
Terminal certification means of a communication terminal manages a content and certification information on the content in association with each other. Upon access to a server associated with the execution of the content, request means sends the server a request including certification information associated with the content. In response to the request from the communication terminal, the server uses server certification means to certify the request. Access control means performs access control based on policy information stored in policy information storage means.

Methods, apparatuses and storage medium associated with providing enhanced privacy during usage of computer vision are disclosed. In embodiments, an apparatus may include one or more privacy indicators to indicate one or more privacy conditions of the apparatus in association with provision of computer vision on the apparatus. The apparatus may further include a privacy engine coupled with the one or more privacy indicators, and configured to pre-process images from an image source of the apparatus associated with the provision of computer vision to the apparatus, to increase privacy for a user of the apparatus, and to control the one or more privacy indicators. In embodiments, the apparatus may include means for blanking out one or more pixels with depth values identified as greater than a threshold. Other embodiments may be described and claimed.

A method includes detecting a portion of data on an electronic device, determining a first representation of the malware status of the data, quarantining the data for a period of time, estimating whether the data is associated with malware by comparing the first and second representation, and, based on the estimation, releasing the data from quarantine. The first representation indicates that the malware status of the data is not certain to be safe and the malware status of the data is not certain to be malicious.

A method for unlocking a handheld device with a touch screen includes accessing a social network using login information, acquiring information of a plurality of friends from the social network. The method further includes creating an unlocking interface on the touch screen according to a second amount of a secondary key based on the plurality of friends and a question based on the first amount of a primary key based on the plurality of friends. An input event of a user on the unlocking interface is detected the handheld device is transitioned from a lock state to an unlock state upon the condition that the input event corresponds to a correct answer.

An apparatus and method for securely accessing and storing private data files and programs on a personal computing device with network access is provided. A portable data storage unit or authentication unit conjoins to a personal computing device and initiates a software program that delivers hidden authentication information to part of the network. The network then presents secure data files to the user, and enables data and program storage and access by the user. Administrator(s) may program multiple, separately-identifiable portable data storage units to permit different levels of access. When the portable data storage unit or authentication unit is no longer conjoined to the personal computing device, access and presentation of the data are terminated. The portable data storage unit may comprise a pivoting computer port-conjoining member, allowing its housing to run parallel to and lock with the personal computing device housing with a spring-loaded button and ribs along the member.

An authentication method and an authentication system based on forking, and a forking authentication device are provided. The method includes: setting authentication credentials on the receiving devices and the original device respectively; a forking network element forking a calling request after receiving the calling request from the original device, and transmitting the forked calling request to the corresponding receiving devices; the forking network element receiving challenging values from a plurality of receiving devices, and forwarding a plurality of challenging values to the original device; the forking network element receiving the calling request which is retransmitted by the original device, wherein the retransmitted calling request carries relevant authentication credentials; and the forking network element forking the retransmitted calling request, and transmitting the forked calling request to the corresponding receiving devices, such that the receiving devices authenticate the original device according to the authentication credentials.

A system and method for associating message addresses with certificates, in which one or more message addresses are identified and associated with a user-selected certificate that does not contain any e-mail addresses. In certain situations, a message may be encrypted using a certificate that does not contain an e-mail address that matches the e-mail address of the individual to which the message is to be sent, so long as the address to which the message is to be sent matches any of the message addresses associated with the certificate. The message addresses are saved in a data structure that resides in a secure data store on a computing device, such as a mobile device.

Disclosed are various embodiments for the synchronizing of files between a networked storage system and a third party system. A file can be stored in a storage location in a networked storage system. A determination can be whether the storage location is associated with a third party system. An authentication credential can be retrieved that is associated with the third party system. Upload of the file to the third party system can be initiated.

Certain aspects of the present disclosure relate to user access to an application service that references user account information and previous user action information. One example method may include receiving, via a receiver device, user input information to access an application, the user input information including at least one action request and authorizing the user to access the application. The method may also include storing the user input information as part of a contextual history information record in a database memory, generating a response message to the selected at least one action request based on the contextual history information, and forwarding the response message to the user via a transmitter device.

User authentication is provided. A social network associated with a user of a client device is monitored to determine whether a set of designated users are currently logged in and authenticated to access a secure resource. A video connection is established between the user of the client device and the set of designated users that are currently logged in and authenticated to access the secure resource. In addition, an authentication request screen is sent showing captured video authentication data corresponding to the user of the client device to the set of designated users that are currently logged in and authenticated to access the secure resource.

Methods and systems for remediating a security policy violation on a computer system are provided. According to one embodiment, information regarding a program-code-based operational state of a computer system is periodically sampled. A determination is made regarding whether the program-code-based operational state represents a violation of a security policy by evaluating the information with respect to multiple security policies each of with defines at least one parameter condition violation of which is potentially indicative of unauthorized activity on the computer system or manipulation of the computer system to make the computer system vulnerable to attack. When a violation exists then a remediation is identified and deployed to the computer system. The violation is based at least in part on one or more of: whether a particular process is running; the existence, version or status of a particular application; and a version, type or configuration of an operating system installed.

A method, system, computer program product, and computer program storage device for transforming a high-level policy associated with a high layer to a low-level policy associated with a low layer. Mapping between high-level objects in a high layer and low-level objects in a low layer is derived by an automated discovery tool. The high-level policy is mapped to the low-level policy according to the mapping (e.g., by substituting the high-level objects with the low-level objects and by performing a syntax transformation). In one embodiment, a low-level policy is transformed to a high-level policy according to the mapping. As exemplary embodiments, policy transformations in traffic shaping and data retention are disclosed.

A user can access data from an ERP system, through a handheld mobile device, using claims-based authentication information. An authentication service authenticates the user, using an appropriate authenticator, given the claims-based authentication information. New users can register, and once registered, they can receive business data from ERP mobile data accessing system and push service.

A source device may signal characteristics of a media presentation description (MPD) file such that a destination device may select one of a number of presentations corresponding to the MPD file and retrieve one or more video files of the selected presentation. In one example, an apparatus for transporting encoded video data includes a management unit configured to receive encoded video data comprising a number of video segments and forms a presentation comprising a number of video files, each of the video files corresponding to a respective one of the video segments, and a network interface configured to, in response to a request specifying a temporal section of the video data, output at least one of the video files corresponding to the number of video segments of the requested temporal section. A client may request temporally sequential fragments from different ones of the presentations.

A source rate associated with a video bit stream (112) and a channel (140) rate associated with an LTE environment can be identified. The video bit stream (112) can be a Scalable Video Codec (SVC) of an H.264/MPEG4 Advanced Video Coding. The channel (140) rate can be associated with one or more segment bandwidth (142) rates. An enhancement path from an enhancement profile (332) associated with the SVC can be determined. The enhancement profile (332) can include one or more cumulative source rates and an associated enhancement options. The enhancement options can be a frame quantity, frame size, and a frame quality (122, 124, 126). The enhancement path can be a subset of nodes of the enhancement graph (400). The channel (140) rate can be matched to a cumulative source rate to a node within the enhancement path. One or more Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) units (144) with the appropriate enhancement values can be conveyed.

A method includes receiving a request for a video program from a user device. A user account associated with the user device is identified. The method may also include identifying a latest viewing point for the video program based on the user account. A video segment playlist may be generated based on the latest viewing point. The video segment playlist identifies one or more video segments of the video program. The video segment playlist may be provided to the user device. The user device is operable to request the one or more video segments.

A method of processing broadcast data includes performing RS encoding and CRC encoding on mobile service data to generate an RS frame belonging to an ensemble including a signaling information table including access information of the mobile service data and identification information for identifying a stream where keys to decrypt the mobile service data are obtained, mapping a portion of data in the RS frame to a group including known data sequences, FIC data, and TPC data, wherein the FIC data includes information for rapid mobile service acquisition, and the TPC data includes FIC version information for indicating an update of the FIC data; and transmitting a broadcast signal including the group.

A television system comprises an electronic program guide (EPG) including a picture-in-picture (PIP) window and means for returning to a last channel viewed full screen (LCF) in a television viewing mode prior to entering the guide mode. The EPG displays a program list including a listing for the LCF and text identifying it as such. This last channel listing is positioned at the top of a program list area in the guide. The viewer returns directly to the LCF in the television viewing mode by setting a cursor to the last channel listing prior to exiting the guide mode. In guides including listings for future programs, the last channel listing remains in a designated position of the program list area. To return to the LCF from the guide mode, the viewer cursors to the last channel listing in the program list and then presses a GUIDE/TV button, designates the LCF as the default channel to which the system automatically tunes when exiting the guide mode, or presses a LAST CHANNEL button on the remote control unit to simultaneously exit the guide mode and tune the system to the LCF. Alternately, the system may employ separate television and PIP tuners. In the guide mode, the television input is switched to the PIP tuner and the television tuner remains tuned to the LCF. Thus, when the viewer reselects the television viewing mode, the program being telecast on the LCF is displayed full screen.

Provided are an apparatus and method for restricting A/V listening and viewing using parental levels. According to an embodiment of the present invention, a parental level detected from a video signal is compared with a level set by a user, and previously buffered video and audio are repeatedly output if the detected parental level is higher than the level set by the user. The parental level is included and transmitted in a video line of a broadcast signal. Also, the repeatedly output video is a still image or a moving image, and the repeatedly output audio is audio between two audio mute periods finally detected. Accordingly, there is no case when a user waits for nothing while viewing a black screen in a mute state, while a parental lock operation is performed.

An apparatus and method for dynamically reconfiguring a state of an application program in a many-core system is described. The apparatus may receive registration information from an application program, in response to a state change of the application program, and may process the state change of the application program based on the received registration information.

Multiple parallel passive threads of instructions coordinate access to shared resources using “active” and “proactive” semaphores. The active semaphores send messages to execution and/or control circuitry to cause the state of a thread to change. A thread can be placed in an inactive state by a thread scheduler in response to an unresolved dependency, which can be indicated by a semaphore. A thread state variable corresponding to the dependency is used to indicate that the thread is in inactive mode. When the dependency is resolved a message is passed to control circuitry causing the dependency variable to be cleared. In response to the cleared dependency variable the thread is placed in an active state. Execution can proceed on the threads in the active state. A proactive semaphore operates in a similar manner except that the semaphore is configured by the thread dispatcher before or after the thread is dispatched to the execution circuitry for execution.

A computer-implemented method configures an extended virtual machine. A virtual image is executed to initialize a virtual machine. An activation engine is activated to search for special extensions in the virtual image. The virtual machine scans at least one virtual disk for script to implement the special extensions as virtual machine extensions, such that the virtual machine reads and executes the extensions prior to being available for use.

An information processing apparatus having a prediction section that determines the predicted peak usage amount of physical resources for each time interval for individual clusters each including a plurality of virtual machines having the same function; a setting section sets a constraint that ensures that, for individual combinations of a first physical machine, a second physical machine, and a time interval, the total predicted peak usage amount of a physical resource predicted for the first physical machine if the second physical machine stops during the time interval does not exceed a physical resource amount prepared for the first physical machine; and an allocation-configuration deriving section derives an allocation configuration by calculating, in accordance with the constraint, a solution to an optimization problem for minimizing, as an objective function, the sum total of the physical resource amounts of all of physical machines to which the virtual machines are allocated.

Systems and methods are provided to implement a design apparatus for applications in an industrial automation environment. The design apparatus is configured to maintain multiple configuration settings in connection with an application project. At deployment-time, a particular configuration can be selected and utilized when building an application for installation on a target device. The same application project can be utilized to deploy the application to multiple systems through selection of different configurations.

When a user of the wireless terminal connects the wireless terminal to a computer, the wireless terminal detects the connection and determines whether the connection is the first time for connection to the computer. If the connection is the first time connection, the wireless terminal obtains information of wireless terminal software on the wireless terminal. Then, the wireless terminal causes the computer to access a server via a network and to download to the computer a software upgrading assistance (SUA) program from the server. The SUA program assists update of the wireless terminal software.

A virtual appliance may be provided with firmware images that may be simulated in a run-time environment prior to loading into a network component. A kernel may be mapped to a virtual appliance image providing a virtual operating system image. Updates to the virtual appliance may provide updated versions of the virtual operating system image by mapping the updated virtual appliance image to an updated kernel. Various versions of the virtual operating system image may be stored and loaded into the virtual appliance without needing to downgrade a previous version of the operating system.

Described is predicting cache locality in a multicore/multithreaded processing environment including when threads share cache data in a non-uniform interleaving manner. Thread execution traces are analyzed to compute a set of per-thread parameters that can then be used to predict cache miss rates for other cache sizes. In one aspect, a model is based upon a probability that the cache reuse distance will increase because of accesses by other threads, and another probability that the reuse distance will decrease because of intercept accesses by other threads to shared data blocks. Estimates of the number of shared data blocks, possibly shared data blocks and private data blocks are used in the computations.

The embodiments provide a data processing apparatus for automated blueprint assembly. The data processing apparatus includes a micro-blueprint assembler configured to receive a request for automated blueprint assembly for assembling an application, where the request specifies at least one feature, and a model database configured to store model data. The model data includes a plurality of classes and class properties. The data processing apparatus further includes a micro-blueprint database configured to store a plurality of micro-blueprints. Each micro-blueprint corresponds to a functional component of a stack element or service tier, and the functional component is annotated with one or more classes of the plurality of classes and at least one required capability and available capability. The micro-blueprint assembler is configured to generate at least one application blueprint based on the model data and the plurality of micro-blueprints according to the request.

A computer-implemented method for facilitating access to shared resources within computer clusters may include identifying a quick response code captured by at least one computing system. The method may also include identifying information encoded in the quick response code captured by the computing system. The method may further include determining that the information encoded in the quick response code contains an activation key that facilitates activation of a software application. The method may additionally include applying, in response to this determination, the activation key to the software application in order to activate the software application without requiring a user of the software application to manually enter the activation key. Various other methods, systems, and computer-readable media are also disclosed.

According to one embodiment, generating virtual data by mirroring data based on a dimension measurement result in a measurement region on an inner side of a shot region to a non-shot region on an outer side of a shot edge, and calculating dose data of the measurement region and a non-measurement region based on data in the measurement region and the virtual data are included.

A method, system and product for explaining illegal combinations in combinatorial models. The method comprising obtaining a combinatorial model and an illegal combination that is excluded from the model by one or more restrictions, utilizing a Satisfiability solver on a satisfiability formula that encodes the legal test space and that assigns values to attributes as defined by the illegal combination, whereby the satisfiability solver provides an indication of unsatisfiability of the satisfiability formula and an UNSAT core comprising a subset of clauses defined by the satisfiability formula which are unsatisfiable; and identifying the one or more restrictions by mapping the clauses of the UNSAT core with clauses encoding the set of restrictions.

Receiving commands from a remote controller and automatically activating display areas for cursor navigation. Content display areas within a display frame respectively correspond to a variety of content items and include a primary display area wherein cursor navigation is activated and secondary display areas wherein cursor navigation is prevented. Remote controller navigational commands, for example, then allow cursor based navigation for the content item currently displayed in the primary display area. A content selection command such as a number key input of the remote controller allows immediate and automatic updating of the primary display area to include a desired content item that is associated to the command (e.g., the particular number).

The present invention is a portable terminal and a display data editing method for the same capable of easily changing preliminarily stored display data to any expression preferable to the user. A display processor 3e1 controls the writing and read-out data in and out of a memory unit 5, and provides various displays on a display part 4 according to registered display data. An editing processor 3c edits the display data on a display and also collectively edits duplicated display data in response to key operation in a key entry unit 3c. A retrieving processor 3e3 retrieves any duplicated display data in the editing subject display data before change and after change.

Embodiments of the invention address deficiencies of the art in respect to application sharing and provide a method, system and computer program product for user interface widget unit based application sharing. In a first embodiment, a data processing system for user interface widget unit based application sharing, can include a dynamic widget server communicatively linked to a dynamic widget browser. The dynamic widget browser can include program code enabled to render a user interface including one or more remote dynamic widgets peered to corresponding dynamic widgets for a dynamic view for an application launched by the dynamic widget server.

A method and apparatus for enhancing the display of data is provided. User interaction data describing the interactions of a plurality of users with a user interface component is stored. The user interaction data is analyzed to identify patterns of prior use of the user interface component. The operation of a three-tier architecture may be configured to enhance performance based on the patterns of prior use. For example, upon determining a certain percentage of users interact with the user interface component in a manner requiring the visual appearance of the user interface component to be updated to depict additional data not previously depicted, the additional data may be cached at an application tier or provided to a client before a user requests the additional data to minimize the delay in retrieving the additional data. The patterns of prior use may also be used to selectively initialize resources at the middle-tier.

One particular implementation of the present invention may take the form of a method for correlating partial views of network resources into normalized or aggregated views for use by an administrator. The implementation may compare a newly detected resource against the known set of normalized resources of the network to correlate the new resource with an existing network resource. More particularly, one method for correlating network resources may compare key/value pairs associated with a new resource with key/value pairs associated with a first normalized resource. If the new resource does not correlate to the first normalized resource, the method may then compare the key/value pairs of the new resource to the key/value pairs of the second normalized resource. A second implementation may compare a unique key/value pair to a map containing the unique key/value pairs of each normalized resource, until the unique key/value pair is found. Once a normalized resource is found with the same unique key/value pair, each remaining key/value pair of the new resource may be compared with the key/value pairs of the matching normalized resource. If the key/value pairs for each resource matches, then the new resource correlates to the normalized resource.

The present invention concerns a method and device for coding a structured document comprising events to be coded having values. A particular, non-exclusive, application of the present invention is the coding of the XML document as a file of the EXI type. The method comprises the following steps: running through the document in order to process events; forming channels of values containing values of events according to at least one criterion; coding the channels of values thus formed by coding the event values of each of these channels of values by means of at least one coding dictionary; method wherein the formation device comprises, for each event to be coded and run through having a value, the association of this value to be coded with one of said channels by reference, in said channel, to an entry in the coding dictionary.

A method and apparatus for encoding and decoding high speed shared control channel (HS-SCCH) data are disclosed. For part 1 data encoding, a mask may be generated using a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) identity (ID) and a generator matrix with a maximum minimum Hamming distance. For part 2 data encoding, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) bits are generated based on part 1 data and part 2 data. The number of CRC bits is less than the WTRU ID. The CRC bits and/or the part 2 data are masked with a mask. The mask may be a WTRU ID or a punctured WTRU ID of length equal to the CRC bits. The mask may be generated using the WTRU ID and a generator matrix with a maximum minimum Hamming distance. The masking may be performed after encoding or rate matching.

A first subscriber unit (SU) operating in a two-way radio frequency (RF) communications system having at least one fixed terminal, one or more channels, and a plurality of subscriber units, generates a first burst of data for transmission to the at least one fixed terminal. The first SU calculates a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) or checksum value over (i) at least a first portion of the first burst of data and (ii) at least a portion of a first private data. The first SU transmits the first burst of data and the calculated CRC/checksum value, but not the first private data, to the at least one fixed terminal. The fixed terminal then calculates its own CRC/checksum over the received burst and its own copy of the first private data, and compares the result with the received CRC/checksum. The fixed terminal authenticates the received burst if the values match.

An apparatus having a first circuit and a second circuit is disclosed. The first circuit may be configured to (i) read data from a region of a memory circuit during a read scrub of the region and (ii) generate a plurality of statistics based on (a) the data and (b) one or more bit flips performed during an error correction of the data. The memory circuit is generally configured to store the data in a nonvolatile condition. One or more reference voltages may be used to read the data. The second circuit may be configured to (i) update a plurality of parameters of the region based on the statistics and (ii) compute updated values of the reference voltages based on the parameters.

Methods and apparatuses are described for decompressing and routing test data. Some embodiments feature an integrated circuit (IC) that includes two or more shift registers configured to shift in the test data. Each of the two or more shift registers can include two or more sequential elements configured such that a scan chain in the set of scan chains receives inputs from at most one sequential element in each of the two or more shift registers. At least one shift register in the two or more shift registers can be configured as a circular shift register. The IC can also include a logic network coupled between the two or more shift registers and the set of scan chains such that the set of scan chains receives the decompressed test data from the two or more shift registers via the logic network.

In a method of executing a BIST operation on IC memory arrays having a common BIST control unit, a first BIST sequence is initiated. Each address for the arrays is incremented. The BIST control unit receives a signal indicating a maximum valid address in the array is reached, receiving a plurality of maximum valid addresses, which are recorded. A single relatively highest maximum valid address is determined. A first mode, which prevents BIST testing, is engaged in each array having reached the maximum valid address. A second BIST sequence is initiated based on having received the signal indicating a maximum valid address is reached from all the arrays connected to the common BIST control unit. An address count is decremented from the single relatively highest maximum valid address. The first mode is disengaged for each array as the address count reaches each of the maximum valid addresses during the decrementing.

A method and apparatus for encoding channel quality indicator (CQI) and precoding control information (PCI) bits are disclosed. Each of the input bits, such as CQI bits and/or PCI bits, has a particular significance. The input bits are encoded with a linear block coding. The input bits are provided with an unequal error protection based on the significance of each input bit. The input bits may be duplicated based on the significance of each input bit and equal protection coding may be performed. A generator matrix for the encoding may be generated by elementary operation of conventional basis sequences to provide more protection to a most significant bit (MSB).

A serial testing infrastructure includes the capability to execute a distributed test on multiple virtual processors. A test executable may be stored in a library and the test description, including the name of the test, the test library, and other test characteristics, may be stored in a separate test data file. The serial testing infrastructure initiates multiple distributed test executors that each launch an instance of the distributed test as a process that runs concurrently with other instances of the distributed test. Each distributed test executor monitors execution of it corresponding process until completion or timeout.

A method includes, in a non-volatile memory that includes multiple memory blocks, defining a redundancy zone that includes at least an old parity block, a new parity block and multiple active blocks of which one block is defined as an open block. Data is stored in the redundancy zone and the stored data is protected, such that new input data is stored in the open block, redundancy information for the active blocks including the open block is stored in the new parity block, and the redundancy information for the active blocks excluding the open block is stored in the old parity block. Upon filling the open block and the new parity block, an alternative block is assigned to serve as the open block and the new parity block is assigned to serve as the old parity block.

A method includes detecting that a first file and a second file are duplicates, and storing the first file and the second file to a target storage device. Metadata is written to the target storage device in association with the first file, wherein the metadata identifies the location of the second file that is a duplicate of the first file. Later, an application program requests a first read operation to read the first file. In response to a media error that results from the first read operation, the target storage device reads the metadata associated with the first file to identify the location of the second file, performs a second read operation to read the second file instead of the first file, and provides the second file to the application program in satisfaction of the requested first read operation.

A method begins by a dispersed storage (DS) processing module identifying a set of collections of records corresponding to a data segment that is stored in a dispersed storage network (DSN) as a set of encoded data slices, wherein a collection of records includes an event record including information regarding an event, a first record including information regarding a dispersed storage (DS) processing module processing an event request to produce a plurality of sub-event requests, and a plurality of records including information regarding a set of DS units processing the plurality of sub-event requests. The method continues with the DS processing module determining whether an error exists for one of the set of encoded data slices based on at least some of the set of collections of records and when the error exists, flagging the one of the set of encoded data slices for potential rebuilding.

A microprocessor includes two or more processing cores each configured to compute a first value in response to detecting a power event. The first value represents an amount of energy the core consumed during a time interval leading up to the event. The length of the time interval is predetermined. Each core reads from the memory one or more second values that represent an amount of energy the other cores consume during approximately the time interval. The second values were previously computed and written to the memory by the other cores. Each core adjusts its operating frequency based on the first and second values. The predetermined frequency may be: a frequency at which all the cores can operate over the predetermined length of time without the microprocessor consuming more than the predetermined amount of energy, or alternatively the maximum frequency at which system software may request the cores to operate.

A method, computer program product, and system for hibernation during meetings is described. A method may comprise designating a base computer system of a meeting. The method may further comprise determining if a user is in the meeting. The method may also comprise hibernating a computer system associated with the user based upon, at least in part, a hibernation policy, if it is determined that the user is in the meeting.

An apparatus includes a storage unit configured to store information which is acquired by a negotiation with an external apparatus and is for communication via a network, a detection unit configured to detect that conditions are satisfied for switching to a power saving mode in which power consumption is smaller than in a normal power mode while the normal power mode is operating, and a notification unit configured to notify a network interface of the stored information when the conditions for switching to the power saving mode are satisfied.

A faithful execution system includes system memory, a target processor, and protection engine. The system memory stores a ciphertext including value fields and integrity fields. The value fields each include an encrypted executable instruction and the integrity fields each include an encrypted integrity value for determining whether a corresponding one of the value fields has been modified. The target processor executes plaintext instructions decoded from the ciphertext while the protection engine is coupled between the system memory and the target processor. The protection engine includes logic to retrieve the ciphertext from the system memory, decrypt the value fields into the plaintext instructions, perform an integrity check based on the integrity fields to determine whether any of the corresponding value fields have been modified, and provide the plaintext instructions to the target processor for execution.

A computer implemented method and apparatus for one-step signature trust of digitally signed documents comprising determining whether a digital signature is otherwise valid except for a lack of trust in a digital certificate; offering a recipient an option to establish trust in the digital certificate; and adding the digital certificate to a list of the recipient's trusted digital certificates when recipient opts to establish trust.

There is provided an electronic watermark generating apparatus including an appliance characterizing information generating unit that generates appliance characterizing information that characterizes an electronic appliance, by using physical data acquired by a sensor that measures characteristics of the electronic appliance, an electronic watermark generating unit that generates, in relation to the appliance characterizing information, electronic watermark information that is used for detecting whether information has been tampered with or not, an embedded position deciding unit that analyzes the appliance characterizing information, and decides an embedded position for the electronic watermark information in the appliance characterizing information, and an electronic watermark embedding unit that embeds the electronic watermark information generated by the electronic watermark generating unit in a position on the appliance characterizing information decided by the embedded position deciding unit.

Wireless telecommunications networks may implement various forms of authentication. There are a variety of different user and device authentication protocols that follow a similar network architecture, involving various network entities such as a user equipment (UE), a service provider (SP), and an authentication endpoint (AEP). To select an acceptable authentication protocol or credential for authenticating a user or UE, authentication protocol negotiations may take place between various network entities. For example, negotiations may take place in networks implementing a single-sign on (SSO) architecture and/or networks implementing a Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA).

In one embodiment, the present invention includes a method for directly communicating between an accelerator and an instruction sequencer coupled thereto, where the accelerator is a heterogeneous resource with respect to the instruction sequencer. An interface may be used to provide the communication between these resources. Via such a communication mechanism a user-level application may directly communicate with the accelerator without operating system support. Further, the instruction sequencer and the accelerator may perform operations in parallel. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

An address translation buffer (TLB) which holds pairs of virtual addresses and physical addresses by respective page sizes and performs an address translation, a storage unit which holds a pair of a virtual address removed from the TLB and page size corresponding thereto when a pair of a new virtual address and physical address read from a page table is registered to the TLB, base registers which hold a base address by each page size are held. The TLB is searched based on a translation object virtual address included in a memory access request, and when a TLB miss occurs, a main storage is searched based on a pointer address generated from information held by the storage unit and the base register, and the translation object virtual address is translated into the physical address.

A method processes input-output commands (IOs) in a storage system. The storage system receives an IO including first and second identifiers. The first identifier is used to direct the IO to the storage system. At the storage system, the method retrieves the second identifier from the IO and translates the second identifier to a logical storage volume identifier. Then, the method executes the IO on storage locations referenced by a logical storage volume corresponding to the logical storage volume identifier.

A computing device includes an interface, memory, and a processing module. The memory stores a directory and inode tables. The directory stores a file identifier and a corresponding inumber for each file that is stored in storage units. An inode table stores an inumber, metadata, and a DSN address for each file stored in a corresponding storage unit. The processing module is operable to monitor, for each of the inode tables, utilization of the memory. The processing module is further operable to monitor, for each of the storage units, utilization of memory of the storage units. The processing module is further operable to process, for the inode table and/or the corresponding storage unit, per inode table memory utilization data and per storage unit memory utilization data to adjust memory utilization of the inode table and/or memory utilization of the corresponding storage unit.

A data storage device includes a storage medium configured to store data; and a controller configured to control the storage medium, the controller including address mapping information. The controller is configured to divide the address mapping information into at least a first address mapping table and a second address mapping table based on information regarding temporary data received at the controller. The first address mapping table is configured to map one or more addresses of valid data and to be backed up to the storage medium. The second mapping address table being configured to map one or more addresses of the temporary data and to not be backed up to the storage medium.

Methods, systems, and computer storage mediums including a computer program product method for formatting storage volumes are provided. One method includes creating a storage volume including a global counter and partitioned into multiple storage segments including a segment counter and partitioned into multiple stripes, wherein the global counter and each segment counter match at an initial time. The method further includes releasing the storage segments prior to completely reformatting the storage volume and subsequently incrementing the global counter such that the global counter and each segment counter no longer match at a subsequent time. The method further includes enabling a user to write data to the storage segments prior to completely reformatting the storage volume in response to incrementing the global counter. One system includes a processor for performing the above method and one computer storage medium includes a computer program product configured to perform the above method.

A method for data storage includes providing a memory, which includes multiple groups of memory cells and is configured to concurrently store first data using a first storage configuration having a first access time, and second data using a second storage configuration having a second access time, longer than the first access time, such that each memory cell in each of the groups stores at least one bit of the first data and one or more bits of the second data. Data items are accepted for storage in the memory. The accepted data items are classified into a fast-access class and a normal-access class. The data items in the fast-access class are stored in the memory using the first storage configuration, and the data items in the normal-access class are stored in the memory using the second storage configuration.

Distributed storage resources are managed based on data collected from online monitoring of workloads on the storage resources and performance characteristics of the storage resources. Load metrics are calculated from the collected data and used to identify workloads that are migration candidates and storage units that are migration destinations, so that load balancing across the distributed storage resources can be achieved.

