An integrated circuit has one or more external control pins to control and indicate which of two or more different VCC or other voltage levels will be used. The control pin receives a logic signal, high or low, and draws zero static power. A user can use the integrated circuit with two or more VCC voltage levels by indicating which voltage level at the control pins. In a specific embodiment, the integrated circuit has nonvolatile memory cells such as EEPROM or Flash cells that a configurable and reconfigurable using on-chip programming circuitry. The programming circuitry may generate and use superhigh or high voltages, higher than the VCC voltage.
An integrated circuit for implementing reconfigurable logic, such as a field programmable gate array (“FPGA”), as described herein has multiple blocks of multiported memory. The memory has a plurality of read ports and a plurality of write ports. Each port of the multiported memory can be configured with a width and depth that is independent and separate from the width and depth of the other ports. The memory also includes a port for taking a synchronous snapshot of the contents of the memory or for loading the memory to an initial state. The memory shares routing lines used by a low level logic element thereby alleviating the need to add routing lines to an interconnect network just to satisfy the memory requirements.
An diagnostic interface system for a programmable logic system is disclosed. The diagnostic interface system provides an efficient and flexible mechanism for accessing internal nodes of programmable logic devices (PLDs) to facilitate debugging and troubleshooting of the programmable logic system. The interface system includes a diagnostic data bus connecting external I/O pins to various diagnostic data and address registers that connect to the internal circuitry of a PLD. A diagnostics controller controls the various diagnostic resources in response to user supplied control data.
An integrated circuit with programmable transistors is programmed via a state machine on the integrated circuit. For example, the integrated circuit may be a programmable logic device, and the state machine may be a JTAG state machine. Each integrated circuit may have on it a register containing data indicating how long a particular programming operation should continue in order to be successful for that circuit. External programming control apparatus first reads that data and then at least partly bases the timing of programming instructions applied to the integrated circuit on that data. The integrated circuit may have an on-board programming voltage generating circuit which is turned on only by appropriate instructions from the external programming control apparatus. The external programming control apparatus controls the sequence and timing of all programming operations via the state machine port of the integrated circuit.
A system and method for programming elements in an integrated circuit. The system allows for selection of an internal voltage supply and an external supply. Provision is also possible for improved testing techniques.
An improved macrocell is provided for summing product term inputs to complete a sum of products. Some or all of a macrocell's product terms can be allocated to another macrocell. The macrocell OR function remains available to sum product term inputs, even when other product term inputs in the same macrocell are allocated elsewhere. Macrocells can also by daisy-chained bidirectionally, so that the delay associated with allocating product terms between multiple macrocells can be reduced.
A programmable device system includes one or more network-on-chip (NoC) die layers vertically connected to one or more programmable chip dice layers. The NoC die layer includes interconnects, a bus or non-blocking switches, and optionally memory blocks and direct memory access engines. The NoC die layer improves on-chip communications by providing fast and direct interconnection circuitry between various parts of the programmable chip die.
In a programmable logic device, some or all of the parallel interconnect resources are replaced by serial interconnect resources within the device. Some or all of the functional blocks on the device are supplemented with serial interfaces. Although this makes the functional blocks more complex, it allows a significant reduction in the area consumed by interconnect resources. This translates into a significant reduction in device power consumption. The serial interfaces may operate synchronously from a global device clock (such as a PLL). In some cases, serial interfaces that are provided in the input/output blocks for external signalling can be omitted because the serial interfaces in the functional blocks can take over the external serial interface function as well, although in those cases the serial interfaces in the functional blocks would have to be more complex because they would have to be able to operate asynchronously with external devices.
Configurable phase-locked loop circuitry is provided. The phase-locked loop circuitry may include a buffer having a buffer output and a multiplexer having inputs and an output. The phase-locked loop circuitry may include multiple voltage-controlled oscillators. The phase-locked loop circuitry may be configured to switch a desired one of the voltage-controlled oscillators into use. Each voltage-controlled oscillator may be controlled by control signals applied to a control input for that voltage-controlled oscillator. The control input of each voltage-controlled oscillator may be connected to the buffer output. The output of each voltage-controlled oscillator may be connected to a respective one of the multiplexer inputs. Power-down transistors may be used to disable unused voltage-controlled oscillators to conserve power. The power-down transistors and the multiplexer may be controlled by signals from programmable elements. One or more of the voltage-controlled oscillators may be implemented using a separate integrated circuit connected using through-silicon vias.
Programmable logic device integrated circuitry having I/O circuitry portions having different maximum speed capabilities and different amounts of programmability for supporting various I/O signaling standards is provided. High-speed I/O circuitry and low-speed I/O circuitry may be provided. The high-speed I/O circuitry may have differential I/O drivers and may not be programmable. Relatively few I/O lines may be connected to the high-speed I/O circuitry. The low-speed I/O circuitry may be programmable so that a user may configure the low-speed I/O circuitry to support different I/O signaling standards. Intermediate-speed I/O circuitry may be provided that is more flexible than the high-speed circuitry and operates at higher maximum I/O data rates than the low-speed I/O circuitry. Transmitter circuitry (output driver circuitry) in the I/O circuitry may be provided with the ability to handle a greater number of different I/O signaling standards than receiver circuitry (input driver circuitry) in the I/O circuitry.