



    IPC分类号: G02F1/35 G01S7/481

    摘要: Systems and methods for precision control of microresonator (MR) based frequency combs can implement optimized MR actuators or MR modulators to control long-term locking of carrier envelope offset frequency, repetition rate, or resonance offset frequency of the MR. MR modulators can also be used for amplitude noise control. MR parameters can be locked to external reference frequencies such as a continuous wave laser or a microwave reference. MR parameters can be selected to reduce cross talk between the MR parameters, facilitating long-term locking. The MR can be locked to an external two wavelength delayed self-heterodyne interferometer for low noise microwave generation. An MR-based frequency comb can be tuned by a substantial fraction or more of the free spectral range (FSR) via a feedback control system. Scanning MR frequency combs can be applied to dead-zone free spectroscopy, multi-wavelength LIDAR, high precision optical clocks, or low phase noise microwave sources.

    Utilization of time and spatial division multiplexing in high power ultrafast optical amplifiers





    摘要: In an example amplifier system, an input pulse train is passed through an optical stage that splits each pulse into two or more pulses. These divided pulses are then injected into at least two amplifiers for amplification. The amplified pulses are subsequently passed back through the same optical stage in order to combine the pulses back into one high energy pulse. The amplifier system can use time division multiplexing (TDM) and/or spatial division multiplexing (SDM) to produce, e.g., four pulses in conjunction with two amplifiers and propagation through two optical beam splitters, which are coherently combined into a single output pulse after amplification. The amplifiers can comprise fiber amplifiers or bulk amplifiers.

    All-fiber chirped pulse amplification systems





    发明人: Martin E. Fermann

    摘要: By compensating polarization mode-dispersion as well chromatic dispersion in photonic crystal fiber pulse compressors, high pulse energies can be obtained from all-fiber chirped pulse amplification systems. By inducing third-order dispersion in fiber amplifiers via self-phase modulation, the third-order chromatic dispersion from bulk grating pulse compressors can be compensated and the pulse quality of hybrid fiber/bulk chirped pulse amplification systems can be improved. Finally, by amplifying positively chirped pulses in negative dispersion fiber amplifiers, a low noise wavelength tunable seed source via anti-Stokes frequency shifting can be obtained.

    Modular, high energy, widely-tunable ultrafast fiber source





    发明人: Martin E. Fermann

    摘要: A modular, compact and widely tunable laser system for the efficient generation of high peak and high average power ultrashort pulses. Peak power handling capability of fiber amplifiers is expanded by using optimized pulse shapes, as well as dispersively broadened pulses. Dispersive pulse stretching in the presence of self-phase modulation and gain results in the formation of high-power parabolic pulses. To ensure a wide tunability of the whole system, Raman-shifting of the compact sources of ultrashort pulses in conjunction with frequency-conversion in nonlinear optical crystals can be implemented, or an Anti-Stokes fiber in conjunction with fiber amplifiers and Raman-shifters are used. Positive dispersion optical amplifiers are used to improve transmission characteristics. An optical communication system utilizes a Raman amplifier fiber pumped by a train of Raman-shifted, wavelength-tunable pump pulses, to thereby amplify an optical signal which counterpropagates within the Raman amplifier fiber with respect to the pump pulses.