Embodiments of the invention relate to counter-based entry invalidation for a metadata previous write queue (PWQ). An aspect of the invention includes writing an address into an entry in the metadata PWQ, the address being associated with an instance of metadata received from a pipeline and setting a valid tag associated with the entry in the metadata PWQ to valid. Another aspect of the invention includes initializing a counter to zero and incrementing the counter based on receiving a count signal from the pipeline until the counter is equal to a threshold. Yet another aspect of the invention includes setting the valid tag to invalid based on the counter being equal to the threshold.

Embodiments of the invention provide a memory device that may be accessed by a plurality of controllers or processor cores via respective ports of the memory device. Each controller may be coupled to a respective port of the memory device via a data bus. Each port of the memory device may be associated a predefined section of memory, thereby giving each controller access to a distinct section of memory without interference from other controllers. A common command/address bus may couple the plurality of controllers to the memory device. Each controller may assert an active signal on a memory access control bus to gain access to the command/address bus to initiate a memory access.

A method for receiving a Mode Select command concerning a LUN from a host. The Mode Select command defines control information and host identifier information concerning the host associated with the Mode Select command. The Mode Select command is processed to determine if the control information included within the Mode Select command signifies an intent by the host to relinquish control of the LUN. If the control information signifies an intent to relinquish control of the LUN, the host identifier information included within the Mode Select command is processed to confirm that it matches LUN control identifier information that defines the host that currently controls the LUN. If the host identifier information matches the LUN control identifier information, at least the control information included within the Mode Select command is written to a buffer associated with the LUN. The buffer includes a control field and a GUID field.

A method, computer program product, and computing system for compartmentalizing a LUN into a plurality of portions that are each assigned to one or more hosts. An ownership tracking structure is maintained for the LUN, wherein the ownership tracking structure includes a data entry associated with each of the plurality of portions within the LUN. One or more properties of the ownership tracking structure are monitored to determine if the ownership tracking structure needs to be compressed. If the ownership tracking structure needs to be compressed, one or more actions are taken to reduce the size of the ownership tracking structure.

A virtualization technique, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, includes emulating the small computing system interface (SCSI) protocol to access a virtual SCSI storage device backed by a file stored on network attached storage (NAS).

In a method for storing data in a flash memory array, the flash memory array includes a plurality of physical pages. The method includes receiving a request to perform a data access operation through a communication bus. The request includes data and a logical page address. The method further includes allocating one or more physical pages of the flash memory array to perform the data access operation. The method further includes, based on a historical usage data of the flash memory array, selectively encoding the data contained in the logical page into the one or more physical pages.

A method of controlling a virtual computer system, the method comprising: obtaining, by a management computer, a load value for each of the plurality of groups, and comparing the load value against a preset threshold; identifying, a group whose load value exceeds the preset threshold as a first group; selecting, a second group from the plurality of groups minus the first group; identifying, as a migration target computer, a given physical computer out of physical computers that run virtual computers allocated to the second group; migrating, virtual computers that are provided by the migration target computer to other physical computers within the second group; changing, settings of the network switch in a manner that enables the migration target computer to operate in the first group; adding, the migration target computer to the first group; and controlling, the migration target computer to run virtual computers of the first group.

At a gateway within a network, a message containing content is received. The message conforms to a protocol that specifies a format of the content, the message having been sent from a server outside the network to a client within the network. The message is routed from the gateway to the client. The message is analyzed to determine whether the content is static. Depending on a result of the analyzing, the content is selectively caused to be stored in the format specified by the protocol in a cache within the network.

A method, system, and computer program product for identifying network congestion in a communication system. A connection manager identifies a number of packet delay times of a plurality of data packets within the communication system; determines whether the at least one packet delay time meets a threshold; and responsive to the at least one packet delay time meeting the threshold, adjusts a congestion indicator.

A home security and control system for monitoring and controlling an external environment such as a home environment comprising: an Internet browser connectable to an extranet; an extranet located external to the home environment and accessible via the Internet browser; a communications server located in the extranet and adapted to interconnect on demand with one of a series of connection gateways located in predetermined home environments; and a connection gateway located in the home environment adapted to control and/or monitor the operation of at least one security device in the home environment; wherein upon accessing a predetermined address by the Internet browser on the extranet, the communications server connects to a predetermined one of the connection gateways to control and/or monitor the operation of the security device. The extranet can ideally be implemented as a Virtual Private Network (VPN) across an Internet substrate.

Disclosed are various embodiments for generating a network page having a data density that corresponds to a network page load time for a client in communication with an electronic commerce system. In one embodiment, the electronic commerce system determines a network page load time for a client and draws an association between the client and a data density based at least in part on the network page load time. The electronic commerce system generates a network page having the data density and serves the network page for the client.

A server device configured to store an Internet protocol (IP) registry, the registry includes information for a user device, the information includes particular identifiers for the user device, an IP address for the user device, and a particular access point name (APN), where the particular APN corresponds to a service, an application, a network, or data used by the user device; receive a query that includes identifiers and an APN; perform, using the IP registry, an operation to identify the information, for the user device, based on the identifiers and the APN; obtain the information for the user device, when the identifiers match the particular identifiers stored in the IP registry and when the APN matches the particular APN stored in the IP registry; and send, to an application server, the information for the user device, where the IP address permits the application server to communicate with the user device.

A method for load balancing resource requests among a plurality of servers is disclosed and includes providing an enterprise content management (ECM) system coupled to processing servers for managing a plurality of resources, where each resource is identified by a resource identifier. The ECM system includes a load manager that receives a first plurality of requests. Each request includes a resource identifier and an action, and is assigned to a processing server for processing. The method includes recording performance statistics for each request when each request is processed. Request types based on the resource identifier and the action of each request are also identified. For each request type, a weighting factor is generated based on the performance statistics for each request of the request type. Thereafter, a new request is assigned to a processing server based on the weighting factor for request type of the new request.

A network communication system includes a connection server that assigns a network address within a data communication network to a subscriber terminal. The connection server receives outgoing communications from the subscriber terminal and transmits the outgoing communications to a network access point and receives incoming communications from the network access point and transmits the incoming communications to the subscriber terminal. The connection server intercepts a tracking cookie received from a remote server in the data communications network and intended for the subscriber terminal and stores the tracking cookie at the connection server so that the tracking cookie can be used to support a communication session between the subscriber terminal and the remote server without the tracking cookie being stored at the subscriber terminal.

An API including a registration function and a configuration function, is provided to an optical networking apparatus to facilitate registration of configuration specification delimiter pairs by service routines of function blocks of multi-protocol optical networking modules (MPONM), and extraction of configuration specifications for the function blocks from a configuration specification input set using the registered configuration specification delimiter pairs. In one embodiment, the configuration function also receives current configuration of the function blocks, and merges the received current configurations of the function blocks into a configuration specification output set, separating the merged configuration specification using the registered configuration specification delimiters.

Embodiments provide systems, methods, and computer program products for inferring the switch port connectivity of discovered but unmanaged devices in a network without direct access to the devices. Embodiments operate by generating a physical address-to-port map based on collected operational data and then pruning the generated map based on switch port connectivity information and/or inferred link connectivity information. The switch port connectivity of discovered unmanaged devices is then generated or updated based on the pruned map. The switch port connectivity information can be used by various other tools to enable diagramming, asset inventory, and network planning, design, and optimization workflows.

A computerized method of creating a classifier model to determine whether a network user should be added to a list of similar network users. A first list of network users, a second list of network users who are not on the first list of network users and characteristic data associated with the network users' network activity are received. A time period is designated. A first category of network activities performed by a network user on the first list within the designated time period is identified. A second category of network activities performed at any time by network users on the second list is identified. A third category of network activities performed by network users on the first list at a time outside of the designated time period is identified. The classifier model is generated based on the first, second and third categories of network activities.

A mechanism is provided for automatically detecting and locating equipment within an intelligent equipment rack. The intelligent equipment rack comprises a rack controller that determines whether a signal has been received indicating that a rack space in a plurality of rack spaces in the intelligent equipment rack has been occupied by a piece of electronic equipment. Responsive to receiving the signal indicating that the rack space has been occupied by the piece of electronic equipment, the rack controller updates a rack information table in the memory with occupation information related to the rack space occupied by the piece of electronic equipment.

Application sessions are matched to user network usage or buying policies based upon a scoring system which reflects a user value to each policy for different applications. Several user policies are stored, each containing a list of matching criteria. Each criterion has a score for each element. The content of an application session description is used to compare with each user policy, and a policy score is awarded to each criterion if matched, or else, no score is awarded. The user policy which scores the highest policy score (which may be adjusted to be expressed as a percentage) is then chosen as the policy to use for the application session.

A method and system for monitoring a monitoring-target process. A monitored server computer starts a monitoring-target process. After starting the monitoring-target process, the computer ascertains a current operating state of the monitoring-target process which includes utilizing a monitoring condition record included in a monitoring-condition registry. The monitoring-condition registry is a file or database stored in a data storage device in the computer. The monitoring condition record includes monitoring conditions controlling implementation of the monitoring-target process. The monitoring condition record includes a process label that uniquely identifies the monitoring-target process. After ascertaining the current operating state, the computer stops the monitoring-target process.

The present invention discloses a method, system and device for implementing identity identifier and location separation, to solve the technical problem that the change of the host IP address results in the connection interrupt of the terminal in the process of moving. By separating and mapping the identity identifier and location identifier, the present invention eliminates the network limitation because of the IP addresses with dual functions of the identity identifier and location identifier; the terminal host identity identifier and the terminal location identifier are mapped, the IP address is used for route only, and the host identity is denoted by the host identifier. Consequently, when the host address is changed because of moving or multi-homing and so on, the route is changed, the host identifier still keeps unchanged, and the network application and connection are not interrupted. Therefore, the continuity of the session can be implemented, the mobility, the multi-homing, the dynamic reallocation of IP addresses, and the inter-access among the different network area can be implemented effectively.

A method for managing server apparatuses and a management apparatus thereof are provided. A server apparatus is searched in the management apparatus for receiving an Internet Protocol (IP) address from a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) of the server apparatus. And identification information of an Operating System (OS) of the server apparatus is obtained according to the IP address. The IP address and the identification information are bound. Then, an out-of-band message received from the BMC is updated into a server object according to the identification information.

A server monitors receipt of application access requests for application asset data from client devices. Each client device includes a local cache and the server includes a back-end cache. In response to receipt of each application access request, a number of client devices requesting access to the application asset data and an access privilege type requested by each requesting client device are determined. The application asset data is migrated between the back-end cache and at least one local cache based upon the determined number of client devices requesting access to the application asset data and the access privilege type requested by each requesting client device.

An electronic device and method for sending a message is provided. The electronic device includes a network interface, an input device and a processor in communication with the network interface and the input device. The processor is configured to establish a connection with a plurality of messaging applications, select a messaging service, receive content and input via a messaging composition interface and send the message. The method involves establishing a connection with a plurality of messaging applications, selecting a messaging service, receiving content and input via a messaging composition interface, and sending the message.

A flexible, extensible, and dynamically configurable Advanced IP Messaging Server (AIMS) facility that among other things may leverage various pools of data—including for example routing data, location and presence data, Mobile Subscriber profile data, etc.—to expeditiously process and route, through the use of among other things Feature Tags, a wide range of information including among other things conventional Short Message Service, Multimedia Message Service, IP Multimedia Subsystem, etc. messaging; E-Mail messaging; Instant Messaging communications; Voice Over IP and other (e.g., video conference, etc.) data streams; Session Initiation Protocol-addressed artifacts; etc.

The invention provides a method for Diameter prefix authorization. The method includes sending a request for a prefix by a Prefix Authorization (PA) client or Diameter client to a Prefix Authorization (PA) server or Diameter server. The method also includes replying with an answer message by the PA server to the PA client to provide a first prefix with a first lifetime. The invention further includes a method for initiating IPv6 address renumbering by sending a message for renumbering from the PA server. The method also includes receiving the message by the PA client and sending a message to the PA server to acquire a second prefix. The method further includes receiving the second prefix from the PA server with an answer message with a second lifetime, where the second prefix is different from the first prefix.

A data processing device includes a receiving means, a discriminating means, a data retriever determining means, and a transmitting means. The receiving means receives data transmitted from a client computer to one of plural server computers. The discriminating means extracts destination information and source information from the received data. The destination information is information on the one of the plural server computers. The source information is information on the client computer. The data retriever determining means determines a data retriever in accordance with the extracted information. The data retriever searches the one of the plural server computers. The transmitting means transmits the data together with the destination information and the source information to the determined data retriever.

An alert delivery system includes a publish-subscription platform that is configured to receive alert messages from one or more sources. The publish-subscription platform is further configured to publish the alert messages to client devices based on matches between geographic locations respectively associated with ones of the alert messages and geographic locations respectively associated with ones of the client devices.

A method is described that involves executing a first instruction with a functional unit. The first instruction is a multiply-add instruction. The method further includes executing a second instruction with the functional unit. The second instruction is a round instruction.

Improvements to apparatus, methods, and computer program products are disclosed to improve the efficiency of pinning objects in a heap memory that is subject to a garbage collection system.

Building a semantics graph for an enterprise communication network can include calculating a distance metric between a first signifier and a second signifier associated with an enterprise communication network, wherein the distance metric includes a plurality of relationships defined based on a frequency of co-occurrences of the first signifier and the second signifier, and building a semantics graph for the enterprise communication network using the calculated distance metric.

System and method for suffix tree creation for large input data/text streams. The methodology leverages the structure of suffix trees to build a suffix tree by simultaneously tiling accesses to both the input string as well as the partially constructed suffix tree. The end result enables the indexing of very large input strings and at the same time maintain a bounded working set size and a fixed memory footprint. The method is employed for serial processing. Further, a scalable parallel suffix tree construction is realized that is suitable for implementation on parallel distributed memory systems that use effective collective communication and in-network caching. The methodology is also applied for suffix link recovery in both serial and parallel implementations.

File management systems and methods are presented. In one embodiment, implementation of a method for determining the accurate ownership of a file within a data system includes: identifying a first plurality of access events for a file, wherein the file is associated with a directory of related files; identifying a second plurality of access events for the related files within the directory, wherein access events in the first and second plurality of access events occur within a period; determining a pool of users accessing files within the directory within the period; and selecting a user from the pool of users as an inferred owner of the file based on access metrics related to the plurality of access events.

Managing a cache includes determining from metadata of a received service request whether a cache data response may satisfy the request as a function of recognizing a cacheable method name specification within request metadata by a service provider associated with the request, and determining whether the request is an inquiry or a request as a function of comparing an update frequency specification or a time interval period to a value of a time parameter associated with the cacheable method name in the metadata, in order to decide if the request may be satisfied by the cached data. Aspects also include searching the cache for the data response if determined the data is cacheable and the request is an inquiry, and sending the request on to a service provider if the data response is not a cacheable response, or the request is an update request.

In a method for translation of a medical database query from a first language into a second language, a query to be translated is received from a use of the medical database. A respective translation for the query from each of several translation engines is obtained, and a respective ranking score for each of the obtained translations is determined. The determined ranking scores are then utilized to select a translations from the several obtained translations. The selected translation is then provided to the user and/or is used to search the medical database to obtain search results for the query and the obtained search results are then provided to the user.

A query statement is received that requires at least one calculated attribute. Thereafter, a data flow graph is generated that includes a plurality of nodes for executing the query. At least one of the nodes corresponds to the at least one calculated attribute and has at least one level of child nodes. The data flow graph is generated by generating at least one filter for each of the nodes corresponding to the at least one calculated attribute and by pushing down the generated filters to a corresponding child node. Once the data flow graph is generated, execution of the query can be initiated using the generated data flow graph. Related apparatus, systems, techniques and articles are also described.

Systems and methods are provided for displaying relationships between stories. In some embodiments, a plurality of referents that are each related to a first story may be caused to be displayed, where a referent is at least one of an event, a character, an object, a subject, a time, a place and a person. A user may be enabled to select one of the plurality of referents in order to view identification information identifying at least one other story, where the other story is also associated with the selected referent. In response to user selection of one of the plurality of referents, identification information identifying the at least one other story that is associated with the selected referent may be caused to be displayed.

An index generating unit divides each name data of search target data both into words and into characters, calculates start and end scores showing a start and an end of each of the words and start and end scores showing a start and an end of each of the characters, links them to each entry word which constructs the name data as a list (a name ID, a position, and start and end scores), and stores this list in an index storage unit. A searching unit decomposes an input character string into partial character strings, acquires corresponding candidate entries from the index storage unit, and judges the continuity between candidate entries on the basis of lists to add a comparison score according to the continuity to a candidate entry.

The present disclosure includes methods and systems for dynamically rendering a social page of the user based on the visiting user's interests. When a visiting user visits another user's social page, the visiting user will be presented with information from the user's social page related to interests for which the visiting user has exhibited an interest.

An electronic document analysis method receiving N electronic documents pertaining to a case encompassing a set of issues including at least one issue and establishing relevance of at least the N documents to at least one individual issue in the set of issues, the method comprising, for at least one individual issue from among the set of issues, receiving an output of a categorization process applied to each document in training and control subsets of the at least N documents, the output including, for each document in the subsets, one of a relevant-to-the-individual issue indication and a non-relevant-to-the-individual issue indication; building a text classifier simulating the categorization process using the output for all documents in the training subset of documents; and running the text classifier on the at least N documents thereby to obtain a ranking of the extent of relevance of each of the at least N documents to the individual issue. The method may also comprise evaluating the text classifier's quality using the output for all documents in the control subset.

A method and system for detecting an event from a social stream. The method includes the steps of: receiving a social stream from a social network, where the social stream includes at least one object and the object includes a text, sender information of the text, and recipient information of the text; assigning said object to a cluster based on a similarity value between the object and the clusters; monitoring changes in at least one of the clusters; and triggering an alarm when the changes in at least one of the clusters exceed a first threshold value, where at least one of the steps is carried out using a computer device.

To display a multimedia presentation together with location-based content, a client device reports its location to a content server. The device receives and displays video content from the content server. The device also receives location-based information related to the multimedia presentation. This location-based information may be textual data in an XML (extensible markup language) format. In some embodiments, the multimedia presentation is video content that includes an advertisement for a good or service, and the location-based content identifies a nearby establishment offering the good or service. The client device renders the video and textual data together.

Technologies are described herein for ranking documents with social tags. A number ranking feature containing a number of times a document was tagged is received. A textual property ranking feature containing a union of each social tag associated with the document is also received. The number ranking feature is transformed into a static input value. Further, the textual property ranking feature is transformed into a dynamic input value. A document rank for the document is determined by inputting the static input value and/or the dynamic input value into a ranking function.

Systems and methods are provided for mapping keywords to geographic features. In some aspects, a method includes identifying location keywords associated with granular locations and identifying geographic features associated with an area of interest that includes the granular locations. For each geographic feature, the method includes determining geo data for the geographic feature, forming a set of granular locations that is associated with the geographic feature using the determined geo data, and aggregating a set of location keywords from the identified location keywords. The set of location keywords is associated with the set of granular locations to form a keyword mapping for the geographic feature. The method includes receiving an indication of a geographic location associated with a user, determining a first geographic feature that includes the geographic location, and targeting content for delivery to the user using a corresponding keyword mapping for the determined first geographic feature.

A method and system for secure automated document registration with social media. A secure cloud transformed electronic document is created on an application on a target network device from an original electronic document. The original electronic document is electronic text, audio, video or pictures from a social media network or from a telecommunications network. The secure cloud transformed electronic document is made viewable via the target network device and other target devices from anywhere on a cloud communications network or on a social media network without the ability to tamper with the information within the secure cloud transformed electronic document. This provides an automatic secure electronic document registration system on the cloud communications network and the social media network.

Various embodiments provide an ability to abstract type resolution between multiple type systems. At least one type can be described in one or more programmatically accessible file(s). In some embodiments, an application using a different type system can programmatically access and resolve a type of the at least one type system without knowledge of a location of where a description of the type resides. Alternately or additionally, type descriptions contained in the one or more programmatically accessible file(s) can be analyzed and restructured into one or more new programmatically accessible file(s) based, at least in part, upon the type descriptions.

A system and method for search engine optimization includes monitoring a website for changes in content; logging traffic to the website; analyzing data regarding the traffic to determine a relationship between the content and traffic changes; monitoring ranking of the website in search results where a specific search keyword is used; aggregating data regarding using a selected keyword and ranking of the website in results of searches including that keyword; analyzing the data to determine a relationship between the keyword and the ranking; and displaying those relationships. The website may also be monitored for changes in a number of links to the website; data regarding the links is analyzed to determine a relationship between changes in the number of links and changes in traffic. A benchmark may also be calculated; the effect of changing website content and/or changing the number of links is evaluated according to the benchmark.

A method for controlling the user interfaces within a workflow manager to limit access to configuration and development files in the workflow manager is provided. The method comprises receiving from a user a request to edit a file in the workflow manager, wherein the file is one of a configuration file and a development file. The method also comprises determining whether the user has checked out the file. Additionally, the method comprises providing the user with an editor user interface to edit the file if the file is checked out to the user, wherein access to the files in the workflow manager is available only from within the workflow manager itself, wherein the files are not lockable to inhibit access to the files, wherein the file is available to be checked out to only one user at a time, and wherein the user interfaces in the workflow manager are configurable.

In various embodiments, a target host may provide a change data to a compliance server in response to detecting a change, and the change data may include one or more rules, settings, and/or parameters. Also, in various embodiments, the compliance server may determine whether the one or more rules, settings, and/or parameters meet one or more compliance policies and generate one or more test results based at least on the results of the determining. Further, in some embodiments, the target host may detect a change to a rule, setting, and/or parameter based on a collection policy defining what change data is to be collected by the target host and provide data associated with the rule, setting, and/or parameter as change data to the compliance server.

Methods and systems for searching a backup volume use, in one embodiment, a move marker file to indicate attributes for a new name space and optionally indicate attributes for a prior name space of a directory on a source volume, the directory having been moved between backup snapshot operations in which data on the source volume is backed up to the backup volume. Other embodiments are also described.

An approach is provided for detecting an anomaly in a processing environment. The approach includes using a processor to obtain a series of values collected within a processing interval of the processor in the processing environment. The processor normalizes this first series of values to obtain a first series of normalized values. A second series of normalized values is generated by applying a predictive filter to the first series of normalized values. A comparison score is generated from the normalized values by comparing the first series of normalized values and the second series of normalized values. The approach then determines whether the comparison score represents an anomaly relative to at least one other comparison score derived from values collected within the processing interval.

The mobile commerce authentication and authorization system allows a user of a currently existing mobile wireless communications instrument to conduct financial transactions, including purchases, across a wireless communications system using location data to authorize and authenticate the user and the transaction. The location of the mobile wireless communications instrument and the location of a vendor point-of-sale device are matched with a payment sum. Authentication of the mobile wireless communications instrument user is achieved at least by application of the position and/or location determinable features of the mobile wireless communications instrument, the position and/or location of a point-of-sale device of a vendor or merchant where the instrument user seeks to purchase goods or services, and the payment sum entered on the point-of-sale device. A transaction matching subsystem located in a wireless customer server hub may assist in processing the location data and the payment sum across the wireless communications network.

The invention provides control systems and methodologies for controlling a process having computer-controlled equipment, which provide for optimized process performance according to one or more performance criteria, such as efficiency, component life expectancy, safety, emissions, noise, vibration, operational cost, or the like. More particularly, the subject invention provides for employing machine diagnostic and/or prognostic information in connection with optimizing an overall business operation over a time horizon.

A system for integrating and verifying a plurality of tablet orders is described. The system comprises a graphical user interface configured to receive one or more inputs for a plurality of tablets associated with a particular patient. The graphical user interface is further configured to display a first image of a scanned order for each of the received inputs. The system further comprises a package containing a dose from one or more of the tablet orders. An integrated label coupled to the package comprises information about the doses contained in the package.

In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for a user interacting with a mobile communication facility, where speech presented by the user is recorded using a mobile communication facility resident capture facility. The recorded speech may be recognized using an external speech recognition facility to produce an external output and a resident speech recognition facility to produce an internal output, where at least one of the external output and the internal output may be selected based on a criteria.

Method and apparatus that dynamically adjusts operational parameters of a text-to-speech engine in a speech-based system. A voice engine or other application of a device provides a mechanism to alter the adjustable operational parameters of the text-to-speech engine. In response to one or more environmental conditions, the adjustable operational parameters of the text-to-speech engine are modified to increase the intelligibility of synthesized speech.

A dependency parsing method can include determining an index set of possible head-modifier dependencies for a sentence. The index set can include inner arcs and outer arcs, inners arcs representing possible dependency between words in the sentence separated by a distance less than or equal to a threshold and outer arcs representing possible dependency between words in the sentence separated by a distance greater than the threshold. The index set can be pruned to include: (i) each specific inner arc when a likelihood that the specific inner arc is appropriate is greater than a first threshold, and (ii) the outer arcs when a likelihood that there exists any possible outer arc that is appropriate is greater than the first threshold. The method can include further pruning the pruned index set based on a second parsing algorithm, and determining a most-likely parse for the sentence from the pruned index set.

An ISS (instruction set simulator) debugging method. The method includes executing a plurality of instructions of an ISS (instruction set simulator). For each instruction, an ISS simulation state is synchronized to a simulation time when the execution of the instruction is finished. At least two debugger components are executed in conjunction with the execution of the ISS, wherein the debugger components are each coupled to control the ISS.

Numerical gas turbine models permit transient modeling with high precision and at the same time numerically efficient processes for modeling a gas turbine. A gas turbine model includes a plurality of sub models. These sub models are either purely dynamic or static, which allows significant simplifications in the numerical solution of the overall model. System parts, which simulate the effects of volumes, metal masses, of actuators, and of measuring systems are regarded as dynamic. The remaining system parts are regarded as static over a time characteristic.

In an illustrative embodiment, an apparatus, computer-readable media, or method may be configured to suggest determine relationships. Interaction with a block diagram model may include receiving a first portion of a block diagram model. The block diagram model may include a plurality of blocks. Each of the plurality of blocks may represent a set of dynamic equations. The interacting may be performed using the computer. Relationships between a plurality of a synthesized input, a synthesized output, a synthesized state, or a synthesized derivative, may be determined. A determination may be performed for the first portion of the block diagram model. The determining may include determining a block Jacobian pattern of relationships between two or more of an input, an output, a state, or a derivative of a first block of the plurality of blocks in the graphical model.

A system and method are provided to a placement and optimization process for a plurality of common use devices in an operating environment according to actual users' employment of the common use devices, and actual needs for placement of certain common use devices in the operating environment. The disclosed system and method add a level of automation that may be used to collect use data for the common use devices according to a specified scheme in order to produce a more robust, flexible and updatable scheme for confirming an initial optimal layout for the common use devices and for providing a basis for updating that initial optimal layout over time to account for unforeseen errors in the initial assessment or changes in workflow as mandated by changes in the operating environment and user preferences.

The present invention relates to a method, an analyzer and a computer program product for focus prediction in a sample arranged on a measuring surface of an analyzer. The method comprises row wise scanning sample positions by means of an optical system of said analyzer, said sample positions being positions in a coordinate system for said measuring surface containing said sample, for the first sample position on each row, determining a focus and storing said focus, and for each subsequent sample position: if a stored difference exists, predicting a focus by adding said stored difference to said stored focus, or if no stored difference exists, determining a focus and storing said focus.

Digital data obtained by converting, by an A/D converter, an angular velocity measured by a sensor is transmitted from a remote control to a game machine. A CPU of the game machine corrects the digital data. That is, the CPU sequentially stores sequential digital data in a buffer. A stable range (d1-d2) in which each digital data can be defined to be stable is calculated for the latest digital data. An average value of those of the digital data stored in the buffer that are consecutively present in the stable range retrogressively from the latest digital data is calculated. Using the average value, the latest digital data is corrected.

A resistance measuring apparatus includes: a voltage injector that injects an AC signal into a circuit by applying an AC voltage to an injection coil; a current measuring unit that measures an AC current produced in the circuit by the injection coil using a detection coil; a processing unit that calculates the circuit resistance from the AC signal voltage and the measured AC current; and a reference signal generator that outputs a binary reference signal that has a same period as the AC voltage and is synchronized to the clock. The voltage injector generates a stepped wave whose amplitude changes in synchronization with a clock, applies a signal based thereon as the AC voltage. The current measuring unit converts the current in the detection coil to a voltage signal, carries out synchronous detection using the reference signal, and measures the AC current based on the synchronous detection result.

There is provided a mobile object including an input detection unit configured to detect an input from an outside, an acquisition unit configured to acquire environmental information detected by a sensor in a remote location, in accordance with a content of detection performed by the input detection unit, and a control unit configured to control an actuator other than a driving actuator in accordance with the environmental information acquired by the acquisition unit, the driving actuator relating to movement of the mobile object.

Mobile computing device implemented methods, and associated systems, devices, and software for forecasting flight paths associated with a unique-flight. Methods may include prior to departure of the unique-flight, retrieving from a flight-data-server via the Internet an initial-forecasted-flight-path based on flight-path-data for the unique-flight, and displaying indicia associated with the initial-forecasted-flight-path.

A system and method for managing vehicles on a road network can include a processor that performs operations including accessing a matrix of vehicle parameters of a plurality of communicating vehicles on the road network and representing the plurality of communicating vehicles in a graph with a plurality of nodes corresponding to the plurality of communicating vehicles and edges corresponding to the vehicle parameters. The system and method can include partitioning, with a processing device, the graph to reduce disruptions to the road network below a threshold level to support safe and efficient traffic flow and assigning one or more exclusion zones within the road network to each partition of the graph by associating the vehicle parameters for each vehicle.

