The invention relates to the fabrication of radiofrequency transmission/reception devices. The invention makes provision for: the making of radiofrequency transmission/reception chips devoid of antennas; the connecting in series of the chips by at least two conducting wire elements whose respective lengths between two neighboring chips are chosen as a function of the transmission/reception frequency, each element contacting electrically at least one terminal of a chip and ensuring an at least temporary function of mechanical holding of the chips chainwise; and the cutting at regular intervals of the serial connection to form, for each chip, two strands of an antenna of the device.
The method enables an assembly of chips, initially formed on a wafer, to be formed. Each chip comprises two parallel main faces joined by side faces. At least one of the side faces comprises at least one groove for housing a thread element. The wafer is first of all stuck onto a flexible film and the chips are then cut. The film is then deformed to space the chips apart from one another and to make the grooves accessible. A daisy chain is then formed joining the chips via at least one thread element, each chip being inserted in the daisy chain by inserting the thread in the groove of said chip and then removing the chip from the deformable film.