The invention relates to highly enantioselective processes for the synthesis of chiral 1-alkanols via Zr-catalyzed asymmetric carboalumination of alkenes.
Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Isopentanderivaten aus fermentativ hergestelltem Isobuten, dessen höhere Reinheit das Verfahren und die Eigenschaften der hergestellten Isopentanderivate verbessert.
A process is disclosed for preparing alpha -branched aliphatic monocarboxylic acids with 12 to 48 carbon atoms. In a first step of the process (a), alpha -branched aliphatic monohydric alcohols (Guerbet alcohols) are converted in the presence of caustic alkali into the alkali salts of the corresponding alpha -branched aliphatic monocarboxylic acids. In a second step of the process (b), the alpha -branched aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are released from the alkali salts by soap splitting in the presence of an inert diluting agent.
Methods for the production of 2,4-dihydroxybutyrate (2,4-DHB) from erythrose and other four-carbon sugars are disclosed. The improved methods facilitate the production of 2,4-DHB that is a precursor for biorenewable and animal nutrition chemicals among others.
Beschrieben wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Milchsäure ausgehend von Glycerin, wobei ein Katalysator ausgewählt aus der Gruppe bestehend aus Ruthenium, Palladium und Kobalt und/oder Mischungen hievon verwendet und das Verfahren in wässrig-basischem Milieu durchgeführt wird.
The invention relates to a catalyst for dehydrogenation of amino alcohols to amino carboxylic acids or ethylene glycol (derivatives) to oxycarboxylic acids, containing zirconium, copper and eventually any other metal. Said metals are precipitated, purified, calcinated and reduced. The catalyst is produced by precipitating zirconium hydroxide with a base, from an aqueous solution of zirconium salt until a pH value of 4 to 10 is achieved. A copper salt aqueous solution and eventually an additional salt is added to the zirconium hydroxide suspension. Copper hydroxide and eventually the hydroxide of the metal contained in the other salt is precipitated, by adding an additional base until a pH value of 8 to 14 is achieved. The suspension obtained is filtered, purified, dried, air calcinated at 450 to 600 DEG C for 2 to 4 hours, and finally reduced for 2 to 4 hours in a hydrogen stream at 200 to 250 DEG C.
The present invention relates to novel Ruthenium catalysts and related borohydride complexes, and the use of such catalysts, inter alia, for (1) hydrogenation of amides (including polyamides) to alcohols and amines; (2) preparing amides from alcohols with amines (including the preparation of polyamides (e.g., polypeptides) by reacting dialcohols and diamines and/or by polymerization of amino alcohols); (3) hydrogenation of esters to alcohols (including hydrogenation of cyclic esters (lactones) or cyclic di-esters (di-lactones) or polyesters); (4) hydrogenation of organic carbonates (including polycarbonates) to alcohols and hydrogenation of carbamates (including polycarbamates) or urea derivatives to alcohols and amines; (5) dehydrogenative coupling of alcohols to esters; (6) hydrogenation of secondary alcohols to ketones; (7) amidation of esters (i.e., synthesis of amides from esters and amines); (8) acylation of alcohols using esters; (9) coupling of alcohols with water to form carboxylic acids; and (10) dehydrogenation of beta-amino alcohols to form pyrazines. The present invention further relates to the novel uses of certain pyridine Ruthenium catalysts.
Katalizatoren zur Herstellung von Carbonsäuresalzen aus Alkoholen, die a) aus Kupfer bestehen oder b) 99,9 bis 10 Gew.-% Kupfer und 0,01 bis 90 Gew.-% Eisen und 0 bis 50 Gew.-% eines oder mehrerer anderer Metalle enthalten, die gegebenenfalls dotiert sind, indem man die Hydroxide durch Prezipitation von Kupfersalzlösungen bzw. von Kupfer- und Eisensalzlösungen ggf. mit Salzen anderer Metalle durch Coprezipitation mit einer Base erhält, und mit Wasserstoff reduziert.