A vehicle having and engine and traction battery and a method of operating an engine are disclosed. A controller operates the engine according to quantized engine power levels. The quantization level depends upon a total power demand. For low values of total power demand, the selected quantization level may be at least equal to the total power demand. For high values of total power demand, the selected quantization level may be less than or equal to the total power demand. In between low and high values, the selected quantization level may be the quantization level nearest the total power demand. The traction battery may receive or provide power depending on the selected quantization level.

A device for generating an additional reset force on the gas pedal for motor vehicles, wherein a position change of the gas pedal relative to the initial position thereof, induced by a corresponding actuating force, against a reset force leads to an increase in the motive power of the engine and, when there is a decrease in the actuating force, a reset force moves the gas pedal back in the direction of the initial position thereof, and wherein an actuator is provided, which applies an additional reset force that acts in the reset direction of the gas pedal, and wherein the motor vehicle has a unit for determining the shifting point of a manually shifted transmission. Moreover, the invention relates to a method for operating the device according to the invention.

A system may include: a data detector detecting data for a shift control; and a controller determining a short term driving tendency index and a long term driving tendency index of a driver based on the data, and controlling an engine or a transmission according to the short term driving tendency index or the long term driving tendency index of the driver, wherein the controller determines a difference between the short term driving tendency index and the long term driving tendency index, and controls the shift according a corrected driving tendency index that is corrected from the long term driving tendency index when an absolute value of the difference between the short term driving tendency index and the long term driving tendency index is greater than or equal to an absolute value of a reference index difference.

The magnitude of a linear damping coefficient Cs is set so as to decrease the greater a maximum amplitude value α of an intermediate frequency sprung acceleration is. In the case where a damping force control apparatus carries out control for dampening vibrations of a sprung member using a nonlinear H-infinity control theory, the linear damping coefficient Cs is set to a high value when the maximum amplitude value α of the intermediate frequency sprung acceleration inputted to a suspension apparatus is low. Accordingly, a requested damping force Freq also increases, which makes it possible to quickly dampen vibrations in the sprung member. Meanwhile, in the case where the maximum amplitude value α of the intermediate frequency sprung acceleration is high, the linear damping coefficient Cs is set to a low value. Accordingly, the requested damping force Freq also decreases, which makes it possible to suppress degradation in the riding quality when intermediate frequency vibrations are inputted, and particularly makes it possible to suppress riding quality degradation when the vibration speed is high.

A method and a device for operating a belt drive of a motor vehicle. Under high loads, a high belt tension is set and during normal operation a low belt tension is set. The particular belt tension is set through a control process, taking into account the instantaneous load on the belt drive and/or taking into account the age of the belt of the belt drive.

A method includes determining a state of operational devices in a second group coupled with a second router onboard a second vehicular unit of a vehicle consist, registering an operational device in the second group based on the determined state, and transmitting a data message from an operational device in a first group of operational devices to the second router via a first router and a communication pathway of the vehicle consist. The first group is coupled with the first router onboard a first vehicular unit. The operational devices in the first and second groups perform functions of the respective first vehicular unit and second vehicular unit. The first and second routers are connected with each other by the communication pathway. The method also includes communicating the data message to the at least one of the operational devices in the second group that are registered with the second router.

A wireless source and an automobile dashboard configured to function as a wireless sink device are configured to communicate with one another including authenticating the source device for communications with the dashboard sink, transmitting user inputs received at the dashboard sink back to the wireless source device to enable a user to control the source device and interact with and control the content that is being transmitted from the source device to the dashboard sink, controlling the operational state of the source device based on the operational state of the automobile in which the dashboard sink is arranged, and transmitting data generated by the automobile from the dashboard sink to the source device so as to enable the source device to process at least some of the data.

A method of controlling thermal loading in a multi-speed dual-clutch transmission (DCT) that is paired with an internal combustion engine in a vehicle is provided. The method includes detecting operation of the vehicle and ascertaining a degree of thermal loading on the DCT. The method also includes selecting a remedial action corresponding to the ascertained degree of thermal loading. Additionally, the method includes activating the selected remedial action such that the thermal loading on the DCT is reduced. A vehicle having a DCT, an internal combustion engine, and a controller configured to control thermal loading in the DCT is also disclosed.

A system includes a router transceiver unit that is configured to be disposed on-board a vehicle system. The vehicle system may have at least a source vehicle and a separate linked vehicle that are mechanically linked with each other to travel together along a route and that are communicatively linked with each other through a system network of the vehicle system. The router transceiver unit is configured to be communicatively coupled to a requesting operational component of the source vehicle and the system network. The router transceiver unit is also configured to receive a local data packet from the requesting operational component that is directed toward a target operational component of the linked vehicle. The router transceiver unit includes an encapsulation module that is configured to transform the local data packet into an in-tunnel data packet, where the local and in-tunnel data packets have different packet formats.

A communication system for controlling sharing of data across a plurality of subsystems on a locomotive, the communication system including an open defined interface unit configured so that a plurality of applications may access locomotive control system data in a common defined manner with predictable results.

A communication system for a rail vehicle includes a transceiver assembly, a selection module, and a monitoring module. The transceiver assembly selectively communicates a data signal over a plurality of communication channels. The data signal is related to distributed power operations of the rail vehicle. The selection module is communicatively coupled with the transceiver assembly and switches the transceiver assembly to any of the communication channels. The monitoring module is communicatively coupled with the selection module and determines a load parameter of one or more of the communication channels. The load parameter is based on a population value of the one or more communication channels. The selection module switches the transceiver assembly to a selected channel of the communication channels based on the load parameter for communicating the data signal over the selected channel.

A pharmacy medication verification system is particularly useful for verifying medications to be dispensed to hospital patients while minimizing or eliminating verification by a pharmacist. Typically, a technician or robot picks the medications from storage bins in accordance with a medical prescription or stocking order and uses various sensors to ensure that the correct medication was picked and enters a medication container. The system typically provides correct and incorrect medication indicators as well as correct and incorrect entry indicators. Error reports may be generated when appropriate to communicate any relevant errors to the pharmacist, who can then verify that the correct medications are in the container. In one aspect, the containers are in the form of patient drawers which fit within a cart for delivery to hospital rooms. A containment device may be used to secure the drawer or other container during the verification process.

System and method for handling substrates in a lithography manufacturing process are disclosed. In one embodiment, a system for handling substrates in a lithography manufacturing process includes a plurality of porous chucks positioned above a substrate for imaging, a plurality of pressure sources configured to apply pressured air towards the substrate through the plurality of porous chucks, a plurality of vacuums configured to apply suction force away from the substrate, and a controller with control logic configured to hold the substrate in place by controlling the pressured air applied by the plurality of pressure sources and the suction force generated by the plurality of vacuums.

A method and a system for optimization of parameters for a recovery boiler in a pulp mill are disclosed. An exemplary method is based on use of a first principle mathematical model to estimate parameters that are otherwise not measurable, to accurately control the performance of the recovery boiler. In addition, a method is disclosed to use estimated parameters of a recovery boiler to control and stabilize the processes downstream of the recovery boiler. A system is also disclosed to carry out a method for control and optimization of performance and operational parameters of a recovery boiler.

An implantable microstimulator configured for implantation beneath a patient's skin for tissue stimulation to prevent and/or treat various disorders, uses a self-contained power source. Periodic or occasional replenishment of the power source is accomplished, for example, by inductive coupling with an external device. A bidirectional telemetry link allows the microstimulator to provide information regarding the system's status, including the power source's charge level, and stimulation parameter states. Processing circuitry automatically controls the applied stimulation pulses to match a set of programmed stimulation parameters established for a particular patient. The microstimulator preferably has a cylindrical hermetically sealed case having a length no greater than about 27 mm and a diameter no greater than about 3.3 mm. A reference electrode is located on one end of the case and an active electrode is located on the other end. The case is externally coated on selected areas with conductive and non-conductive materials.

Various methods and apparatuses are disclosed that concern delivering electrical stimulation to a brain at a plurality of different stimulation frequencies, sensing one or more bioelectrical signals, and identifying a bioelectrical resonance response of the brain to the electrical stimulation. The bioelectrical resonance response may be identified based on a parameter of oscillation of the one or more bioelectrical signals and indicative of resonance of an area of the brain to one stimulation frequency of the plurality of stimulation frequencies. A stimulation frequency parameter for a therapy may be set based on the identified bioelectrical resonance response, wherein the stimulation frequency parameter is set at or near the one stimulation frequency.

Described are systems, devices and methods for facilitating the delivery of stimulation to, and the monitoring and recording of physiological signals (e.g., electroencephalographic signals) from a research subject. Devices include a headmount that includes a cranial frame and a headstage, and a connection between the headmount and external equipment used for stimulation, monitoring, and/or recording that is robust physically and electrically to optimize stimulation, monitoring and recording even while the subject remains ambulatory. In some embodiments, a hinged headmount allows the configuration to be easily manipulated during attachment and any subsequent adjustment or reattachment procedures and permits easy access to any wires or other components implanted in the subject. In some embodiments, a flexible cable extends out from the headmount at an acute angle relative to a horizontal plane of the headmount, to optimize strain relief as the subject moves about while attached to any stimulation, monitoring and/or recording equipment.

An electronic stimulation system has a casing; electronics inside the casing a first detector arranged to sense whether a human being is breathing or not, a stimulation device arranged to receive a control signal from said electronics and to provide stimuli to a nasal philtre or a human nasopharynx. The electronics generate the control signal in dependence on the breathing signal and the system has a holding device for attaching the stimulation device to the nose.

A method of determining the presence of a pneumothorax includes obtaining a series of frames of image data relating to a region of interest including a pleural interface of a lung. The image data includes at least a first frame and a second frame. The method further includes identifying, via processing circuitry, the pleural interface in at least the first frame and the second frame, determining, based on computing optical flow between the first and second frames, a pleural sliding classification of the image data at the pleural interface, and determining whether a pneumothorax is present in the pleural interface based on the pleural sliding classification.

A mobile terminal and a method of operating an antenna thereof are provided. The mobile terminal includes a plurality of antennas.A resonance frequency moving unit moves a resonance frequency of at least one of the plurality of antennas. And a controller controls the resonance frequency moving unit to sustain or move a resonance frequency of the at least one antenna according to use of a plurality of antennas. Therefore, by minimizing mutual interference occurring between a plurality of antennas using a similar frequency band, a wireless communication performance can be improved.

A method of controlling an electronic device includes detecting receipt of an input, determining a response number in response to receipt of the input, and actuating an actuator of the electronic device a discrete integer number of times based on the response number.

There is provided a dual communications network base station apparatus including: a first UTRA network transmitting and receiving first data including pairs information via a previously set first communications band; a second UTRA network transmitting and receiving second data including the pairs information via a second communications band different from the first communications band; a core network combining the first data and the second data by using the pairs information during wireless reception, dividing the first data and the second data including the pairs information according to a previously set division rate during wireless transmission, and providing the corresponding UTRA network with the divided first data and second data; and a server communicating data including the first and second data with the core network.

A neighboring information management apparatus situated at higher position than a plurality of base stations and obtains a message from each of said plurality of base stations, including: a number of times of performance total part totaling number of times of performance of uncontrolled hand over performed by a mobile terminal between base stations of which neighboring information are not registered, and a neighboring information registration part registering serving base station and target base station which are in state of the uncontrolled hand over automatically as the neighboring information.

A method is disclosed for, at a base station (BS), controlling transmit power of a user equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system. This includes checking BS-specific maximum transmit power information, applying Additive-Maximum Power Reduction (A-MPR) corresponding to a legacy UE to the BS-specific maximum transmit power so as to generate BS-specific maximum transmit power information for the legacy UE, and broadcasting the BS-specific maximum transmit power information for the legacy UE.

An approach for enabling contextual categories to be associated and scored in connection with a defined geographic region is described. An affinity determination platform identifies an anomaly in a score associated with at least one contextual category of a defined geographic region based on information related to the points-of-interest. The affinity determination platform generates an updated score to associate with the at least one contextual category based on the analysis of verification information related to the defined geographical region and associates the updated score with the contextual category.

A method and apparatus for determining the position of mobile terminals in a cell of a mobile communication network where timing-based alignment is employed for terminal transmissions in timeslots to a serving base station. First, the distance to the base station is determined for at least one mobile terminal in the cell. A current timing value used by the at least one mobile terminal for timing adjustment of signal transmissions is also obtained. A relation between the determined timing independent distance and the obtained current timing value for each terminal is then estimated, and a timing bias of the cell or the at least one mobile terminal is determined based on the estimated relation. The position of subsequent terminals can then be determined using a timing based positioning method and the timing bias, such that the current timing value used by the subsequent terminal is adjusted by the timing bias.

Multiple subscriber identity modem (10) capable of receiving messages related to at least two subscriber identities, characterized in that it comprises a delaying module (19) configured to: —determine, from a connection request for a service associated with a first subscriber identity, whether the service belongs to a first class of communication, and, when the service has been determined as belonging to the first class of communication, —determine whether a remaining time between the connection request and a next paging occasion, associated with a second subscriber identity, is falling on a first side of a threshold, and, when the remaining time has been determined as falling on the first side of the threshold, —delay an access grant indication related to the connection request until the paging occasion has been handled.

A method of initiating handover pre-preparation for a mobile device in a wireless communication system is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of receiving a pre-prepared handover command from a source base station, wherein the pre-prepared handover command includes context of a target base station, whereby the mobile device does not perform a handover procedure based on the pre-prepared handover command and keeping the context for a period of time.

The present Broadband Link System supplements the existing Air-To-Ground Radio Frequency communications link with an additional, separate high speed Broadband Ground-To-Air Data Channel to provide additional data communication capacity for aircraft. This Broadband Ground-To-Air Data Channel is typically a uni-directional (Ground-To-Air) link directed via a focused beam to selected aircraft which are operational in the coverage area of the Broadband Ground-To-Air Data Channel. The routing of the various data transmissions on both the Air-To-Ground Radio Frequency communications link and the Broadband Ground-To-Air Data Channel are managed in a unified manner to maximize the utilization of the two transmission facilities.

Apparatus having corresponding methods and computer-readable media comprise: a Mobile Wireless Standards (MWS) transceiver configured to transceive MWS signals in accordance with a schedule, wherein the schedule is based on link status reports transmitted by the MWS transceiver as part of the MWS signals; one or more Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band transceivers, wherein each ISM band transceiver is configured to transceive ISM band signals; and an arbiter configured to modify the link status reports, prior to transmission of the link status reports, based on at least one of i) an expected transmission of the ISM band signals by one of the ISM band transceivers, and ii) an expected reception of the ISM band signals by one of the ISM band transceivers.

A system and method for monitoring apps in a vehicle to reduce driver distraction is disclosed. A controller operating inside or in combination with the head unit of the vehicle may monitor operation of the vehicle, and generate alerts indicative of operation of the vehicle (such as an alert indicative that the vehicle is operating at a predetermined speed). In response to the alert, the operation of the app in the vehicle may be modified.

A user equipment, method, non-transitory computer-readable storage medium, a system of connecting a user equipment to a conference system are provided. According to an embodiment of the present invention, a conference dialer application receives a meeting notification from a calendar application, where the meeting notification describes a meeting hosted on a conference system and includes at least one conference access code used to access the conference system. The conference dialer application prompts the user for voice input. The conference dialer application receives a first voice input from the user indicating to the user equipment to join the meeting on the conference system. The conference dialer application, responsive to the first voice input, automatically supplies the at least one conference access code in order to join the meeting. Finally, the conference dialer application, via a telephone dialer application, connects the user equipment to the meeting on the conference system.

Systems and methods for operating a mobile virtual network are disclosed. A mobile virtual network operator is disclosed as an entity that provides a mobile networking service to a user, the mobile networking service being provided using a physical mobile network provided by a third party. The mobile virtual network operator may provide content distribution services, data access services, or messaging services to a user of a mobile device.

A method, system, and medium are provided for sending and receiving user-authored information between one or more wireless mobile devices regardless of device vendor or model. The present invention has several practical applications in the technical arts including wireless telephones, personal digital assistants (PDA), or external storage devices. User-authored information such as contacts, telephone numbers, calendar events, electronic messages, or Internet preferences are converted to a file of extensible markup language (XML) and transmitted to an alternate wireless mobile device or storage device.

A system and method for a user to send presence information to authorized contacts in her device's address book and to receive the presence information of those contacts in her device's address book that have authorized her. A user can authorize any contact in her address book. Optionally, a user can only authorize a contact and be authorized by a contact if she is in that contact's address book. A local application on the device interacts with and displays the device's address book, manages the authorization of contacts, updates the user's presence, and receives and displays the presence of contacts. The local application updates the user's presence manually, semi-automatically, or automatically. Semi-automatic updates involve synchronizing with the device's calendar. Automatic updates may involve the use of location data, the device's built-in sensors, and augmented reality.

Apparatus and method for providing call connection notification. In order to provide a call connection notification service, a telephone number of a callee may be received when a caller transmits a call connection request to the callee. Based on the telephone number of the callee, public relations (PR) information may be searched for. A result of the searching may be provided to a user equipment of the caller.

Systems and techniques are provided for managing and categorizing undesired phone calls and text messages. In a specific implementation, an electronic communication identified by a phone number is intercepted at a mobile communications device before the electronic communication is received by an application program on the device. The phone number is sent to a server for the server to identify a category associated with the phone number. The category is received at the mobile communication device. Based on the received category, a determination is made as to whether the application program should be allowed to receive the electronic communication. If allowed, the electronic communication is forwarded to the application program; else, the electronic communication is not forwarded.

A system, method, and computer readable medium comprising instructions for handling insufficient account balance of subscribers in a mobile communications network is disclosed. A request for communication is received from a mobile station. A determination is made as to whether a subscriber of the mobile station has an insufficient account balance. If the subscriber has an insufficient account balance, the request is withheld and the mobile station is notified by a short message.

An adaptive stepped gain amplifier, for example for use in broadband receivers, has a step size which is dynamically compensated (for each received frequency) to cope with step error caused by frequency dependence of the amplifier performance.

Power amplifier (PA) control circuitry and PA bias circuitry are disclosed. During one slot of a multislot transmit burst from radio frequency (RF) PA circuitry, the PA control circuitry selects one PA bias level of the RF PA circuitry and the RF PA circuitry has one output power level. The RF PA circuitry has a next output power level during an adjacent next slot of the multislot transmit burst. If the one output power level exceeds the next output power level by more than a power drop limit, then the PA control circuitry maintains the one PA bias level during the adjacent next slot. If the one output power level significantly exceeds the next output power level, but by less than the power drop limit, then the PA control circuitry selects a next PA bias level, which is less than the one PA bias level, during the adjacent next slot.

The present disclosure relates to amplitude based pre-distortion calibration of an RF communications terminal, such as a cell phone, by transmitting a first standard RF transmit burst from the RF communications terminal to an RF test instrument, which assimilates the first standard RF transmit burst. A calibration control system extracts information regarding the first standard RF transmit burst from the RF test instrument; determines amplitude based distortion of the RF communications terminal using the extracted information; determines amplitude based pre-distortion calibration information using the determined amplitude based distortion; and calibrates the RF communications terminal using the amplitude based pre-distortion calibration information. By using a single-shot transmit burst, calibration times may be minimized. To calibrate the RF communications terminal at multiple transmit frequencies, multiple single-shot transmit bursts may be used, such that each single-shot transmit burst is at a different calibration frequency.

A transmitter includes a power amplifier driver to amplify a communication signal and a mixer connected with the power amplifier driver, the mixer to output the communication signal to the power amplifier driver. A capacitor and an inductor connect with the mixer and the power amplifier driver. The capacitor and the inductor create a resonant frequency to attenuate frequency components around a determined order of a local oscillator signal.

The present invention relates to a device and method for simulating a radio channel with a defined characteristic between at least one antenna port (102a, 102b) of a first device (101), and a second device (103) in a test environment. The device comprises a first antenna (104a) adapted to receive signals, and arranged to provide a first radio channel (105a) between the first antenna (104a) and the second device (103) and, a second antenna (104b) adapted to receive signals, and arranged to provide a second radio channel (105b) between the second antenna (104b) and the second device (103). A characteristic of the second radio channel (105b) is dissimilar to a characteristic of the first radio channel (105a). The device further comprises a modifying circuit (107a, 107b) adapted to modify an amplitude relation between the received signals, and a multiport circuit (106) arranged to connect the first and second antennas (104a, 104b) with the at least one antenna port (102a, 102b). The multiport circuit (106) is also adapted to combine the modified signals, and to forward the combined signals to the at least one antenna port (102a, 102b), thereby simulating a radio channel between the at least one antenna port (102a, 102b) and the second device (103) with a characteristic which is a combination of the characteristic of the second radio channel (105b) and the characteristic of the first radio channel (105a) in a relation corresponding to the modified amplitude relation.

A wireless communications includes a first wireless communications and a second wireless communications. The first wireless communications module transmits or receives a first wireless signal in a first frequency band selected from a first frequency range. The second wireless communications module transmits or receives a second wireless signal in a second frequency band selected from a second frequency range, and adjusts a transmission power of the second wireless signal in response to that a frequency offset between the first frequency band and the second frequency band falls within a predetermined range. The first wireless communications module is further configured to determine an in-band range in the overlapping part of the first and second frequency ranges, and a transmission power of the second wireless signal is adjusted in response to a frequency offset between the first frequency band and the second frequency band.

A communications system including a SN Device including a satellite transmitter and a local wireless transceiver and a GUI Device, separate from the SN Device. The GUI Device includes a user interface and local wireless transceiver capable of establishing a wireless link with the SN Device. The GUI Device transmits command information to the SN Device and the SN Device transmits at least location data to a satellite network.

Provided is a method and terminal for wireless local area communication enabling nearby terminals to be paired by generating an identifier containing identification information of an application and randomly selected channel information; broadcasting the identifier to external terminals; performing a pairing procedure with an external terminal having responded to the broadcast identifier; and communicating data related to the application with the paired external terminal.

Described herein are systems and methods for initiating the establishment of a communication link between two devices which have complementary magnets and magnetic field sensors. When the two devices are brought together, the magnetic field from the opposing device is detected with a magnetic sensor. Based on the detection, an establishment process is initiated on each of the devices. The process may proceed and establish the communication link.

A printer accessory including a housing and a connector, the connector having a frame defining an opening in the housing, and including a contact housing and a door slideably disposed within the opening. Biasing elements bias the contact housing and door to extend from the opening, wherein the door is configured to be depressed into the housing through the opening to expose electrical contacts on the contact housing.

In an image forming apparatus, a cleaning unit includes: a cleaning blade that scrapes off untransferred toner remaining on an image support; an application brush that contacts the image support on the downstream side in the rotational direction of the image support relative to the cleaning blade, the application brush rotating in a counter direction at a contact position with the image support, thereby scratching off lubricant particles from a solid lubricant provided at its periphery, and supporting and feeding the lubricant particles toward the contact position with the image support; and a moving force providing unit that provides the lubricant being fed by the application brush with an electrical moving force toward the image support, on the upstream side in the rotational direction of the application brush relative to the contact position of the image support and the application brush.

A roller for a fixing device includes a foam layer; an elastic layer containing a thermo-conductive filler and provided outside of the foam layer; a middle layer provided between the foam layer and elastic layer; wherein a content of all filler in the middle layer is smaller than a content of all filler in the elastic layer.

An inner heating member is disposed in contact with an inner circumferential surface of a heating belt and an outer heating member is disposed in contact with an outer circumferential surface of the heating belt to heat the heating belt. A restricting member configured to restrict an orbit of the heating belt is disposed between the inner and outer heating members. Then, at least either one of an area of contact between the inner circumferential surface of the heating belt and the inner heating member and an area of contact between the outer circumferential surface of the heating belt and the outer heating member is changed to quickly change a quantity of heat applied to the outer circumferential surface or inner circumferential surface of the heating belt.

A developing device includes a developer supporting member having an elastic layer and a surface layer covering the elastic layer for supporting developer; and a developer layer regulating member arranged to abut against the surface layer for regulating a layer thickness of the developer on the surface layer. The surface layer contains at least carbon black. The developer supporting member is configured so that the following equation (1) is satisfied when the surface layer has a dynamic friction coefficient μ between 0.4 and 0.9 (0.4≦μ≦0.9) and a ten-point average roughness Rz (μm) between 2 μm and 6 μm (2≦Rz≦6): 2≦C≦0.5×Rz+3  (1) where C is a content of the carbon black (weight parts relative to the surface layer of 100).

A first developer container delivers developer to a second developer container, the first developer container including a first opening to be engaged with the second developer container and to deliver the developer; and a conveyor to convey the developer and to deliver the developer through the first opening.

A method of providing instructions to a user of an imaging device includes generating a three-dimensional (3D) model of the imaging device in a 3D computer generated environment. At least one computer generated imagery (CGI) instruction sequence is then rendered from the 3D model. The CGI instruction sequence depicts at least one action being performed on the imaging device and is rendered from a virtual viewpoint corresponding to a viewpoint of a user physically performing the at least one action. The rendered CGI instructions are stored in memory of the imaging device and selectively displayed on a user interface display screen of the imaging device.

An image forming apparatus includes: a photosensitive member; a scorotron charger; a developing device; a voltage application circuit; a constant-voltage circuit; a first control device; a deboost circuit; and a second control device, wherein the deboost circuit has a circuit configuration in which a resistor and a control transistor are connected in series with each other, and deboosts the grid voltage by a voltage drop of the resistor to generate the developing voltage, and the second control device provides a control signal to the control transistor to control a current flowing in the resistor, thereby controlling the level of the developing voltage.

A system and method are provided for generating and detecting unique identification signatures for customer replaceable components or units (CRUs) for use in customer owned and/or controlled image forming devices. The disclosed systems and methods employ characteristics and circuitry of the CRU itself to avoid sole dependence on the information provided in ac electronically-readable monitoring module to provide security against fraud and to provide compatibility matching. An uncharacteristic operating signature may be introduced in a non-functional zone of an operating parameter including one or more voltage spikes of a specified amplitude and duration. Comparing the voltage spikes to a set of predetermined profiles provides identification for the CRU. A unique automated, machine-readable manner by which to identify a CRU is provided that does not require an externally-readable monitoring module or any other identifying label to be mounted on, or otherwise associated with, the CRU.

A transceiver card for a telecommunications box for transmitting data over a first optical fiber and receiving data over a second optical fiber. The card has transmitter for transmitting data over the first optical fiber, the transmitter having a laser and a modulator, a fiber output optically connected to the laser for connecting the first optical fiber to the card, a fiber input for connecting the second optical fiber to the card, a receiver optically connected to the fiber input for receiving data from the second optical fiber, and an OTDR optically connected between the transmitter and the fiber output or between the receiver and the fiber input. An energy level detector is also provided between the receiver and the fiber input.

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a laser diode. The laser diode includes: a semiconductor substrate, a waveguide layer and a light wave limiting layer. The waveguide layer is disposed on the semiconductor substrate, and comprises a quantum well layer. The light wave limiting layer is disposed on a surface of the waveguide layer, and is configured to limit a light wave to be transmitted in the waveguide layer. The quantum well layer includes a plurality of quantum well regions that are disposed along a transmission direction of the light wave, and the quantum well regions respectively have gain peaks of different wavelengths. The embodiments of the present disclosure further provide a manufacturing method of a laser diode and a passive optical network system using the laser diode.

In a method for controlling timing of a transmission signal from a network termination device having a receiver and a transmitter, a signal is received at the receiver of the network termination device, the signal having been transmitted in accordance with a predetermined bit rate. A core clock signal for the receiver is determined based on the predetermined bit rate at which the signal was transmitted, and the core clock signal is communicated to the transmitter of the network termination device. At the transmitter of the network termination device, a phase adjusted clock signal is generated, and the phase adjusted clock signal is set as the transmitter clock signal. The transmitter clock signal is offset from the core clock signal, and the transmission signal is transmitted from the transmitter of the network termination device based on the transmitter clock signal.

Disclosed herein are a visible light communication method and apparatus. The visible light communication method includes determining a dimming level variable to perform minute dimming control, selecting an upper dimming symbol and a lower dimming symbol, which belong to Variable Pulse Position Modulation (VPPM) symbols, based on the dimming level variable, determining at least one of the number of upper dimming symbols to be sent and the number of lower dimming symbols to be sent based on the dimming level variable, and generating a transmission sequence corresponding to the dimming level variable by combining the upper dimming symbols and the lower dimming symbols based on the number of symbols to be sent.

The present disclosure discloses a method, wherein the method comprises generating a passive optical network (PON) protocol message, wherein the PON protocol message comprises an identifier of a PON user terminal and an action indication indicating that the PON user terminal intends to exercise a first power supply mode that is a power-saving mode. The present disclosure further provides a method for controlling the PON power supply and for reporting the power supply state. The present disclosure allows control of the energy usage of the PON user terminal to save power when a service in the PON user terminal is not used or when the user terminal uses a backup power source to supply power.

An optical module for receiving light according to a digital coherent optical transmission scheme includes two optical fibers, and a monitor PD. The optical signal processing circuit includes a substrate, an optical waveguide layer made up of a core and a clad layer stacked on top of the substrate, and fixtures stacked on top of the clad layer on the one end, and is provided with a light shield member which spans the substrate, the clad layer, and the edge face of the fixture on the edge face of the optical signal processing circuit that faces the monitor PD, and which includes an aperture unit aligned with the given site where the diverted signal light is output.

A photographic device includes a base, a camera lens module, a circuit component and multiple light-emitting components. The base has an installation surface. The camera lens module is movably installed on the installation surface of the base. The circuit component is installed on the installation surface of the base. The light-emitting components are electronically disposed on the circuit component. At least two of the light emitting components have different optical axis directions.

For setting a tag ID in association with a content supposed to be provided to a portable terminal, the server acquires the location information of an illumination device of which the content is already stored in the memory and sets a tag ID in association with an illumination device that is away from the location presented by the location information by a given or longer distance. Then, the server associates and stores in the memory the set tag ID, location information of the illumination device transmitting the tag ID, content supposed to be provided. Subsequently, the server receives the tag ID and location information transmitted from a portable terminal, determines the content to transmit based on the received location information and the element stored in the memory, and transmits the determined content to the portable terminal.

