Time-of-flight mass spectrometer instruments are disclosed for monitoring fast processes with large dynamic range using a multi-threshold TDC data acquisition method or a threshold ADC data acquisition method. Embodiments using a combination of both methods are also disclosed.
An ion mobility/mass spectrometry method and instrument using aerosolized samples and dual positive and negative mode detection is described. Sample preparation methods are also described.
The present invent provides a particle detector for counting and measuring the flight time of secondary electrons and scattered ions and neutrals and to correlate coincidences between these and backscattered ions/and neutrals while maintaining a continuous unpulsed microfocused primary ion beam for impinging a surface. Intensities of the primary particle scattering and secondary particle emissions are correlated with the position of impact of the focused beam onto a materials surface so that a spatially resolved surface elemental and electronic structural mapping is obtained by scanning the focused beam across the surface.
Methods and devices for mass spectrometry are described, specifically the use of nanoparticulate implantation as a matrix for secondary ion and more generally secondary particles. A photon beam source or a nanoparticulate beam source can be used a desorption source or a primary ion/primary particle source.
The present invent provides a particle detector for counting and measuring the flight time of secondary electrons and scattered ions and neutrals and to correlate coincidences between these and backscattered ions/and neutrals while maintaining a continuous unpulsed microfocused primary ion beam for impinging a surface. Intensities of the primary particle scattering and secondary particle emissions are correlated with the position of impact of the focused beam onto a materials surface so that a spatially resolved surface elemental and electronic structural mapping is obtained by scanning the focused beam across the surface.
The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for ionizing a neutral MALDI desorption plume, and in particular, for efficiently measuring the ionized MALDI desorption plume when post-ionization techniques are combined with a medium pressure MALDI-IM-oTOFMS instrument. Additionally, the present disclosure provides a method and apparatus that simultaneously separates tissue-sample MALDI ions by IM-oTOFMS according to their chemical family. After separation, the MALDI ions are directly compared to the ions created by post-ionizing the co-desorbed neutral molecules with a second laser wherein the second laser is delayed by a few hundred microseconds. The present disclosure further provides novel approaches that enhance the analysis of ions, including the use of giant fullerene internal standards to enhance mass accuracy, and ultraviolet (UV) declustering lasers to generate intact peptides and proteins, either of which may be followed by VUV post-ionization which generates identifiable structural fragments.
Described is an analytical method and apparatus for counting and measuring the flight time of secondary electrons, secondary ions and neutrals, scattered ions and/or neutrals and for correlating coincidences between these while maintaining a continuous un-pulsed, micro-focused, primary particle beam for impinging a surface for purposes of microprobe imaging and microanalysis.
The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for ionizing a neutral MALDI desorption plume, and in particular, for efficiently measuring the ionized MALDI desorption plume when post-ionization techniques are combined with a medium pressure MALDI-IM-oTOFMS instrument. Additionally, the present disclosure provides a method and apparatus that simultaneously separates tissue-sample MALDI ions by IM-oTOFMS according to their chemical family. After separation, the MALDI ions are directly compared to the ions created by post-ionizing the co-desorbed neutral molecules with a second laser wherein the second laser is delayed by a few hundred microseconds. The present disclosure further provides novel approaches that enhance the analysis of ions, including the use of giant fullerene internal standards to enhance mass accuracy, and ultraviolet (UV) declustering lasers to generate intact peptides and proteins, either of which may be followed by VUV post-ionization which generates identifiable structural fragments.
Time-of-flight mass spectrometer instruments for monitoring fast processes using an interleaved timing scheme and a position sensitive detector are described. The combination of both methods is also described.
Described is an analytical method and apparatus for counting and measuring the flight time of secondary electrons, secondary ions and neutrals, scattered ions and/or neutrals and for correlating coincidences between these while maintaining a continuous un-pulsed, micro-focused, primary particle beam for impinging a surface for purposes of microprobe imaging and microanalysis.