In CMOS integrated circuits, "latch-up" problems may arise if no special steps are taken. One way to counteract a "latch-up" state is to apply a substrate bias voltage. In an integrated circuit, an externally-clocked substrate bias voltage pump and a stand-by bias voltage generator are provided, the latter not being switched on until the substrate bias voltage becomes less negative than, for example, -2V. As a result, the integrated circuit becomes less sensitive to "latch-up", especially during measuring and testing procedures, in which no external clock signal is supplied.
A blowable fuse is provided over a part of its length separately from the walls of an enveloping cavity and separated from a supporting member. As a result of this the fuse is readily thermally isolated so that it fuses more rapidly and with less energy. In addition, a semiconductor circuit element, for example a Schottky diode, can be realized below a bridging part of a conductor which serves as an upper wall of the cavity, which results in a high bit density.
A semiconductor device includes a silicon substrate having an insulating layer with a window. A silicon layer is deposited on the insulating layer and on the silicon substrate surface in the window. This silicon layer has n-type and p-type conductive layer parts which adjoin each other within the window and which each serve as both a connection conductor and an electrode of an active zone of the device. Semiconductor devices in accordance with the invention feature very small surface areas, and are thus particularly suitable for high frequency operation.
A method of making a semiconductor device is described in which opposite-type impurities are introduced into the same surface of a substrate in such manner that the region of impurities of the opposite-type to that of the substrate overlaps completely the other substrate surface region. Then an epitaxial layer is grown on the surface of the substrate. There is thus formed two buried layers of which the one with the same type conductivity of the substrate is completely separated and isolated from the latter by the buried layer of opposite-type conductivity. Methods are also described for the manufacture of complementary bipolar transistors, in which the pnp type is made by the above described method.
A semiconductor device includes a silicon substrate having an insulating layer with a window. A silicon layer is deposited on the insulating layer and on the silicon substrate surface in the window. This silicon layer has n-type and p-type conductive layer parts which adjoin each other within the window and which each serve as both a connection conductor and an electrode of an active zone of the device. Semiconductor devices in accordance with the invention feature very small surface areas, and are thus particularly suitable for high frequency operation.
An integrated circuit memory array having a plurality of memory cells including two cross-coupled transistors of one conductivity type, load transistors of the other conductivity type, and a bit line, connected to the base region of one of the cross-coupled transistors through a bit line transistor. The array features a common node, directly interconnecting all of the base regions of the load transistors and the emitter regions of the cross-coupled transistors, for each of the memory cells; and a row selection line connected to the emitter regions of the load transistors in an associated row of memory cells.
A charge-coupled memory of the SPS type, in which the input of the series input register is coupled so as to be switchable to an n-bit shift register. The data can thus be read in directly or with a certain delay via the shift register. If an uninterrupted flow of bits is supplied, for example video information, a pause, during which no bits appear at the input of the input register, can be obtained by switching on the shift register in the supply of information to the input register, without information being lost. This pause can be utilized to transport information already read in to the parallel section. As a result, a matrix organization can be given to the memory, in which event the dissipation is lower, the transfer losses are smaller and at the same time a gain in surface area is obtained.
A programmable semiconductor device having a microswitch (11) which over a part of its length is provided separately from a bridging conductor (10), for example, a word line and a supporting element. Since the dimensions of the switch (11) and the conductor (10) are independent of each other, the resistance of the conductor (10) may be low so that programmable memories having a high read-in and read-out rate are obtained. In addition the circuit element, for example a Schottky diode (3, 8) can be realized below the bridging part (12) of the conductor (10), which results in a high bit density. Since the switch (11) is present below the conductor (10) the assembly can be passivated in the unprogrammed state by means of a protective layer (20), so that the switch 11 is encapsulated in a hollow space (21).
A blowable fuse is provided over a part of its length separately from the walls of an enveloping cavity and separated from a supporting member. As a result of this the fuse is readily thermally isolated so that it fuses more rapidly and with less energy. In addition, a semiconductor circuit element, for example a Schottky diode, can be realized below a bridging part of a conductor which serves as an upper wall of the cavity, which results in a high bit density.
An "Integrated Injection Logic" integrated circuit in which bias currents are supplied by means of a current injector. The current injector is a multi-layer structure in which current is supplied by means of injection and collection of charge carriers via rectifying junctions, to predetermined zones of the circuit to be biased. Such zones are preferably biased by charge carriers which are collected by such zones from one of the layers of the current injector. The circuit also preferably includes a region for reducing carrier injection from a predetermined zone.