The present invention relates to a heater block for a rapid thermal processing apparatus, and more particularly, to a heater block in which heating lamps are densely arranged in a tessellation. The tessellation has a structure such that the plurality of heating lamps are arranged at right angles to form a zigzag line, and the thus-formed zigzagged line is repeated such that the zigzagged line is combined with the adjacent zigzagged line. According to the present invention, a temperature gradient caused by a void between heating lamps is prevented, and heating lamps are densely arranged to increase heat density for a heat radiation area as opposed to conventional heater blocks, thus achieving improved heat treatment efficiency using less energy. In addition, fully uniform temperature control is enabled, in terms of sector allocated temperature control, even when the area to be independently controlled is enlarged as opposed to conventional heater blocks, thereby simplifying the configuration of a temperature control circuit.

The present invention relates to a digital video recorder having an apparatus for receiving an automatic switched image by recognizing a source and a method thereof, which is capable of automatically determining whether an image channel is a SD signal channel or a HD-SDI signal channel and switching between these channels. The present invention has an advantage in that it provides a DVR having a source recognition automatic switched image receiving apparatus which is capable of automatically detecting whether an image signal is a SD signal or a HD-SDI signal in a channel and automatically switches between these signals, thereby allowing free channel change without requiring separate setting, which can result in higher flexibility of installation and channel setting and improved utilization of existing lines, and a method thereof.

There is provided an information processing apparatus which includes a subtitle processing unit for extracting a subtitle feature quantity representing a feature of a content from subtitle information included in the content, a subtitle feature quantity accumulation unit for associating and storing identification information capable of identifying the content and the subtitle feature quantity extracted from the content by the subtitle processing unit, a subtitle feature quantity collation unit for collating the subtitle feature quantity stored in the subtitle feature quantity accumulation unit and a subtitle feature quantity to be determined, thereby determining sameness between the content corresponding to the subtitle feature quantity stored in the subtitle feature quantity accumulation unit and a content corresponding to the subtitle feature quantity to be determined, and a collation result output unit for outputting a collation result of the subtitle feature quantity collation unit.

Various disclosed embodiments relate to video content analysis based in part upon the detection of shot transitions. In some embodiments, a process and computer system for detecting shot transitions in a video is used to separate a video sequence into a series of “shots” having multiple frames. These shots may then be used for additional processing, e.g., content detection within the video frames.

A playing method is executed in an electronic device. The electronic device plays information from a storage unit. The electronic device includes a non-volatile memory. The playing method includes steps of: receiving a first playing commands; obtaining information from the storage unit in response to the first playing commands; playing the obtained information; obtaining a playing position at a predetermined time interval; and storing the playing position into the non-volatile memory.

A beam coupler alignment system for a fiber laser system is disclosed. The system includes a focus adjust collimator assembly having an inner and outer housing assembly portion. The inner assembly includes a coupler housing assembly and a modified lens housing received within and adjustable relative to via a mechanism configured and arranged to apply an asymmetric binding force in a predictable and repeatable manner. A lever assembly contacts the lens housing and exerts an off-center (asymmetric) force relative to coupler housing assembly creating a friction bind eliminating X and Y axis movement yet allowing Z axis movement with minimal effort. The assembly may further include an alignment mechanism configured and arranged to optically align an input collimator unit and an output collimator unit of a complex fiber laser system about a common optical axis using the proposed assembly.

A getting-on/off determination apparatus determines rider's getting-on/off for an inverted two-wheel vehicle that travels while maintaining the inverted state. The getting-on/off determination apparatus includes an optical fiber laid in a step portion that a rider gets on/off, a light emitting unit that emits detection light and is connected to one end of the optical fiber, a light receiving unit that receives the detection light emitted from the light emitting unit and is connected to another end of the optical fiber, at least one transmitted light varying portion that varies an amount of transmitted light of the detection light passing through the optical fiber in conjunction with a vertical displacement of the step portion that occurs when the rider gets on/off the inverted two-wheel vehicle, and a determination unit that determines getting-on/off of the rider based on an amount of the detection light received by the light receiving unit.

A pattern matching processing unit 10 binarizes input image data 1, compares a binarized pattern with a pattern provided for each of groups, and outputs either first information indicating a group to which a pattern that matches the binarized pattern belongs or second information indicating no match. A 0-degree direction dedicated filter 21, a 45-degree direction dedicated filter 22, a 90-degree direction dedicated filter 23, and a 135-degree direction dedicated filter 24 which are disposed correspondingly to the groups carry out smoothing processes according to the direction of an edge of the image, respectively. When the pattern matching processing unit outputs the first information, a selector 30 selects the output of either one of the filters corresponding to the group as output image data 2, whereas when the pattern matching processing unit outputs the second information, the selector outputs the input image data 1 as the output image data 2.

A set of training vectors may be identified. Each training vector may be mapped to either a male gender or a female gender, and each training vector may represent facial landmarks derived from a respective facial image. An input vector of facial landmarks may also be identified. The facial landmarks of the input vector may be derived from a particular facial image. A feature vector may containing a subset of the facial landmarks may be selected from the input vector. A weighted comparison may be performed between the feature vector and each of the training vectors. Based on a result of the weighted comparison, the particular facial image may be classified as either the male gender or the female gender.

A method for identifying a set of key video frames from a video sequence comprising extracting feature vectors for each video frame and applying a group sparsity algorithm to represent the feature vector for a particular video frame as a group sparse combination of the feature vectors for the other video frames. Weighting coefficients associated with the group sparse combination are analyzed to determine video frame clusters of temporally-contiguous, similar video frames. A set of key video frames are selected based on the determined video frame clusters.

Method and system embodiments of the present invention are directed to automated identification of regions within digitally-encoded images that correspond to objects and features of scenes captured in the digitally-encoded images, a process referred to as ‘perceptual segmentation’ of an image. Regions or segments within an image are first identified by any of various region-identifying or segmentation methods. For each region or segment, features of pixels within the region or segment are employed to compute one or more segment features. The segment features are used, in turn, to identify the region or segment as belonging to a particular type of region or segment, and the region is then accordingly labeled or tagged as a region or segment of the determined type.

In a first exemplary embodiment of the present invention, an automated, computerized method is provided for processing an image. According to a feature of the present invention, the method comprises the steps of providing an image file depicting an image, in a computer memory, calculating processing scale parameter information as a function of width dimension information for penumbrae depicted in the image; and generating intrinsic illumination and material reflectance images corresponding to the image using the processing scale parameter information.

A method of controlling an image analysis apparatus is provided. The method includes receiving a query image; determining at least one main color distributed in the query image and a specific main color from among the at least one main color by using color information contained in the query image; dividing the query image into at least one block having a predetermined number of pixels; and determining whether each of the at least one block includes more than a predetermined percentage of a main color for comparison among the at least main color, and creating a binary spatial distribution map by digitizing the at least one block.

An image processing method for removing a moving object includes an input step of inputting input images; a matching step of matching the input images according to corresponding positions; a determining step of determining a background image from the input images; a marking step of marking at least one moving object from at least one of the input images; and a replacing step of replacing a region, occupied by the moving object in at least one of the input images with a corresponding regional background in another input image.

There is provided an image processing apparatus including a model-based processing unit that executes model-based processing for converting resolution and converting an image on the basis of a camera model and a predetermined model having aligning, with respect to a high-resolution image output one frame before, and a prediction operation unit that performs a prediction operation on a pixel value of a high-resolution image to be output, on the basis of parameters stored in advance, an observed low-resolution image that is an input low-resolution image, and an image obtained by executing the model-based processing.

Embodiments of the invention are directed to systems, methods, and computer program products for capturing, processing, storing, and generating images of a check. In some embodiments, a system is configured to: receive an unprocessed image of a check; store the unprocessed image, wherein the unprocessed image is accessible to an agent associated with the apparatus and is not accessible to a user of an account associated with the check; process the unprocessed image to create a processed image; store the processed image, wherein the processed image is accessible to the agent and is accessible to the user.

An observation apparatus compares a plurality of image information acquired in a specific time by a plurality of image acquisition methods whose image acquisition timings are different, and includes a timer for counting observation time, and a PMT and a CCD whose image information acquisition timings are different. A storage unit stores different image information, when acquired by the PMT and the CCD, by relating each type of the acquired image information to the observation information counted by the timer. A control unit sets a display standard to associate the different types of image information stored in the storage unit, according to the observation time that has been respectively related to these types of image information, and associates the different types of image information according to the time information, on the basis of the set display standard. A monitor displays the image information associated by the control unit.

The medical image diagnosis device of the invention includes image generating means configured to obtain image data of a tissue of an object and generate an image of the tissue of the object based on the image data, calculation means configured to calculate at least one of brightness and motion vectors of plural measurement points of the generated image, input means configured to specify an observation region of the image, a database in which a characteristic amount of at least one of the brightness and the motion vectors of the measurement points in respective images of plural different observation regions is set and stored in advance, checking means configured to read the characteristic amount of the observation region that is specified through the input means from the database and check the characteristic amount with results of calculation performed on the generated image by the calculation means, and ROI setting means configured to set a region of interest in the generated image based on checked results of the checking means.

Methods, and systems therefrom, for generating images from time of flight (TOF) data associated with a scan of at least one object using a positron emission tomography system are provided. The method includes providing initial values for an activity image to yield a current activity image. The method also includes estimating initial values for an attenuation map (μ-map) image based on the TOF data to yield a current μ-map image. The method further includes repeating, until at least one termination condition is met, the steps of updating the current activity image based on at least the current μ-map and a first update algorithm and updating the current μ-map image based on at least on the updated activity image and a second update algorithm. The method also includes outputting an image of the at least one object based on the current μ-map and the current activity image.

For certain medical images, it is important and/or required that a user view all of a medical image at full resolution so that minute, but important, indicia in the medical image are not missed. A computing systems monitor the portions of the medical image that are displayed on the display device, notates those portions that have been displayed at full resolution (or other user-defined display parameters), and provides the user with information indicating portions that have not been viewed at full resolution and/or provides information indicating for which images of a multiple image examination full pixel display has been accomplished. The process reduces the possibility of missing an abnormality in a medical image due to the viewer not viewing a portion of the image at full resolution or using other user-defined display parameters.

A fingerprint sensing system. The fingerprint sensing system includes: at least one sensor; at least one display device; at least one application processor; and at least one secure enclave processor. The application processor(s) receives fingerprint data from the sensor(s) and provides the fingerprint data to the secure enclave processor(s). The secure enclave processor(s) decodes the fingerprint data and provides a signal indicative of at least one matched node. The application processor(s), responsive to receipt of the signal indicative of the matched node(s), presents at least a portion of a synthetic fingerprint image via at least one display device corresponding to the matched node(s).

Methods and systems are provided for performing a biometric measurement on an individual. A purported skin site of the individual is illuminated under a plurality of distinct optical conditions during a single illumination session. Light scattered beneath a surface of the purported skin site is received separately for each of the plurality of distinct optical conditions. A multispectral image of the purported skin site is derived from the received light. A biometric function is performed with the derived multispectral image.

A method of determining reference features for use in an optical object initialization tracking process is disclosed, said method comprising the following steps: a) capturing at least one current image of a real environment or synthetically generated by rendering a virtual model of a real object to be tracked with at least one camera and extracting current features from the at least one current image, b) providing reference features adapted for use in an optical object initialization tracking process, c) matching a plurality of the current features with a plurality of the reference features, d) estimating at least one parameter associated with the current image based on a number of current and reference features which were matched, and determining for each of the reference features which were matched with one of the current features whether they were correctly or incorrectly matched, e) wherein the steps a) to d) are processed iteratively multiple times.

A system and method are provided that use point of gaze information to determine what portions of 3D media content are actually being viewed to enable a 3D media content viewing experience to be improved. Tracking eye movements of viewers to obtain such point of gaze information are used to control characteristics of the 3D media content during consumption of that media, and/or to improve or otherwise adjust or refine the 3D media content during creation thereof by a media content provider. Outputs may be generated to illustrate what in the 3D media content was viewed at incorrect depths. Such outputs may then be used in subsequent or offline analysis, e.g., by editors for media content providers when generating the 3D media itself, in order to gauge the 3D effects. A quality metric can be computed based on the point of gaze information, which can be used to analyze the interactions between viewers and the 3D media content being displayed. The quality metric may also be calibrated in order to accommodate offsets and other factors and/or to allow for aggregation of results obtained for multiple viewers.

Methods and systems are described for determining eye position and/or for determining eye movement based on glints. An exemplary computer-implemented method involves: (a) causing an imaging device that is attached to a head-mountable display (HMD) to record a video of the eye; (b) while the video of the eye is being recorded, causing a plurality of light sources that are attached to the HMD and generally directed towards the eye to switch on and off according to a predetermined pattern, wherein the predetermined pattern is such that at least two of the light sources are switched on at any given time while the video of the eye is being recorded; (c) analyzing the video of the eye to detect controlled glints that correspond to the plurality of light sources; and (d) determining a measure of eye position based on the controlled glints.

There is provided an information processing apparatus for calculating an evaluation value representing quality of a moving image. A second acquisition unit is configured to acquire position information representing a position of a chart image in each frame image of the input moving image. A cutout unit is configured to cut out, from each frame image of the input moving image, a partial image including the chart image based on the position information and generate a converted moving image having the cutout partial image as a frame image. A conversion unit is configured to frequency-convert the converted moving image at least in a temporal direction. A calculation unit is configured to calculate the evaluation value based on a frequency component value obtained by the conversion unit.

An image processing apparatus includes a moving image input unit configured to input a moving image, an object likelihood information storage unit configured to store object likelihood information in association with a corresponding position in an image for each object size in each frame included in the moving image, a determination unit configured to determine a pattern clipping position where a pattern is clipped out based on the object likelihood information stored in the object likelihood information storage unit, and an object detection unit configured to detect an object in an image based on the object likelihood information of the pattern clipped out at the pattern clipping position determined by the determination unit.

Systems and methods for audience monitoring are provided that include receiving an input including a recording or live feed of an audience composed of several persons, detecting foreground of the input, performing blob segmentation of the input, and analyzing human presence on each segmented blob by identifying at least one person, identifying a spatial distribution of at least one identified person, determining a dwell time of at least one identified person, determining a temporal distribution of at least one identified person, and determining a gaze direction of at least one identified person. Such detecting provides the ability to track individual persons present in the audience, and how long they remain in the audience. The method also provides the ability to determine gaze direction of persons in the audience, and how long one or more persons are gazing in a particular direction.

A system and method for securing media content are provided. A method for distributing security media content includes embedding a marking payload into media content, thereby producing embedded media content, applying a transform to the embedded media content, thereby producing secured media content, and distributing the secured media content. The marking payload is embedded based on perceptual information regarding the media content.

A speaker system for use in a seat includes a speaker enclosure including a speaker having a sound-radiating element with a first side and a second side, and an at least partially enclosed volume of space larger than a volume of space occupied by the speaker and acoustically coupled to the second side of the sound-radiating element of the speaker, the enclosure sized to fit within a first vertically-oriented cavity in a seat back, open at the top of the seat back. A motor moves the first speaker enclosure between a first position in which the first speaker enclosure is fully contained within the first cavity and a second position in which the first speaker enclosure protrudes from the top of the seat back such that the first side of the sound-radiating element is coupled to free space at the top of the seat back.

An earphone device includes a housing having a driver unit, and a sound guide tube mounted on a front surface of the housing to protrude from the front surface, in which the sound guide tube is disposed at a position deviated from a center position of the housing.

Electronic devices such as compact portable media players are provided. A housing for an electronic device may be relatively compact. The housing may include a door assembly with an attached spring-loaded clip. The electronic device may include a hold switch. Depending on the state of the hold switch, the electronic device may be in an off mode, a continuous playback mode, or a shuffle playback mode. The electronic device may not have integrated media playback controls such as play, pause, rewind, fast forward, etc. As one example, the electronic device may connect to an accessory that has media playback controls. Buttons and other user interfaces may be included in the accessory and user input information may be conveyed between the accessory and the electronic device using a wired path including audio connectors. The electronic device may include a printed circuit board assembly that is nested together with a battery assembly.

The method for operating a hearing system comprising at least one hearing device; at least one signal processing unit; at least one user control by means of which at least one audio processing parameter of said signal processing unit is adjustable; and a sensor unit; comprises the steps of a) obtaining adjustment data (userCorr) representative of adjustments of said at least one parameter carried out by operating said at least one user control; b) obtaining characterizing data (p1;p2) from data outputted from said sensor unit substantially at the time said adjustment data are obtained; c) deriving correction data (learntCorr) from said adjustment data (userCorr); wherein step c) is carried out in dependence of said characterizing data; and d) recognizing an update event; and, upon step d): e) using corrected settings for said at least one audio processing parameter in said signal processing unit, which corrected settings are derived in dependence of said correction data (learntCorr). An improved automatic adaptation of the audio processing properties of the hearing system the hearing system user's preference can be achieved.

An audio signal measurement method for a speaker and an electronic apparatus having the speaker are provided. The electronic apparatus further has a processing circuit and a power amplifier. The processing circuit is coupled to the speaker and configured to execute a time domain to frequency domain transform according to a voltage value of an audio signal and a current value of current feedback from the speaker so as to obtain a frequency response curve. The power amplifier is coupled to the speaker and configured to drive the speaker according the voltage value of the audio signal. The processing circuit is capable of determining whether the frequency response curve is located within a predetermined area such that the processing circuit generates a signal when the frequency response curve is located out of the predetermined area. Thereby, the electronic apparatus may measure its transducer distortion and acoustic box leakage.

One or more rights objects (RO) files may be used for storing RO's preferably in the protected area available only to authenticated users. A RO navigation file is stored preferably in an unprotected public area containing status bits, where each status bit identifies whether a location in a RO file contains a valid RO or not. Preferably, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the location for a RO in a RO file and a location in the RO navigation file for the status bit which identifies whether its corresponding location in the RO file contains a valid RO or not. Whether a particular location in a RO file contains a valid RO or not can be found by checking its corresponding status bit in the RO navigation file.

An expanded sequence number is added to PDUs in a Bluetooth® low energy system. The expanded sequence number provides more accurate identification of the PDUs and allows the system to avoid delaying transmission of PDUs while retransmitting other PDUs. A PDU security sequence number may also be added to the PDUs. The security sequence number is used to create a unique nonce for use in encrypting or decrypting and authenticating the PDU. Using the security sequence number, a failed connection can be reestablished between two devices without the need of generating an encryption key. The security sequence number allows the devices to perform encryption or decryption and authentication using an existing key and a nonce generated from the security sequence number.

A method for secure configuration of a sensor system involves identifying a new sensor not activated within the sensor system, the new sensor including a new sensor identifier, establishing a first transmission link between the new sensor and a sensor controller, transmitting the new sensor identifier between the sensor and the sensor controller, generating a key pair for the sensor controller, the key pair including a controller public key and a controller private key, generating a key pair for the new sensor, the key pair including a sensor public key and a sensor private key, transmitting the controller public key to the new sensor and the sensor public key to the sensor controller, and generating a pairwise key within the sensor controller and the new sensor.

A method and apparatus are provided to perform a cryptographic task on at least one numerical datum in an electronic hardware component. The method includes a step of at least partial use of an encryption function. This encryption function includes a basic encryption function obtained by the addition between an intermediate function arising from composition of a coding function with a first function, and a second function. This method can be applied to the encryption of a datum or to the decryption of a datum. Also, a method is provided for generating a public key and a device able to implement one of these methods.

A method and apparatus is presented for enabling an agent to assume the identity or persona of a called party and process calls directed to the called party. In one embodiment, methods, which enable an agent to assume the identity or persona of a called party, and process calls directed to the called party are considered a call center functions and may be implemented in a call center. A call is initiated to a called party. Initiating the call generates called party information. Using the called party information a server retrieves information associated with the called party and then forward the information associated with the called party to an agent. The call is then forwarded to the agent. As a result, the agent may use the information associated with the called party to assume the identity or persona of the called party when responding to the call.

A method and system for automated intelligent advertising on wearable devices. The wearable devices includes digital eyewear, clothing, jewelry, watches, etc. Messages sent to an invalid alphanumeric identifier (e.g., WiFi addresses, e-mail address, text message address, social networking identifier, etc.) for a desired network service are returned including a notification that an attempt to connect to the desired network service has failed and also includes electronic advertising information that allows a network device to view and display a retrieved pre-determined advertisement or the dynamically generated advertisement and make a selection input to automatically connect to another network device associated with the retrieved pre-determined or dynamically advertisement to obtain additional electronic advertising information.

A voicemail computer system transcribes a voicemail message into text that is presented to a calling party for approval. A calling party is able to approve, disapprove or edit a voicemail message prior to delivery to one or more called parties. The voicemail computer system may analyze a voicemail message to detect errors, omissions, or potentially offensive words. The voicemail computer may analyze a voicemail message to make suggestions as to tone, content or information contained within the voicemail message. The calling party can edit the voicemail message or approve it prior to providing a notification to one or more called parties that they have received the voicemail message.

A medical imaging device capable of determining the number of projections in which at least one point located above or at the level of the object support surface is present.

An object is to enhance the driving capability and improve the operating speed of a unit shift register applicable to a scanning line driving circuit having a partial display function. A unit shift register forming a gate line driving circuit includes a first transistor that supplies a first clock signal to a first output terminal, a second transistor that supplies a second clock signal to a second output terminal, a third transistor that charges the gate of the first transistor in response to activation of a shift signal of the previous stage, and a fourth transistor connected between the gate of the first transistor and the gate of the second transistor. The first clock signal and the second clock signal have the same phase, and only the second clock signal is activated in a particular period (a display ineffective period).

Method, device and system for detecting a disturbance, e.g., at least one short mechanical impact (shock or vibration) on a clock of a slave device by detecting a non-typical variation of a tracking error, i.e., a tracking error having a deviation that exceeds a predetermined threshold, wherein such a non-typical variation can be determined by the deviation from a statistical measure, e.g., a variance or a standard deviation, such that the determination of the quality of a clock signal is advantageously allowed and thus suitable counter-measures are provided. The method, device and system are applicable for all kinds of technical systems comprising slave devices that have a clock, e.g., devices in industrial and automation systems. The method, device and system are also applicable in communication systems that use a protocol to synchronize the clocks of its devices, e.g., Profinet.

The present invention discloses a type of LNB frequency down conversion integrated circuit. The present invention frequency-down-converts the RF signal with the Quadrature local oscillation signal (LO) and Quadrature Mixer. Then the 90 degree phase-shifting of the quadrature intermediate frequency (IF) signal after mixed is done by the use of passive Polyphase filter. The present invention further discloses a LNB frequency down conversion chip, a LNB frequency down circuit adopting the LNB frequency down conversion chip circuit and a method of LBN frequency down. The invention ensures the elimination of the minor image signal and the realization of the minor image suppression function.

Methods and systems for vector combining power amplification are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, a plurality of signals are individually amplified, then summed to form a desired time-varying complex envelope signal. Phase and/or frequency characteristics of one or more of the signals are controlled to provide the desired phase, frequency, and/or amplitude characteristics of the desired time-varying complex envelope signal. In another embodiment, a time-varying complex envelope signal is decomposed into a plurality of constant envelope constituent signals. The constituent signals are amplified equally or substantially equally, and then summed to construct an amplified version of the original time-varying envelope signal. Embodiments also perform frequency up-conversion.

An embodiment of an apparatus for nonlinearity compensation is disclosed. For an embodiment, a pre-distorter is coupled to receive a first signal. The pre-distorter is configured to convert first values of the first signal into second values for a second signal. The pre-distorter includes a converter for converting the first values to the second values. A phase interpolator is coupled to receive the second signal. The second values are associated with nonlinearity of the phase interpolator. The phase interpolator is configured to provide an interpolated output from the second signal. The second signal is adjusted for the nonlinearity of the phase interpolator by use of the second values.

A method, a codebook, and a Base Station (BS) for precoding are provided. The precoding method includes: obtaining a total uplink power of a User Equipment (UE); if the total uplink power is greater than ¾ of a rated total transmit power of antennas, selecting a codeword from a first codebook with imbalanced power between layers; otherwise, selecting a codeword from the first codebook and a second codebook with balanced power between layers, so as for precoding data to be transmitted according to the selected codeword.

A method for transmitting a sounding reference signal in a MIMO wireless communication system and an apparatus therefor are disclosed. The method for transmitting sounding reference signals (SRSs) in a MIMO wireless communication system comprises receiving sounding reference signal parameters from a base station; receiving information of the number of sounding reference signals which will be transmitted at a transmission time instant from the base station; if a plurality of sounding reference signals are provided, generating the sounding reference signals corresponding to each of the plurality of antennas by using the sounding reference signal parameters; and transmitting the generated sounding reference signals to the base station through their corresponding antennas at a specific transmission instant.

A radio base station (eNB 1) receives an SRS from the radio terminal (UE 2A) and SRSes from radio terminals (UE 2B through UE 2D), and calculates, on the basis of at least one of the SRSes from the radio terminal (UE 2A) and from the radio terminals (UE 2B through UE 2D), a reception weight that is to be used for wireless communication with the radio terminal (UE 2A).

The invention relates to a method of receiving a signal corresponding to a multicarrier signal transmitted via at least one transmission channel, the method comprising an estimation step (11) of estimating said channel and delivering overall information about said channel in the frequency domain, referred to as a “frequency response” and comprising frequency samples. According to the invention, such a method also comprises: a sharing step (12) of sharing said frequency samples in at least two frequency sample vectors; a transform step (13) of transforming said frequency sample vectors from the frequency domain to a transform domain and delivering, for at least one frequency sample vector, a partial response of said channel in said transform domain; and a feedback step (14) of transmitting a return signal back to said transmitter, the return signal conveying samples extracted from said partial responses and representative of said channel in said transform domain.

A method and apparatus for in-loop processing of reconstructed video are disclosed. The reconstructed video data is partitioned into image units. The image unit corresponds to a Largest Coding Unit (LCU), a slice, or a tile. Horizontal deblocking is applied to the reconstructed video data across vertical image-unit boundaries and then vertical deblocking operates on n pixels of horizontal-deblocked video data on each side of horizontal image-unit boundaries. According to various embodiments of the present invention, the horizontal deblocking is applied to at least one of said n reconstructed lines to generate at least a horizontal-deblocked line for line pn−1. Sample adaptive offset (SAO) processing is then applied to at least a horizontal-deblocked line for line pn based on the horizontal-deblocked line for line pn−1. The above steps are performed before a neighboring image unit below the current image unit arrives.

A system and method of frequency offset compensation are disclosed for a wireless system between a fast moving radio terminal associated with a locomotive and a stationary radio terminal associated with a base station. The present invention utilizes advanced frequency offset prediction to quickly track Doppler Shift caused by a fast moving locomotive. In one embodiment according to the present invention, the frequency offset prediction is based on a first plurality of coarse frequency offsets, first-order derivatives of the first plurality of coarse frequency offsets, and second-order derivatives of the first plurality of coarse frequency offsets. In another embodiment according to the present invention, the frequency offset prediction is based on a plurality of previous frequency offsets according to a Doppler shift model.

A receiver and a transmitter that copes with interference in a super-regenerative communication system, and a method of using the receiver and the transmitter, are provided. A super-regenerative receiver includes a resonance frequency adjusting unit configured to adjust a resonance frequency associated with a filtering band of a transmission signal that is received from a transmitter. The super-regenerative receiver further includes an oscillation signal generating unit configured to generate an oscillation signal, using a positive feedback amplification, based on the resonance frequency and the transmission signal. The super-regenerative receiver further includes an oscillation characteristic detecting unit configured to detect a characteristic of the oscillation signal. The super-regenerative receiver further includes a determining unit configured to determine whether interference is included in the transmission signal based on the characteristic of the oscillation signal and the resonance frequency.

A laser system for an ignition device of an internal combustion engine, in particular of a motor vehicle, having a first laser device and a second laser device situated downstream from the first laser device and optically connected to it, the first laser device being designed for generating pump light for optically pumping the second laser device. The first laser device has a reflecting means in an area which is optically connected to the second laser device, the reflecting arrangement being designed for reflecting radiation generated by the second laser device.

In a slab laser, a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide CO2 is formed as a laser-active medium in a discharge space which is formed between two plate-shaped metal electrodes, the flat faces of which are located opposite one another. A resonator mirror is arranged on each of the mutually opposite end faces of the discharge space, the mirrors forming an unstable resonator parallel to the flat faces. At least one of the mutually facing flat faces is provided either on the entire flat face with a dielectric layer the thickness of which is greater on at least one sub-surface than in the remaining area of the flat face, or the at least one flat face is provided with a dielectric layer exclusively on at least one sub-surface.

A particular overall architecture for transmission over a bonded channel system consisting of two interconnected MoCA (Multimedia over Coax Alliance) 2.0 SoCs (Systems on a Chip) and a method and apparatus for the case of a “bonded” channel network. With a bonded channel network, the data is divided into two segments, the first of which is transported over a primary channel and the second of which is transported over a secondary channel.

Systems and methods of synchronizing the frequency of a slave clock to that of a master clock using time-stamps in transmissions from a master device having the master clock, determining an error signal, and adjusting the frequency of the slave clock based on said error signal.

For use in visible light communication (VLC), synchronization with multiple topology support while transmitting an extended preamble includes transmitting a two-part preamble sequence. The preamble sequence includes one or more repetitions of a fast locking pattern (FLP) configured to be used clock synchronization, and one or more repetitions of a topology dependent pattern (TDP) configured to be used to distinguish a plurality of VLC topologies. The method for transmitting an extended preamble includes generating an extended preamble and transmitting the extended preamble during a receive or idle mode for maintaining visibility support and for better synchronization performance.

