
A system may obtain a first group of information when an advertising link is requested and a second group of information when the advertising link is selected. The system may further detect illegitimate advertising-related activity based on the first group of information and the second group of information.

Controlling a message quarantine is disclosed. A message scanning method is described in which early exit from parsing and scanning can occur by matching threat rules only to selected message elements and stopping rule matching as soon as a match on one message element exceeds a threat threshold.

A system is provided that strongly inhibits infection and spread of computer viruses. Valid executable software files and supporting files, even files provided by mass-released commercial software, are associated with a numeric key that is unique to each individual computer running the software. For a file to be processed by the central processing unit (CPU) of the computer, the presence of a valid key must first be verified. Every valid executable file, including files relating to the operating system and application layer code, is provided with a unique key. Thus, viruses that attempt to gain access to the CPU to perform unauthorized actions, including replication, are prevented due to lack of a valid execution key. Execution keys are generated locally on each individual computer using a variety of methods. Execution keys can be regenerated if the security of a computer system has been compromised, or appears to have been compromised.

A method and an apparatus is provided that is efficient in detecting network virus and worms while using only the layer-4 information that is easily extracted from core routers and also be scalable when layer-7 information is available. Entropy analysis is used to identify anomalous activity at the flow level. Thereafter, only the contents of suspicious flows are analyzed with fingerprinting extraction. By doing so, the present invention brings together the characteristics of being deployable for real-time high data to rate links and the efficiency and reliability of content fingerprinting techniques.

A mechanism for remoting Twain function calls within a user session to a client system is disclosed. By hooking Twain function calls made by a Twain application on the server, the Twain function calls may be remoted over a virtual connection to a client system. A proxy application corresponding to the server-based Twain application is created on the client system. The proxy application communicates with the server and makes the appropriate function calls to the remainder of the Twain framework. The use of the proxy application allows multiple applications and devices to be supported simultaneously. Messages sent over the virtual connection are filtered prior to transmission thereby limiting the amount of required communication traffic. A multiplexor and demultiplexor are utilized in order to efficiently use bandwidth on the virtual channel. The present invention additionally compresses image data prior to transmission over the virtual channel.

An object-oriented item is used to define the behavior of an item in a dialog box in a windows environment. A class hierarchical library is established with a base class setting up initial definitions of instance variables and methods used to define the behavior of a customized item. An applications developer can create customized items for a dialog box by creating subclasses. The subclasses will inherit portions of the superclasses, and the developer will customize the items by overriding certain methods. The object, an instance of the class, is referenced by a resource associated with an application.

Media processing methods, systems and application program interfaces (APIs) are described. In but one embodiment, a media engine component, also referred to as a media engine, provides a simple and unified way of rendering media from an origin to a destination of choice without requiring intimate knowledge about the underlying components, their connectivity and management. Clients of the media engine need not worry about how to render the particular media, but rather can simply focus on what media to render and where to render the media. In at least one embodiment, a media session is provided and is encapsulated by the media engine and provides a mechanism by which additional components are made transparent to the application and, in at least some embodiment, the media engine. In some embodiments, the media engine and media session provide a simple API for building, configuring, and manipulating a pipeline of components (e.g. media sources, transforms, and sinks) for media flow control between an origin and one or more destinations.

A method and apparatus are provided for dynamically allocating an access bandwidth for one or more resources to threads of a multithreaded processor. The allocation is performed by providing an execution based metric for each thread and providing an access to the resource in dependence on the execution based metrics of the threads. In addition, or alternatively, a resource based metric can be determined and the access to the resource is provided in dependence on the resource based metric.

A data processing system (1) is programmed with objects (2) according to the object-oriented architecture. Each object (2) is for implementing an event, which for financial securities processing is often referred to as a corporate action. An object (2) has a container (3) containing a series of masks (4), all at the same level in a flat structure. Each mask has four binary bit flags, each switching on or off a pre-stored unit (5) of executable code for an asynchronous transaction. Initialization or modifications of the system involves only processing through a series of decisions and setting mask flags accordingly.

An efficient binary translator uses peephole translation rules to directly translate executable code from one instruction set to another. In a preferred embodiment, the translation rules are generated using superoptimization techniques that enable the translator to automatically learn translation rules for translating code from the source to target instruction set architecture.

A method of generating commands for a database server includes accessing a script having parser-specific commands, a first set of database-specific commands and optional shell commands. A componentized batch parser splits out the different command types and converts the parser-specific commands into a second set of database-specific commands. The first set and second set of database-specific commands may be sent to a target database for execution. The optional shell commands may be executed by a user tool at a local console. The batch parser offers features including separation of parsing functions using batch separators, performing automatic substitution of tokens in the script with defined values or substitution of tokens by requesting token values via a client tool, stripping off comments and blanks spaces from processed commands, referencing and editing files outside the script, and the ability to connect to different servers.

A program editing apparatus includes a user interface control unit, a JSP analysis unit, and a split execution unit. The user interface control unit accepts an input of a split object instruction which specifies a portion to be split off from a JSP file to be processed. The JSP analysis unit determines an accompanying split portion which is split off together with the portion specified by the split object instruction. The split execution unit splits off the portion specified by the split object instruction and the accompanying split portion from the original JSP file. The JSP analysis unit analyzes dependence of variables and objects in the JSP file and splits off a copyable portion by copying. Thus, a program file after split is ensured to operate the same as the program file to be processed.

An UML model can be visually rendered upon a canvas of a graphical user interface of a software modeling application. The UML model can include at least one stereotype that extends an UML modeling element. A stereotype application can include values of attributes that are part of the stereotype that is applied on the UML modeling element. The visual rendering can include a stereotype application object which is able to be edited. Editing of the stereotype application object can result in changes to values of attributes of the stereotype application.

An optical proximity correction method is provided using a modified merit function based upon yield. Known failure mechanisms related to layout geometries are used to derive yield functions based upon distance values between layout features, such as, edge features. In comparing the edge points on the predicted layout pattern with the corresponding point on the design layout pattern, a yield test is first undertaken before movement of the points on the predicted layout pattern to a position of higher yield. Where yield is acceptable, no further movement is made. Where incremental movement of points results in coming within acceptable proximity before acceptable yield is reached, the point is flagged for further consideration.

A power switching circuit is provided for use in an integrated circuit including at least a first voltage rail and a second voltage rail. The power switching circuit includes at least one MOS device having a first source/drain adapted for connection to the first voltage rail, a second source/drain adapted for connection to the second voltage rail, and a gate adapted for receiving a control signal. The MOS device selectively connects the first voltage rail to the second voltage rail in response to the control signal. The first and second voltage rails form a grid overlying the power switching circuit, the first and second voltage rails being formed in different planes relative to one another. The connection between the power switching circuit and the first voltage rail is made at an interface between the first and voltage rails.

A circuit design that contains at least two clock domains is simulated using a novel system and method for injecting the effects of metastability. The system includes detectors for detecting, during simulation, when a clock in a transmit clock domain and a clock in a receive clock domain are aligned and when the input of a register receiving a clock-domain-crossing signal is changing. The system includes coverage monitors for measuring, during simulation, statistics related to metastability injection. The system accurately models the effects of metastability by, at appropriate times during simulation, pseudo-randomly inverting outputs of registers receiving clock-domain-crossing signals. By accurately modeling the effects of metastability, errors in the circuit design can be detected while simulating a pre-existing simulation test. The simulation with metastability effects injection is repeatable and requires no modification of pre-existing RTL design files or simulation test files.

Methods and apparatus, including computer program products, for navigating user interface elements of a computer program application. In one aspect, a method includes grouping user interface elements of an application into groups based on a hierarchical arrangement of the elements, detecting a navigation key press of a sibling or a parent navigation key, and if it is a sibling navigation key, shifting input focus to a next sibling group in the hierarchy, and if it is a parent navigation key, shifting input focus to a parent group in the hierarchy. In another aspect, a method for navigating editable cells of a table includes detecting a forward or a backward navigation key; if it is a forward navigation key, shifting input focus to a next editable cell of the table; and if it is a backward navigation key, shifting input focus to a previous editable cell of the table.

A display screen magnifier is controllable by a user to magnify selected portions of a desktop including windows open on the screen. A moveable magnifier frame is provided, within which a magnified image is presented. The magnified image corresponds to screen content located within a magnification region underlying the magnifier frame, magnified to a set level of magnification. In one embodiment, the magnification region is moveable relative to the magnifier frame, in relation to movement of the magnifier frame on the display screen. Such relative movement can be used to avoid a potentially disorienting edge condition that arises when a magnifier frame reaches an edge of the display screen and stops, while its associated magnification region continues to pan. In another embodiment, the cursor of a user input device is moveable across the screen display into and out of the magnification region. When the position of the cursor falls within the magnification region, the cursor appears within the magnified image presented within the magnifier frame. A related feature avoids the potentially disconcerting effect of cursor disappearance as a pointing device cursor passes into a “lens shadow” defined between the magnification region and the magnifier frame.

A new behavior in a graphical user interface allows the user to open and close enclosures, while dragging an object. When the user pauses, gestures, or rolls over a hot spot on top of an icon or text representing a closed enclosure, a temporary window for the closed enclosure is “sprung open” to allow the user to browse inside the enclosure and possible open another enclosure contained within the temporary window. This process can be carried on throughout a hierarchy of windows as the user browses for a destination window for the drag operation. All of the temporary windows except the destination are closed when the mouse button is released, signaling the end of a drag. The user may close sprung open windows by simply moving the cursor out of the sprung open window, or by making some other gesture. If an enclosure to be sprung open was previously open on the desktop, the previously opened window may zoom over to the current mouse position, and then return to its original position when the user mouse is out of the window.

An e-commerce method involves on-line viewing of a first article through a linking node for virtual merging on another structure. A particular application of the invention is directed to a method of on-line apparel shopping. The method includes providing a host-site accessible to an on-line viewer (customer) and web-linkable to a retailer having an apparel site. The retailer's apparel site has images of articles stored in a virtual closet. These articles can be apparel from retail stores for viewing over the web, and the on-line viewer is linked to the host-site. The consumer selects a structure, such as a photograph of a person captured in system memory, in response to a command received by the on-line viewer. Using the host-site, the viewer or customer is linked to the retailer's apparel site and images are passed from that site for view by the customer. Apparel is selected and virtually merged with the structure by forming an image including representations of both the structure and the selected-apparel.

A system for use in developing a voice application, including a dialog element selector for defining execution paths of the application by selecting dialog elements and adding the dialog elements to a tree structure, each path through the tree structure representing one of the execution paths, a dialog element generator for generating the dialog elements on the basis of predetermined templates and properties of the dialog elements, the properties received from a user of the system, each of said dialog elements corresponding to at least one voice language template, and a code generator for generating at least one voice language module for the application on the basis of said at least one voice language template and said properties. The voice language templates include VoiceXML elements, and the dialog elements can be regenerated from the voice language module. The voice language module can be used to provide the voice application for an IVR.

A process for viewing a selected portion of a document on a mobile communication device without having to request multiple pages of the document contents containing document global properties applied to the selected part of the document, comprising marking pages of the document within a server, based on size required by the mobile device, associating properties and attributes of the selected portion with the pages, and transmitting the pages with the properties and attributes for display by the mobile device.

Systems and methods enabling creation and/or use of an electronic form capable of allowing a user to select from mutually exclusive options without the electronic form being in an invalid state are described. One of the described electronic forms remains valid to its schema by atomic swapping of data substructures corresponding to the form's mutually exclusive options. A method and a user interface for creating some of these electronic forms are also described.

A method of facilitating access to the Internet involving vocal and aural navigation, selection and rendering of Internet content. Visual Internet content is selected and rendered to produce information in amounts appropriate for representation in concise aural form to facilitate vocal selection and navigation based upon such aural representation.

A method and apparatus for detecting errors and improving quality in real-time data transmissions is provided. In one embodiment, the packet header checksum field is turned off to allow uninterrupted transmission of data packet payloads. A checksum added to each independent data segment in the datagram payload permits each data packet to be examined separately, resulting in improved transmission quality.

In an embodiment, a method includes performing a redundancy check to determine if a baseline bit sequence is compliant. When the baseline bit sequence is not compliant, the method additionally includes performing an iterative process until a compliant, candidate bit sequence is identified. The iterative process includes identifying one or more existing branches within a conceptual tree diagram, calculating scores for potential paths branching from the one or more existing branches, and performing a subsequent redundancy check on a next candidate bit sequence, which corresponds to a potential path that has a next lowest score, to determine if the next candidate bit sequence is compliant.

Method for configuring a transmission chain in a 3GPP2 system for supporting a flexible or variable data rate of an information bitstream in a process for mapping an information bitstream of a data rate on a physical layer, including the steps of (1) channel coding the information bitstreams with bit rates different from each other into turbo codes or convolution codes having a value inverse of 1/coding rate, and (2) repeating coded bitstream when the channel coded bitstream is smaller than a desired interleaving size, and puncturing the coded bitstream when the channel coded bitstream is greater than the desired interleaving size, for matching the channel coded bitstream to the interleaving size.

An object of the present invention is to provide a CRC circuit with more simple structure and low power consumption. The CRC circuit includes a first shift register to a p-th shift register, a first EXOR to a (p−1)th EXOR, and a switching circuit. A data signal, a select signal, and an output of a last stage of the p-th shift register are inputted to the switching circuit, and the switching circuit switches a first signal or a second signal in response to the select signal to be outputted.

An error checking system includes an input device for receiving a data element including parity information; a parity check device for checking the parity information of the data element to determine whether the data element is valid; a CRC generator coupled to the parity check device for generating a CRC for the data element; and an output device for transmitting the data element with the parity information and CRC to a downstream device over a transmission link. The parity check device is operative to output a corruption signal to the CRC generator if the parity check device determines that the data element is invalid, to instruct the CRC generator to corrupt the CRC generation for that data element.

A JTAG bus cross point switching device that is commanded by the same bus which it configures. In a preferred embodiment a JTAG chain includes a cross point switching device that is capable of adding, omitting, or rearranging devices on a JTAG bus. The switching device itself is controlled by commands on the JTAG bus which it configures.

According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided an information processing apparatus including: a connector to which a backup device is connected; a data storing unit that stores an objective data; and a processor that is configured: to write the objective data to the backup device as a backup data; to record a change log that specifies an updated part of the objective data; to detect a difference part between the objective data and the backup data when the backup device is connected to the connector; to determine whether the difference part matches the updated part specified by the change log; and if the difference part does not match the updated part, to identify a mismatching part between the difference part and the updated part as an abnormal data.

A data processor comprising: a bus control circuit adapted to be interfaced with a synchronous DRAM which can be accessed in synchronism with a clock signal; a plurality of data processing modules coupled to said bus control circuit for producing data and addresses for accessing a memory; and a clock driver for feeding intrinsic operation clocks to said data processing modules and for feeding the clock signal for accessing said memory in synchronism with the operations of said data processing modules to be operated by the operation clock signals, to the outside.

In one embodiment, a method is provided that may include one or more operations. One of these operations may include, in response, at least in part, to a request to store input data in storage, encrypting, based least in part upon one or more keys, the input data to generate output data to store in the storage. The one or more keys may be authorized by a remote authority. Alternatively or additionally, another of these operations may include, in response, at least in part, to a request to retrieve the input data from the storage, decrypting, based at least in part upon the at least one key, the output data. Many modifications, variations, and alternatives are possible without departing from this embodiment.

Biogenic information of the user is obtained through a camera unit and an authentication sensor and compared with biogenic information of a person with use authority has previously been stored, thereby discriminating whether or not the user has the use authority. When the user is authenticated, that is, if it is determined that the user is the person with the use authority, an electronic apparatus permits the user to use each function and operate. The authentication of the user is executed when the user wears the electronic apparatus. After he removes it, the authentication result is not held, thereby disabling a person without the use authority to use the electronic apparatus. The biogenic information (physical feature) of the user is detected and the personal authentication can be executed without requiring the user to execute the annoying inputting operation for the personal authentication.

Method and system for verifying the authenticity and integrity of files transmitted through a computer network. Authentication information is encoded in the filename of the file. In a preferred embodiment, authentication information is provided by computing a hash value of the file, computing a digital signature of the hash value using a private key, and encoding the digital signature in the filename of the file at a predetermined position or using delimiters, to create a signed filename. Upon reception of a file, the encoded digital signature is extracted from the signed filename. Then, the encoded hash value of the file is recovered using a public key and extracted digital signature, and compared with the hash value computed on the file. If the decoded and computed hash values are identical, the received file is processed as authentic.

System and method are disclosed for securing and managing individual end-user platforms as part of an enterprise network. The method/system of the invention has three main components: a security module, a manager appliance, and a console appliance. The security module enforces the enterprise licenses and security policies for the end-user platforms while the manager appliance provides secure, centralized communication with, and oversight of, the security module. The console appliance allows an administrator to access the manager appliance for purposes of monitoring and changing the licenses. Security is established and maintained through an innovative use of data encryption and authentication procedures. The use of these procedures allows the appliances to be uniquely identified to one another, which in turn provides a way to dynamically create unique identifiers for the security modules. These various components together form an infrastructure over the enterprise network to securely manage the end-user platforms.

An apparatus for providing link layer security in a Physical Layer Transceiver (PHY) is disclosed. In one embodiment, the apparatus may comprise analog circuitry configured to interface with a data transmission medium, digital circuitry configured to interface with a Media Access Controller (MAC); and a crypto engine coupled to the digital circuitry. Single interface and multiple interface schemes are provided to control both PHY and crypto functions. Embodiments are disclosed where the PHY controls the crypto device, and where the crypto device controls the PHY.

Checkpoints may be used to recover from branch mispredictions using scalable rename map table recovery.

A method of tracking instruction dependency in a processor issuing instructions speculatively includes recording in an instruction dependency array (IDA) an entry for each instruction that indicates data dependencies, if any, upon other active instructions. An output vector read out from the IDA indicates data readiness based upon which instructions have previously been selected for issue. The output vector is used to select and read out issue-ready instructions from an instruction buffer.

An information-processing device that executes a specific process more frequently than other processes among a variety of processes is provided. The information-processing device includes a first processor capable of executing an instruction set corresponding to the variety of processes, and a second processor capable of executing a portion of or the entire instruction set, the second processor being capable of executing a part of the instruction set corresponding to the specific process more efficiently than the first processor, wherein the second processor executes the specific process whereas the first processor executes the other processes. Accordingly, the information-processing device can execute a variety of instructions efficiently.

A state machine is provided with outputs that have programmable delays that enable the state machine to be compatible with a number of different devices. The state machine uses shift register look up tables (SRLs) to provide variable output delays. The state machine can be provided in the BRAM of an FPGA, and can be used to provide control logic in a multi-port memory controller (MPMC). The MPMC with such a state machine can then connect to multiple different types of memory devices either simultaneously or separately.

A system, method and computer program product for executing a cache replacement algorithm. A system includes a computer processor having an instruction processor, a cache and one or more useful indicators. The instruction processor processes instructions in a running program. The cache includes two or more cache levels including a level one (L1) cache level and one or more higher cache levels. Each cache level includes one or more cache lines and has an associated directory having one or more directory entries. A useful indicator is located within one or more of the directory entries and is associated with a particular cache line. The useful indicator is set to provide an indication that the associated cache line contains one or more instructions that are required by the running program and cleared to provide lack of such an indication.

A storage device, a data arrangement method and a computer program are disclosed, in which the redundancy is maintained even if a cache module runs out of order, and the deterioration of the write processing performance is prevented at the time of failure of the cache memory module. When cache 0 fails while cache 0 and cache 1 possess duplicate data that is not stored in disks, data of cache 0 is copied onto data of cache 4 that is synchronized with the disks.

A method is provided for simultaneously updating the contents of multiple memory devices in a computer system. The contents of each of the memory devices are organized as a series of blocks. One of the memory devices is selected as a current device. A determination is then made as to whether the blocks of the current device need to be updated. The blocks of the current device are updated until a memory wait state is generated by the current device. In response to the memory wait state being generated by the current device, a determination is made as to whether the blocks contained in any of the other memory devices remain to be updated. If there are blocks in any of the other memory devices remaining to be updated, a next memory device is identified having blocks to be updated. The identified memory device is then selected as the current device. Finally, the steps of the method are repeated for each current device until all of the blocks contained in each of the multiple memory devices have been updated. The memory devices may be utilized to store a basic input/output system (BIOS) for the computer system.

A nonvolatile memory system comprises a nonvolatile memory having a plurality of data areas; and a memory controller operative to control read and write operations to the nonvolatile memory. The memory controller successively executes read/write operations to plural sectors within a selected data area in the nonvolatile memory in accordance with a command and a sector count and sector address fed from a host device.

A translator of an apparatus in an example employs a native fully buffered dual in-line memory module protocol (native FB-DIMM protocol) to write to a plurality of parallel protocol memory module channels that comprises a plurality of double data rate registered and/or unbuffered dual in-line memory modules (DDR registered and/or unbuffered DIMMs).

Methods, systems, and products are disclosed for dynamically allocating communication lanes for a plurality of sockets in a point-to-point, serial I/O expansion subsystem of a computing system, the expansion subsystem including an switch that supports a maximum number of enabled communication lanes, each socket having a same form factor, each socket connected to the switch using a same predefined number of communication lanes, that include: identifying, during a boot process for the computing system, each of the sockets in which an adapter is installed; determining, for each installed adapter, a maximum link width for that adapter; and enabling, for each of the sockets in which an adapter is installed, a set of communication lanes for communications between the adapter installed in that socket and the expansion subsystem switch in dependence upon the maximum link width for each adapter and the maximum number of enabled communication lanes supported by the switch.

A storage apparatus comprises: a memory for storing a processing ratio/upper limit table, which stores an upper limit number per prescribed time for input/output processing in accordance with the processing of a processing type for each of a plurality of processing types executed by a host computer; and a processor which receives an input/output request from the host computer, and executes input/output processing corresponding to the input/output request, such that input/output processing corresponding to the processing of each processing type per prescribed time falls within the upper limit number. According to this constitution, the input/output processing count per prescribed time can be properly controlled in accordance with the processing type.

A method and apparatus for accessing messages from a message server. Messages are stored on the message server in their current format without transcoding. When a client opens a session with the message server, a data transfer rate is determined for the client. In response to a message retrieve request, the bit rate of the message is compared to the data transfer rate, and if less than the data transfer rate, the message is downloaded to the user terminal without transcoding. If the bit rate is greater than the data transfer rate, then the message is transcoded to a lower bit rate according to a codec supported by the user. The codec may be selected from a set of codecs supported by the user terminal. The user is provided with the capability to override the system selected codec, for example, to pick a codec for secure encoding or encryption.

A computing system is provided that comprises a portable, hand-held computer comprising a display and a plurality of cursor control keys; and a proxy server coupled to the portable computer by a data link. A proxy server is also coupled to at least one remote server on the Internet. The portable computer is adapted to activate a menu comprised of a plurality of entries. Each entry corresponds to at least one mark-up language file to be accessed by the user. The method disclosed herein provides a shorthand way of requesting mark-up language files using one hand and a minimal number of keystrokes. Once the proxy server receives the file, it separates the file into viewable segments and sends the first viewable segment to the portable computer.

An electronic marketplace allows owners of unused Internet domain names to lease the domain names using a bidding process. The system allows owners to monetize domain names and lessees to obtain customers who are redirected from targeted domain names.

An electronic marketplace allows owners of unused Internet domain names to lease the domain names using a bidding process. The system allows owners to monetize domain names and lessees to obtain customers who are redirected from targeted domain names.

An apparatus, method and system to enable dynamic replication of Web servers across a wide area in response to access patterns by Web clients as well as in response to customer requests. The method for dynamically replicating one or more parent nodes on a network in response to a user request by a policy manager. The policy manager transmits the user request to an event module. The event module transmits the user request to a data consistency module, wherein the data consistency module maintains integrity of the data on the parent node. The event system communicates with a resource management module to ensure proper utilization of network resources, and transmits the routing request to a request routing module for appropriately balancing the network load. The request routing module is capable of providing optimal routing based on the network resources.

In an exemplary embodiment, a streaming client is playing a media stream that is being streamed from a streaming server. The media stream is being played at a certain playback rate. While the media stream is being played, the level of a streaming buffer is monitored. If it is determined that the level of the streaming buffer is below a defined lower limit, then the playback rate is set equal to a value that is less than the intended playback rate for the media stream. The specific value of the playback rate depends on the level of the streaming buffer.

Data streams are selected according to user preferences and transmitted to the user. Such data streams may be audio, video, or other works, such as popular music or the like, or other works, including music videos. Users may indicate their general or specific preferences with reaard to song, artists, or albums. Other users, particularly ones who access the system often, can act as influencers or controllers of the music transmitted to the user. Any other aspects or factors that might affect the user's preferences can be taken into account, such as popular radio stations in the United States or anywhere in the world. A playlist can be created that combines all of these factors, as well as any applicable statutory regulations. The playlist serves as a basis for feeding the data streams to the user, and the user can enjoy music generally of their choosing, while additionally being exposed to new music (if the user so prefers). An Internet radio is established. Each user can express their own preferences and receive music corresponding to those preferences on an on-going basis. Every individual can be the manager of their own radio station that broadcasts music that parallels the user's tastes. Other users may also choose to hear the same playlist as another individual, or allow that individual to influence their playlist.

A system and method for the lifecycle of a protocol processing a message is described. In one embodiment, in a stateless object-oriented runtime environment, an instance of a reliable messaging protocol is used to process a message. The processing including receiving a message and performing operations based on said message.

A network system connected with a plurality of clients over a network, and having process executing means for executing processing requested from each client, comprises process request controlling means, and load distributing means for selectively connecting a client that requested processing with process executing means or process request controlling means, based on the processing situation in the process executing means or the usage situation of the network circuits connected with the process executing means. The process request controlling means indicate to the client re-request timing for the client to make the request again based on predetermined conditions, while rejecting requests for processing from the client.

A communication system comprises a first communication terminal (101) provided with an ID tag (106) and having a communication function for a first medium, a second communication terminal (102) provided with an ID reader (107) and having a communication function for a second medium different from the first medium, and a communication server (109) connected to the first and the second communication terminals. The ID tag stores terminal address information representative of an address of the first communication terminal. When the ID reader reads, as readout address information, the terminal address information from the ID tag, the second communication terminal informs the readout address information to the communication server. Supplied from the second communication terminal with the address of the first communication terminal as the readout address information, the communication server registers the first and the second communication terminals as a single communication terminal having the communication functions for the first and the second media.

Embodiments of the present invention disclose a method for managing network device data and a network management system. The method including: storing identifiers respectively for different types of device data at the device side; the network management system storing the identifiers of the different types of device data into a database of the network management system upon synchronizing the device data; and during TRAP message processing and timing data synchronization, the network management system comparing the identifiers locally stored with the identifiers from the device side, and performing a corresponding update according to the comparison result.

A method for monitoring and reporting information regarding status of a power supply/management device operated by a user comprises detecting the status of the device using a monitoring device having an application interface configured to communicate over a communication network, generating a status update indication using a self-describing computer language and sending the status update indication over the communication network to a remote computer, and associating the user with the status update information for the remote device using the remote computer.

Methods and apparatus for generating an online database of printer error messages. In one embodiment, a printer contains an error detecting device and an embedded Web server in communication with a global computer network. If printer errors are detected, error messages are generated. Each error message is conveyed through the embedded web server to an online database. The online database contains error information conveyed by a large number of printers, which can be monitored and analyzed. Methods of the present invention include providing a printer incorporating an embedded web server linked to a network, and a error detector. The error detector monitors print jobs sent to the printer, generating an error message when an error is detected. Error messages are conveyed by the embedded web server through the network to an online error message database and may be written to an internal printer error log.

A gateway device for managing a set of two or more local management devices at a location. A system for networks at a plurality of locations. A method of operating a gateway device in a control network. A method for storing information to operate a gateway device in a control network. A method for storing information to operate a replacement gateway device in a control network.

A method for storing data is provided which includes transmitting a storage operation request to one of at least two controllers where the at least two controllers is capable of managing communication with a plurality of targets. The method further includes directing the storage operation request to an operational one of the at least two controllers when the one of the at least two controllers is inoperable. The method also includes processing the storage operation request with the operational one of the at least two controllers.

The present invention provides a method for generating a request for information about a data store. The request codes a data store descriptor which is used to characterize or identify a matching data store from a plurality of data stores. The re-transmitted information comprises retrieved information necessary for the requesting device or the applications executed thereon to access the identified data store, respectively. The present invention provides a method for generating a response in consequence on receiving a request for information a about data store. The data store descriptor coded in the request is used to characterize or identify a matching data store from a plurality of data stores and information about the data store is retrieved. This retrieved information coded in a response is transmitted to the previously requesting device enabling the requesting device or the applications executed thereon to access the identified data store, respectively.

To secure an accessible computer system, the computer system is monitored for connection transactions. An access requestor is denied access to the computer system when the access requestor initiates a number of connection transactions that exceed a configurable threshold number during a first configurable period of time. The monitoring may include detecting connection transactions initiated by the access requestor, counting the number of connection transactions initiated by the access requestor during the first configurable period of time, and comparing the number of connection transactions initiated by the access requester during the first configurable period of time to the configurable threshold number.

Methods and apparatus facilitate the management of input/output (I/O) subsystems in virtual I/O servers to provide appropriate quality of services (QoS). A hierarchical QoS scheme based on partitioning of network interfaces and I/O subsystems transaction types are used to classify Virtual I/O communications. This multi-tier QoS method allows virtual I/O servers to be scalable and provide appropriate QoS granularity.

A Trojan horse method and apparatus to permit email access to secure enterprise resources within an enterprise's firewall. An email message is used to permit a user to gain access to computer resources such as databases maintained within a secure enterprise's firewall. An email message generated from a palmtop computer or any other computer capable of sending and receiving email messages is used to pass through the firewall as a conventional email message would. The email message is received at a designated computer that recognizes reserved command words as a part of the email message, preferably as a part of the subject line thereof. Upon recognizing the reserved command word, the email message is parsed to determine key components of a command that can be executed on a desired enterprise computer resource. An appropriate command (e.g., an SQL query) is then created for execution on the enterprise computer resource (e.g., a database). A response or acknowledgement is then returned to the sender as an email message.

