Laterally reflecting tip for laser transmitting fiber
    Laterally reflecting tip for laser transmitting fiber 失效





    Abstract: An operating assembly for use in a liquid operating environment includes a flexible elongated light transmitting fiber having a light reflecting tip mounted thereon for reflecting the light beam laterally. The tip includes a number of features which minimize undesired heating of the tip. The tip is preferably made of solid gold and has a reflecting mirror surface coined on the gold tip. A lateral flushing passageway is disposed through the tip and allows surrounding ambient liquid to flow across the surface of the mirror to aid in cooling the tip and to aid in keeping the mirror clean. The tip is preferably mounted on the fiber by crimping. The tip includes a sufficient volume of material having a sufficient thermal conductivity located between the reflecting mirror and the crimped connection so as to dissipate heat energy which may be generated in the tip and to avoid sufficient heat energy reaching the crimped connection to cause a thermally induced failure of the mechanical attachment of the tip to the fiber at the crimp.

    Abstract translation: 用于液体操作环境的操作组件包括柔性细长的光传输光纤,其具有安装在其上的用于反射光束的光反射尖端。 尖端包括使尖端的不期望的加热最小化的许多特征。 尖端优选地由实心金制成并且具有在金尖端上形成的反射镜表面。 横向冲洗通道设置穿过尖端,并且允许周围的环境液体流过反射镜的表面以帮助冷却尖端并有助于保持反射镜的清洁。 尖端优选通过卷曲安装在纤维上。 尖端包括足够体积的材料,其具有位于反射镜和压接连接之间的足够的导热性,以便消散可能在尖端中产生的热能,并避免足够的热能到达卷曲连接以引起热诱导 在压接时机头附着到纤维上的失败。

    Non-azo naphthalimide dyes and uses for same
    Non-azo naphthalimide dyes and uses for same 失效





    Abstract: A class of predominantly hydrophobic non-azo N-substituted 1,8-naphthalimide compounds, each bearing, at its 3-position, a nucleofuge and, at its 4-position, a heteroatomic electron-releasing group. The heteroatomic electron-releasing group is being characterized as having a heteroatom directly linked to the 4-position of the ring, and having at least one hydrogen directly attached to the heteroatom. Upon activation by an activating agent in an environment independent of the presence or absence of oxygen, these compounds generate activated species. The activated species initiate chemical changes in lipid bilayer membranes of viruses and other target cells. These changes can eradicate viruses and other target cells. The activated species can also cause structural changes in lipid and any associated proteins and polypeptides at a level beneath the surface of the membrane, leading to polymerization and crosslinking.

    Abstract translation: 一类主要疏水性的非偶氮N-取代的1,8-萘二甲酰亚胺化合物,各自在其3位具有核离子和在其4位上具有杂原子电子释放基团。 杂原子电子释放基团的特征在于具有直接连接到环的4-位的杂原子,并且具有至少一个氢直接连接到杂原子上。 在独立于氧的存在或不存在的环境中通过活化剂活化时,这些化合物产生活化的物质。 活化物质引发病毒和其他靶细胞脂质双层膜的化学变化。 这些变化可以根除病毒和其他靶细胞。 活化的物质还可以在膜的表面下方的水平下引起脂质和任何相关蛋白质和多肽的结构变化,导致聚合和交联。

    Medical sponges and wipes with a barrier impermeable to infectious agents
    Medical sponges and wipes with a barrier impermeable to infectious agents 失效





    CPC classification number: A61F13/36

    Abstract: A disposable laminated medical sponge contains a thin sheet, having a top side and a bottom side, that is impermeable to infectious agents as well as nonwettable by water and a layer of absorbent material having an area that is smaller than that of the impermeable sheet, and one surface of which is secured to at least one side of the impermeable sheet. The peripheral edges of the absorbent layer are spaced inwardly from the peripheral edges of the impermeable sheet, providing a surrounding rim that consists of impermeable sheet alone. Any liquid on the layer of absorbent material cannot travel through and over the peripheral edges of the impermeable sheet to reach the opposite side of the impermeable sheet. Consequently, any infectious agents such as viruses that might be present in the body fluids cannot be transmitted from the absorbent material to the opposite side of the medical sponge that is being held by a health-care worker. An alternate embodiment shows a laminated medical sponge further containing an integral peripheral ridge surrounding the completely peripheral edges of at least one side of the impermeable sheet providing a peripheral moat of the impermeable sheet alone.

    Abstract translation: 一次性层压医用海绵包含具有顶侧和底侧的薄片,其对于感染剂是不可渗透的,以及不可渗透的水以及具有比不渗透片的面积小的吸收材料层, 并且其一个表面固定到不渗透片材的至少一侧。 吸收层的外围边缘与不渗透片材的周边边缘向内间隔开,从而提供由不透水片材单独组成的周围边缘。 吸收材料层上的任何液体不能穿过不渗透片材的周边边缘并且越过不渗透片材的相对侧。 因此,可能存在于体液中的任何感染因子如病毒不能从吸收材料传递到由保健工作者保持的医用海绵的相对侧。 替代实施例示出了层压医用海绵,其还包含围绕不透水片的至少一侧的完全周边边缘的整体外围脊,其提供单独的不渗透片的周边护环。

    Dimeric non-azo naphthalimides and uses for the same
    Dimeric non-azo naphthalimides and uses for the same 有权





    CPC classification number: C07D221/14

    Abstract: A class of predominantly hydrophilic 1,8-naphthalimide dyes. The dye contains at least two 1,8-naphthalimide ring systems, joined by a spacer moiety. Each of the 1,8-naphthalimide ring system has a ring nitrogen atom and bears, at the 4 position, an amino nitrogen atom, carrying a hydrogen. The remaining unsatisfied valences, if present, of the ring nitrogen atoms or the amino nitrogen atoms, or all, are occupied by one or more alkyl substituents. Each of the 1,8-naphthalimide ring system is free of an azo substituent and is also free of a nucleofuge. Upon activation by an activating agent in an environment independent of the presence or absence of oxygen, these compounds generate activated species. The activated species can cause structural changes in lipid and any associated proteins and polypeptides, extra- or intra-cellular or transmembrane, leading to polymerization and crosslinking.

