Automatic rate analyzing method
    Automatic rate analyzing method 失效





    CPC classification number: G01N21/253 G01N21/272

    Abstract: An automatic rate analyzing method for determining a concentration of an item in concern contained in a sample to be analyzed comprises steps of irradiating the sample with light thereby to produce a transmitted light signal at a specific wavelength, converting the transmitted light signal into a corresponding electric signal and sampling the electric signal at a given interval thereby to produce a plurality of sample values. The plurality of sample values are grouped into groups each containing a predetermined number of sample values selected for every given number of the sample values. Each of the groups is deviated from the adjacent ones by a number of sample values smaller than the given number. The sample values in each of the groups are added together to produce sums associated with each of the groups. Difference between the sums of every two adjacent groups is determined and divided by the sum associated with either one of the two adjacent groups thereby to produce quotients which are then added together to produce a total sum representing the concentration of the item in concern.

    Abstract translation: 用于确定待分析样品中关注的物品的浓度的自动速率分析方法包括以下步骤:用光照射样品,从而产生特定波长的透射光信号,将透射光信号转换成相应的电 以给定的间隔对电信号进行信号和采样,从而产生多个采样值。 多个采样值被分组成各自包含为每个给定数量的采样值选择的预定数量的采样值的组。 每个组通过小于给定数量的多个样本值偏离相邻组。 将每个组中的样本值相加在一起以产生与每个组相关联的和。 确定每两个相邻组的总和之间的差,除以与两个相邻组中的任一个相关联的总和,从而产生然后相加的商,以产生表示所关注的项目的集中的总和。

    Colorimetric method for liquid sampler including disturbing chromogens
    Colorimetric method for liquid sampler including disturbing chromogens 失效





    CPC classification number: G01J3/427 G01N21/314 G01N2021/3148

    Abstract: Color former is added to blood serum sample color it, and measurements for specific components are determined based on the light absorbance caused by coloring. For one sample, a differential light absorbance between two wavelengths at each of long wavelength region, middle wavelength region and short wavelength region within a visible wavelength band is determined. The degree of chyle is determined from the measurements for the long wavelength region, the degree of hemolysis is determined from the measurements for the middle wavelength region, and the degree of icterus is determined from the measurements for the short wavelength region. The measurements for the specific components are then corrected by the degree of chyle, degree of hemolysis and degree of icterus to obtain highly correct measurements.

    Abstract translation: 将色素添加到血清样品中,然后根据着色引起的吸光度来测定特定成分。 对于一个样品,确定在可见波长带内的长波长区域,中间波长区域和短波长区域中的两个波长之间的差分吸光度。 根据长波长区域的测量确定乳糖的程度,根据中间波长区域的测量确定溶血度,并且从短波长区域的测量确定黄疸程度。 然后通过乳酸的程度,溶血度和黄疸程度校正特定成分的测量值,以获得高度正确的测量。

    Device for the classification and examination of particles in fluid
    Device for the classification and examination of particles in fluid 失效





    CPC classification number: G01N15/14 G01N2201/1296 Y10S706/924

    Abstract: A particle image in a sample is formed at an imaging position by an objective lens of a microscope, projected on the image picking up plane of a TV camera via a projection lens and is subjected to photo-electric conversion. Image signals from the TV camera are supplied to an image memory via an A/D converter as well as to an image processing control unit. Image signals outputted from the image memory are supplied to a characteristic picking out unit and there a plurality of characteristics of the particle concerned are picked out. The picked-out characteristics are supplied to the classification unit and there classification of the sediment components is perfumed via a neural network with a learning capability. Accordingly, the classification unit performs provisionally an automatic classification of the objective sediment components by making use of the inputted characteristic parameters. The device allows accurate and fast automatic component particle analysis even for patient specimens containing a variety of components in high concentration.