Within a domain of a master device, devices that share a power line as a communications medium monitor signal detection windows to sense network status. The devices transmit sensed network status to the master device. The master device allocates channel resources based on the network statuses communicated by the devices within the domain.

The present technology is directed to systems and methods for integrating route and rank information into call detail records. The system receives information relating to a communication that is established between a first communication device and a second communication device. The information includes routing information for the established communication that includes at least a route identifier and a rank identifier. The system records the received route identifier and the rank identifier in a call detail record that is generated for the established communication. The route and rank information may be analyzed to for various purposes including troubleshooting and quality improvement.

An SoC-based system network protocol in consideration of network efficiency is disclosed. An MSB of a command signal containing an instruction defining information that is contained in a transfer signal transferred from an initiator to a destination via a channel or in a response signal transferred from the destination via the channel indicates that a highest priority is assigned to a transaction between the initiator and the destination in the network, when the instruction contained in the command signal corresponds to address information contained in the transfer signal and response information contained in the response signal, and indicates last data of a signal transferred between the initiator and the destination when the instruction contained in the command signal corresponds to control information contained in the transfer signal and data contained in the transfer signal and the response signal.

A method for implementing multicast service is disclosed, comprising: a multicast source sending a multicast service packet of which a destination address is configured to be a Group Access Identity (GAID) assigned to the multicast source; an Access Service Router (ASR) to which the multicast source belongs searching for a corresponding Group Router Identity (GRID) in the established GAID-GRID mapping table according to the GAID, and sending the multicast service packet to a General Switch Router (GSR); the GSR searching for a corresponding multicast tree according to the GRID of the multicast service packet, and sending the multicast service packet to the ASR in the service area; the ASR in the service area searching for a corresponding GAID in the established GAID-GRID mapping table according to the GRID, and sending the multicast service packet to the terminal under the ASR in the service area.

In one embodiment, there is presented a method for processing data. The method comprises receiving a plurality of packets, wherein each packet comprises a payload, and wherein the plurality of packets carry video data encoded in accordance with an encoding standard from a plurality of encoding standards; identifying encoding standards encoding the video data carried in the payloads of the plurality of packets; and inserting identifiers that identify the encoding standard encoding the video data carried in the payloads of the plurality of packets into the plurality of packets.

The addition of high throughput capability elements to beacon frames and peer link action frames in wireless mesh networks enable the utilization of desirable features without further modifications to the network. Rules can be established for high throughput mesh point protection in a mesh network, Space-time Block Code (STBC) operations and 20/40 MHz operation selections. However, features such as PSMP (power save multi-poll) and PCO (phased coexistence operations) are barred from implementation to prevent collisions.

A circuit includes a first wireless interface circuit that transceives packetized data with a first external device in accordance with a first wireless communication protocol. A second wireless interface circuit transceives packetized data with a second external device in accordance with a second wireless communication protocol and wherein the operation of the second wireless interface circuit interferes with the operation of the first wireless interface circuit. A processing module selectively preempts use of the second frequency spectrum by the second external device using a plurality of preemption modes including a first preemption mode and a second preemption mode.

A base station sends a request for information relating to radio access technology capabilities of a mobile station. The base station receives a message containing information relating to radio access technology capabilities of the mobile station, where the message is responsive to the request, and the information contained in the message specifies that the mobile station supports at least two different types of radio access technologies useable by the mobile station to communicate over a wireless link between the base station and the mobile station. The base station is able to control which of the at least two different types of radio access technologies the mobile station is to use.

A first wireless device including a receiver and a transmitter. The receiver includes a channel estimation module configured to receive, from a second wireless device over a communication channel, a training packet and estimate a quality of the communication channel based on the training packet, and a modulation and coding scheme (MCS) determination module configured to determine an MCS based on one or more of the training packet and the estimated quality of the communication channel. The transmitter is configured to transmit, to the second wireless device over the communication channel, an indication of the MCS determined by the MCS determination module.

Methods and apparatuses for a specific station, operating as a non-AP (Access Point) station permitted to operate within available channels not used by a licensed device, to operate as an AP station in a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) are disclosed. A specific protocol related to a registration of a station's location to operate within a white space id defined whose Information IDs comprises a registration request and a registration response. Using the defined registration request and registration response, the station can register its geographical location with a Registered Location Server (RLS), and operate as an AP STA within WS.

A method, system, apparatus, and computer program can provide scheduling of direct to direct communication by a high speed packet access base station. The method, for example, can include obtaining a direct user equipment communication toggling message. The method can also include interpreting physical layer signaling on a first frequency of a first radio system based on the toggling message. The method can further include scheduling a direct user equipment pair on a second frequency of a second system based on the interpreting. The toggling message can include a triggering message to initiate direct user equipment communication or an exit message to terminate direct user equipment communication.

The present invention discloses a communication method and system using MIMO technology. The communication method includes: a network side device determines whether a UE uses a single-stream mode or a multi-stream mode as an uplink data transmission mode; and the network side device notifies the UE of indication information indicating the determined uplink data transmission mode. The communication method and system help the UE to use a specific uplink data transmission mode in combination with various factors, therefore reducing a delay of an uplink data transmission, improving an uplink data transmission speed, thereby meeting development needs of uplink high-speed data communication services of the UE.

A method and system for a communication device having a network interface card (NIC) for communicating with two networks to dynamically allocate bandwidth between or among the networks.

One or multiple bit restricted access window (RAW) end point determination within for single user, multiple user, multiple access, and/or MIMO wireless communications. A RAW is defined in which only devices of the particular class (e.g., low power class, Z class, smart meter station (SMSTA) class, etc.) are allowed access to the communication medium. Indication of the end of such a RAW may be included within one or more bits set within a signal field (SIG) field of a framer packet generated by a given device within the system and transmitted to one or more other devices. After completion of the RAW, other respective devices of at least one other type of class may be provided access to the communication medium. The manner of access to the communication media outside of the RAW may be varied (e.g., scheduled, based on carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), etc.).

Disclosed is a method for pairing terminals using a dummy terminal, the method including selecting at least one terminal from several, pairing a channel being used by the at least one terminal with data of a dummy terminal, receiving a measurement report message from the at least one terminal, adjusting power of the at least one terminal based upon the measurement report message, and pairing the at least one terminal with another terminal so as to use a channel being used by the at least one terminal together with the another terminal if the at least one terminal is suitable for pairing.

In a communication control apparatus wirelessly communicable with a plurality of wireless communication units respectively installed in a plurality of vehicles, a first determiner determines at least one wireless communication unit in a number of wireless communication units in the plurality of wireless communication units as a first enabling unit that enables wireless communications with the communication control apparatus if information transmitted from the at least one wireless communication unit is second type information including a piece of vehicle information that includes at least the identifier of the corresponding vehicle. A second determiner determines a wireless communication unit in the remaining one or more wireless communication units as a second enabling unit, which enables wireless communications with the communication control apparatus, if information transmitted from the wireless communication unit is not included in the information transmitted from the first enabling unit.

Cooperative relaying and network coding to implement diversity in a cellular communications system is disclosed. A primary network node diversity combines a first copy of a first packet overheard by the primary network node with a second copy of the first packet received in a network coded packet from a relay network node to form a combined first packet.

A method and apparatus are described including transmitting a request-to-send signal, determining if a clear-to-send signal and a reverse direction transmission request signal have been received, transmitting first data, a first block acknowledgement request signal and a reverse direction grant signal responsive to the first determination, determining if a first block acknowledgement signal, second data and a second block acknowledgement request signal have been received, transmitting a second block acknowledgement signal responsive to the second determination, determining if a third block acknowledgement signal has been received and transmitting a fourth block acknowledgement signal responsive to the third determination. Further described are a method and apparatus including listening to channels, estimating channel conditions responsive to the listening, determining if a signal has been received, determining if channel conditions are adequate to act as a relay node multicasting a relay node clear to send signal responsive to the first and second determinations and multicasting a block acknowledgement signal and data responsive to the first and second determinations.

Briefly, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention, bit and power loading may be utilized to select a modulation rate and subcarrier power scaling based on channel state information. As a result, a higher data rate may be utilized for a given signal-to-noise ratio while maintaining a constant bit error rate.

Techniques, apparatuses, and systems for wireless communications comprising can include operating a wireless communication system that provides multiple guard time values for different deployment configurations, mapping the guard time values to cyclic prefix (CP) values to reduce an acquisition complexity and reduce an initial synchronization time of a mobile station, and communicating a selected guard time value to a mobile station by transmitting a signal using a cyclic prefix value corresponding to the selected guard time value.

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a computer storage medium, for configuring network devices. A central management system stores shared configuration objects in a central configuration database. A network device stores shared configuration objects and device-specific configuration objects in a local configuration database. The local configuration database's shared configuration objects correspond to shared configuration objects in the central configuration database. The central management system determines the network device has received a request to update a shared configuration object, where the request did not originate from the central management system, and updates the central configuration database.

Embodiments for improving multi-user downlink reception quality in WLANS are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method includes receiving, at a station, at least one multi-user sounding packet from an access point. The method also includes determining a sum of desired signal strengths from the at least one received sounding packet. The method also includes determining a sum of interference signal strengths from the at least one received sounding packet. The method also includes generating link quality metrics based on a ratio of the sum of desired signal strengths to the sum of interference signal strengths.

A telecommunication apparatus (100, 200) enabled for high-speed packet access is disclosed. The apparatus (100, 200) is arranged to operate according to a reduced and a further reduced mode of transmission of dedicated physical control channel transmission, and having a data transmission controller (102, 202) arranged to control sporadic data transmissions. The data transmission controller (102, 202) is arranged to determine if omission of a sporadic data transmission will significantly degrade performance, and if not, disable transmission of that data transmission. A method of controlling sporadic data transmissions for such an apparatus is also disclosed, as well as a computer program for implementing the method.

A method, performed by a fixed wireless router device, may include receiving a packet from a Long Term Evolution network, where the packet is associated with a particular Long Term Evolution Quality of Service class and mapping the particular Long Term Evolution Quality of Service class to a particular Differentiated Services Core Point Quality of Service class. The method may further include assigning a Differentiated Services Core Point Quality of Service class to the packet based on the particular Differentiated Services Core Point Quality of Service class and forwarding the packet to particular device associated with a customer premises network serviced by the fixed wireless router device, based on a priority associated with the assigned Differentiated Services Core Point Quality of Service class.

A method for controlling a flow rate of multiple data flows at a network node on a path of the data flows includes the following steps. A private restriction token bucket (RTB) and a private guarantee token bucket (GTB) for each of the data flows and a shared token bucket (STB) common to all of the data flows are provided. n tokens are obtained from the RTBi for the data flow i when a message belonging to the data flow i arrives at the node and needs n tokens. An attempt is made to obtain n tokens from the GTBi for the data flow i and/or the STB. The message is transmitted if n tokens are obtained from the GTBi and/or from the STB, otherwise transmission of the message is delayed until n tokens are available in the GTBi and/or in the STB.

A method and apparatus for providing planning of a plurality of serving general packet radio service support nodes in a wireless network are disclosed. For example, the method obtains input data, and determines a limit for at least one serving general packet radio service support node parameter in accordance with the input data. The method determines if the limit for the at least one serving general packet radio service support node parameter is exceeded and determines an optimal output for an objective function, wherein the objective function is based on a plurality of penalty factors, if the limit for the at least one serving general packet radio service support node parameter is exceeded.

A method for effecting communications, such as telephone calls, accesses to data network sites, alarm system communications, and/or other communications, having certain origins over a communications network. The method comprises: receiving a request for a communication originated by first end-user equipment at a first end-user premise when an ability of the first end-user equipment to communicate via a first communication link connecting the first end-user equipment to the communications network is disrupted; determining, based on an origin of the communication, that the communication is to be effected over the communications network; and causing information pertaining to the communication to be exchanged between the first end-user equipment and the communications network via a wireless communication link established between the first end-user equipment and second end-user equipment at a second end-user premise and a second communication link connecting the second end-user equipment to the communications network. Also provided are apparatus and computer-readable media containing a program element executable by a computing system to perform such a method.

OSPF NSR with link derivation synchronization is described. When a network element having an active OSPF instance and a standby OSPF instance attempts to create a FULL adjacency with a neighbor network element using a neighbor data structure of the active OSPF instance, and if and when a switch causes the second OSPF instance to act as the active OSPF instance, neighbor information is retrieved from the LSAs of the standby OSPF instance and a link is derived between the network element and the neighbor network element based on the retrieved neighbor information. In one embodiment, the standby OSPF instance retrieves virtual neighbor information from its LSAs and derives a virtual link between the network element and the neighbor network element based on the retrieved virtual neighbor information without having to synchronize the neighbor information between the active and standby OSPF instance.

A method and system for managing a backup service gateway (SGW) associated with a primary SGW, comprising periodically receiving from the primary SGW at least a portion of corresponding UE session state information, the received portion of session state information being sufficient to enable the secondary SGW to indicate to an inquiring management entity that all user sessions associated with a group of mobile devices supported by the primary SGW are in a live state; and in response to a failure of the primary SGW, assuming management of IP addresses and paths associated with the primary SGW and causing each UE supported by the failed primary SGW to reauthorize itself to the network.

In a hierarchical switching architecture that includes at least one lower level managed switching element that connects to several higher level managed switching elements, some embodiments provide a method of identifying a higher level managed switching element to which the lower level managed switching element forwards a packet for further processing. The method computes a value based on a set of attributes of the packet. The method identifies a record from a hierarchy traversal table based on the computed value. The record specifies (1) a first higher level managed switching element as a primary higher level managed switching element and (2) a second higher level managed switching element as a secondary higher level managed switching element. The primary and secondary higher level managed switching elements are for forwarding the packet for further processing. The method forwards the packet to one of the higher level managed switching elements.

A method of allocating resources for transmitting a signal in a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) wireless communication system is disclosed. The method includes allocating one or more spatial resources of a plurality of spatial resources corresponding to first Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) symbols to a first transport block, allocating one or more other spatial resources of the plurality of spatial resources corresponding to the first SC-FDMA symbols to a second transport block, and allocating spatial resources corresponding to second SC-FDMA symbols to the first transport block and the second transport block.

An apparatus includes a near field transduce (NFT), a waveguide core, and a dielectric resonator. The waveguide core is configured to propagate electromagnetic radiation. The dielectric resonator is disposed between the waveguide core and the NFT and is configured to transfer energy of the electromagnetic radiation to the NFT.

A non-volatile memory device includes a first sector including a first sector selection transistor and a first plurality of pages connected to the first sector selection transistor, and a second sector including a second sector selection transistor and a second plurality of pages connected to the second sector selection transistor. Each of the first and second plurality of pages includes a memory transistor and a selection transistor, and a number of pages in the first plurality of pages is greater than a number of pages in the second plurality of pages.

According to one embodiment, an erase verification execution unit that makes an erase verify operation of a memory cell, on which an erase operation is performed, to be performed, a number-of-erase-verifications counting unit that counts the number of erase verifications of a memory cell on which the erase operation is performed, and a number-of-erase-verifications setting unit that sets a minimum number of erase verifications for the next time based on the current number of erase verifications counted by the number-of-erase-verifications counting unit are included.

Systems, methods, and devices that employ self-driven gate-drive circuitry to facilitate controlling power switches to emulate a diode bridge to synchronously rectify a power signal are presented. A single-phase or multi-phase synchronous rectifier can comprise at least a first pair of switches of a first conducting path and a second pair of switches of a second conducting path that can form or emulate a diode bridge. To facilitate emulating turn-on and turn-off conditions of a diode, a switch can be turned on when voltage across the switch is forward-biased and turned off when switch current is reversed; also, there can be at least one current-controlled switch in each conducting path. Self-driven gate-drive circuitry employs low power components that can facilitate controlling respective switching of the at least first pair and second pair of switches, wherein switching of the switches is also controlled at start-up to emulate a diode bridge.

A power converter is described which is comprised of a filter circuit component including a reactor and capacitor wherein the reactor includes a core which consists of a magnetic substance which is disposed around a conductive wiring member, a noise generating component which radiates noise wherein the noise generating components are disposed adjacently to the filter circuit component and a shielding plate which shields out the radiating noise. The shielding plate is disposed between the filter circuit component and the noise generating component. The conductive wiring member and the shielding plate are composed as one body electrically insulated from each other.

This is directed to connecting two or more elements using an intermediate element constructed from a material that changes between states. An electronic device can include one or more components constructed by connecting several elements. To provide a connection having a reduced or small size or cross-section and construct a component having high tolerances, a material can be provided in a first state in which it flows between the elements before changing to a second state in which it adheres to the elements and provides a structurally sound connection. For example, a plastic can be molded between the elements. As another example, a composite material can be brazed between the elements. In some cases, internal surfaces of the elements can include one or more features for enhancing a bond between the elements and the material providing the interface between the elements.

The present invention can facilitate the coupling between electrical components and a circuit board after the circuit board is inserted into a housing of an electronic device. An electrical component can be integrated with a flexible circuit of another electrical component. The flexible circuit can be electrically and mechanically coupled to the circuit board after the circuit board is inserted into the housing. Alternatively, electrical contacts can be disposed on a body of the electrical component and a complementary set of electrical contacts can be disposed on the circuit board. When the circuit board is disposed within a receptacle of the electrical component, the electrical contacts on the electrical component are coupled directly to the electrical contacts on the circuit board.

Disclosed is a heat radiation device, which is in contact with a first heat-producing component having a higher value of guaranteed temperature and a second heat-producing component having a lower value of guaranteed temperature, and the heat radiation device comprises a metal member provided with a slit. The metal member is divided by the slit to have two heat radiation regions, a first heat radiation region and a second heat radiation region that are loosely coupled with each other in terms of heat conduction. The first heat-producing component is placed in contact with the first heat radiation region, and the second heat-producing component is placed in contact with the second heat radiation region.

A server includes a rack, at least one server unit, at least one communication exchange unit, at least one rack control unit and an electric power transmission unit. The rack has a plurality of shelving spaces. The server unit, the communication exchange unit, and the rack control unit are moved into or moved out of a corresponding shelving space along a horizontal axis, respectively. The server unit is communicatively connected to the communication exchange unit, and communicates with the rack control unit through the communication exchange unit. The electric power transmission unit is disposed in the rack and runs adjacent to the shelving spaces along a vertical axis. After the server unit, the communication exchange unit and the rack control unit are moved into corresponding shelving spaces, the server unit, the communication exchange unit and the rack control unit are electrically connected to the electric power transmission unit.

A server cooling device is described that includes an enclosure defining an interior space and at least one server rack port configured to engage a rack such that one or more rack mounted units installed in the rack interface with the interior space. The server cooling device also includes a mixing chamber including one or more cooling coils that is connected to the interior space defined by the enclosure.

A retention mechanism is provided for removably securing a smaller sized server or other rack-mounting computing asset into a larger sized server tray and rack, which are larger in width than the computing asset. The tray includes an edge configured to align and couple with the end of one or more clips, which may be removably installed on the tray. The clips include a bowed portion that contacts the surface of the computing asset when installed so as to apply a securing force on the computing asset and into the tray. The resulting friction between the server and the clip and between the server and the tray secures the server in place in the tray.

Provided are a housing and an electronic device that ensure sufficient strength even when reduced in thickness. A carbon fiber layer included in the housing is disposed such that the orientation direction of carbon fibers is perpendicular to the lengthwise direction of the long sides of a back face panel, thus enabling improving the flexural strength of the back face panel. This enables increases in the number of carbon fibers per unit of area of the back face panel, and enables the length of each carbon fiber to be reduced. Accordingly, it is possible to cause the carbon fibers to flex less readily, thus enabling improving the strength in the flexing direction of the back face panel.

A receiving module is disclosed for building into a switching cabinet, with a primary circuit mating contact element. To improve the coupling of a power switch, especially a low-voltage power switch, to a receiving module, it is proposed in at least one embodiment that the receiving module also has a communication mating contact element, wherein the receiving module can directly receive a power switch, so that a primary circuit contact element of the power switch is directly electrically-conductively connected to the primary circuit mating contact element and a communication contact element of the power switch is directly electrically-conductively connected to the communication mating contact element, wherein the communication mating contact element is arranged in relation to the primary circuit mating contact element such that, in a first receiving position of the power switch in the receiving module the communication contact element is electrically-conductively connected to the communication mating contact element and the primary circuit mating contact element is not electrically-conductively connected to the primary circuit contact element and in a second receiving position of the power switch in the receiving module the primary circuit mating contact element is directly electrically-conductively connected to the primary circuit contact element and the communication mating contact element is directly electrically-conductively connected to the communication contact element.

Disclosed are an aluminum electrolytic capacitor having low impedance properties and a long service life, and an electrolytic solution which enables to give such capacitor. The electrolytic solution contains a solvent containing water, a phosphorus oxoacid ion-generating compound which can generate a phosphorus oxoacid ion in an aqueous solution, and a chelating agent which can coordinate with aluminum to form an aqueous aluminum chelate complex. The electrolytic solution further contains a compound selected from the group consisting of azelaic acid and an azelaic acid salt, and a compound selected from the group consisting of formic acid, a formic acid salt, adipic acid, an adipic acid salt, glutaric acid and a glutaric acid salt. The content of azelaic acid and/or the azelaic acid salt is at least 0.03 moles per kg of the solvent. When the electrolytic solution is used in an electrolytic capacitor which utilizes an anode having an aluminum oxide film containing phosphorus in an amount of 30 to 150 mg per unit CV product in terms of phosphoric acid, the service life of the capacitor is remarkably prolonged.

An RC-based electrostatic discharge protection device provides an extended snapback trigger voltage range, thereby avoiding latch-up. Two parallel current discharge paths are provided between supply terminals during an electrostatic discharge event by virtue of an added external resistor. The first current discharge path includes body resistance of the protection device and the second current discharge path includes the external resistor.

A method for monitoring an inverter module for a multi-phase electric motor/generator includes deactivating operation of the inverter module, monitoring voltage on a high-voltage bus configured to supply electric power to the inverter module, detecting occurrence of a true fault when a change in the voltage on the high-voltage bus is greater than a predetermined threshold, and detecting occurrence of a false fault when the change in the voltage on the high-voltage bus is less than the predetermined threshold.

According to one embodiment, a magnetoresistance effect element includes first and second shields, a stacked body and a hard bias unit. The stacked body includes first and second magnetic layers, an intermediate layer and a first Ru layer. A magnetization of the first magnetic layer is changeable. A magnetization of the second magnetic layer is changeable. The intermediate layer is nonmagnetic. The first Ru layer is provided between the first shield and the first magnetic layer. A thickness of the first Ru layer is not less than 1.5 nanometers and not more than 2.5 nanometers. The hard bias unit is provided between the first shield and the second shield. A first direction from the first shield toward the second shield intersects a second direction from the stacked body toward the hard bias unit.

An MR element includes an MR part and upper and lower shield layers in a CPP structure. The MR element has side shield layers so as to interpose the MR part between the side shield layers in a track width direction. The MR part comprises a nonmagnetic intermediate layer and first and second ferromagnetic layers so as to interpose the nonmagnetic intermediate layer between the ferromagnetic layers. Each of the upper and lower shield layers has an inclined magnetization structure such that its magnetization is inclined relative to the track width direction. The side shield layers are magnetically coupled with the upper shield layer, respectively. The second ferromagnetic layer is indirectly magnetically coupled with the lower shield layer via an exchange-coupling functional gap layer. The side shield layer applies a bias magnetic field to the first ferromagnetic layer; and magnetizations of the first and second ferromagnetic layers are substantially orthogonal.

A suspension for supporting a magnetic head is provided with a load beam formed of a thin-plate spring. A recess for accommodating a damper is formed in the load beam. The damper is affixed to a bottom surface of the recess.

A disk drive device comprises: a hub; a base rotatably supporting the hub via a bearing; a core fixed to the base; a cylindrical magnet fixed to the hub; and a suction plate fixed to the base, the suction plate being arranged to face the cylindrical magnet in a direction along the rotational axis and made of magnetic material. The suction plate is arranged so that the minimum distance between the suction plate and the rotational axis is greater than the minimum distance between the cylindrical magnet and the rotational axis. A projection area created by projecting the cylindrical magnet onto a plane that is perpendicular to the rotational axis partially overlaps a projection area created by projecting the suction plate onto the plane.

The lens barrel includes a first lens unit, a second lens unit, and a drive unit. The first lens unit includes a first lens element and a first lens support frame supporting the first lens element. The second lens unit includes a second lens element and a second lens support frame supporting the second lens element. The second lens unit is supported by the first lens unit to be movable in the optical axis direction of the first lens element with respect to the first lens unit. The drive unit is arranged to be used to drive the second lens unit with respect to the first lens unit, and is fixed to the first lens unit. When viewed in the optical axis direction, the drive unit is fixed to the first lens unit so that a first profile line formed by the first lens unit and the drive unit is substantially circular.

An optical processor is presented for applying optical processing to a light field passing through a predetermined imaging lens unit. The optical processor comprises a pattern in the form of spaced apart regions of different optical properties. The pattern is configured to define a phase coder, and a dispersion profile coder. The phase coder affects profiles of Through Focus Modulation Transfer Function (TFMTF) for different wavelength components of the light field in accordance with a predetermined profile of an extended depth of focusing to be obtained by the imaging lens unit. The dispersion profile coder is configured in accordance with the imaging lens unit and the predetermined profile of the extended depth of focusing to provide a predetermined overlapping between said TFMTF profiles within said predetermined profile of the extended depth of focusing.

Present embodiments provide for a mobile device and an optical imaging lens thereof. The optical imaging lens comprises five lens elements positioned in an order from an object side to an image side. Through controlling the convex or concave shape of the surfaces of the lens elements to allow the thickness of the second lens element and the sum of all air gaps between all five lens elements along the optical axis satisfying the relation: 0.20

In a zoom lens system, an optical apparatus, and a manufacturing method, there are provided, in order from an object side: a first lens group having positive power, a second lens group having negative power, a third lens group having positive power, a fourth lens group having negative power, a fifth group having positive power, and an aperture stop disposed to an image side of the second lens group. Upon zooming from a wide-angle end state to a telephoto end state, a distance between the first lens and second lens groups increases, a distance between the second and third lens groups decreases, a distance between the third and fourth lens groups varies, and a distance between the fourth and fifth lens groups varies. With given conditions being satisfied, high optical performance with suppressing variation in aberrations are achieved.

A grid polarizer including an array of groups of parallel elongated ribs disposed over a substrate. Each group of elongated ribs can comprise at least four ribs. Tops of two center ribs, at a center of each group, can be substantially the same elevational height and can be higher by more than 10 nm than tops of outer ribs of the groups. A region between adjacent ribs can have an index of refraction substantially equal to one. Some or all of the ribs can comprise polarizing wires disposed over substrate rods.

In an ocular support assembly material present in the forward-looking cross-section of the outwardly extending support arms is removed, thereby reducing visual obscuration and enhancing peripheral vision. In the preferred embodiment, the top of each outwardly extending support arm is at or below the middle of the height of the housing, thereby resulting in a low-profile design. At the same time, the support arms are received by the housing with sliding engagement on all sides, thereby eliminating the need for ball bearings or spacers to counteract twisting. The result is a lightweight yet highly stable ocular mounting assembly.

A terahertz band filter for filtering, in a frequency band, a terahertz wave propagating between a pair of metal plates with an upper parallel surface facing a lower parallel surface includes a sheet parallel to the upper and lower parallel surfaces, which is disposed between the metal plates and is spaced apart therefrom, and at least one slit located in the sheet to face the upper and lower parallel surfaces, wherein the sheet comprises a single slit to function as a notch filter for blocking in a specific frequency band.

A scanning optical apparatus includes: a light source; a light deflector configured to deflect the light beam from the light source in a main scanning direction; an incident optical system disposed between the light source and the light deflector and configured to render the light beam from the light source nearly parallel in the main scanning direction and to converge the light beam in a sub-scanning direction to bring the light beam to a focus in proximity to the light deflector; and a scanning lens configured to focus the light beam deflected by the light deflector onto a target surface to form spot-like images. The incident optical system includes one or more lenses which provide at least one refracting surface and at least one diffraction surface, and φnS/φds<0 is satisfied, where φnS is a refractive power in the sub-scanning direction and φdS is a diffraction power in the sub-scanning direction.

An image reading apparatus that includes an image reading portion, a tray, a first regulation member movable in a width direction on the tray, a second regulation member movable in association with the first regulation member, a first rotating portion and a second rotating portion that are each capable of being rotated by a sheet on the tray, and a sensor portion configured to generate a signal based on rotations of the first and second rotating portions. The first rotating portion is located between the first regulation member and the second regulation member that regulate both edges of a sheet having a minimum width, and the second rotating portion is located between the other edge of a sheet having a smaller width and the first regulation member, when sheets having different widths are supported on the tray with each having one edge aligned with the first regulation member.

Provided is a document reading apparatus capable of surely detecting the document cover open/closed state and the open/close operation, without being affected by the external environment. This document reading apparatus includes a light source, a linear reading device and a document cover. In this document reading apparatus, the light amount value of the light received by the linear reading section while the light source is turned on, and the light amount value of the light received by the linear reading section when the light source is turned off are used to detect the open/closed state and the open/close operation of the document cover, wherein the preparation for printing starts when the document cover has shifted from the open state to the closed state.

There is a problem in that, when a handle section is provided in a recording device, the handle section protrudes from a casing and the size of the recording apparatus is increased. A recording apparatus is provided with a recording head which records on paper and a discharge tray which is provided to be able to slide with regard to a casing and holds the paper which is recorded upon using the recording head and discharged, where the discharge tray has a through section which is formed on the downstream side in a discharge direction and a handle section which is formed at an edge section more to the downstream side in the discharge direction than the through section, the handle section is accommodated inside of the casing in a state where the discharge tray is accommodated in the casing, the through section and the handle section are positioned outside of the casing in a state where the discharge tray is drawn out from the casing, and the discharge tray is supported in a state of hanging down from the casing.

