Folding box with fold-down attachment flap
    Folding box with fold-down attachment flap 有权





    CPC classification number: B65D5/4208 Y10S206/806

    Abstract: A sealable folding box in the shape of a parallelepiped or cube with attached bottom and cover flaps and an attachment flap—is provided with an attachment recess—is that is arranged on an edge of the folding box body that extends between these flaps. To this end, the folding-box body—seen in the lengthwise direction of the matrix—has a sealing flap on one end and a combination section on the other end. The combination section consists of an inside area and at least one outside area, whereby the inside area is an attachment flap—provided with an attachment recess—while the outside area is used to attach the combination section to the side wall with which it is in contact. With the invention, a folding box is provided that can be handled simply and reliably in production, storage and filling, that encloses the contents largely dust-tight and that can be marketed stacked or suspended.

    Abstract translation: 具有连接的底部和盖板和附接翼片的平行六面体或立方体形状的可密封折叠盒设置有附接凹部,其布置在折叠箱体的在这些翼片之间延伸的边缘上。 为此,折叠箱体在基体的长度方向上看到 - 在一端具有密封盖,另一端具有组合部分。 组合部分包括内部区域和至少一个外部区域,由此内部区域是具有附接凹部的附接翼片,而外部区域用于将组合部分附接到其所在的侧壁 联系。 利用本发明,提供一种折叠盒,其可以在生产,储存和填充中简单可靠地处理,其将内容物大致防尘并且可以被堆叠或悬挂销售。

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