    Abstract translation: 通过显微镜的物镜在成像位置形成样品中的粒子图像,通过投影透镜投影在电视摄像机的图像拾取面上,并进行光电转换。 来自TV摄像机的图像信号经由A / D转换器以及图像处理控制单元提供给图像存储器。 从图像存储器输出的图像信号被提供给特征选择单元,并且拾取有关粒子的多个特征。 所选择的特征被提供给分类单元,并且通过具有学习能力的神经网络对沉积物成分进行分类。 因此,分类单元通过使用输入的特征参数临时执行目标沉积物成分的自动分类。 该装置允许准确和快速的自动组分颗粒分析,即使对于含有高浓度各种组分的患者标本也是如此。

    Apparatus for investigating particles in a fluid, and a method of
operation thereof
    Apparatus for investigating particles in a fluid, and a method of operation thereof 失效





    CPC classification number: G01N15/147 G01N2015/1409 G01N33/49 G01N33/493

    Abstract: In order to investigate particles in a fluid, a flow cell causes the fluid to flow past a sensor which receives light from a continuous light emission system. When the sensor detects a change in light, a particle detector is triggered, which in turn triggers a pulse generator and hence an intermittent light emission system. Light then illuminates the flow cell to allow a CCD camera to photograph the particle. The photographs taken by the CCD camera are analyzed by an image processor. In order to obtain an accurate particle concentration measurement, it is necessary to modify the initial concentration measurement derived from the analysis of particle images by the image processor by a compensation coefficient. This operation is carried out by a concentration compensator. The result may then be displayed. Additional analysis may be carried out by changing the magnification of the CCD camera, or by selecting for analysis only those particles of a selected size or type.

    Abstract translation: 为了研究流体中的颗粒,流动池使得流体流过从连续发光系统接收光的传感器。 当传感器检测到光的变化时,触发粒子检测器,这又触发脉冲发生器,因此触发间歇发光系统。 光然后照亮流动池,以允许CCD照相机拍摄颗粒。 由CCD照相机拍摄的照片由图像处理器分析。 为了获得准确的粒子浓度测量,需要通过图像处理器修正由粒子图像的分析得到的初始浓度测量值的补偿系数。 该操作由浓度补偿器进行。 然后可以显示结果。 可以通过改变CCD照相机的放大倍率或通过选择仅分析选定尺寸或类型的那些颗粒来进行附加分析。

    Method and apparatus for flow type particle image analysis using a pulse
light emitted at any of an odd and even image field reading-out period
    Method and apparatus for flow type particle image analysis using a pulse light emitted at any of an odd and even image field reading-out period 失效





    CPC classification number: G01N15/14

    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for flow type particle image analysis generate a pulse light emission in any one of the odd and the even field image reading-out periods, and multiple exposure is prevented by prohibiting the next pulse light emission in the predetermined period after the emission. The method includes the steps of flowing a sample liquid in a flow cell, detecting particles passing through the flow cell by a laser beam, making a flash lamp emit light after the predetermined period from the particle detection, picking up a particle still image by a TV camera, and further preventing the multiple exposure by providing emission-prohibiting periods which are established by controlling the timings of flash lamp emission and image transfer with the TV camera, a flash lamp emission control circuit, and an image processing control circuit which are controlled by a central control part.

    Abstract translation: 用于流式粒子图像分析的方法和装置在奇数和偶数场图像读出周期中的任何一个中产生脉冲发光,并且通过在预定时间段之后禁止下一个脉冲发光来防止多次曝光 排放。 该方法包括以下步骤:将流动池中的样品液体流动,通过激光束检测通过流动池的颗粒,使得闪光灯在从颗粒检测起的预定时间后发光,通过一个 通过提供通过控制闪光灯发射和图像传输的定时而建立的禁止发射周期,通过电视摄像机,闪光灯发射控制电路和图像处理控制电路进行控制,从而进一步防止多次曝光 由中央控制部分。

    Flow cell apparatus
    Flow cell apparatus 失效





    CPC classification number: G01N21/05 G01N15/1404 G01N2021/0346

    Abstract: A flow cell apparatus, useful in an apparatus for measuring particles suspended in a liquid, comprises a sample liquid, supply device, a sheath liquid supply device, a flow cell which has a flow passage passing through a transparent measuring portion, and a nozzle for causing the sample liquid, from the supply device to flow in the flow passage of the flow cell. The nozzle has at least one discharge port which is disposed in the flow passage in a spaced relation from the inner wall of the flow cell flow passage. The sheath liquid supply device causes the sheath liquid to flow around the nozzle discharge port and surround the sample liquid flow to form a sheath flow. The flow passage of the flow cell and the nozzle are so formed as to ensure a sample liquid flow of a fixed width through the measuring portion. A stable sample flow having a fixed width can be formed in the measuring portion even when the flow is at a high velocity, and particles in the sample liquid can efficiently be photographed with high accuracy.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于测量悬浮在液体中的颗粒的装置中的流动池装置,包括样品液体,供给装置,皮肤液体供应装置,具有通过透明测量部分的流动通道的流动池,以及用于 使来自供给装置的样品液体流入流动池的流路。 喷嘴具有至少一个排出口,该排出口以与流动池流动通道的内壁隔开的关系设置在流动通道中。 皮肤液体供给装置使皮肤液体在喷嘴排出口周围流动并且围绕样品液体流动形成鞘流。 流动池和喷嘴的流动通道形成为确保通过测量部分具有固定宽度的样品液体流动。 即使在流速高的情况下,也可以在测量部分形成具有固定宽度的稳定的样品流,并且可以高精度地有效地拍摄样品液体中的颗粒。