Disclosed is an image processing apparatus including a reading section to read a document and to obtain image data, the document including a plurality of sheets and having a binding portion; a storage section to store the image data; an operating section to accept an operating instruction to designate a position of the binding portion of the document, to designate a page order on one side of the binding portion of the document, and to designate one face out of faces of the sheets, from which a reading operation is started; and a controller, in accordance with the designation, to determine an image area corresponding to one page of the document, to divide the image data into pieces of page image data based on the image area, and to respectively give identifiers to the pieces of the divided page image data following a page order of the document.

A computer implemented method for making a single rendered printable image corresponding to a picture frame. Two or more digital images are arranged on a print sheet according to machine decodable frame-specification information that specifies where two or more image openings in a picture frame are situated. The two or more acquired images are rendered into a single printed page of images having the two or more acquired images located in positions corresponding to the image openings.

An image formation apparatus includes a memory to store image data including objects each having information on a type and densities of colors of the object, a developer-remaining-amount sensor to sense and output remaining-amount information indicating a color of a developer having a small remaining amount among colors of respective developers for image formation, a controller to transform first pixel values of the densities of the colors of each object included in the image data stored in the memory into second pixel values indicating use amounts of the colors of the developers, for each object based on the type of the object and the remaining-amount information, an image formation unit to form images on a recording medium for the objects included in the image data by using the developers in accordance with the use amounts of the developers corresponding to the second pixel values transformed by the controller.

An optical control method for use in print finishing, comprising the following steps: First, guiding a planar printed product along a conveying path past at least one optical sensor (14). Secondly, detecting an electronic image (2) by the optical sensor, wherein the electronic image (2) comprises at least one region of the printed product. Third, extracting orientation information of the printed product from the electronic image. Fourth, comparing (51) the orientation information of the printed product from the electronic image with reference orientation information, and generating at least one signal on the basis of a result of the comparison.

In a case in which a document stored based on a sort setting from a multifunction peripheral is operated at a temporary work area, a piece of information thereof is stored as temporary work area setting. A piece of operation information at a preceding time is set as an index in the temporary work area by copying the document to the temporary work area based on the sort setting when the document is stored from the multifunction peripheral at a next time by being reflected also to the sort setting.

An image forming apparatus has a printing section and a document reading section. The printing section prints on paper while transporting it. The document reading section includes a document transport portion which automatically transports, sheet by sheet, a document placed thereon. The document reading section generates image data by reading the document. The document reading section is operable in an ordinary reading mode in which it reads the document at a previously determined ordinary speed and in a quiet reading mode in which it reads the document at a quiet speed lower than the ordinary speed. The document reading section reads the document in the quiet reading mode when the printing section is not printing and in the ordinary reading mode when the printing section is printing.

A print server includes a graphical user interface (GUI) having a dialog screen to enable the user to specify a page range of a current copy and a number of additional copies of a print job to be re-printed upon occurrence of an unrecoverable error during printing of the print job.

A method for reducing time in performing an imaging function by an imaging device. The method includes receiving at least one media sheet against an image capture window of the imaging device, detecting whether a lid for covering the image capture window is closed, capturing an image of the at least one media sheet in the image capture window in response to detecting a closed lid, receiving a start signal indicative of a user request to start an image capture operation after capturing the image, and sending a final image based upon the captured image to a destination.

An optical wall-thickness measuring device for transparent articles. This invention may be practiced with any transparent material, amorphous or crystalline, which has two surfaces in close proximity to each other, and has flat or positively curved shape. As used herein, transparent means clear, translucent or partially transmitting such that a discernible image of the second surface reflection can be formed and detected at some wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.

An optical position detection apparatus detects the position of a target object in a Z-axis direction and the position of the target object in an X-axis direction based on the result of the light reception in a light receiving unit when light source units that are spaced apart in the X-axis direction are sequentially turned on and the result of the light reception in the light receiving unit when light source units that are spaced apart in the Z-axis direction are sequentially turned on among a first light source unit, a second light source unit, and a third light source unit. The emission directions of the detection lights in the first light source unit, the second light source unit, and the third light source unit are equal to one another in the Z-axis direction.

A grazing incidence interferometer includes a light source, a light beam divider configured to divide original light coming from the light source, an illuminator configured to apply measurement light to a measurement subject, a light beam combining module configured to combine the measurement light reflected from the measurement subject with reference light, and a photodetector configure to detect a combined light beam. The grazing incidence interferometer includes an interferometer main body, a stage configured to hold the measurement subject, a moving mechanism capable of moving the interferometer main body along the measurement subject, and an auxiliary reflector disposed on an extension of an axis of movement of the interferometer main body, an auxiliary light beam separator configured to separate auxiliary light from the original light and to apply the auxiliary light to the auxiliary reflector, and an auxiliary photodetector configured to detect the auxiliary light reflected by the auxiliary reflector.

A testing box for testing light sources, the testing box comprising: an enclosure comprising an opening for receiving a light source; a sensor of a light property for light emitted inside the enclosure; and a comparator of the light property sensed by the sensor and a shifted test box boundary for the light property, wherein the shifted test box boundary is based on a correlation between a measured light property of a test light source in an integrating sphere and a measured light property of the test light source in the testing box. A method for testing a light source for compliance with a standard, comprising: obtaining a first measurement of a first property of a first light source in a reference measuring device; obtaining a second measurement of the first property of the first light source in a testing measuring device; determining the difference between the first measurement and the second measurement; and determining an adjusted standard value based on a correlation between the first measurement and the second measurement.

Described are methods and systems for vicarious polarimetric calibration and performance validation of a remote sensor. The system includes a plurality of reflective mirrors configured and arranged to reflect radiation from a source of radiation onto the remote sensor with accurately known polarimetric properties. Each of the reflective mirrors are located so that the target images do not overlap. The remote sensor is configured to receive the radiation reflected from the plurality of reflective mirrors and store the received radiation as image data (e.g., the image of each mirror appears as a point target). The system includes a processor configured to process the received data to provide direct calibration and performance validation for each polarimetric or spectral channel of the remote sensor. In addition, the calibration method removes all atmospheric effects except for transmittance and provides reference targets that have high polarimetric contrast, full spectrum performance and easy to deploy.

In one embodiment, a semiconductor target for detecting overlay error between two or more successive layers of a substrate or between two or more separately generated patterns on a single layer of a substrate is disclosed. The target comprises at least a plurality of a plurality of first grating structures having a course pitch that is resolvable by an inspection tool and a plurality of second grating structures positioned relative to the first grating structures. The second grating structures have a fine pitch that is smaller than the course pitch, and the first and second grating structures are both formed in two or more successive layers of a substrate or between two or more separately generated patterns on a single layer of a substrate. The first and second gratings have feature dimensions that all comply with a predefined design rules specification.

Determination of a sensor device location in a sensor network is described. A system can include rotating optical beams having a known location. Detectors can be located with each of the rotating optical beams. The system can include a sensor device placeable as part of the sensor network. A reflector can be near the sensor device and can reflect at least two optical beams back to the detectors associated with each of the respective optical beams. A triangulation module can triangulate a position of the reflector, and thus the sensor, based on the reflected optical beams.

In an immersion lithographic apparatus, a final element is disclosed having, on a surface nearest the substrate, a layer bonded to the surface and having an edge barrier, of the same material as the layer, extending from the layer away from the substrate to shield the final element from a liquid. In an embodiment, the final element is attached to the apparatus via the layer and/or edge barrier, which may be made of a material with a coefficient of thermal expansion lower than the coefficient of thermal expansion of the final element.

An immersion lithography apparatus comprises a temperature controller configured to adjust a temperature of a projection system, a substrate and a liquid towards a common target temperature. Controlling the temperature of these elements and reducing temperature gradients may improve imaging consistency and general lithographic performance. Measures to control the temperature may include controlling the immersion liquid flow rate and liquid temperature, for example, via a feedback circuit.

An IPS-mode transflective LCD device includes an array of pixels each including a reflective region and a transmissive region. The reflective region operates in a normally-white mode, and the transmissive region operates in a normally-black mode. A first potential is applied to a liquid crystal layer in the reflective region, and a second potential is applied to the liquid crystal layer in the transmissive region. The first and second potential have therebetween an opposite magnitude relationship in each of the pixels.

The present invention provides a liquid crystal display device that can achieve sufficient front contrast ratio and front white brightness at the same time. The present invention is a liquid crystal display device including a front polarizing plate, a liquid crystal cell, a back polarizing plate, and an optical element having polarization characteristics, which are arranged in the stated order, wherein the back polarizing plate has a lower contrast than the front polarizing plate, and there is substantially no air layer between the back polarizing plate and the optical element having polarization characteristics.

Provided are diffuser, method of manufacturing same, and liquid crystal display device employing the diffuser. Liquid crystal display device includes: backlight unit; liquid crystal panel on which image is formed by using light emitted by backlight unit, and comprising: color filter comprising plurality of pixels each of which comprises plurality of subpixels that are alternately arranged and transmit light in different wavelength bands; and liquid crystal layer whose transmittance is adjusted under electrical control; and diffuser disposed on a top surface or a bottom surface of the liquid crystal panel and comprising diffusing areas and transparent areas which alternate with each other at intervals corresponding to the width of the subpixels, wherein the liquid crystal layer comprises liquid crystal areas corresponding to the diffusing areas and liquid crystal areas corresponding to the transparent areas and the transmittances of the liquid crystal areas are adjusted according to the subpixels.

A backlight assembly includes at least one lamp including a lamp electrode, at least one lamp socket holding the lamp, an inverter applying electric power to the lamp, and a receiving container including a socket receiving portion corresponding to an end portion of the lamp to receive the lamp socket and an inverter receiving portion for receiving the inverter. Therefore, a manufacturing process may be simplified, and manufacturing costs is decreased.

A device includes a substrate, a metal layer being formed in a region on a part of the substrate, and a first insulating film being provided on the substrate and the metal layer and including a trench provided at a position corresponding to a part or all of a region where the metal layer is not provided.

A method includes receiving, at a computing device, a first selection of first video content. The method also includes sending the first video content to a display device. The method further includes adding a first element corresponding to the first video content to a list. The list includes multiple elements and each element of the list corresponds to respective previously displayed video content. The method includes sending the list to the display device. The elements of the list are ordered based on display times of the corresponding video content.

A mobile settings control device (MSCD) presents a user interface (UI) enabling a user to establish display settings for a display associated with an audio video display device (AVDD) with which the MSCD communicates. Before and after adjustment screen shots may be presented full screen and toggled between on either the AVDD or MSCD, or split screens of before and after adjustment screen shots can be presented side by side on the AVDD or MSCD.

In one embodiment, a method is provided that includes receiving a transmitted combined video and closed caption (CC) signal. The combined signal is separated into a CC signal and a video signal. The CC signal is converted into an original CC text stream. The method also includes translating the original CC text stream from a first language into a second language to from a translated CC text stream. In more specific embodiments, the method includes inserting each translated CC text stream into the video signal. The translated CC text can appear instead of the original CC text when the video signal is displayed.

The present invention provides a multi-level bidirectional motion estimation method and device searching for matched blocks in a current frame and a previous frame respectively by using M1×M1 blocks of a to-be-interpolated frame as a mirror center, where the first to-be-determined matched block pair is a pair of matched blocks with a minimum sum of binary absolute difference SHAD value among all pairs of matched blocks searched out in the current frame and the previous frame; and if determined that the SHAD value of the first to-be-determined matched block pair is greater than or equal to an SHAD threshold, splitting the M1×M1 blocks into M2×M2 blocks, and searching for matched blocks again in the current frame and the previous frame respectively by using the M2×M2 blocks of the to-be-interpolated frame as a mirror center. Therefore, accuracy of motion estimation can be improved effectively, and image quality can be improved.

In a focus detection apparatus, a sensor includes a first mode for outputting via the signal line when respective stored charges corresponding to the first and the second AF areas have reached the predetermined charge amount, and a second mode for outputting via the signal line when respective stored charges corresponding to the first or the second AF areas have reached the predetermined charge amount.

An image processor includes a first correction circuit that outputs a first correction value, which corresponds to a pixel value of an input image, based on a first correction characteristic. A second correction circuit outputs a second correction value, which corresponds to the pixel value of the input image, based on a second correction characteristic. A control circuit controls a ratio for mixing the first correction value and the second correction value. A mixing circuit that mixes the first correction value and the second correction value based on the ratio. A corrected pixel value, which corresponds to the pixel value of the input image, is generated in accordance with an output value of the mixing circuit.

Disclosed are systems and methods for synthesizing a high resolution image associated with a large imaging aperture using an optical imaging apparatus having a smaller aperture. In certain implementations, introduction of a coherent homodyne reference beam to a coherent imaging of an object can result in formation of a Fourier space side lobe that includes information about a portion of a spectrum representative of the object's Fourier spectrum. Images can be obtained at a number of different orientations to yield a number of such side lobe images so as to allow construction of the object's spectrum. A synthesized image corresponding to such a constructed spectrum can have an improved resolution that exceeds the performance limit imposed by the aperture of the optical imaging apparatus.

An image stabilizer includes: a correction lens module that comprises a correction lens and a correction lens supporting plate to which the correction lens is coupled; a magnet that is fixed to the correction lens supporting plate; a driving unit that is disposed to face the magnet and reacts to the magnet so as to move the correction lens module in a first direction perpendicular to an optical axis and in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction; a detecting unit that is disposed to face the magnet opposite the driving unit and detects movement of the correction lens module; and a magnetic body that is disposed to face the magnet to restore the correction lens module to an initial position thereof and is placed on a same plane as the detecting unit.

A handheld imaging device includes an image sensor for sensing an image; a processor for processing the sensed image; a multi-core processing unit provided in the processor, the multi-core processing unit having a plurality of processing units connected in parallel by a crossbar switch; and an image sensor interface for converting signals from the image sensor to a format readable by the multi-core processing unit, the image sensor interface sharing a wafer substrate with the processor. A transfer of data from the image sensor interface to the plurality of processing units is conducted entirely on the shared wafer substrate.

An initialization method for an inertial sensor that estimates starting orientation and velocity without requiring the sensor to start at rest or in a well-known location or orientation. Initialization uses patterns of motion encoded as a set of soft constraints that are expected to hold approximately during an initialization period. Penalty metrics are defined to measure the deviation of calculated motion trajectories from the soft constraints. Differential equations of motion for an inertial sensor are solved with the initial conditions as variables; the initial conditions that minimize the penalty metrics are used as estimates for the actual initial conditions of the sensor. Soft constraints and penalty metrics for a specific application are chosen based on the types of motion patterns expected for this application. Illustrative cases include applications with relatively little movement during initialization, and applications with approximately periodic motion during initialization.

A method of progressive analysis for assessment of occluded data is disclosed. In a particular embodiment, the method includes capturing sensor data from at least one sensor, identifying a target of interest using the sensor data, and determining a location and orientation of the target of interest using a last computed direction of travel of the target. The method also includes segmenting the sensor data of the target of interest into segments for analysis and determining whether a particular segment of the segments is occluded. In addition, the method includes determining whether additional sensor data from the at least one sensor confirms that the particular occluded segment is no longer occluded allowing unresolved analysis to be supplemented with progressive analysis to provide incremental resolution to the analysis.

Methods, apparatuses, and systems for imaging biological/chemical samples are provided. A calibrated imaging system can allow a user to obtain an optimal focus setting (position) for any effective distance (e.g. a zoom setting). The optimal focus can be determined from a functional approximation that defines a relationship between effective distance and focus setting. A user can input a size, and an imaging system can determine the appropriate effective distance and focus. An imaging system can also determine a size based on any effective distance. A flat-field correction can also be determined for any effective distance or size.

Embodiments of a method or a system for rendering images or spectral recognition are described.

An image processing apparatus 10 acquires an image. And, the image processing apparatus 10 extracts a domain characterizing an object of gesture recognition from the acquired image. Then, the image processing apparatus 10 maps domains between frames of the image. And then, the image processing apparatus 10 extracts a moving direction of the domains. And then, the image processing apparatus 10 outputs the moving direction when a moving distance of the domains is greater than a predetermined threshold. And then, the image processing apparatus 10 updates the threshold using a moving distance exceeding the threshold.

A stereoscopic image display apparatus is described. The stereoscopic image display apparatus includes a display panel, a film-type patterned retarder (FPR) and a barrier layer. The display panel comprises a plurality of scan lines, first data lines, second data lines and pixel units. Each of pixel units comprises a major pixel, a first minor pixel and a second minor pixel wherein the major pixel is coupled to one of the scan lines and one of the first data lines via a first thin-film-transistor, and the first minor pixel and the second minor pixel are coupled to the one of the scan lines and one of the second data lines via a second thin-film-transistor. The FPR is disposed between the display panel and the polarized glasses for receiving the light from the display panel to allow the light to form left-handed circularly polarized light and right-handed circularly polarized light.

A three-dimensional (3D) display apparatus and method controlling thereof are provided. The 3D display apparatus includes: a reception unit which receives a 3D image signal from another 3D display apparatus; a conversion unit which converts a disparity of the 3D image signal based on transmitter information of the other 3D display apparatus and receiver information of the 3D display apparatus, and generates an output 3D image signal having depth information which is proportional to depth information of the 3D image signal; and a display unit which outputs the output 3D image signal.

A teleconferencing method for a teleconferencing device (1), the device combining multiple individuals (21, 22, 23, 24) in different location (11, 12, 13) over a communication network (31), the device comprising at least one sensor (3, 4, 5) per location and at least one audio and/or visual playback means (2) per location, the teleconferencing method comprising the following steps: assigning multiple interaction counters (41, 42, 43, 44) to each of the individuals (21, 22, 23, 24) participating in the teleconference, each interaction counter (41, 42, 43, 44) characterizing interactions (70) between a specific individual and a third-party individual; estimating the interactions (70) between the specific individual and the third-party individual based on a measurement of the sensors (3, 4, 5) of the specific individual's location or the third-party individual's location; altering a value of the interaction counter (41, 42, 43, 44) corresponding to the interaction (70) between the specific individual and the third-party individual resulting from the step of estimating the interactions, and saving the value of the interaction counter (41, 42, 43, 44); selecting the data streams (66, 67, 68) to be presented to each individual (21, 22, 23, 24) participating in the conference, the data stream presented to a specific individual being related to at least one third-party individual and selected based on the values of the interaction counters (41, 42, 43, 44) in comparison to a threshold defined by the specific individual; and presenting the data flow to each individual participating in the teleconference by way of the audio and/or visual playback means (2).

The present invention discloses a method, a system, a terminal, an MSC server, and an SCC application server for transferring a video call between access networks. The method includes: pre-negotiating, in a PS domain and through IMS signaling, a CS video call parameter; and, after a video call of a terminal is transferred from the PS domain to a CS domain, establishing a CS video call according to the pre-negotiated CS video call parameter. By using the technical solutions of the present invention, the CS video call parameter is pre-negotiated before the video call of the terminal is transferred from the PS domain to the CS domain, and after transfer to the CS domain, the CS video call is established by directly using the pre-negotiated CS video call parameter.

An optical scanning device includes an optical element and an optical base. The optical element includes a first bonding surface, while the optical base includes a second bonding surface. A groove in which a bonding agent flows is formed in at least one of the first bonding surface of the optical element and the second bonding surface of the optical base. The optical element is bonded and fixed to the optical base through the first bonding surface and the second boding surface by means of the bonding agent.

Embodiments of the present invention comprise systems, methods and devices for increasing the perceived brightness of an image. In some embodiments this increase compensates for a decrease in display light source illumination.

A system for adjusting displayed content length as a function of map scale may include one or more computing devices and a memory. The one or more computing devices may receive a query, retrieve a content item based at least in part on the query. The one or more computing devices may further determine a first amount of the content item to display based at least in part on a first zoom level, determine a second amount of the retrieved content item to display based at least in part on a second zoom level and provide the map to the user device for display, where the first amount of the content item is overlaid on the map when the map is displayed at the first zoom level and the second amount of the content item is overlaid on the map when the map is displayed at the second zoom level.

A digital image to be presented on an electronic display of an electronic device is expanded so that the content of the digital image fits the electronic display and the margins are cropped (e.g., rendered invisible) on the electronic display. The initial determination may be for a first total length of a left margin and a right margin of the digital image. The second determination may be for a second total length of a top and a bottom margin of the digital image. An expansion factor based at least in part on the smaller of the first and second total lengths may be derived. The application of the expansion factor enables the creation of an expanded digital image having content that maximally fit the electronic display. In some aspects, the expanded digital image is stored in a data cache.

Techniques are disclosed that involve mobile augmented reality (MAR) applications in which users (e.g., players) may experience augmented reality (e.g., altered video or audio based on a real environment). Such augmented reality may include various alterations. For example, particular objects may be altered to appear differently. Such alterations may be based on stored profiles and/or user selections. Further features may also be employed. For example, in embodiments, characters and/or other objects may be sent (or caused to appear) to other users in other locations. Also, a user may leave a character at another location and receive an alert when another user/player encounters this character. Also, characteristics of output audio may be affected based on events of the MAR application.

The present disclosure provides a method of simulating an intravascular procedure in a virtual environment. The method includes displaying information from a first view and a second view simultaneously. The first view contains virtual representations of an anatomical region of a human body and an intravascular imaging device disposed in the anatomical region. The second view contains a cross-sectional image of a segment of the anatomical region corresponding to a location of the intravascular imaging device. The method includes moving, in response to a user input, the virtual representation of the intravascular imaging device with respect to the virtual representation of the anatomical region. The method includes updating the cross-sectional image as the virtual representation of the intravascular imaging device is being moved. The updated cross-sectional image corresponds to a new location of the intravascular imaging device.

Apparatus and method capable of extracting a part where information highly necessary for a user is displayed without using information registered in advance. The method includes detecting an operation part in a screen, comparing a first screen and a second screen, determining a priority order of objects in the first and second screens based on a result of the comparing and displaying at least one of the objects in the first and second screens on a display device based on the priority order. The screen is changed to the first screen by first operation of the operation part and the screen is changed to the second screen by a second operation of the operation part.

A plurality of images for observation in different observation formats and thumbnail images corresponding to each image for observation are generated from volume data obtained for the same subject on different imaging dates/times. A plurality of image windows, which can be switched between an active state and an inactive state, are arranged on a diagnosis screen, and images for observation generated from volume data obtained on specified imaging dates are displayed in each image window. In one embodiment, thumbnail images having the same observation format as an image for observation are displayed in the vicinity of the image for observation within an image window in the active state.

The present disclosure includes systems and techniques relating to identifying function samples for use in interpolation. In general, in one implementation, the technique includes: obtaining a set of unevenly spaced sample points, x, and corresponding sample outputs, y, of a function y=f(x) within a domain; generating a data structure including first locations corresponding to a set of evenly spaced sample points within the domain, wherein the first locations store index values corresponding to second locations storing the sample outputs, y; receiving an input value of image data; identifying one of the first locations corresponding to the input value; finding two index values stored in the first locations using the one of the first locations as a starting point; and generating an image data output value corresponding to the input value by interpolation using two sample outputs, y, obtained from the second locations using the two index values.

An accurate analysis of the spatial distribution and intravascular pattern of blood flow in any organ must be based on detailed morphometry (diameters, lengths, vessel numbers, branching pattern, branching angles, etc.) of the organ vasculature. Despite the significance of detailed morphometric data, there is relative scarcity of database on vascular anatomy, mainly because the process is extremely labor intensive. Novel methods in the form of a segmentation algorithm for semi-automation of morphometric data extraction are provided. The extraction algorithm is based on a topological analysis of a vector field generated by the normal vectors of the extracted vessel wall. With this approach, special focus is made on achieving the highest accuracy of the measured values, with excellent results when compared to manual measurements of the main trunk of the coronary arteries with microscopy.

A motion detection method is adapted for an image display circuit including a motion detection circuit and an arbitration circuit. In this motion detection method, a number of motion quality observation windows are defined. Each motion quality observation window includes a start point and an ending point. In the motion quality observation windows, a write frame count value is adjusted according to a write frame command. At the end point of each motion quality observation window, if the write frame count value is equal to or bigger than a preset count value, an enable signal is outputted to the arbitration circuit to determine whether the image display circuit performs motion display. In the motion quality observation windows, the end point of the i-th motion quality observation window is located between the start point and the end point of the (i+1)-th motion quality observation window, where i is a positive integer.

This disclosure discloses an electronic writing apparatus. The electronic writing apparatus comprises a position acquisition portion that acquires a plurality of pieces of positional information of a writing instrument moving, a first visual object detecting portion that detects a visual object for identification entered at a desired position of the media, a first data creating portion that creates image data corresponding to writing on the media and having a predetermined positional relationship with the visual object for identification, a first storage device that temporarily stores image data created by the first data creating portion, a first communication device that transmits the image data for storing the image data in the external storage device, and a first transmission control portion that controls the first communication device and performs transmission for storing the image data stored in the first storage device in the storage destination.

A touchscreen for an electronic device includes a first substrate, a second substrate opposite to the first substrate, and photosensors disposed on the first substrate. The second substrate includes a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface. When a first light at a first wavelength enters the second substrate via the second surface, the second substrate emits the first light at the first wavelength from the first surface. The second substrate further totally reflects the first light at a second wavelength. The plurality of photosensors detect the first light at the first wavelength penetrating through the second substrate, and output corresponding detecting signals.

An optical touch panel includes a panel and a light guide module. The light guide module is disposed on the panel, and the light guide module includes a printed circuit board, at least one light emitting element, and a light guide strip. The light emitting element is electrically disposed on the printed circuit board. The light guide strip is disposed on the printed circuit board, and wraps the light emitting element. Additionally, the light emitting element emits light rays, and the light rays penetrate the light guide strip and are emitted to the panel.

Systems and methods for providing haptic feedback at multiple resonance frequencies are disclosed. For example, one disclosed apparatus includes a resonator with a base and a plurality of projections, a first projection of the plurality of projections having a first resonance frequency and a second projection of the plurality of projections having a second resonance frequency, and a piezoelectric actuator coupled to the resonator and operable to output a haptic feedback effect at the first resonance frequency and at the second resonance frequency.

A touch module including an image sensing unit, a plurality of first reflecting elements, a plurality of second reflecting elements, and a processing unit is provided. The image sensing unit is positioned in correspondence with a first corner of a sensing area and capable of capturing a sensing image to output an image signal. The first reflecting elements and the second reflecting elements respectively have different first angles and different second angles, are disposed along a first and the second edges of the sensing area respectively, and are capable of reflecting a touch object to form a first and a second image in the sensing image. A second corner formed by the first the second edges is diagonal to the first corner. The processing unit is coupled the image sensing unit and receives the image signal to determine the position of the touch object relative to the sensing area.

In embodiments of multi-finger detection and component resolution, touch input sensor data is recognized as a component of a multi-finger gesture on a touch-screen display. An ellipse is determined that approximately encompasses the component, and the ellipse has a primary axis and a secondary axis that are orthogonal. A distribution is then generated that projects sensor data elements from the primary axis based on detected intensity of the touch input sensor data. A histogram function can then be generated based on the distribution, where the histogram function indicates individual contacts of the component and separation of the individual contacts.

A touch sensing system including a touch interface, at least one sensing unit, and a switching unit is provided. The sensing unit is coupled to the touch interface. The touch sensing system is switched to a first sensing mode or a second sensing mode by the switching unit according to a control signal. When the touch sensing system is in the first sensing mode, the sensing unit senses a first sensing signal and a second sensing signal of the touch interface. On the other hand, when the touch sensing system is in the second sensing mode, the sensing unit senses the first sensing signal according to a driving signal. An electronic touch apparatus and a touch sensing method are also provided.

A human-machine interface involves plural spatially-coherent visual presentation surfaces at least some of which are movable by a person. Plural windows or portholes into a virtual space, at least some of which are handheld and movable, are provided by using handheld and other display devices. Aspects of multi-dimensional spatiality of the moveable window (e.g., relative to another window) are determined and used to generate images. As one example, the moveable window can present a first person perspective “porthole” view into the virtual space, this porthole view changing based on aspects of the moveable window's spatiality in multi-dimensional space relative to a stationary window. A display can present an image of a virtual space, and an additional, moveable display can present an additional image of the same virtual space. Technology is used to determine aspects of the spatiality of the display devices in the physical world, and use the determined spatiality to affect the images displayed on the displays. For example, determined spatiality of the movable display relative to another display can be used to provide relative spatiality of images the two displays present to enhance the user's immersive perception. The movable display can context-switch between pointer functionality and spatial functionality depending on whether it is pointing toward a stationary display.

A display device can be used with an ergonomic sensor comprising an imaging device interfaced to processing hardware to obtain and analyze image data depicting a user of the display device. The ergonomic sensor can be preconfigured with data indicating ergonomic uses of the display device so that the image of the user can be analyzed with minimal or no user calibration or setup. Instead, the ergonomic sensor can analyze the image data to provide real-time feedback, such as warnings or suggestions when the user's behavior falls outside an ergonomic use range for the display device. In some implementations, the ergonomic sensor is integrated with the display device, though in other implementations a separate element or preexisting imaging device can be used.

For a target pixel to be processed among plural pixels, when a comparison result between the gray level value stored in the first memory and the gray level value stored in the second memory, and the remainder frequency stored in the third memory meet a predetermined condition, the control device rewrites the remainder frequency to a set value decided according to the gray level value stored in the second memory, and the control device performs a cleanup processing to display a predetermined image at the plural pixels with a predetermined timing.

A system for displaying video on electronic paper displays to reduce video playback artifacts comprises an electronic paper display, a video display driver, a video transcoder, a display controller, a memory buffer and a waveforms module. The video display driver receives a re-formatted video stream, which has been processed by the video transcoder, from the memory buffer. The video display driver directs the video transcoder to process the video stream and generate pixel data. The video display driver loads waveforms into the frame buffer and updates display commands repeatedly to activate the display controller until the end of the video playback. The video display driver directs copying video frames sequentially one by one from the memory buffer to the frame buffer in real time during the video playback. The video transcoder receives a video stream for presentation on the electronic paper display and processes the video stream generating pixel data that is provided to the display controller. The present invention also includes a method for displaying video on an electronic paper display.

