A system for generating processor hardware supports a language for significant extensions to the processor instruction set, where the designer specifies only the semantics of the new instructions and the system generates other logic. The extension language provides for the addition of processor state, including register files, and instructions that operate on that state. The language also provides for new data types to be added to the compiler to represent the state added. It allows separate specification of reference semantics and instruction implementation, and uses this to automate design verification. In addition, the system generates formatted instruction set documentation from the language specification.
An automated processor design tool uses a description of customized processor instruction set extensions in a standardized language to develop a configurable definition of a target instruction set, a Hardware Description Language description of circuitry necessary to implement the instruction set, and development tools such as a compiler, assembler, debugger and simulator which can be used to develop applications for the processor and to verify it. Implementation of the processor circuitry can be optimized for various criteria such as area, power consumption, speed and the like. Once a processor configuration is developed, it can be tested and inputs to the system modified to iteratively optimize the processor implementation. By providing a constrained domain of extensions and optimizations, the process can be automated to a high degree, thereby facilitating fast and reliable development.
A system for adding advanced instructions to a microprocessor includes a language for formally capturing the new instructions and a method for generating hardware implementations and software tools for the extended processors. The extension language provides for additions of VLIW instructions, complex load/store instructions, more powerful description styles using functions, more powerful register operands, and a new set of built-in modules. The method is capable of generating fully-pipelined micro-architectural implementations for the new instructions in the form of synthesizable HDL descriptions which can be processed by standard CAD tools. The method is also capable of generating software components for extending software development tools for the microprocessor with new instructions.
An integrated circuit with selectable input/output includes a first processor configured to execute instructions, an input/output interface configured to receive and transmit standard input/output communications, an inter-processor interface configured to process interprocessor communications with a second processor, and selection circuitry coupled to both the input/output interface and the inter-processor interface and configured to select between the input/output interface and the inter-processor interface.
A portable electric tortilla warming device that allows a user to insert a stack of room temperature tortillas into the top of the device and for the device to automatically lift the tortillas, one at a time and insert them into an electric warming compartment, and once warmed, to deliver them into a receiving tray. The device is microprocessor controlled and once activated, allows the warming of multiple tortillas without human input. The tortillas are helped along by means of several motorized horizontal brushes. The tortillas are also caused to progress because the entire tortilla pathway is tilted at a forty-degree angle with respect to a table top. An exit gate prevents the tortilla from leaving the heating compartment until it is fully warmed.
An improved tortilla conveying system, for sequentially conveying a plurality of tortillas to be warmed, is disclosed. The conveying system provides a stack of tortillas and automatically conveys tortillas sequentially through a tortilla warmer. The tortillas are stored in a container. A dragger at least frictionally engages the top side of the top tortilla, dragging the tortilla off of the top of the container for subsequent heating by a heating element of the tortilla warmer. In some embodiments, the tortilla container can automatically elevate the stack of tortillas, so a top tortilla always remains exposed at the top of the container. In other embodiments, an extractor delivers the tortilla outside of the heating system once the tortilla is sufficiently warmed. The tortillas are warmed in sequence by a heating element, via conduction, convection, and/or radiation. In some embodiments, various components of the conveyer are synchronized, via a gearbox for example.
Described is a system and method for visually delineating a relationship between diverse, but related graphical objects in a graphical user interface. An icon that has specified color scheme is associated with the diverse, but related but graphical objects. When one of the related graphical objects is displayed, the icon is displayed within the displayed graphical object. The persistence of the icon with the specified color scheme in the displayed graphical objects allows them to be recognized as related.