



    IPC分类号: G03F7/20 G01N21/95 G01N21/47

    摘要: Metrology targets, design files, and design and production methods thereof are provided. The targets comprise two or more parallel periodic structures at respective layers, wherein a predetermined offset is introduced between the periodic structures, for example, opposite offsets at different parts of a target. Quality metrics are designed to estimate the unintentional overlay from measurements of a same metrology parameter by two or more alternative measurement algorithms. Target parameters are configured to enable both imaging and scatterometry measurements and enhance the metrology measurements by the use of both methods on the same targets. Imaging and scatterometry target parts may share elements or have common element dimensions. Imaging and scatterometry target parts may be combined into a single target area or may be integrated into a hybrid target using a specified geometric arrangement.






    申请人: Hach Company

    IPC分类号: G01N21/03 G01N21/51

    摘要: An embodiment provides a turbidimeter standard ampule, including: a main part composed of glass and containing therein a formazin solution comprising a formazine polymer diluted in a solvent; the main part including a lens positioned in a bottom edge thereof and permitting entry of light from a turbidimeter; the main part having glass sides and permitting redirected light to exit the glass sides for detection by a photodetector of the turbidimeter; an upper part composed of glass and being attached to the main part; and an opaque cap on the upper part, the opaque cap blocking light from entering the upper part of the ampule. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

    Overlay measurement of pitch walk in multiply patterned targets





    发明人: Nuriel Amir

    摘要: Multiply patterned metrology targets and target design methods are provided to enable pitch walk measurements using overlay measurements. Multiply patterned structures having single features or spacers produced simultaneously and sharing a common pitch with the paired features or spacers are used to express pitch walk as a measurable overlay between the structures. For example, targets are provided which comprise a first multiply patterned structure having a single left-hand feature or spacer produced simultaneously and sharing a common pitch with the respective paired features or spacers, and a second multiply patterned structure having a single right-hand feature or spacer produced simultaneously and sharing a common pitch with the respective paired features or spacers.

    Colour recipe calculating method for matt colour standards





    摘要: The invention relates to a method for colour recipe calculation for matt colour standards with the steps: A) experimentally determining reflection spectra R(exp) of the color standard, comprising a first reflection spectrum (SPIN) and a second reflection spectrum (SPEX), with an integrating sphere color measurement instrument, wherein said first reflection spectrum (SPIN) is obtained at (A1) d/8°—geometry with the specular component included, and said second reflection spectrum (SPEX) is obtained at (A2) d/8°—geometry with the specular component excluded; B1) calculating a recipe for the matt color standard based on the experimentally determined reflection spectrum R(exp) with the specular component included, which has been corrected for the specular component, or B2) comparing the experimentally determined reflection spectrum R(exp) with the specular component included, which has been corrected for the specular component, with reflection spectra associated to color recipes of a color recipe database for glossy color shades and identifying from said color recipe database a stored reflection spectrum which comes closest to the experimentally determined reflection spectrum R(exp) of the matt color standard, as well as the associated colour recipe; C) converting reflection spectra data of the experimentally determined reflection spectra (SPIN, SPEX) of the matt colour standard to gloss values, and D) converting the gloss values obtained to the amount of matting agent (MAA) with the assistance of previously prepared calibration curves for the available colorant system.