    Abstract translation: 一类主要亲水的1,8-萘二甲酰亚胺染料。 该染料含有至少两个由间隔部分连接的1,8-萘二甲酰亚胺环体系。 每个1,8-萘二甲酰亚胺环系具有环氮原子,并且在4位具有携带氢的氨基氮原子。 环状氮原子或氨基氮原子或全部的剩余不饱和化合价如果存在,则被一个或多个烷基取代基占据。 每个1,8-萘二甲酰亚胺环系均不含偶氮取代基,也不含核离子。 在独立于氧的存在或不存在的环境中通过活化剂活化时,这些化合物产生活化物质。 活化的物质可以引起脂质和任何相关的蛋白质和多肽,细胞外或细胞内或跨膜的结构变化,导致聚合和交联。

    Dimeric non-azo naphthalimides and uses for same





    CPC classification number: C07D221/14

    Abstract: A class of predominantly hydrophilic 1,8-naphthalimide dyes. The dye contains at least two 1,8-naphthalimide ring systems, joined by a spacer moiety. Each of the 1,8-naphthalimide ring system has a ring nitrogen atom and bears, at the 4 position, an amino nitrogen atom, carrying a hydrogen. The remaining unsatisfied valences, if present, of the ring nitrogen atoms or the amino nitrogen atoms, or all, are occupied by one or more alkyl substituents. Each of the 1,8-naphthalimide ring system is free of an azo substituent and is also free of a nucleofuge. Upon activation by an activating agent in an environment independent of the presence or absence of oxygen, these compounds generate activated species. The activated species can cause structural changes in lipid and any associated proteins and polypeptides, extra- or intra-cellular or transmembrane, leading to polymerization and crosslinking.

    Non-azo naphthalimide dyes
    Non-azo naphthalimide dyes 失效





    Abstract: A class of predominantly hydrophobic non-azo N-substituted 1,8-naphthalimide compounds, each bearing, at its 3-position, a nucleofuge and, at its 4-position, a heteroatomic electron-releasing group. The heteroatomic electron-releasing group is being characterized as having a heteroatom directly linked to the 4-position of the ring, and having at least one hydrogen directly attached to the heteroatom. Upon activation by an activating agent in an environment independent of the presence or absence of oxygen, these compounds generate activated species. The activated species initiate chemical changes in lipid bilayer membranes of viruses and other target cells. These changes can eradicate viruses and other target cells. The activated species can also cause structural changes in lipid and any associated proteins and polypeptides at a level beneath the surface of the membrane, leading to polymerization and crosslinking.

    Abstract translation: 一类主要疏水性的非偶氮N-取代的1,8-萘二甲酰亚胺化合物,各自在其3位具有核离子和在其4位上具有杂原子电子释放基团。 杂原子电子释放基团的特征在于具有直接连接到环的4-位的杂原子,并且具有至少一个氢直接连接到杂原子上。 在独立于氧的存在或不存在的环境中通过活化剂活化时,这些化合物产生活化物质。 活化物质引发病毒和其他靶细胞脂质双层膜的化学变化。 这些变化可以根除病毒和其他靶细胞。 活化的物质还可以在膜的表面下方的水平下引起脂质和任何相关蛋白质和多肽的结构变化,导致聚合和交联。

    Laser smoke evacuation system and method
    Laser smoke evacuation system and method 失效





    Abstract: A laser smoke evacuation system and method for laser smoke removal from the site of laser laparoscopy in a patient cavity. The system includes a CO.sub.2 gas pump connected through a control valve, a pressure sensor, and a bacterial filter to a laparoscopic tube inserted into the patient, a return line from a second laparoscopic tube in the patient through a smoke filter, a pressure sensor, a control valve, and a fluid trap into the return of the pump, and an insufflator connected into the patient to supply CO.sub.2 gas lost by leakage and tissue absorption an to provide required distention of the patient cavity. The method includes the steps of supplying a first flow of CO.sub.2 gas into a patient cavity to the operation sites, returning the first flow of CO.sub.2 gas with removed laser smoke from the cavity, cleansing the smoke from the first flow of CO.sub.2 gas, recirculating the cleansed first flow of CO.sub.2 gas back to the patient, and providing a second makeup flow of CO.sub.2 gas to the patient to replace CO.sub.2 gas from the first flow lost by leakage and tissue absorption and provide cavity distention.

    Abstract translation: 一种激光排烟系统和方法,用于从患者腔中的激光腹腔镜检查部位激光烟雾清除。 该系统包括通过控制阀,压力传感器和细菌过滤器连接到插入患者的腹腔镜管的CO 2气体泵,通过烟雾过滤器从患者体内的第二腹腔镜管返回管路,压力传感器, 控制阀和流体捕获器进入泵的返回,以及连接到患者体内的吹入器,以提供通过泄漏和组织吸收而损失的CO 2气体,以提供所需的患者腔体的膨胀。 该方法包括以下步骤:将CO 2气体的第一流量供应到操作部位的患者空腔中,将来自空腔的已除去的激光烟雾的CO 2气体的第一流量返回,从CO 2气体的第一流中清除烟雾, 将CO 2气体的第一流量清洗回患者,并且向患者提供第二补充的CO 2气体流,以便从通过泄漏和组织吸收而损失的第一流动中替代CO 2气体并提供空腔膨胀。

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