The present invention relates to a process for making glass by the sol-gel process. A mixture of silicon alkoxide, at least two other metal alkoxides, and alcohol in a solution sufficiently acidic to hydrolyze partially the silicon alkoxide is formed. Water is then added under agitation to convert the metal alkoxides to a network of corresponding metal oxides suitable for gelation. The mixture containing the network of metal oxides is then molded for a sufficient time to form a gel. Substantially only oxides of one of the at least two other metals is then removed from the gel, which is then fixed in a liquid capable of arresting such additional removal. The fixed gel is then dried and sintered to form a glass. The step of removing the at least one other metal oxide from the gel can be followed with a step of withdrawing partially oxides of one of the remaining at least two other metals in order to form a transparent gradient-index glass after sintering.
A system (method and apparatus) for optimizing the relationship between resolution and time in chromatograms, especially chromatograms obtained by supercritical fluids (CSF) chromatography. The pressure or temperature or fluid density of the solution caring the material under analysis is varied dynamically under computer control to provide an optimum capacity factor for a particular transporting fluid in a particular chromatographic system to obtain the resolution of interest in the shortest period of time.
An intraretinal delivery and withdrawal instrument which has (a) a curved, distal frame for insertion into an orbit, which insertion is effected (i) inferior to the supraorbital ridge, (ii) superior to the eye, and (iii) in a caudal direction so as to reach the retina; (b) a tip for penetration into the subretinal region of the eye connected to the frame; and (c) an adjustable collar connected to the tip which collar is capable of being positioned so that the collar regulates the depth of tip penetration into the subretinal region including methods for uses thereof.
A novel composition is a solution in an organic solvent of an electron donor-acceptor complex of a conjugated aromatic polyazomethine compound and a Lewis acid compound. This composition is coated on a transparent support and the solvent is evaporated to produce an optical device. Decomposition of the polyazomethine-Lewis acid complex coated on the substrate produces a new optical device comprising a film of the polyazomethine compound on the substrate. Compositions of the present invention can also be used for the preparation of optical wave guides, optical switching elements, fibers, and dielectric materials.
An electro-optic device, which processes by modulating, switching or gating, a light beam in response to an electrical signal utilizes an electro-optic crystal through which the beam to be processed passes. An electric field is generated by pulses which modulate the crystal's index of refraction and also causes piezoelectric ringing in the crystal. Acoustic energy absorbing material is coupled to the crystal for absorbing the piezoelectrically generated acoustic waves propagating perpendicularly to the applied electric field direction which has been found to be the dominant acoustic mode affecting the birefringence of the crystal and causing the ringing. The field is applied in short pulses (of the order of 10 nsec or less) thereby reducing lower frequencies in the acoustic energy spectrum thereby facilitating the absorption of the ringing energy. The modulation or gating of the optical beam may be carried out at high repetition rates which have heretofore limited the use of electro-optic devices to repetition rates of approximately 1 KHz or less.
A system for time-resolving ultra-short electrical waveforms of up to a few hundred gigahertz bandwidth is presented. The system utilizes a fast electro-optic modulator capable of subpicosecond responsivity. A CW (continuous wave) laser is used to probe the change in birefringence resulting in the modulator due to an induced electric field. The rapid change in the transmitted optical signal due to an equally rapid changing electric field (picosecond pulse) is then detected and temporally dispersed using a picosecond resolution streak camera. The modulator operates in a region close to minimum transmission where the average optical power is below the damage threshold for the photocathode of the streak camera and where small electrical signals can significantly modulate the transmitted beam. The system can be used in either sampling mode where the modulation and subsequent detection are repeated and the data accumulated at repetition rates as high as 100 MHz or in single shot mode.
A radiographic machine in which the exposure is equalized as between different areas of the image plane so as to enhance high spatial frequency features of the image and suppress low spatial frequency features and achieve other benefits as well. A fan beam which is wide enough to encompass the object being imaged is swept across the object and segments of that beam are individually pulse width modulated at each of a number of sampling intervals during the sweep by monastable or bistable shutter pins which either completely block or completely uncover the sectors which they control. An alternate embodiment adds beam width moulation as well, by making the shutter pins either completely block their sectors of uncover them only to the degree necessary for beam width modulation.
New chemical reactions of 1,1,2-trifluoro-1,3-butadiene provide simple access to a series of new fluorinated alkene derivatives. These derivatives provide a simple, general methodology for the stereocontrolled preparation of 2-fluoro-2-alkenoate esters and related monofluoroalkene derivatives which include fluoro analogs of known insecticides, pheromones or pharmaceuticals. A new method for the preparation of 1,1,2-trifluoro-1,3-butadiene is also provided.
A recombinant bacteriophage, a method for producing and selecting the recombinant bacteriophage and a method for heterologous cloning of DNA are disclosed. The recombinant bacteriophage is produced by ligating genetic fragments encoding a desired genetic trait with DNA from a bacteriophage, incubating with DNA from a second Bacillus microorganism prototrophic for a growth requirement, incubating with a host Bacillus auxotrophic for the growth requirement. Transformed host Bacillus are selected by growing the mixture on a growth medium which does not contain the growth requirement and determining the presence of the genetic trait. The recombinant bacteriophage containing the desired genetic trait is recovered from the host Bacillus by induction. Heterologous cloning can be accomplished by incubating a host Bacillus with the recombinant bacteriophage.
An efficient solid state light emitting device wherein sulphur is used to provide isoelectronic centers in silicon which bind excitons which emit light at a wavelength of 1.32 microns (um) and are particularly adapted for use in integrated opto-electronic circuits and in launching optical signals in single mode optical fibers.