The subject invention provides for a system and method that facilitates detecting and preventing spam in a variety of networked communication environments. In particular, the invention provides several techniques for monitoring outgoing communications to identify potential spammers. Identification of potential spammers can be accomplished at least in part by a detection component that monitors per sender at least one of volume of outgoing messages, volume of recipients, and/or rate of outgoing messages. In addition, outgoing messages can be scored based at least in part on their content. The scores can be added per message per sender and if the total score(s) per message or per sender exceeds some threshold, then further action can be taken to verify whether the potential spammer is a spammer. Such actions include human-inspecting a sample of the messages, sending challenges to the account, sending a legal notice to warn potential spammers and/or shutting down the account.

A method for transmitting a plurality of data streams between a client and a server when the number of said data streams exceeds a number of accessible physical connections between the client and the server. The method includes steps for associating each of the data streams with a corresponding transaction handler; creating transactions for each of the data streams in response to receiving a request from the corresponding transaction handler to transmit its corresponding data stream; and responsive to determining that one of the physical connections to the server is accessible, transmitting each transaction over the available connection so that transactions from each of the data streams are transmitted in a near real time manner.

An application is provided for managing files. Information about a file system is mapped to a comparison file. A working version is made from the file system. The application identify one or more operations were performed on the working version. The identified operations are recreated on the file system during a synchronization operation.

A system for pushing information to a mobile device includes a information source, a wireless network, and a proxy content server. The information source stores information. The wireless network sends and receives transmissions to and from the mobile device. The proxy content server is coupled to information source and the wireless network and receives information from the information source. In addition, the proxy content server stores information received from the information source to one of a plurality of channels based on pre-defined information categories, and automatically transmits information from a selected channel over the wireless network to the mobile device.

In an image data server, a preview data generation unit generates preview data corresponding to image data, and a transmission controller transmits the preview data to a computer system in an image receiver apparatus. In accordance with another possible application, the preview data is not generated by the image data server, but is generated by a computer system in an image transmitter apparatus, which transmits the image data to the image data server, and transmitted to the image data server. In the computer system in the image receiver apparatus, a display controller causes the contents of the preview data to be displayed on the screen of a monitor. The user determines whether or not the image data corresponding to the displayed preview image is required.

A system, such as, e.g., a multiplier, for processing digital signals by using digital signals in the Canonic Signed Digit representation, the system including an input element to make the digital signals available in the Binary Canonic Signed Digit representation, a converter to convert the digital signals into Canonic Signed Digit representation for use in processing. The input element may be a memory where the signals are stored in the Binary Canonic Signed Digit representation. Alternatively, the input element is adapted to be fed with digital signals in the two's complement representation, and includes at least one converter to convert the digital signals from the two's complement representation into the Binary Canonic Signed Digit representation. This preferably occurs via the T2I transformation, which leads to generating signals in the Canonic Signed Digit representation, which are then converted to the Binary Canonic Signed Digit representation.

An information processing apparatus includes an acquisition unit adapted to acquire management unit information indicating the management unit of access to a document file, a create/update unit adapted to create or update document management data including correspondence between the document file and the management unit based on the acquired management unit information, a hold unit adapted to hold the document management data, and a control unit adapted to control access to the document file based on the document management data held in the hold unit.

Documents are clustered or categorized to generate a model associating documents with classes. Outlier measures are computed for the documents indicative of how well each document fits into the model. Outlier documents are identified to a user based on the outlier measures and a user selected outlier criterion. Ambiguity measures are computed for the documents indicative of a number of classes with which each document has similarity under the model. If a document is annotated with a label class, a possible corrective label class is identified if the annotated document has higher similarity with the possible corrective label class under the model than with the annotated label class. The clustering or categorizing is repeated adjusted based on received user input to generate an updated model associating documents with classes. Outlier and ambiguity measures are also calculated at runtime for new documents classified using the model.

A system and method that facilitate data access in a software development environment is provided. The system generates strongly typed objects that encapsulate raw, untyped data access logic and groups together like database commands in a common data access component. The system provides a mapping between database types and common language runtime data types including the impedance mismatch of null representations. The system configures data access component(s) that are employed at design-time to facilitate access to data object(s) by application(s) and allows a user of the configured data access component(s) to improve developer productivity and/or reduce the quantity of runtime errors introduced into code. The data access component can be instanced on multiple forms components and/or with the developer's own class(es). Thus, change(s) to a query and/or interface are accomplished within the data access component and be available to the forms components and/or object(s) that utilize the data access component.

A keyphrase extraction system and method are provided. The system and method can be employed to create an automatic summary of a subset of document(s). The system can automatically extract a list of keyword(s) that can operate on multiple documents, and across many different domains. The system is unsupervised and requires no prior learning.A term identifier identifies candidate terms (e.g., words and/or phrases) in the document subset which are used to form a document-term matrix. A probability computation component calculates probability values of: (1) the joint probability of a word (e.g., term) and a document, (2) the marginal probability of the word (e.g., term), and (3) the marginal probability of the document. Based on the probability values, a partial mutual information metric can be calculated for each candidate term. Based on the partial mutual information metric, one or more of the terms can be identified as summary keyphrases.

A method for processing information includes receiving a set of records, which include a plurality of fields containing data regarding respective items, and selecting a field that occurs in all of the records and contains multiple terms in each of the records. At least first and second terms that occur among the terms in the selected field in the records are identified, such that the records are partitioned into at least first and second respective subsets by occurrences of the at least first and second terms in the selected field. Responsively to partitioning of the records by the occurrences, it is determined that the at least first and second terms correspond to at least first and second different values of an attribute of the items. The data are classified according to the values of the attribute.

An apparatus, system, and method are disclosed for suspending a data access request during serialization reinitialization of a file server. The apparatus includes a request recognition module, an availability module, and a suspension module. The request recognition module recognizes a request to be processed by a file server. The availability module determines if the file server is available. The suspension module suspends the data access request if the file server is not available due to serialization reinitialization. In one embodiment, the suspension module implements a hardware interrupt delay loop to suspend an interruptible data access request, such as an application request. In another embodiment, the suspension module queues a non-interruptible data access request and notifies the operating system, for example, that the non-interruptible request has been initiated. One advantage of various embodiments of the present invention is to allow interruptible and non-interruptible data access requests to be suspended during serialization reinitialization and processed promptly after the serialization information is reinitialized.

To perform multi-pattern searching, a preprocessing engine populates a SUFFIX table, a PREFIX table and a PATTERN table. The SUFFIX table combines data conventionally stored in SHIFT and HASH tables. Pointers in the SUFFIX table refer to corresponding segments in the PREFIX table. Each PREFIX table segment is sorted by a prefix hash. A PATTERN table includes a hash of each full pattern sorted and grouped into segments, with each segment corresponding to a suffix hash and prefix hash combination. Pointers in the PREFIX table refer to corresponding segments in the PATTERN table. The PREFIX and PATTERN can be kept in secondary storage, allowing potentially billions of patterns to be used. After preprocessing, patterns are evaluated against a source file. A document metric is determine to qualitatively describe the similarity between the source file and each pattern file.

Recurring appointment items in a calendaring application are synchronized and recorded in a backend Line Of Business (LOB) service. Items marked in the calendaring application for time recording are used to create a recurring bound item with extended properties. A sweeper module scans on every run the mailbox for such recurring bound items. Occurrences of bound recurring appointments, which occur between the last scan and the current scan, are determined and detached from the corresponding recurring series, such that standalone bound items, are created for such occurrences that can be recognized by an LOB application. Entries for bound items are retrieved from a client data store and synchronized it with the backend LOB service through a create, update, or delete operation request.

Two features allow for increased performance in running database consistency checks. First, a database consistency check runs directly on a database, as opposed to running on a saved database snapshot. This saves memory since there is no need to save a database snapshot. To handle any pages modified since a start of the database consistency check, a supplemental check runs on modified pages. Any facts generated by either check run through an early aggregation that attempts to aggregate facts during the database consistency check.

An electronic apparatus communicable with another electronic apparatus via a network is disclosed. The electronic apparatus may include receiving means for receiving a content recorded on a first recording medium of the other electronic apparatus from the other electronic apparatus, determining means for determining whether the received content is reproducible or irreproducible by decoding the content, and recording means for recording the content on a second recording medium if the content is determined to be reproducible.

Maintaining versions and workspaces in an object repository is disclosed. The system provides an efficient way to manage versions of objects by only copying objects when absolutely necessary, i.e. when a property value in a particular object has changed. In addition, the system provides a mechanism to control whether or not relationships are propagated to successor versions of an object. A further aspect of the system is that resolution of objects during a relationship traversal can be customized depending on whether or not an application accessing the objects is version-aware. If the application is not version aware, a means for resolving the relationship to a particular object is provided. A still further aspect of the system is that merge behavior is parameterized. When two versions of an object are merged, flags control how conflicts in property values and relationship contents are managed. Finally, the system provides a workspace that acts as a virtual repository session and provides workspace context and scope to repository objects.

Systems and/or methods for storing and/or retrieving assets in connection with an extremely large scale computer storage system are provided. An asset catalog may comprise a plurality of asset catalog entries stored according to at least one schema and corresponding to a plurality of assets. A storage architecture may be capable of storing the plurality of assets, with the storage architecture comprising a storage locator and a federator. An item identification scheme may be capable of providing identifiers to reference, locate, and/or access said assets and/or said asset catalog entries stored in the asset catalog in the storage architecture. The computer storage system may be scalable essentially without limitation while maintaining asset storage and retrieval flexibility and substantially obsolescence-proof survivability of assets.

A transmission system includes a transmitter (10) and at least one receiver (14) configured to receive signals transmitted therefrom. Carousel-forming data file and directory objects are sent in cycles, with predetermined groups of file and directory objects being formed into respective modules at the transmitter, suitably according to MPEG-2 DSM-CC protocols. Each of the modules is transmitted as a whole, and the receiver is arranged to record received file data and directory objects under a predetermined grouping formulation, at elementary stream or module level.

A communication system includes a first storage section for storing a plurality of pieces of contents information, a second storage section for storing a plurality of pieces of contents information, a control section for accessing the contents information stored in the first storage section and the second storage section based on a single set of management information for managing the contents information stored in the first storage section and the second storage section, a communication section for interconnecting the first storage section, the second storage section and the control section for communication, and an accounting setting section for setting an amount of money to be imposed on a predetermined user in response to use of the first storage section or the second storage section.

A software application, system of using the application, and distributed computer network comprising the application, are provided for managing professional services projects. Professional services practices typically employ distributed proprietary applications which complicate the ready transfer of data between and among applications. The database of the present invention is preferably built on an ODBC-compliant platform, such as Lotus Notes, and operates in conjunction with an SQL and Cold Fusion servers. Data is secured from other applications by the SQL and/or the Cold Fusion servers, depending on the format in which the data is maintained in the other applications, and supplied to an ODBC-compliant database, from which the data is accessible by the user.

The present invention provides methods, apparatus and systems for searching hypertext based multilingual Web information when searching on a network for keywords to be queried. A method includes: a receiving step for receiving keywords input by a user; a native language hypertext searching step for searching on the network, according to the keywords to be queried, for all hypertexts whose representing language is the same as a language representing the keywords and which matches the keywords to be queried; extracting hyperlinks related to an arbitrary language from all the searched hypertexts; a hyperlink ranking step for ranking the extracted hyperlinks according to the correlativity of the hyperlinks with the keywords to be queried; and returning to the user ranked search result. Thereby, an accurate cross language searching can be provided without extra machine translation effort, being more accurate and objective than machine translation, even than human translation.

Enterprise management information in a first format for use by a first computerized system is transformed into an intermediate format to readily make the stored enterprise management information available for use in a second computerized system that utilizes a second format. The transformation includes a plurality of common data type elements that are adapted to be shared across a plurality of data objects in the intermediate format.

An agent engine includes a definition process, the definition process operable to define a data set associated with an objective, a library storing a set of components, the components comprising at least one of a pre-programmed application, object, algorithm, function, and data set definition, and an agent generator process, the agent generator process operable to define at least one agent that includes at least one component from the library, the at least one generated agent defined to perform a function related to the objective.

Documents from a data stream are clustered by first generating a feature vector for each document. A set of cluster centroids (e.g., feature vectors of their corresponding clusters) are retrieved from a memory based on the feature vector of the document and a relative age of each of the cluster centroids. The centroids may be retrieved by retrieving a set of cluster identifiers from a cluster table, the cluster identifiers each indicative of a respective cluster centroid, and retrieving the cluster centroids corresponding to the retrieved cluster identifiers from a memory. A list of cluster identifiers in the cluster table may be maintained based on the relative age of cluster centroids corresponding to the cluster identifiers. Cluster identifiers that correspond to cluster centroids with a relative age exceeding a predetermined threshold are periodically removed from the list of cluster identifiers.

A system for identifying radionuclide emissions is described. The system includes at least one processor for processing output signals from a radionuclide detecting device, at least one training algorithm run by the at least one processor for analyzing data derived from at least one set of known sample data from the output signals, at least one classification algorithm derived from the training algorithm for classifying unknown sample data, wherein the at least one training algorithm analyzes the at least one sample data set to derive at least one rule used by said classification algorithm for identifying at least one radionuclide emission detected by the detecting device.

In a system and method for processing data, a user interface enables a user to enter mapping data to enable incoming data to be converted to a common data format. A database stores the mapping data and data quality rules, and a receiver receives data from a data source. The processor applies the data quality rules to the common format data to identify any potential errors in the common format data and notifies the user of any potential errors found in the common format data. The data rules may include data structure rules and/or data trending requirements based upon data trends or norms. The data source may be an employer, insurance company or other entity. The data may include insurance claim data, medical data and/or prescription data and/or eligibility and/or occupational and non-occupational data.

The present invention is a method and apparatus for automatically managing a price of a product in a vending machine. The method and apparatus is disclosed for implementing dynamic price adjustments at various times including after stocking, after a sale of a product and at periodic intervals. The method generally includes the steps of updating inventory data, including a quantity of a product, accessing price management data associated with the product, and determining the price of the product. According to the method and apparatus of the present invention, the determined price of the product is based on the price management data and the inventory data. The determined price is then stored in a memory of the apparatus and displayed for customers. The apparatus may be a vending machine, a processing module within the vending machine, or an external module remotely transmitting the dynamically adjusted price to a vending machine.

Provided are systems, methods and techniques for establishing a pricing structure for reserving a resource. An option is selected from among a plurality of available options with respect to delivery of a resource at a specified future time, and then the selected option is presented to a customer. Each of the plurality of options includes: (i) a reservation price at which the customer may reserve the resource, and (ii) a compensation amount that must be paid if the resource is not delivered at the specified future time. The specified future time may be either a point in time or an interval of time.

A method for processing payments is provided that includes receiving with at least one server data representative of a plurality of payments. For at least one of the payments, the at least one server causes data representative of at least one third party offer to be mailed to the payee associated with the payment along with a check for the payment amount of value associated with the payment. The method also includes receiving with the at least one server, data representative of an acceptance of the at least one third party offer. Responsive to the acceptance, the at least one server may cause: a gift certificate to be issued to the payee; value in the amount of the payment minus a service fee to be transferred to a merchant associated with the at least one third party offer; and to cause the check to be voided.

A method for identifying payment forms accurately identifies types of forms without adding special form identification data. A payment form discrimination method for discriminating payment forms which state a payee account number and a payment amount includes a step of acquiring an image of the form, a step of making a search for the payee account number in the image in accordance with an account number searching rule, and a step of discriminating the type of form based on the searched payee account number. Types of forms can be identified accurately and fast without adding special form identification data, because the form identification is performed using easily searchable account numbers.

An exchange-traded financial instrument having a price that tracks an underlying benchmark, the underlying benchmark being a security or commodity that is itself traded. A contract for the financial instrument between a buyer and seller is not contingent upon the delivery of the underlying benchmark. A net carrying charge (credit or debit), defined as the difference between the investment yield of the underlying benchmark and a cost of financing ownership of the underlying benchmark using the generally accepted industry standard financing rate for that benchmark, is credited or debited, accrued, or built into the price of the derivative for both buyer and seller of the financial instrument, typically nightly. In one embodiment, the underlying benchmark is a U.S. Treasury security, and preferably a specific U.S. Treasury security such as the on the run (OTR) 10 Year Treasury note. Other single contract spread and ratio instruments are also disclosed.

A system and method are provided for displaying information related to a plurality of tradeable objects using a single graphical interface. One example graphical interface includes at least two screen regions displayed in relation to each other, with each region including a plurality of locations. Each location in the first screen region corresponds to a value along a first value axis, and each location in the second screen region corresponds to a value along a second value axis. The graphical interface also includes a first indicator in the first region and a second indicator in the second region. In response to a repositioning command based on an algorithm, the graphical interface includes a repositioned first value axis and the second value axis, such that the indicators are displayed in new locations determined based on the algorithm.

A method for providing management information about an asset includes obtaining a job from a job queue, determining the asset type of the asset from the job, triggering a protocol handler based on a data acquisition (DAQ) definition associated with the asset type and the job, receiving management information about the asset from the protocol handler, identifying at least one registered listener of the management information from the DAQ definition, where at least one registered listener includes an information model class instance, and notifying the at least one registered listener of the management information.

A payment system for facilitating a payment transaction between a payer and a payee is disclosed. The payment system includes a payer access device, a payee access device, and a services hub. The services hub is configured to communicate with the payer device and the payee device; maintain information relating to a payer account and access device information associated with the payer account, the payer account being linked to the access device; generate a tracer ticket in response to a request issued by the payer using either the payer device or the payee device, the tracer ticket containing information relating to the payment transaction; validate the access devices; and authorize the payment transaction against the payer account through conventional payment processing systems. Upon receiving the request from the payee device for the tracer ticket, the services hub generates the tracer ticket and forwards a copy thereof to the payer via the payee device. Upon receiving the copy of the tracer ticket, the payer uses the payer device to communicate with the services hub and forward the received copy of the tracer ticket to the services hub. The services hub then validates the payer device based on the access device information. Upon validation of the payer device, the services hub checks the copy of the tracer ticket forwarded by the access device against the previously generated tracer ticket. If the copy of the tracer ticket forwarded by the access device corresponds to the previously generated tracer ticket, the services hub authorizes the payment transaction against the payer account.

A graphical user interface for guiding a user through the planning of an income stream includes one or more user input fields for receiving data from the user, where the data relates to user preferences regarding the income stream. Additionally, the graphical user interface includes at least one graph region for graphically displaying to the user the likelihood that the user will achieve a desired outcome based on the data provided to the user input fields. The graphical user interface thus assists the user in making informed decisions regarding his or her retirement goals and the necessary investments he or she must make in order to meet those goals.

In one embodiment, planning repairs in response to demand in a multi-level repair network includes accessing a forecasted demand for serviceable parts at a repair location and, for each inspected unserviceable part at the location that is not repairable at the location: (1) planning a move of the part to an upstream repair location such that the part can be available for repair at the upstream location at an estimated earliest time; (2) estimating a latest time at which a repair of the part can begin at the upstream location to help satisfy the forecasted demand, according to the forecasted demand and the estimated earliest time, and planning a repair at the upstream location at the estimated latest time; and (3) re-planning the move, according to the start time of the repair, by modifying a move delivery time according to a repair start time and modifying a move start time according to the modified delivery time. The re-planned move start time is an estimated latest time at which the part can be moved to the upstream location for repair to help satisfy the forecasted demand.

Method and apparatus for providing virtual capacity to a service provider. A service provider contacts a third party service provider when the service provider can not perform services for a customer. A solicitation is sent by the service provider and accepted by the third party service provider. After acceptance, status and/or location information from the third party service provider is redirected within a network management facility so that the information is sent to the service provider, rather than to an entity normally associated with the third party service provider. After services have been performed by the third party service provider, the third party service provider is generally free to accept service requests from other service providers, whereby messages transmitted by the third party service provider are routed to the new service provider.

A bottleneck determination method and system are disclosed. Sequential processes are defined and certain attributes for each process are quantified. These attributes may include a beginstock amount, a production amount, and a spoilage amount. Using the attributes, calculations are performed, and the results of these calculations are used to select processes that may be bottlenecks. Further calculations are performed with regard to this selected group, and the results of these further calculations are used to select a bottleneck process.

A system and method of distributing pharmaceutical prescriptions within a network of pharmacies based on the review of prescription claim data and patient medical state to enable stratification of patients, wherein each pharmacy within the network has been established to handle one or more particular patient medical states.

A system and method for the optimization of scheduling visits by a clinician to a plurality of remotely located patients. A plurality of predefined or clinician specified risk factors are combined with patient data with a home visit interval algorithm to specify a visit interval for each patient. This interval is used with a calendar with other information regarding past and future scheduled visits to determine the optimal date for the next visit to the patient by the clinician. The patient risk factors may be weighted to place more emphasis on specific factors, thus allowing for the tailoring of the system to meet the needs of an individual patient.

A software system for gathering and managing medical patient information is disclosed. The system has two components: a first computer module for gathering medical information using medical data entry screens, and a second computer module for creating customized medical data entry screens. The second module can create and customize virtually all aspect of the medical data entry screens. The present invention also allows users to create natural language reports from the medical data that has been gathered, and these reports can reviewed on the screen or through a print-out. Additionally, the data is stored is stored in database, with unique identifiers assigned to each data point, thereby facilitating data mining. The system also includes a matrix, a unique data entry tool that allows users to easily correlate body parts and modifiers. The system is designed to be used with handheld computing devices, and is especially suitable for use with emergency medical services, although it can be used in a variety of contexts.

A system and method for matching patients with clinical trials and particular trial sites, prequalifying patients for clinical trials and trial sites, and providing information to patients to allow them to inform themselves about available clinical trials and trial sites. The method comprises receiving patient profile information for a patient at a server connected to a computer network, the patient profile information submitted by a user at a terminal connected to the network, comparing the patient profile information with acceptance criteria for clinical trials stored in a database, the comparison performed by the server, determining whether the patient prequalifies for any of the clinical trials, and notifying the user and the trial site whether the patient has prequalified for any clinical trials.

A method of optimizing healthcare services consumption according to the invention includes the steps of assessing the healthcare situation of an employer providing healthcare benefits to a population, identifying a first group of patients from the population likely to generate expensive healthcare claims based on data representing past claims, periodically determining whether patients in the first group have satisfied certain predetermined healthcare requirements, identifying a first group of providers who provide high quality, cost efficient healthcare services based on the practice patterns of the providers, prompting patients who have not satisfied the predetermined healthcare requirements to obtain services from providers in the first group, and responding to healthcare requests from patients by determining whether the requesting patient is seeking services from a provider in the first group, and, if not, urging the patient to obtain such services from a provider in the first group.

A method and system for use by a Customs Agency for clearing shipments of goods into a country is disclosed. A customs resource application may be used to integrate alert information, news, research, and communications capabilities. Customs inspectors may use the resource application with a conventional computer, or with a portable device in the field as they perform customs inspections. The portable device provides access to alert information regarding shipments that are to be inspected by the inspector, and provides alert resolution capabilities so that the inspector can clear shipments into the country from the location of the inspection and/or shipped goods without requiring the inspector to return to a field office to clear the goods.

The present invention provides a chat information system having a voice recognition device for recognizing voices, a voice synthesizer, a humanoid robot, a microphone for receiving the voices and a speaker for pronouncing synthesized voices. The system comprises a headline sensor capturing news from the Internet, a news database for storing the captured news, and a conversation database including at least a general conversation database storing a set of inquiries and responses. The system also includes a chat engine configured to extract one or more keywords from a user's speech that has been recognized by the voice recognition device, to search at least one of the news database and the conversation database with the extracted keywords and to output via the speaker the contents that have been hit by the search.

Input speech is coded in an encoder (11), the coded speech is decoded in a decoder (12), compensatory speech which compensates the speech of the current frame is generated in a compensatory speech generating part (20) by using past decoded speech, the quality of the compensatory speech is evaluated by using the input speech and the compensatory speech and a duplication level is generated the value of which increases incrementally with decreasing speech quality evaluation value in a speech quality evaluating part (40), and as many identical packets as the number specified by the duplication level is generated for the coded speech in a packet generating part (15), and the packets are transmitted, thereby reducing the possibility that packet loss will occur at the receiving end.

The present invention provides static analysis of speech grammars prior to the speech grammars being deployed in a speech system.

A user interface and associated methods for machine aided authoring and translation is provided. The user interface can display strings and associated metadata to assist with authoring and translations. The metadata can be used to mark the strings. The metadata can include one or more constraints which correspond to evaluation criteria and one or more anchor points operable to project the constraints against a string.

An in-circuit emulation system with a programming function includes a system power supply, a DC/DC converter, a processing device, a programmer socket and a connector. The system power supply produces a first DC voltage. The DC/DC converter converts the first DC voltage into a second DC voltage and a third DC voltage. The processing device has a processor and a parallel/serial converter. For executing a programming function, the processor uses the parallel/serial converter to convert programming codes into corresponding programming signals. The programmer socket receives the programming signals, the second DC voltage and the third DC voltage to accordingly execute a programming function on an IC plugged in the socket. The connector has one end connected to the processing device and the other end connected to a target board to thereby drive and receive electrical signals of the target board on performing an in-circuit emulation.

A system and method for emulating SCSI reservations using network file access protocols is provided. The system and method enable applications or operating systems on a networked computer designed to utilize SCSI reservations on only locally attached storage to also access networked data storage. The emulation occurs transparently to higher levels of operating systems or applications so that the applications or operating systems which are designed to only access locally attached storage may be enabled to access networked storage.

A method of synthesis of a model representing a design of an integrated circuit is provided including associating a test environment with a first model representing a design of an integrated circuit; translating the first model of the design to a second model of the design; and automatically generating an adaptor that adapts the second model to the test environment.

The invention concerns a method for building a three-dimensional (3D) cellular partition covering a 3D geological domain by defining the cells of the partition, characterized in that said method comprises the following steps A “3D screen construction step” for constructing a 3D screen which is a 3D elementary partition covering the geological domain, said 3D screen being composed of a plurality of voxels (Vi) which are elementary volume elements, A “voxel painting step” for associating a cell identifier (Cell-id) to each voxel, A “cell definition step” for defining the cells of the geological domain, each cell of the geological domain being defined as the subset of voxels of the 3D screen associated to the same cell identifier, thereby allowing the definition of the cells of the geological domain without having to code the geometry and/or topology of said cells in said geological volume. The invention further provides a “parametric” method and a “cookiecutter” method using such method for building a 3D cellular partition.

A product recovery prediction model that models recovery of a product from a crop is generated by inputting training product recovery data by date, age, and variety. A first model that models season dependent effects on product recovery, and/or a second model that models age dependent effects on product recovery, and/or a third model that models other effects such as, for example, weather dependent effects on product recovery are generated. The first, second, and/or third models are combined, and the product recovery prediction model is generated based on the combined first, second, and/or third models and on the training product recovery data. The crop may be sugarcane, and the product may be sugar. The product recovery prediction model may be used to predict recovery of the product to use for harvesting or any economical decisions.

Estimates of a communication system configuration, such as a DSL system, are based on operational data collected from a network element management system, protocol, users and/or the like. The operational data collected from the system can include performance-characterizing operational data that typically is available in an ADSL system via element-management-system protocols. Generated estimates and/or approximations can be used in evaluating system performance and directly or indirectly dictating/requiring changes or recommending improvements in operation by transmitters and/or other parts of the communication system. Data and/or other information may be collected using “internal” means or may be obtained from system elements and components via email and/or other “external” means. The likelihood of a model's accuracy can be based on various data, information and/or indicators of system performance, such as observed normal operational data, test data and/or prompted operational data that shows operating performance based on stimulation signals. One example of such prompted data uses frequency carrier masks to approximate the Hlog of a given channel, including information regarding bridged taps attenuation, etc.

A transistor model for a simulator simulates a resistance between a source region and a drain region with a model equation which has terms representing resistance values corresponding respectively to areas of mutually different impurity concentrations below a gate section in simulating characteristics of a transistor. At least two of the terms each having a threshold parameter indicating a voltage at which a semiconductor element composed of the associated region and regions adjacent to that region changes from an ON state to an OFF state. The threshold parameters of the terms being specified independently from each other. Thus, the characteristics of a transistor having a set of areas of mutually different impurity concentrations below a gate section, inclusive of subthreshold regions which are difficult to evaluate through actual measurement, can be simulated to high accuracy while preserving a good fit with a capacitance model.

A method for testing the accuracy of real time clocks is disclosed. The method includes the steps of: setting test parameters for testing the accuracy of real time clocks (RTCs), the test parameters comprising a test time length, a test time sampling interval, and an acceptable margin; synchronizing the time of an RTC IC and an RTC to be tested via a UUT; reading a current time of the RTC IC and the RTC via the UUT at each test time sampling interval; calculating a time difference between the current time of the RTC IC and the RTC via the UUT, and measuring whether the absolute value of the time difference is less than the acceptable margin; detecting whether the test time length is over; repeating the test process if the test time length is not over, or outputting test pass information if the test time length is over. A related system is also disclosed.

A Trident Probe Groundwater Exchange System (NC#096456). The apparatus includes a groundwater conductivity sensor, designed to determine a groundwater conductivity surface; a water conductivity sensor, designed to determine a surface water conductivity groundwater; a temperature sensor, designed to determine a groundwater temperature; a surface water temperature sensor, designed to determine a surface water temperature; and a processor operatively coupled to a plurality of sensors and designed to receive information from the plurality of sensors.

In one embodiment, a system and method of dead reckoning navigation for a vehicle uses a set of accelerometers. Sensed accelerometers from the set are converted into a vehicle body frame of reference set of accelerations. The resulting converted accelerations are then used to determine a dead-reckoning longitudinal acceleration for the vehicle. By integrating the longitudinal acceleration along a heading for the vehicle, a dead-reckoning-determined location for the vehicle is provided.

