Integrated circuit devices, chips and methods of making and operating them are disclosed. The devices are specially adapted for high frequency operation e.g. at or above 1 GHz. Inductive noise caused by switching at these frequencies--and which can interfere with switching--is inhibited by using a large bypass capacitor connected between power and ground connections outside the chip, and a small bypass capacitor connected between the same power and ground connections but formed inside the chip. The smaller capacitor cuts noise attributable to the wiring between the larger capacitor and the chip. The chip can have many of the smaller capacitors, even one or more per gate. In the preferred embodiments, the small capacitors from power and ground bonding pads are formed at the front surface of the chip substrate. Tantalum pentoxide, and other suitable dielectrics having relative dielectric constant of 10 or more at 1 GHz, are used to form the capacitors.
An electronic parts loaded module comprises a circuit board having electronic parts connected thereto via a plurality of projecting electrodes, in which two or more of the plurality of projecting electrodes for connecting the electronic parts have a narrowed portion between one end adjacent to the boundary for connection with the electronic parts and the other end adjacent to the boundary for connection with the board, the narrowed portion having a cross-section which has different dimensions in crossing directions, or a minor axis and a major axis different in length from each other. The projecting electrodes are disposed in a manner as the larger dimension or the major axis being aligned along the periphery or the side of the electronic parts, or as surrounding the central area of the surface, on which the electronic parts are loaded. The module can be used in IC cards and liquid crystal display apparatuses and the like.