A display device includes a driving circuit that applies an active potential which is a potential for turning on pixel transistors sequentially to a plurality of output signal lines, wherein the driving circuit includes a main driving circuit that outputs the active potential to one end of the output signal line of the plurality of output signal lines by applying a clock signal caused by a input of the active potential output from the upper output signal line, and an auxiliary driving circuit that has an auxiliary transistor which is a transistor where the other end of the output signal line is connected to a signal line for the clock signal via the source or the drain. Thereby, output waveform distortion in the scanning signal line can be improved and thus display quality can be enhanced.

A display control device includes: a display control unit that controls display of a reflective first display member and a self-emitting second display member that is provided in superimposition on a display surface of the first display member, has higher rewriting responsiveness than that of the first display member, and may transmit display of the first display member, wherein, when predetermined information is displayed on the first display member and the second display member, the display control unit performs predetermined display control on the first display member in an area corresponding to an area in which the second display member displays information or on the second display member in an area corresponding to an area in which the first display member displays information.

Embodiments of an apparatus for having overlapping displays and methods for operating such apparatus can provide enhanced display and operational capabilities. The overlapping displays may include multiple overlapping transparent displays. Embodiments of additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed.

An antenna and a method for using the antenna in a wireless appliance are provided. The antenna includes a conducting surface having a length and a width; a dielectric slit having a slit length portion oriented along either the length or the width, the slit forming two lips on the conducting surface; the slit having an opening on one of the length and the width, the opening having a flare size; a feed-point element connecting the two lips; wherein the dimensions of the length, the width, the slit length portion, and the flare size are smaller than an effective propagation wavelength of the RF radiation in the antenna. An antenna including a conducting surface having a conductive plate with a plate area defined by a plate perimeter overlaying a portion of a conducting surface is also provided. A method to provide an antenna as above is also disclosed.

An antenna element employable singularly or in an array and configured for concurrent RF transmission and receipt on a plurality of frequencies concurrently. The element is formed of conductive material on a substrate by a pair of substantially identical horns extending in opposite directions to distal tips. A cavity formed between the horns narrows to a narrowest point prior to curving. The element is capable of wideband RF communication on any frequency between a low frequency defined by the distance between the distal tips to a highest frequency defined by the narrowest point of the cavity. The antenna is especially well adapted for portable devices such as smartphones where concurrent cellular, Wi-Fi, and bluetooth communications may be accomplished with a single element.

Apparatus including a ground member oriented in a first orientation; and an antenna including a first portion having a non-overlaying arrangement with the ground member, the first portion being oriented in a second orientation, different to the first orientation.

A packaging structure and a method of fabricating the same are provided. The packaging structure includes a substrate, first packaging element disposed on the substrate, a second packaging element disposed on the substrate and spaced apart from the first packaging element, a first antenna disposed on the first packaging element, and a metal layer formed on the second packaging element. The installation of the metal layer and the antenna enhances the electromagnetic shielding effect.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a system with which 3-dimensional position can be accurately measured.Plural UWB transmitter-receivers (1), periodically transmitting PN codes of M system and preliminarily disposed on known positions are provided, a server (3) to synchronize the plural UWB transmitter-receivers (1) is provided, an RF tag (T), attached to a moving object (20) as to receive signals (I0) synchronously and periodically transmitted from the UWB transmitter-receivers (1) and reflect the signals (I0) adding inherent tag recognition signal, is provided, and the UWB transmitter-receiver (1) is composed as to obtain the distance to the moving object (20) attached with the RF tag (T) by synchronous summation and correlative calculation of the PN codes of M system reflected by the RF tag (T).

In a method of determining a deviation of a path of a projectile from a predetermined path, the method uses an image of a target area in which the desired path or direction is pointed out. Subsequently, the real direction or real path is determined and the deviation is determined.

Detection of objects such as a buried explosive device while operating from a moving platform using a radio frequency emission system having two modes. An electromagnetic wave emission and detection system operates in a first mode to locate objects of interest and in a second mode to determine if an object contains explosive materials. In the first mode, the emission and detection system preferably operates as a subwavelength focusing, wideband, superlens using a near field super gain synthetic aperture continuous wave (CW) swept radar. In the second mode the system preferably enabled after detection of an object in the first mode, uses chemical detection methods such as Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR).

Embodiments of the present invention may provide a string DAC with charge boosting. The string DAC may include multiple strings, such as an MSB DAC and an LSB DAC, for converting a digital word into a corresponding analog voltage. The string DAC may also include a charge boost system to couple a charge into or out of the DAC during a code transition, such as a MSB code transition. The string DAC may operate in a break-before-make connection technique where all relevant connections are substantially open-circuited before new connections are made. Therefore, the charge boost may shorten the settling time of impedance elements in the string DAC between code transitions and may substantially reduce (or eliminate) glitches.

In certain embodiments of the invention, a serializer has a transfer stage that transfers N-bit parallel data from a relatively slow timing domain to a relatively fast timing domain and a serializing stage that converts the parallel data into serialized data. Between the transfer stage and the serializing stage is an update stage that buffers the data and can be used to toggle the serializer between an N−1 operating mode and an N+1 operating mode.

There is described an aircraft, comprising a windscreen arranged in a front side of aircraft, characterized in that an edge of windscreen defines a visualization area visible by an operator, and by comprising displaying means configured for displaying at least one visual information of at least one flight parameter within visualization area, at least when aircraft is in a normal flight configuration.

Among other things, one or more techniques and/or systems are provided for authorizing an action using vehicle identification information (e.g., supplied by a vehicle) and user identification information (e.g., supplied by a mobile device associated with a user of the vehicle). Such an action may relate to, among other things, refueling the vehicle, parking the vehicle, using a fee-based road segment, and/or other vehicle-centric actions, for example. Moreover, in one embodiment, as part of the authorization, a payment transaction may be initiated by an authorization system configured to authorize the action.

Examples provide mechanisms for detecting an object disposed between a display of a computing device and a base of the computing device. In response to detection of the object between the display of the computing device and the base of the computing device, the computing device may output an alert via a speaker.

A system has at least one sensor and a controller communicatively coupled to the sensor. The system further has logic configured to calculate a calibration value based upon an initial state of the sensor and store the calibration value in memory.

An electronic lockbox system includes a wireless portable transponder that communicates with an electronic lockbox using a low power radio link. The portable transponder includes: a wide area network radio to communicate to a central clearinghouse computer, a motion sensor to activate its wide area network radio, and a connector to communicate with a secure memory device. The electronic lockbox sends a hail message that is intercepted by the portable transponder; the hail message includes identification information. The portable transponder responds with a message that includes a time sensitive encryption key; the lockbox authenticates this response message using its own time sensitive encryption key. If an electronic key is used to access the lockbox, the improved system effectively disables the electronic key during a showing, so that the electronic key cannot be used to access another lockbox until the correct dwelling key has been placed back into the lockbox.

A customer uses a wireless portable device to interact with a remote cloud-based car rental service. Details at check in are recorded and the customer is authorized to take possession of the car. At checkout, additional details are noted, a receipt is produced, and the customer leaves the car at the car facility. The check-in and checkout process can be achieved without any car rental attendant. That is, the customer via the wireless portable device and with the assistance of the remote cloud-based car rental service completely achieves check in and checkout for a car rental.

A security system may include a plurality of electronic devices, each having a unique identification (ID) associated therewith and configured to generate a temporary security code based upon the unique ID. The system may further include at least one mobile wireless communications device including a first Near-Field Communication (NFC) circuit, and a mobile controller configured to receive the temporary security code from a given electronic device from among the plurality of electronic devices. The system may also include an access control device associated with a personnel access position and including a second NFC sensor and a security controller. The security controller may be configured to receive the temporary security code from the first NFC sensor via NFC communications, selectively grant personnel access based upon the received temporary security code, and determine the unique ID associated with the given electronic device.

The disclosure provides a system and method for activating an electronic device. The activation circuit comprises: a first sensor to monitor for a first condition relating to an environment as affected by a user of the device; a second sensor to monitor for the first condition relating to an environment isolated from effects of the user; and an activation circuit to evaluate signals from the first and second sensors to determine whether to change an activation state of a component on the device. This may involve activating or deactivating the component.

A dual-band surface acoustic wave filter is mounted on a circuit board together with a high-frequency switch, constitutes a composite high-frequency component together with the high-frequency switch, and significantly reduces and prevents deterioration of filter characteristics of the composite high-frequency component. A first input terminal is located on a first corner portion of a second principal surface of a wiring board. A second input terminal is located on the second principal surface of the wiring board and along a first long side or a first short side so as to be next to the first input terminal. First and second output terminals are arranged on an edge portion of the second principal surface of the wiring board on a second long side and along the second long side.

There are provided a power combiner implemented by a printed circuit board, a power amplifying module having the same, and a signal transceiving module. The power combiner includes: a primary wiring unit formed on one surface of a printed circuit board, receiving a plurality of balance signals having positive balance signals and negative balance signals, and including a plurality of positive primary wirings and a plurality of negative primary wirings, wherein the plurality of positive primary wirings are spaced apart from each other by a predetermined interval, the plurality of negative primary wirings are spaced apart from each other by a predetermined interval, one ends of the plurality of positive primary wirings are connected in common to thereby receive the plurality of positive balance signals, one ends of the plurality of negative primary wirings are connected in common to thereby receive the plurality of negative balance signals, and the other ends of the plurality of positive primary wirings and the other ends of the plurality of negative primary wirings are connected to each other to thereby form a loop; and a secondary wiring unit formed on the other surface of the printed circuit board, and including a secondary wiring combining powers of the plurality of balance signals from the primary wirings forming the loop to thereby output a single end signal.

A high-frequency signal combiner includes a first input terminal for the connection of a first high-frequency signal, a second input terminal for the connection of a second high-frequency signal, an output terminal for the output of the third high-frequency signal combined from the first and the second high-frequency signal. A first coaxial line extends between the first input terminal and the output terminal. A second coaxial line extends between the second input terminal and the output terminal. Furthermore, an annular core is provided, through the recess of which the first and second coaxial line are guided each in a different direction. The annular core is manufactured from an axially wound strip which includes a first layer made of a magnetizable material and a second layer made of an insulating material.

A system for directing electromagnetic millimeter-waves towards a waveguide using an electrically conductive formation within a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). The system includes a waveguide having an aperture and at least two laminas belonging to a PCB. A first electrically conductive surface printed on one of the laminas is located over the aperture such that the first electrically conductive surface covers at least most of the aperture. A plurality of Vertical Interconnect Access (VIA) holes, optionally filled or plated with an electrically conductive material, are electrically connecting the first electrically conductive surface to the waveguide, forming an electrically conductive cage over the aperture. Optionally, a probe printed on one of the laminas of the PCB is located inside the cage and over the aperture.

A quartz transducer having four or more crystal-controlled oscillators intended for measurement of applied pressure and temperature. All four oscillators are controlled by crystal quartz resonators operating in the thickness-shear mode. Two crystals measure the pressure and temperature respectively. A third crystal is a reference, and the fourth crystal may be another reference crystal or a second temperature crystal. The output of the latter is either phase leading or phase lagging the thermal response of the main temperature sensor.

An apparatus for providing a linearity information associated with an amplifier includes an operating state determinator and an evaluator. The operating state determinator is configured to obtain information describing a gain of the amplifier for at least one bias condition of the amplifier. The evaluator is configured to obtain the linearity information based on both the information describing the gain of the amplifier and information about the at least one bias condition of the amplifier using a gain-bias characteristic of the amplifier. A bias circuit including the apparatus for providing the linearity information is also disclosed. A corresponding method for providing the linearity information includes: using the information describing the gain of the amplifier and the information about the at least one bias condition with the gain-bias characteristics to determine a relation of a current operating point described by the information with respect to the gain-bias characteristic; and deriving the linearity information from said relation.

An amplification circuit, which may be in a receive path of a communication device, includes an amplifier including at least a first amplification device and a switchable attenuation circuit. The switchable attenuation circuit includes one or more switches and a plurality of attenuation devices and is operable to provide different levels of attenuation to an input signal prior to input to the amplifier depending on the status of the one or more switches. The attenuation devices may be capacitors, wherein the capacitors may be arranged to form a capacitive divider with a level of attenuation dependent on the status of the switches. The switchable attenuation circuit may be a switched capacitive attenuation ladder of n stages, n being any integer, each ladder stage including a capacitive divider. The amplification circuit may also include a switch, which when closed provides an unattenuated path for the input signal to the amplifier input.

A digital delay interpolator may include an array of multiplexers, each multiplexer configured to be input with first and second input voltages, one of the first and second input voltages being delayed in respect to the other, and receive a respective selection signal. The digital delay interpolator may include output lines respectively coupled to the array of multiplexers, and an output terminal configured to be coupled in common to the output lines. Each multiplexer may be configured to selectively output on the respective output line one of the first and the second input voltages based upon a logic value of the respective selection signal.

An apparatus comprising a frequency divider comprising a first latch configured to receive a first clock signal and a complement of the first clock signal and to generate a first latch first output, and a second latch coupled to the first latch in a toggle-flop configuration, a first output circuit comprising a p-channel transistor, wherein the gate of a p-channel transistor is configured to receive the first clock signal, and a n-channel transistor, wherein the drain of the p-channel transistor is directly connected to the drain of a n-channel transistor, wherein the gate of the n-channel transistor is configured to receive the first latch first output, wherein the source of the n-channel transistor is configured to receive the complement of the first clock signal, and wherein the first output circuit is configured to generate an in-phase reference signal, and a second output circuit configured to generate a quadrature signal.

A driving circuit of flat display including a charging circuit path, a discharging circuit path, and a detecting circuit is provided. The charging circuit path has first and second impedance states, wherein an impedance value of the first impedance state is smaller than that of the second impedance state. The discharging circuit path has third and fourth impedance states, wherein an impedance value of the third impedance state is smaller than that of the fourth impedance state. The detecting circuit detects whether the charging circuit path or the discharging circuit path is in an unstable first state or stable second state, controls the charging circuit path to the first impedance state or the discharging circuit path to the third impedance state in the first state, and controls the charging circuit path to the second impedance state or the discharging circuit path to the fourth impedance state in the second state.

A circuit may include an input node configured to receive a signal and an output node configured to be coupled to a load. The circuit may also include a first circuit coupled between the input node and the output node. The first circuit may be configured to receive the signal and to drive the signal on the output node at a first voltage. The circuit may also include an active device coupled to the output node and a second circuit coupled to the active device and the input node. The second circuit may be configured to receive the signal and to drive the signal to the active device at a second voltage. The circuit may also include a tap circuit configured to selectively apply a modified version of the signal to the signal driven by the second circuit before the signal driven by the second circuit reaches the active device.

A test fixture (120) is disclosed for electrically testing a device under test (130) by forming a plurality of temporary mechanical and electrical connections between terminals (131) on the device under test (130) and contact pads (161) on the load board (160). The test fixture (120) has a replaceable membrane (150) that includes vias (151), with each via (151) being associated with a terminal (131) on the device under test (130) and a contact pad (161) on the load board (160). In some cases, each via (151) has an electrically conducting wall for conducting current between the terminal (131) and the contact pad (161). In some cases, each via (151) includes a spring (152) that provides a mechanical resisting force to the terminal (131) when the device under test (130) is engaged with the test fixture (120).

Disclosed herein are systems and methods for rotor angle measurement in an electrical generator. According to one embodiment, an intelligent electronic device may comprise control logic configured to generate a reference signal and to generate a rotational position signal based upon an indicator of a rotational position of a rotor in an electrical generator. The control logic may further be configured to detect a relative shift between the reference signal and the rotational position signal and to determine the rotational position of the rotor based upon the relative shift. A power angle of the electrical generator may be calculated based upon the rotational position of the rotor. According to certain embodiments, the control logic may further be configured to generate a control instruction to reduce the power angle in response to determining that the power angle exceeds a threshold.

The invention relates to a magnetic sensor for determining the position of a part (2) movable firstly in rotation over a limited angular stroke by virtue of a rotary movement (R), and secondly in translation along a translation axis (X) and over a limited linear stroke, this sensor including both a magnetized target (3) mounted on and fastened to the movable part (2) and taking the form of a radially-magnetized part-cylinder having an axis of symmetry coinciding with the translation axis (X) and also a system (5) for measuring the magnetic field of the magnetized target to determine the position of the target in three dimensions. According to the invention, in order to determine the position and the orientation of the target, the system (5) acts at a single point to measure the direction of the magnetic field in two orthogonal planes, one of which (P1) is normal to the rotary movement (R) and the other of which (P2) is normal to the movement in translation (X).

A magnetic force microscope capable of measuring the absolute value of a magnetic field with high resolution without causing a change in magnetization state of the probe. The magnetic force microscope includes a cantilever, a probe, a displacement detector that detects a displacement of the probe, a specimen carrier, and various transfer units. The magnetic force microscope that measures an undulation distribution as well as a magnetic field distribution on the surface of a specimen placed on the specimen carrier is further provided with a magnetic-field impress-unit that impresses a magnetic field to the probe, and an output of the magnetic-field impress-unit is controlled such that a magnetic force impressed onto the probe 5 is turned zero to thereby measure a magnetic field distribution on the surface of the specimen.

A high voltage detection device comprises a probe comprising an electrode for sensing a high voltage electrical line. The electrode is connected in series with a resistor. A meter comprises a housing enclosing a control for measuring parameters of line voltage. The control comprises an input module for connection to the probe to develop a voltage signal. A signal processing module receives the voltage signal and determines parameters of line voltage and drives an audio module. The audio module provides an audio output representing the determined parameters of line voltage.

A conductive member evaluator includes a first electrode which has contact with an outer circumferential face of a conductive member, a second electrode which is connected to the shaft center of the conductive member, a voltage applier configured to apply evaluation voltage including at least an AD component between the first electrode and the second electrode, a current value measuring device configured to measure a current value flowing between the first electrode and the second electrode when the evaluation voltage is applied, an extreme value obtaining device configured to obtain at least one extreme value of a maximum value and a minimum value in one cycle of the AD component included in the current value from the current value measured by the current value measuring device; and an evaluation device configured to evaluate the conductive member based on the extreme value obtained by the extreme value obtaining device.

A power-supply controller circuit includes: a power-supply switch unit configured to output an ON-signal when manually operated; a switching unit configured to switch ON and OFF an output voltage to a controller unit in response to the ON-signal of the power-supply switch unit; a latching unit configured to latch an ON-state of the switching unit, when the power-supply switch unit outputs an ON-signal under a condition where the switching unit is in an OFF-state; and the controller unit configured to control an unlatching signal to unlatch the ON-state latched by the latching unit when the latching unit is in the ON-state and detects the ON-signal sent from the power-supply switch unit.

A DC-to-DC converter adapted for generating a power voltage required by a load and including a buck circuit and a boost circuit is provided. The buck circuit is used for receiving a DC input voltage, and outputting the power voltage by performing a buck process to the DC input voltage, or directly outputting the DC input voltage according to a first control signal. The boost circuit is used for receiving the power voltage or the DC input voltage both output from the buck circuit, and outputting the power voltage to the load by performing a boost process to the DC input voltage output from the buck circuit, or directly outputting the power voltage output from the buck circuit to the load according to a second control signal.

The present invention improves the efficiency of a switching power supply in a light load. A control circuit is configured to repeat a driving duration enabling the switching element to be switched and a stop duration stopping the switching in a light load state. A pulse signal generating portion generates a driving pulse signal, in which the driving pulse signal at least includes a pulse in the driving duration, and the lighter a load is, the less the number of pulses in the driving duration is. A first driver drives a first switching transistor according to the at least one pulse in the driving pulse signal other than predetermined K pulses (K is a natural number). The K pulses are in the driving pulse signal when the number of the pulses is reduced to K.

A control circuit of a DC/DC converter, wherein the DC/DC converter further comprises a high-side switch and a low-side switch, and wherein the DC/DC converter provides an output signal to a load. The control circuit comprises: an amplifier configured to receive a feedback signal and a reference signal to provide an error signal; a ramp generator configured to provide a ramp signal; a comparator configured to receive the ramp signal and the error signal to provide a comparison signal; and a COT generator configured to receive the comparison signal, to provide a COT signal to control the high-side switch and the low-side switch.

A low drop-out (LDO) voltage regulator which parallels a second pass device to a first pass device, where the second pass device has in series a small resistor. The small value resistor is a substitute for bond wires or capacitors with very low equivalent series resistances (ESR). A fast feedback loop is coupled to the junction of the second pass device and the small resistor and provides, via a Miller capacitor, a feedback signal to the amplifier of the voltage regulator. The added second pass device returns circuit stability by moving the fast-loop high frequency zero node back within the bandwidth of the circuit.

A power regulators system and method is disclosed. In one embodiment, a power regulator system (10) is provided and includes at least one power supply (16) each configured to convert a DC rail voltage to a DC load voltage. The DC load voltage can be less than the DC rail voltage and can be provided to power at least one electronic component. The system (10) also includes a power rail regulator (12) configured to generate the DC rail voltage based on an input voltage and to regulate a magnitude of the DC rail voltage to vary between a minimum voltage magnitude and a maximum voltage magnitude and to regulate a variable magnitude of an output current. The DC rail voltage and the output current can be regulated based on load requirements associated with the at least one electronic component (18).

A generator system includes a generator having a stationary portion and a rotating portion. The generator includes a permanent magnet based exciter with permanent magnets disposed on the stationary portion. A first channel includes a first main field winding and a first main field power converter disposed on a rotating portion. The first main field power converter selectively delivers voltage from the exciter winding to the first main field winding. A second channel includes a second main field winding and a second main field power converter disposed on the rotating portion. The second main field power converter selectively delivers voltage from the exciter winding to the second main field winding. A generator control unit is connected to the first channel and the second channel. The generator control unit monitors an output voltage at each of the first channel and the second channel and generates the first and second control signals based on the output voltage.

A multi-series battery control system comprises a plurality of unit battery cell of which unit consists of multiple battery cells connected in series; a plurality of control IC comprising a control circuit for controlling the unit battery cell; a main controller that sends and receives signal to/from the control ICs via an insulation; means for sending an abnormality signal, which represents the existence or the absence of abnormality of the control ICs or the battery cells, to the main controller from the control ICs, responding to the first signal outputted from the main controller via the insulation; and means for searching contents of the abnormality in the control ICs or the battery cells and sending the abnormality contents signal based on the search, to the main controller from the control ICs, responding to the second signal outputted from the main controller via the insulation.

A system for charging an electrically powered vehicle comprises a DC battery; and a current exchange controller. The current exchange controller is configured for receiving a supply current from an off-board power source and determining a desired current exchange characteristic. The current exchange controller is also configured for determining a modulation scheme for providing an exchange current that exhibits the desired current exchange characteristic; and modulating the exchange current in accordance with the modulation scheme so as to deliver an exchange current exhibiting the desired current exchange characteristic. The modulation scheme is configured to meet one or more criteria based on annoyance.

A lighting system includes methods and systems to mix colors of light emitted from at least two LED emitters. In at least one embodiment, the lighting system includes a controller that responds to phase-cut angles of the dimming signal and correlates the phase-cut angles with a predetermined black body radiation function to dynamically adjust a color spectra of the mixed light in response to changes in phase cut angles of the phase-cut dimming level signal. In at least one embodiment, the controller utilizes the predetermined black body radiation function to dynamically adjust the color spectra of the mixed, emitted light in response to changes in phase cut angles of a phase-cut dimming level signal. In at least one embodiment, the predetermined black body radiation function specifies correlated color temperatures (CCTs) that model the CCTs of an actual non-LED based lamp, such as an incandescent lamp.

A lighting device using an electroluminescent material, in which color mixing and dimming can be performed by a simple method, is provided. A lighting device including a first light-emitting element and a second light-emitting element which emits light having a wavelength longer than that of light emitted from the first light-emitting element and starts to emit light at a lower voltage than the first light-emitting element, is provided. The first light-emitting element and the second light-emitting element are connected in parallel, whereby a mixed color of emission colors of the first light-emitting element and the second light-emitting element is controlled by a voltage applied to the first light-emitting element and the second light-emitting element.

In a wagering game environment, a light engine can determine a number of lighting devices that constitute a light chain, and a chaining configuration. The light chain is associated with a wagering game machine. The light engine can determine attributes of the constituent lighting devices and compute timing to produce the light effect. In accordance with the determined attributes and computed timing, the light engine generates output lighting device commands for controlling the lighting devices and/or light source elements of the constituent lighting devices. The light engine can dynamically handle a variation in the number or chaining configuration of the lighting devices that constitute the light at runtime. Accordingly, the light engine can generate appropriate output lighting device commands to display the appropriate light effects.

A method for driving light adjustments, a device therefor and a light adjustable lamp including the device are disclosed. The device includes a light source driving circuit, an MCU and a temporary power supplying circuit. The MCU includes a current detecting module, an analyzing and processing module and a storage module. The analyzing and processing module obtains a connecting signal or a disconnecting signal of the light source driving circuit and thereafter extracts a stored firmware program of gradually varying brightness of a light source or stored information about a constant brightness state of the light source from the storage module for analyzing and processing, so as to generate a controlling signal of adjusting the brightness of the light source and send the controlling signal into the light source driving circuit. Then the light source driving circuit adjusts the brightness of the light source according to the controlling signal.

A mercury-free low-pressure lamp having a bulb is provided. The bulb includes an emissive material and one or more phosphors. The emissive material includes at least one of an alkali metal or an alkaline earth metal, wherein when the bulb is in a non-operational state, the emissive material condenses into a liquid or solid, and when the bulb is in an operational state the emissive material forms an emitter, the emitter in combination with one or more gases generate photons when excited by an electrical discharge. The one or more phosphors are configured to convert at least a portion of the photons to other visible wavelengths.

An illumination device with an exit surface for pump light propagation with a main propagation direction and a phosphor element for converting the pump light into converted light is disclosed. Further, an optical system with a reflection surface is provided for deflecting the pump light, where the reflection surface reflects the pump light with a directional component opposite to the main propagation direction and onto the phosphor element.

To provide an aspect of a novel display device using a light emitting element which is composed of a cathode, an EL layer and an anode, and a manufacturing device of the display device. According to the present invention, dual-sided emission display can be performed in one sheet white color light emitting panel 1001 in which, for example, different images can be displayed on a topside screen and backside screen (full color display, monochrome display or area color display). Two polarizing plates 1002, 1003 are formed by shifting the position thereof with an angular deviation of 90 degrees each other so as to prevent outside light from passing through the pane, thereby realizing a black display when not displayed.

In an embodiment, a thermal stress resistant resonator is disclosed. The thermal stress resistant resonator may include or comprise a piezoelectric member having one or more non-linear piezoelectric support members extending there from.

A method for harvesting energy from an input deflection. The method including: storing mechanical potential energy in at least one spring element resulting from an acceleration of a mass connected to the at least one spring element; transferring the stored potential energy to a flexible element to deflect the flexible element; and converting the deflection of the flexible element to electrical energy by compressing at least one piezoelectric element due to the deflection.

An electromechanical motor includes an actuator assembly and a body to be driven in a driving direction. The actuator assembly has an actuator backing, a first actuator and a second actuator. The actuators are mechanically attached by a respective single attachment to the actuator backing at a first end of the actuators. The actuators have a respective interaction portion constituting a second end opposite to the first end in an actuator direction transverse to the driving direction. The interaction portions are arranged for interaction with an interaction surface of the body by a respective contact area. The actuators include a respective unimorph member arranged for causing a movement of the respective contact area as a response of a respective electrical signal. The respective movements are transverse to the actuator direction, to the driving direction, and to each other.

An oscillatory wave motor includes an oscillator having an oscillation body and an electro-mechanical energy-converting element, and a flexible heat-conducting member configured to dissipate heat generated by the oscillatory wave motor. The oscillatory wave motor drives a moving body in contact with a contact portion formed in the oscillation body by an elliptical movement of the oscillator, and the heat-conducting member is provided in addition to a heat-conducting path that conducts heat generated by the oscillatory wave motor through an oscillator supporting member that supports the oscillator or a heat-conducting path that conducts heat through the moving body.

A rotating electrical machine according to an embodiment includes a rotor rotatable around a rotation axis, a stator arranged to face the rotor, and a frame which accommodates the rotor and the stator and in which a refrigerant flow path is formed in a sidewall. The frame includes a through hole that penetrates from the refrigerant flow path to an outer periphery of the sidewall and is covered by a lid member.

A power supply switch circuit according to an aspect of the present invention includes a first switch element that is connected between a first power supply line and a second power supply line and switches connection and disconnection between the first power supply line and the second power supply line according to a first enable signal; a second switch element that is connected between the first power supply line and the second power supply line and switches connection and disconnection between the first power supply line and the second power supply line; and a switch control circuit that includes at least one logic gate supplied with power from the second power supply line and controls the second switch element. The switch control circuit controls the second switch element based on a second enable signal supplied to the switch control circuit and on a voltage of the second power supply line.

A modular wind turbine system comprises modules with electrically conductive structural rails supporting wind turbines. The wind turbines drive generators electrically connected to the rails. Individual modules are electrically and mechanically linked to adjacent modules, simultaneously bracing the overall structure and providing a means of conveying the electricity, produced by the generators, to the location or locations required for consumption, storage or onward transmission of that electricity.

A technique for providing electric power to an electric power utility grid includes driving an electric power alternator coupled to the grid with a spark-ignited or direct injection internal combustion engine; detecting a change in electrical loading of the alternator; in response to the change, adjusting parameters of the engine and/or generator to adjust power provided by the engine. In one further forms of this technique, the adjusting of parameters for the engine includes retarding spark timing and/or interrupting the spark ignition; reducing or retarding direct injection timing or fuel amount and/or interrupting the direct injection; and/or the adjusting of parameters for the generator including increasing the field of the alternator or adding an electrical load.

