As the semiconductor chip is large-sized, highly integrated and speeded up, it becomes difficult to pack the semiconductor chip together with leads in a package. In view of this difficulty, there has been adopted the package structure called the “Lead-On-Chip” or “Chip-On-Lead” structure in which the semiconductor and the leads are stacked and packed. In the package of this structure, according to the present invention, the gap between the leading end portions of the inner leads and the semiconductor chip is made wider than that between the inner lead portions except the leading end portions and the semiconductor chip thereby to reduce the stray capacity, to improve the signal transmission rate and to reduce the electrical noises.
As the semiconductor chip is large-sized, highly integrated and speeded up, it becomes difficult to pack the semiconductor chip together with leads in a package. In view of this difficulty, there has been adopted the package structure called the "Lead-On-Chip" or "Chip-On-Lead" structure in which the semiconductor and the leads are stacked and packed. In the package of this structure, according to the present invention, the gap between the leading end portions of the inner leads and the semiconductor chip is made wider than that between the inner lead portions except the leading end portions and the semiconductor chip thereby to reduce the stray capacity, to improve the signal transmission rate and to reduce the electrical noises.
As the semiconductor chip is large-sized, highly integrated and speeded up, it becomes difficult to pack the semiconductor chip together with leads in a package. In view of this difficulty, there has been adopted the package structure called the "Lead-On-Chip" or "Chip-On-Lead" structure in which the semiconductor and the leads are stacked and packed. In the package of this structure, according to the present invention, the gap between the leading end portions of the inner leads and the semiconductor chip is made wider than that between the inner lead portions except the leading end portions and the semiconductor chip thereby to reduce the stray capacity, to improve the signal transmission rate and to reduce the electrical noises.
As the semiconductor chip is large-sized, highly integrated and speeded up, it becomes difficult to pack the semiconductor chip together with leads in a package. In view of this difficulty, there has been adopted the package structure called the "Lead-On-Chip" or "Chip-On-Lead" structure in which the semiconductor and the leads are stacked and packed. In the package of this structure, according to the present invention, the gap between the leading end portions of the inner leads and the semiconductor chip is made wider than that between the inner lead portions except the leading end portions and the semiconductor chip thereby to reduce the stray capacity, to improve the signal transmission rate and to reduce the electrical noises.
As the semiconductor chip is large-sized, highly integrated and speeded up, it becomes difficult to pack the semiconductor chip together with leads in a package. In view of this difficulty, there has been adopted the package structure called the "Lead-On-Chip" or "Chip-On-Lead" structure in which the semiconductor and the leads are stacked and packed. In the package of this structure, according to the present invention, the gap between the leading end portions of the inner leads and the semiconductor chip is made wider than that between the inner lead portions except the leading end portions and the semiconductor chip thereby to reduce the stray capacity, to improve the signal transmission rate and to reduce the electrical noises.
A semiconductor plastic package, more particularly a preferred package structure and method for making a BGA package. A resin sealed BGA package where a supporting frame which fixedly supports semiconductor parts; i.e., an IC chip, a circuit board, or a circuit film, is sealed with resin, using a mold which is composed of an upper mold half and a lower mold half with the lower mold half having a plurality of projections, one at a position corresponding to each of the external terminals. The mold has a divisional structure which has an air vent between the divisional elements thereof.
A semiconductor plastic package, more particularly a preferred package structure and method for making a BGA package. A resin sealed BGA package where a supporting frame which fixedly supports semiconductor parts; i.e., an IC chip, a circuit board, or a circuit film, is sealed with resin, using a mold which is composed of an upper mold half and a lower mold half with the lower mold half having a plurality of projections, one at a position corresponding to each of the external terminals. The mold has a divisional structure which has an air vent between the divisional elements thereof.
A semiconductor plastic package, more particularly a preferred package structure and method for making a BGA package. A resin sealed BGA package where a supporting frame which fixedly supports semiconductor parts; i.e., an IC chip, a circuit board, or a circuit film, is sealed with resin, using a mold, which is composed of an upper mold half and a lower mold half with the lower mold half having a plurality of projections, one at a position corresponding to each of the external terminals. The mold has a divisional structure which has an air vent between the divisional elements thereof.
A resin encapsulating apparatus for semiconductor devices is characterized by including a rectangular pot constituted by being surrounded with two opposed wall surfaces of short side each having an outwardly projecting curved surface and two opposed wall surfaces of long side which are each substantially in the form of a straight line; a plurality of cavity lines connected respectively through gates to the bottom portion of at least one said long-side wall surface of the pot, the cavity lines each consisting of cavities connected in series; and a plunger to be inserted into the pot.
A molding method in which a control plate having a size which is equal to or larger than the width of the outlet port of a supply passage are disposed in a cavity adjacent to the resin supply passage of a mold and thereby, the resin molding can be effected substantially equally at upper and lower sides of the insert comprising a semiconductor device and a lead.