Method and apparatus for providing GPS pseudorange correction and carrier phase correction information for navigation or surveying activities over a selected geographic region S of arbitrary size. In a navigation mode, a virtual reference station (VRS), positioned near a selected location L, receives differential GPS (DGPS) correction signals, translates these signals into a selected format, and broadcasts this DGPS information in this format for use by a local user. In a survey mode, the VRS receives corrected GPS information, translates this information into a selected format and broadcasts this translated and corrected GPS information and the VRS location, for use by a mobile station in forming a baseline vector from the GPS mobile station to the VRS location.

A rearview assembly for a vehicle includes a housing having an opening with curved edges, and a video display positioned in the housing. The video display may generate a display image that extends along and abuts at least a portion of the curved edges of the housing. The video display may be positioned behind a mirror element of the rearview assembly such that a display image is viewable through a partially reflective, partially transmissive coating of the mirror element.

An electronic tracked and ranging system is disclosed. Electronic tracked and ranging system applies interferometer principles to determine ranging distance from a monitor unit 10 to a tracked unit 12. In particular, the system transmits a monitor direct sequence spread spectrum (MDSSS) 52 from a monitor unit 10 to a tracked unit 12. Afterwards, tracked unit 12 transmits a tracked direct sequence spread spectrum (TDSSS) 56. Finally, monitor unit 10 receives TDSSS 56, performs a comparison to a reference MDSSS 52 locks signals between MDSSS 52 and TDSSS 56 and outputs distance between monitor unit 10 and tracked unit 12 using several phase comparisons. Multiple frequencies within MDSSS 52 are phase detected so as to increase accuracy of monitor unit 10 ranging distance to tracked unit 12.

A method for automatically calculating optimum routes in a traffic-route network is provided, taking into consideration at least one set, fixed route section, where the traffic-route network is described by segments for traffic-route sections, weighted with a resistance, and nodes for the intersection points of traffic-route sections, and the route to be calculated runs from a starting segment to a destination segment, and where, for purposes of optimization, the segments from the destination segment to the starting segment are evaluated with respect to the best resistance. The route is optimized, in each instance, from a starting segment up to the fixed route sections, at the fixed route sections, and from the fixed route section up to a destination segment.

Disclosed are an apparatus and a method for controlling a camera mounted at a robot cleaner in order to sense obstacles and perform position compensation. The apparatus for controlling a camera of a robot cleaner includes a first axis driver for driving a camera mounted at the robot cleaner in a first axis direction; a second axis driver 320 for driving the camera in a second axis direction other than the first axis direction; an image processor 330 for receiving and processing an image photographed by the camera; and a control section 340 for controlling the first axis driver and the second axis driver, and controlling a traveling of the robot cleaner based on the image photographed by the camera.

An intraoral electromuscular stimulation device and method to treat a breathing disorder. The stimulation device includes a first electrode, a first support member that maintains the first electrode in a sublingual location posterior to a frenulum and proximate to one of a first molar, a second molar and a third molar of a patient. A second electrode is maintained in a sublingual position posterior relative to the first electrode by a second support member. A further embodiment of the stimulation device includes a sensor that detects a respiratory parameter of a patient and outputs a signal indicative thereof. A control unit receives the signal from the sensor, distinguishes between inspiration and expiration, and initiates an electrical stimulation at a stimulation time prior to onset of inspiration and continues stimulation through a portion of inspiration at a level sufficient to induce muscle contraction without pain.

A storable implantable medical device assembly. An implantable medical device has a secondary coil operatively coupled to therapeutic componentry. A container holds the implantable medical device, the container having a first face. The implantable medical device being arranged in the container such that the secondary coil is positioned within a distance of the first face. The distance allows charging of the implantable medical device without disturbing the container. The first face of the container having indicia representative of a lateral location on the first face aligned with the secondary coil of the implantable medical device. The may then be utilized to place an external antenna in order to charge the implantable medical device without disturbing the container.

A hermetic lead connector assembly includes a hermetic lead connector having an open end, a lead connector outer surface and a lead connector inner surface defining a lead aperture and a rigid sleeve is disposed about the hermetic lead connector outer surface. The hermetic lead connector has one or more electrically conducting contact rings spaced apart by electrically insulating rings. The hermetic lead connector provides a hermetic seal between the lead connector outer surface and the lead connector inner surface. The rigid sleeve has an aperture that exposes a portion of the one or more electrically conducting contact rings.

Cardiac devices and methods involve the detection of cardiac signals features in adjacent classification intervals. Portions of the cardiac signal features detected in adjacent classification intervals are associated and are used to classify the cardiac response to a pacing pulse. Associating the portions of the cardiac signal features may be based on expected signal morphology.

An electroimpedance tomograph including a plurality of electrodes placed on a body, measuring circuits processing voltage signals recorded by the electrodes, and a control unit supplying two electrodes each with an alternating current. The control unit has a preset feed frequency. The control unit processes the processed voltage signals of all other electrodes to reconstruct the impedance distribution of the body in the electrode plane. The control unit provides for an automatic setting of the current feed frequency/frequencies to record a background frequency spectrum by detecting the electrode voltage signals over a preset period of time and record them as a voltage time series and transform them into a frequency spectrum. The control unit searches in the background frequency spectrum for a frequency (different states) or frequencies (different frequencies) that leads to a useful signal to background ratio above a preset threshold value when used as a feed frequency.

A catheter imaging probe for a patient. The probe includes a conduit through which energy is transmitted. The probe includes a first portion through which the conduit extends. The probe includes a second portion which rotates relative to the conduit to redirect the energy from the conduit. A method for imaging a patient. The method includes the steps of inserting a catheter into the patient. There is the step of rotating a second portion of the catheter relative to a conduit extending through a first portion of the catheter, which redirects the energy transmitted through the conduit to the patient and receives the energy reflected back to the second portion from the patient and redirects the reflected energy to the conduit.

A system is provided for marking on a recording medium (36), such as a label, the location of imaged tissue with respect to an exposed surface of the tissue (34). Tissue is imaged by a microscope (11) capable of imaging sections of the tissue below the exposed tissue surface through optics. A ring (32) applied to the surface of the tissue stabilizes the tissue to the optics and localizes a portion of the tissue surface through an aperture in the ring. An actuator (38) is connected to both the ring and the microscope for moving the ring to adjust the position of the tissue with respect to the optics, thereby allowing an operator of the system to survey different images of tissue sections with the microscope.

The invention relates generally to biopsy needle guidance which employs an x-ray/gamma image spatial co-registration methodology. A gamma camera is configured to mount on a biopsy needle gun platform to obtain a gamma image. More particular, the spatially co-registered x-ray and physiological images may be employed for needle guidance during biopsy. Moreover, functional images may be obtained from a gamma camera at various angles relative to a target site. Further, the invention also generally relates to a breast lesion localization method using opposed gamma camera images or dual opposed images. This dual head methodology may be used to compare the lesion signal in two opposed detector images and to calculate the Z coordinate (distance from one or both of the detectors) of the lesion.

Certain embodiments of the present invention provide a method for detecting an electromagnetic field in an imaging system including emitting an electromagnetic field with an electromagnetic transmitter, sensing an electromagnetic field with an imaging system detector, and reading a field image from the detector based at least in part on the electromagnetic field. The imaging system detector is capable of reading an object image and a field image. The detector may be an amorphous silicon flat panel x-ray detector. The electromagnetic transmitter may be used in surgical navigation. The position of a surgical device, instrument, and/or tool may be determined based in part on the field image. The detector may be coordinated to acquire the field image when the electromagnetic transmitter is emitting an electromagnetic field. The detector may be coordinated to acquire the object image when the electromagnetic transmitter is not emitting an electromagnetic field.

A system and method for registering pre-operative magnetic resonance (MR) images with intra-operative MR images is disclosed. A pre-operative MR image of an object is received. A set of intra-operative MR images of the object is received. The pre-operative MR image is rigidly registered with the initial intra-operative MR image. The subsequent set of intra-operative images is deformably registered. The pre-operative MR image undergoes both rigid and deformation transformation to match specification of each image with in intra-operative MR image set.

Provided are a portable communication terminal that is easy to manipulate for games and a user interface device of the portable communication terminal. The portable communication terminal includes a main body, a rotation unit combined with the main body unit with respect to a hinge shaft at a predetermined position of the main body unit to be folded or unfolded and rotating towards or away from a top of the main body unit to open or close the top of the main body unit, and a slide unit combined with the main body unit to move while facing the main body unit and moving on a top of the rotation unit to open or close the rotation unit when the rotation unit is folded to the main body.

Multiprocessor circuit cards and communication devices that employ such cards are described herein. In some instances, the multiprocessor circuit cards may be subscriber identity module (SIM) cards and the communication devices may be wireless mobile telephones that are compliant with a communication standard such as ISO/IEC, 3GPP, GSM consortium or other standards.

The present invention relates to a communications apparatus and method, a storage medium and a program that make it possible for the user to select a device to be made a communications partner more quickly and reliably. The searcher device 21 performs a search so as to detect only one device. If the response message from the searchee device 32 is obtained by the searcher device 21, on the display section of the searcher device 21 is displayed a selection screen for selecting whether or not to make the searchee device 32 a communications partner. If the searchee device 32 is not selected as a communications partner, the searcher device 21 performs another search so as to detect two devices. If the searchee device 31 and the searchee device 32 are detected in the second search, the searcher device 21 excludes the searchee device 32, which was not selected as a communications partner in the previous search, and displays a selection screen for selecting whether or not to perform communications with the searchee device 31. The present invention is applicable to various kinds of communications apparatuses, such as personal computers, PDAs, mobile phones and the like.

Subject to user's setting in PoC group communication, the user address of that user is set to non notification against other users. In case of starting PoC group communication, a PoC subscriber selects non notification subjects and transmits a PoC session commencement request. At that time, the caller sets his own address and/or address/addresses of all or a part of users to non notification. On a user designated as a non notification subject due to the caller's setting, PoC terminal apparatuses in receipt of a PoC session commencement request or PoC communication service controlling apparatuses undergo non notification setting processing. On a called party not selected as non notification subject users, if he/she sets his/her own user address to non notification in advance, likewise non notification processing is implemented. Even after a PoC session is established, each user can set his/her own user address to non notification and non notification service complying with user's intention is providable.

A method for transmitting a short message between two terminals includes determining the receiver of the short message based on a so-called short number, which short number is common to a plurality of A-subscribers, wherein the B-subscriber indicated by the short number is different for each of the plural A-subscribers. The short message is transmitted via a short message service center to a virtual home location register, which gives the short number routing information for a virtual mobile switching center. The short number is converted into a connection number corresponding to the short number and associated with the A-subscriber, the connection number being suitable for the communication network of the B-subscriber. The message is then routed to the B-subscriber based on the connection number.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) voice signal processed into Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed (OFDM) or Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) signal. Processor and transmit filter for processing and filtering a signal and for providing a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) signal. Processing and filtering a signal and providing cross-correlated in-phase and quadrature-phase filtered baseband signal. Modulator and a transmitter for modulation and transmission of selected or combined signal. A two antenna receiver for receiving transmitted signal, a demodulator, receiver filter and receiver processor for demodulation, filtering and processing of received TDMA signal. Receive filter for filtering of the TDMA signal is mismatched to the transmit filter for filtering of the TDMA signal and receive processor for processing provides processed received baseband mis-match filtered cross-correlated in-phase and quadrature-phase TDMA signal. Processor and transmit baseband filter for processing and filtering a signal and for providing cross-correlated in-phase and quadrature-phase filtered baseband signal including a location finder signal. VoIP multimode Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi), Global Mobile System (GSM) cellular network, spread spectrum and CDMA systems. Transmitter operated as a linearly amplified or linearized amplifier transmitter and a second transmitter operated as a Non-Linearly Amplified (NLA) transmitter.

A relay site associated with a wireless network can send messages between mobile devices associated with the wireless network without having to transmit the messages to a host system. The messages include PIN messages and each of the mobile devices has a PIN address. The relay site includes a relay server for controlling the operation of the relay site, and sending the PIN messages between the mobile devices. The relay site also includes a relay data store having PIN information for users associated with the mobile devices. The relay server can access the relay data store to allow users that use the mobile devices to query the relay data store for PIN information of other users.

A portable cellular phone system is provided, wherein matched sets of algorithmically generated communication units are generated, each defining an increment of authorized communication. One set is stored on a system server, i.e. a service provider, and the pre-paid set is available for use within a portable cellular phone. The portable cellular phone, which is normally non-activated, automatically contacts the system server upon selective activation by the user, to initiate a call (outgoing or incoming). A voice recognition system allows the user to place calls and/or receive calls. During a call, the portable cellular phone and the system server allow authorized access to communication, while the communication units are decremented at the system server and at the portable cellular phone. The portable cellular phone typically has either an internal energy supply and storage for the pre-paid communication units, or a removable airtime cartridge, typically containing an energy supply and either the ability to store or to generate a set of pre-paid single use airtime communication units.

An RF radio and a method of monitoring warning alert data is provided. The RF radio includes a radio receiver for receiving broadcast radio wave signals, and a tuner adjustable for selecting radio wave signal channels within AM and FM radio bands and radio wave signal channels within a weather band. The weather band is adapted to provide warning alert data. The radio also includes a controller for controlling the tuner to select a radio wave signal channel within the AM or FM radio band. The controller controls the tuner to periodically switch to the weather band and determines presence of warning alert data. The controller further initiates receipt of the warning alert data when such warning alert data is determined to be present.

Provided is a mixer including: an amplifier amplifying an input signal using at least one amplifier element; a mixing unit mixing the input signal amplified by the amplifier with a local oscillator signal output from a local oscillator. The mixing unit includes at least one pair of switching elements switching the amplifier, and the switching elements are MOSFETs having gates and body nodes to which a same local oscillator signal is applied. Thus, a time required for turning on the switching elements can be reduced, and 1/f noise is also reduced. Also, an overdrive voltage can be increased with respect to local oscillator signals having an identical intensity. Thus, a relatively low voltage operation can be performed.

A phase locked loop and method thereof are provided. The example phase locked loop may include a loop filter filtering a charge pump output signal to generate a voltage signal and a voltage-controlled oscillator configured to operate in a given one of a plurality of frequency zones, the given frequency zone within which the voltage-controller oscillator is operating in being based on a voltage level of the voltage signal, the voltage-controlled oscillator outputting an oscillator signal at a frequency corresponding to the voltage level of the voltage signal output from the loop filter. The example method may include filtering a charge pump output signal to generate a voltage signal and outputting an oscillator signal at a frequency corresponding to a voltage level of the voltage signal, the frequency of the oscillator signal based on which of a plurality of frequency zones is currently selected, the currently selected frequency zone being selected based on the voltage level of the voltage signal.

A method of sampling a frequency difference in an integrated circuit is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of receiving a clock signal in a first clock domain; comparing a count of the clock signal in the first clock domain to a predetermined value N; converting the result of the comparison to a second clock domain; and generating an error signal representing the difference between the count of the first clock signal and the count of a second clock signal in the second clock domain. A circuit for sampling a frequency difference in an integrated circuit is also disclosed.

An underwater communications system is provided that transmits electromagnetic and/or magnetic signals to a remote receiver. The transmitter includes a data input. A digital data compressor compresses data to be transmitted. A modulator modulates compressed data onto a carrier signal. An electrically insulated, magnetic coupled antenna transmits the compressed, modulated signals. The receiver that has an electrically insulated, magnetic coupled antenna for receiving a compressed, modulated signal. A demodulator is provided for demodulating the signal to reveal compressed data. A de-compressor de-compresses the data. An appropriate human interface is provided to present transmitted data into text/audio/visible form. Similarly, the transmit system comprises appropriate audio/visual/text entry mechanisms.

A method for controlling speakers in a mobile station comprises detecting a movement of the mobile station. The method also comprises differentially controlling sound output by the speakers based on the detected movement of the mobile station. The differentially controlling the sound output by the speakers based on the detected movement of the mobile station may comprise at least one of adjusting a sound volume and selecting a sound effect. The detecting the movement of the mobile station may comprise detecting a tilt of the mobile station.

A user of a combined mobile telephone and IPDC receiver (10) accesses a WAP portal (16) through the Internet (82) and/or a mobile telephone network (81). The WAP portal (16) provides a service menu, comprising a number of links to service menus further down in the hierarchy or to IPDC services. The WAP portal (16) is provided with information relating to IPDC services by an IPDC operator (80). This information includes at least the name of the service, the IP address and the port number relating to each service. The information may additionally include a Network Information Table, IP/MAC Notification Table and Program Mapping Table, although this information may be provided to the mobile terminal instead by broadcast from a DVB transmitter (13). When a user of the mobile terminal (10) selects an item on the service menu presented by the WAP portal (16) which relate to IPDC service, the WAP portal pushes information relating to that service to the mobile terminal (10), allowing the mobile terminal to open an appropriate IP channel and consequently receive and consume the IPDC service.

A sheet feeding device includes: a conveying member of a conveying unit which conveys a sheet; and a cleaning member which is in sliding contact with a circumferential surface of the conveying member to clean the circumferential surface. The conveying member and the cleaning member rotate in the same tangential direction at a sliding contact position thereof, and drives of the conveyance member and the cleaning member are controlled so that the following expression is satisfied: V1>V2 where V1 represents a line speed of the circumferential surface of the conveying member during a rotation thereof, and V2 represents a line speed of a sliding contact portion of the cleaning member during a rotation thereof.

A color image forming apparatus is described. The color image forming apparatus may includes: a belt that travels in a prescribed direction; a plurality of image carriers arranged in parallel in the prescribed direction, and opposed to the belt and carrying developing agent images of different colors respectively; a backup roller arranged in opposed relation to the belt; a cleaning roller arranged in opposed relation to the backup roller with the belt sandwiched therebetween, and adsorbing an adherent to the belt by a potential difference produced between the backup roller and the cleaning roller; and a discharge member opposed to the belt between a position more downstream in the prescribed direction than a position where the cleaning roller is opposed to the belt and a position more upstream in the prescribed direction than a position where the image carrier arranged on the most upstream side in the prescribed direction is opposed to the belt, for discharging the belt.

The present application is directed to methods and devices for controlling charge buildup on a toner image as the toner image passes through one or more transfer nips. Charge buildup may be reduced by laterally offsetting a transfer roller from a photoconductor drum. The transfer roller may be constructed of an essentially non-compressible conductive material. AC current may be used to generate an electrical field between the photoconductor drum and the transfer roller.

A developing device includes a developer container having a developer supply opening and a developer storage section, so that developer is supplied from the developer container to the developer storage section through the developer supply opening. The developing device further includes a developer guide member disposed below the developer supply opening along a longitudinal direction of the developing device, and a developer delivery member disposed in the developer guide member for delivering developer supplied through the developer supply opening in a longitudinal direction of the developer guide member. The developer guide member has a wall portion having a shape so that developer flows out the developer guide member in a substantially uniform amount along the longitudinal direction of the developing device.

A developer agitator of an image forming device capable of improving the electrification rate of a developer is disclosed. The developer agitator includes a rotatable shaft and an agitating wing disposed on the circumferential surface of the shaft. The agitating wing has an uneven part formed to increase the contact area with a developer. The developer agitator can obtain an electrification rate of the developer required for high speed printing, thereby allowing the image forming device to be operated at a high speed.

A seal member 264 prevents leakage of developer to the side of a photosensitive drum 10 when cleaning the surface of the photosensitive drum 10 of a color printer 1, and has a contact portion 264a and a movement control portion 264b. The contact portion 264a, through which developer is unable to pass, is able to deform elastically in a direction, and to approach and to separate from the surface of the photosensitive drum 10, able to be in line contact with the surface of the photosensitive drum 10 such that developer is unable to pass between the surface of the photosensitive drum 10 and the contact portion 264a. The movement control portion 264b is connected to the contact portion 264a, and configured to control the movement of the seal member 264 with the rotation of the photosensitive drum 10 of the contact portion 264a.

A cleaning device is provided with a cleaning unit (35) disposed downstream from a position at which a toner image is transferred to a paper. The cleaning unit (35) is provided with a cleaning blade (35c) for scraping off residual toner attached to an image bearing member and a toner catching sheet (35e) for preventing the residual toner or paper dust which have been scraped off from falling outside the cleaning unit. The free length in the toner catching sheet (35e) between affixed positions of a first end portion which is affixed to the cleaning unit (35) and a second end portion which abuts an outer circumferential portion of the image bearing member is determined by an amount of paper dust buildup on the outer circumferential portion of the image bearing member.

Provided is a sheet material discrimination apparatus including: an impact force applying member for colliding with the surface of a sheet material, an impact force receiving member for receiving the impact force applying member through the sheet material, a detecting unit for outputting an electric signal corresponding to an impact force received by the impact force receiving member, and a cushioning material for absorbing the impact force transmitted to the detecting unit, wherein a support member having a bending rigidity higher than the bending rigidity of the detecting unit with respect to the impact force is arranged between the detecting unit and the cushioning material.

The optical node connects N networks to each other (where N is an integer larger than one). Each of the N networks respectively includes a first transmission path and a second transmission path. The optical node includes a switching unit that connects the first transmission path of one network of the N networks to other (N−1) networks; a failure detector that detects failure in the first transmission path of the network; and a control unit that causes the switching unit to connect the second transmission path of the network to the other (N−1) networks when the failure is detected.

Disclosed is a method of photographing a panoramic image, the method including the steps of: checking if a configuration of each scene constituting the panoramic image is arbitrarily set whenever each scene is photographed; outputting a photographic guide screen on a preview screen, the photographic guide screen overlappingly displaying a guide image of a previously photographed scene and displaying an indicator indicative of a position of a current scene; storing a corresponding photographed scene as a correspondingly numbered scene when a shutter key is input during the outputting of the photographic guide screen; and checking if a predetermined direction key or a completion key is input, determining that all scenes are photographed, when the completion key is input, and considering the frame to extend in an up-and-down direction or a right-and-left direction and proceeding to the step of outputting the photographic guide screen, when the direction key is input.

An imaging method and apparatus is disclosed which improves the depth of field of an image by, in one exemplary embodiment, capturing a plurality of images at respective different focus positions, and combines the images into one image and sharpens the one image. In an alternative exemplary embodiment, a single image is captured while the focus positions change during image capture, and the resulting image is sharpened.

A technique is provided for reproducing information from a recording medium, on which there are recorded a plurality of picture information sets; presentation time values, each associated with a corresponding one of the picture information sets; picture information record marks, each of which is associated with a corresponding one of the presentation time values; clip information specifying what position on the recording medium is associated with each of the presentation time values; and reproducing order specifying information which specifies in what order the picture information sets are to be reproduced. Picture information is reproduced through the steps of detecting the presentation time value of a picture information set to be retrieved from the corresponding picture information record mark; using said clip information to detect the recording position on the recording medium which corresponds to the detected presentation time value; and reproducing picture information from the detected recording position.

A video and audio reproducing apparatus is provided with a re-synchronization controlling portion (20) for carrying out operation control with respect to re-synchronization of video and audio which are transmitted via an IP network, wherein the delay times of video data and audio data are controlled by the video delay controlling portion (21) and audio delay controlling portion (22), respectively, thereby carrying out re-synchronization. At this time, the re-synchronization controlling portion (20) judges re-synchronization timing on the basis of the audio level of audio data, encoding video type of video data, data transmission status and user operation, etc., and at the same time, judges the priority for which mode of the video priority mode or the audio priority mode the re-synchronization is carried out, on the basis of a fluctuation in the arrival time of audio data, data transmission status, contents of video data and audio data and user operation, etc. And, the delay amount for synchronization is determined by executing a prescribed re-synchronization algorithm at the re-synchronization timing to control the video delay controlling portion (21) and the audio delay controlling portion (22), wherein disturbances in video and audio can be mitigated when carrying out re-synchronization.

Disclosed is a digital video record/playback apparatus and playback method thereof, by which a trick play mode of a digital video stream is processed. In the present invention, the transport stream is stored without additional data, the index information extracted in the storing process includes picture type, location of PCR packet of the corresponding picture, record location of the corresponding picture, etc., and the decoding time point of the picture is determined to display the corresponding picture by appropriately adjusting the transmission bit rate and the status of the VBV buffer according to the trick play mode in playing back the digital video stream. Therefore, without additional appended devices and a series of processing, the present invention enables to implement the trick play of the user-selected direction and speed and to reduce costs.

An optical waveguide includes a substrate, a core formed on the substrate and serving as a passageway for light, and a metal film, in which at least a portion of the core is covered with the metal film.

An optical fiber is described in which the cladding is provided with a refractive index that increases in a radially outward direction. In particular embodiments the refractive index of the cladding increases monotonically from a low value to a value close to or higher than the refractive index of the core. Such a fiber can be formed that can be operated in an effective single mode manner or in multimode operation and which is very suitable for use in high-bit-rate communication systems.

A colorless tunable dispersion compensator for compensating for chromatic dispersion in a multi-channel light signal is provided. The compensator includes a multi-channel Bragg grating extending along a waveguide. Dispersion tuning means, such as a temperature gradient inducing device, are provided for tuning the dispersion characteristics of the wavelength channels. Wavelength shifting means are also provided for uniformly shifting the central wavelengths of all channels independently of their dispersion characteristics. A uniform temperature inducing or strain applying assembly can be used for this purpose.

A composite light guiding film module is disclosed, which includes: a light guiding film; a light diffusion structure comprising a plurality of micro concave lenses arranged in a first direction and a second direction to form a second dimensional array and the curvature of each concave lens and the junction of the concave lenses are not equal to zero; and a refraction element comprising at least one refraction structure, wherein light from a light source passes through the refraction element and is refracted to the light diffusion structure, and the light passing through the light diffusion structure is refracted into the light guiding film and then propagates in the light guiding film by total reflection.

A fiber stub assembly is provided that has a cladding layer that is reduced in diameter near the end of the stub into which light is launched from a light source. The portion of the stub having the cladding layer with the reduced diameter is surrounded by a light-absorbing material that is in contact with the inner surface of the ferule and with the outer surface of the cladding layer. The light-absorbing material and the outer surface of the cladding layer have indices of refraction that are matched, or very close to one another, such that any modes of light that are propagating in the cladding layer that impinge on the interface propagate into the light-absorbing material and are absorbed thereby. The reduced diameter of the cladding layer and the surrounding light-absorbing material form a pin hole opening through which light is received. The pin hole opening makes it possible to use a simple ball lens to focus light from the light source into the end of the fiber stub to thereby reduce the number of modes that are dispersed into the cladding layer.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a DSB-SC system capable of suppressing a third order component. The DSB-SC modulation having high extinction ratio can be realized by adjusting the first order component, which is generated by applying a modulation signal (3fm), and the third order component, which is generated by applying a basic signal (fm), to have reversed phase and the same intensity level, and then by applying the first order component to the third order component, these two components cancel each other.

An apparatus for controlling a signal includes an optical waveguide having a variable refractive index; an active device formed within the waveguide, the device having three electrodes, a drain, a source and a gate; and wherein the device is located within the waveguide so that current flowing from the drain to the source changes the refractive index.

A system and method for removing impulsive noise from a digital signal are disclosed. The system and method determines either a neighborhood maximum and/or a neighborhood minimum for a pixel of interest. The intensity of the pixel of interest is then compared to the neighborhood maximum or the neighborhood minimum to determine whether the pixel of interest should be replaced.

A bit rate by which encoded data is supplied for decoding at the time of decoding is specified based on the encoded data obtained by encoding. Further, an encoding difficulty of processed data is detected. Then, a quantization scale is controlled based on the specified bit rate and the detected encoding difficulty.

An apparatus and a method generate a coded block pattern (CBP) of an alpha channel image. An apparatus and a method encode or decode the alpha channel image using the method. The alpha channel image encoding apparatus includes a CBP generator generating a CBP of a first block corresponding to an encoding unit in the alpha channel image by allocating CBPs to a plurality of second blocks that includes the first block; and a bitstream generator generating a bitstream by encoding the CBP or the CBP and pixel values of the second blocks based on the CBP of each of second blocks.

An image representation format for representing a digital image comprises: image information stored as a bitstream representing sequential image blocks, each block comprising one or more components, each component comprising one or more data units and each data unit being represented as a Huffman-coded stream of coefficients of basis functions, wherein a zeroth order coefficient is represented as a difference to the previous zeroth order coefficient of the corresponding component, and a block information table, which comprises: indicators to the first coefficient of a specified order of each image block in said bitstream, information indicating the number of bits in the bitstream between adjacent coefficients of said specified order of the image block, and the zeroth order coefficient of at least the first data unit of each component, said zeroth order coefficient being represented in a non-differential form.

An invoice processing system generates a data structure, comprising a data field value associated with each of a plurality of identified data fields, from a document image comprising text representing each of such data field values. The secure document data capture system includes a character recognition system receiving the document image and recognizing characters within the text to generate, for each of the identified data fields, a data field value for association therewith. A validation engine identifies a subset of the identified data fields which can be referred to as exception data fields due to failure to comply with a validation rule. An exception handling system provides an exception image to a first client system. The exception image comprising a portion of the document image which includes text of the at least one suspect character within the exception data field with a context portion of the document image redacted. The context portion of the document image is a portion of the document image which comprises text which discloses a meaning of the at least one suspect character or the data field value. The exception handling system receives, from the first client system, user input of a replacement character for at least each suspect character. The secure data capture system then generates the data structure utilizing, for each identified data field, the data field values generated by the character recognition system with substitution of the replacement character from the exception handling system for each suspect character.

The present invention provides an imaging device comprising an imaging unit for photographing an image, a face extracting unit for extracting a face region including a person's face part from said image, a rating calculation unit for calculating a rating from said extracted face region, a threshold setting unit for accepting setting of a threshold for said rating, and a photograph indicating unit for indicating re-photograph based on comparison of said rating and said threshold. According to the imaging device of the present invention, re-photograph is indicated based on comparison of the rating and the threshold. A user can easily obtain a satisfactory image by repeating photograph until the rating obtained from the face region reaches the threshold.

A layout analysis program, a layout analysis apparatus, layout analysis method and a medium can highly accurately extract a text block from an image if the image is a color image. The layout analysis program causes a computer to execute a divided region extracting step that extracts a region partitioned by a pattern according to a binary image so as to use the outcome of extraction as divided region, a set of character elements extracting step that extracts a set of the character elements extracted by a first binary image layout analysis process for each extracted divided region so as to use the outcome of extraction as set of character elements, a text block extracting step that extracts a region including the extracted set of character elements in each divided region so as to avoid overlapping the non-character elements extracted by a second binary image layout analysis process and use the outcome of extraction as text block and a layout information generating step that generates layout information according to the text block and the non-character elements extracted by the second binary image layout analysis process.

