A gasket material for high pressure high temperature presses, comprising:- • a proportion of a clay mineral • a proportion of a hard material for increasing the viscosity of the clay mineral • a proportion of a binder selected from the group of borate binders, phosphate binders, and mixtures thereof.
Abstract translation:本发明提供一种用于高炉槽的可浇铸耐火材料,其不会降低由于B4C引起的氧化防止功能,并且可以防止其破裂或分离。 用于高炉槽的该浇注耐火材料包含40-80质量%的SiC成分,包含在粒径为45μm以上的原料中的10〜40质量%的Al 2 O 3成分,以及0.3〜3.0质量%的B4C成分, 包含在粒径小于45μm的原料中的Al 2 O 3成分的含量为6.9质量%以下。
La présente invention porte sur une composition adaptée à une utilisation en tant que chape de plancher, ladite composition contenant un liant hydraulique et un additif thermoconducteur contenant SiC, B 4 C, AI 2 O 3 , et des combinaisons de ceux-ci.
Abstract translation:本发明涉及适合用作地板熨平板的组合物,所述组合物含有水硬性粘合剂和含有SiC,B 4 C,Al 2 O 3及其组合的导热性添加剂。
The present invention refers to an agglomerate abrasive grain made up of a mixture of individual abrasive grains and hollow bodies, wherein the abrasive grains and the hollow bodies are held together by means of a binding matrix of aluminosilicate and alkali silicate and the agglomerate abrasive grain has an open porosity and a closed porosity in each case of between 5% by volume and 40% by volume, wherein the total porosity of the agglomerate abrasive grain is less than 50% by volume.
La presente invención describe un procedimiento para fabricar un artículo de piedra aglomerada con elevada resistencia térmica, como un tablero para construcción o decoración. El procedimiento comprende las etapas de: poner en contacto (i) la carga inorgánica con un material refractario nanoparticulado con elevada conductividad térmica; (ii) añadir un ligante a base de una resina de poliéster; (iii) mezclar hasta obtener una masa de fabricación homogénea; (iv) distribuir una parte de dicha masa sobre un soporte; (v) prensado de la parte de masa distribuida en una prensa de vibro-compactación en condiciones de vacío; y (vi) endurecimiento de la masa por polimerización de la resina de poliéster.
A process for providing inorganic polymer ceramic-like materials. The process comprises providing a first material which comprises at least one non-oxide ceramic powder, and, at least one metal oxide, and providing a second material which comprises a caustic slurry composed of alkaline water and a solvent, and, combining the materials with stirring. There is also provided a composition of matter provided by the above-mentioned process which is a chemically bonded ceramic polymer comprising metal oxide and non-oxide ceramic bonds.
The present invention relates to castable refractory compositions based on magnesia aggregates. The compositions according to the invention consist of a plurality of dry components and a plurality of wet components, said castable refractory composition comprising, based on the total weight of the castable refractory composition, between 50 wt. % and 99 wt. % of a magnesia aggregate material; between 0.1 wt. % and 10 wt. % carbonaceous material; between 0.1 wt. % and 5 wt. % antioxidant; and a non¬ aqueous binder. The compositions according to the invention comprise no more than 2 wt.-% water; the fixed carbon in the composition is no more than about 10 wt.-%, and the antioxidant is selected from one or more carbide materials, nitride materials, boride materials, metals or metal alloys, or from combinations thereof. Also part of the present invention is the use of the compositions in casting, vibration casting, spray-casting, gunning, self-flowing, ramming, shotcrete or patching processes, and their method of formation.
Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verschleißschutzschicht mit einer in einen Matrixwerkstoff eingelagerten Mischung aus ungleichförmigen Hartstoffpartikeln und im Wesentlichen schneidkantenfreien, runden Feststoffpartikeln sowie deren Verwendung zur Herstellung von verschleißfesten Oberflächen auf Holzwerkstoffen, Dekorpapieren oder mit Dekor bedruckten Holzfaserplatten zur Herstellung von Parkettfußböden, Fußbodenlaminaten, Möbeloberflächen oder Arbeitsplatten sowie zur Herstellung von verschleißfesten Oberflächenschichten auf Trägermaterialien aus Metall, Glas, Keramik, Kunststoff, Beton oder sonstigen Werkstoffen.