Textile material for garments
    Textile material for garments 审中-公开





    Inventor: Gerold Tebbe

    Abstract: The invention relates to a textile material for a garment (10) which has microparticles bound in a binding agent in a demarcated area which will later face outwardly on the garment and can have, for example, the form of a registered trademark (12). The microparticles impart a changed appearance to the textile material in the demarcated area. The microparticles preferably contain fluorescent, phosphorescent, thermochromic or photochromic colorants. The purpose of the microparticles is to make imitation of the textile material more difficult.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种用于衣服(10)的纺织材料,其具有在界定区域中的粘合剂中结合的微粒,后者将在服装上面向外面并且可以具有例如注册商标(12)的形式。 微粒对分界区域中的纺织材料赋予改变的外观。 微粒优选含有荧光,磷光,热变色或光致变色着色剂。 微粒的目的是使织物材料的模仿更加困难。

    Methods for improving brightness of fabrics and fabrics of improved brightness
    Methods for improving brightness of fabrics and fabrics of improved brightness 审中-公开





    Abstract: Methods for improving the brightness and durable press properties of fabric comprise treating the fabric with an aqueous solution comprising formaldehyde, catalyst for crosslinking the formaldehyde with natural fibers in the fabric, and silicone elastomer or precursor thereof, and heating the treated fabric to react the formaldehyde with natural fibers in the fabric. Methods for improving the brightness and shrinkage resistance properties of fabric comprise treating the fabric with an aqueous solution comprising formaldehyde, catalyst for crosslinking the formaldehyde with natural fibers in the fabric, and silicone elastomer or precursor thereof, and heating the treated fabric to react the formaldehyde with natural fibers in the fabric. Cellulose fabric which has a crosslinked formaldehyde durable press treatment and has been subjected to laundering with a brightener-containing detergent exhibits enhanced brightness after the laundering. Cellulose fabrics having a crosslinked formaldehyde treatment exhibit enhanced brightness after home laundering.

    Abstract translation: 提高织物的亮度和耐久冲压性能的方法包括用包含甲醛的水溶液,织物中天然纤维交联甲醛的催化剂和硅氧烷弹性体或其前体处理织物,并加热处理的织物以使甲醛 织物中含有天然纤维。 用于改善织物的亮度和抗收缩性能的方法包括用包含甲醛的水溶液处理织物,将织物中的天然纤维与甲醛交联的催化剂,以及硅氧烷弹性体或其前体,并加热处理的织物以使甲醛 织物中含有天然纤维。 具有交联甲醛耐久压制处理并且用含光亮剂的洗涤剂进行洗涤的纤维素织物在洗涤后表现出增强的亮度。 具有交联甲醛处理的纤维素织物在家庭洗涤后表现出增强的亮度。

    Microvoiding with alkali metal hydroxide a heat fused fabric of polyamide with fiber occluded axially aligned polyester microfibers
    Microvoiding with alkali metal hydroxide a heat fused fabric of polyamide with fiber occluded axially aligned polyester microfibers 失效





    Applicant: ALLIED CHEM

    Abstract: A fibrous material, which can be a filament, fabric, or a film, having increased whiteness and a desirable luster is produced by a process which comprises treating the fibrous material comprising a polyamide matrix having polyester microfibers dispersed therein with a hot, aqueous caustic solution containing about 0.5 to 10, preferably about 2 to 6, weight percent of a caustic material which can be an alkali metal oxide or hydroxide or an alkali metal salt of a weak acid which is capable of producing a pH of at least about 12.5 at a concentration of 0.1N in aqueous solution, at a temperature of at least about 95* C, for a period of time sufficient to remove a portion of the polyester microfibers to produce elongated microvoids in the fibrous material thereby increasing the whiteness and imparting a lustrous effect to the fibrous material.

    Abstract translation: 可以通过包括用分散有聚酯微纤维的聚酰胺基质的纤维材料用热的苛性碱溶液处理纤维材料,其可以是具有增加的白度和所需光泽的长丝,织物或膜的纤维材料 其含有约0.5至10重量%,优选约2至6重量%的碱金属材料,其可以是碱金属氧化物或氢氧化物或弱酸的碱金属盐,其能够在一定程度上产生至少约12.5的pH 浓度为0.1N的水溶液,在至少约95℃的温度下,足以除去一部分聚酯微纤维以在纤维材料中产生细长的微孔,从而增加白度并赋予光泽效应 到纤维材料。

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