Various methods, carrier media, and systems for detecting defects on a specimen using a combination of bright field channel data and dark field channel data are provided. One computer-implemented method includes combining pixel-level data acquired for the specimen by a bright field channel and a dark field channel of an inspection system. The method also includes detecting defects on the specimen by applying a two-dimensional threshold to the combined data. The two-dimensional threshold is defined as a function of a threshold for the data acquired by the bright field channel and a threshold for the data acquired by the dark field channel.

An average propagator is estimated from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance data. Diffusion-weighted signal attenuation data is determined from the diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance data. Estimated average propagator data is determined from the diffusion-weighted signal attenuation data based on at least one of a priori information of the diffusion-weighted signal attenuation data or a priori information of the average propagator.

A mobile system having a portable fingerprint collecting system for generating a digitized image of a fingerprint collected from a subject, a database system configured to store a database containing a plurality of fingerprint templates cross-referenced with identification information, the database system configured to compare the digitized fingerprint images generated by the portable fingerprint collecting device with the fingerprint templates stored in the database to provide identification information for the fingerprint, and a communication system providing real time communication of the digitized fingerprint image and identification information between the portable fingerprint collecting system and the database system.

A system and method for the identification of users and objects using biometric techniques is disclosed. This invention describes a biometric based identification and authorization systems which do not require the incorporation of an on-line database of stored complete biometrics for the security infrastructure. In order to remove the connectivity requirements, an off-line biometric system is achieved by incorporating an identity verification template (IVT) on a storage device/token (e.g., magnetic strip or smart-card) during the user's registration which provides for a reliable storage medium; however, there are no security requirements required of the token even to protect the privacy of the stored biometric. The IVT does not contain complete information of the user's biometric but allows for the verification of the user when that user later provides a biometric reading. To deal with errors that may be introduced into later scans of the biometric (for example at the time of verification) error correcting techniques, well known in the art of communication and error control systems, are incorporated into the system. The system is also usable in the online model. Moreover, it may also be used to enable cryptographic operations by being used to partially compose or encrypt private keys for cryptographic operation.

A method for re-identifying an image is provided. The method comprises obtaining a plurality of images and generating a correspondence map between the plurality of images. The method further comprises defining a plurality of region signatures for one or more regions comprising the plurality of images and comparing the plurality of images based on the correspondence map and the plurality of region signatures to perform image re-identification.

An image is marked by making slight changes to pixel values. These changes are essentially imperceptible on human scrutiny, but detectable by computer analysis. Such markings have applications in identifying ownership of images (including video), and also in device control (e.g., triggering a “do not copy” response in suitably configured hardware and software systems).

One aspect of the present invention is to graphically configure a digital signature appearance to be suitable for being configured into the electronic document. Another aspect of the present invention is to place a digital signature appearance graphic into the electronic document. A method of implementing the graphic configuration aspect of the present invention includes the steps of generating a composition environment for configuring a graphical appearance of the digital signature and its placement origin point. A method of implementing the digital signature graphic placement aspect includes the steps of specifying a reference point in the digital signature appearance, determining a graphic scaling factor and placement location in the electronic document, which is at least partially based on the reference point and tile placement origin point, and placing it accordingly. A method for specifying and placing the configured digital signature appearance on multiple pages of a multi-page electronic document is also described.

An anti-tampering method for processing documents is disclosed. The method comprises, in regard to an encoding step, the steps of resolving (in a step 2303) in regard to an N-level image to be recorded, a pixel of the image into a major component having N possible values, selecting (in the step 2303) a pattern element depending upon the major component and the position of the pixel in the image, and recording the selected pattern element (in a step 2308) onto a transfer medium. In regard to a corresponding decoding step the method comprises extracting (in a step 2405) from the recorded document, a retrieved pattern element for said pixel, determining a pattern element (in a step 2407) depending upon a major component extracted from the retrieved pattern element and the position of the pixel on the recorded document, and comparing (in a step 2409) the retrieved pattern element and the said determined pattern element.

The present invention is a loudspeaker. The loudspeaker includes a frame, a cone having an outer edge in a shape of a reverse angle flange, and a reinforcing ring bonded to a back side of the flange.

In order to divide the inside space of the cabinet into at least two with a speaker being the center, obtain a plurality of emitted sound energies through openings constructed in each divided sphere, and utilize a cabinet of a loudspeaker apparatus as a sound echo box, a partition wall 4 is disposed at a right angle to a baffle board 2 or a front board 7, passing through the center O of a speaker 3 disposed on the baffle board 2 or the front board 7 of the cabinet 6, and divides the inside space of the cabinet 6 into at least two of an upper chamber 11U and a lower chamber 11D, so that sound energies are emitted from openings 8 and 9 which are provided in each chamber of 11D and 11U, respectively.

An electric-acoustic transducer/housing assembly includes an electric-acoustic transducer and a housing within which the electric-acoustic transducer is arranged. The electric-acoustic transducer includes a casing, a first and second vibratory plates transversely mounted within the casing, and an exciter disposed between the first and second vibratory plates and operated to vibrate the first and second vibratory plates. The first vibratory plate cooperates with the exciter to define a first inner chamber therebetween. A sound pipe extends outwardly from the casing and is adapted to allow the first inner chamber to be communicated with the outside of the housing. The second vibratory plate cooperates with the exciter to define a second inner chamber therebetween. The casing has a through sound hole through which the second inner chamber is communicated with the outside of the casing. The sound pipe is kept out of communication with the through sound hole.

Improved approaches to flexibly implementing graphic equalizers on media players are disclosed. These approaches provide dynamic order reduction of a multi-band graphic equalizer so that equalizer effects can be timely performed with only limited computational resources. In one embodiment, a media player receives a media item and associated equalizer settings for a multi-band graphic equalizer. The media player can then automatically (i.e., without user action) approximate the multi-band graphic equalizer with the equalizer settings for the media item using a fewer number of filters. Fewer filters means order reduction, and thus reduction in computational requirements. After the multi-band graphic equalizer is approximated, the media player can present the media item to its user in accordance with the reduced complexity, approximated equalizer.

An audio power amplifier includes a differential amplifier circuit that serves as an input circuit. The differential amplifier circuit includes a signal GND (SG) terminal that receives a SG voltage, and an audio signal input terminal that receives an audio signal. A SG voltage generation circuit is provided to output the SG voltage. The SG voltage generation circuit includes a voltage follower amplifier that outputs a current, a reference voltage source that is input to the voltage follower amplifier, and a current control circuit that controls the current output from the voltage follower amplifier. The SG voltage rises in a prescribed manner while suppressing a pop sound during its transition.

An acoustic signal processing apparatus includes an acoustic signal input device, a frequency resolution device, a two-dimensional data generating device, a graphics detection device, a sound source candidate information generating device, and a sound source information generating device. The sound source information generating device generates sound source information including at least one of the number of sound sources, the spatial existence range of the sound source, an existence period of the voice, a frequency component configuration of the voice, amplitude information on the voice, and symbolic contents of the voice based on the sound source candidate information and corresponding information which are generated by the sound source candidate information generating device.

Digital communication schemes using chaotic signals as carriers can be broadly classified into two categories. In the first category, the chaotic signals carrying the information have to be synchronously regenerated at the receiver, which may be applicable to low noise environment. The second category requires no synchronous regeneration of the carrying chaotic signals in the receiver. An example of the second category utilizes a specific bit structure, which may not be able to resist unintended reception because the fabricated bit structure can be relatively easily detected. This invention involves systems and methods for transmitting digital messages modulated as chaotic signals, and the demodulation methods. One individual chaotic signal generator having a specific chaotic characteristic value is responsible for generating a chaotic signal for each possible value of the digital message according to a chaotic algorithm. The chaotic signal is then transmitted to the receiver, which stores all of chaotic characteristic values and a decoding algorithm. The chaotic signal received at the receiver is then demodulated by evaluating it chaotic characteristic value and matching with the stored chaotic characteristic values.

The present invention aims to reduce a size of a hinge portion and a device in an opening/closing mobile terminal device in which first and second housing members are opened/closed and turned on hinges. In the present invention, a second turning shaft (123) is provided to intersect with the first turning member so as to turn together with a first turning shaft (122) and provided turnably to the first turning shaft (122), first and second guiding member (126, 127) for restricting a turning angle of the second turning shaft (123) are provided in the first turning shaft (122). Also, a flexible board (140) is interposed in the first turning shaft (122) and a first turning bearing (133) in a position that stretches over a first housing member (101a) and a second housing member (101b). A first winding portion (154a) that is wound around an outer periphery of the first turning bearing (133) is formed on one end side of the flexible board (140) to turn together with the first turning shaft (122).

A method of adjusting an echo canceller comprises obtaining a first cross-correlation between a far-end signal and an error signal, wherein the error signal is generated by subtracting an output signal of an adaptive filter from a local-end signal; determining whether the first cross-correlation is above a pre-determined threshold; relocating the adaptive filter by a few samples if the determining determines that the first cross-correlation is above a pre-determined threshold; calculating a first improvement indicator parameter, wherein the first improvement indicator parameter is calculated after the relocating the adaptive filter by the few samples; determining whether the first improvement indicator parameter indicates a performance improvement by the adaptive filter after the relocating the adaptive filter by the few samples; calculating a gain based on the local-end signal and the error signal if the determining does not determine the performance improvement; and multiplying the adaptive filter by the gain.

A system for forming a communication link between a first communications device and a second communications device includes a server configured to receive a call request from the first communications device. A virtual agent operating on the server is configured to (a) initiate a first outbound call to the first communications device in response to receiving the call request; (b) initiate a second outbound call to the second communications device; (c) form a first communications channel between the virtual agent and the first communications device; (d) form a second communications channel between the virtual agent and the second communications device; and (e) link the first communications channel to the second communications channel. An NLP engine and/or a learning engine are connected to the virtual agent. A method for forming a communication link between the first communications device and the second communications device utilizing the system is also disclosed.

Disclosed herein is a method and a network structure for moving a call leg, and implementing a call leg move with the network structure. The method includes creating a call leg moving interface and its method interface reference parameters, which are used to move a call leg from an original call to a destination call. The interface reference parameters are an identifier of a call leg to be moved and a destination call identifier. The method further includes, if an application wants to move the call leg, determining the interface reference parameters according to the call leg and the destination call, and invoking the call leg moving interface to move the call leg from the original call to the destination call with the interface reference parameters. In this manner, the disclosed method provides a simple, convenient, easy to implement and spread interface to the application to move the call leg from one call to another.

A pay-per-connection system is coupled to a network service provider and to a client computer. The pay-per-connection system receives payment and a passcode from a user, determines duration of use based on the payment, and provides access by the client computer to the network service provider based on the payment and the passcode without advance sign-up by the user with the network service provider.

A storage unit manages a receiving order by storing a received call processing message. A retention unit retains key information, which is included in the call processing message, and element information, which is correlated to the key information and included in the call processing message, by updating the two pieces of information for every key information at every time when receiving the call processing message. A call processing execution unit carries out a call processing for each call processing message stored by the storage unit at a predetermined time interval in a lump based on the key information and element information stored by the retention unit.

A method and apparatus are disclosed that enable an interactive voice response (IVR) system to deliver content streams of various media types (e.g., video, audio, etc.) to telecommunications terminals. The illustrative embodiment provides extensions to the Voice extensible Markup Language (VXML) standard that enable an IVR system script to specify the playback order, timing, and coordination of multiple content streams (e.g., whether an audio stream and a video stream should be played back concurrently or serially; whether a particular content stream should finish before playback of another content stream commences; whether a content stream that is currently playing should be stopped and supplanted with another content stream, etc.).

An X-ray analysis apparatus has information about a relationship between selection of a measurement type and a replacement work of optical parts and shows, on a screen of a display, graphical information about optical parts which should be changed, to make it easy for an operator to perform a preliminary work before measurement. When the operator selects one desired measurement type among a plurality of measurement types in a selection window, there is displayed on the display, depending on the selected measurement type, graphical information about necessary optical parts which should be newly installed and/or installed optical parts which should be removed. The operator looks at the operating instructions and then performs the replacement work. The graphical information may be: graphical indication of the installation locations of the optical parts; different pictorial expressions about the installation and the removal works; and graphical indication of the identification marks of the optical parts.

The invention relates to a method, to an X-ray apparatus for performing the method and to a detector arrangement intended for the latter, for producing X-ray images containing a reduced proportion of scattered radiation. The X-ray radiation is detected in this case by a detector arrangement comprising two X-ray detectors, there being provided in the first X-ray detector openings through which the second X-ray detector is able to detect scattered radiation and primary radiation by separate detector elements. The signals given by the second X-ray detector are used to determine the proportion of scattered radiation that is contained in the image produced by the first X-ray detector and to largely free the first image of the proportion of scattered radiation.

An X-ray detecting section (13) comprises a first imaging means (S1) to generate an X-ray image in response to the X-ray slit beam (B) and a second imaging means (S2) to generate an X-ray image in response to the X-ray broad beam (BB). The radiography apparatus (M) displays a first X-ray image generated by the X-ray slit beam (B) and said first imaging means (S1), specifies a desired interested area (R) on the first X-ray image, and generates a predetermined sectional image as a second X-ray image by using the X-ray broad beam (BB) and the second imaging means (S2) with respect to the specified interested area (R).

An X-ray CT apparatus includes an X-ray generating section for generating X-rays with a plurality of X-ray tube voltages; a data collecting section for collecting, synchronously with a data collection signal, X-ray projection data from X-rays with each X-ray tube voltage switched by an X-ray tube voltage switching signal; and a control section for controlling a timed moment for switching of the X-ray tube voltage and a timed moment for start of data collection so that the timed moment for start of data collection at each X-ray tube voltage in the data collection signal is delayed relative to the timed moment for switching of the X-ray tube voltage to that X-ray tube voltage in the X-ray tube voltage switching signal by Δt1, Δt2 depending upon imaging conditions.

A method of setting the slice level (SL) in a binary signal (T) comprises measuring the noise level at both signal levels (A,B) and adjusting (Z) the slice levels in dependence upon the measured noise levels. By weighing the noise levels, asymmetric noise is taken into account. A device (10) for setting the slice level comprises level shift means and noise peak level detection means.

A method and apparatus improve the design and control of amplification stages in a radio frequency (RF) transmitter, so as to reduce its power consumption. In some aspects, the transmitter is operable to transmit an output RF signal at a target power level, which may vary over a wide dynamic range. For each target power level in the dynamic range, a control module in the transmitter configures operational settings of amplification stages of the transmitter in order to produce the output RF signal having the appropriate target power level, while consuming minimal power from the power source.

Non-linear signal conditioning is provided by signal processing in at least 2 consecutive steps (10). In each step (10) an insertion source signal (41) is provided, which is treated non-linearly to fulfil certain restrictions in bandwidth and/or spectral mask. The insertion signal is combined with a main signal (21) using a reinsertion factor (k1-kn), as a correction of the main signal (21). The reinsertion factor of at least one step is larger than the reinsertion factor of a previous step. In particular embodiments, the reinsertion factor increases for each of the at least 2 steps. This principle can be applied to most non-linear signal processing, and for example in PAR reduction systems, dynamic drain bias PA systems, Doherty and Chireix PA systems and in Dynamic Gate Bias systems.

Methods and apparatus are described herein to provide for the decoding of signals in a MIMO communications system. Other embodiments may include a method of deriving a list of possible data vectors and corresponding metrics given a received signal vector and provide the list to a soft bits calculator. Further embodiments include a decoding apparatus that includes a shift and scale module, a linear receiver module, a list generator module and a lattice reduction module. The decoding apparatus may additionally include a soft bits calculator, in further embodiments.

A method for generating a preamble of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed (OFDM) data frame for a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless communication includes determining at least one system condition preamble format parameter. When the system condition preamble format parameter satisfies a first preamble format parameter a preamble having a first preamble format is formed. When the system condition preamble format parameter satisfies a second preamble format parameter, a preamble having a second preamble format is formed. Further, when the system condition preamble format parameter satisfies a third preamble format parameter, a preamble having a third preamble format is formed. The first, second, and third preamble formats differ based upon their lengths, fields, and modulation formats of a high throughput signal field.

A method of encoding a video signal representing a sequence of pictures, the method comprising receiving a current picture for encoding, forming a temporal prediction of the current picture from a default reference picture for the current picture, comparing the default reference picture with at least one further reference picture, calculating a measure of the similarity between the default reference picture and each further reference picture and, if the measure of similarity meets a pre-determined criterion, outputting an indicator identifying the further reference picture.

A Poisson-quantization noise model for modeling noise in low-light conditions is described. In one aspect, image information is received. A Poisson-quantization noise model is then generated from a Poisson noise model and a quantization noise model. Poisson-quantization noise is then estimated in the image information using the Poisson-quantization noise model.

Methods and apparatus are provided for determining the threshold position of one or more latches employed for decision-feedback equalization. A threshold position of a latch employed by a decision-feedback equalizer is determined by constraining input data such that the input data only contains transitions from a first binary value; obtaining a plurality of samples of a single-sided data eye associated with the constrained input data; and determining a threshold position of the latch based on the samples. The constrained input data can comprise (i) transitions from a binary value of 1 to a binary value of 0 or 1; or (ii) transitions from a binary value of 0 to a binary value of 0 or 1. The size of the single-sided data eye can be obtained by analyzing a histogram associated with the single-sided data eye to identify a region having a constant hit count.

A modem uses information from prior calls in a current call if the current communication line is similar to the communication line of a prior call. During modem training, the current communication line is compared to a communication line used during at least one prior call. If the characteristics are substantially similar, stored data mode information from the prior call(s) is used to design a signal constellation for use during the current call's data mode. If the number of prior calls exceeds a value, then the signal constellation may be designed using previously stored data mode information without using information from the current call's training mode. If the number of prior calls does not exceed the value, then the signal constellation may be designed using the previously stored data mode information and information from the current call's training mode.

Implementation of an improved matched filter system for despreading a PN code from a spread spectrum signal utilizes a matched filter system that may be broadly conceptualized as a system that optimizes the number of multipliers and adders utilized by the system in despreading a PN code from a spread spectrum signal. This lowers the power consumption of the improved matched filter system and increases the speed at which the system despreads the PN code from the spread spectrum signal.

A transmitter (22) of a telecommunications system transmits hopped pilot signals as a distinct (i.e., locally unique) time-frequency shift of a time frequency plane array wherein the pilot signals are hopped using a hopping sequence. Differing transmitters of the system (20) preferably transmit using different time-frequency shifts of the same time frequency plane array. The transmitter (22) knows which hopping sequence to employ to generate the time frequency plane array in view of its storage of the hopping sequence, and further knows how to perform its signature time-frequency shift the time frequency plane array thusly created in view of its storage of the time-frequency shift pattern. A receiver (24) identifies a transmitter from which the receiver obtains signals by detecting the particular time-frequency shift of the time frequency plane array and associating the particular time-frequency shift with the originating transmitter. Upon detecting the time frequency plane array of its received signals, the receiver (24), which knows the hopping sequence employed to generate the time frequency plane array, can determine how the time frequency plane array has been time-frequency shifted, and upon determining the pattern of the shift can associate the received signals with one of the transmitters for which the receiver (24) has stored time-frequency shift patterns in its library (86).

A method for spectrally shaping a communication signal is provided. The method comprises generating a plurality of spreading codes, assigning a probability to each of the plurality of spreading codes, and modulating the communication signal by hopping between the plurality of spreading codes such that a time-average proportion of time spent using any one of the plurality of spreading codes is equal to the probability assigned to that spreading code.

An apparatus for generating short optical pulses is provided having a storage medium capable of storing optical energy, a first module for delivering pumping optical pulses or continuous beam into the storage medium to energize the storage medium, and a second module for delivering one or more trigger optical pulses to the optical storage medium. Each of the trigger optical pulses has a rising edge which causes a cascade release of the energy stored in the storage medium in an output optical pulse having a greater power and narrower in width or duration (at full width at half maximum) than the trigger optical pulse that caused the output pulse. A control module in the apparatus controls the operation of the pump module and trigger module so as to provide the desired characteristics of output optical pulses from the apparatus.

Aspects of the invention include a root node of a wireless communication infrastructure that buffers data packets for transmission by base stations over an air interface. The root node determines a time delay for transmission of a data packet from the root node to each base station, a maximum time delay of those time delays, and a timing latency based upon the maximum time delay. The root node transmits the timing latency to the base stations. In response, each base station initiates transmission of data packets received by the root node after expiration of the timing latency. Alternatively, the root node, instead of the base stations, may buffer the data packets, and transmit them so that they arrive at the base stations at substantially the same time.

A system determines bandwidth use by queues in a network device. To do this, the system determines an instantaneous amount of bandwidth used by each of the queues and an average amount of bandwidth used by each of the queues. The system then identifies bandwidth use by each of the queues based on the instantaneous bandwidth used and the average bandwidth used by each of the queues.

A communication gateway for communicating presence information between a connectionless packet-switched signaling network and an Internet Protocol (IP) network includes a message bearer configured to receive and send messages over a connectionless packet-switched signaling network and a translator, in communication with the message bearer, operable to translate messages received from the connectionless packet-switched signaling network into messages suitable for transport over an IP network and operable to translate messages received from the IP network into messages suitable for transport over the connectionless packet-switched signaling network.

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a network policy manager having a controller element to provision one or more network elements in a communication system with at least one base policy template and at least one atomic policy template retrieved from one or more base policy templates and a plurality of atomic policy templates according to a service order of a subscriber. At least one base policy template can correspond to an operating baseline of the one or more network elements, while at least one atomic policy template can correspond to one among a plurality of service configurations of the one or more network elements. Additional embodiments are disclosed.

In certain environments all or part of the TCP signaling traffic may be lost before reaching one or both TCP endpoints, leading to no connection establishment or slow page download times. Embodiments of this invention improve TCP performance over unreliable links and allow TCP connections to be set up when otherwise not possible. Embodiments of this invention include the use of out-of-band signaling for TCP to synchronizing and establishing a connection between two TCP endpoints without modification to the TCP/IP protocol suite. Embodiments of this invention provide a system that creates a control channel to enable out-of-band signaling for TCP connection establishment between two TCP endpoints. In embodiments of this invention, the control channel used for the out-of-band signaling traffic between the TCP endpoints (or peers) is achieved using a system that consists of a signaling broker, an agent application, and a virtual network interface and capture module that together create control channel for the TCP signaling traffic. Embodiments of this invention include a protocol to execute out-of-band signaling for TCP.

A structural matching engine for non-deterministic filtering operations is provided. The structural matching engine includes an active node processor (ANP) configured to process a state of an active list to determine possible future states of a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA). The ANP processes the state according to rules. The structural matching engine includes an active list processor (ALP) configured to initiate a lookup for a token value corresponding to the state of the active list. The ALP provides a next sate of the active list to the ANP for processing according to the rules upon completion of the processing of the state by the ANP, wherein the possible future states of the NFA are linked by the ALP to form a target list, the target list stacked on top of the active list in a data structure. A processor and a method for filtering data associated with non-deterministic states are also included.

A method and apparatus for determining information associated with a particular multicast channel in a multicast network are disclosed. In accordance with the method, a request message requesting information associated with the particular multicast channel is generated and sent to the multicast network. Further, the request message is propagated downstream in a recursive manner via a multicast topology of the multicast network. A response to the request message is propagated upstream via the multicast topology to generate a response message including requested information associated with the particular multicast channel. The information may comprise number of users receiving the particular multicast channel.

There is provided an apparatus and method for ATM bonding. The apparatus comprises a first unit having a first xDSL line connected thereto, a second unit having a second xDSL line connected thereto and a connection between the first unit and the second unit. The first unit is arranged to convert one incoming ATM datastream to a plurality of data and to convert a plurality of incoming data to one ATM data stream. The first unit is arranged to implement the ATM bonding layer of the ATM protocol. The second unit may be arranged to implement one or more of the higher layers. The method comprises the steps of: a first unit receiving an ATM data stream; the first unit converting the ATM data stream into a plurality of data; the first unit transmitting a first one of the plurality of data over a first xDSL line connected to the first unit; the first unit sending a second one of the plurality of data to a second unit via a connection; and the second unit transmitting the second one of the plurality of data over a second xDSL line connected to the second unit.

A method for exchanging data with a mobile device that begins with the step of detecting a data exchange event. Next, at least one data exchange threshold is identified for the mobile device. An exchange urgency value is then determined and compared to the data exchange threshold. If the comparison is favorable, then the data exchange occurs immediately. Otherwise, the data exchange is placed in a delayed transmission queue, to be sent after a delay period.

The benefits of a multicast-enabled network are realized by a flexible, easy to deploy, software-based solution that does not require reconfiguring of network routers. Systems and methods that implement this solution can perform as follows. A packet is received that was sent by a sender to at least one receiver, and the packet includes a parameter relating to a multicast announce address. A forwarding rules set is associated with the packet if the parameter has a defined value. This forwarding rules set is used to determine whether any of the at least one destination addresses included in the packet corresponds to one of the receivers that has a receiver format that must be converted. In addition, the forwarding rules set defines when a packet should be converted from a sender format to a receiver format before forwarding the packet. The packet is converted from the sender format to the receiver format for each destination address identified as requiring conversion, and forwarded in accordance with the forwarding rules set.

A telecommunication device includes a first interface coupled to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) in a first local calling area, a second interface coupled to a packet network, and a third interface coupled to a first plain old telephone system (POTS) telephony device. The device also includes a router that directs telecommunications between the first, second, and third interfaces and a gateway that enables telecommunications between the first POTS telephony device and the packet network. Furthermore, the device includes a processor that receives signaling from the first POTS telephony device indicating a desire to establish telecommunications with a second POTS telephony device coupled to the PSTN in a second local calling area and coupled to the packet network. The processor determines whether the telecommunication device has an appropriate amount of associated credit to use the packet network to establish telecommunications between the first and second POTS telephony devices and, if so, establishes telecommunications between the first and second POTS telephony devices using the packet network such that the first and second POTS telephony devices may communicate without using a long distance network coupling the first and second local calling areas.

A VoIP device has at least one programmable button to enable the user to initiate a VoIP or SIP call to another device. The button can be programmed by the device user, the device manufacturer, and/or a VoIP service provider. The VoIP device does not have a dial pad, visual numbers display, or other certain standard features on a SIP phone. Thus, the VoIP device allows simplified dedicated communication. Numerous uses are possible, which result in advantages over conventional SIP phones.

Method for synchronising mobile equipment in a CDMA system comprising a plurality of base stations (11) for communicating with the mobile equipment (12). The base stations (11) are mutually synchronised, and each base station (11) has a synchronisation channel transmit timing offset within a synchronisation time slot (20). The method comprises the step of synchronising the mobile equipment (12) by matching a synchronisation code in the synchronisation time slot (20). Also the following steps are executed by the method: scanning a base radio signal (13) during at least one frame (15) for detecting a signal portion with predetermined characteristics, such as received power peaks (23), the signal portion not being the synchronisation code; deriving timing information associated with the CDMA system from the signal portion; and starting the synchronisation step of the mobile equipment (12) using the timing information.

A beacon signal used in data communications, such as the IEEE 802.11, is provided with data extensions. The data extensions permit additional information to be provided by the beacon signal, thereby reducing the traffic overhead of the network. The data extensions further permit handoffs and handoffs based on offset values. Periodic beacon requests are made during connection between a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) and an access point (AP) on a WLAN. A Measurement Request field corresponding to a beacon request contains a measurement duration value and channel number for which the request applies. The beacon request permits a scan mode which includes “Active Scan” mode, “Passive Scan” mode and “Beacon Table” mode. In Active Scan mode, the measuring station (STA) transmits a probe request with a broadcast SSID. In Passive Scan mode, the measuring STA passively receives on the specified channel and return a beacon report containing one information element for each STA from which it detects a beacon or probe response. In Beacon Table mode, the measuring STA returns a beacon report containing the current contents of its beacon table without performing additional measurements.

A time division duplex/code division multiple access user equipment receives a plurality of communication bursts transmitted in a time slot. A midamble code included in a received communication burst is determined. A channelization code of a determined midamble's communication burst is determined. A mapping between channelization codes and midamble codes exists such that each midamble being mapped to at least one channelization code and at least one midamble code being mapped to at least two channelization codes which may be received in communication bursts simultaneously.

An arrangement and method for channel mapping in a UTRA TDD HSDPA wireless communication system by applying interleaving functions in first (530) and second (540) interleaving means to a bit sequence to produce symbols for mapping to physical channels, the first and second interleaving means being arranged to map symbols from respectively systematic and parity bits in a predetermined scheme, e.g., mapping symbols in a forward direction when a channel has an even index number, and in a reverse direction when a channel has an odd index number. The symbols may comprise bit-pairs, each of a systematic bit and parity bit.Systematic bits are preferably mapped to high reliability bit positions in TDD HSDPA, achieving a performance gain of between 0.2 dB and 0.5 dB. The forwards/reverse mapping allows a degree of interleaving that improves system performance in fading channels or channels disturbed by short time period noise or interference.

A method of performing handover with at least one homogeneous and heterogeneous network is disclosed. More specifically, the method includes mobile station (MS) which establishes a heterogeneous network handover module for converging information from the at least one network interface module associated with the at least one of a homogeneous and heterogeneous network into a unified presentation; transmits to the heterogeneous network handover module of a serving network a handover request message to initiate handover from a serving network to a target network, wherein the handover request message is configured by the heterogeneous network handover module of a mobile station (MS); receives a handover confirmation message in response to the handover request message from the heterogeneous network handover module of the serving network; transmits a handover commit request message to the heterogeneous network handover module of a serving network, wherein the handover commit request message includes at least one target network information and includes the request to retain resources of the MS; and receives a handover commit confirmation message from the heterogeneous network handover module of the serving network, wherein the handover commit confirmation message includes a response to the request to retain resources of the MS.

