A novel high-performance monolithic integrated circuit means including semiconductive transistor elements having different base widths so that one or more of the transistors have a high voltage breakdown characteristic, while one or more of the remaining transistors have a high current gain characteristic. This is accomplished by diffusing certain regions of selected ones of the respective transistors for longer periods of time than like regions of the other transistors so as to render the base widths of certain ones of the transistors of lesser thickness than those of the remaining transistors.
A lateral transistor device constructed to have a single emitter region and a single base region operatively associated with a plurality of collector regions. Each of the various collector regions forms a separate PN junction with the base region which is dimensioned and disposed with respect to the base-emitter junction to provide a predetermined portion of the total available collector current.
A non-gold doped multiple emitter transistor device having an additional lateral PNP transistor formed in the collector region and a debiasing resistance formed in the base region, these elements cooperating to suppress the inherent PNP beta to substrate characteristic and control the inverse Hfe of the device. The emitter of the additional transistor is connected to the base of the MET through a pinch-type debiasing resistor formed in a projection of the base region of the MET, and the base and collector of the additional transistor are shorted together and connected to the collector of the MET so as to provide a shunt path around the base-collector junction thereof.
A double diffused transistor structure having a base region which is sufficiently thin so that the reverse breakdown voltage between the emitter and the collector (BVeco) is less than the reverse breakdown voltage between the emitter and the base (BVebo). The transistor structure is connected in an upside-down fashion as a two-terminal network, the terminals being formed by the emitter and the collector in a manner similar to that heretofore employed with Zener diodes to provide a ''''reachthrough'''' at a predetermined voltage thereacross. A circuit utilizing such a ''''reach-through'''' transistor structure connected in the upside-down fashion in conjunction with other components to operate the transistor structure at a constant current to maintain the reverse breakdown voltage constant.
An integrated circuit regulator including a temperature stable constant voltage reference wherein the negative temperature coefficient of the base-to-emitter voltage a first transistor in conjunction with the positive temperature coefficient of the base-to-emitter voltage differential between two additional transistors operating at different current densities is used to achieve a zero temperature coefficient reference potential. The constant voltage reference is combined with a voltage follower and provides a source of constant current which is passed through an external variable resistance to develop a selectable and predictable adjustment voltage for driving the voltage follower so as to cause an unregulated input voltage applied thereto to be regulated at an output terminal.