Inventory replication based upon order fulfillment rates
    Inventory replication based upon order fulfillment rates 审中-公开





    IPC分类号: G06F17/00 G06Q10/00

    摘要: A load balancing technology segregates various inventory types (e.g., potatoes vs. milk, vs. pretzels, vs. tissue paper, etc.) based upon how frequently they are ordered in a distribution center. Inventory types that are ordered at the slowest rate are not “replicated” over multiple pods in the distribution center. Rather, they are constrained to reside at a single pod within the distribution center. Items that are ordered somewhat more frequently than those in the slowest group are replicated in multiple pods across the distribution center. In other words, these items are separately stocked at locations on more than one pod in the distribution center. This means that a container passing through the distribution center can obtain each of the items in the second group of item types at multiple pods in the distribution center. Thus, these items do not create a bottleneck in the order fulfillment process. Inventory types in a third group, the fastest movers, are segregated from items in the first two groups. They are stored in a separate type of pod that fulfills orders even faster than the other type of pods.

    摘要翻译: 负载平衡技术基于在配送中心中订购的频率,分离各种库存类型(例如,土豆对牛奶,与椒盐脆饼,对薄纸等)。 以最慢速率排序的库存类型不会在配送中心的多个pod中“复制”。 相反,它们被限制在分配中心内的单个荚上。 订购量比最慢组中的产品更频繁地复制在配送中心的多个pod中。 换句话说,这些物品分开存放在配送中心多个荚的位置。 这意味着通过配送中心的集装箱可以在配送中心的多个荚中获得第二组物品类型中的每个物品。 因此,这些项目不会在订单履行过程中产生瓶颈。 第三组中最快的移动商的库存类型与前两个组中的项目分开。 它们存储在单独类型的pod中,其顺序比其他类型的pod更快。