A system for implementing a media independent handover in a station in a wireless communication system includes a physical sublayer management entity, a medium access control sublayer management entity, a management information base, and a handover policy function. The handover policy function is capable of receiving measurements and system information from the physical sublayer management entity, the medium access control sublayer management entity, and the management information base. The handover policy function is capable of then autonomously determining whether to execute a handover.

In a mobile IP network, a mobile node transmits data to a corresponding node. The transmitted data is stored in a transmitted data holding unit in the mobile node. The mobile node manages replenishment information indicating an operation relating to the retransmission of a packet. The mobile node retrieves a packet specified according to the replenishment information from the transmitted data holding unit when handover occurs, and transmits (retransmits) the packet.

A device and method for adaptively controlling a turn-on time of a transceiver so that power consumption is reduced. The device includes a transceiver for receiving a beacon frame broadcasted by a coordinator which coordinates devices, and a controller for determining whether a period of the beacon frame is changed by checking period information in the received beacon frame. The device further includes a beacon frame arrival-time estimation part for estimating an arrival-time of a next beacon frame to be received, based on the changed period information of the beacon frame, a time-error estimation part for estimating a time-errors of the coordinator and the device based on the changed period information of the beacon frame, and a turn-on time estimation part for estimating a turn-on time of a transceiver based on the estimated beacon frame arrival-time and the estimated time-errors.

A sending node (405) is adapted for communication with several receiving nodes (410, 420) by transmitting information in the form of a regular data packet to at least one intended receiving nodes, said sending node comprising—means to receive, identify and store a priori information in feedback from receiving nodes (410, 420); —means (905) for forming a composite data packet from at least two regular data packets, said means arranged to use a priori information from said a priori information storage module (910) and to determine which multiple individual data packets to retrieve from a buffer module (920) for use in the composite data packet, said means being arranged to form a composite data packet from which the intended receiving node for each of the at least two regular packets can decode the composite packet to obtain at least one packet intended for it.

A network processing device calculates variable link metrics and then prioritizes selection of network links for sending packets according to the calculated variable link metrics. The variable link metrics can include a link capacity index that represents a combination of platform and interface capabilities for nodes on opposite ends of the network links. The link metrics can also include an expected retransmission value that indicates the percentage of packets that may have to be transmitted over different links.

Software and hardware user preferences of a communication device are automatically adapted for different networks. Communication is initiated between a communication device and a first network. The communication is detected, the first network is identified, and the software and hardware preferences are automatically set in the communication device, as predetermined by the user for the first network. For communication with a second network, the communication between the communication device and the first network is suspended, and communication is initiated between the communication device and the second network. The communication between the communication device and the second network is detected, the second network is identified, and the software and hardware preferences of the communication device are automatically adapted to software and hardware preferences, as predetermined by the user for the second network.

A concentrator multiplexes network data from different links in a network and carried on a plurality of lower speed lines into multiplexed network data carried on a higher speed line. A line interface module demultiplexes the multiplexed network data carried on the higher speed line, assembles the demultiplexed network data into cells, and reassembles cells into packets for analysis. A single distributed network analyzer analyzes the reassembled network data.

An apparatus and method for performing automated testing and trouble isolation of a communications link in an access network is described. Communications link testing may occur without taking the communications link out of service for the duration of the test.

There are disclosed methods, computer readable media, and apparatus for generation of processed traffic. Traffic, including plural data units for transmission to a first endpoint, may be provided. The provided traffic may be processed and held until a predefined amount of processed traffic has accumulated. The held traffic may then be released for transmission to the first endpoint.

Methods and system for dynamic reallocation of data processing resources for efficient processing of sensor data in a distributed network is provided. The methods and system include determining a data transmission cost ft; determining a data processing cost fp; determining a data storage cost fs; and determining a data query Q which minimizes f(ft+fp+fs) for a system of networked data processing resources.

A method for group communication over a network of processors comprises determining an overlay spanning tree comprising an origin node and at least one receiving node, and controlling a source communication rate to be less than or equal to a bottleneck rate of the overlay spanning tree.

A method of allocating a plurality of traffic demands on a network having a plurality of stations connected by a bi-directional ring is disclosed. The method comprises selecting a first traffic demand from the plurality of traffic demands. The method then acquires a first existing traffic volume for a first direction of the bi-directional ring and a second existing traffic volume for a second direction of the bi-directional ring. Either the first or second direction is selected for transmitting the first traffic demand based on the smallest incremental increase in the load of the bi-directional ring.

Methods and apparatuses are presented for conducting communications over a shared communication medium, involving (a) sending an initial request from a first node, the shared communication medium organized to include (i) a request signal space including a plurality of request segments each having a different location within the request signal space and (ii) a scheduled transmission signal space including a plurality of scheduled transmission segments each having a different location within the scheduled transmission signal space, the initial request sent in an initial request segment, (b) obtaining a request assignment associating the initial request with at least one follow-up request segment, (c) from the first node, sending a follow-up request in the at least one follow-up request segment, (d) obtaining a scheduled transmission assignment specifying a scheduled transmission segment, and (e) from the first node, sending a data transmission in the scheduled transmission segment.

A failure-recovery-information storing unit stores failure-recovery information in which a working path is associated with a backup path. A failure-occurrence-notification receiving unit receives a failure-occurrence notification indicating that a failure has occurred in the working path. A backup-path searching unit searches for a backup path corresponding to the working path on which the failure has occurred, based on the failure-recovery information. A path-switch processing unit carries out a path-switch process, in such a manner that the data to be transferred using the working path in which the failure has occurred is transferred using the backup path.

An optical disc (102) and method for forming the same. The optical disc preferably includes a first substrate (150) comprising a pre-recorded, first data storage layer (152) and a second substrate (156) comprising a recordable, second data storage layer (158). The second substrate is affixed to the first substrate such that a data transducing beam (161) passes through a common exterior boundary surface (162) of the disc to access the respective first and second layers. Preferably, the pre-recorded layer comprises a sequence of pits and lands (218). Addresses of blocks in the respective layers preferably successively increment (220) so that a readback system (100) interprets the respective layers as a common recording layer within the disc. One of the layers can store disc authentication data zone, a patch which updates a version of user data stored in the remaining layer, etc. A content supplier can supply specially configured substrates with pre-recorded control data to control disc manufacture.

A recording medium, such as a high-density and/or optical recording medium including segment information recorded thereon, and apparatus and methods for recording to and reproducing from the recording medium, in order to improve data protection, data management and/or reproduction compatibility.

The light energy necessary for the precure process is held by the RFID at the holographic memory. The controller acquires the light energy corresponding to the temperature of the recording position detected by the temperature sensor out of the precure information acquired by the RFID reader. The exposure time (light emitting time of LED) Te in the precure process is calculated based on the calculating equation Te (sec)=En (joule)/Pd (watt) from the energy En and the intensity Pd of light irradiated onto the recording position detected by the light detector.

A method of determining a recording power used to record information to an optical disc, includes carrying out test recording which records predetermined data to a predetermined area of the optical disc to determine the recording power, and recording predetermined data with a power equal to or more than the determined recording power to an area adjacent to the predetermined area.

A high resolution time detecting apparatus using interpolation and a time detecting method using the same are provided. The time detecting apparatus includes a delayer which generates delayed signals by sequentially delaying a reference signal using a plurality of delay elements, a latch unit which outputs latch signals using the delayed signals, and an interpolation unit which outputs interpolated signals using input and output signals of the delay elements. As a result, a high resolution TDC using an interpolation and a time detecting method using the same provide improved performance of digital PLL, high resolution digital signal output at a low power consumption, and controlled circuit size.

Disclosed is a hybrid ranging method comprising the steps of: transmitting from a first node an ultrasonic signal and a radio signal comprising at least one radio synchronization signal with a predetermined ratio; calculating, at a second node, a ultrasonic transmission time period between the receipt of the radio synchronization signal and the receipt of the ultrasonic signal; calculating, at the second node, an ultrasonic measured result between the first node and the second node by using the ultrasonic transmission time period; calculating, at the second node, the strength of the received radio signal, and obtaining a radio measured result between the first node and the second node from a reference database; calculating, at the second node, the smoothness of the ultrasonic measured result and the radio measured result; and determining at the second node, a final measured result according to the smoothness of the ultrasonic measured result and the radio measured result.

An access unit for a static random access memory (SRAM) is provided. The access unit comprises two inverters. Two different variable voltages are supplied to the two inverters via bitlines to cause an imbalance in the current strengths between the two inverters so that data can be written on the SRAM.

Separate read and write ports in a memory system allow simultaneous access to a memory cell array by read and write operations. A single cycle operation of a central processing unit coupled to a memory array depends on a memory access capability providing simultaneous reading and writing to different locations. A pair of pull-down transistor stacks connected to memory cell latch loops allows a single selected pull-down stack of the pair to toggle a memory cell latch loop to a desired data content without any requirement for a precharge scheme. A single pull-down stack of transistors connected to a memory cell latch loop provides a read port with low input loading. A sense amplifier provides a mid-supply-level precharging capability provided by a feedback device within a front-end inversion stage. When not in a feedback mode, the front-end inversion stage cascaded with a second inversion stage provides a rapid read response.

In one embodiment, a memory is provided that includes: a plurality of memory cells arranged in columns, each column coupled to a corresponding bit line; a sense amplifier adapted to sense the voltage on a pair of the bit lines to determine a binary state of an accessed memory cell coupled to a first one of the bit lines in the pair; and a first trim capacitor having a first terminal directly coupled to one of the bit lines in the pair, the first trim capacitor having an opposing second terminal coupled to a first trim capacitor signal, the memory being adapted to change a voltage of the first trim capacitor signal while the sense amplifier senses the voltage to determine the binary state of the accessed memory cell.

A sense amplifier includes a pair of sense bit lines and first and second MOS sense amplifiers. The first MOS sense amplifier has a first pair of MOS transistors of first conductivity type therein, which are electrically coupled across the pair of sense bit lines. This electrically coupling is provided so that each of the first pair of MOS transistors has a first source/drain terminal electrically connected to a corresponding one of the pair of sense bit lines and the second source/drain terminals of the first pair of MOS transistors are electrically connected together. The first pair of MOS transistors of first conductivity type is configured to have different threshold voltages or support different threshold voltage biasing. The second MOS sense amplifier has a first pair of MOS transistors of second conductivity type therein, which are electrically coupled across the pair of sense bit lines.

A memory device and method for improving speed at which data is read from non-volatile memory are provided, where the memory device including the non-volatile memory precharges all word lines with a predetermined precharge voltage during standby for a read operation, in which data is read from the non-volatile memory, and then, during the read operation, pulls up a voltage of only a word line selected by a row address to a read voltage and pulls down a voltage of remaining unselected word lines down to a ground voltage, such that data reading speed of the memory device is increased.

Systems, apparatus, memory devices, sense amplifiers and methods are provided, such as a system that includes an input node, a first transistor having a gate that couples to the input node, and a second transistor having another gate that couples to the input node. In one or more embodiments, the second transistor has a greater activation voltage threshold than does the first transistor and the first transistor amplifies a signal that is present on the input node. In one such embodiment, after the first transistor amplifies the signal, the second transistor maintains the amplified signal on the input node while the first transistor is deactivated.

The present invention discloses a circuit for generating a data strobe signal in a DDR memory device and a method therefor which can precisely distinguish preamble and postamble periods of the data strobe signal by generating pulses for generating the data strobe signal only in a data strobe signal input period by using an internal clock signal according to CAS latency under a read command, and generating the data strobe signal by using the pulses, and which can improve reliability of the circuit operation by precisely controlling operation timing with the internal clock signal.

A non-volatile semiconductor memory device may include a memory cell array that may include a plurality of memory transistors; a input circuit that may control a voltage level of an internal reference voltage and a delay time of an internal clock signal in response to an MRS trim code or an electric fuse trim code, and that may generate a first buffered input signal; a column gate that may gate the first buffered input signal in response to a decoded column address signal; and a sense amplifier that may amplify an output signal of the memory cell array to output to the column gate, and that may receive an output signal of the column gate to output to the memory cell array. The non-volatile semiconductor memory device may properly buffer an input signal of a small swing range.

A semiconductor memory device includes: a semiconductor layer formed on an insulating layer; a plurality of transistors formed on the semiconductor layer and arranged in a matrix form, each of the transistors having a gate electrode, a source region and a drain region, the electrodes in one direction constituting word lines; source contact plugs connected to the source regions of the transistors; drain contact plugs connected to the drain regions of the transistors; source wirings each of which commonly connects the source contact plugs, the source wirings being parallel to the word lines; and bit lines formed so as to cross the word lines and connected to the drain regions of the transistors via the drain contact plugs. Each of the transistors has a first data state having a first threshold voltage and a second data state having a second threshold voltage.

A nonvolatile memory array includes first and second blocks of three-state memory cells therein. These first and second blocks are configured to operate individually as first and second blocks of physical memory cells, respectively, and collectively as an additional block of virtual memory cells. The first and second blocks of memory cells and the additional block of virtual memory cells may be read independently to provide a total of three blocks of read data.

A memory has an array of k-level cells, organized into pages of words, each storing a string of bits. The memory device includes a coding circuit input with strings of N bits, and generates corresponding k-level strings. A program circuit is input with the k-level strings to stores in groups of c cells with k levels. A read circuit reads data stored in groups of c cells with k levels and generates k-level strings. A read decoding circuit is input with k-level strings read from groups of c cells with k levels to generate strings of N bits. The words of each page are grouped in groups of words, each word including groups of c cells with k levels, and at least one remaining bit of the word being stored, with corresponding remaining bits of other words of the page, in a group of c cells with k levels.

A method and/or system and/or apparatus for a dual gate, capacitor less circuit that can act as a state storage device. Further embodiments describe fabrication methods and methods of operation of such a device.

A semiconductor integrated circuit with memory redundancy circuit to address the problems of increased area, power consumption and access time which is caused by using an ECC circuit for error correction. The circuit includes: a plurality of memory mats; a local bus, parallel to word lines, which transfers read data and write data from memory cells; a global bus for writing, parallel to data lines, which transfers write data from an input pad IO; a global bus for reading, parallel to data lines, which transfers read data to an output pad IO; and at least one error correction circuit located at an intersection of the global buses and the local bus. Reading and writing may each be completed in a single cycle, and during a write operation, data which is different from data previously read is written. By this configuration, an increase in area and power consumption can be avoided and errors such as soft errors can be corrected.

A memory cell including a bit and bitnot sense lines as well as a random access memory (RAM) word line and a read only memory (ROM) word line. The memory cell particularly includes a static RAM (SRAM) bit cell and a ROM bit cell. The SRAM bit cell is coupled between the bit and bitnot sense lines, and is responsive to a signal on the RAM word line. The ROM bit cell is also coupled between the bit and bitnot sense lines, and is responsive to a signal on the ROM word line. The ROM bit cell includes first and second ROM pass transistors, a first node for permanently programming connection of the first ROM pass transistor to either a voltage line or a ground line, and a second node for permanently programming connection of the second ROM pass transistor to either the voltage line or the ground line.

In one embodiment, a dynamic random access memory (DRAM) is provided that includes: a plurality of memory cells arranged into rows and columns, wherein each memory cell comprises an access transistor coupled to a storage transistor, each access transistor being arranged in a rectangular shape having a length greater than a width, the length being aligned with a corresponding column, the access transistor coupling to a storage transistor having a width greater than the width of the rectangular shape, the access transistor having a length aligned with a corresponding row such that each memory cell is L-shaped, and wherein the L-shaped memory cells in each column are staggered with respect to neighboring columns such that the L-shaped memory cells in a given column are interlocked with the L-shaped memory cells in an adjacent column.

Embodiments of the invention may generally provide techniques that allow a single externally supplied chip select signal to be used to independently select a plurality of devices in a multi-chip package (MCP). For some embodiments, higher order address bits are compared to device IDs assigned to each device. An internally generated chip select line is asserted for a device having a match between the address bits and its device ID.

A printed circuit board 1 including a group of consecutive soldering lands 3 for soldering a lead-type electronic part 2 with a plurality of leads 2a, includes a solder drawing land 4 having a cross-shaped slit 4a and being provided adjacently to a rearmost portion of the group of the consecutive soldering lands 3.

In one example embodiment, a pluggable optoelectronic module includes a shell with a front, back, and first and second sides. A first guiderail protrudes from the first side and extends from the front of the shell to the back of the shell. A second guiderail protrudes from the second side and also extends from the front of the shell to the back of the shell. A first thumbscrew runs the length of the module and is housed within the first guiderail. A second thumbscrew also runs the length of the module and is housed within the second guiderail. The two thumbscrews are configured to secure the module to a host device when the module is plugged into the host device.

According to one embodiment, an electronic device includes a casing at least a part of which is made of metal, an in-casing member which is housed in the casing and becomes warm when the electronic device is in operation, and a boss member formed separately from the casing and made of resin. The boss member is attached to the metal part of the casing and is interposed between the casing and the in-casing member.

A heat exchanger allows establishment of a flat space between first and second plates. The heat exchanger is inserted in a closed circulating loop for coolant. The flat space is allowed to have a cross-section larger than that of a cylindrical duct of the closed circulating loop. The flat space serves as a flow passage. An increased cross-section enables a reduction in the flow speed of the coolant. The coolant is allowed to slowly flow through the flat space. The coolant thus contacts with the first and second plates for a longer time. The heat of the coolant is sufficiently transferred to the first and second plates. The efficiency of heat radiation is enhanced.

A mechanism for changing ownership over the physical power to a blade server in a blade center chassis that prevents a malfunctioning blade from jeopardizing other components in the chassis. When the management module is not present, control over power to the blade is switched to a service processor on the blade. This arbitration of control over power to a blade is accomplished by implementing a watchdog timer mechanism. The management module is responsible for tickling the watchdog timer when the present in the chassis and operating normally. This mechanism provides the management module with control over power. If the management module malfunctions or is removed, control over power is switched to the local service processor on the blade server as soon as the watchdog timer is not tickled.

A disk drive head suspension flexure having a gimbal region and a tail includes a metal base layer, an insulation layer over the base layer and two or more pairs of adjacent traces extending over the insulation layer from the gimbal region to the tail. Each trace includes terminals on the gimbal region and tail. Two or more conductive metal signal transmission planes are embedded within the insulation layer and extend from the gimbal region to the tail between the pairs of traces and metal base layer. Each of the embedded signal transmission planes has a width extending across a width of a pair of the traces. Terminals on the gimbal region and tail are coupled to the signal transmission planes by connection vias extending through the insulation layer.

According to one embodiment, there is to provide a servo write method of writing a multi-spiral servo pattern to a disk medium, the method including a process of writing a spiral index pattern to the disk medium, the spiral index pattern being a spiral pattern including the same region as that of a servo burst signal included in the spiral servo pattern and a region that allows the spiral index pattern to be distinguished from the spiral servo pattern, the spiral index pattern being used as a reference for a write start.

A communications circuit includes a first filter having a corner frequency that is adjustable. A data type identifier that tracks first and second types of data flowing through the communications circuit. A control module that adjusts the corner frequency of the first filter to provide alternating current (AC) coupling during the first type of data and adjusts the corner frequency of the first filter to provide direct current (DC) coupling during the second type of data.

A disk drive is disclosed comprising a disk including a plurality of servo tracks defined by a plurality of servo sectors, wherein each servo sector comprises a plurality of servo bursts. The disk drive further comprises a head actuated over the disk. A servo sector is read to generate a read signal which is processed to demodulate the servo bursts into a position error signal (PES) representing an offset of the head from a target radial location on the disk. The read signal is also processed to decode the servo bursts into a Gray codeword representing at least part of a servo track address, wherein the servo track address represents a servo track the head is over.

The present invention relates to direct current (“DC”) pre-erasing servo channels of a magnetic tape prior to writing servo data in a servo channel. The present invention particularly relates to those servo recordings which were written with a uni-polar current waveform. The DC pre-erase is performed using a uni-polar direct current of a polarity that is opposite to the polarity of the direct current used to write the servo data. This pre-erase may be done with one or more heads. Also, as will be described, the pre-erase of a servo channel and writing to a servo channel may be done by making two passes over a single head or by using two or more heads to perform both steps. Also, it is within the scope of the present invention to have the heads mounted on a single mount or have the heads on separate mounts and on separate tape decks.

A signal processing apparatus has a plurality of baseline wander correcting units, provided in a processing path in which a predetermined processing is performed on an input signal. Baseline wander of the signal is corrected sequentially by each of the plurality of baseline wander correcting units. At least a baseline wander correcting unit placed in the initial stage may correct baseline wander by a feedback control. The baseline wander correcting units correct the baseline wanders, respectively, so that the wander of baseline can be efficiently corrected.

Apparatus, methods, and systems provide focusing, focus-adjusting, and sensing. In some approaches the focus-adjusting includes providing an extended depth of focus greater than a nominal depth of focus. In some approaches the focus-adjusting includes focus-adjusting with a transformation medium, where the transformation medium may include an artificially-structured material such as a metamaterial.

System for improving audiovisual communication, the system including a line of sight determining system for determining a user line of sight of the eyes of a user, and an image display system coupled with the line of sight determining system, the image display system displaying a supplementary image for the eyes, and controlling a property of the supplementary image and of a scene image, according to the determined user line of sight.

A method of producing a mold for use in duplicating a light diffusion sheet is provided. The method includes a step of conducting sand blasting for blasting abrasive material from a blast gun to a surface of a mold base material to form unevenness in the surface of the mold base material, wherein the abrasive material is blasted to the surface of the mold base material at a blast angle of less than 90°.

System and method for reducing failures due to hinge memory in a microdisplay display system. A preferred embodiment includes setting the state of each micromirror in a digital micromirror device based on an image being displayed, recording a usage history for the micromirrors, and providing a sequence of states to each micromirror when the display system is in an inactive mode. The sequence of states provided to a micromirror is based on the micromirror's usage history. The operation of the micromirrors while a display system containing the digital micromirror device is not in active use can help to reverse or eliminate hinge memory, thereby extending the lifetime of the digital micromirror device.

An image processing method of processing image data includes a color space conversion step of converting an input color signal of image data into an output color signal having cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y) values; a black generation/under color removal step of converting the CMY values into cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) values by adding a black (K) value and decreasing the CMY values so that portions of cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y) recording liquids used to form the image data are replaced with a black (K) recording liquid; and a total amount control step of controlling amounts of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) recording liquids calculated from the CMYK values so that a total amount of the CMYK recording liquids per unit area on a recording medium does not exceed a predetermined total amount limit.

An image processing apparatus performs color conversion processing on an input image based on an attribute of the input image, such as if the image is text or a drawing. An image is reduced, and the color conversion is performed. The color converted image is then enlarged. The image is then output by a computer or stored.

An image formation device is provided with an image formation section, an image acquisition section, a paper supply cassette and a support body. The image formation section forms images at a recording medium and is supported at a base surface. The image acquisition section is disposed at an upper side of the image formation section. The paper supply cassette is disposed at a lower side of the image formation section and can be drawn out to a near side. The support body supports the image acquisition section at the base surface and forms a cassette cavity which is capable of accommodating a far side of the paper supply cassette.

An image forming apparatus includes an image forming unit adapted to form images of a plurality of colors in a manner in which a predetermined pattern of a predetermined color is registered thereon and superimpose those images to form a color image, a controller configured to control the image forming unit so as to form a patch image of each color for density detection, and a detector configured to detect the density of each of the patch images. The controller controls the image forming unit so as to superimpose the predetermined pattern of the predetermined color upon the patch image of a predetermined color and not to superimpose the predetermined pattern of the predetermined color upon the patch images of the other colors.

An image processing method processes image data to be output to an image forming apparatus that is capable of making a two-way recording to form an image on a recording medium by recording in a forward path and a return path of a scan by an ink-jet recording head. The image processing method includes a halftone process that is based on an inclined line-group keytone and maintains keytone continuity, including a dither process in which the inclined line-group keytone appears at a stage where the recording in the forward path is made.

A pseudo random number generating circuit forms uniform distribution random number noises. An insertion noise data forming unit receives the uniform distribution random number noises, center-distributes them around 0 as a center, further reads out output correction values of every recording device from an LED characteristics variation data memory, center-distributes them on the basis of the output correction values, and outputs them. A noise inserting circuit receives an output of the insertion noise data forming unit and adds it to input image data. The occurrence a stripe-shaped concentration variation on an output image is prevented, so that a good output image is obtained.

A method is used to identify a single panel or proof copy that has a printed image of defective quality on printed material that includes several such panels or proof copies. An image of at least part of the printed material is captured photographically. Data, that correlates with the captured image, is analyzed to determine if a defect exists which reduces the quality of the printed image on the printed material. Information with respect to the specific location of the proof copy which contains the defect is determined by comparing the data which correlates with the captured image, to an electronically generated data record which includes information, with respect to the arrangement, form or size of the individual panel that is located on the printed material. An image processing system may perform the comparison of the data record for the form of the individual panel or proof copy on the printed material. That data record may originate from a punching die which is used for separating the individual panels or proof copies of the printed material.

An image forming apparatus includes an image data input unit configured to take in image data, an image data memory unit configured to save image data, a data output unit configured to output the image data in a specific format, and an image data erasing unit configured to erase the image data saved in the image memory unit after output processing by the data output unit is completed. The image data erasing unit requests the user to make a selection as to whether or not an erasing manipulation for image data as an erasure object is executed, and erases the image data by an erasing method at a different security level according to the selection in response to a selection request.

An image transmitting apparatus includes: an address acquiring component that acquires an first address of a document image on the basis of address information other than numbers added to the document image; an address input component that receives input of the second address with respect to the document image; a match determining component that determines whether or not the second address that the address input component has received and the first address that the address acquiring component has acquired match; and a transmitting component that transmits the document image in accordance with the determination result of the match determining component.

A system and method are provided for supporting printer-based features in an IPDS printing environment. The system and method enable the printer to assign logical page identifiers to IPDS pages and track them internally. The printer only reports status to the host computer for pages flagged as host generated pages. Printer generated pages are not included in IPDS page counts. This enables one to invoke advanced printer-based features at the printer without corrupting the counts used by the host computer for error recovery and print job management in the IPDS printing environment.

An image forming apparatus is provided with a storage device having storage areas divided corresponding to a characteristic value allocated for each print requesting person. Upon receiving print data and a characteristic value from an external device, the image forming apparatus stores the print data into a storage area which has been allocated the same characteristic value as the received characteristic value. The image forming apparatus subjects print data stored in the storage areas in the storage device to image formation processing on a storage area basis.

In a trench shape measuring apparatus, a substrate having a trench pattern extending in a predetermined trench direction on a measurement area is held by a holding part. A light emission part applies illumination light to the measurement area and reflected light of the illumination light from the measurement area is spectrally dispersed by a diffraction grating of a spectroscope, to acquire a measured spectral reflectance. Since the diffraction grating is arranged so that an angle formed between a direction on the substrate corresponding to a grating direction of the diffraction grating and the trench direction becomes 45 degrees, even if an oscillation direction of the reflected light from the substrate is limited by influence of the trench pattern, it is possible to accurately obtain a spectral reflectance of the measurement area without influence of polarization of the reflected light and obtain a depth of the trench pattern with accuracy.

A light pipe for an optical navigation system. The light pipe includes a collection surface, a collimation surface, and a reflective surface. The collection surface is to accept incident light into the light pipe from a light source. The collimation surface is to collimate the light and to direct the collimated light to a navigation plane for detection by a navigation sensor. The reflective surface is between the collection surface and the collimation surface and is to reflect the light along a reflective path as the light travels within the light pipe from the collection surface to the collimation surface. The reflective surface has a curved geometry oriented substantially along the path of travel of the light through the light pipe. The curved geometry of the reflective path facilitates convergence of the light with respect to a first axis.

An atomic analyzer includes a plasma generator, in which a discharge gas is fed in a micro gap between a pair of electrodes to generate nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma, a bias voltage controller that includes a plasma-leading electrode for leading the nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma generated by the plasma generator to an object to be irradiated, the object to be irradiated with the nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma is placed on the plasma-leading electrode, a bias voltage is applied between the plasma-leading electrode and the electrodes of the plasma generator to irradiate the object with the nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma, and a spectrometer that analyzes atoms spectroscopically from light emitted from atomized generated by atomizing a substance composing the object to be irradiated by the nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma irradiation or from light absorbed by the atomized atoms.

Apparatus for extracting light from an optical waveguide (12) by bending the waveguide to such an extent that a portion of any light propagating in the waveguide leaks therefrom comprises a bending unit (10) for bending a portion of the waveguide in dependence upon a control signal (S) and providing a detection signal (Pd) proportional to light leaked from the waveguide. A control unit (14) varies the control signal (S) in response to the detection signal (Pd) to cause the bending unit (10) to progressively decrease the bending angle and has a processor unit (46) which computes a rate of change (dPd/dR) of the detection signal (Pd) with respect to bending radius (R) and causes the bending unit to maintain that bending radius at which the aforesaid rate of change is substantially equal to a predetermined value.

A liquid supply system for an immersion lithographic projection apparatus is disclosed in which a space is defined between the projection system, a barrier member and a substrate. The barrier member is not sealed such that, during use, immersion liquid is allowed to flow out the space and between the barrier member and the substrate.

A liquid crystal lens element having a lens function capable of stably correcting spherical aberration containing a power component corresponding to focus change of incident light according to the magnitude of applied voltage.The liquid crystal lens element comprises a pair of transparent substrates 11 and 12, one (12) of the transparent electrodes is provided with a transparent electrode 15 and a Fresnel lens surface 17, and the other one (11) of the pair of transparent electrodes is provided with a phase correction surface 18 and a transparent electrode 16. Thus, by disposing a Fresnel lens surface 17 and a liquid crystal layer 13 between a pair of transparent electrodes 15 and 16, it becomes possible to change substantial refractive index distribution of the liquid crystal layer 13 according to the magnitude of applied voltage, and to add a positive or negative power to a wavefront transmitted through the liquid crystal layer 13, the Fresnel lens surface 17 and the phase correction surface 18.