An improved interconnect structure including a dielectric layer having a conductive feature embedded therein, the conductive feature having a first top surface that is substantially coplanar with a second top surface of the dielectric layer; a metal cap layer located directly on the first top surface, wherein the metal cap layer does not substantially extend onto the second top surface; a first dielectric cap layer located directly on the second top surface, wherein the first dielectric cap layer does not substantially extend onto the first top surface and the first dielectric cap layer is thicker than the metal cap layer; and a second dielectric cap layer on the metal cap layer and the first dielectric cap layer. A method of forming the interconnect structure is also provided.

Embodiments relate to a method for manufacturing a semiconductor device including at least one of: (1) Forming a lower electrode pattern on a substrate. (2) Forming an etch stop film on/over the lower electrode pattern. (3) Forming a first interlayer insulating layer on/over the etch stop film. (4) Forming an upper electrode pattern on/over the first interlayer insulating layer. (5) Forming a second interlayer insulating layer on/over the upper electrode pattern. (6) Forming an etch blocking layer positioned between the lower electrode pattern and the upper electrode pattern which passes through the second interlayer insulating layer and the first interlayer insulating layer. (7) Forming a cavity which exposes a side of the etch blocking layer by etching the second interlayer insulating layer and the first interlayer insulating layer. (8) Forming a contact ball in the cavity.

An integrated circuit assembly includes an insulating layer having a having a first surface and a second surface. A first active layer contacts the first surface of the insulating layer. A metal bond pad is electrically connected to the first active layer and formed on the second surface of the insulating layer. A substrate having a first surface and a second surface, with a second active layer formed in the first surface, is provided such that the first active layer is coupled to the second surface of the substrate.

A packaging substrate includes a first dielectric layer, a first circuit layer, a first metal bump, and a built-up structure. The first metal bump and the first circuit layer are embedded in and exposed from two surfaces of the first dielectric layer. The end of the first metal bump is embedded in the first circuit layer and between the first circuit layer and the first dielectric layer. In addition, a conductive seedlayer is disposed between the first circuit layer and the first metal bump. The built-up structure is disposed on the first circuit layer and the first dielectric layer. The outmost layer of the built-up structure has a plurality of conductive pads. Compared to the prior art, the present invention can effectively improve the warpage problem of the conventional packaging substrate.

A semiconductor device is inhibited from being degraded in reliability. The semiconductor device has a tab including a top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of side surfaces. Each of the side surfaces of the tab has a first portion continued to the bottom surface of the tab, a second portion located outwardly of the first portion and continued to the top surface of the tab, and a third portion located outwardly of the second portion and continued to the top surface of the tab to face the same direction as each of the first and second portions. In planar view, the outer edge of the semiconductor chip is located between the third portion and the second portion of the tab, and the outer edge of an adhesive material fixing the semiconductor chip to the tab is located between the semiconductor chip and the second portion.

A method of manufacturing an electronic device is provided. The method comprises providing a carrier sheet, etching the lead frame material sheet to form a recess on a first surface of the lead frame material sheet, placing an electronic chip into the recess of the carrier sheet, and thereafter, selectively etching a second surface of the lead frame material sheet, the second surface being opposite to the first surface.

A mmWave electronics package constructed from common Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technology and a metal cover. Assembly of the package uses standard pick and place technology and heat is dissipated directly to a pad on the package. Input/output of mmWave signal(s) is achieved through a rectangular waveguide. Mounting of the electronic package to an electrical printed circuit board (PCB) is performed using conventional reflow soldering processes and includes a waveguide I/O connected to an mmWave antenna. The electronic package provides for transmission of low frequency, dc and ground signals from the semiconductor chip inside the package to the PCB it is mounted on. An impedance matching scheme matches the chip to high frequency board transition by altering the ground plane within the chip. A ground plane on the high frequency board encircles the high frequency signal bump to confine the electromagnetic fields to the bump region reducing radiation loss.

Semiconductor stack structures such as magnetic tunnel junction structures having a magnetic free layer that is grown on composite, obliquely deposited seed layers to induce an increased in-plane magnetic anisotropy Hk of the magnetic free layer. In one aspect, a semiconductor device includes a composite seed layer formed on a substrate, and a magnetic layer formed on the composite seed layer. The composite seed layer includes a first seed layer obliquely formed with an incident angle from a surface normal of the substrate along a first direction of the substrate, and a second seed layer obliquely formed with the incident angle on the first seed layer along a second direction of the substrate, opposite the first direction.

A gate stack including a gate dielectric and a gate electrode is formed over at least one compound semiconductor fin provided on an insulating substrate. The at least one compound semiconductor fin is thinned employing the gate stack as an etch mask. Source/drain extension regions are epitaxially deposited on physically exposed surfaces of the at least one semiconductor fin. A gate spacer is formed around the gate stack. A raised source region and a raised drain region are epitaxially formed on the source/drain extension regions. The source/drain extension regions are self-aligned to sidewalls of the gate stack, and thus ensure a sufficient overlap with the gate electrode. Further, the combination of the source/drain extension regions and the raised source/drain regions provides a low-resistance path to the channel of the field effect transistor.

A Fin field effect transistor includes a fin disposed over a substrate. A gate is disposed over a channel portion of the fin. A source region is disposed at a first end of the fin. A drain region is disposed at a second end of the fin. The source region and the drain region are spaced from the substrate by at least one air gap.

A transistor used for a semiconductor device for high power application needs to have a channel region for obtaining higher drain current. As an example of such a transistor, a vertical (trench type) transistor has been considered; however, the vertical transistor cannot have a high on/off ratio of drain current and thus cannot have favorable transistor characteristics. Over a substrate having conductivity, an oxide semiconductor layer having a surface having a dotted pattern of a plurality of island-shaped regions with a tapered shape in a cross section is sandwiched between a first electrode formed between the substrate and the oxide semiconductor layer and a second electrode formed over the oxide semiconductor layer, and a conductive layer functioning as a gate electrode is formed on the side surface of the island-shaped region in the oxide semiconductor layer with an insulating layer provided therebetween.

A trench MOS structure is disclosed. The trench MOS structure includes a substrate, an epitaxial layer, a doping well, a doping region and a trench gate. The substrate has a first conductivity type, a first side and a second side opposite to the first side. The epitaxial layer has the first conductivity type and is disposed on the first side. The doping well has a second conductivity type and is disposed on the epitaxial layer. The doping region has the first conductivity type and is disposed on the doping well. The trench gate is partially disposed in the doping region. The trench gate has a bottle shaped profile with a top section smaller than a bottom section, both are partially disposed in the doping well. The bottom section of two adjacent trench gates results in a higher electrical field around the trench MOS structures.

According to one embodiment, a method is disclosed for manufacturing a semiconductor device. The method includes forming a second stacked body on the planarized interlayer insulating film and on the uppermost stair. The second stacked body includes a second conductive film thicker than the first conductive film and a second insulating film stacked on the second conductive film. The method includes dividing the second stacked body into a select gate on the uppermost stair and a plurality of wall portions in a staircase region below the uppermost stair. The method includes forming a plurality of vias piercing the interlayer insulating film under a region between the wall portions and reaching the first conductive film of each of the stairs.

According to example embodiments of inventive concepts, a non-volatile memory device includes a substrate including a second impurity region crossing a first impurity region, and channel regions extending in a vertical direction on the substrate. Gate electrodes may be separated from each other in a vertical direction and a horizontal direction along outer walls of the channel regions. A first insulating interlayer may be on the gate electrodes and the channel regions, where the first insulating interlayer defines a contact hole between at least one adjacent pair gate electrodes and a contact plug is formed in the contact hole to be electrically connected to the second impurity region. An etch stop layer pattern may be on the contact plug and the first insulating interlayer.

A semiconductor device includes a PFET transistor (a PMOS FET) having a poly(silicon) layer with a p-type doped portion and an n-type doped portion. The p-type doped portion is located above a channel region of the transistor and the n-type doped portion is located in an end portion of the poly layer outside the channel region. The poly layer may be formed by doping portions of an amorphous silicon layer with either the p-type dopant or the n-type dopant and then annealing the amorphous silicon layer to diffuse the dopants and crystallize the amorphous silicon to form polysilicon. The n-type doped portion of the poly layer may provide an electrical shunt in the end portion of the poly layer to reduce any effects of insufficient diffusion of the p-type dopant in the poly layer.

A transmission line structure for semiconductor RF and wireless circuits, and method for forming the same. The transmission line structure includes embodiments having a first die including a first substrate, a first insulating layer, and a ground plane, and a second die including a second substrate, a second insulating layer, and a signal transmission line. The second die may be positioned above and spaced apart from the first die. An underfill is disposed between the ground plane of the first die and the signal transmission line of the second die. Collectively, the ground plane and transmission line of the first and second die and underfill forms a compact transmission line structure. In some embodiments, the transmission line structure may be used for microwave applications.

A semiconductor structure with a MISFET and a HEMT region includes a first III-V compound layer. A second III-V compound layer is disposed on the first III-V compound layer and is different from the first III-V compound layer in composition. A third III-V compound layer is disposed on the second III-V compound layer is different from the second III-V compound layer in composition. A source feature and a drain feature are disposed in each of the MISFET and HEMT regions on the third III-V compound layer. A gate electrode is disposed over the second III-V compound layer between the source feature and the drain feature. A gate dielectric layer is disposed under the gate electrode in the MISFET region but above the top surface of the third III-V compound layer.

A gate amplification triac including in a semiconductor substrate of a first conductivity type a vertical triac and a lateral bipolar transistor having its emitter connected to the triac gate, its base connected to a control terminal, and its collector connected to a terminal intended to be connected to a first reference voltage, the main terminal of the triac on the side of the transistor being intended to be connected to a second reference voltage, the transistor being formed in a first well of the second conductivity type and the triac comprising on the transistor side a second well of the second conductivity type, the first and second wells being formed so that the substrate-well breakdown voltage of the transistor is greater than the substrate-well breakdown voltage of the triac by at least the difference between the first and second reference voltages.

A phosphor composition is provided. The phosphor composition comprises a phosphor nucleus and a hydrophobic layer. The hydrophobic layer is bonded on a surface of the phosphor nucleus and consists of an organic compound with a hydrophobic functional group.

A semiconductor substrate has a main surface and formed of single crystal silicon carbide. The main surface includes a central area, which is an area other than the area within 5 mm from the outer circumference. When the central area is divided into square areas of 1 mm×1 mm, in any square area, density of dislocations of which Burgers vector is parallel to <0001> direction is at most 1×105 cm−2. Thus, a silicon carbide semiconductor substrate enabling improved yield of semiconductor devices can be provided.

An optical device and method is disclosed for forming the optical device within the wide-bandgap semiconductor substrate. The optical device is formed by directing a thermal energy beam onto a selected portion of the wide-bandgap semiconductor substrate for changing an optical property of the selected portion to form the optical device in the wide-bandgap semiconductor substrate. The thermal energy beam defines the optical and physical properties of the optical device. The optical device may take the form of an electro-optical device with the addition of electrodes located on the wide-bandgap semiconductor substrate in proximity to the optical device for changing the optical property of the optical device upon a change of a voltage applied to the optional electrodes. The invention is also incorporated into a method of using the optical device for remotely sensing temperature, pressure and/or chemical composition.

An organic light-emitting diode includes a first electrode, a second electrode, and an organic layer disposed between the first electrode and the second electrode. The organic layer includes an emission layer. The organic layer also includes at least one amine-based compound and at least one anthracene-based compound. The organic layer may include a first emission layer and a second emission layer, and the amine-based compound may be in the first emission layer and the anthracene-based compound may be in the second emission layer.

Provided is a semiconductor device having a pad on a semiconductor chip, a first passivation film formed over the semiconductor chip and having an opening portion on the pad of a probe region and a coupling region, a second passivation film formed over the pad and the first passivation film and having an opening portion on the pad of the coupling region, and a rewiring layer formed over the coupling region and the second passivation film and electrically coupled to the pad. The pad of the probe region placed on the periphery side of the semiconductor chip relative to the coupling region has a probe mark and the rewiring layer extends from the coupling region to the center side of the semiconductor chip. The present invention provides a technology capable of achieving size reduction, particularly pitch narrowing, of a semiconductor device.

An oxide transistor includes: a channel layer formed of an oxide semiconductor; a source electrode contacting a first end portion of the channel layer; a drain electrode contacting a second end portion of the channel layer; a gate corresponding to the channel layer; and a gate insulating layer disposed between the channel layer and the gate. The oxide semiconductor includes hafnium-indium-zinc-oxide (HfInZnO). An electrical conductivity of a back channel region of the channel layer is lower than an electrical conductivity of a front channel region of the channel layer.

The various inventions and/or their embodiments disclosed herein relate to certain naphthalene diimide (NDI) compounds wherein the NDI groups are bonded to certain subclasses of bridging heteroaryl (hAr) groups, such as the “NDI-hAr-NDI” oligomeric compounds, wherein hAr is a heteroaryl group chosen to provide desirable electronic and steric properties, and the possible identities of the “Rz” terminal peripheral substituent groups are described herein. Transistor and inverter devices can be prepared.

An organic light emitting display device which includes a base member; an organic light emitting display unit disposed on the base member and configured to generate an image; a sealing layer configured to seal the organic light emitting display unit; a capping substrate disposed on the sealing layer and having a plurality of metal layers, one of the metal layers being in contact with the sealing layer and having at least one groove; and a moisture absorbent provided in the groove.

The invention relates to a top-emissive organic light-emitting diode (OLED) (10) arranged to emit light having different emission colors, comprising a multi-layered structure provided with a first electrode, a second electrode and a functional layer enabling light emission disposed between the first electrode and the second electrode, wherein thickness (H1, H2) of the functional layer is modulated by allowing at least a portion of the functional layer to interact with a thickness modulator (5a, 5b, 5c), wherein the functional layer comprises a hole injection layer or the electron injection layer.

An electron multiplier for a system for detecting electromagnetic radiation or an ion flow is disclosed. The multiplier includes at least one active structure intended to receive a flow of incident electrons, and to emit in response a flow of electrons called secondary electrons. The active structure includes a substrate on which is positioned a thin nanodiamond layer formed from diamond particles the average size of which is less than or equal to about 100 nm.

In one embodiment of the present invention, a memory cell includes a first resistive switching element having a first terminal and a second terminal, and a second resistive switching element having a first terminal and a second terminal. The memory further includes a three terminal transistor, which has a first terminal, a second terminal, and a third terminal. The first terminal of the three terminal transistor is coupled to the first terminal of the first resistive switching element. The second terminal of the three terminal transistor is coupled to the first terminal of the second resistive switching element. The third terminal of the three terminal transistor is coupled to a word line.

A charged particle beam writing apparatus according to an embodiment, includes a laser displacement meter configured to measure a position of a substrate to be written; a correction unit configured to correct a misregistration amount of the position of the substrate measured by the laser displacement meter from a reference position of the substrate; and a writing unit configured to write a pattern onto the substrate corrected for the misregistration amount by using a charged particle beam.

An electron beam focusing electrode and an electron gun using the same may include a plate having a polygonal through-hole; at least a projecting portion formed on at least one side of the through-hole. By using the electron beam focusing electrode, a spreading phenomenon of an electron beam having a rectangular cross section may be reduced. Further, the output of the electron gun may be increased, and electron beams may be easily focused.

In an exemplary embodiment, an apparatus includes a sensor integrated circuit (IC) that is adapted for ambient light sensing (ALS) and/or proximity detection. The sensor integrated circuit (IC) includes an integrated analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that is adapted to convert at least one signal related to ambient light sensing (ALS) and/or proximity detection to at least one digital signal, and an integrated light emitting diode (LED) driver that is adapted to drive at least one LED. The sensor IC also includes an integrated power management unit (PMU) that is adapted to reduce power dissipation of the sensor IC by running at a low duty cycle the integrated LED driver and the integrated ADC.

A food tray is provided with an upper tray and a lower tray containing food products, in which the upper tray rests snugly in the lower tray and a lid seals the upper tray. Vent holes in the lower tray allow steam released from the food product in the lower tray to escape out of the lower tray. Each of the upper tray and lower tray may have flanges to allow the upper tray to be lifted out of the lower tray without difficulty.

A safety device for regulating the supply of electricity and/or fuel to an appliance. Electricity and/or fuel may be supplied to an appliance for a period of time responsive to a user operating a user operable control means, such as a button. The safety device will cut off the supply of electricity and/or fuel after a first period of time unless the user operable control means is operated again to extend the period of time for which the regulator means allows the supply of electricity and/or fuel. Thus, the user must periodically operate the user operable control means if the appliance is to continue functioning. The safety device may function differently at different times of the day. The safety device is particularly useful with electric or fuel burning cookers, to reduce the risk of fire when the cooker is inadvertently left unattended.

A hair styler and its heating device which can heat the thermal storage piece inside the hair roller quickly to a desired temperature by electromagnetic heating. The thermal storage piece is made of high thermal conductivity material which absorbs heat quite quick and disposed inside the hair roller to prevent the hair from directly contacting the thermal storage piece during hair styling, consequently preventing the hair from being burned. Then a low thermal conductivity isolating layer retains the heat within the hair roller and enables the heat to be uniformly and constantly transmitted to the outer surface of the hair roller, providing an effect of low energy consumption and long-lasting heat. A temperature sensing piece is used to detect and indicate the temperature of the hair styler by using different colors, making it easier for the user to know the temperature of the hair styler.

Device for managing the electrodes for electrical discharge machining EDM machine tools comprises at least one magazine (1) that has a series of individual housings (33) designed to accept and hold exchangeable elements (5) consisting of electrodes (6, 22) mounted on an electrode holder (11a, 11b), and a changer device (2) equipped with a gripper (2) intended to move the exchangeable elements (5) from the individual housings (33) towards the machine and vice versa. A first adapter piece (21) is associated with each of the exchangeable elements (5). This adapter piece (21) surrounds the electrode holder (11a, 11b) and is gripped around its periphery by the gripper (9) of the changer (2) so as to guarantee that the exchangeable element (5) is held precisely. The device further comprises a second adapter piece (32) associated with each of the individual housings (33) of the magazine (1) that are likely to be used.

A method of efficiently manufacturing electric resistance welding pipes having excellent characterization of welded seams is provided, by which each lateral edge of a rounded strip immediately before electric resistance welding is securely shaped with desired tapering flexibly in response to change in strip thickness, so that welding quality may be kept to be excellent. A method of manufacturing electric resistance welding pipes, in which a strip is subjected to forming, then edges thereof are formed to substantially face each other, and then the edges are subjected to electric resistance welding to form a pipe, wherein an edge and an edge opposed thereto at one of an upper-surface side and a lower-surface side of the strip are shaped with tapering before the forming by means of cutting or shaving, or finpass forming.

Described herein are one or more techniques related to a touchsurface with level and planar translational travel responsiveness. One or more of the described implementations include an input device having a rigid body including a touchsurface configured to travel along a depression path in response to being depressed by a user. The input device also includes a leveling mechanism that operates in manner to keep the touchsurface substantially level as the touchsurface travels along the depression path in response to being depressed by the user. Furthermore, the input device has a planar-translation-effecting mechanism that defines a planar translation component of the depression path, such that the touchsurface exhibits planar translation as the touchsurface travels along the depression path.

A controlling device of turning knob is disposed on a touch panel removably so as to control the touch panel. The controlling device of turning knob includes a base and a turning knob. The base has a bottom side, a top side, a plurality of first pads disposed at the bottom side, and at least two second pads disposed at the top side. The second pads are electrically connected to parts of the first pads. The base is assembled to the touch panel with its bottom side, such that the first pads touch the touch panel. The turning knob disposed on the top side rotates about a rotating axis. The turning knob has a plurality of third pads surrounding the rotating axis. When the turning knob rotates along a direction relative to the base, the third pads are electrically connected to the corresponding second pads sequentially.

A multilayered printed circuit board or a substrate for mounting a semiconductor device includes a semiconductor device, a first resin insulating layer accommodating the semiconductor device, a second resin insulating layer provided on the first resin insulating layer, a conductor circuit provided on the second resin insulating layer, and via holes for electrically connecting the semiconductor device to the conductor circuit, wherein the semiconductor device is accommodated in a recess provided in the first resin insulating layer, and a metal layer for placing the semiconductor device is provided on the bottom face of the recess. A multilayered printed circuit board in which the installed semiconductor device establishes electrical connection through the via holes is provided.

A cable assembly includes: a plurality of cables; a cable fixing member that fixes the cables together; and conductor layers, wherein the cable assembly is formed with a connecting end surface that includes thereon connecting ends of the cables, and the conductor layers are provided to cover surfaces of the connecting ends that are on the connecting end surface.

The present invention is intended to provide a novel assembly for properly or accurately mounting the terminal portion of the bus bar on the terminal-accommodating portion of a body for an electric junction box without doing any harm to an electrical conduit(s) which is disposed within the electric junction box. An assembly for mounting a bus bar (1) to a body (12) for an electric junction box, comprises a hole (9) disposed in the bus bar (1), and having a burr (31) created during the hole punching process; and a projection (21) formed in the body (12), and suited for being press-fit into the hole (9), wherein the projection (21) extends beyond the burr after being press-fit into the hole (9). In this configuration, the hole (9) may serve as a basis for position determination of each terminal portion (3, 4) of the bus bar (1), and the projection (21) may serve as a basis for position determination of each terminal-accommodating portion (25) of the body (12). A pair of the holes (9) may be spaced apart from each other in a longitudinal direction of the bus bar (1), and a pair of the projections (21) may be correspondingly formed in the body (12) so as to be press-fit into the holes (9). The projection (21) may have a plurality of press-fit ribs (29) extending outwardly from a peripheral surface thereof, and being approximately triangular in traverse cross-section.

A method and apparatus for reducing dielectric polarization and dielectric relaxation within a signal wire by partially neutralizing the electric charge differential within the dielectric material between the signal conductor and the surrounding insulating dielectric material.

The present invention is premised upon an improved photovoltaic device (“PV device”), more particularly to an improved photovoltaic device with a multilayered photovoltaic cell assembly and a body portion joined at an interface region.

A method of forming a photovoltaic device that includes bonding a substrate to a germanium-containing semiconductor layer with a stressor layer, wherein the stressor layer cleaves the germanium-containing semiconductor layer. At least one semiconductor layer is formed on a cleaved surface of the germanium-containing semiconductor layer that is opposite the conductivity type of the germanium-containing semiconductor layer to provide a first solar cell. The first solar cell absorbs a first range of wavelengths. At least one second solar cell may be formed on the first solar cell, wherein the at least one second solar cell is composed of at least one semiconductor material to absorb a second range of wavelengths that is different than the first range wavelengths absorbed by the first solar cell.

A music notation system for a two dimensional keyboard consists of a five line staff per hand, where lines represent black keys and spaces represent white keys. The lines are vertically oriented, and spaced to resemble the pattern of black and white keys in an octave of piano keys. Note-octave symbols are placed on a line or space, indicating which column of keys the desired note is in. A note-octave symbol graphically indicates which row of octaves the desired note is in by the location of a note head on the stem of the note-octave symbol. A horizontal row in the notation represents an instant of time, at a particular subdivision of the beat. Solid horizontal lines indicate measure boundaries. Dashed horizontal lines indicate beat boundaries. The number of subdivisions of a given beat is indicated by the number of rows between the beat boundaries.

A cam operated drum tuning system which is rotatable clockwise or counterclockwise to tunes a musical drum. A cam ring mechanism employs multiple helical tracks. A removable radius plate and tool facilitates rotation. The tuning system may be attached directly to drum lugs, to a retrofit ring attached to the lugs, or to a full floating I or II framework which use edge or full floater rings, and/or adjustable pull rods to connect the top and/or bottom tuning systems so that nothing need contact the drum shell. Eccentric micro tuners adjust the rim rollers which ride on the inner hoop, which has a lip on the underside to add overlap. Elevators are used to raise and/or lower the cam ring to align it perpendicular to the bearing edge of the drum shell.

The present invention relates to a violin of acoustic configuration, which is different from the classic violin and a manufacturing method thereof. The violin of acoustic configuration is produced according to the rules of acoustic regularity, standard pitch data and uniform orderly reflecting surface of the violin cavity. The reflecting surface of cavity is depended on the international standard pitch data and the rule of acoustic wavelength changing. According to the configuration rules, the violin made of normal materials and technology process condition may provide better volume and tone, and provide much better performance in the standard pitch playing status.

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH149728. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH149728, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH149728 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH149728.

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH711103. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH711103, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH711103 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH711103.

According to the invention, there is provided seed and plants of the hybrid corn variety designated CH540328. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of the variety CH540328, and to methods for producing a corn plant produced by crossing a corn plant of variety CH540328 with itself or with another corn plant, such as a plant of another variety. The invention further relates to genetic complements of plants of variety CH540328.

The invention provides seed and plants of the bean line designated RX 08091541. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of bean line RX 08091541, and to methods for producing a bean plant produced by crossing a plant of bean line RX 08091541 with itself or with another bean plant, such as a plant of another line. The invention further relates to seeds and plants produced by such crossing. The invention further relates to parts of a plant of bean line RX 08091541, including the pods and gametes of such plants.

The invention relates to plant transcription factor polypeptides, polynucleotides that encode them, homologs from a variety of plant species, and methods of using the polynucleotides and polypeptides to produce transgenic plants having advantageous properties, including disease stress and abiotic stress tolerance, as compared to wild-type or control plants. The invention also pertains to expression systems that may be used to regulate these transcription factor polynucleotides, providing constitutive, transient, inducible and tissue-specific regulation.

The present invention provides transgenic, large non-human animal models of diseases and conditions, as well as methods of making and using such animal models in the identification and characterization of therapies for the diseases and conditions.

A method for the oxidative coupling of hydrocarbons, such as the oxidative coupling of methane, includes providing an oxidative catalyst inside a reactor, and carrying out the oxidative coupling reaction under a set of reaction conditions. The oxidative catalyst includes (A) at least one element selected from the group consisting of the Lanthanoid group, Mg, Ca, and the elements of Group 4 of the periodic table (Ti, Zr, and Hf); (B) at least one element selected from the group consisting of the Group 1 elements of Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and the elements of Group 3 (including La and Ac) and Groups 5-15 of the periodic table; (C) at least one element selected from the group consisting of the Group 1 elements of Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and the elements Ca, Sr, and Ba; and (D) oxygen.

A process and hydrodeoxygenation catalyst for producing high-quality diesel and naphtha fuels from a feedstock that contains oxygen containing components derived from renewable organic material in which the hydrodeoxygenation catalyst is a supported Mo catalyst and in which the support has a bimodal porous structure. The hydrodeoxygenation catalyst has a Mo content of 0.1 to 20 wt %. The support is alumina, silica, titania or combinations thereof, and the support has a bimodal porous structure with pores with a diameter larger than 50 nm that constitute at least 2 vol % of the total pore volume.

The present invention relates to a method for producing 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexaafluoropropane, involving reacting gaseous phase hexafluoropropene with hydrogen in a superstoichimetric amount in the presence of a hydrogenation catalyst in a reactor, and recirculating a part of the gaseous effluent from the reactor.

The present invention relates to an improved method for manufacturing 2-chloro-3,3,3,-trifluoropropene (HCFC-1233xf) by reacting 1,1,2,3-tetrachloropropene, 1,1,1,2,3-pentachloropropane, and/or 2,3,3,3-tetrachloropropene with hydrogen fluoride, in a vapor phase reaction vessel in the presence of a vapor phase fluorination catalyst and stabilizer. HCFC-1233xf is an intermediate in the production of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) which is a refrigerant with low global warming potential.

Methods and intermediates for synthesizing triethylenetetramine and salts thereof, as well as novel triethylenetetramine salts and their crystal structure, and triethylenetetramine salts of high purity.

A method of combating infectious agents, such as Pneumocystis pneumonia, and a method of treating a subject in need of such treatment is disclosed. The method comprises administering to the subject a bis-benzamidoxime of formula I wherein the linker is a di-substituted cyclic moiety of any ring size and may contain at least one heteroatom; the aromatic group is 1,2-; 1,3-; or 1,4-disubstituted; R is selected from the group consisting of a hydrogen, a linear or branched alkyl group, containing from 1 to 20 carbon atoms; R′ is selected from the group consisting of a hydrogen, a linear or branched alkyl group containing from one to twenty carbon atoms, an aromatic ring, a cycloalkyl group containing three to eight carbon atoms, or a hydroxyl group; alternatively, R and R′ may form a cyclic structure that can be fused to another cyclic system; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. Pharmaceutical formulations and active compounds useful in the practice of the present invention are also disclosed.

A method for removing hydrocarbon impurities from an acetic acid production intermediate is disclosed. The method comprises extracting the intermediate with a hydrocarbon extracting agent. The extraction is preferably performed with the alkane distillation bottom stream which comprises methyl iodide, acetic acid, and hydrocarbon impurities. The extraction forms a light phase which comprises the hydrocarbon impurity and the extracting agent and a heavy phase which comprises methyl iodide and acetic acid. The extraction heavy phase is optionally recycled to the alkane distillation or to the carbonylation reaction.

The present application discloses a process for the preparation of a halofenate compound of the formula (III) or a salt thereof: wherein R, X and X′ are as defined herein, the process comprising contacting a compound of formula (Ia) with a compound of formula (Ib) and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide under conditions sufficient to form the compound of formula (III).

Disclosed in the present invention is a method for preparing a (−)-clausenamide compound of formula (I), comprising: firstly, catalyzing the asymmetrical epoxidation of trans-cinnamate using a chiral ketone derived from fructose or a hydrate thereof as a catalyst, and then subjecting the product to amidation, oxidation, cyclization and reduction successively to finally obtain the optically pure (−)-clausenamide compound of formula (I).