    Cellular analysis system
    Cellular analysis system 失效





    Abstract: An automatic cell analyzing system for automatically analyzing a large number of sample slides prepared for cellular samples. The sample slides include a plurality of sample slide sets each prepared by different staining methods for each sample. Cellular images obtained by observing through a microscope the numerous sample slides picked out sequentially are analyzed by an image fetching/feature extracting circuit, the resulting morphological features of the individual cells being converted into digital information to be stored. Upon completion of the analysis for all the sample slides, the digital information obtained from the sample slide is synthetically examined for each associated sample to thereby classify the sample into one of predetermined categories.

    Abstract translation: 一种自动细胞分析系统,用于自动分析为细胞样品制备的大量样品载玻片。 样品载玻片包括多个样品载玻片,每个样品载玻片通过不同的染色方法为每个样品制备。 通过显微镜观察获得的细胞图像通过图像获取/特征提取电路进行分析,将各个细胞的形态学特征转换为要存储的数字信息。 在完成对所有样品载玻片的分析后,从样品载玻片获得的数字信息对于每个相关样品进行合成检查,从而将样品分类为预定类别之一。

    Method and apparatus for analyzing stained particles
    Method and apparatus for analyzing stained particles 失效





    CPC classification number: G01N21/27 G01N2035/0446 Y10S436/909

    Abstract: In a stained particle analyzing method and apparatus for staining a test sample containing suspended particles, shooting an image of the stained sample, and classifying the particles and computing the density from the shot image of the sample, the sample, which may not be analyzed precisely, is detected before the start of an image analyzing process. Only the sample, which will be analyzed precisely, is stained and subjected to the image analysis. Color information of the sample before the staining is detected and stored. Color information of an image of the sample shot after the staining is compensated based on the color information of the sample detected before the staining. The sort and density of the particles are classified and computed on the basis of the image after the color compensation.

    Abstract translation: 在用于染色含有悬浮颗粒的测试样品的染色颗粒分析方法和装置中,拍摄染色样品的图像,并对颗粒进行分类并从样品的拍摄图像计算密度,样品可能没有被精确分析 在图像分析处理开始之前被检测到。 只有将精确分析的样品染色并进行图像分析。 检测并存储染色前样品的颜色信息。 基于在染色前检测到的样品的颜色信息来补偿染色后的样品的图像的颜色信息。 基于颜色补偿后的图像对颗粒的分类和密度进行分类和计算。

    Automatic focusing control method for microscope
    Automatic focusing control method for microscope 失效





    CPC classification number: G02B21/241

    Abstract: An automatic focusing control method for microscope includes preliminarily determining and storing respective in-focus positions of an objective lens of the microscope for a plurality of points on a stage of the microscope prior to observation and measurement of a sample by the microscope. Upon actual measurement after the sample has been mounted on the microscope stage, an approximate in-focus position of the objective lens for the sample is determined on the basis of the stored in-focus positions of the objective lens for at least one of the plurality of points in the vicinity of the sample. Then, the objective lens is moved to the determined approximate in-focus position at a high speed, and a usual automatic focusing is thereafter carried out, thereby making it possible to perform the automatic focusing operation rapidly and accurately.

    Abstract translation: 用于显微镜的自动对焦控制方法包括在通过显微镜观察和测量样品之前,在显微镜的台上,预先确定并存储显微镜的多个点的显微镜的各个对焦位置。 在将样品安装在显微镜载物台上之后进行实际测量时,基于用于多个样品中的至少一个的物镜的存储的对焦位置来确定用于样品的物镜的近似对焦位置 在样品附近的点数。 然后,将物镜高速移动到确定的大致对焦位置,然后进行通常的自动聚焦,从而可以快速,准确地进行自动聚焦操作。

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