A thin film transistor substrate includes; a substrate, a plurality of gate lines disposed on the substrate, a plurality of data lines disposed substantially perpendicular to the gate lines, wherein the plurality of data liens include a plurality of outermost data lines, a plurality of thin film transistors (“TFTs”) connected to the gate and data lines, a plurality of pixel electrodes connected to the plurality of TFTs, and a plurality of dummy patterns connected to the outermost data lines.

An LCD display system provides colored backlighting to enhance the viewing experience of presentations by the display system. The liquid crystal display (LCD) system includes a monochrome LCD to display monochrome information including at least two sectors; at least two backlighting elements to emit light in a plurality of colors, each backlighting element associated with one sector of the LCD and configured to backlight the one associated sector with a color light; and a processing device to control display of the information on the LCD and to select the color emitted by each backlighting from the plurality of colors. Each backlighting element may include two or more different color light emitting diodes (LEDs) wherein the intensity of each color LED is controlled by the processing device to provide the color selected by the processing device. A reflective element may be positioned relative to the backlighting element to reflect the color light emitted by the backlighting element. A diffusing element may be positioned between the backlighting element and the LCD.

A method for manufacturing a lower substrate of a liquid crystal display device is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: (a) forming a patterned first metal layer, a first insulating layer, a patterned second metal layer and a second insulating layer on a substrate in sequence; (b) coating a transparent electrode layer and a negative photo resist layer on the second insulating layer; (c) irradiating the photo resist layer from the second surface of the substrate; (d) irradiating the photo resist layer from the first surface of the substrate, wherein part of the photo resist layer superposed over the second metal layer is covered by a mask; and (e) removing un-reacted photo resist and patterning the transparent electrode.

A data line and an amorphous silicon pattern are formed on a substrate. The first electrode pattern is extended from the data line and overlaps an edge of the amorphous silicon pattern. The second electrode pattern is made of the same metal as the first electrode pattern and overlaps the edge of the amorphous silicon pattern at an opposite side of the first electrode pattern. Edges of the first and the second electrode patterns are sharply formed so that a tunneling effect easily occurs through the amorphous silicon pattern. An indium-tin-oxide pattern for a capacitor is formed at the end of the second electrode pattern. The capacitor is formed between the ITO pattern and a common electrode.

Apparatuses and methods are described for performing time base correction and frame rate conversion with respect to signals. An apparatus includes circuitry to synthesize an output video clock. The apparatus has circuitry that receives an input video synchronization signal. The apparatus has circuitry to change a frequency of the output video clock based on an intended number of video clock cycles per input vertical period and a period of the input video synchronization signal.

A motion vector detection section detects a motion vector by using an image that is made up of multiple pixels and acquired by an image sensor having time integration effects. A time resolution creation section generates an image that has a higher time resolution by using the detected motion vector and the image made up of the multiple pixels. A motion-blurring-mitigated image generation section generates a motion-blurring-mitigated image in which motion blurring of a moving object is mitigated by using the detected motion vector on the assumption that a pixel value of pixel of the moving object in the image is a value obtained by integrating, in a time direction, a pixel value of each pixel in which no motion blurring that corresponds to the moving object occur as it is moved.

An image reproducing device that displays frames or index images of still images and moving images so that a user can distinguish the still images from the moving images when looking at them in one-frame reproducing or index reproducing. The display style of the still images is different from that of frames of the moving images For example, each still image has a white frame like a picture, and a frame of each moving image has perforations like a movie film. Therefore, the user can distinguish the still images from the moving images when looking at them.

A MOS image sensor IC has a silicon substrate, a MOS transistor and photodiodes disposed on the silicon substrate, and pixel regions each comprising one of the photodiodes. A protective film is disposed around the pixel regions. A first conductor for potential fixation is disposed under the protective film and surrounds the pixel regions. The first conductor is electrically fixed to a potential of the silicon substrate.

A scanning circuit of an image sensor using light sensor circuits each representing a unit pixel and producing a sensor signal corresponding to a current flowing in a photoelectric converting element, in which pixel signals are saturated by previously turning on the light sensor circuits and sequentially reading saturated pixel sensor signals, achieving stable and high-speed reading-out of the sensor signals from the image sensor.

Techniques are described for detecting a vertical line artifact in an image captured with a digital camera. The vertical line artifact may be caused by a defect in the digital camera. Techniques also are described for correcting a vertical line artifact in an image captured with a digital camera. It may be determined that the vertical line artifact includes at least one pixel in the vertical line having a non-zero suppressed signal. A value for the pixel having the non-zero suppressed signal may be determined. A statistically-based correction may be applied to the pixel having the non-zero suppressed signal based on the determination that the pixel has a non-zero suppressed signal and the determined value of the pixel. The image may be a portion of a movie stored on a DVD.

In a noise reduction apparatus or method, at least one of a luminance noise estimate value estimating a luminance noise of a target pixel and a chrominance noise estimate value estimating a chrominance noise of the target pixel is estimated in accordance with an average of luminance signals allocated to a first set of pixels including the target pixel. A noise reduction is performed to a selected one of the luminance noise and the chrominance noise one target pixel by one target pixel based on a corresponding one of a first set of information including the average of luminance signals and the luminance noise estimate value and a second set of information including an average of chrominance signals and the chrominance noise estimate value, the average of chrominance signals being allocated to a second set of pixels including the target pixel.

An LCD driver starts reading a digital image signal of one frame from a VRAM in response to a reproduction timing signal. A driving timing signal generator generates a driving timing signal in response to a synchronizing signal, whose phase is shifted by a delay time from the reproduction timing signal. So a phase difference corresponding to the delay time is provided between the driving timing signal and the reproduction timing signal. Synchronously with the driving timing signal, an image sensor is driven to shoot a subject and output an analog image signal of one frame. After being converted into a digital form, the image signal is written in the VRAM sequentially from the first line of one frame. The phase difference is determined so that the LCD driver starts reading the image signal sequentially from the first line, immediately after the first line is written in the VRAM.

An image photographing and recording device and method. In the device and method, a scene is repeatedly photographed at a predetermined frame rate as a static image of a predetermined resolution. Static image data outputted by photographing is successively recorded on a recording medium, the static image data being in non-compressed or compressed by a compression method which does not utilize correlation between frames. A static image or a dynamic image as an object of output is designated. When a static image is designated, static image data corresponding to the static image is read-out from the recording medium. When a dynamic image is designated, a static image data group corresponding to the dynamic image is read-out, and image processing for a dynamic image is carried out thereon, and data obtained by the image processing for a dynamic image is outputted as dynamic image data.

A motion detector camera includes a housing, a camera mechanism located within the housing, a motion detector exposed on a surface of the housing. The camera can include a solar panel coupled to the housing to provide power to the camera mechanism. The camera can include an information display exposed on an outer surface of the housing. The camera can include digital camera electronics and an image display screen.

According to a remote control device of the present invention, the operation situation according to the transmission of the remote control signal is judged based on a changing brightness of the image, and the information of the content according to the result of judgment is displayed. Thereby, it is possible to investigate a reaction of the apparatus to be controlled to the remote control signal, and visually indicate the reaction to the user.

The invention concerns a method of broadcasting data files, in particular multimedia files, during a video conference using a sending terminal and a man/machine interface located in the said terminal. According to the method proposed, the broadcasting of the files is effected in real time with a current video conference communication, without breaking this communication, using the audio and video channels open for this communication, a participant being able, using the said terminal, by means of a simple selection of the file appearing on his screen and movement of this, to activate the launch of the broadcasting of the file to be broadcast.

An imaging system comprises a laser source for emitting a beam, a photoconductive surface, a scanning device and a controller. The controller designates at least a first part and a second part of each line of image data, corresponding to a first part and a second part of each associated sweep of the beam. The laser source is modulated based upon the first part of the line of image data during the first part of a first one of the associated sweeps of the beam. The laser source is not modulated according to image data for the second part of the first one of the sweeps. During the first part of a second one of the associated sweeps of the beam, the laser source is not modulated based upon image data. However, the laser source is modulated based upon the second part of the line of image data during the second part of the second one of the sweeps.

A video signal is processed using dither coefficients. Dither coefficients pattern signals are generated. Each pattern signal carries positive and negative dither coefficients arranged in an (n×m) matrix where “n” and “m” being positive integers larger than zero, the sum total of the coefficients being zero. One of the pattern signal is selected for each predetermined unit of picture carried by the video signal. Or, it is selected according to locations of dither coefficients on pixels arranged on a display panel. Dither coefficients of the selected pattern signal are added to an input video signal, thus outputting a video signal to be supplied to the display panel. Instead of the dither coefficients pattern signals, dither pattern signals can be generated, each carrying positional data indicating locations of dither coefficients on the pixels on the display panel. A dither coefficient signal to be added to the input signal is generated which carries the dither coefficients arranged in a matrix for each gradation level of the input video signal in response to one of the dither pattern signal. Dither coefficients pattern signals can be generated according to color gradation levels of data carried by the input video signal, the data being supplied to each of dot matrices that constitute the pixels, each pattern signal carrying dither coefficients arranged in a matrix corresponding to each dot matrix. One of dither coefficients is selected from each pattern signal with respect to each dot matrix, thus outputting a dither coefficients pattern signal that carries the dither coefficients selected from the pattern signals and arranged in the matrix. The dither coefficients carried by the output pattern signal to be added to the input video signal are adjusted so that the sum total of the dither coefficients carried by the output pattern signal is zero.

Improved methods are provided for calibrating color on a color display coupled to a computer, which are useful for obtaining calibrated data in a virtual proof network for enabling different color devices to render consistent color. Methods involve user interactions with screens on the display to set color display parameters. An apparatus is also provided for calibrating a sensor which may be used for measuring color of a display in one or more of these methods.

Methods, systems and data structures produce a rasterizer. A graphical state is detected on a machine architecture. The graphical state is used for assembling a shell rasterizer. The machine architecture is used for selecting replacement logic that replaces portions of shell logic in the shell rasterizer. The machine architecture is used for selectively inserting memory management logic into portions of the shell logic to produce.

A system and method for stationary semantic zooming. Stationary semantic zooming allows selected non-spatial rendering attributes, such as level of detail, to be varied according to other specified non-spatial rendering attributes. Stationary semantic zooming allows low importance objects to be rendered with a lower level of detail than higher importance objects. A system and method for displaying network status and realty information using stationary semantic zooming are also disclosed.

A voltage regulator 10 includes: a level shifting circuit unit 14 shifting a first voltage, which is a voltage level of a first power source 12, to a target value of a second voltage to output the shifted first voltage; a voltage-to-current converting circuit unit 20 varying a magnitude of an output current to output the current while changing a direction of a current using a variable power source 22 varying a voltage to larger and smaller values than a center voltage of an arbitrarily variable voltage range; and an adder-subtracter circuit unit 32 having a first terminal on one side, the first terminal being connected to an output terminal of the level shifting circuit unit, and a second terminal on the other side, the terminal being connected to a resistance element disposed between the second terminal and an output terminal, the resistance element allowing an output current of the voltage-to-current converting circuit unit to flow therethrough as a bias current, wherein a second voltage V2 is output from an output terminal 42.

A system for displaying textual information includes a receiver (300) for receiving textual information that includes a plurality of words. A text segmenter (302), operatively associated with the receiver (300), segments the plurality of words into a plurality of word segments, each word segment having one or more words. A user interface device (304) receives a signal initiated by an action of a user to indicate a display rate. A display device (306) including a processor and a memory, is coupled to the text segmenter and the user interface device. The display device (306) displays the word segments in a temporal sequence by displaying a first word segment for a first display duration, that is based on the display rate, at a first position on the display device (306) and automatically proceeding to display a second word segment for a second display duration, that is based on the display rate, at a second position on the display device (306).

A mobile phone includes a pointing device and an activation mark in the vicinity of the display section. When a user moves a pointer on the display section to a position indicating the mark and operates the decision key, a predetermined action is activated. The number of icons that can be displayed on the display section of the mobile phone is limited. Therefore, in order to easily activate a number of actions of the mobile phone, the aforementioned mark is utilized.

A low-cost haptic feedback trackball device for providing haptic feedback to a user for enhancing interactions in a graphical environment provided by a computer. The trackball device includes a sensor device that detects the movement of a sphere in two rotary degrees of freedom. An actuator applies a force preferably along a z-axis perpendicular to the plane of the surface supporting the device, where the force is transmitted through the housing to the user. The output force is correlated with interaction of a controlled graphical object, such as a cursor, with other graphical objects in the displayed graphical environment. Preferably, at least one compliant element is provided between a portion of the housing contacted by the user and the support surface, where the compliant element amplifies the force output from the actuator by allowing the contacted portion of the housing to move with respect to the support surface. The force can be an inertial force, contact force, or a combination of forces that provide tactile sensations to the user.

A pointing device for a computer system includes a displacement transducer of the pointing device, provided with: an inertial sensor, supplying acceleration signals indicative of an acceleration according to two axes of detection; and a processing unit, which, on the basis of the acceleration signals, generates velocity signals regarding the pointing device. The processing unit further includes: a state-recognition stage, for selectively recognizing a condition rest and a motion condition of the pointing device on the basis of the velocity signals; and an estimating module, controlled by the state-recognition stage for determining an estimate of stationary disturbance contained in the acceleration signals when the pointing device is in the rest condition.

An apparatus includes a polarity reversing section which generates a polarity reversing signal for the liquid crystal drive voltage; a liquid crystal driver which reverses the polarity of the liquid crystal drive voltage based on the polarity reversing signal to drive the liquid crystal display panel; a warning signal generation section which generates a warning signal indicating the polarity reverse before the polarity of the liquid crystal drive voltage is reversed; and a regulator section which controls a supply of the liquid crystal drive voltage in accordance with the warning signal.

A liquid crystal display includes a plurality of subpixels respectively having switching elements and arranged in a matrix, a plurality of gate lines connected to the subpixels via the switching elements and transmitting a gate signal for turning on or off the switching elements, and a plurality of data lines connected to the subpixels via the switching elements and transmitting a data voltage. The respective subpixels are located in areas defined by two adjacent gate lines and two adjacent data lines, which are uniquely connected to a pair of gate line and data line, and at least one of the subpixels is connected to the different gate lines or the data line positioned at opposite side with respect to the other subpixel of the same row. In this case, a pair of subpixels adjacent above and below are connected to the gate line therebetween or the gate lines positioned at opposite side each other. In this way, any inversions for each color can be performed without changing conventional driving ICs.

An emission control driver compensates for the threshold voltages of transistors to provide uniform brightness using a plurality of emission control signal generating circuits.

Each pixel includes: a light emitting element; a capacitor; a driving transistor that has a control terminal, an input terminal, and an output terminal and supplies a driving current to the light emitting element to emit light; a first switching unit that diode-connects the driving transistor and supplies a data voltage to the driving transistor in response to a scanning signal; and a second switching unit that supplies a driving voltage to the driving transistor and connects the light emitting element and the capacitor to the driving transistor in response to an emission signal, wherein the capacitor is connected to the driving transistor through the first switching unit, stores a control voltage being a function of the data voltage and the threshold voltage of the driving transistor, and is connected to the driving transistor through the second switching unit to supply the control voltage to the driving transistor.

One embodiment of this invention pertains to a high throughput screening technique to identify current leakage in matrix-structured electronic devices. Because elements that are likely to develop a short have relatively high leakage current at zero operation hours, by identifying elements with the relatively high leakage current, the electronic devices that are more likely to later develop a short can be differentiated. The screening technique includes performing the following actions: selecting one of multiple first lines; applying a first voltage to the selected first line; applying a second voltage to the one or more of the first lines that are not selected; floating the multiple second lines; and measuring the voltages on the second lines, either sequentially one line at a time or measuring all the lines at the same time.

A display apparatus, that includes current driving type luminescent elements, has a driving system that takes the conduction types of TFTs to control the emission of the luminescent elements into consideration. In order to reduce driving voltage and improve display quality simultaneously, the arrangement is provided such that if the second TFT which performs the “on-off” function of the current for the luminescent element is of an N channel type, the potential of the common power supply line (“com”) is lowered below the potential of the opposite electrode (“op”) of the luminescent element to obtain a higher gate voltage (“Vgcur”). In this case, if the first TFT connected to the gate of the second TFT is of a P channel type, when using the potential of the potential-holding electrode (“st”) at the “on” state as a reference, potentials of the scanning signal (“Sgate”) at the lower potential and the common power supply line (“com”) are rendered of the same polarities with respect to this potential of the potential-holding electrode (“st”). Therefore, the potential of the image signal (“data”) to turn “on” can be shifted within the range of the driving voltage in the display apparatus in the direction to reduce resistances at the “on” states of the first TFT and the second TFT to reduce driving voltage and improve display quality.

A lighting rate is calculated from a video signal input in a plasma display device, and an output current of DC-DC converter, which is the same as a discharge current in a sustain period corresponding to the lighting rate, is synchronized with a generation timing of discharge current. With such a configuration, even if discharge current in the sustain period of each subfield is rapidly changed, a sustain pulse voltage can be kept constant.

A plasma display panel comprising an energy recovery circuit and a driving method thereof are provided. The plasma display panel comprises an energy charging part for supplying a predetermined voltage, an energy supply and recovery part for receiving an energy of the predetermined voltage from the energy charging part, and a pulse forming part. The pulse forming part supplies the energy of the predetermined voltage supplied from the energy supply and recovery part to the plasma display panel, maintains a sustain voltage of the plasma display panel, and recovers the energy of the predetermined voltage to the energy supply and recovery part.

According to one embodiment, a method for providing position feedback for a device includes providing a photointerrupter having a light-emitting diode, a phototransistor, and an aperture between the light-emitting diode and the phototransistor. For a given size aperture, a current through the phototransistor is a function of a current through the light-emitting diode. The method also includes controlling the current through the light-emitting diode current such that a change in the effective aperture size results in a desired approximately proportional change in current through the phototransistor. While controlling the current through the light-emitting diode, a portion of the aperture is blocked by an arm that has a position indicative of the position of the device. The method also includes providing a signal indicative of the change in current through the photodiode as an indication of the change in position of the device.

Methods and apparatus for components according to various aspects of the present invention operate in conjunction with reaction bonded silicon nitride (RBSN). In one embodiment, a missile radome comprises a wall defining the radome body, including a base and a tip. The wall may comprise a core and one or more skins adjacent the core, such as in a sandwich configuration. The core and the skins may have different densities. The radome wall may be configured to transmit wideband RF signals. The RBSN may be extruded to form the radome.

A single pole antenna array architecture provides an azimuth variable beamwidth. The array includes a number of driven radiating elements that are spatially arranged having a pivoting actuator so as to provide a controlled variation of the antenna array's radiation pattern.

A portable electronic device includes a circuit board and an antenna coil installed on the circuit board. The antenna coil includes a magnetic core and a coil wound at either side of an unwound portion. The winding direction of the coil is changed at either side of the unwound portion. When the length of the magnetic core is defined as X and the distance between two intersecting points at which a virtual line formed by projecting the central line of the magnetic core onto the circuit board intersects the outer periphery of the circuit board is defined as Y, the antenna coil satisfies Y≧X≧0.8Y.

A slot antenna apparatus includes a grounding conductor having an outer edge including a first portion and a second portion, a one-end-opened slot formed in the grounding conductor along a radiation direction such that an open end is provided at a center of the first portion, a first feed line intersecting with the slot to feed radio-frequency signals, a second feed line connected to an external circuit, and a signal processing circuit including active elements and connected between the first and second feed lines and connected to the grounding conductor. The grounding conductor is configured to be symmetric about an axis parallel to the radiation direction and passing through the slot, and is provided with a grounding terminal on the axis of symmetry at the second portion. The grounding terminal is to be connected to a ground of the external circuit.

According to the invention, a system for adjusting the polarity of an antenna is disclosed. The system may include a spherical structure, at least one arm, and a coupling apparatus. The spherical structure may be at least partially spherical in shape about a central point and may include a first plurality of magnets. The at least one arm may be in proximity to the spherical structure, may include a second plurality of magnets, and may be coupled with the antenna. The coupling apparatus may be fixedly coupled with the antenna and rotatably coupled with the at least one arm. The coupling apparatus may include a third plurality of magnets, where at least a portion of the magnets may be configured to be selectively activated to rotate the coupling apparatus relative to the at least one arm.

A complex antenna device includes: an antenna base having a main surface and first and second ends opposed to each other; a bar antenna including a metal body and disposed upright on a side of the first end of the antenna base; at least one planar antenna mounted on the main surface of the antenna base between the first and second ends of the antenna base; a metallic member provided on a side of the second end of the antenna base so as to substantially remove physical influence of the bar antenna on the planar antenna.

A panel-mounted vehicle antenna module includes exterior and interior components that are joined in a single operation to simultaneously achieve both mechanical fastening of the module and through-the-panel electrical connections of the antenna. The exterior and interior components are equipped with electrical connector terminals that are coupled when the exterior and interior components are joined, and alignment features that ensure accurate alignment of the connector terminals. The exterior component is temporarily retained against the panel, the interior component is temporarily attached to the exterior component, and a bolt is driven from the interior component into the exterior component to complete the mechanical attachment and electrical connections. Electrical cables hard-wired to the interior component are connected to the vehicle wiring harness to complete the installation.

A mobile communications device includes a circuit board and a monopole antenna. The monopole antenna includes a feed part electrically connected to the circuit board and directed away from the circuit board at an acute angle, a connecting part extending from the feed part in a direction substantially perpendicular to the circuit board, a first radiating part extending from the connecting part, and a second radiating part also extending from the connecting part.

A wide band indoor antenna includes a low band section with four modified spiral (MSE) elements, a high band section with a bent folded monopole (BFM) radiator mounted on a ground plane and a feeding plate for feeding the low band section and the high band section via a diplexer. The BFM radiator mounted on the ground plane can serve independently as a high frequency monopole antenna.

Provided is an antenna comprising a first dielectric resonator antenna operative within a first frequency band, a second dielectric resonator antenna operative within a second frequency band, and a feeding structure electrically coupled to the first and second dielectric resonator antennas to receive and transmit signals at the first and second frequency bands through the first and second dielectric resonator antennas.

A method of using a bistatic passive radar system for tracking a plurality of targets utilizing transmitted radar signals from at least one satellite platform in a geosynchronous orbit with the earth, a radar receiver capturing signals from a reflection of the transmitted radar signals from each target, tracking a position of each target over time, and a processing method for computation of a fire control solution of each target.

In order to image test objects by electromagnetic waves, in particular millimetric waves, a test object is illuminated with the electromagnetic waves, the scattered waves are received, and are evaluated for a representation of the test object in the form of an image based on the principle of “synthetic aperture radar” (SAR). In order to allow as large an area as possible to be imaged with high resolution in a short time, the phase centres of the transmitting and receiving antennas are, according to the invention, moved on a circular path parallel to the respective digital focus planes of the imaging system, and are at the same time shifted linearly in a further direction parallel to the respective focus plane. The method can be used for monitoring people for suspicious objects, for example for monitoring airline passengers at an airport.

A system, apparatus and method for a folding analog-to-digital converter (ADC) are described. The general architecture of the folding ADC includes an array (1-N) of cascaded folding amplifier stages, a distributed array of fine comparators, and an encoder. Each folding amplifier stage includes folding amplifiers that are configured to receive inputs from a prior stage, and also generate output signals for the next stage. The folding amplifiers output signals for a given stage are evaluated by a corresponding comparator stage, which may include multiple comparators, and also optionally coupled to an interpolator. The outputs of the comparators from all stages are collectively evaluated by the encoder, which generates the output of the folding ADC. Unlike conventional folding ADCs that require fine and coarse channels, the presently described folding ADC provides conversion without the need for a coarse channel. The encoder can also be arranged to facilitate recursive error correction.

A digital to analog converter (DAC) system comprising, a first segment, wherein a segment comprises, a first path including an array of resistors connected in series between a first reference voltage node and a second reference voltage node, wherein the array is connected to a first switch device disposed between nodes of the array and an output node, and a third path including a second resistor in series with a second switch device, wherein the third path is connected in parallel with the first path.

A sensor system for a machine tool with at least one sensor with at least one measurement instrument, which measures a physical quantity occurring within the machine tool, which is related to a machining process performed by the machine tool; with a first energy supply for supply of the at least one measurement instrument of the sensor, wherein the first energy supply receives electric energy from a surrounding electromagnetic field in a wireless way; and with a second energy supply for supplying the at least one measurement instrument of the sensor, wherein the second energy supply comprises at least one battery.

A garage monitoring system is provided that determines if the garage door is opened or closed, and will not issue a move door command if the garage door is already opened and it will not issue a move door command if smoke is detected first. The system's sequence of operation is can thus be described as follows: a. If CO is detected first, high concentration, sound alarm and open door immediately. b. If CO is detected first, low concentration, sound alarm and wait a time period to see if smoke alarm activates. If smoke alarm does not activate, open garage door, otherwise do not change the position of the garage door. c. If smoke is detected first, sound alarm and do not change the position of the garage door.

An apparatus for use in a multi-purpose piping system that provides water to both domestic uses and to fire sprinklers, the apparatus comprising: piping having an inlet and an outlet; a detector, located between the inlet and outlet, that distinguishes between a fire sprinkler water flow and a domestic use water flow; and a drain connection located between the inlet and the outlet. A multipurpose piping system using the apparatus in a system incorporating at least one fire sprinkler, the piping system also supplying at least one other use in the structure.

Disclosed is a method, system and apparatus for use in remotely and internally tapping a conduit. The method is performed, at least partially, by an automatic mechanism or robot configured to effectively perform the tasks and various steps of the method. The method includes the steps of: (a) lining a conduit with a liner; and (b) inserting an automatic mechanism into an internal portion of the liner, wherein the automatic mechanism (i) locates a service tap connection point; and (ii) at least partially engages a fitting device within an internal surface of the service tap entry portion, thereby providing fluid communication between a service tap internal passageway and an internal portion of the liner. An automatic mechanism, a fitting device and an insert element are also disclosed.

A radio frequency identification device support (2) featuring an antenna (12) screen-printed on a support (20) and a chip (10) connected to the connection terminals (17 and 19) of the antenna. According to a main characteristic of the invention, a thermoplastic layer (22) and a top layer of synthetic paper (24) are laminated on the antenna support (20) so that the antenna and the chip are trapped in the thermoplastic and the three layers (20, 22, and 24) cannot be separated and so that the device is resistant to water and humid environments.

A security system and display module therefore protects an item of merchandise mounted on the display module in a retail environment. The item of merchandise is electrically and mechanically connected to a sensor which is removably mounted on the display module by a first power cord. A second power cord connects the display module to the sensor and a third power cord connects the display module to a source of electricity for supplying electric power to the sensor through the display module and then to the displayed item for maintaining the charge on a battery of the displayed item. The display module contains an alarm unit having an audible alarm which is actuated if the integrity of either of the first or second power cords is compromised. A plunger switch and LED may be contained in the sensor and in a base of the display module and connected to the internal alarm to provide additional security for the protected item of merchandise. The alarm is powered from the source of electricity but is automatically switched to the battery upon interruption of this power source.

Certain embodiments of the present invention provide a system for improved signal processing within a remote sensor system. The system includes a detection component and a processing component. The detection component is adapted to detect an event and generate a signal based at least in part on the event. The processing component adapted to process a signal based at least in part on a situation. Certain embodiments of the present invention provide a method for improved signal processing within a remote sensor system. The method includes determining a situation, detecting an event, generating a signal based at least in part on the event, and processing the signal based at least in part on the situational parameter.

Certain embodiments of the present invention provide a system for improved signal processing within a remote sensor system. The system includes a detection component and a processing component. The detection component is adapted to detect an event and generate a signal based at least in part on the event. The processing component adapted to determine an envelope of the signal based at least in part on a situation. Certain embodiments of the present invention provide a method for improved signal processing within a remote sensor system. The system includes detecting an event, generating a signal based at least in part on the event, and determining an envelope of the signal based at least in part on a situation.

Emergent information is created and utilized by an array of sensors. Each sensor is programmed with a trigger rule, which describes a local condition that must be met for the sensor to trigger an event signal, and a relationship rule, which describes a hierarchy of communication control among sensors in the array of sensors. When a predetermined weighted percentage of the sensors trigger event signals, emergent information that describes conditions at the array location is generated. An effectuator then takes appropriate steps to address the condition described by the emergent information.

An embodiment of an LED warning light includes a plurality of LED banks, each including a series of light emitting diodes. The LED warning light monitors an operational parameter of each LED bank to detect failure of an LED and produce a fault indication. The LED warning light includes a microcontroller programmed to evaluate the fault indications and take one or more pre-determined failure mode actions. Failure detection and failure mode actions are defined by program steps taken by firmware running in the microcontroller. Failure mode actions may include increasing the current delivered to remaining LED banks to compensate for the loss of luminance from the LEDs in a failed LED bank. Multiple bank failures may require shutting down the LED warning light to provide an obvious indication that the warning light is no longer in compliance with relevant regulations.

The present invention relates to a method of controlling a driver assistance system which can identify a danger situation with reference to a comparison of measured data with predetermined limit values and which can output a warning signal when it has identified a danger situation of this type. An additional control module is provided which determines an activity state of the driver in dependence on at least one input value which permits a conclusion on actions carried out by a driver and can suppress the outputting of the warning signal in dependence on this activity state.

Novel applications of nanocoil technology and novel methods of fabricating nanocoils for use in such applications and others. Such applications include inductors or traveling wave tubes fabricated from spiral nanocoils. Such applications includes inductors or traveling wave tubes fabricated from a method for fabricating nanocoils with a desired pitch. Such a method includes determining a desired pitch for fabricated nanocoil, selecting coiling arm orientation in which coiling arm orientation is arm angle between coiling arm an crystalline orientation of underlying substrate, whereby coiling arm orientation affects pitch of fabricated nanocoil, patterning coiling arm structure with selected coiling arm orientation, and, releasing coiling arm, whereby fabricated nanocoil is formed.

A microelectromechanical tunable inductor is formed from a pair of substantially-identically-sized coils arranged side by side and coiled up about a central axis which is parallel to a supporting substrate. An in-plane stress gradient is responsible for coiling up the coils which. The inductance provided by the tunable inductor can be electrostatically changed either continuously or in discrete steps using electrodes on the substrate and on each coil. The tunable inductor can be formed with processes which are compatible with conventional IC fabrication so that, in some cases, the tunable inductor can be formed on a semiconductor substrate alongside or on top of an IC.

