pixel unit on which an image is displayed and first and second power source pads provided at two or more edges outside the pixel unit to receive first and second voltages from at least two directions, and a voltage supplier Flexible Printed Circuit Board (FPCB) including pads electrically coupled to the first and second power source pads and arranged on the outer circumference of the organic light emitting display so as not to overlap with the pixel unit.

A spark ignition device, ground electrode therefor, and methods of construction thereof are provided. The spark ignition device includes a generally annular ceramic insulator with a metal shell surrounding at least a portion of the ceramic insulator. A center electrode is received at least in part in the ceramic insulator and a ground electrode extends from the shell to a free end portion. A firing tip is attached adjacent the free end portion of the ground electrode to provide a spark gap between the center electrode and the firing tip. The free end portion is at least partially bounded by at least one “as laser cut” peripheral side extending adjacent the firing tip.

A spark plug comprising: a cylindrical metal shell; a cylindrical insulator provided in an inner hole of said metal shell; a center electrode provided in a leading end side inner hole of said insulator; and a ground electrode having one end bonded to a leading end side of said metal shell and having another end face forming a spark discharge gap with said center electrode, wherein said ground electrode comprises an electrode material containing from 0.5 to 1.5 wt. % of Si, from 0.5 to 1.5 wt. % of Al, from 0.02 to 1.0 wt. % of at least one of Ti, V, Zr, Nb and Hf, from 0.03 to 0.09 wt. % of C and 95.5 wt. % or more of Ni, and having a specific resistance at 20° C. of 25 tincm or less.

A resonator having a base part; and a resonating arm that performs flexing vibration, the resonating arm part has two principal surfaces, a first groove provided on the one principal surface, a second groove provided in juxtaposition with the first groove on the other principal surface, a third groove provided in juxtaposition with the first groove and provided nearer the base part side than the first groove on the other principal surface, and a fourth groove provided in juxtaposition with the second groove and provided nearer the base part side than the second groove on the principal surface. The sum of a depth of the first and second groove part and a sum of a depth of the third and fourth groove part are larger than a distance between the one principal surface and the other principal surface.