



    发明人: Stanley M. MEYER

    IPC分类号: C02F9/00 C01G45/02

    摘要: The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to systems and methods for removal of contaminants from water including, but not limited to, industrial wastewater, brackish water, municipal wastewater, drinking waters, and particularly waters obtained from fracking operations. For example, a method for purifying a feed water composition may comprise (a) contacting the feed water composition with an activated manganese dioxide to form an activated manganese dioxide-containing feed water composition, where the activated manganese dioxide was formed by contacting soluble organics with soluble permanganate ions (MnO4−) at a pH from about 5.5 to about 14; (b) increasing the pH of the activated manganese dioxide-containing feed water composition sufficient to form a contaminant precipitate and an alkaline solution, wherein the contaminant precipitate comprises at least some of the metal; (d) removing the contaminant precipitate from the alkaline solution to form a treated water, wherein the treated water is purified relative to the feed water composition. The activated manganese dioxide material may be formed in situ by adding the soluble permanganate ions to the feed water composition where the permanganate will react with the contained proper organic or a proper organic added to the feed water composition, such as glycerin. In the alternative, the activated manganese dioxide can be formed in vitro by reacting the soluble permanganate ions with the proper organic, and the resulting activated manganese dioxide can thereafter be added to the feed water composition. Optionally, the pH of treated water can be lowered, for example to a pH suitable for transportation or for further industrial use, such as liquid road salt. In addition, either or both the feed water composition and the treated water can be exposed to activated carbon. Further yet, the treated water can be exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. The treated water is then suitable for industrial purpose, such as liquid road salt.