An ignition coil includes primary and secondary coils, center and outer cores, and an ion current detector for transmitting an ion current detection output. The center core has an axial upper end defining a center core upper end surface. The outer core has an axial upper end defining an outer core upper end surface. The center core upper end surface axially protrudes upwardly relative to the outer core upper end surface. The center core upper end surface is located at a stagger distance axially from the outer core upper end surface. The stagger distance is defined such that a detection period for residual magnetic noise in the ion current detection output falls within a system requirement period of a control unit.

An electrical inductor assembly comprises an inductor core having a circular shape, a wire guide that surrounds the inductor core and includes a plurality of slots, at least one of the slots forming a path winding around the inductor core, and at least one wire placed in one of the plurality of slots to form a winding. A method of forming an electrical inductor assembly comprises forming an inductor core having a circular shape, surrounding the inductor core with a wire guide, winding at least one wire around the inductor core along a slot in the wire guide, and applying an insulating material to the slot containing the at least one wire to electrically insulate the at least one wire.

A linear solenoid includes a pair of soft iron pole members, which are in a spaced-apart linear arrangement. A permanent magnet is attached to the end of a plunger, which rides between the pole members. When a first of two electro-magnet coils is energized, the plunger which is latched to one of the pole members is repelled to the opposite pole member and latched. When the second coil is energized, the plunger returns to the original pole member and is latched.

Systems and methods for a coupling device are shown. In various embodiments, a variable frequency divider comprises a first transmission line and a second transmission line. The first transmission line may comprise a first and a second end. The first end may comprise a first terminal and the second end may comprise a first branch and a second branch. The first transmission line may be configured to receive a first signal at a first frequency at the first terminal and divide the first signal to output the divided first signal at the first branch and the second branch. The second transmission line may be proximate the first transmission line and configured to receive a second signal at a second frequency to control the frequencies of the output divided first signal at the first branch and the second branch through electromagnetic influence between the first transmission line and the second transmission line.

A balun circuit includes a first CPW line 11, a second CPW line 12a, and a third CPW line 12b that serve as signal input/output ports; a first CPS line 14a that is a differential transmission line, the first CPS line 14a relaying the first CPW line 11 to the second CPW line 12a; a second CPS line 14b that is a differential transmission line, the second CPS line 14b relaying the first CPW line 11 to the third CPW line 12b; and at least one connection section that connects grounded conductors of each of the first CPW line 11, the second CPW line 12a, and the third CPW line 12b.

A pulse width modulation (PWM) structure enabling regulated duty cycle includes a DC power supply unit, a signal generating unit, a voltage-dividing resistor unit, a reference voltage unit, and a comparing unit. When the DC power supply unit supplies a voltage signal to the voltage-dividing resistor unit, the latter receives the voltage signal and sets voltage levels before sending the voltage signal to the signal generating unit, so that a waveform signal generated by the signal generating unit regulates its voltage levels according to the received voltage signal before sending the waveform signal to the comparing unit. The comparing unit receives and compares the signals from the signal generating unit and the reference voltage unit, and outputs a comparison signal for driving a fan motor to operate, so that the finally output signal is substantially linear and smooth.

A ring oscillator comprises a control circuit for receiving a frequency-selection signal operative to select from at least two ring oscillator frequencies, said control circuit using said control signal to generate a first control signal and a second control signal; a primary chain of an odd number of serially connected NOT gates, said primary chain including a primary switching NOT gate responsive to the first control signal and operative to perform a logical NOT or an IGNORE function on a first oscillating input signal to generate a first output signal; and a secondary chain of serially connected NOT gates, said secondary chain logically parallel to at least said primary switching NOT gate, said secondary chain including a secondary switching NOT gate responsive to the second control signal and operative to perform a logical NOT or an IGNORE function on a second oscillating input signal to generate a second output signal.

A voltage pumping device for generating a high voltage that is a boosted voltage is disclosed. The voltage pumping device includes an oscillator for generating a first pulse signal or second pulse signal in response to a control signal, and a high voltage pump for pumping a high voltage of a constant level in response to the first pulse signal or second pulse signal.

A high voltage generator includes: a detection unit for comparing a reference voltage with a high voltage and detecting a voltage level of the high voltage; an oscillator selection unit for generating a first control signal and a second control signal in response to an output signal of the detection unit and a selection signal corresponding to a data operation mode; an oscillator for generating clock signals having different frequencies in response to the first control signal and the second control signal; and a pumping unit for generating the high voltage by performing a charge pumping operation in response to the clock signals.

A CMOS transconductor for cancelling third-order intermodulation is provided. The transconductor includes a transconductance circuit and a tuneable distortion circuit. The transconductance circuit takes an input voltage and generates an output current having a transconductance element and an IM3 element. The distortion circuit takes the same input voltage and generates a current having an IM3 element of equal amplitude and opposite phase to the IM3 element of the transconductance circuit. A controller circuit tunes the distortion circuit to adjust its IM3 element to substantially equal the amplitude of the IM3 of the transconductance circuit. The distortion and transconductance circuits are arranged to sum their output currents thereby effectively cancelling the IM3 elements, leaving the transconductance relatively unmodified.

A variable attenuator, used with high frequency, provides large variable attenuation per stage. The variable attenuator includes: a MOSFET having a gate, a drain, a source, and a body; an attenuation control circuit; and a temperature characteristics compensation circuit. The attenuation control circuit supplies a control voltage to the gate, the drain, and the source. The temperature characteristics compensation circuit supplies a temperature compensation voltage to the body. An input terminal and an output terminal are connected to the drain and the source of the MOSFET. The temperature characteristics compensation circuit, in accordance with an operating temperature of the MOSFET, controls a voltage to be supplied to the body and adjusts, based on a relation between a body voltage and a gate voltage, a resistance value of a current flowing between the input terminal and the output terminal.

Techniques and circuitry are provided for programmably controlling signal offsets in integrated circuitry. In one embodiment, an integrated circuit includes a signal offset cancellation circuit that is programmably selected to control the offset of signals on either one input/output or another input/output of an amplifier circuit. In one embodiment, a logic circuit is used to selectively couple a bank of current sources to one input/output or another input/output of a differential amplifier through a switching circuit. The bank of current sources may employed to control the signal offset on either input/output, or may be decoupled from all of the inputs/outputs when signal offset cancellation is not required.

A low-power digital pulse-width modulator (DPWM) architecture for high frequency dc-dc switch-mode power supplies (SMPS) is disclosed that is well-suited for integration in power management systems of small handheld devices. The DPWM can operate in a stand-alone mode, without external clock, and can be implemented on a portion of silicon area needed for other DPWM solutions. In addition it has low power consumption and provides a good linearity of the input-to-output characteristic, also not characteristic for other architectures.

A DLL circuit includes a delay line (CDL) (10) that delays a clock signal at a relatively coarse adjustment pitch, a delay line (FDL) (20) that delays the clock signal at a relatively fine adjustment pitch, and phase detecting circuits and counter control circuits that control delay amounts of the delay lines (10, 20). The counter control circuits control the delay line (10) by a linear search method, and control the delay line (20) by a binary search method. As a result, even when the number of bits of the count signal for adjusting the delay line (20) is increased, a delay amount can be determined at a high speed.

The transistor suffers the variation caused in threshold voltage or mobility due to gathering of the factors of the variation in gate insulator film resulting from a difference in manufacture process or substrate used and of the variation in channel-region crystal state. The present invention provides an electric circuit having an arrangement such that both electrodes of a capacitance element can hold a gate-to-source voltage of a particular transistor. The invention provides an electric circuit having a function capable of setting a potential difference at between the both electrodes of the capacitance element by the use of a constant-current source.

Circuits, methods, and apparatus that provide bootstrapped switches having improved reliability. One example improves the reliability of a discharge transistor connected to discharge the gate of a switch transistor by decreasing its operating voltage during the discharge. This example provides a discharge transistor having a first source-drain region connected to a gate of a switch transistor. Since the gate of the switch transistor can reach high voltages, if the discharge transistor's second source-drain region is instantaneously tied to ground when the switch's gate is discharged, the discharge transistor's reliability can be degraded due to hot-electron effects. Accordingly, instead of being connected to ground—or an intermediate node that quickly reaches the ground potential during gate discharge—the second source-drain region of the discharge transistor is coupled to an intermediate node that discharges to ground at a slower rate.

A differential amplifier includes an amplification unit and a feedback unit. The amplification unit amplifies a voltage difference between a first input signal and a second input signal and outputs a first output signal and a second output signal. The feedback unit amplifies a voltage difference between a first feedback signal based on the first output signal and a second feedback signal based on the second output signal.

The invention relates to an electronic device that includes an MCML Muller-c element. The MCML Muller-c element has a first differential stage for operating in a trans-conductance state converting the differential input to a differential output current implementing the logical behavior of the MCML Muller-c element and a second stage operating as a trans-impedance stage being coupled to the first stage. Further, the MCML Muller-c element has peaking circuitry being coupled to the first stage, such that the peaking circuitry and the first stage provide a negative capacitance to the MCML Muller-c element for reducing the damping factor of the MCML Muller-c element.

A command decoder generates a command signal based on first to fourth control signals in response to a second chip select signal generated by delaying a first chip select signal for a predetermined interval.

A cross point switch, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, includes a plurality of tri-state repeaters coupled to form a plurality of multiplexers. Each set of corresponding tri-state repeaters in the plurality of multiplexers share a front end module such that delay through the cross point switch due to input capacitance is reduced as compared to conventional cross point switches.

A multistage dual logic level voltage translator for translating both high and low input logic levels to higher levels, at least one of which levels is above the maximum recommended voltage of transistors implementing the stages, includes an input stage for receiving input logic levels and an output stage including a high voltage converter having at least a pair of cross-coupled converter transistors responsive to the input stage and including a pair of clamping circuit connected one across each of the converter transistors, for providing the shifted low and high output logic levels.

A level shifter circuit includes a level shifter, an inverter, a first switch circuit and a second switch circuit. The level shifter includes a first transistor, a second transistor, a third transistor and a fourth transistor. The inverter receives an input signal and thus generates an inversion input signal. The first transistor and the second transistor are respectively controlled by the input signal and an output signal to output an inversion output signal. The third transistor and the fourth transistor are respectively controlled by the inversion input signal and the inversion output signal to output an output signal. The first switch circuit is coupled to the level shifter and turns off the fourth transistor when the third transistor is turned on. The second switch circuit is coupled to the level shifter, and turns off the second transistor when the first transistor is turned on.

A semiconductor device includes a circuit section having an output impedance which changes in accordance with a switching signal for switching between drive capabilities, and transforming an input signal into an output signal in accordance with the output impedance, a reference voltage generating section generating a reference voltage in accordance with the switching signal and the input signal, and a comparing section comparing a voltage of the output signal to the reference voltage.

An impedance matching circuit of a semiconductor memory device performs a ZQ calibration with initial values that reflect an offset error according to variations in a manufacturing process. The impedance matching circuit includes a first pull-down resistance unit, a first pull-up resistance unit, and a code generation unit. The first pull-down resistance unit supplies a ground voltage to a first node, thereby determining an initial pull-down code. The first pull-up resistance unit supplies a supply voltage to the first node, thereby determining an initial pull-up code or a voltage level on the first node. The code generation unit generates pull-down and pull-up calibration codes using the initial pull-down and pull-up codes as respective initial values.

Methods and apparatus are provided for testing to determine the existence of defects and faults in circuits, devices, and systems such as digital integrated circuits, SRAM memory, mixed signal circuits, and the like. In particular, methods and apparatus are provided for detecting faults in circuits, devices, and systems using input control signals to generate controlled-duration, controlled pulse-width, transient power supply currents in a device under test, where said transient power supply currents are of controllable bandwidth and can be used as observables to determine faulty or defective operation. Additionally, methods and apparatus are provided to permit high bandwidth sensing of transient supply currents as need to preserve the narrow widths of these current pulses. These methods may include autozero techniques to remove supply current leakage current and DC offsets associated with practical current sensing currents. The sensed transient supply currents can be compared to single or multiple thresholds to assess normal or faulty or defective operation of the device under test.

A semiconductor chip includes a plurality of pads; input/output circuits connected with the plurality of pads, respectively; a product data storage section configured to store a product data; and a setting section configured to set to an active state, each of the input circuits which is connected to one of the plurality of pads used for input to an internal circuit, and each of the output circuits which is connected to one of the plurality of pads used for output from the internal circuit, and set remaining input/output circuits to an inactive state, based on the product data.

An exemplary voltage variance tester includes a first to a third testing circuits each comprising an adjustable power source and an electrical switch; a first to a third signal generators providing a first to a third signals respectively; a connector having a first to a third terminals connected to the first to the third testing circuits respectively for receiving the adjustable power sources, a fourth to a sixth terminals connected to the first to the third signal generators for receiving the first to the third signals, and a seventh terminal; and a control circuit connected to the seventh terminal of the connector for receiving a power on signal to turn on the first to third electrical switch, wherein, voltage variances of the motherboard are tested by adjusting the first to the third adjustable power sources.

The “Ground Resistance Test” provides a circuit and test setup for measuring the resistance of earth grounds. The ground resistance test uses the central office battery from a working telephone pair to source current into the “Tested Ground”. First the quiescent voltage (Vo) on the Tested Ground with respect to a removable ground rod is measured and recorded. Then the ring side of a working pair is connected to the Tested Ground and the office battery draws current (I) from the Tested Ground. The voltage (Vi) on the Tested Ground with respect to the removable ground rod is again measured with dc current flowing. Voltage fall Vf is computed as (Vi−Vo). The ohms (R) of the Tested Ground is then displayed as R=Vf/I. In the event that central office battery is unavailable, the Ground Resistance Tester will provide an optional current rod and internal battery source.

An abnormal voltage detector apparatus is provided for an assembled battery including a plurality of battery blocks connected in series to each other. In the abnormal voltage detector apparatus, a detecting part detects whether or not each of the battery blocks is in a voltage abnormality state by comparing either one of a voltage of each battery block and each battery measuring voltage, that is a voltage lowered from the voltage of each battery block, with a predetermined reference voltage, generates each of abnormality detecting signals containing information about a detected result, calculates a time ratio of a time interval, for which the assembled battery is in a voltage abnormality state, to a predetermined time interval, based on the abnormality detecting signals, and detects a voltage abnormality of the assembled battery based on a calculated time ratio.

A method, a magnetic field sensor, and an electronic device measure and determine the magnitude and/or the direction of a magnetic field. The magnetic sensor is based on at least a first magnetoresistive-layered structure having an electric resistance depending on the magnitude of the magnetic field. The magnetic sensor generates at least a first offset magnetic field. The magnitude and the direction of the offset magnetic field can be modified to compensate the magnetic field. The electric resistance of the magnetoresistive-layered structure depends on the superposition of magnetic field and offset magnetic field. A maximum electric resistance indicates that the magnetic field is compensated by the offset magnetic field. In this case the magnitude of the magnetic field corresponds to the magnitude of the offset magnetic field, and the direction of the magnetic field is given by the reversed direction of the offset magnetic field.

An accelerator module for an electric vehicle, including a rotor actuator designed to hold a magnet in one end and to provide a drive interface with the vehicle at the other end. The accelerator module employs a Hall Effect chip configured to produce a variable voltage output in proportion to the relative locations of the magnet and the Hall Effect chip, such that when the rotor actuator is caused to rotate, the magnet is rotated across the Hall Effect chip. The Hall Effect chip includes a Hall Effect sensor, which senses differences in magnetic fields. When the magnet is passed across the Hall Effect sensor, the magnetic field will change in proportion to the amount of rotation of the rotor actuator. The variable voltage produced by the Hall Effect chip may then be translated into variable acceleration for the vehicle.

A circuit for measuring maximum operating frequency and its corresponding duty cycle for an input I/O cell implementation under test (IUT) includes a condition checking module, a central control module and a duty cycle measurement module. The condition checking module checks an upper threshold voltage and a lower threshold voltage. The central control module controls a plurality of operations for measuring the frequency. The duty cycle measurement module measures the duty cycle and finally all these modules together and calculates maximum operating frequency of the IUT.

A motherboard testing apparatus for automatically turning on or off a motherboard includes a pulse signal generating circuit for outputting a pulse signal, a first control circuit for outputting a first control signal to an I/O controller on the motherboard according to the pulse signal, and a second control circuit. The first control circuit outputs a low level first control signal when it receives a low level pulse signal, the I/O controller turns the motherboard on when it receives the low level first control signal. The second control circuit outputs a second control signal to the first control circuit which controls the motherboard to turn on again when the first control circuit receives the low level pulse signal a next time.

A power converter and a power converting method are provided. The power converter for converting an ac input voltage at an input terminal thereof into an ac output voltage at an output terminal thereof includes an energy-storing inductor, a first switching circuit coupled to the energy-storing inductor to selectively switch so that the input terminal of the power converter is coupled to the energy-storing inductor, a second switching circuit coupled to the energy-storing inductor and the first switching circuit to selectively switch so that a common terminal of the power converter is coupled to the energy-storing inductor; and a third switching circuit coupled to the energy-storing inductor, the first switching circuit and the second switching circuit to selectively switch so that the output terminal of the power converter is coupled to the energy-storing inductor.

An electronic device includes a DC/DC converter supplied with an external power supply, and an electronic circuit having a power supply input to which an output of the DC/DC converter is supplied. A converted voltage that is the output of the DC/DC converter is lower than a center value of a recommended operating condition for a voltage of the power supply input of the electronic circuit.

According to the invention, an apparatus for robust battery discharge which provides uninterrupted power to a discharge circuit used in a discharge cycle is disclosed. The apparatus may have a discharge circuit for discharging a battery. The discharge circuit may be adapted to be coupled with a discharge load and configured to discharge the battery using the discharge load during a discharging cycle. The apparatus may have a first power input and a second power input, which may configured to receive power from a first power source and a second power source, respectively. The power inputs may be further configured to supply power to the discharge circuit. The apparatus may have a power switching circuit for switching power from the first power source to the second power source when the first power source is interrupted. The second power source may be the battery.

A power accumulating unit of a power supply system includes a first switch section configured to achieve a first voltage output state in which an output voltage is substantially equal to a first motor driving voltage and a second switch section configured to achieve a second voltage output state in which the output voltage is substantially equal to a second motor driving voltage that is higher than the first motor driving voltage. A voltage switching control part is configured to perform a voltage switching control to switch between the first motor driving voltage and the second motor driving voltage by alternately operating the first and second switch sections to repeatedly switch between the first voltage output state and the second voltage output state.

A motor driving semiconductor device has: six switching elements for driving a three-phase motor; three output terminals for applying output voltages to three terminals of coils of the three-phase motor; drive circuits for driving the six switching elements; and six control signal input terminals for receiving six control signals for on/off control of the six switching elements, wherein the motor driving semiconductor device is formed by sealing at least one semiconductor chip in one package with resin, and further includes a dead time generation function of generating a dead time relative to the six control signals.

A motor drive for an electric motor receives high frequency AC current, and delivers this current through a converter which is operable to change the current delivered downstream to an inverter and an electric motor.

A method of operating a direct current motor fan assembly is provided in which a motor controller operates to apply full power to kick-start a motor to overcome static forces. As soon as a sensor determines that the motor has begun to rotate, the motor controller changes the motor drive level from full power to a predetermined lower level to maintain a desired rotational speed.

Techniques pertaining to driving LEDs on multiple branches of a circuit are disclosed. According to one aspect of the present invention, an LED drive circuit includes a boost circuit configured for receiving an input voltage and providing an output voltage according to a control signal, a selector configured for alternatively selecting one of the feedback signals as an output feedback signal and switching on a corresponding branch circuit, and a pulse-width modulation (PWM) controller configured for generating a pulse-width modulation signal as the control signal for the boost circuit according to the output feedback signal of the selector, essentially to match respective currents in the multiple branches.

Illumination assemblies include a substrate having a first and second electrically conductive layer separated by an electrically insulating layer. The insulating layer includes a polymer material loaded with thermally conductive particles. At least a portion of the thermally conductive particles simultaneously contact both the first and second electrically conductive layers. A plurality of light sources such as LEDs or other miniature light sources are preferably disposed on the first conductive layer.

A discharge-lamp lighting apparatus includes first and second cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) and first and second transformers. The second transformer has a primary winding connected in parallel to one of primary and secondary windings of the first transformer, a first secondary winding, and a second secondary winding. Each of the first and second secondary windings of the second transformer is connected to the secondary winding of the first transformer with polarities being set so that a voltage of each secondary winding of the second transformer becomes additive to a voltage of the secondary winding of the first transformer. The first CCFL is connected in parallel to a series circuit that includes the secondary winding of the first transformer and the first secondary winding of the second transformer.

A display apparatus includes a plasma display panel (PDP) and a filter having a panel side facing a display surface of the PDP and an opposing viewer side facing away from the display surface. The filter includes an external light shield having a first base unit and first pattern units. The first pattern units absorb external light from the viewer side and are substantially parallel to a first axis. The filter includes an electromagnetic interference (EMI) shield overlapping the external light shield. The EMI shield includes a second base unit and second pattern units. The second pattern units are conductive and substantially parallel to a second axis. An interior angle between the first axis and the second axis can be within a range of 40 to 50 degrees.

An encapsulation structure for a display device includes a sealing structure and a stabilization layer. The sealing structure is an essentially water/oxygen impermeable film which covers environmentally sensitive parts and protrusions on the display device. The stabilization layer covers the display device, protrusions on the display and the sealing structure with a scratch resistant protective layer, resulting in a water/oxygen impermeable and scratch resistant encapsulation structure.

A double sided display comprises a first substrate, a first organic light-emitting device (OLED) disposed on the first substrate, a first spacer, a second substrate, a second OLED disposed on the second substrate and a second spacer. The first and second spacers are disposed on the first and second substrates, and close to the first and second OLEDs, respectively. A height of the first spacer is larger than a thickness of the first OLED. A height of the second spacer is larger than a thickness of the second OLED. During assembly, the first substrate is disposed opposite to the second substrate, and the first spacer is disposed opposite to the second spacer. Also, the exact positions of the first and second spacers are determined for preventing the direct touch between the first and second OLEDs while the double sided display is deformed.

Reducing the manufacturing cost of an EL display device and an electronic device furnished with the EL display device is taken as an objective. A textured structure in which projecting portions are formed on the surface of a cathode is used. External stray light is diffusely (irregularly) reflected by the action of the projecting portions when reflected by the surface of the cathode, and therefore a defect in which the face of an observer or the surrounding scenery is reflected in the surface of the cathode can be prevented. This can be completed without using a conventionally necessary high price circular polarizing film, and therefore it is possible to reduce the cost of manufacturing the EL display device.

An organic electroluminescent device and a fabricating method thereof are provided. The organic electroluminescent device includes a plurality gate lines and data lines crossly arranged on a substrate for defining red, green and blue sub pixels of a pixel; a non-emitting region formed in each of the sub pixels and including a switching element and a driving element; and an emitting region formed in each of the sub pixels and including a pixel electrode connected to the corresponding driving element, wherein locations of at least two of the non-emitting regions are different from each other with respect to the corresponding sub pixels.

An active-matrix electroluminescent device, comprising: a plurality of light-emitting elements laid out over a substrate, a plurality of electrical buses carrying a common signal connected to the light-emitting elements; and a plurality of electrical cross-connections intersecting and electrically connecting the plurality of electrical buses. The plurality of light-emitting elements are arranged in groups of four light-emitting elements each, each group forming a quad cell of four neighboring light-emitting elements arranged around intersections of the electrical buses and cross-connections, each of the light-emitting elements of each quad cell are connected to the electrical bus or electrical cross-connection separating the light-emitting elements of the quad cell, each quad cell shares a common electrical bus or cross-connection with an adjacent quad cell, and adjacent quad cells sharing a common electrical bus are not separated by a common cross-connection and neighboring quad cells sharing a common cross-connection are not separated by a common electrical bus.

An organic light emitting device having a microcavity is provided. The device may be transparent to the resonant wavelength of the microcavity, allowing for saturated emission at the wavelength or wavelengths of light transmitted by the microcavity.

An electron emission device includes a substrate, a plurality of cathode electrodes formed on the substrate, a plurality of electron emission regions electrically coupled to the cathode electrodes, an insulating layer formed on the substrate while covering the cathode electrodes, and a plurality of gate electrodes formed on the insulating layer and crossing the cathode electrodes. The insulating layer is provided with a plurality of openings exposing the corresponding electron emission regions, each of the openings having at least two opening portions that communicate with each other and are different in a size from each other. The gate electrodes are provided with openings communicating with the corresponding openings of the insulating layer. The two opening portions may include a gap in the insulating layer where the gate and cathode electrodes interesect.

Devices and methods for producing relativistic particles are provided. The devices and methods involve collision of a thin collimated plasma layer from opposite sides with two counter-propagating ultra-intense laser (UL) electromagnetic (EM) pulses. The plasma layer is sufficiently thin so that the pulses penetrate and conjointly propagate through the plasma layer. The Lorenz force between induced skin currents and the magnetic field of the propagating pulses accelerates a number of “in-phase” plasma particles to relativistic velocities.

A substrate has a first thermal expansion coefficient and a piezoelectric thin film has a second thermal expansion coefficient. The piezoelectric thin film is mainly composed of a potassium sodium niobate (K,Na)NbO3 with a perovskite structure. A curvature radius of a warping of the substrate provided with the piezoelectric thin film due to difference between the first and the second thermal expansion coefficients is 10 m or more at room temperature.

A tendency of the controlled load to oscillate when controlling a capacitive load can be avoided according to a piezo actuator for an injection valve of an internal combustion engine, having charging and discharging processes for charging and discharging the capacitive load by means of a load current, each loading process being effected by chronological partial load current pulses according to chronological partial charging capacity pulses (p1, p2, . . . pn), wherein the envelope (E) of the partial charging capacity pulses (p1, p2, . . . pn), during the loading process, increases in a strictly monotonous manner in an initial phase, and the slope of the envelope decreases in a monotonous manner.

A brush board assembly for a DC or AC motor employs a spool-shaped frame unitarily formed of a mounting plate, a series of support members that extend axially and define the brush holders, and an outer support plate that is generally parallel to the mounting plate. This frame may be molded of a high strength, high temperature resin for heavy duty motor use. Brush hold down springs are mounted onto push-in carriers that fit into receptacles on the support members. Preferably, scroll or volute springs are employed, and a stop arm on the carrier allows the free end of the spring to be held out of the way for installation or brush change out.

A stator assembly adapted for use in an electric motor. The assembly includes a stator core having an annular rim and a plurality of teeth extending radially inward from the rim. The stator core has an outer diameter, a root tooth diameter and an inner diameter. Each tooth has a root, a neck extending inward from the root, a head opposite the root, and a length measured from its root to its head. The neck has a width. Each adjacent pair of teeth define a slot having an area. The assembly also includes a winding having aluminum and/or copper wrapped around at least three teeth of the stator core. The stator core and winding have four, six or eight magnetic dipoles. The stator core outer diameter is in a range from about 5.1 inches to about 5.9 inches. The stator core inner diameter is less than about 3.0 inches.

A magneto rotor which has a cup-like rotor yoke, a plurality of magnets secured on an inner periphery of a peripheral wall portion of the rotor yoke, and a magnet protecting cover having a cylindrical portion that covers inner peripheries of the magnets, and an outer flange being integrated with one axial end of the cylindrical portion and covering end surfaces of the magnets, wherein an annular protrusion protruding toward the opening of the rotor yoke is formed on an area closer to an inner periphery of the outer flange of the magnet protecting cover, an annular adhesive storage portion is formed between the peripheral wall portion closer to the open end of the rotor yoke and the annular protrusion, a groove opening into the adhesive storage portion and continuing circumferentially of the rotor yoke is also formed in the peripheral wall portion closer to the open end of the rotor yoke, and the adhesive storage portion and the groove are filled with an adhesive to seal a boundary between the outer flange of the magnet protecting cover and the peripheral wall portion of the rotor yoke with the adhesive.

A motor having an improved mounting structure is composed of a rotor including a rotor yoke; a stator including a bearing, a bearing holder and a base plate fixed to one end portion of the bearing holder; a shaft fixed to the rotor yoke and a damping member interposed between the bearing holder and the base plate. The bearing is fixed to the bearing holder. The rotor is supported through the shaft so as to be rotatable freely with respect to the stator. The bearing holder is fixed to the base plate with having a first area in which the bearing holder directly contacts with the base plate and a second area in which the damping member is interposed between the bearing holder and the base plate.

A stator includes a base board, a plurality of coil patterns patterned on one face of the base board, a stator core having a ring-like portion formed in a ring-like shape, a plurality of teeth base ends of which are fixed to the ring-like portion and front end portions formed respectively at front ends of the plurality of teeth in which the coil patterns and the teeth are laminated onto the base board to be respectively opposed to each other, and covers having base members bonded to the base board in a state of being respectively fitted to the plurality of teeth and covering surroundings of the respective teeth and conductive patterns patterned to inner faces of the base members and electrically connected to the coil patterns.

An airborne system for producing electricity from wind energy includes a shaft, wind turbines rotatably mounted to the shaft and arranged to rotate independently in opposite directions when subjected to the same wind, and generators arranged to convert rotation of the turbines into electricity. A lifting section includes combination of kites and lighter than air balloons, generating a lifting force that caused the system being airborne at desire altitude. The center of gravity of the system is lower than the center of lift of the system; when the turbines of the system exposed to wind and start to rotate, torques are inducing on the shaft of the system; these torques are balancing each other and the remaining deferential torque being balanced by returning torque that is generated by the angular deviation of the center of gravity from it's lowest position, the magnitude of this returning torque, increasing as the angular deviation increased, until the system reach angular stability; electricity is generating and conducted through tether to an anchoring section for usage.

A linear wind powered electric generator (LWPEG), which is particularly adapted for installation at geographical sites subject to lower wind intensities. More specifically, there are provided design concepts for an LWPEG, possessing reasonable economic parameters for utilization at the lower-intensity wind sites. Moreover, the linear wind powered electric generator is based on a track based wind power generator, incorporating aerodynamic designs, which are adapted to reduce mechanical complexities presently encountered in this technology, while being cost-effective both in construction and in connection with the operation thereof.

