The invention relates to a wave power unit with a floating body (1), a submerged station (2) and flexible connection means (3) connecting the floating body (1) to the submerged station (100). The submerged station (100) has a stator 5 (5) and a moving part (6). According to the invention the flexible connection means (3) is provided with a damper (12). The damper (12) is arranged to absorb tensile forces in the flexible connection means (3). The invention also relates to a use of such a wave power unit and to a 10 method for producing and supplying electric energy.
A system for generating electric energy from renewable energy sources such as waves includes a plurality of generator aggregates (4a-6c) arranged in the sea and a plurality of switchgears (1a-1c) arranged in the sea. Each switchgear (1a-1c) is connected to a plurality of the generator aggregates (4a-6c). A plurality of primary intermediate stations (17a-17c) are respectively connected to a plurality of the switchgears, and a secondary intermediate station (19) is connected to a plurality of the primary intermediate stations (17a-17c). The secondary intermediate station is also connected to a land based electric network. Switching means (192) is present for allowing selective connection to various locations (193, 194, 195) in the electric network.
The invention relates to a wave-power unit for the production of electric power. It comprises a floating body (1) arranged for floating on the sea and an electric linear generator (2) having a stator (5) and a translator (8) reciprocating along a center axis. The stator (5) is arranged to be anchored in the bed of the sea and the translator (8) is connected to the floating body (1) by connection means (3, 7). According to the invention the generator (2) is enclosed in a water-tight encapsulation (4) having an upper end wall with an opening through which the connection means (7) extends. The opening has a seal (12) that seals against the connection means (7). The seal (12) is flexibly mounted. The invention also relates to the use of the wave-power unit and to a method for producing electric power.
The invention relates to a stator frame (12) for a submerged linear generator. According to the invention the stator frame (12) includes a cylindrical tube of metal with mounting means (13, 14, 15, 16) for mounting stator packages to the inside wall of the tube. The stator frame (12) also is the external circumferential wall of the linear generator. The invention also relates to the use of such a stator frame (12) and to a method for manufacturing a linear generator with such a stator frame (12).
The invention relates to a wave power unit having a submerged station anchored on the sea bottom, a floating body floating on the sea surface and flexible connection means (3) connecting these. The submerged station has a linear generator with a reciprocating translator. According to the invention, the station includes a guiding device (9) for the flexible connection means (3). The guiding device (9) has a plurality of rotatable rollers (15a-18c). The rollers (15a-18c) form a passage for the flexible connection means (3). The invention also relates to use of the wave power unit and to a method for producing electric power.
The invention relates to a wave-power unit with a floating body (1) connected by flexible connection means (3) to a translator (6) reciprocating in a linear generator (2), The floating body (1) is arranged for floating on the sea and the stator (8) of the generator for anchoring on the sea bed, According to the invention the connection means is guided by a guiding device (9) through lower and upper openings, The part of the connection means (3) that momentary is within the guiding device (9) is thereby guided to be aligned with the translator movements adjacent the lower opening and to be allowed to be inclined adjacent the upper opening. The invention also relates to a use of the invented wave-power plant and to a method for producing electric energy.
A wave power assembly having a hull and a linear electric generator. The rotor is connected to the hull by connection means so that lifting force is transferred from the hull to the rotor. Spring means exert a force on the rotor that is counter-directed the lifting force. The spring means is arranged to, at a motion amplitude corresponding to 50% of the maximum length of stroke of the rotor, exert a force, the size of which varies by a factor of 2.5 as a maximum. The invention also relates to a wave power plant built up from wave power assemblies according to the invention. Furthermore, the invention relates to a use of the wave power assembly and a method for the generation of electric energy.
The invention relates to a wave-power unit for the production of electric power. It comprises a floating body (1) arranged for floating on the sea and an electric linear generator (2) having a stator (5) and a translator (8) reciprocating along a center axis. The stator (5) is arranged to be anchored in the bed of the sea and the translator (8) is connected to the floating body (1) by connection means (3, 7). According to the invention the generator (2) is enclosed in a water-tight encapsulation (4) having an upper end wall with an opening through which the connection means (7) extends. The opening has a seal (12) that seals against the connection means (7). The seal (12) is flexibly mounted. The invention also relates to the use of the wave-power unit and to a method for producing electric power.
The invention relates to a wave-power unit with a floating body (1) connected by flexible connection means (3) to a translator (6) reciprocating in a linear generator (2), The floating body (1) is arranged for floating on the sea and the stator (8) of the generator for anchoring on the sea bed, According to the invention the connection means is guided by a guiding device (9) through lower and upper openings, The part of the connection means (3) that momentary is within the guiding device (9) is thereby guided to be aligned with the translator movements adjacent the lower opening and to be allowed to be inclined adjacent the upper opening. The invention also relates to a use of the invented wave-power plant and to a method for producing electric energy.
The invention relates to an electric device with a winding (12) and means for inducing a current in the winding. A bridge circuit (400) electrically connects the winding (12) to a load (13). According to the invention the bridge circuit (400) includes capacitor means (401, 402), which is adapted for obtaining resonance with the impedance of the winding (12)