An electronic package and methods by which the package reduces thermal fatigue failure of conductors in the electronic package. The electronic package includes a carrier substrate having first and second surfaces and a plurality of anchor vias having a via material extending from the first surface toward the second surface. The electronic package includes a first conducting layer having a length and a width extending laterally in two dimensions across a major part of the first surface of the carrier substrate. The anchor vias have plural attachments along the length and the width of the first conducting layer to secure the first conducting layer to the carrier substrate.

A structure of a micro electro mechanical system and a manufacturing method are provided, the structure and manufacturing method is adapted for an optical interference display cell. The structure of the optical interference display cell includes a first electrode, a second electrode and posts. The second electrode comprises a conductive layer covered by a material layer and is arranged about parallel with the first electrode. The support is located between the first plate and the second plate and a cavity is formed. In the release etch process of manufacturing the structure, the material layer protects the conductive layer from the damage by an etching reagent. The material layer also protects the conductive layer from the damage from the oxygen and moisture in the air.

A copper-topped interconnect structure allows the combination of high density design areas, which have low current requirements that can be met with tightly packed thin and narrow copper traces, and low density design areas, which have high current requirements that can be met with more widely spaced thick and wide copper traces, on the same chip.

The first external electrode has a main body portion a part of which is buried in a side wall of a case and joining portions protruding from an end of the main body portion toward the inside of the case. Each joining portion of the first external electrode is formed to have a thickness smaller than that of the main body portion, and an end portion of each joining portion is directly joined onto a wiring pattern of the insulating substrate through ultrasonic joining. Therefore, a load and ultrasonic vibration necessary for joining the joining portion onto the wiring pattern can be suppressed, which makes it possible to directly join the first external electrode onto the wiring pattern of the insulating substrate without damaging an insulating member of the insulating substrate.

A semiconductor pellet and chip components are provided on an insulating substrate, and are sealed with a molding resin that is molded by transfer molding. The chip components are positioned so as to surround the semiconductor pellet on all four sides. The lengthwise directions of the chip components surrounding the semiconductor pellet are aligned in a uniform direction. The insulating substrate is set within a die molding apparatus so that during resin injection, the lengthwise directions of the chip components are aligned substantially perpendicularly to the direction of flow of the injected resin.

An electrical connection arrangement between a semiconductor circuit arrangement and an external contact device, and to a method for producing the connection arrangement is disclosed. In one embodiment, a metallic layer is deposited onto at least one contact terminal and/or the contacts and the wire, the metallic layer protecting the contact terminal or the electrical connection against ambient influences and ensuring a high reliability.

The invention relates to a module comprising a carrier element having a lower stiffness or a different structure in a first region than in a second region, and also comprising a component applied to the carrier element. The component and the first region are connected to one another by a wire connection covered by a material.

Fuses and methods of forming fuses. The fuse includes: a dielectric layer on a semiconductor substrate; a cathode stack on the dielectric layer, a sidewall of the cathode stack extending from a top surface of the cathode stack to a top surface of the dielectric layer; a continuous polysilicon layer comprising a cathode region, an anode region, a link region between the cathode and anode regions and a transition region between the cathode region and the link region, the transition region proximate to the sidewall of the cathode stack, the cathode region on a top surface of the cathode stack, the link region on a top surface of the dielectric layer, both a first thickness of the cathode region and a second thickness of the link region greater than a third thickness of the transition region; and a metal silicide layer on a top surface of the polysilicon layer.

Device structure for active devices fabricated in a semiconductor-on-insulator (SOI) substrate and design structures for a radiofrequency integrated circuit. The device structure includes a first isolation region in the semiconductor layer that extends from a top surface of a semiconductor layer to a first depth, a second isolation region in the semiconductor layer that extends from the top surface of the semiconductor layer to a second depth greater than the first depth, and a first doped region in the semiconductor layer. The first doped region is disposed vertically between the first isolation region and an insulating layer disposed between the semiconductor layer and a handle wafer of the SOI substrate. The device structure may be included in a design structure embodied in a machine readable medium for designing, manufacturing, or testing an integrated circuit.

A semiconductor device, including: a semiconductor substrate of a first conductivity type; a semiconductor layer of a second conductivity type formed on the semiconductor substrate; a trench formed in the semiconductor region; a trench diffusion layer of the first conductivity type formed along wall surfaces of the trench; and a buried conductor buried in the trench, wherein an insulation film is further disposed between the wall surfaces of the trench and the buried conductor.

A semiconductor structure provides lower parasitic capacitance between the gate electrode and contact vias while providing substantially the same level of stress applied by a nitride liner as conventional MOSFETs by reducing the height of the gate electrode and maintaining substantially the same height for the gate spacer. The nitride liner contacts only the outer sidewalls of the gate spacer, while not contacting inner sidewalls, or only a small area of the inner sidewalls of the gate spacer, therefore applying substantially the same level of stress to the channel of the MOSFET as conventional MOSFETs. The volume surrounded by the gate spacer and located above the gate electrode is either filled with a low-k dielectric material or occupied by a cavity having a dielectric constant of substantially 1.0. The reduced height of the gate electrode and the low-k dielectric gate filler or the cavity reduces the parasitic capacitance.

A thin film transistor substrate is provided including a first thin film transistor and a second thin film transistor. The first thin film transistor comprises a first active layer, a first gate insulating film, and a first gate electrode. The second thin film transistor comprises a second active layer formed, a second gate insulating film, and a second gate electrode. A thickness of the second gate insulating film is larger than a thickness of the first gate insulating film, the second active layer has at least two impurity doping regions which overlap the second gate electrode, the first active layer has at least two impurity doping regions formed in a self-aligning manner with respect to the first gate electrode, and the second gate electrode comprises a semiconductor layer.

A method of providing a freestanding semiconductor layer on a conventional SOI or bulk-substrate silicon device includes forming an amorphous or polycrystalline mandrel on a monocrystalline base structure. A conformal polycrystalline semiconductor layer is then formed on the mandrel and on the base structure, wherein the polycrystalline layer contacts the base structure. The polycrystalline semiconductor layer is then recrystallized so that it has a crystallinity substantially similar to that of the base structure. Thus, a freestanding semiconductor layer is formed with a high degree of control of the thickness and height thereof and maintaining a uniformity of thickness.

A semiconductor substrate is formed with trenches, and each of the trenches includes: a gate electrode portion in which a gate electrode is arranged; and a gate lead portion which is brought into contact with an interconnect for electrically connecting the gate electrode to the outside. In the gate lead portion for electrically connecting the gate electrode to the outside, an end of each of the trenches has a greater width than a portion of the trench other than the end.

An object is to provide a nonvolatile semiconductor memory device which is excellent in a writing property and a charge retention property. In addition, another object is to provide a nonvolatile semiconductor memory device capable of reducing writing voltage. A nonvolatile semiconductor memory device includes a semiconductor layer or a semiconductor substrate including a channel formation region between a pair of impurity regions that are formed apart from each other, and a first insulating layer, a plurality of layers formed of different nitride compounds, a second insulating layer, and a control gate that are formed in a position which is over the semiconductor layer or the semiconductor substrate and overlaps with the channel formation region.

In a light sensing element having simplified structure, an array substrate having the light sensing element and an LCD apparatus having the light sensing element, the light sensing element includes a first electrode, a control electrode and a second electrode. An alternating bias voltage is applied to the first electrode. An off voltage is applied to the control electrode. The second electrode outputs a light-induced leakage current based on an externally provided light and the bias voltage. Therefore, the array substrate includes one light sensing switching element corresponding to one pixel so that structure of the array substrate is simplified and opening ratio is increased.

In one embodiment of the invention, contact patterning may be divided into two or more passes which may allow designers to control the gate height critical dimension relatively independent from the contact top critical dimension.

An organic field effect transistor includes a well-ordered substrate layer on which organic functional material is deposited. A method of increasing the charge carrier mobility of the organic field effect transistor substrate layer is achieved by depositing onto the substrate an organic functional material, the substrate being in the form of a well-ordered layer. The method and transistor include using a well-ordered plastics film as the substrate layer.

High electron mobility transistors are provided that include a non-uniform aluminum concentration AlGaN based cap layer having a high aluminum concentration adjacent a surface of the cap layer that is remote from the barrier layer on which the cap layer is provided. High electron mobility transistors are provided that include a cap layer having a doped region adjacent a surface of the cap layer that is remote from the barrier layer on which the cap layer is provided. Graphitic BN passivation structures for wide bandgap semiconductor devices are provided. SiC passivation structures for Group III-nitride semiconductor devices are provided. Oxygen anneals of passivation structures are also provided. Ohmic contacts without a recess are also provided.

Methods of packaging semiconductor light emitting devices include providing a substrate having the semiconductor light emitting device on a front face thereof. A first optical element is formed from a first material on the front face proximate the semiconductor light emitting device. A second optical element is formed from a second material, different from the first material, over the semiconductor light emitting device and the first optical element. The first optical element and/or the second optical element are formed by compression molding the respective optical element.

The wavelength-converting casting composition is based on a transparent epoxy casting resin with a luminous substance admixed. The composition is used in an electroluminescent component having a body that emits ultraviolet, blue or green light. An inorganic luminous substance pigment powder with luminous substance pigments is dispersed in the transparent epoxy casting resin. The luminous substance is a powder of Ce-doped phosphors and the luminous substance pigments have particle sizes ≦20 μm and a mean grain diameter d50≦5 μm.

A semiconductor device and a process for production thereof, said semiconductor device having a new electrode structure which has a low resistivity and withstands heat treatment at 400° C. and above. Heat treatment at a high temperature (400-700° C.) is possible because the wiring is made of Ta film or Ta-based film having high heat resistance. This heat treatment permits the gettering of metal element in crystalline silicon film. Since this heat treatment is lower than the temperature which the gate wiring (0.1-5 μm wide) withstands and the gate wiring is protected with a protective film, the gate wiring retains its low resistance.

A bottom gate thin film transistor (TFT), a flat panel display having the same, and a method of fabricating the same are disclosed. The TFT comprises a gate electrode disposed on a substrate, and a gate insulating layer disposed on the gate electrode. A semiconductor layer is disposed on the gate insulating layer and crossing over the gate electrode, and is crystallized by an MILC technique. An inter-insulating layer is disposed on the semiconductor layer and comprises source and drain contact holes which expose portions of the semiconductor layer. The source and drain contact holes are separated from at least one edge of the semiconductor layer crossing over the gate electrode. The semiconductor layer comprises conductive MIC regions corresponding to the exposed portions of the semiconductor layer in the source and drain contact holes.

An organic semiconductor device Including an organic semiconductor layer in a crystallized crystal state is disclosed. The organic semiconductor layer is formed from an organic semiconductor material including a liquid crystal molecule. The semiconductor material has properties capable of exhibiting a supercooled state during a phase transition process, in which a phase having no periodic regularity is capable of being transferred into a phase having periodic regularity at a location of a center of gravity in between the liquid crystal molecules. The phase having no periodic regularity at a location of a center of gravity In between the liquid crystal molecules is a nematic liquid crystal phase and the phase having periodic regularity at a location of a center of gravity in between the liquid crystal molecules is a crystal phase.

An organic semiconductor material comprising a compound having a substructure represented by Formula (10): wherein B represents a unit having a thiazole ring, A1 and A2 each independently represent a unit having an alkyl group as a substituent, A3 represents a divalent linking group, nb represents an integer 1-20, n1 and n2 each independently represent an integer of 0-20, respectively, and n3 represents an integer of 0-10.

The present invention relates to an AC voltage-driven light emitting device having a single active layer of a core-shell structure (p-i-n structure) in which intrinsic semiconductor nanocrystals, exciton combination centers, are uniformly and isotropically distributed around p-type polymer particles, and n-type small molecular particles surround the semiconductor nanocrystals and p-type polymer, and a manufacturing method thereof. An active layer of a core-shell structure using a polymer-semiconductor nano hybrid in the light-emitting device has an inversion symmetry characteristic showing the same current-voltage characteristic during application of a voltage in a forward direction and a reverse direction. Therefore, due to this inversion symmetry characteristic, the light emitting can be driven by even an AC voltage. Also, since the device can be driven by an AC voltage, limitations of an existing DC voltage-driven organic light emitting diode, that is, destruction or a defect of the device by an overcurrent and generation of a dark spot by degradation of local constituent organic materials are solved.

Both a chalcogenide select device and a chalcogenide memory element are formed within vias within dielectrics. As a result, the chalcogenides is effectively trapped within the vias and no glue or adhesion layer is needed. Moreover, delamination problems are avoided. A lance material is formed within the same via with the memory element. In one embodiment, the lance material is made thinner by virtue of the presence of a sidewall spacer; in another embodiment no sidewall spacer is utilized. A relatively small area of contact between the chalcogenide used to form a memory element and the lance material is achieved by providing a pin hole opening in a dielectric, which separates the chalcogenide and the lance material.

A long-term antimatter storage device that may be energized by a low power magnetron and can function autonomously for hundreds of hours on the energy provided by batteries. An evacuated, cryogenic container is arranged with a source of positrons and a source of electrons positioned in capture relation to one another within the container so as to allow for the formation of a plurality of positronium atoms. A microwave resonator is located within the container forming a circularly polarized standing wave within which the plurality of positronium atoms rotate. Radioactive sources for small stores and low energy positron accelerators for large stores are used to efficiently fill the device with positronium in seconds to minutes. The device may also be arranged to provide for the extraction of positrons. A method for storing antimatter is also provided.

A method of tuning an ion beam in an ion implanter relative to, e.g., ion beam current, energy, size and shape, includes retrieving a set of parameters associated with operation of the ion implanter, at least some of which are stored in a dynamic database, configuring the ion implanter according to the retrieved set of parameters, to thereby provide an ion beam, optimizing the ion beam by varying one or more of the parameters, and updating the parameters stored in the dynamic database which changed during optimization.

The inventions relates to a lithography system in which an electronic image pattern is delivered to a exposure tool for projecting an image to a target surface, said exposure tool comprising a control unit for controlling exposure projections, said control unit at least partly being included in the projection space of the said exposure tool, and being provided with control data by means of light signals, said light signals being coupled in to said control unit by using a free space optical interconnect comprising modulated light beams that are emitted to a light sensitive part of said control unit, wherein the modulated light beams are coupled in to said light sensitive part using a holed mirror for on axis incidence of said light beams on said light sensitive part, the hole or, alternatively, holes of said mirror being provided for passage of said exposure projections.

Optical windows are provided that transmit light such as deep-UV (DUV) light. An exemplary window includes a window substrate that is transmissive to at least one wavelength of the light. The window substrate has an incidence surface decorated with sub-wavelength asperities arranged so as to render the incidence surface solvophobic to the light-transmissive liquid. The arrangement of sub-wavelength asperities can be configured to render the incidence surface super-solvophobic to the liquid. The sub-wavelength asperities can have any of various shapes and combinations thereof, and can be regularly or irregularly arranged.

A disposable device for monitoring exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) over a single period of time and a cumulative period of time. The device includes a base upon which is applied a UVR sensitive material that irreversibly changes after exposure to UVR. A protective covering is applied over the UVR sensitive material and includes segments that are individually removable to reveal a portion of the UVR sensitive material thereunder. A UVR exposure scale and first and second keys are provided on the base. A first segment of the covering is removed and the base is placed in an appropriate location. After a period of time, the change in the UVR sensitive material is compared to the scale and first key to determine if the level of exposure is safe for that time period. The procedure may be repeated over a number of time periods with a new segment of the protective covering being removed for each time period. The cumulative UVR exposure is determined by comparing the change in the first time period's UVR sensitive material to the scale and a second key associated therewith.

There are provided a sensing device, a sensing apparatus, and a sensing method capable of realizing effective multi-photon absorption and local plasmon enhancement function. The sensing device can realize a high multi-photon excitation efficiency and selectivity by accurately controlling the material, shape, size, interval, and direction of metal particles arranged on a substrate. By employing the sensing device in various sensing apparatuses such as a fluorescent sensing apparatus, it is possible to realize sensing of detection object material with a high sensibility.

At least part of a readout pattern including carrier collecting electrodes, capacitors, thin-film transistors, data lines and gate lines is formed by vapor deposition or printing. This is formed separately from a semiconductor thick film. The semiconductor thick film and readout pattern constitute a flat panel X-ray detector (FPD) is mounted in a case to form a unit. A weight reduction is achieved by using the semiconductor thick film in place of a conventional glass substrate. The FPD manufactured in this way is free from great restrictions in time of transport and use.

An infrared sensor unit has a thermal infrared sensor and an associated semiconductor device commonly developed on a semiconductor substrate. A dielectric top layer covers the substrate to conceal the semiconductor device formed in the top surface of the substrate. The thermal infrared sensor carried on a sensor mount which is supported above the semiconductor device by means of a thermal insulation support. The sensor mount and the support are made of a porous material which is superimposed on top of the dielectric top layer.

A mass spectrometer system and a method of operating a mass spectrometer are provided. An RF field is produced between the plurality of rods to radially confine the ions in the rod set. The RF field has a resolving DC component field. The resolving DC component field is varied along at least a portion of a length of the rod set to provide a DC axial force acting on the ions.

According to one embodiment, there is provided a device and method for correcting code wheel misalignment which employs upper and lower code wheel misalignment photodetectors positioned above and below at least first and second motion detection photodetectors. According to other embodiments, there are provided a device and method for automatically setting the gain of an output circuit in an optical encoder. Still further embodiments of optical encoders combine the code wheel misalignment and automatic gain control features of the invention.

A pixel for an imaging device is described. The pixel includes a photosensitive device provided within a substrate for providing photo-generated charges, a circuit associated with the photosensitive device for providing at least one pixel output signal representative of the photo-generated charges, the circuit includes at least one operative device that is responsive to a first control signal during operation of the associated circuit and a pump circuit. The pump circuit may include substrate pumps, charge pumps and/or voltage pumps. The pixel may also be embedded in an imaging system.

Microelectronic imager assemblies comprising a workpiece including a substrate and a plurality of imaging dies on and/or in the substrate. The substrate includes a front side and a back side, and the imaging dies comprise imaging sensors at the front side of the substrate and external contacts operatively coupled to the image sensors. The microelectronic imager assembly further comprises optics supports superimposed relative to the imaging dies. The optics supports can be directly on the substrate or on a cover over the substrate. Individual optics supports can have (a) an opening aligned with one of the image sensors, and (b) a bearing element at a reference distance from the image sensor. The microelectronic imager assembly can further include optical devices mounted or otherwise carried by the optics supports.

A variable astigmatic focal beam spot is formed using lasers with an anamorphic beam delivery system. The variable astigmatic focal beam spot can be used for cutting applications, for example, to scribe semiconductor wafers such as light emitting diode (LED) wafers. The exemplary anamorphic beam delivery system comprises a series of optical components, which deliberately introduce astigmatism to produce focal points separated into two principal meridians, i.e. vertical and horizontal. The astigmatic focal points result in an asymmetric, yet sharply focused, beam spot that consists of sharpened leading and trailing edges. Adjusting the astigmatic focal points changes the aspect ratio of the compressed focal beam spot, allowing adjustment of energy density at the target without affecting laser output power. Scribing wafers with properly optimized energy and power density increases scribing speeds while minimizing excessive heating and collateral material damage.

A laser processing method by which an object to be processed can be cut with a high precision is provided. The laser processing method of the present invention irradiates a planar object to be processed 1 with laser light L while locating a light-converging point P within the object 1. Initially, a first modified region 71 to become a start point for cutting is formed along a first line to cut 5a in the object 1. Subsequently, along a second line to cut 5b intersecting the line to cut 5a, a second modified region 72 to become a start point for cutting is formed so as to intersect at least a part of the modified region 71. Then, a fourth modified region 73 to become a start point for cutting is formed along the line to cut 5b. Thereafter, between the modified region 71 and an entrance face 1a of the object 1 where the laser light L is incident, a third modified region 74 to become a start point for cutting is formed along the line to cut 5a so as to intersect at least a part of the modified region 73.

An electrical device can include a cradle having a plurality of integral cradle support regions. A trough is formed through each cradle support region. Each cradle support region includes an aperture that is configured to receive an actuator assembly. Each actuator assembly is movable to open and close electrical connections in the electrical device when the cradle is installed in the electrical device.

A contact element for making an electric contact to a contact member for enabling an electric current to flow between the contact element and the contact member includes a body having at least one contact surface thereof coated with a contact layer to be applied against the contact member. The contact layer includes a nanocomposite film having a matrix of amorphous carbon and crystallites of nano-size, i.e. with dimensions in the range of 1-100 nm, of at least one metal carbide embedded therein.

An electrical box assembly includes a cover assembly, a gasket and an electrical box coupled together by mounting screws. The cover includes a base with a plurality of screw holes for receiving the mounting screws. A support member having an axial passage extends from the bottom face of the cover around each of the screw holes. The gasket includes a cylindrical shaped sleeve that passes through the support member and has an axial length to extend from the screw hole in the cover. The mounting screws are inserted through the axial passage of the sleeve and the screw holes in the cover to axially compress the sleeve to form a watertight seal between the screw shaft and the support member.

A power supply system including an element connected to a remote power supply source or power consumer through an electric power supply device. The element is movably arranged in relation the source or consumer in an environment in which at least a part of the power supply device is subjected to water and water vapor and to repeated bending motion due to the movement of the element. The electric power supply device includes an electric cable that includes a conductor and at least one layer of an electrically insulating material applied on the outside of the conductor. The device includes a member for preventing water and vapor intrusion into the layer. The member includes a flexible, watertight, vapor impermeable, fatigue resistant, separate tubing that surrounds the electric cable.

A flexible inflatable hinge includes curable resin for rigidly positioning panels of solar cells about the hinge in which wrap around contacts and flex circuits are disposed for routing power from the solar cells to the power bus further used for grounding the hinge. An indium tin oxide and magnesium fluoride coating is used to prevent static discharge while being transparent to ultraviolet light that cures the embedded resin after deployment for rigidizing the inflatable hinge.

An improved resonator for keyboard percussion instruments such as marimba, vibraphone and xylophone and instruments including such resonators are described herein. In one or more embodiments, a tubular resonator bent or formed into a smooth curve, open or stopped on one end, resonating only its natural fundamental frequency and its natural overtones with no non-harmonic resonances from a struck tone bar associated with the resonator is provided. According to one or more embodiments, the number of joints in the resonator is reduced to less than two joints.

A guitar or musical instrument harness is disclosed that includes a waist belt and a shoulder strap. A circular or oval loop is attached to the waist belt. The belt is worn by the user so that the loop is situated over the spine of the user. The shoulder strap is disposed through the loop and the distal ends extend upward along the back and over the shoulders of the user. The strap includes attachment holes or apertures at the distal ends thereof to receive guitar strap buttons mounted on a guitar. The strap also includes typical length adjustment features. An alternate embodiment includes an additional mounting ring clip through which the strap is inserted. The mounting ring clip is removably attachable to the loop portion of the waist belt.

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV194481. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV194481, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV194481 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV194481 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV194481.

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV941589. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV941589, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV941589 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV941589 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV941589.

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the corn variety designated CV334995. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CV334995, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CV334995 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to corn seeds and plants produced by crossing plants of variety CV334995 with plants of another variety, such as another inbred line. The invention further relates to the inbred and hybrid genetic complements of plants of variety CV334995.

The present invention provides a method for Agrobacterium-mediated gene introduction into a plant material, comprising: 1) treating the plant material, and then 2) infecting the plant material with an Agrobacterium, characterized in that a medium enriched in a metal salt containing copper ion is used in step 1) and/or 2). The present invention also provides a process for preparing a transformed plant characterized in that the gene introduction method of the present invention is used.

A transgenic plant transformed by a Transcription Factor Stress-Related Protein (TFSRP) coding nucleic acid, wherein expression of the nucleic acid sequence in the plant results in increased tolerance to environmental stress as compared to a wild type variety of the plant. Also provided are agricultural products, including seeds, produced by the transgenic plants. Also provided are isolated TFSRPs, and isolated nucleic acid coding TFSRPs, and vectors and host cells containing the latter.

Disclosed are processes for the conversion of isomerizable halogenated C2-C6 olefins from one geometric form to a more preferred geometric form. Preferred process aspects comprise converting C2-C6 olefin in a cis-form to a trans-form comprising exposing the cis-form of the compound, preferably contained in process stream, to conditions effective to convert at least about 50 percent, and even more preferably at least about 70 percent, of the cis-form compound to the trans-form compound. Preferably the catalyst comprises at least one Lewis acid metal fluoride.

Processes comprising: (a) enantioselectively hydrogenating a staffing material comprising a component selected from geraniol, nerol and mixtures thereof to form optically active citronellol; (b) converting the optically active citronellol to optically active citronellal; (c) cyclizing the optically active citronellal to form a mixture comprising optically active isopulegol; and (d) subjecting the mixture to further processing comprising: (i) separating the optically active isopulegol from the mixture and hydrogenating the separated optically active isopulegol to form optically active menthol; or (ii) hydrogenating the optically active isopulegol in the mixture to form optically active menthol and separating the optically active menthol from the mixture.

Provided is a process for the preparation of glutaraldehyde. The process comprises reacting an alkoxydihydropyran with water in the presence of an acidic catalyst. The alcohol by-product distilled from the reaction mixture is subjected to a heterogeneous catalyst that is located external to the distillation column used for distilling the alcohol, thereby increasing glutaraldehyde yield and decreasing the level of alkoxydihydropyran contamination in the alcohol.

An improved process for preparing arylethanoldiamines is described. Compounds of this type are known to be useful as agonists at atypical beta-adrenoceptors (also known as beta-3-adrenoceptors).

A method for producing a purified 2-cyanoacrylate is characterized in that distillation is conducted in the presence of a polymerization inhibitor whose boiling point is within ±12° C. of the boiling point of the 2-cyanoacrylate. With this method, polymerization of 2-cyanoacrylate can be continuously prevented in the distillate system during distillation of a crude 2-cyanoacrylate, so that a purified 2-cyanoacrylate can be obtained.

A process for producing a substituted metallocene compound comprises reacting a first compound with a transfer-agent, wherein the first compound comprises a complex of a transition metal atom selected from Group 3, 4, 5 or 6 of the Periodic Table of Elements, or a lanthanide metal atom, or actinide metal atom and at least one monocyclic or polycyclic ligand that is pi-bonded to M and is substituted with at least one halogen or sulfonate substituent and the transfer-agent comprises a hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, halocarbyl, substituted halocarbyl, silylcarbyl, or germylcarbyl radical capable of replacing said at least one halogen or sulfonate substituent of said first compound under reaction conditions.

Aspirin triggered lipid mediators (ATLMs) are disclosed which are useful for the treatment of prevention of inflammation associated with various diseases, including ischemia.

Provided are recombinant constructs comprising DNA sequences encoding enzymes effective in altering the biosynthesis and accumulation of sterol compounds and tocopherols in transgenic plants. Also provided are methods of using such constructs to produce transgenic plants, seeds of which contain elevated levels of sitostanol and/or sitostanol esters, and α-tocopherol, as well as reduced levels of campesterol and campestanol and their corresponding esters. These seeds also contain the novel sterol brassicastanol. Oil obtained from seeds of such transgenic plants is also provided. This oil can be used to prepare food and pharmaceutical compositions effective in lowering the level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in blood serum. In addition, novel DNA sequences encoding plant steroid 5α-reductases are also disclosed.

A fluorosulfonyl group-containing compound having a high polymerization reactivity, a process for its production, a sulfonyl group-containing polymerizable monomer led from the sulfonyl group-containing compound, and a polymer obtainable by polymerizing the sulfonyl group-containing polymerizable monomer, are provided.A compound (3) is fluorinated to form a compound (4), and then, the compound (4) is subjected to a decomposition reaction to produce a compound (5). A preferred compound (5-1) of the compound (5) is thermally decomposed to produce a compound (7-1) having a high polymerization reactivity. wherein RA is a bivalent organic group such as a fluoroalkylene group, RAF is a group having RA fluorinated, or the same group as RA, each of RB to RD which are independent of one another, is a hydrogen atom, etc., each of RBF to RDF is a fluorine atom, etc., RE is a monovalent organic group, REF is a group having RE fluorinated, or the same group as RE, E is a bivalent connecting group, EF is the same group as E, or a group having E fluorinated, EF1 is a group formed by scission of EF, each of X1 to X3 is a hydrogen atom, etc., and each of X1F to X3F is a fluorine atom, etc.

Tetraphosphorous ligands are combined with transition metal salts to form catalysts for use in hydroformylation, isomerization-hydroformylation, hydrocarboxylation, hydrocyan-ation, isomerization-formylation, hydroaminomethylation and similar related reactions.

The present invention relates to salts having guanidinium cations, to processes for the preparation thereof, and to the use thereof as ionic liquids.

Disclosed are UV absorbers that contain a labile functional group capable of initiating free radical polymerization.

Novel compounds represented by formula (I): wherein R1, R2, R3 and R4 are as defined herein, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, hydrates and solvates thereof, are useful for the modulation of CCR5 chemokine receptor activity.

A compound having the general structure shown in Formula I: or pharmaceutically acceptable salts and/or solvates thereof are useful in treating diseases or conditions mediated by NK1 receptors, for example various physiological disorders, symptoms or diseases, including emesis, depression, anxiety and cough.

The present invention provides nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof and a process for making thereof. The compounds have inhibitory activity on the phosphorylation of kinases, which inhibits the activity of such kinases. The invention also provides intermediate compounds useful in the process, as well as final products produced by the process, and salts or prodrugs thereof. The invention further provides a method of inhibiting kinases and treating disease states in a mammal by inhibiting the phosphorylation of kinases comprising administering an effective amount of a compound according to the invention to a patient in need thereof.

A stable amorphous form of rifaximin is disclosed. This form is chemically and polymorphically stable on storage and can be prepared by dissolving rifaximin in a solvent to form a solution, which is precipitated by adding an anti-solvent and isolating of the precipitated amorphous rifaximin as an end product.